Minutes for College of Humanities Academic Council Monday, October 13, 2014 ~Approved~ In attendance: Scot Andrews, R. Dianne Bartlow, Amanda Baugh, Tim Black, Lauren Byler, Douglas Carranza, Brian Castronovo, Ranita Chatterjee, Anna Joaquin, Gregory Knotts, Jennifer C. Lee, Gina Masequesmay, Evelyn McClave, Jody Myers, Denise Sandoval, Beth Say, Khanum Shaikh, Eunai Shrake, Jackie Stallcup, Rick Talbott, Jennifer Thompson, Nayereh Tohidi Guest: Kristin Kaz, English Graduate Student & Humanities AS Representative Josh Khabushani, Philosophy Graduate Student & Humanities AS Representative Elizabeth Adams, AVP Undergraduate Studies Charles Hatfield, FS Library Committee Cheryl Spector, English 1. Call to Order and Introductions 2:01 p.m. 2. Approval of minutes Minutes approved. 3. Promoting Humanities at CSUN Kristen and Josh feel that the College of Humanities is underappreciated and submitted a legislative referral to the Associated Students and will be requesting funds from the Associate Students Senate to present Humanities Awareness Day on March 17, 2015 which coincides with the National Humanities Advocacy Day. They plan to have tables set up for clubs, departments, and programs across campus that work with Humanities as well as an advising table to assist students with questions about the majors, double majors, and minors. They want to help students understand why minors matter and inform the students that they can request their minor be put on their diploma. They would like to bring in alumni to showcase career opportunities. Kristin and Josh will be contacting Department Chairs and Program Directors to learn more about your departments and programs and your clubs. 4. Curriculum Procedures Resource implications: the College and University is over target. If a department/program is considering adding a piece of curriculum you have to be clear 1 about what you are taking away. EPC and Academic Affairs expect discussions about resource implications to happen prior to EPC, at the Department and College level. It is important to understand the structure of your major; if you are adding a course it means that the department/program will need to offer fewer sections of other courses; resources are not unlimited. Course modifications most often do not have resource implications. Assessment: EPC is looking for the results of your department assessment by examining how this leads to change in the program. Not every course is being assessed or will be assessed every semester. Your course must be relative to the College SLO’s; if your course is not relative it can be offered as a Selective Topics Course. Know why you are doing what you are doing. If you have content changes, reflect the changes you are making. Think about why you are adding a new course, new major, new minor, etc. Make good decisions about curriculum and be able to present a strong argument for the course. Talk to Jack as a department about your assessment. Karin Stanford and Elizabeth Adams will be conducting a workshop on curriculum later this month for all those interested in attending. 5. Faculty Senate Library Committee Update If you have questions or concerns regarding the FS Senate Library Committee please contact Charles at charles.hatfield@csun.edu. Charles’s PowerPoint presentation will be on the Academic Council website for reference. The Learning Commons redesign is meant to accommodate a large student body; with the Oviatt redesign, many print references are being archived or gotten rid of. It is possible that 1/10 of the books housed in the library will be de-selected, put in storage or donated. If you have concerns about books in your field please inform the FS Library Committee. Charles will see if he can send Chairs and Directors a list of the books being de-selected. SCHOLARWORKS is visible on the institutional repository. SOAR is CSUN’s own repository. The library would like to grow the works of faculty in the archive. Faculty can choose to make their scholarship available. CSUN is the first to adopt an opt-in policy to put their work online. Week of October 20th is Open Access week with the library holding a presentation on Thursday, October 23rd at 9:00 am in the Jack & Florence Ferman Presentation Room. 6. Jewish Studies Personnel Procedures Approved with the following correction: 2 The Personnel Committee will consist of three tenured faculty members nominated and elected by the tenured and probationary faculty members of the Jewish Studies Interdisciplinary Program and may include the Director of the Jewish Studies Interdisciplinary Program if eligible for service that year. 7. Announcements GSC Reminder Humanities (ENGL and CHS) curriculum will be up for review at Tuesday, October 14th GSC Meeting from 2:00 to 4:00pm in UN 277. Research Fellow Program Nominations An early reminder that nominations will be taken at the December 8th Academic Council meeting. Faculty Fellows Committee Nominations Jackie Stallcup, Gina Masequesmay, and Douglas Carranza have volunteered to serve on the committee with Karin. Summer 2015, The Research and Graduate Programs is sponsoring the Faculty Writing Bootcamp the first week of June from 9am to 1pm in the Colleagues Room. $500.00 will be awarded to those who participate in the full bootcamp. Monday, October 13, 2014 from 4:00 to 6:30pm in the Richard Aronstam Library (MZ 240) The Women’s Research and Resource Center presents THE SCUN Townhall Gathering: Taking A Stand for Social Justice. Wednesday, October 15, 2014 from 2:00 to 4:00pm in the English Reading Room (JR 319) Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies presents Professor Juan Cole. 9. Adjournment 3:27 p.m. 3