our ministry at a glance - Immanuel Lutheran Church

A newsletter for the family and friends of Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church
Rev. David P. Constien, Senior Pastor
Rev. William C. Ryden, Associate Pastor
May 2014
Volume 56 No. 5
“Mother and Child”
“I love you,”
said a great mother.
“I love you for what you are,
knowing so well what you are.
And I love you more yet, child,
deeper yet than ever, child,
for what you are going to be,
knowing so well you are going far,
knowing your great works are ahead,
ahead and beyond,
yonder and far over yet.”
—Carl Sandburg
Baptisms: Grace Diane Hathorn April 27, 2014
Funerals: Chester Ebert April 21, 2014
Weekly Attendance: February 2-February 23, 2014
March 30
April 2
April 6
April 9
April 13
April 17
April 18
April 20
5:00 pm
8:00 am 7:00 pm
10:30 am
Our Nursery is staffed during the 10:30 am service!!
Baptized Membership
960 Confirmed Membership 768.
Immanuel has elders who assist the pastors during the worship service
and outside of worship. Their job is to be of service to you in any
cares/concerns you may have with the congregation and within your
family. Here are your elders:
Elder 1: Marty Olsen 815-464-4373
Elder 2: Nasser Diab 708-363-5705
Elder 3: Jim Kruspe 708-479-1680
Elder 4: Mike Malwitz 708-479-8386
Please contact one of these elders should you have any concerns.
If you plan to move or have already moved,
Serving the Living Lord at Immanuel
Management of life’s resources for God’s purposes
"Caring and sharing since 1850, the mission of the family of God at
Immanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mokena
is to effectively teach the Word of God. promote the spiritual growth of the
Christian family, and continuously reach out with love and service."
April 2014
Mortgage ~ $ 3,215.00
Mortgage Balance ~ $340,949.29
Outreach ~ $ YTD $ 282.67
Education ~$
YTD $924.06
Mission ~ $
YTD $2,084.40
Personnel ~$20,975.03
Utilities ~ Electric $996.29; Gas $277.03
Phone $101.36
Garbage $236.39; Water $114.47
Total Expenses: $25,915.57
Bulletin & Items Publishing
Bulletin articles are due on Thursdays by 10 am.
Articles for the June Items are due
May 19th and will be on our
website/e-mailed/available in narthex after
May 25th.
We post Items Newsletter
on the Website!
Looking for a used car to purchase. Prefer 4 door
with average mileage. Priced under $5000. Call office.
Used Cedar Works of Maine swing set. $400 or best
offer, you take down and haul. Call office for more information.
This section of the newsletter is to provide a space for anyone who
has an item that is still serviceable and needs a new home, or, if you
are in need of something and wish to post your need.
To submit a classified listing, simply send an email to Laura Burt at
the church office secretary@immanuelmokena.org or put the
information in mailbox A2. Please be sure to include your contact
information as well. All classifieds will be posted for one month.
Heavenly thoughts
What is heaven going to be like? Just as there is a mystery to
hell, so there is a mystery to heaven. Yet I believe the Bible teaches that
heaven is a literal place. Is it one of the stars? I don’t know. I can’t even
speculate. The Bible doesn’t inform us.
I believe that out there in space where there are one thousand
million galaxies, each a hundred thousand light years or more in
diameter, God can find some place to put us in heaven. I’m not worried
about where it is. I know it is going to be where Jesus is.
—Billy Graham
Fellowship Events
……Mark Your Calendars!
Ladies Brunch- Sunday, May 4th
The Board of Fellowship invites you to a delightful
afternoon of Delicious Food, a demonstration of
accessorizing with scarves, hats and jewelry by My Sisters and Me
Boutique from Frankfort, IL. This year’s theme is Spring Hats and
there will be a special raffle for all attendees that wear a “fancy”
spring hat. Shopping begins at 11am. Vendors include 31 bags,
Scentsy, Melka Nursery, My Sisters and Me and many more.
Lunch begins at noon. Tickets are $12.00 each. If you wish to
reserve a table, you may do so by buying 8 tickets. Tickets can be
purchased at the Church office. There are only a limited amount of
tickets available for this event, so please purchase early.
Man Day-Saturday May 17th It is time for the gent’s
of our congregation to join forces and come out and
help with the church’s honey do list. It is a great time to
get to know the “guys” and enjoy fellowship. A Project list will be
posted in the Narthex Be sure to sign up so we can feed you!
Confirmation Day- Sunday May 18th
Church Picnic- Sunday June 1, 10:30 a.m.
Immediately following the outdoor service. This year's
theme is the 50's and 60's, so bring your hot rod and
your family for a fun filled day of old fashioned games and great
food. Main dish and beverages are provided. Last name A-K,
please bring a dessert. Last name L-Z, please bring a side dish.
Vacation Bible School- June 16-20, 2014, 9-11:30
a.m. Register online at www.immanuelmokena.org.
Link is on home page under News and Events. Fee is
$10/child or $35 for 4 children or more for one
family. This can be dropped off at office from 9 am-3 pm Monday
thru Thursday and 9 am-2 pm Friday.
Fellowship Events Continued
Fireworks- Friday July 4th Meet in the parking lot of
the church. We are looking for volunteers to help with this
year’s float and 4th of July festivities. For more
information, contact Lyn Thorne 708-805-4456.
Slammers Game-Friday August 1st
Rally Day-Sunday September 7th
Oktoberfest- Sunday October 26th, 12 noon. We will
provide the brats and a keg of root beer. We also host a
chili cook off at this event.
Fall Festival-Saturday November 8th- The Ruth
Society host an annual roast beef dinner and craft show.
The craft show is from 10 am to 7 pm. Luncheon is served
from 11 am to 1 pm. The dinner is from 4 pm to 6:30 pm.
Cookie Walk-Saturday December 13th, 9 am-1 pm. We
will need bakers for this event. We need volunteers to bake
at least 20 dozen-2 inch cookies, the more unique the better.
LWML Zone 25 Spring Rally All women of our congregation are
invited to attend the Spring Rally of LWML Zone 25 at Trinity
Lutheran Church/Tinley Park on Saturday May 3 rd. Registration as
well as coffee/AND will begin at 8:30 with the theme “A Time for
Everything” from Ecclesiastes 3:1-7.
The morning promises to be a time for renewing friendships as
well as making new ones. Pastor Ron Millard, our zone counselor from
St. Paul/Matteson, will be leading us in a devotion based on the Rally
theme. Then we will be meeting some of our Lutheran sisters from
Friends in Christ Lutheran church/Morris, IL and their Pastor, Mark
Willig and his wife Paula. Friends in Christ has a unique puppet
ministry and is also active in sharing the love of Christ through local
mission endeavors. We are looking forward to meeting ‘Charlie’ the
puppet and our new friends from Morris.
Our hands on mission project will be assembling Soup Mix in pint
jars. Split peas, beef bouillon granules, pearl barley, lentils, minced
onion, Italian seasoning and white rice. The jars will be given to the
Pastors in Zone 25 to take to shut-ins of their congregations. Sounds
like fun, doesn’t it?
The ingathering will be for Friends in Christ and their KYKS (Keep
Your Kids in Shoes) ministry – they are collecting new, name brand
athletic shoes to distribute to kids in need from within their
community: Nike, New Balance, Adidas, Reebok, Avia, Asics, Fila and
Sketchers in sizes 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 81/2 & 9 in men sizes and 4, 5, 61/2,
10. 12 & 13 in women’s sizes. If you’re not able to attend the Spring
Rally, but would like to help with the ingathering, you can give your
shoe donation to Barb Belanski.
So mark May 3rd on your calendar as an important date to
remember;till then, ‘Serve the Lord with gladness.’
Choir Thank you:
"Many thanks of appreciation to our choir members for sharing their
talents and enhancing our services with inspiring songs this past year."
Nancy Mirocha
Confirmation Class of 2014
Kira Rose Budd – Baptized 12/27/1999 “The angel of the
Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers
them." Psalm 34:7
Emily Sarah Costella – Baptized 2/27/2000 “Praise be to
the Lord, the God of Isreal because he has come and has
redeemed his people." Luke 1:68
Rachel Nicole Dudczyk – Baptized 5/21/2000 “I can do
everything through him who gives me strength."
Philippians 4:13
Hayley Frances Grebic – Baptized 5/21/2000 “Be joyful
always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Alyssa Rose Johnson – Baptized 7/9/2000 “A righteous man
may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from
them all." Psalm 34:19
Tyler Samuel Maranto – Baptized 10/10/1999 “Believe in
the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved." Acts 16:31
Jessica Rae Nilsen – Baptized 9/24/2000 “Let the morning
bring me word of your unfailing love, for i have put my trust
in you.Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my
soul." Psalm 143:8
The Confirmation blessing to all the confirmed
"May the almighty God and Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who has given you the new birth of water and
of the Holy Spirit and has forgiven you all your sins,
strengthen you with His grace to life everlasting"
Immanuel Youth Group
“Connecting youth to Christ and each other”
Check out our web site at www.immanuelmokena.org and click on the
“youth” link.
You can also find out about upcoming events, view pictures and connect
with other youth through our group on Facebook.
You can sign up for a free account and join our group.
Summer Mission Trip in Racine Wisconsin from June 22nd to
28th, 2014.
Famous Quotes
“A child needs your love most when he deserves it least.”
—Erma Bombeck
“Being considerate of others will take [you] further in life than any
college degree.”
—Marian Wright Edelman
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May Calendar
May 15 & 16
May 22& 23
Closing Program
Last Day of School
Note From Preschool Director Miss Dee
The preschoolers have had a busy year ‘marching’ through the
alphabet; recognizing the letters and sounds that go along with
each letter. The Old Testament stories have been introduced to the
children; Noah, Zaccheus, Moses, etc. In December, they sang
songs about the birth of Jesus and understanding the true meaning
of Christmas. The children and families participated in a service
project to support Aunt Martha’s Youth Services. Over 80 pajamas
and books were donated for needy children to enjoy on Christmas
Eve! What a joyful blessing of giving! In March, many of the
children joined the church service to celebrate a joyful song about
how special God made each of them. We have had a visit from
Karen’s Nature Tales. We are getting ready to watch butterflies
develop from a caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly. The families
supported the school through two fundraisers. This allowed the
purchase of three new bikes for the children and some Magnatiles!
It is hard to believe, but now we are getting ready for the end-ofthe-year programs. The programs will occur on Thursday and
Friday May 15 and 16. Then the following week we say goodbye
to 65 of our children. We know we are sending them on with solid
foundation of God’s love.
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Alyssa Johnson, Sofia Kukelhan, Kevin Taylor,
Kaitlyn Zohfeld
Kelly Magierski, Jaxson Switak
Elise Sommerfeld
Abigail Fox, Joseph Mayer, Nathan Seputis,
Sharla Wojno
Rachel Klode, Caden Malley, Jack Michener
Mason Licatesi, Laura Threewit
Cynthia Phelps
William Baker, Doris Moutrey,Joshua Welzen
Ruth Fetzner, Sincere Johnson
Hannah Conley
Jacob Eble, Jackie Fetzner, Tiffany Oswald
Lin Roberts
Scott Malm, Greg Marnul
Lynne Beeler,Kyle Klode, Kim Kocur,Brett Seivert,
Emily Wilson
Dan Foiles
David Snedden
Jonathon Miller,Lindsay Strobel
Tom Bartnik, Caity Constien, Meredith Kocur,
Lucas Liberty, Curt Martini
Ray DeVivo, Jacob Miller, Gayle Snedden,
Jenna Welzen
Robert Krause, Bella Ringenberg, Carole Sluis
Joseph Farnham, Lucas Schmdit, Anna Signore,
Jo Wilhelmsen
Laverne Cohen, Angela Phelps
Lucas Carpenter
Ashley Johnson
Lillie Burkhardt, Sharon Durkin, Eric Engel,
William Phelps
Sarah Limanowski, Jamie Smith
Jessica Welzen
John Horneij; Darcy Zielinski
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Marita and David Navratil
36 Yrs.
Douglas and Teri Hutson
26 Yrs.
Ty and Jill Kaiser
19 Yrs.
Ruth and Leonard Smith
34 Yrs.
Nick and Beverly Whittier Jr.
45 Yrs.
Ronald and Janice Hamning
31 Yrs.
Arthur and Arletta Mundt
59 Yrs.
Christopher and Karri Trader
20 Yrs.
Morris and Laura Threewitt
40 Yrs.
Bonnie and Phillip Ushijima
11 Yrs.
David and Christine Constien
23 Yrs.
Jennifer and Justin Kmitch
7 Yrs.
Norman and Nancy Kaczmarczyk 38 Yrs.
Lee and Amy Zagrakalis
28 Yrs.
Bible Quiz
Complete the following Bible verse: “A gentle answer turns away
_____, but a harsh word stirs up _____.”
A. an argument; obedience
B. wrath; anger
C. jealousy; resentment
D. falsehood; truth
Answer: B (See Proverbs 15:1, NIV.)
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Be a praying parent
Prayer is the saucer into which parental fears are poured to cool. ...
Each time a parent prays, Christ responds. His big message to
moms and dads? Bring your children to me.
—Max Lucado, Fearless
As a mother
Jesus, as a mother you gather your people to you; you are
gentle with us as a mother with her children. Often you weep over
our sins and our pride; tenderly you draw us from hatred and
judgment. You comfort us in sorrow and bind up our wounds; in
sickness you nurse us, and with pure milk you feed us.
Jesus, by your dying we are born to new life; by your
anguish and labor we come forth in joy. Despair turns to hope
through your sweet goodness; through your gentleness we find
comfort in fear. Your warmth gives life to the dead; your touch
makes sinners righteous.
Lord Jesus, in your mercy heal us; in your love and
tenderness remake us. In your compassion, bring grace and
forgiveness; for the beauty of heaven may your love prepare us.
—Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109)
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Special dates for May
• National Day of Prayer, May 1, 2014
• Mother’s Day, May 11, 2014
• Armed Forces Day, May 17, 2014
• Memorial Day, May 26, 2014
• Ascension Day, May 29, 2014
Lutheran Ministries Media, Inc.
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5 Martin Luther Drive,Fort Wayne, IN 46825-4996
“Worship for Shut-Ins” Summary Sheets
May 2014
May 4, 2014 – Luke 24:13-35
“Recognizing Christ” by Rev. Dr. Daniel J. Brege, St. Paul
Lutheran Church~Decatur, IN
The Holy Spirit desires us to recognize Christ's presence and His
work of redemption. Through the Holy Scriptures and through the
Holy Sacraments the Holy Spirit thus brings us to recognize
May 11, 2014 – Psalm 23:4
“Never Walk Alone!” by Rev. Dr. Thomas R. Ahlersmeyer, Holy
Cross Lutheran Church~Fort Wayne, IN
All our life’s companions and guides can only turn back as we
travel through "the valley of the shadow of death." Jesus Christ
alone can lead and accompany us through the end of our earthly
pilgrimage. And, through Christ's sacrificial death and triumphant
resurrection, we know that this death journey becomes "the gate
of The Lord through which the righteous may enter" (Psalm
118:20) into life everlasting.
May 18, 2014 – John 14:1-10
“Where Are You Going?” by Rev. James L. Elsner, Prince of
Peace Lutheran Church~Stroh, IN
Throughout life people move. Sometimes going great distances.
Other times going just a few feet. But where you are going is also
a question of your eternal destiny.
May 25, 2014 – Psalm 66:6, 1 Peter 3:20-21
“Your Baptism” By Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier III, Concordia
Theological Seminary~Fort Wayne, IN
Three major events involving water have common aspects. The
events are the flood, the crossing of the sea, and your baptism.
The aspects with regard to your baptism are wonderful Gospel
Tel: (260) 471-LOVE (5683) † Toll-Free: (888) 286-8002
www.worshipforshutins.org † Email: info@worshipforshutins.org
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