of the REGION PRESIDENT AND - Interscholastic Equestrian

This AGREEMENT of REGION PRESIDENT is made as of July 1, 2015, by and between the undersigned
I. Formation
The undersigned hereby acknowledge the position in accordance with the rules of the IEA and Zone 1.
II. Name
The name of the leadership position shall be Region President.
III. Term
The position of Region President shall begin on July 1, 2015 and shall continue until June 1, 2016 of the
following year. Each year, a new elective process will take place.
IV. Purpose
The purpose of the Region President shall be to act as a leader for the region coaches and to be an instrument
of knowledge and support throughout the season. The Region President will act as a liaison between the Zone
1 Administrator and the region coaches and shall communicate information regarding regular season shows,
post season finals, fundraising and the like to the group.
In addition to, these are the specific roles of the Region President (in no particular order):
Correspond to region coaches in a sensible time frame (24-48 hours) with response to their questions
or concerns
Correspond to region coaches in a sensible time frame (24-48 hours) with information received from
either the Zone Administrator or IEA Membership Office
Must be comfortable communicating with region group and IEA management via email or phone
Must be welcoming and friendly to new teams and help get them started
Must be organized and punctual
Must check/return emails
Must be comfortable with delegation
Must be able to commit to volunteering at Zone Finals in some capacity
Must co-manage the Semi Finals with paired region
Must be capable of keeping an accurate budget during post season Semi Finals
Must be capable of communicating fundraising efforts needed to pay for Semi Finals
Must be held accountable of actions and words
Must be a good representation of the IEA and Zone 1 and should act as a partner of such, supporting
positivity, sportsmanship and horsemanship
V. Meetings
Periodic meetings shall be held regularly as determined by the Zone Administrator.
VI. Documentation
Documents will be provided by the Zone Administrator to help facilitate the communication between Region
President and the Region coaches. Such documents will be:
Facility Contracts
o Detailed contracts with a breakdown of items for the facility and Region President to negotiate
Horse Providing Contracts
o Detailed contracts with a breakdown of what is included with the cost of the horse’s use
Official Contracts
o Detailed contracts with a breakdown of what is included with the hiring of an official
Budget Ranges/Cost List
o Examples of show costs so that Region Presidents can better budget for their horse shows and
have a clear picture of what needs to be fundraised or donated
VII. Semi Finals
Region Presidents will be held responsible for facilitating and managing their region’s Semi Finals. They will be
responsible for contracting a facility, horses, officials, etc. Each region should have a Projected Budget of
expenses and income and then an Actual Budget of expenses and income. No budget will be accepted with a
negative balance. Region Presidents are responsible for seeking donations or fundraised funds to help pay for
the cost of their finals. Region Presidents will be responsible for the distribution, collection and the mailing to
the Zone Administrator of all Semi Finals Contracts, in addition to all receipts and invoices. The Zone
Administrator will communicate frequently with the Region President during this time.
VIII. No Compensation
No Region President shall be compensated for services rendered to the IEA Zone 1, except for reimbursement
of approved expenses.
IX. Additional Partners
A Region President Assistant may be admitted at any time, upon the consent of the Zone Administrator, so
long as the number of Region Presidents does not exceed 2.
X. Termination of Region President
The Region President may be terminated by the Zone Administrator and Zone Ethics Committee following a
petition or protest in writing, to be voted on by the ZEC. Such acts of termination would include but not be
limited to: inappropriate language with IEA contributing member/coach/child, misrepresentation via social
media of the IEA/Zone 1/horses/riders/etc., disregard to new teams, non-compliance with our rulebook, neglect
of post season finals planning/managing, failure to respond to email/phone messages in a timely fashion, and
bullying (including but not limited to social media, phone, and email).
XI. Voting Process
Region coaches will anonymously vote on applicants to deem who they feel will represent their Region the
best. The Zone Administrator will capture all of the votes, contact the new Region President, and then formally
introduce the Region President to the Region. The applicant with the highest number of votes will be ‘hired.’
XII. Questionnaire
1. Why are you interested in becoming a Region President?
2. What do you see as being a concern/s in your Region that you feel you would be able to improve?
3. Why are you a better choice than perhaps a past President or a current candidate?
4. What experience do you have that would lend itself to successfully piloting this position?
In signing this agreement, YOU (the Region President Applicant) agree to the terms and conditions established
in this document. You acknowledge the rules of the Interscholastic Equestrian Association and the guidelines
set by the Zone 1 Administrator for this role.
Zone 1 Administrator: ___________________________
Region Applying for: _______________________
Date: ________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________
Signature: _______________________________