Bobcat Court Guidelines and Application Forms due by Thursday, September 20, 2012 at 5:00 pm. Forms can be emailed or printed and turned in. EMAIL Amelia Shaw ( OR Sarah Patterson ( PRINT AND TURN IN TO The Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, 212 Cutler Hall. The Office of the Vice President is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Dear Bobcat Court Applicant: We are so pleased that you are considering applying to be a part of the Bobcat Court for Homecoming 2012! This letter will give you an overview of what Bobcat Court entails. If you decide to apply, you will find everything you need to become a member of this year’s Bobcat Court in this packet. This year we are doing Bobcat Court a little differently. Instead of crowning a king and queen at the end of Homecoming, there will be five Homecoming Ambassadors and three Class Representatives (a first year, second year, and third year student) chosen from Bobcat Court. Homecoming Ambassadors and Class Representatives are students who promote the values of Ohio University, take pride in the University, represent the student body, and enhance the University as a whole. To apply to become a member of Homecoming Court, and to potentially become a Homecoming Ambassador or class representative, you must be nominated by an OU faculty/staff member, student, or alumni. You may also nominate yourself. To be considered you must submit the application (included in this packet) and two letters of recommendation (at least one from a professor or faculty member – first year students can use a teacher from high school). The Bobcat Court Selection Committee will narrow the applications to a pool of finalists, and interviews will be scheduled with all the senior finalists. First year, second year, and third year students will not go through an interview process. The interviews will take place on Thursday, September 27th and Friday, September 28th. Following the interviews, the Bobcat Court Selection Committee will determine the ten senior students and nine underclassmen students who will comprise Bobcat Court. Bobcat Court will be introduced at the Homecoming Kickoff on Monday, October 8th. The entire student body, faculty/staff, and alumni will have the opportunity to vote on which five court members should become the 2012 Homecoming Ambassadors and which three court members should be the 2012 Class Representatives. This will be announced at the Yell Like Hell Pep Rally on Thursday, October 11th. Throughout the week of Homecoming, Bobcat Court members are expected to attend the events below: Homecoming Kickoff on Monday, October 8th Get to Know the Senior Members of Bobcat Court on Tuesday, October 9th at 5 pm o For this event each member of the senior members of Bobcat Court must give a ten minute presentation on themselves, their involvement at Ohio University, and why they should be voted Homecoming Ambassador (This should include what you would do for Ohio University if you became a Homecoming Ambassador). There will also be a short question and answer session following each presentation. The more creative the presentation the better! Homecoming Service Events throughout the week Yell Like Hell on Thursday, October 11th o During this event the five court members who received the most votes will be announced as the Homecoming Ambassadors for 2012 – 2013 school year. The three Class Representatives will also be announced. Dunk Your Bobcat Court on Friday, October 12th from 11 am – 2 pm o For this event, we will be asking members of the Bobcat Court to sit in a dunking booth outside Baker University Center and allow fellow students to dunk them. Please do not let this event keep you from applying, if you do not feel comfortable taking part in this event you may choose not to be dunked. Homecoming Parade, Saturday, October 13th Homecoming Football Game, Saturday, October 13th If you have questions or need more information, please do not hesitate to email one of us at the email addresses listed below. Sincerely, Amelia Shaw Bobcat Court Co-Chair Sarah Patterson Bobcat Court Co-Chair Criteria for Bobcat Court Character - All members of the Bobcat Court will represent Ohio University, the Ohio University Alumni Association, and the Ohio University Homecoming Steering Committee with pride and enthusiasm. The Ohio University Homecoming Steering Committee encourages students to live a healthy lifestyle. Personal integrity and character both inside and outside the classroom are important qualities that will be represented by the members of the Bobcat Court. Being a part of Ohio University, they must be committed to the highest standards of personal honesty and ethical behavior. Citizenship - Bobcat Court members must be committed to giving back to their communities. These students are responsible for their behavior both on and off campus. These students are engaged citizens acting for the public good. Civility – Bobcat Court members must demonstrate how they foster an atmosphere of diversity and equity within the Ohio University community. They are expected to embrace civility in communication all times. Commitment - All members of the Bobcat Court will demonstrate commitment to their education at Ohio University by having a minimum GPA of 2.75 or higher. They will articulate how their excellence in academics is an important aspect of who they are at Ohio University. Community – All members of the Bobcat Court will be identifiable as leaders within the Ohio University and/or Athens communities. They will represent all values of the OHIO community at all times. Homecoming 2012 – Better than the Best Ever Bobcat Court Rules and Regulations 1. All applicants for the Bobcat Court can be nominated by any OU faculty/staff member, alumni, or student. You may also nominate yourself. 2. All Bobcat Court members will be required to attend at least one Homecoming event each day of Homecoming week. These events will be determined upon the completion of the week’s itinerary. This creates a chance for candidates to receive equal exposure. The Court members will be notified of mandatory events well in advance. 3. All members of the Bobcat Court will be required to wear sashes that are provided by the Ohio University Homecoming Steering Committee throughout Homecoming week. Sashes must not be worn: a. In the event that a candidate is speaking or presenting in any public setting other than those immediately associated with Homecoming 2011. The intent is to ensure that all candidates receive equal exposure throughout the week. b. In any situation that may compromise the standards and values of Ohio University and those of the University community. 4. Bobcat Court members represent the Ohio University student body. Candidates must carry themselves professionally and act in a manner that upholds the core values of OHIO at all times. Ohio University Bobcat Court Timeline: Applications available starting September 6: (Online at Applications due: Thursday, September 20, 2012 by 5:00 PM (email them to Amelia Shaw ( and Sarah Patterson ( OR turn in a printed version to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs in Cutler 212. The Office of the Vice President is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Interviews for senior Bobcat Court members will take place on Thursday, September 27 and Friday September 28 Kickoff Event: Monday, October 8, 2012 Introduce Bobcat Court members Online voting starting at 7 pm on Tuesday, October 9 and ending on Thursday, October 11 at noon Yell Like Hell: Friday, October 14, 2011 Announce the five Homecoming Ambassadors and three Class Representatives Parade and Homecoming Football Game: Saturday, October 15, 2011 The Court will be recognized during the parade and at the football game Bobcat Court Application Please complete the following application and email to Amelia Shaw ( and Sarah Patterson ( on or before THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2012 at 5:00 PM. *Each student NEEDS TWO recommendations in order to be considered for Bobcat Court. One of these references needs to be from a professor or faculty member (For first year students you may use someone from your high school). *If you are nominating a student, please fill in the box and skip to the recommendation page, which needs to be filled out by you and another person who knows the student’s abilities. Full Name: E-mail: Address: Cell Phone: Major: Hometown: GPA: Anticipated Graduation Date: Please complete the following questions on separate sheets of paper, and attach them to this application. Please also attach a resume and cover letter along with TWO recommendation forms (Attached below). 1. Please list all your University activities (including any leadership positions), honors, and scholarships. 2. How do you define community service and how have you contributed to the Ohio University and/or the Athens communities throughout your college career? 3. What is the essence of Ohio University spirit? How do you exemplify this spirit in your life? 4. Why do you think you should be selected for the 2012 Ohio University Bobcat Court? 5. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Ohio University? How can the student body assist with this challenge? 6. What do you think it means to be an Ohio University alumni, and how do you plan on giving back to the University after you graduate? 7. What does being a Homecoming Ambassador/Class Representative mean to you? I have read and agree to abide by the rules and regulations associated with being a member of the 2011 Bobcat Court. By signing below, I agree to allow the University to verify my academic and judicial information. Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: _________________ Bobcat Court: Applicant Recommendation Form *Each student NEEDS TWO recommendations in order to be considered for Bobcat Court. One of these references needs to be from a professor or faculty member (For first year students you may use someone from your high school). Student’s Last Name: Student’s First Name: Recommender Section Recommender Personal Data: Name: Title: Organization: Address: Phone Number: Signature: Date: Please respond to the question listed below on separate sheets and attach this with the recommender form: 1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity? 2. Please provide information about the applicant’s scholarly achievements, personal qualities, character, strengths and abilities. 3. Please cite examples of the applicant’s leadership potential. 4. Why should this applicant be selected for the Ohio University Bobcat Court over other individuals with whom you teach, know, or work? Additional comments: What is your overall recommendation for this student? (Circle Below) Highly Recommend Recommend with reservation Recommend Not Recommended Unable to Rate: