Review of Previous Business Plan

Business Planning 2015 – 2020
Review of Previous Business Plan
March 2015
The previous Solent Forum Business Plan adopted a successful business planning
methodology, it is proposed that this is replicated for the 2015-2020 Business Plan.
The 2010 to 2015 plan was based on feedback from members based upon a survey and a
business planning meeting held with members of the Solent Forum. It had three sections:
1. Examination of the current issues and drivers in the coastal environment. They
Responding to the needs of marine businesses
Adaptive Planning
Introduction of new marine planning system
Development pressures in the South East
Changing economic and regulatory framework
Community outreach
A range of varies sectoral projects
2. It evaluated the operational structure of the Forum.
3. It set identified objectives and priorities into an action plan
For the 2015 – 2020 plan it is proposed that section 1 on drivers is updated; the views of
members will be sought on this. The Solent Forum officers will update section 2.0 on the
operational structure of the Forum.
The 2015 to 2020 plan will set a new action plan, again based on a members survey, and a
business planning meeting. In order to assist this process a full review of the actual
achievements against the 2010 to 2015 business plan actions can be seen below.
Solent Forum Aims and Objectives
The Solent Forum aims and objectives remain the same as they were in 2010, and are as
Solent Forum Aims
To facilitate more integrated planning and management of the Solent
To assist Solent stakeholders in carrying out their functions
To provide a broadly based consultative forum
Solent Forum Objectives
To raise awareness and understanding of the members’ roles and aspirations
To improve access to the information base
To facilitate better communication, consultation and liaison;
To raise awareness and understanding of the human and natural changes likely to
materially affect the Solent;
To promote the national and regional importance of the Solent
Measuring the Business Plan Actions
There is a need for the Forum to have a timed programme of specific work which is relevant
and achievable; this will ensure the objectives are Specific Measureable Achievable Relevant
and to a Timescale (SMART). This work programme is measured annually and an annual
report is produced to show progress..
The Forum structures its work as follows (priorities are shown as set by members during the
last business plan):
Core work programme (including events)
 Biannual Forum Meetings (top priority)
 News Service (top priority)
 Maintaining websites (second priority)
 Calendar of coastal events (second priority)
 Maintaining a Solent Indicator set (second priority)
 Conferences on topical subjects (second priority)
Solent Forum Groups
 Solent European Marine Sites scheme of management
 Natural Environment Group
 Water Quality group
 Recreation Group (now ceased)
Solent Forum Projects
Full details by year of everything that the Solent Forum has been involved in over the last
five years can be found in Appendix A. This information was used to complete the review
tables set out below, there are three sections, core work , Solent Forum serviced groups and
The review findings are illustrated by a traffic light system where green, signifies fully
achieved, amber signifies partially achieved and red signifies not yet achieved.
In summary, the Solent Forum has achieved all of its core activities; members clearly
indicated that these were the priority(see table 1). All of its actions under group work have
also been achieved (see table 2).
Regarding project work, the Forum achieved most of the actions and partially achieved the
remainder (see table 3). In addition it was involved in a further five projects, two of which it
project managed. Whilst solvency was not a target for the Solent Forum, the Forum covered
all of its cost during the five year period, without needing to draw from reserves.
Core Work Programme
The core work programme is specifically tailored to each of the Forum’s five objectives.
These objectives in turn meet the broad Forum aims.
Table 1 shows the Solent Forum Core Work Programme, column three indicates what has
been achieved over the past 5 years.
Table 1 Work Programme 2010 – 2015
How to measure
The Solent Forum needs to remain fit for
purpose and its business develops to ensure its
long term viability.
Monitor and Review
Work Programme,
Steering Group Meeting
Business Plan,
February of each year.
Finances and Terms of
Review and update
membership databases
Databases kept up to date
to ensure all details
are correct
Provide for
Professional training and
development provided.
development and
Grade in line with HCC.
training of staff
Objective 1 - raise awareness and understanding of
the members’ roles and aspirations
Progress during Business Plan Period
Hold regular SF
meeting to bring to
members’ attention
coastal management
Achieved in each year
Organise seminars,
conferences and other
events to bring
interested parties up to
date on factors
influencing the Solent
Three Steering Group
meetings and two
members meetings.
Views sought and
followed on.
Achieved in each year
Achieved in each year
Achieved in each year
Achieved in each year. Events inc.
 SoMaP Conference 2010
Organise conferences as
and when appropriate
 Water Quality Conference 2010
 3 SDMP workshops held
 CCATCH conference 2014
Publish Solent News,
Solent News published
a newsletter for the
twice, monthly e-mail
Forum and maintain
the news service
Maintain and develop
Web-site maintenance
the Solent Forum
Objective 2 - improve access to the information
Maintain databases
and metadatabases of
Databases maintained
information as
including DISC
directed by members
Achieved in each year
Achieved in each year
Achieved in each year
Objective 3 - To facilitate better communication,
consultation and liaison
Continue to offer and
Three Steering Group
provide a mechanism
meetings and two
for networking,
members meetings.
communicating to and
Views sought and
consulting with Solent
followed on.
Forum members
Objective 4 - To raise awareness and
understanding of the human and natural changes
likely to materially affect the Solent
Achieved in each year
Achieved in each year
Bring to members’
attention the potential
changes that may
affect the Solent
Raised at Steering Group
meetings. Members
Meeting presentations
and hot topics.
Topics varied – key ones:
 Marine Planning evidence and
 MCZs
 Recreational Disturbance
Objective 5 - To promote the national and regional
importance of the Solent and contribute where
appropriate to policy, development and plan
Continue to provide a
structure for
discussion and
coordinated action to
integrate coastal
management in the
Solent Forum officers
to maintain
relationships with
Solent and relevant
regional and national
organisations to foster
understanding of
coastal management
Solent Forum meetings,
presentations and
projects as directed by
the Steering group
Officers to continue
networking with local,
national and regional
Achieved in each year, Also engaging in
all consultations on Marine Spatial
Planning and Integrated Coastal
Achieved in each year, In particular attend
SCOPAC/SCG, Marine South East
meetings, Solent LEP events, Meeting with
NE, EA and HiWWT. Involved in Coastal
Partnership Network and European Marine
Site (EMS) network.
Solent Forum Groups
The Solent Forum services a number of groups which are set up by the discretion of its
steering group. Some run permanently and others are set up on an ad hoc basis when needed.
In summary, the Solent Forum continue to run the Solent European Marine Site scheme of
management secretariat and its associated Natural Environment Group. These two proactive
groups have led to many projects that the Forum has been involved in, many of which has
enable the Forum to take in income to cover its costs. The Solent Forum also managed
projects that came out of the Recreation Group. It also ran the Water Quality Conference that
came out of the Water Quality group. All of projects and events that derived from these
groups are listed in table 3 on projects.
Table 2 Solent Forum Groups 2010 - 2015
Key aim of groups
Progress during Business Plan Period
Group (formally
Group) – now
under SEMS
Provide cost effective mechanism to
coordinate the implementation of cross
cutting nature conservation actions
stemming from the many overlapping
statutory and non-statutory documents
Solent European
Marine Sites
Scheme of
The relevant authorities responsible for
the SEMS have worked together to
produce a management scheme for
SEMS. The management scheme guides
the way in which relevant authorities
exercise their functions so as to secure
compliance with the requirements of the
Habitats Regulations. The Solent Forum
are the facilitating authority for SEMS
and Solent Forum staff coordinate a/ the
annual proforma which records any new
activities b/ coordinate, if required, a
review of the management scheme every
5 years.
To facilitate a coordinated approach in
protecting and improving the quality of
recreational water and the coastal
The Nature Conservation Group reviewed its
name and terms of reference in the plan period.
In 2015 it was reviewed to fall under the SEMS
process. It met each year twice. It tracks key
projects in the Solent, launches key projects to
improve the evidence base for SEMS. (listed
under projects). The group has been highly
successful and has run high profile projects such
as the Solent Disturbance and Mitigation Project
In 2013 SEMS was reviewed and streamlined
and this enabled the Solent Forum to implement
an on-line monitoring system that has proved
very successful. NEG had always been the
sister group to which requests for furthering the
evidence bas was sent. In 2014/15 the
relationship between SEMS and NEG was
reviewed as well as funding; this review brought
about changes that have now been implemented.
As a result a single payment is made by relevant
Authorities to SEMS and NEG sits within it.
Water Quality
Recreation Group
Provide a cost effective mechanism to
coordinate the implementation of
strategic recreation actions.
Marine Planning
It is proposed that the Solent Forum
become the main channel of
communications for the proposed South
Central Inshore Marine Plan area; should
stakeholders agree this may enable the
Forum to obtain funding from
Defra/MMO for stakeholder
communications. This will was explored
explored in a meeting that Defra held
with the Solent Forum’s assistance on
5th March 2010.
The Water Quality group met twice per year
until March 2013. Since then the group
meetings have been frozen, as members did not
pay subscriptions and it was not in the Solent
Forum’s interest to continue without greater
interest. The Solent Forum still run the annual
Bathing Water Quality Awards, and take an
administration fee to cover staff costs from
income taken from the awards
The Recreation Group met twice per year and
achieved its objectives to conduct a
Recreational Audit in in 2010. In 2011 it set
strategic guidance for the Solent. Since then the
group has been frozen. It can be revived as
soon as relevant projects are sought.
This has been fully achieved. The Solent Forum
has responded to each call for evidence and
brought this to the attention of memberts. This
has include evidence on recreation, cumulative
affects, seascape, economic analysis,
sustainability appraisal.
Also the Forum has helped facilitate the MMO’s
suite of three marine planning workshops. It
produced the draft report for the first workshop
on issues.
Solent Forum Projects 2010 to 2015
The projects delivered for the business plan period 2010 to 2015 are shown in table 3 below,
column 3 shows progress in this plan period.
The Solent Forum managed many projects in the 5 year period and ran at full staff capacity.
In addition it managed another member of staff for one year to help on the CCATCH the
Solent project The biggest two projects included CCATCH the Solent (2011 -2014), and ,
the Solent Disturbance and Mitigation (2009 – 2014), a nationally ground breaking project.
SoMaP was also a very successful project, bringing income into the Forum and involving
members in marine planning at an early stage.
In addition to these, the Solent Forum had an involvement in the following projects.
 Understanding impacts of hovercraft activity in the Solent
 Understanding impacts of kayaking and canoeing activity in the Solent
 Catchment Based Approach (Sowley)
 Alien species project
 Seaview
 Love where you sail
Table 3
Solent Forum Projects 2010 - 2015
Towards Solent
Started February
2009 and finished
October 2010.
Helping prepare
Solent Stakeholders
for a marine plan and
build a policy
Phase 1 desk
research complete.
Phase 2 2009 - 2011
Assess the impact of
activities and
development on the
Solent European
Marine Sites
Disturbance and
Solent Forum
Phase 2 primary
research to assess
Phase 1 desk
research complete.
Link to
Progress during Business Plan Period
Fully achieved
Fully achieved
Fully achieved
State of the
Solent Review
New Projects
Adapting Solent
Communities to
Climate Change
Name changed
Marine Industry
related projects
Update Solent
Forum Strategic
The 2004 State of the Core
Solent is currently
being reviewed. This
review will be
available in 2010
Fully achieved
2010 – 2014.
Fully achieved
Partially achieved. An update of the Solent
Forum Coastal Consents Guide was achieved.
HEP discontinued and the Solent Forum has
continued to work with Marine South East and
the Solent LEP encouraging them to utilise the
Solent Forum for projects. The Members
Meetings provide a good balance of
presentations on marine industry
Partially achieved. The Solent Forum SG
decided that factsheets could only be produced
by expert groups. Factsheets and an update of
the Strategic Guidance chapters was made for
Water Quality, Recreation and Tourism and
Nature Conservation.
Partially achieved. The Solent Forum SG
decided that factsheets could only be produced
by expert groups. Factsheets and an update of
the Strategic Guidance chapters was made for
Part of an EU project
led by the EA called
CC2150. Engaging
communities on
climate change.
Solent Forum deliver
arm for HCC who
were a partner.
Project list to be
conformed after
exploratory meetings
with HEP, Marine
SE and the Chamber
of Commerce.
Proposals to be made
to SF Steering
Group. Including a
range of factsheets
for Business,
updating marine
consents guide,
responding to the
SEEDA waterfront
Using all available
data from SoMaP,
Recreation Group,
Nature Conservation
Group, State of the
Solent, SF Members
to produce a range of
factsheets for each
different sector in the
Solent. These sheets
win particular will
pressures, how issues
are being measured
and addressed, trends
in information etc.
The last strategic
guidance was
produced in 1997.
This guidance needs
to be updated. The
Recreation and
Tourism Chapter will
be updated by the
Recreation Group in
Water Quality, Recreation and Tourism and
Nature Conservation.
A range of further short and long term projects and events were to be considered during the
plan period. Ideas were submitted to the Forum Steering Group or to the relevant Solent
Forum serviced group. The potential projects can be seen in table 4 below, with an
indication of any progress made.
Table 4
Solent Forum Potential Projects and Events 2010 - 2015
Link to
Progress during Business Plan
Project to establish key issues
regarding fishing in the Solent
(see issues raised in 3.7). The
SoMaP Meeting on Fishing on 1st
April to inform this.
Sustainable Maritime Heritage
To be
Fully achieved. Solent Oyster group Initiative
(SOGI) completed. Working with Solent
Fisher Project (Blue Marine) to further issues
To be
Recreation and health project
using green/blue space
To be
A range of Natural Environment
Group Projects:
Alien species, ID gaps in
environmental knowledge, impact
of kite surfing on birds.
Water Quality Factsheets
To be
Not achieved. Attempted to develop this
project, however key contacts left our member
Not achieved. No time for any further projects
as workload stretched with SDMP and
CCATCH the Solent
Fully achieved. Many of these projects seeded
or managed inc. SDMP, effects of Kayaking
and Hovercraft, Alien Species project, Wader
Roost project
To be
28th April
Water Quality
Water Quality
SoMaP project
Fully achieved, as part of the Strategic
Guidance for Water Quality
Fully achieved
Not achieved. SG decided that only key
chapters would be updated (where we have
knowledge) including Nature Conservation,
Water Quality, Recreation and Toursim
Solent Water Quality Conference
SoMaP Conference
Strategic Guidance for the Solent
– understanding the Pressures
Fully achieved
Appendix A
Summary of Solent Forum Work and Events 2010 -2015
Core work programme: Biannual Forum Meetings News Service, Maintaining websites,
Calendar of coastal events, Maintaining a Solent Indicator set
Solent Forum Groups: Recreation Group, Natural Environment Group, SEMS and Water
Quality Group
Towards Solent Marine Planning
Prepare Solent stakeholders for
marine planning and provide a
marine planning database portal.
This project completed in 2010 with a
large successful conference. All the
outputs can be found on the Solent
Forum website; they include reports
on stakeholder communications and
a link to the marine planning
database portal.
Water Quality Conference
To cover topical issues. Held at
explosion museum. Fee paying
Organised by the Solent Forum.
Seen as successful
Recreation Audit
Review the Forum’s Strategic
Guidance chapter on recreation and
The consultants, Earth to Ocean,
were commissioned by the Solent
Forum Recreation Group to produce
this review. The final document is
available on the Solent Forum
Wader Roost Strategy Site
This project helps inform the longterm availability of secure high-water
feeding and roost sites for Waders in
the Solent, taking into account the
likely human and natural changes.
Phase 2, site characterisation, is now
complete. All outputs are available
via the Solent Forum website.
Solent Disturbance and Mitigation
This project was led by the Natural
Environment Group (part of SEMS)
and will assessed the impact of
activities and development on Solent
European Habitats.
Phase 1 desk research was
research, was on-going and is
Core work programme: Biannual Forum Meetings News Service, Maintaining websites, Calendar
of coastal events, Maintaining a Solent Indicator set
Solent Forum Groups: Recreation Group, Natural Environment Group, SEMS and Water Quality
Marine and Coastal Consents
This Guide summarises and reviews
the licences and consents that are
The Guide is complete and can be
accessed from the Forum’s website at
needed to undertake works
development around the coast.
CCATCH the Solent
Planning for and running a community
Solent Communities at risk from
coastal change.
A Project governance and Project
Overview Group were established. Six
sites were selected to develop and
trial the future engagement strategies
Solent European Marine Sites
(SEMS) Review
The SEMS Scheme of Management
was set up in November 2000 with the
aim of developing a strategy for
managing the marine and coastal
resources of the Solent in a more
integrated and sustainable way.
The Management Scheme has to be
reviewed every 5 years. The last
review commenced in 2010.
The Forum maintains an indicator set
to monitor various aspects of the
Solent. Data from this forms the State
of the Solent reports.
ABP Marine Environmental Research
Ltd (ABPmer) conducted the SEMS
Management Scheme review in 2011.
recommendations to the Management
Group on a way forward for
implementation of the review. These
were accepted and implemented.
Continued from the previous year. The
project aims to determine visitor
access patterns around the coast and
how their activities may influence the
Solent’s birds.
The project phase 2 outputs were
completed in February 2012. These
outputs, in the form of a model based
upon all of the primary research, show
the likelihood of adverse affects of
increased recreational pressure from
core strategy house building targets.
State of the Solent Review 2011
Solent Disturbance and Mitigation
Solent Forum 20th Anniversary
Forum members past and present
came to Cowes for a celebration.
State of the Solent Edition 3 is now
complete. View the datasets at
17 May 2012
Core work programme: Biannual Forum Meetings News Service, Maintaining websites,
Calendar of coastal events, Maintaining a Solent Indicator set
Solent Forum Groups: Natural Environment Group, SEMS and Water Quality Group
CCATCH the Solent
Continued from previous year.
Planning for and
community engagement campaign
amongst Solent Communities at risk
from coastal change.
This three year project commenced
in Feb 2011. Engagement at al the
selected sites is now underway. The
project is due for completion in
Implementation of Solent
European Marine Sites (SEMS)
Following the review in the previous
implemented by the Solent Forum
A new streamlined method for annual
introduced in 2012, together with a
new style delivery plan. This will be
repeated in 2013, starting in March
with an online questionnaire. The
2012 Reports and other information
about the SEMS can be found at
Solent Oyster Group Initiative
The Solent Forum’s Water Quality
Group launched the Solent Oyster
Group Initiative. The aim of the
Group is to contribute towards
developing an evidence base to
support the sustainable management
of native oysters Ostrea edulis in the
During the 2012/13 period the work
programme and objectives for this
project were established.
Solent Disturbance and Mitigation
Continued from the previous year.
The project aims to determine visitor
access patterns around the coast
and how their activities may influence
the Solent’s birds.
Work for 2013 comprised the Phase
3, the Avoidance and Mitigation Plan,
published in spring 2013.
2 workshops held
Catchment Based Approach scoping the methodology at
The New Forest National Park
Authority and Pond Conservation led
the New Forest catchment pilot
project, part of a Defra scheme
launched in March 2011 to work with
framework for integrated catchment
management across England by the
The Solent Forum co-ordinated the
coastal part of the pilot at Sowley,
completed successfully in December
Management of Sowley and its
internationally important habitats and
species will be informed by the pilot’s
outputs from 2013. For more
to and
search for catchment project.
1st of a suite of three consultation
workshops held in the Southern
Marine Planning area. The Solent
Forum recruited with other coastal for
a to jointly run and chair the
workshop. The Solent Forum
produced the draft workshop outputs
for the MMO
Issues workshop held in Portsmouth
and Cowes on 15th Nov 2013
Southern Marine Planning Events
Core work programme: Biannual Forum Meetings News Service, Maintaining websites,
Calendar of coastal events, Maintaining a Solent Indicator set
Solent Forum Groups: Natural Environment Group, SEMS and Water Quality Group
CCATCH the Solent
Planning for
community engagement campaign
amongst Solent Communities at risk
from coastal change.
This three year project commenced
in Feb 2011. Engagement at all sites
was undertaken during 2013/14 and
will be complete in March 2014. The
project was awarded a CC2150 Best
Practice Award for work undertaken
at Yarmouth primary school. Final
conference held Feb/March 2014
Solent European Marine Sites
(SEMS) Review
The statutory SEMS Management
Scheme was set up in November
2000 to develop a strategy and
internationally important habitats and
Management Scheme is reviewed
every 5 years; the last review was in
The project aims to determine visitor
access patterns around the coast
and how their activities may influence
the Solent’s birds.
A new streamlined method for annual
introduced in 2012, together with a
new style delivery plan. This was
repeated in 2013, starting with an
online questionnaire. The 2012
Reports and other information about
the SEMS can be found at
Mitigation project has been very
successful and is a nationally
respected piece of work. The
evidence gathering is now complete
and the case has been made. Local
planning authorities are now tasked
to implement the avoidance and
mitigation plan. The Solent Forum
assisted with the transition to the
Interim Planning Framework
Southern Marine Planning
Consultation and Evidence
The aim of marine planning is to
ensure a sustainable future for our
coastal and offshore waters through
managing and balancing the many
activities, resources and assets in
our marine environment. It is led by
Organisation (MMO).
The Forum worked with the MMO to
assist in the gathering of evidence on
behalf of Solent stakeholders to
inform the marine plan. It has also
responded to various consultations
Southern Marine Planning Events
2nd of a suite of three consultation
workshops held in the Southern
Marine Planning area. The Solent
Forum assisted in facilitation, and
helped chair the workshop..
A literature review looking at this
issue has taken place. There is now
a need for a project group to take
forward the identified actions.
Objective and Vision workshop held
in Southampton 16th July 2014
Solent Disturbance and Mitigation
Assessing Bird Disturbance from
Canoeing and Kayaking
Project actions will be taken forward
in 2014/15.
Core work programme: Biannual Forum Meetings News Service, Maintaining websites,
Calendar of coastal events, Maintaining a Solent Indicator set
Solent Forum Groups: Natural Environment Group, SEMS and Water Awards
CCATCH the Solent
Continued from the previous year.
The Forum will continue to facilitate
dialogue with the communities that
were part of the CCATCH the Solent
project. It will continue to support
Southampton City Council’s Belsize
Flood Resilience project.
Ongoing throughout
Southern Marine Planning
Consultation and Evidence
The aim of marine planning is to
ensure a sustainable future for our
coastal and offshore waters through
managing and balancing the many
activities, resources and assets in
our marine environment. It is led by
The Forum worked with the MMO to
assist in the gathering of evidence on
behalf of Solent stakeholders to
inform the marine plan. It has also
responded to various consultations
Organisation (MMO).
Southern Marine Planning Events
3rd of a suite of three consultation
workshops held in the Southern
Marine Planning area. The Solent
Forum assisted in facilitation, and
helped chair the workshop..
The Objectives workshop was held
12th February 2015.
Solent European Marine Sites
(SEMS) Funding review
A funding review of SEMS was
undertaken to make the scheme
more equitable across Relevant
Authorities. The process of SEMS
and the relationship with the Natural
Environment Group (NEG) was also
The review enables a successful
integration of NEG under SEMS, and
apportionment between Relevant
Solent Fishers Project
The Forum have working with the
Blue Marine Foundation to develop a
project to support fishers to continue
their livelihoods in the Solent.
A project plan is being produced by
the Blue Marine Foundation.
Marine Conservation Zone
consultation and workshops
The Forum organises and facilitates
topical workshops on behalf of its
members. A pre-consultation event is
was planned for summer 2014 on the
proposals for Marine Conservation
Zones around the Solent, however
that has been put back
Ongoing throughout the time period.
Just heard that only one site now
proposed for the Solent (Needles)
and therefore a seprate workshop
may now not be held
Environment Agency pilot project, to
look at the Solent Estuarine and
Coastal Waters, as a pilot, to bring
about improvements in the water
environment to meet the WFD as
well as other key legislation
Solent Forum helped organise a
workshop in October 2014. It is
currently consulting on proposals that
the Solent Forum host this project
over the coming year
Love where you sail
This is an EA project to bring
understand the effects of recreational
boaters on the Solent water quality
A collaborative project with the
involvement of the Solent Forum and
RYA to improve the evidence base
and understanding