Aurora Public Schools Standard Operating Procedures for Stormwater Management Coil Cleaning Summary This work practice covers the procedure for Coil Cleaning set-up and discharge of waste water. Examples The following are examples of work that can be performed using this procedure. If job conditions vary from the examples, stop work and notify the Environmental Compliance Branch. A. B. C. D. E. F. Pre-planning Site Visit Drain Location for discharge Cleaning Inside Coils – Evaporator Coils Cleaning Outside Coils – Condensing Coils Cleaning Re-heat Coils – In ductwork, fan-powered boxes, and VAV boxes Related Work Practices A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Catch basin set up for little to no spillage of waste water to roof or ground Collection and Release to Sanitary Sewer (Requires Prior Metro Wastewater Approval) Drainage to Vegetation – No Chemical Used, State Permit required – see Work Practice Evaporation in Place – No Chemical Used, clean up of residuals – see Work Practice PPE – Safety Glasses and Nitrile Gloves Application of Cal-Shield Teflon Application of Bio-Fresh Regulatory Information A State Stormwater Permit is not required for this procedure, however, prior notification and approval to Metro Wastewater is required. The Environmental Compliance Branch must be notified at least two weeks prior to coil cleaning activities in order to obtain appropriate approval. Worker Recommendation At least two workers will be required for this procedure. Both workers are to set up a catch basin for containing the water and chemical mix. One worker will spray the coil from the top side of 1 2/7/2016 12:11 AM Aurora Public Schools Standard Operating Procedures for Stormwater Management Coil Cleaning the unit while the other worker monitors the flow into the basin. The worker on the ground or roof is also in charge of neutralization and pH monitoring prior to pumping the water to the sanitary drain. Notes During the entire coil cleaning procedure, there will be an environmental technician onsite unless prior approval is given by the Environmental Compliance Branch. The environmental technician will oversee the project and gather information regarding the units and amount of water and chemical used. Coil Cleaning Chemical Flow Chart Coil Type Condensing Dirty Moderate Nu-Brite (Purple) & Cal-Shield (Teflon) Clean Cal-Brite (Pink) & Cal-Shield (Teflon) Rinse with water & Cal-Shield (Teflon) Evaporator Dirty Clean Moderate Cal-Brite (Pink) Evap Pow’r C Rinse with water Rinse with water Cal-Brite (Pink) Evap Pow’r C(Green) & Cal-Shield & Cal& Cal-Shield (Teflon)(Green) Shield (Teflon) (Teflon) Re-Heat Dirty Moderate Clean Cal-Brite (Pink) Cal-Brite (Pink) & Rinse with 2water & Cal-Brite (Pink) Evap Pow’r CCal-Shield (Teflon)Rinse with Cal-Shield water 2/7/2016 12:11 AM & Cal-Shield (Teflon) (Green) (Teflon) & Evap Cal-Shield (Teflon) Pow’r C (Green) & CalShield (Teflon) Aurora Public Schools Standard Operating Procedures for Stormwater Management Coil Cleaning Work Practice A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Aurora Public Schools’ approved chemicals for cleaning coils are: Nu-Calgon Evap Pow’r-C, Nu-Brite, Cal-Brite, Cal-Shield, and Bio-Fresh cd. The only approved chemicals for re-heat and evaporative coils inside occupied buildings are Evap Pow’r-C and Cal-Brite. Recommended dilution ratios for all approved cleaning products is 3:1 – 3 parts water to 1 part chemical. This is setting “A’ on the coil cleaning gun. Set-up will be site specific but needs to include a procedure to capture all water and discharge to be pH tested and diluted, if necessary, before being discharged to the sanitary sewer. This can include draping of polyurethane to create a catch basin, 55 gallon drums, and berms for water collection. The site needs to be inspected prior to beginning any work to determine the location of storm drains in the area. These areas need to be protected in the event of accidental discharges. Procedure a. Wear appropriate personal protection equipment. Read MSDS for specific requirements. Avoid contact with skin and clothing. b. Pre-clean heavily soiled coils with brush or vacuum if needed. c. Set appropriate dilution ratio on coil gun. d. Liberally apply coil cleaning solution to coil. Allow cleaner to sit: Alka-Brite and Nu-Brite for 1-2 minutes, Cal-Brite for 5-10 minutes. e. Rinse coil with water 2-3 times or as needed. Turn on fans for 5-10 minutes. f. Apply Cal-Shield teflon coating. g. In the event that insulation gets wet, apply Bio-Fresh to prevent mold growth. Neutralization – pH must be adjusted to between 5 and 9 before entering the sanitary sewer. The Environmental Compliance Branch has a pH meter that can be used to monitor the pH. pH can be adjusted using vinegar or baking soda depending on the pH of chemical used. pH must be monitored continuously throughout the procedure. Disposal a. Sanitary Sewer: Once pH is in the appropriate range, the waste water can be pumped to the sanitary sewer. b. Evaporation in Place: If using evaporation in place, NO chemical can be used. Complete evaporation must take place before water reaches any storm sewer system or conveyance and all residuals must be cleaned. c. If sanitary sewer or evaporation in place is not an option, please contact the Environmental Compliance Branch for alternative disposal methods. Discharge to vegetation requires a permit and MUST be approved prior to use. 3 2/7/2016 12:11 AM Aurora Public Schools Standard Operating Procedures for Stormwater Management Coil Cleaning H. I. Documentation – The HVAC technician must complete the “Aurora Public Schools Coil Cleaning Record Keeping” form for EVERY unit cleaned. The information on this form must include the site and unit being cleaned, the chemical used, where the discharge occurred, and the amount of both water and chemical used. Copies of this form are available from the Environmental Compliance Branch. Prohibited activities a. Do not perform procedure in windy conditions. b. No discharge is allowed to enter the storm drain system. c. Be aware of possible leaks entering building during the entire procedure. Discharge Regulatory Flow Chart Are you using Chemical? No Yes Discharge to Sanitary Sewer (Must have prior approval from Metro Wastewater) Discharge to Sanitary Sewer (Must have prior approval from Metro Wastewater) Neutralize to pH of 5-9 Evaporate in Place Neutralize to pH of 5-9 Clean up all residuals Discharge to Storm Sewer System (Must obtain State and City Permits) Discharge to Vegetation (Must obtain State and City Permits) Must get special approval Must get special approval before using before using 4 2/7/2016 12:11 AM