The Castle Medical Centre PATIENT REFERENCE GROUP Minutes of the meeting Tuesday 19th June 2012 Present: Andy Matthews , Jim Price, Gill Othen, Judith Nicholls, Jane Cunningham, Nathan Gould, Val Millman, Val Mobberley, Carol Baker, Gail Helfet, Thuy Hoan Gibb, Barbara Sheppard, Rhys Williams, Sharon Purcell, Lesley Aldridge, Gabby Harris. Apologies: Carmel Cleary, Ruth James, Dr. David Spraggett, Evonne von Heussen, Kim Dodd Chair – Dr. Tim Holt/ Andy Matthews. 1. Dr. Tim Holt welcomed everyone. New attendees this month were Sharon Purcell from our reception staff, and Rhys Williams, new member. 2. Minutes of meeting of 24.4.12 were agreed. 3. Officer election/ New Chairperson 13th June 2012 election was ratified by show of hands. Andy Matthews then took the Chair and introduced his Chairmanship, prioritising it being open, honest and supportive. Andy will shortly contact and meet with each group member individually, and set up a meeting with Gabby and Kim to review a list of all areas discussed so far. The group will develop a more action-based agenda and members will be thinking about their own contributions, practical ideas and actions, and commitment to openness. Ongoing work includes Gill Othen’s contribution to clear communication in wording and presentation, and Jim Price’s and his own discussions with surgery staff on the proposed new telephone system – Jim now offering unofficial consultancy advice. Tim Holt commented that the group has progressed in the first six months, despite some frustrations within the group that the pace has not been faster. Andy also reminded members of the original code of conduct/ aims of the group and asked for relevant information to be fully shared. Andy Jim and Jane will liaise closely and an e-mail sent to one, can be regarded as going to all three. 4. Action Points from Minutes 24.4.12 Practice/switchboard opening times. 1 Discussion of opening/switchboard hours around lunchtimes and Friday afternoons is ongoing and subject to review. Surgery has no immediate plans to change opening hours; this impacts employment contracts, other commitments of GPs etc. Friday afternoon recorded message being reviewed, as current message found confusing to some patients. Some patients also unaware surgery is open over lunchtime, although phone line closed. New phone system’s call management software should include more options, ease of use and flexibility. Currently surgery lacks data on variations in call volume during opening times. Prioritised list of building works/ development – ground floor (see handout) Architect’s drawings are being prepared and will be displayed in public area. The area off the downstairs waiting room, currently being used as a children’s play area, is in the process of being acquired by Boots Pharmacy adjoining. The play area will be re-sited, its best location depending on the master plan, including the main waiting area. Members will study the proposals, and plans when available. Initial comments included – Consideration of use of space at front or side of building for extension of ground floor facilities. Regulations about allowing space for disability scooters, push chairs etc. affect this. Surgery keen to maximize use of existing building, as extension requires planning permissions. Parking issues remain, especially disabled parking. The current disabled parking space does not allow drivers to safely disembark a disabled front passenger seat patient. A second space or a bay would require council approval/ planning consent. The practice car park could not be used due to pressure on places and the possibility of doctors on urgent calls being blocked in. Concerns that clear black-on-yellow signage used Check-in time delay notification facility has been operating, but some problems A few instances of patients going walkabout after signing in, due to delay message Some instances of confusion about length of delay Some patients reluctant to use touch screen for hygiene reasons. Agreed hand gel dispensers needed, especially by check-in machine and at surgery entrance/exit No facility for monitoring usage level of screen Some patients need encouragement/demonstration of screen use. PRG members able to spend any periods of time at the surgery to assist fellow patients, will be much appreciated. Screen poorly located past the check-in desk – due for review with building works. Other action plan items PRG training – more information on this should be coming through the Patient Summit, the initial meeting of which attended by Jane on 25/5/12. (In-house training– see A.O.B.) Further A and E Attendance data – has been circulated 5. DNA Patients (see Did Not Attend handout) Gabby Harris outlined the topic, a major surgery concern, representing high wastage costs and inconvenience. Many surgeries share similar concerns. Several approaches tried, including text reminders (no impact after 12 months) and surgery notices. Group members’ comments included2 Shared concern from PRG and recognition of need to tackle problem Need to ensure DNA patients made aware of effects on others ( increased pressure on appointments, delays etc) Gaining data on why appointments missed – (eg. are appointments made far in advance more susceptible? Are certain patient groups high DNA risk? Gabby confirmed some patients repeat non-attenders.) Need to introduce easier appointment cancellation methods (e-mail, automated telephone option) Need to tailor response, acknowledging some patients’ special circumstances Display a running total of missed appointments Design of notices/ leaflets to create maximum co-operation. Gill Othen willing to advise. Gabby also explained current policy on slightly late patients – clinician decides (considering effect on remaining patients on the list) whether appointment to be offered on same list, or re-booked. Gabby will circulate draft DNA policy for further comments. Please e-mail any other ideas to Andy or Jim. Discussion did not extend to policy on aggressive patients – for future agenda. (“ Zero Tolerance” notices are being displayed.) 6. Notices/Posters on surgery walls - general Gill raised awareness about various factors which could improve the impact of posters in the surgery. Notices need to be simplified as far as possible and dense blocks of text avoided. Clip art behind text, type of font, colour choices, positioning etc. all affect the reader. Some patients may have reading difficulties, visual problems etc. Patients feeling unwell unlikely to absorb very detailed messages. Gill volunteered to put together some guidelines and contact Andy Matthews. 7. PRG members The surgery’s feedback from the Patient Care Trust highlighted the relative lack of representation of under-40s and very elderly patients on our PRG. It was agreed that all patients in these age groups interested in joining the core group, should be invited to do so from the waiting list. Surgery to action. Suggestions to improve younger patients’ participation Better information about what the group is for and what is discussed Setting up a sub-group focussed on concerns of younger patients Linking into Duke of Edinburgh award scheme so participants can complete community service elements of scheme through their attendance. Andy to investigate accreditation. PRG members introducing the group in talks in local educational or youth facilities, possibly linked to PHSE. An e-mail to Kenilworth school received no response as yet and Andy volunteered to follow this up. 3 Any other business Information/training sessions from CMC staff were unanimously welcomed. Surgery to action. The PRG expressed interest in information on /involvement in research project work both ongoing and planned at the surgery. Feedback from other PRGs Meeting with Nigel Rock Chair of Southam PRG, on 4th July 7pm. - all members welcome. Invitation to Southam PRG – two members from CMC PRG to attend. Abbey Kenilworth PRG – have 25 members and meet quarterly, Chair to be appointed. Date of next meeting – 30 July 2012, 7pm. 4