Minutes - Idaho Association for the Education of Young Children

Idaho AEYC Board Meeting
Saturday, September 10, 2011 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM MDT
Board Members Present: Kris Freeland - President, Jill Bielenberg - President Elect, Rosemary Shockley - President Past, Alicia Estey - Treasurer, Cheryl Allen Secretary, Kathleen Miller Green – NAC Representative, Colleen Fellows - Member at Large, Eldon Wallace - Member at Large
Board Members Absent: John Wilson
Affiliate Representatives: Sue Harpold – TVAEYC, Jennifer Patterson – SRAEYC
Affiliate Representatives Absent: Michael Godfrey/Owen Anderson – EIAEYC, Barbi Harrison – NIAEYC
General Members Present: Maggie Beltrami, TVAEYC
Staff Present: Beth Oppenheimer, Jane Zornik, Katrice Walters
Call to order
Welcome to all general
members present
Introduction of Board
Any additions to the agenda?
Roll call taken.
Welcome and introductions. One TVAEYC member attending meeting.
Approval of the Minutes of the
July 12 meeting
Minute corrections:
 change “Conference Call” to “or video conferencing”
 spelling of Colleen Fellows name throughout
Review of the Financial
Report given by Katrice
 Payroll America update: We may recover some funds from the Payroll
America bankruptcy. Board previously voted to write off loss as “Bad
 Some ARRA (Stimulus) Funds coming available from U of I contract. Has to
be spent by end of Sept and can only be used for incentives.
Balance sheet discussed, last page noted as incorrect. Katrice will check.
Comments by Alicia
 Need more time to really review tax return
 Explore change of our fiscal Year to coincide with tax year
Committee Structure Review
and Reports
Action / Outcome
Quorum established.
A couple of additions to the agenda were requested.
Motion: Rosemary moved to approve
minutes as corrected.
Kathleen – second
Motion carried.
Recommendation: Kathleen suggested
that the Finance Committee perform a
review of financial items such as the
tax return and provide the board with
a recommendation. Others agreed.
Kris stated that she would like committee chairs to add a “Next Step” to their
Advancement - Kris
 Governance – Kris: Executive Committee has not met.
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Fund Development – Jill: Mentioned today’s events including Auction Frogs
items. Special thanks to Rochelle for all the work she has done setting up the
online auction.
Marketing/Communication – Cheryl
Action / Outcome
Next Step: Discussion of how to make
fundraising events statewide (perhaps
with some events happening
concurrently in various locations) and a
discussion on how to get staff on board
and engaged.
Week of the Young Child (WOYC) April 22-28, 2012 Cheryl/Kathleen - Usually
events around state are organized by local affiliate committees.
Next Steps: Discussion with Local
Affiliates on possible statewide theme;
start planning on local affiliate calls.
Book Award: Kathleen - stated that a review of nominee guidelines to “refine
and define” is needed. New member Staci Shaw with Idaho Commission for
Libraries is an excellent resource. Q: How are books/authors nominated?
Through publisher or author contacts. Jane has developed a list and makes
contacts. Others notify Jane if they hear of a prospect.
Next Steps: Select new committee
members; refine guidelines; discuss
idea to share with Nat’l Affiliate
Council (Kathleen); consider doing
award biennially instead of annually;
create a webpage on the Idaho AEYC
website for the Award and information
about the process.
Stick Your Neck Out for Idaho’s Children Award: (SYNO) Beth – Revamping the
award to associate with annual fundraising event.
Next Steps: Set up guidelines for
nominations. Hope to have 3
categories; decide on categories to
reach out to more people; announce
honorees and market next year’s event
early; invite local affiliate participation
with nominations.
Board Development – Kathleen: new committee and it hasn’t formed or met
Next Step: Start soliciting the board
members for ideas to develop the
orientation. (WA state has a good
orientation packet. Check it out
Program Development - Kathleen
 Membership – Sue: Have talked with Matt Seiler at NAEYC; made presentation
at CWI working with Bonnie Noonan and Jean Britton to get students interested
in joining. Both student groups have been lost. Rosemary suggested contacting
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BSU Associated Students as she and Jean Britton has already done all the
paperwork at BSU to set up the Student group for NAEYC.
Other affiliate reports on membership activities:
o NIAEYC - providing free trainings with for members
o TVAEYC - increasing student chapter involvement and a Sept. 22 affiliate
o SRAEYC – increasing student membership and involvement
Conference – Cheryl: Beth reported on the postponement of conference due to
low registration. Sent out survey; had a good response. Discussion on ideas and
date to have the conference.
Local Affiliate Council – Jennifer: No conference call has been held. Need help
in how to set that up.
Accreditation – Michael: Not able to attend the board meeting. Guest Maggie
Beltrami works at an accredited site. She is interested in keeping informed of
what is happening in this arena.
Finance - Alicia
Has recruited a couple of new members for the finance committee.
Action / Outcome
Next Step: Check on student group
status at BSU. Committee will develop
and promote 90/50/40 Membership
Campaign to implement statewide.
Motion: Alicia moved to cancel Idaho
AEYC State Conference and direct the
conference, committee to re-evaluate
and restructure Idaho AEYC’s state
Colleen Fellows seconded.
Motion carried.
Action: Jane - Contact Jennifer with
directions for conference call.
Action: Jane will send Michael list of
accredited sites in Idaho.
Next Steps: Finalize committee
appointments; provide more
meaningful information to the board;
schedule a meeting of the finance
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Public Policy – Eldon
Has reviewed the NAEYC Guide to Creating Public Policy Agenda. Explained 2 terms
for board:
 Public Policy Agenda = annual focus
 Public Policy Program = constant issues present in background
Also reviewed the Idaho AEYC Public Policy Document of 2003. Document contains a
lot of good information. May still be serviceable as the state guide for Public Policy
Program. Board members need to review it so that can be decided.
Other concerns on the horizon: What is the legislature going to do this year? What is
on the mind of legislators this year?
Another term: Position Statement - The purpose of a position statement is to state
the Association’s position on an issue of controversy related to early childhood
education practice, policy, and/or professional development.
SUMMARY STATEMENT from Kris – All committees and affiliates are asked to
provide written reports two weeks prior to meetings to Jane. This will shave a lot of
time from the meeting.
Action / Outcome
Action: Jane – Send out 2003 Idaho
AEYC Public Policy Document for
Placement in the Board Handbook.
Action: Board members – Review the
document to see if it is still the desired
roadmap for Idaho AEYC.
Next Steps: Establish a committee;
develop state public policy agenda as
soon as possible.
Action: Jane - Provide committee
chairs with forms to report on
committee activities by mid-October.
Action: Committee Chairs & Affiliate
Representatives - Provide written
reports two weeks prior to meetings to
Jane. Next reports due emailed to
Jane on or before November 1.
Committee Appointments
Committee chairs: Check lists to see who might already be on the committee. Check
the committee charters (in Hand book) for list of desired/ideal members. Check
procedures for the appointment process. Send recommendations to the president
(Kris) for approval.
Executive Director Report
Much time and energy have been spent on the fundraising event and auction as well
as the conference. After these are completed, concentration can be shifted to fund
development, public policy, and getting back to strategic planning starting with the
development of the vision statement we worked on in July.
Action: Jane - Send procedures on
committee appointment process to all
committee chairs (and Board
Action: Committee Chairs – Solicit
members for your committee. (See
details at the left.)
Note: Maggie Beltrami is interested in
participating in the strategic planning
Shared information on “Race to the Top” Challenge Grant for early childhood and
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Jennifer, Jill
Unfinished Business
 Revision of Bylaws
 Developing Strategic Plan
New Business
 LAC Request for policy
the political climate in Idaho.
Mention of Child Care Development Block Grant. Funding okay for this year, but
everything seems to be fair game in DC for cutting discussion. Something to watch.
All Board members need to sign up for the Children’s Champions Alerts from NAEYC.
Jane and Rosemary met with Stan August 11 and completed another review and
revision of the Bylaws. Document provided in packet for review prior to meeting.
Action / Outcome
Action: Jane – Send out information to
Board and Affiliate Reps on the
procedure to sign-up for Children’s
Champions Email List.
Action: Board members and Affiliate
reps sign up for Children’s Champions
Motion: Kathleen moved to approve
the Bylaws as revised. Alicia seconded.
No further discussion.
Motion Carried.
Action: Jane – Prepare the bylaws for
dissemination to the membership for
ratification of the Board’s approval to
accept the September 2011 Revision.
Next Steps: Begin revision of Idaho
AEYC Governing Board Policies to align
with Bylaws.
Action: Jane – Send final approved
copy of Bylaws to Board Members and
Affiliate Reps. Replace Bylaws in
Handbook and on website with 2011
Revision when signed.
Beth has gathered information from staff on the vision statement.
Next Steps: Compile vision notes and
determine next steps. Share with
Board by October 15. Develop
committee for strategic planning.
At the Local Affiliate Council meeting in July, the group concluded that the present
structure and charge was not meeting the needs or intent of the group. The LA
Council would like to become the LA Committee with the chair of the group a full
voting member of the Governing Board thus providing for more direct
Next Steps: Revise the Local Affiliate
Council Policies into committee charter
format for the “new” Local Affiliate
Committee. Present at November 15
Board conference call as an action
item. (Remember to include Jennifer
Patterson on the call to present the
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 Video Conferencing
Face to face meetings tend to be more productive than phone calls. We have
options in key areas of the state for video conferencing. Group agreed to exploration
of the idea as a way to efficiently use personal time and funds and to have more
effective meetings.
Action / Outcome
Next Steps: Kris and Beth will do some
testing and explore the feasibility of
video conferencing for a future board
meeting. Results of experimentation
will be presented on the November
conference call meeting.
 Board Meeting Attendance
and Participation
One Board member is not attending or participating. Discussion on job description
requirements for Board members.
Next Steps: Review Bylaws for
dismissal procedures. Contact member
regarding concerns. Include possible
dismissal as discussion item on the
next agenda.
 Job Description for
National Affiliate Council
When Board Handbooks were reviewed in July, it was noted that there was no Job
Description for the National Affiliate Representative. Kathleen shared one from her
NAC Rep notebook and sent to Jane. Jane revised it. Document was included with
packet for review prior to the meeting. Request approval of the Job Description.
Motion: Rosemary moved to approve
the National Affiliate Council
Representative Job Description.
Jill Bielenberg seconded.
No further discussion.
Motion carried.
 NAEYC Annual Conference and Expo in Orlando, FL - Nov. 2-5, 2011
Next meeting - conference call on Nov. 15, 7:30 am MST/ 6:30 am PST
Gala – BSU at 5:30 tonight
Lunch – on your own
Meeting evaluation will be sent out next week to Board & LAC reps.
Beth and Kathleen are planning to
Action: Jane – Send out meeting
evaluation form.
Action: Board members and affiliate
reps complete the survey.
Meeting adjourned at 12:30 pm
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