Supporting Information to the paper Local and regional-scale factors drive xerophytic shrub community dynamics on Mediterranean stabilized dunes Supplementary figures Climate and altitude variables Code Climate and altitude variables Code Mean Altitude Annual Mean Temp. Average Monthly Maximum Temp. Average Monthly Mean Temp. Average Monthly Minimum Temp. Isothermality Max Temp. of Warmest Month Mean Diurnal Range Mean Temp. of Coldest Quarter Mean Temp. of Driest Quarter Mean Temp. of Warmest Quarter Mean Temp. of Wettest Quarter Alt AnMnT TM1-12 TMn1-12 Tm1-12 Isso MTWM MnDRg MnTCQ MnTDQ MnTWQ MnTWeQ Min Temperature of Coldest Month Temperature Annual Range Temperature Seasonality Annual Precipitation Average Monthly Precipitation Precipitation of Coldest Quarter Precipitation of Driest Month Precipitation of Driest Quarter Precipitation of Warmest Quarter Precipitation of Wettest Month Precipitation of Wettest Quarter Precipitation Seasonality mTCM TARg TSn AnP P1-12 PCQ PDM PDQ PWQ PWeM PWeQ PSn Figure S1 Results from the PCA of climate variables and altitude. The first axis (PC1) explains 50.36% of the variance and reflects a gradient of aridity, while the second one (PC2) explains 32.26% and reproduces a thermicity gradient. Codes of climate and altitude variables used in the PCA to define principal climate trends are listed below the scatterplot. The codes for monthly average temperatures and precipitation are followed by the number of the given month (i.e, 1 for January, 2 for February, etc.).