Course syllabus Course title Course section Instructor Office Office hours Class days & time Seminar in linguistics LB Dr. Reem Maghrabi Bldg A/Room 4 Mon &Wed 10:00-12:00 Mon &Wed Course code LANE 424 Semester/ year classroom I/ 2013-2014 01B 104L Website E-mail 8:00-9:20 Course Description Seminar in linguistics consists of five parts: 1. A review of major branches of linguistics 2. A theoretical introduction to basic concepts and key words related to what is a seminar in linguistics and what are the major areas and issues in linguistics to be covered 3. A review of basics of writing a research paper to be presented in a seminar 4. An introduction to the theoretical steps needed in order to design and present a good seminar 5. An actual presentation of a seminar by each student :تغطي هذه الماده عدة جوانب التعرف على األقسام العامه لعلم اللغوياتمقدمه نظريه للمفاهيم األساسيه لحلقه البحث و عالقتها بعلم اللغويات أسس كتابة البحث العلميتقديم عرض للبحث من كل طالبهCourse objectives Students are expected to: 1. Select a topic in linguistics to write an outline of research paper 2. Design a power point presentation on acquired skills Student's tasks & Responsibilities 1. Students are required to be punctual and attend all classes including tutorials. Being absent for more than 25% of allocated course times means that the student will receive a DN (denied from final exam) grade which is equivalent to an F 2. Students are required to prepare by reading assigned materials before coming to class. Reading the required material is highly important for discussions in the classroom 3. Students are encouraged to reach up-to-date journals, site and videos related to linguistic research and share the results with class mates 4. Student's contributions to class discussion is highly evaluated 5. Tutorial session where students revise and discuss their drafts are obligatory and assigned 35% of the final grade 6. Students are asked to write an outline and an abstract for their approved research papers 7. All specified assignments should be handed in on the week assigned. Late assignments will not be accepted. Accepted late papers will be deduced 1 mark for each late date 8. Medical reports cannot be received in class but in the instructor's office during office hours 9. Plagiarism will result in denying the student from the grade assigned Learning resources A. References Wray, Alison and Bloomer, Aileen (2006) Projects in Linguistics, a Practical Guide to Researching Language Hodder Arnold publication Thiben, Dirk (2006) How to write a seminar Paper, Seminar Writing Techniques B. On-line Instructional Sites and Videos www.videojug,com/interview/lectures-seminars-and-tutorials-2 Assessment and Grading system 1 3 4 5 6 Assignment task Week due Tutorials (reading of materials assigned, presentations of assigned topics and class-discussions) Mid terms Writing works cited list Writing examples of documentation and referencing Choosing a topic and writing a detailed outline of it 2-13 Proportion (%) of final assessment 35 6,9 7-9 10 20 10 15 8 20 Course weekly schedule week Date 1 25-29 Shawal 2-6 Dulqeda 2 9-13 Dulqeda 3 16-20 Dulqueda 4 23-27 Dulqueda 5 1-4 Dulqueda 6 16-19 Dulhija Topic Required Notes reading Add & Drop week Introduction to the course & Reviewing Old Material Different Projects in Instructor's branches of linguistics presentation linguistics what is a seminar Discussion of Projects in Students' branches of linguistics ch presentation linguistics 2,3,5 1& 2 (psycholinguistics + L1 &L2 acquisition ) Selecting and Projects in Students' restricting a linguistics ch 1 presentation topic, writing a 3& 4 thesis statement and a title writing the abstract and the outline (tutorial 1) Collecting the Projects in Students' material, writing linguistics ch presentation the introduction, 8&9 4& 5 objectives, hypotheses, questions of the study, accents and dialects, structure and meaning (tutorial 2) Mechanics of Projects in Students' writing, mid term linguistics ch presentation 1, sociolinguistics 6&7 6& 7 7 22-26 Dulhija 8 29-4 Muharram 9 7-11 Muharram 10 14-18 Muharram 11 21-25 Muharram 12 28-2 Safar 13 5-9 Safar 14 12-16 Safar 15 16 19-23 Safar 26-1 Rabiawwal and styles Taking notes, intext , documentation and referencing tutorial 3) Writing draft 1, revising and correcting draft 1 tutorial 4 Writing draft 2, writing the conclusion and the list of works cited, revising and correcting draft 2 tutorial 5mid term 2 Writing draft 3, revising and correcting draft 3 tutorial 6 Writing draft 4, revising and correcting draft 4 tutorial 7 Writing draft 5, revising and correcting draft 5 tutorial 8 Handing in the outline & examples of documentation and referencing Handing in notes of the outline and final marks Projects in linguistics ch 21 Compiled reading Compiled reading Compiled reading Compiled reading Compiled reading Compiled reading Finals First semester vacation Students' presentation 8