September 2007 - College of Business

October 2010
Sharon Shavitt
428B Wohlers Hall
(217) 333-0784
October 24, 1959
Ohio State University, 1981.
Degree awarded Cum laude.
Major: Psychology.
Ohio State University, 1983.
Major: Social Psychology
Ohio State University, 1985.
Major: Social Psychology
Minors: Industrial/Organizational Psychology,
Quantitative Psychology
Walter H. Stellner Professor of Marketing, Department of Business
Administration, University of Illinois, 2008 IBE Distinguished Professor of Marketing, Department of Business
Administration, October 2002-2008
Professor, Department of Business Administration, Department of
Psychology, Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois,
August 2001Professor, Department of Advertising, Department of Psychology,
Institute of Communications Research, University of Illinois,
August, 2000-July 2001.
Associate Professor, Department of Advertising, Department of
Psychology, University of Illinois, 1993-2000.
Research Associate Professor, Institute of Communications
Research, University of Illinois. January, 1996-2000.
Assistant Professor, Department of Advertising, Department of
Psychology, University of Illinois. August, 1987 to July, 1993.
NIMH Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Psychology,
Indiana University. Collaborative research with Steven J. Sherman
and Russell H. Fazio. October, 1985 to August, 1987.
Other Current University Appointments:
Research Professor, Survey Research Laboratory, University of Illinois,
1999Professor (Adjunct), Norwegian School of Economics and Business
Administration, Bergen, 2000Member of Honors Faculty, Campus Honors Program, University of Illinois,
Member, Education and Training Committee, Society for Consumer
Psychology, 1991Chair, Scientific Affairs Committee, and Member of Executive Board, Society
for Consumer Psychology, 1991-1993.
Editorial Board, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 1992-1995.
Co-editor (with D. Maheswaran) of special issue of Journal of
Consumer Psychology on Cultural Psychology, 2000, 9 (2).
Member, Policy Board, Journal of Consumer Research, 2000Elected Vice President of Policy Board, 2007
Editor Selection Committee, for Monographs of the Journal of
Consumer Research, 2001-2002.
Member, Selection Committee, ACR-Sheth Foundation Dissertation Proposal
Award, Cross-Cultural Track, 2001, 2003.
Associate Editor, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2002-2005 term
Editorial Board, Psychology & Marketing, 2004 - .
Editorial Board, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2005 - .
Editorial Board, Media Psychology, 2005 - .
Editorial Board, Journal of Marketing Research, 2006 - .
Treasurer and Board of Directors member, Association for Consumer
Research, 2005 term.
ACR-Sheth Foundation Dissertation Proposal Award (Public Policy Track)
Selection Committee, 2006.
Editorial Advisory Board, Handbook of Consumer Psychology (2008).
Publisher: Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis.
Co-Chair (with Ann McGill), ACR 2008 Conference, San Francisco
University of Illinois "List of Excellent Teachers," as rated by
students, in Fall 1991, Fall 1992, Fall 1996, Fall 1998, Spring
1999, Fall 2001, Spring 2002, Fall, 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2004, Fall
2005, Spring and Fall 2006, Spring 2007, Spring 2009.
Association for Consumer Research Doctoral Consortium Faculty,
2002, 2010
American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium Faculty, 2003,
2004, 2008
Featured cross-cultural researcher for the section “Who’s Who in Social
Psychology of Culture” in C.Y. Chiu and Y.Y. Hong’s Social Psychology of
Culture (2006). NYC: Psychology Press.
Shavitt, S. and Brock, T.C. (1994). Persuasion: Psychological insights and
perspectives. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Edited volume.
McGill and Shavitt (Editors) (2009). Advances in consumer research,
Volume 36. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research.
Parts of Books (Chapters)
Brock, T.C., and Shavitt, S. (1983). Cognitive responses in
advertising. In L. Percy & A.G. Woodside (Eds.), Advertising and
consumer psychology. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath and Company.
Pp. 91-116.
Shavitt, S. and Brock, T.C. (1986). Self-relevant responses in
commercial persuasion: Field and experimental tests. In K.
Sentis & J. Olson (Eds.), Advertising and consumer psychology,
Volume 3, New York: Praeger Publishers. Pp. 149-171.
Shavitt, S. (1989). Operationalizing functional theories of attitude. In A.R.
Pratkanis, S.J. Breckler, & A.G. Greenwald (Eds.), Attitude structure and
function. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Pp. 311-337.
Brock, T.C., Shavitt, S., and Brannon, L.A. (1994). Getting a
handle on the ax of persuasion. In S. Shavitt & T.C. Brock
(Eds.), Persuasion: Psychological insights and perspectives.
Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Pp. 1-14.
Nelson, M.R., Shavitt, S., Schennum, A., and Barkmeier, J. (1997).
Prediction of long-term advertising effectiveness: New cognitive
response approaches. In W. Wells (Ed.), Measuring advertising
effectiveness. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Pp. 133-155.
Shavitt, S. and Nelson, M. (1997). Comments on Chapter 8 (by P.
Lebenson and M. Blackston). In W. Wells (Ed.), Measuring
advertising effectiveness. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Pp. 128-132.
Shavitt, S., and Nelson, M.R. (1999). The social identity function
in person perception: Communicated meanings of product
preferences. In G.R. Maio and J.M. Olson (Eds.), Why we evaluate:
Function of attitudes. Mahwah, N.J.: Erlbaum. Pp. 37-57.
Shavitt, S., and Nelson, M.R. (2001). On the dynamic and goaloriented nature of (candidate) evaluations. In J. Kuklinski
(Ed.), Citizens and politics: Perspectives from political
psychology. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. Pp.
Shavitt, S. and Wänke, M. (2001). Consumer behavior. In A.
Tesser and N. Schwarz (Eds.), Blackwell handbook of social
psychology, Volume 1: Intraindividual processes. Oxford, UK:
Blackwell Publishers. Pp. 569-590.
Shavitt, S. and Nelson, M.R. (2002). The role of attitude functions in
persuasion and social judgment. In J.P. Dillard and M. Pfau (Eds.), The
persuasion handbook: Theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Pp. 137-153.
Shavitt, S., and Zhang, J. (2004). Advertising and culture. In C. Spielberger
(Ed.), Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology. San Diego: Academic Press.
Pp. 47-51.
Shavitt, S., Lee, A., and Johnson, T.P. (2008). Cross-cultural consumer
psychology. In C. Haugtvedt, P. Herr, and F. Kardes, (Eds.), Handbook of
Consumer Psychology. New York.: Psychology Press. Pp. 1103-1131.
Shavitt, S., Lee, A., and Torelli, C. (2009). New directions in cross-cultural
consumer psychology. In M. Wänke (Ed.), The Social Psychology of
Consumer Behavior, a volume in the series, Frontiers of Social Psychology
(Series Editors: A.W. Kruglanski & J.P. Forgas). New York: Psychology
Press. Pp.227-250.
Johnson, T.P., Holbrook, A., and Shavitt, S. (in press). Culture and
response styles in survey research. In D. Matsumoto and F. van de Vijver
(Eds.) Cross-Cultural Research Methods in Psychology. Oxford, UK: Oxford
University Press.
Koo, M, Shavitt, S., (in press), "Cross-cultural psychology of consumer
behavior." In Richard P. Bagozzi and Ayalla Ruvio (Eds.), Consumer
Behavior, a volume in the Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing,
New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Shavitt, S., Torelli, C., Riemer, H., (in press), "Horizontal and vertical
individualism and collectivism: Implications for understanding psychological
processes." In M. Gelfand, C-y Chiu, and Y-y Hong (Eds.), Advances in
Culture and Psychology, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Articles in Refereed Journals
Lynn, W.M., Shavitt, S. and Ostrom, T.M. (1985). Effects of
pictures on the organization and recall of social information.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49, 1160-1168.
Sanbonmatsu, D.M., Shavitt, S., Sherman, S.J., and RoskosEwoldsen, D.R. (1987). Illusory correlation in the perception of
performance by self or a salient other. Journal of Experimental
Social Psychology, 23, 518-543.
Shavitt, S. (1990). The role of attitude objects in attitude functions. Journal
of Experimental Social Psychology, 26, 124-148.
Shavitt, S. and Brock, T.C. (1990). Delayed recall of copytest
responses: The temporal stability of listed thoughts. Journal of
Advertising, 19 (4), 6-17.
Sanbonmatsu, D.M., Shavitt, S., and Sherman, S.J. (1991). The
role of personal relevance in the formation of distinctivenessbased illusory correlations. Personality and Social Psychology
Bulletin, 17, 124-132.
Shavitt, S. and Fazio, R.H. (1991). Effects of attribute salience
on the consistency between attitudes and behavior predictions.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17, 507-516.
Wyer, R.S., Budesheim, T.L., Shavitt, S., Riggle, E.J., Melton,
J., and Kuklinski, J.H. (1991). Image, issues and ideology: The
processing of information about political candidates. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 61, 533-545.
Shavitt, S. (1992). Evidence for predicting the effectiveness of
value-expressive versus utilitarian appeals: A reply to Johar and
Sirgy. Journal of Advertising, 21 (2), 47-51.
Shavitt, S., Lowrey, T.M., and Han, S. (1992). Attitude functions
in advertising: The interactive role of products and selfmonitoring. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 1 (4), 337-364.
Han, S., and Shavitt, S. (1994). Persuasion and culture:
Advertising appeals in individualistic and collectivistic
societies. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 30, 326-350.
Sanbonmatsu, D.M., Shavitt, S., and Gibson, B.D. (1994). Salience,
set size, and illusory correlation: Making moderate assumptions
about extreme targets. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 66, 1020-1033.
Shavitt, S., Swan, S., Lowrey, T.M., and Wänke, M. (1994). The
interaction of endorser attractiveness and involvement in
persuasion depends on the goal that guides message processing.
Journal of Consumer Psychology, 3, 137-162.
Shavitt, S., Lowrey, P.M., and Haefner, J.E. (1998). Public
attitudes toward advertising: More favorable than you might
think. Journal of Advertising Research, 38 (4), 7-22.
Schlosser, A., Shavitt, S., and Kanfer, A. (1999). Survey of
internet users’ attitudes toward internet advertising. Journal of
Interactive Marketing, 13 (3), 34-54.
Schlosser, A. and Shavitt, S. (1999). Effects of an approaching group
discussion on product responses. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8 (4),
Shavitt, S., Sanbonmatsu, D.M., Smittipatana, S., and Posavac,
S.S. (1999). Broadening the conditions for illusory correlation
formation: Implications for judging minority groups. Basic and
Applied Social Psychology, 21, 263-279.
Maheswaran, D. and Shavitt, S. (2000). Issues and new directions
in global consumer psychology. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 9
(2), 59-66.
Lowrey, T.M., Englis, B.G., Shavitt, S., and Solomon, M.R. (2001).
Response latency verification of consumption constellations:
Implications for advertising strategy. Journal of Advertising, 30
(1), 29-39.
Schlosser, A. and Shavitt, S. (2002). Anticipating discussion
about a product: Rehearsing what to say can affect your judgments.
Journal of Consumer Research, 29 (1), 101-115.
Nelson, M. R., & Shavitt, S. (2002). Horizontal and vertical individualism and
achievement values: A multi-method examination of Denmark and the U.S.
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 33 (5), 439–458.
Zhang, J., & Shavitt, S. (2003). Cultural values in advertisements to the
Chinese X-generation: Promoting modernity and individualism. Journal of
Advertising, 32 (1), 23-33.
Shavitt, S., Vargas, P., and Lowrey, P. (2004). Exploring the role of
memory for self-selected ad experiences: Are some advertising media
better liked than others? Psychology & Marketing, 21 (12), 1011-1032.
Johnson, T.J., Kulesa, P., Cho, Y.I., and Shavitt, S. (2005). The relation
between culture and response styles: Evidence from 19 countries. Journal
of Cross-Cultural Psychology. 36(2), 264-277.
Lalwani, A., Shavitt, S., and Johnson, T.P. (2006). What is the relation
between cultural orientation and socially desirable responding? Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 90 (1), 165-178.
Lee, K., and Shavitt, S. (2006). The use of cues depends on goals: Store
reputation affects product judgments when social identity goals are salient.
Journal of Consumer Psychology, 16 (3), 260-271.
Shavitt, S., Lalwani, A., Zhang, J., and Torelli, C. (2006). The
horizontal/vertical distinction in cross-cultural consumer research. Journal of
Consumer Psychology, 16 (4), 325-356. Invited lead article.
Shavitt, S., Zhang, J., Torelli, C. and Lalwani, A., (2006). Reflections on the
meaning and structure of the horizontal/vertical distinction. Journal of
Consumer Psychology, 16 (4), 357-362.
White, T.B., Zahay, D., Thorbjornsen, H., and Shavitt, S. (2008). Getting too
personal: Reactance to highly personalized e-mail solicitations. Marketing
Letters, 19, 39-50.
K. Lee and Shavitt, S. (2009). Can McDonald’s Food Ever Be Seen as
Healthful? Metacognitive Experiences Affect the Perceived Understanding
of a Brand. Journal of Marketing Research, 46 (April), 222-233.
Lalwani, A.K. and Shavitt, S. (2009). The “me” I claim to be: Cultural selfconstrual elicits self-presentational goal pursuit. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 97, No. 1, pp. 88-102.
Schlosser, A. and Shavitt, S. (2009). The effect of perceived message
choice on persuasion. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(3), pp. 290-301.
Shavitt, S., Torelli, C. and Wong, J. (2009), Identity-based motivation in a
consumer context. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 19(3), pp. 261-266
Torelli, C. and Shavitt, S. (2010). Culture and concepts of power. Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, 99(4), pp. 703-723.
Shavitt, S., Johnson, T., and Zhang, J., (in press), "Horizontal and vertical
cultural differences in the content of advertising appeals", Journal of
International Consumer Marketing (Invited).
Riemer, H. and Shavitt, S. (in press). “Impression management in survey
responding: Easier for collectivists or individualists?" Journal of Consumer
Published Proceedings
Shavitt, S. and Brock, T.C. (1984). Consumer research validity:
The effect of social settings on cognitive responding to television
commercials. In T. Kinnear (Ed.), Advances in consumer research, Vol. 11,
Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research. Pp. 18-23.
Shavitt, S. and Brock, T.C. (1985). Improving cognitive response
prediction of persuasion: Towards a semantic hierarchy. In D.
Stewart (Ed.), Proceedings of the Division of Consumer Psychology.
San Antonio: American Psychological Association. Pp. 13-14.
Shavitt, S. (1989). Individual differences in consumer attitudes
and behavior. In T.K. Srull (Ed.), Advances in consumer research,
Volume 16, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research. Pp. 5155.
Shavitt, S. (1989). Products, personalities, and situations in
attitude functions: Implications for consumer behavior. In T.K.
Srull (Ed.), Advances in consumer research, Volume 16, Provo, UT:
Association for Consumer Research. Pp. 300-305.
Shavitt, S., and Fazio, R.H. (1990). Effects of attribute
salience on the consistency of product evaluations and purchase
predictions. In G.J. Gorn & M.E. Goldberg (Eds.), Advances in
consumer research, Volume 17. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer
Research. Pp. 91-97.
Shavitt, S., and Lowrey, T.M. (1992). Attitude functions in
advertising effectiveness: The interactive role of product type
and personality type. In J. Sherry & B. Sternthal (Eds.),
Advances in consumer research, Volume 19. Provo, UT: Association
for Consumer Research. Pp. 323-328.
Kim, K.S., and Shavitt, S. (1993). Toward a model of attitude
reuse versus recomputation. In K. Finlay, A. A. Mitchell & F.C.
Cummins (Eds.), Proceedings of the Society for Consumer
Psychology. Clemson, S.C.: CtC Press. Pp. 105-110.
Schlosser, A., and Shavitt, S. (1996). Anticipating focus group
discussion: Effects on product thoughts. In G. Wilcox (Ed.),
Proceedings of the American Academy of Advertising. Omnipress.
Pp. 140-145.
Shavitt, S., Nelson, M.R., and Yuan, R.M.L. (1997). Exploring
cross-cultural differences in cognitive responding to ads. In M.
Brucks and D.J. MacInnis (Eds.) Advances in consumer research,
Volume 24. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research. Pp.
Schlosser, A., and Shavitt, S. (1998). Applying traditional
attitude models to understand the effectiveness of internet
advertising. In K. Machleit and M. Campbell (Ed.) Proceedings of
the Society for Consumer Psychology. Clemson. S.C.: CtC Press. p.
171 (abstract).
Sivadas, E., Bruvold, N.T., Nelson, M.R., and Shavitt, S. (2000). A crossnational examination of horizontal and vertical individualism and
collectivism: Measurement and impact on consumer decision making. In
M.C. Gilly and J. Meyers-Levy (Eds.) Advances in consumer research,
Volume 28. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research. p. 136
Shavitt, S., Zhang, J., and Johnson, T.P. (2002). Horizontal and vertical
orientations in cross-cultural consumer persuasion [Abstract]. In S.
Broniarczyk & K. Nakamoto (Eds.), Advances in consumer research,
Volume 29. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research. p. 47
Zhang, J. and Shavitt, S. (2003). Cultural values reflected in Chinese and
U.S. advertisements: Examining the moderating role of media type and
product characteristics. In P. Anand Keller and D. Rook (Eds.), Advances in
consumer research, Volume 30. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer
Research. P. 162 (abstract).
Lee, K. and Shavitt, S. (2004). The role of cultural cognition in the use of
contextual cues in product quality judgments (Abstract). Also Session
Summary: The Influence of Cultural Thinking Styles on Evaluative
Processes. In B. Kahn and M.F. Luce (Eds.), Advances in consumer
research, Volume 31. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research. Pp.
Zahay, D., White, T.B., Thorbjornsen, H., and Shavitt, S. (2004). Beyond
permission marketing: Improving e-mail response rate with appropriate
personalization. In Online Proceedings of the DMEF Educators’ Conference.
Han, S. and Shavitt, S. (2005). Westernization of cultural values in Korean
advertising: A longitudinal content analysis of magazine ads from 19681998. In G. Menon and A. R. Rao (Eds.), Advances in consumer research,
Volume 32. Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research. Pp. 249-50.
Lee, K. and Shavitt, S. (2005). New approaches and theoretical synergies in
cross-cultural consumer psychology (Roundtable Session Summary). In G.
Menon and A. R. Rao (Eds.), Advances in consumer research, Volume 32.
Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research. P. 444.
Zhang, J. and Shavitt, S. (2005). When gender differences make
a difference: The role of the masculinity-femininity cultural
dimension. In A.M. Brumbaugh and G.R. Henderson (Eds.), Proceedings of
the Society for Consumer Psychology. P. 80.
S. Shavitt, & A. Valenzuela (2006). Beyond Individualism/Collectivism: New
Theoretical Perspectives in Culture-Based Research. (Roundtable Session
Summary). In Advances in consumer research, Volume 33. Provo, UT:
Association for Consumer Research.
Torelli, C. J., & Shavitt, S. (2008). Culture and mental representations of
power goals: Consequences for information processing. Advances in
Consumer Research, 35, 194-197.
Wong, J., & Shavitt, S. (2010). Be rude to me and I will buy a Rolex: Effects
of cultural orientation on responses to power threat in a service setting.
Advances in Consumer Psychology, Vol. 2, 95.
Translations and Republications in Other Works
The following anthologies republished Han, S., and Shavitt, S.
(1994). Persuasion and culture: Advertising appeals in individualistic
and collectivistic societies. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,
30, 326-350.
1. Fein, S. and Spencer, S. (1996). Readings in social psychology: The art
and science of research. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Pp. 110-124.
2. Peplau, L.A. and Taylor, S.E. (1997). Sociocultural perspectives in social
psychology: Current readings. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice-Hall. Pp.
3. Pettijohn, T.F. (1998). Sources: Notable selections in social psychology.
Second Edition. Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill. Pp. 133-144.
The following anthology republished Shavitt, S. and Fazio, R.H.
(1991). Effects of attribute salience on the consistency between
attitudes and behavior predictions. Personality and Social
Psychology Bulletin, 17, 507-516.
1. Pettijohn, T.F. (1998). Sources: Notable selections in social
psychology. Second Edition. Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill. Pp.
The following anthology republished Shavitt, S. and Wänke, M.
(2001). Consumer behavior. In A. Tesser and N. Schwarz (Eds.),
Blackwell handbook of social psychology, Volume 1: Intraindividual
processes. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers. Pp. 569-590.
M. Brewer & M. Hewstone (Eds.) Applied Social Psychology (2003).
Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers.
Book Reviews
Brock, T.C. and Shavitt, S. (1985). Personal values affect consumers'
behavior, don't they?
Review of "Personal values and consumer
psychology" by R.E. Pitts, Jr. & A.G. Woodside. Contemporary Psychology,
30, 968-969.
Shavitt, S. (1996). Review of "Consumer involvement: Concepts and
research" by P. Laaksonen. Journal of Marketing Research, 32,
Shavitt, S. (1997). Review of "The White House speaks: Presidential
leadership as persuasion" by C.A. Smith and K.B. Smith.
Psychology, 18, 531-533.
Shavitt, S. (1997). A strong approach to attitude strength. Review of
"Attitude strength: Antecedents and consequences" by R.E. Petty and J.A.
Krosnick (Eds.). Contemporary Psychology, 42 (8), 691-692.
Ad Hoc Journal Reviews and Program Committees
Reviewer for:
Journal of Consumer Research
Journal of Consumer Psychology
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Marketing Research
Psychology and Marketing
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
Basic and Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Research in Personality
British Journal of Social Psychology
Journal of Applied Social Psychology
Journal of Advertising
Journal of International Marketing
Program Committee, Association for Consumer Research Conference,
1994, 2005, 2007.
Program Committee, Association for Consumer Research European
Conference, 2007.
Program Committee, Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, 2002.
Reviewer for conferences of:
Association for Consumer Research
Association for Consumer Research -- Europe
Society for Consumer Psychology -- Winter
Society for Consumer Psychology -- Summer
American Marketing Association -- Winter
American Marketing Association -- Summer
European Marketing Academy
American Academy of Advertising
University of Illinois Scholars' Travel Fund Awards: 1987,
1988, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007.
University of Illinois Research Board Grants:
“Motivational factors in message-based persuasion,”
1990 ($5400)
“Cultural orientation and survey responding,” 2002
“The effect of culturally mismatched thinking styles” 2010
American Academy of Advertising Research Fellowship Award,
“Chronometric exploration of consumption constellations,” with Tina Lowrey,
Basil Englis, and Michael Solomon, 1993 ($3000).
Campus Honors Program UIUC, Course development grants, 1998 ($3000),
1999 ($2000).
Fetzer Institute Grant, “The effect of frequency scales on self-reports of
severe pain symptoms,” with Seymour Sudman, 2000 ($28,000).
College of Business UIUC, Summer RA funding, 2002 ($1400), 2004
($1667 from CIERA). 2006 ($1611)
Teradata Center at Duke University, “The role of personalization in
increasing the response rate of email solicitations,” with Debra Zahay,
Tiffany White, and Helge Thorbjornsen, 2002-2004 ($8500).
College of Business UIUC, Summer Research Grant, 2003 ($3472)
CIBER, College of Business UIUC, Summer Research Grant, 2004 ($3400)
National Institutes of Health, Racial/Ethnic Variability in Health Survey
Question Processing and Response Behavior, co-PI with team in Survey
Research Laboratory, $1.4 million (3 years), 2007-2010
National Science Foundation, Cultural Variability in Survey Question
Processing & Response Behaviors co-PI with team in Survey Research
Laboratory, $449,000, (2 years), 2007-2009
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Advancing Measurement of Equity
and Patient-Centered Care to Improve Health Care Quality, co-PI with team
in Survey Research Laboratory, $100,000, (2 years), 2008-2009
Outside UIUC
Conference Papers:
Shavitt, S. (1982). Recent research in corrective advertising: An evaluation
of the evaluations. In T.C. Brock (Chair), Deception in national advertising.
Presented at the meeting of the Evaluation Research Society/Evaluation
Network, Baltimore, October.
Shavitt, S. and Brock, T.C. (1983). Schematic biases in evaluation:
Applications from cognitive social psychology. In L. Bickman (Chair), Social
psychological applications to the evaluation enterprise. Presented at the
meeting of the Evaluation Research Society/Evaluation Network, Chicago,
Shavitt, S., Lynn, W.M., and Ostrom, T.M. (1983). Effects of pictures on the
organization and recall of social information. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May.
Shavitt, S., and Brock, T.C. (1984). The self in cognitive responding.
Presented at the Nags Head Conference on Attitudes and Influence, Nags
Head, May.
Shavitt, S., and Brock, T.C. (1984). The self-relevant dimension of cognitive
responses in persuasion. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May.
Shavitt, S., and Brock, T.C. (1985). Delayed reproduction of cognitive
responses: Evidence for temporal stability. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May.
Carnot, C., Shavitt, S. and Brock, T.C. (1985). Manipulating beliefs about
beliefs: Perceived self-relevance of thoughts leads to persistence of
persuasion. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, May.
Shavitt, S. (1986). Attitude functions affect informational bases of attitudes.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association,
Chicago, May.
Shavitt, S., and Brock, T.C. (1986). Attitude functions affect persuasiveness of
appeals. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological
Association, Chicago, May.
Shavitt, S. (1987). Operationalizing functional theories of attitude. In A.R.
Pratkanis (Chair), Attitude structure and function. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, August.
Shavitt, S., and Fazio, R.H. (1987). Attitude functions in the attitude-behavior
relationship. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological
Association, Chicago, May.
Sanbonmatsu, D.M., Shavitt, S., Sherman, S.J., and Roskos-Ewoldsen, D.R.
(1987). Illusory correlation in the perception of performance by self or a salient
other. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological
Association, Chicago, May.
Shavitt, S. and Fazio, R.H. (1988). Attitude functions and self-monitoring in
the attitude-behavior relation. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the
Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May.
Shavitt, S., Han, S., Kim, Y.C., and Tillman, C. (1988). Attitude objects and
self-monitoring interactively affect attitude functions. Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago,
Han, S., Shavitt, S., and O'Guinn, T.C. (1989). The influence of classroom
role playing on students' political preferences. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May.
Shavitt, S., Sherman, S.J., and Sanbonmatsu, D.M. (1989). The role of
personal relevance in the formation of distinctiveness-based illusory
correlations. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern
Psychological Association, Chicago, May.
Fuhrman, R., and Shavitt, S. (1990). Effects of goal priming on the speed
and favorableness of attitude judgments. Presented at the Annual Meeting
of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May.
Lowrey, T., and Shavitt, S. (1991). Attitude functions in advertising: Product
category and self-monitoring interactively affect choice of appeals.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological
Association, Chicago, May.
Swan, S., Shavitt, S., and Lowrey, T. (1992). The effects of attribute
salience, involvement, and source attractiveness on persuasion: Turning a
peripheral cue into substantive information. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May.
Shavitt, S., and Nelson, M.R. (1995). The communicative value of products:
Effects of product usage on person judgments. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Society for Experimental Social Psychology, Washington
D.C., September.
Smittipatana, S., Posavac, S.S., Sanbonmatsu, D.M., and Shavitt, S.
(1995). The role of set size and distinctiveness in illusory correlation.
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological
Association, Chicago, May.
Schlosser, A., and Shavitt, S. (1996). Anticipating group discussion:
Effects on the attitude functions of product thoughts. Presented at the
Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago,
Shavitt, S., and Nelson, M. R. (1996). Communicative social identity:
Effects of product usage on person judgments. In J. Olson & G. Maio
(Chairs), Why we evaluate: Functions of attitudes. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, August.
Lowrey, P., Shavitt, S., and Haefner, J. (1997). Public attitudes toward
advertising: More positive than you think. Presented at the Association for
Consumer Research Conference, Denver, October.
Nelson, M.R., and Shavitt, S. (1997). Examining horizontal and vertical
dimensions of individualism: The importance of cultural values. In J. Klein &
Z. Gurhan (Chairs), Cross-cultural differences in perception of self and
others: The effect of cultural orientation and shared history on consumer
responses. Presented at the Association for Consumer Research
Conference, Denver, October.
Schlosser, A., and Shavitt, S. (1997). Effects of anticipating a focus group
discussion on responses to a focal product. In G. Menon & S. Sen (Chairs),
The impressionable self: Micro and macro social influences in consumer
judgments. Presented at the Association for Consumer Research
Conference, Denver, October.
Shavitt, S., and Nelson, M.R. (1998). Observations on cultural differences
in consumer behavior. In L. Price (Chair), The role of culture in
psychological processes. Presented at the Winter Conference of the Society
for Consumer Psychology, Austin, February.
Schlosser, A., and Shavitt, S. (1999). The effect of interactive advertising
on attitude resistance. In S. Schlosser (Chair), Harnessing the power of
interactivity: Implications for consumer behavior in online environments.
Presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference,
Columbus, October.
Shavitt, S. (2000). How to pursue a career in consumer psychology. In C.
Haugtvedt (Chair), Graduate programs and careers in consumer
psychology, advertising, and marketing research. Presented at the Annual
Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, May.
Shavitt, S. (2000). Psychological approaches to understanding consumer
behavior. American Association of Advertising Agencies Conference,
“Theories of Consumption,” Chicago, May.
Shavitt, S., Zhang, J., and Johnson, T.P. (2001). Horizontal and vertical
orientations in cross-cultural consumer persuasion. In S. Shavitt & J.A. Lee
(Chairs), Beyond broad cross-cultural classifications: Implications for
understanding consumer responses. Association for Consumer Research
Conference, Austin, October.
Zhang, J. and Shavitt, S. (2002). Cultural values reflected in Chinese and
U.S. advertisements: Examining the moderating role of media type and
product characteristics. Association for Consumer Research Conference,
Atlanta, October.
Zahay, D., White, T., Thorbjørnsen, H., and Shavitt, S. (2003). The role of
personalization in increasing the response rate of email solicitation. World
Marketing Congress, Perth Australia, June.
Zhang, J. and Shavitt, S. (2003). Cultural values reflected in Chinese and
U.S. advertisements: Examining the moderating role of media type and
product characteristics. In Talia Jomini (Chair), Reaching Across Cultural
Boundaries: Glocalization & Popular Culture. National Communications
Association Conference, Miami, November.
Lee, K. and Shavitt, S. (2003). The role of cultural cognition in the use of
contextual cues in product quality judgments. In K. Lee & S. Shavitt
(Chairs), The Influence of Cultural Thinking Styles on Evaluative Processes.
Association for Consumer Research Conference, Toronto, October.
Lalwani, A., Shavitt, S., Johnson, T.P., and Zhang, J. (2003). What is the
relation between culture and desirable responding? Association for
Consumer Research Conference, Toronto, October.
Zahay, D., White, T.B., Thorbjornsen, H., and Shavitt, S. (2004). Beyond
permission marketing: Improving e-mail response rate with appropriate
personalization. DMEF Educators’ Conference, New Orleans, October.
Han, S.P. and Shavitt, S. (2004). Westernization of cultural values in Korean
advertising: A longitudinal content analysis of magazine ads from 19681998. Association for Consumer Research Conference, Portland, October.
Shavitt, S. (2005). Cultural orientation, self-construal and selfpresentation. Cross-Cultural Consumer Psychology Pre-Conference
(at Society for Consumer Psychology Conference), St. Pete
Beach, February.
Zhang, J. and Shavitt, S. (2005). When gender differences make
a difference: The role of the masculinity-femininity cultural
dimension. Society for Consumer Psychology Conference, St. Pete
Beach, February.
Shavitt, S. (2006). Culture and self-presentation. First International
Conference on Cultural Influences on Behavior. Hong Kong University of
Science and Technology, Hong Kong, December.
Shavitt, S. (2007). Cultural self-construal and self-presentation. Advertising
and Consumer Psychology Conference. Santa Monica, California, June.
White, T.B., Zahay, D., Thorbjornsen, H., and Shavitt, S. (2007). We know
where you live: Personalization reactance in e-mail solicitations. World
Marketing Congress. Verona, Italy, July.
Torelli, C. and Shavitt, S. (2007). Culture and mental representations of
power goals: Consequences for information processing. In D. Rucker
(Chair), The Role of Power In Consumer Behavior: New Perspectives and
Insights. Association for Consumer Research Conference, Memphis,
Wong, J, Shavitt, S.(2009). The impact of cultural orientation on service
experiences: When does the status of service staff matter? Society for
Consumer Psychology, San Diego, California, February.
Wong, J, Shavitt, S. (2010). Be rude to me and I will buy a Rolex: Effects of
cultural orientation on responses to power threat in a service setting.
Society for Consumer Psychology, Tampa, Florida, February.
Holbrook, A., Johnson, T., Cho, Y., Shavitt, S., Chavez, N., Weiner, S.
(2010). Survey satisficing in different populations: To what extent do
response effects reflects satisficing across racial and ethnic groups?
American Association of Public Opinion Research, Chicago, May.
Johnson, T., Holbrook, A., Shavitt, S., Cho, Y., Chavez, N., Weiner, S.,
Mazarno, K. (2010). Cultural values and survey response style. World
Association of Public Opinion Research, Chicago, May.
Torelli, C., Shavitt, S. (2010). Personalized and socialized power goals:
Implications for information processing. 2010 AMA Summer Marketing
Educators' Conference, Boston, August (Forthcoming).
Invited Lectures:
New York University, Department of Marketing, “Self-Relevant Cognitive
Responses in Persuasion,” October 1984.
University of Michigan, Department of Marketing, “Self-Relevant Cognitive
Responses in Persuasion,” November 1984.
University of Massachusetts, Department of Psychology, “Self-Relevant
Cognitive Responses in Persuasion,” January 1985.
University of Southern California, Annenberg School of Communications,
“Self-Relevant Cognitive Responses in Persuasion,” January 1986.
Indiana University, Department of Psychology, “The Role of Attitude Objects
in Attitude Functions,” October 1986.
Michigan State University, Department of Psychology, “The Role of Attitude
Objects in Attitude Functions,” November 1986.
University of California at Santa Cruz, Department of Psychology, “The Role
of Attitude Objects in Attitude Functions,” January 1987.
Indiana University, Department of Psychology, “Illusory Correlation in the
Perception of Performance by Self versus Others,” April 1987.
Multi-Ad Services, Peoria, Illinois, “Attitude functions: Implications for
persuasion,” March 1988.
Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, “Antecedents and
consequences of attitude functions,” May 1989.
Ohio State University, Department of Psychology, “Contextual influences on
the attitude-behavior relation,” November 1989.
Purdue University, Department of Psychological Sciences, “Attitude functions in
advertising: The interactive role of products and self-monitoring,” November
Champaign-Urbana Ad Club, “Psychology and advertising,” April 1994.
Tel-Aviv University, College of Business, “The social identity function in person
perception: Communicated meanings of product preferences,” April 1996.
Ohio State University, Department of Psychology, “The social identity function in
person perception: Communicated meanings of product preferences,” March
Ohio State University, Department of Psychology, “Effects of an approaching
group discussion on product responses,” March 1997.
DDB Needham Advertising, “Culture and advertising: Implications for ad
effectiveness,” October 1997.
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of
Marketing, “Cross-cultural differences in advertising,” September 1998.
University of Chicago, Graduate School of Business, Department of
Marketing Management, “Effects of an approaching group discussion on
product responses,” January 1999.
Purdue University, Department of Psychological Sciences, “Effects of an
approaching group discussion on product responses,” September 1999.
Media Pool, Seminar on Media Planning, “The effect of medium on attitudes
toward advertising: Surveys and implications,” Portoroz, Slovenia,
November 1999.
University of Haifa, Israel, Department of Communications, “Effects of an
approaching group discussion on cognitive responses,” June 2000.
Fetzer Institute, Kalamazoo, Michigan, Grant Recipient Seminar,“The effect
of frequency scales on self-reports of severe pain symptoms,” September
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of
Marketing, “Effects of an approaching group discussion on
product responses,” August 2001.
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of
Marketing, “The effect of interactive advertising on attitude resistance,” August
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of
Marketing, “Vertical and horizontal cultural orientations: Implications for
persuasive messages,” August 2002.
Association for Consumer Research Doctoral Symposium, “Consumer research
in computer-mediated environments,” with Steven Nowlis, Atlanta, October
University of Colorado, invited as Distinguished Speaker in Marketing, Leeds
School of Business, Vertical and horizontal cultural orientations: Implications for
persuasive messages, November 2002.
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of
Marketing, “Publish and perish? Advice on avoiding perils of the publication
process,” June 2003.
American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, “Why study culture?”
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, June 2003.
New York University, Department of Marketing, “Beyond individualism and
collectivism: Emerging topics in cross-cultural consumer behavior.”
September 2003.
New York University, Department of Marketing, “The effect of ad message
choice on resistance to counterpersuasion.” September 2003.
Stanford University, Department of Psychology, “Beyond individualism and
collectivism: Emerging topics in cross-cultural consumer behavior.” November
American Marketing Association Doctoral Consortium, “Culture, self-construal,
and image tending.” Texas A&M University, College Station, June 2004.
Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Department of
Marketing. Four talks: 1) “Culture, self-construal, and image tending.” 2)“How to
develop a PhD topic.” 3) Attitude objects and attitude functions.” 4) “The relation
between cultural orientation and socially desirable responding.” November
Museum of Contemporary Photography, Columbia College (Chicago). “The
selling of consumer identity: Who’s buying?” February 2005.
Northwestern University, Department of Marketing, “Culture and selfpresentation.” May 2005.
University of Minnesota, Department of Marketing, Panelist for “Global
Branding” panel. May 2006.
Ohio State University, Department of Psychology, “A Tribute to Tim Brock,”
September, 2006.
Indiana University, Department of Marketing, “Cross-cultural consumer
behavior: Emergent themes.” Haring Symposium. March 2006.
University of Washington, Department of Marketing, “Cultural self-construal
and self-presentation,” November, 2007.
University of California, Riverside. Department of Marketing, “Cultural selfconstrual and self-presentational goals.” March 2008.
AMA/Sheth Doctoral Consortium, University of Missouri. 2 talks: “Cross-cultural
issues in consumer behavior research” and “Teaching ethics in marketing
communications.” June, 2008.
HEC Paris. Department of Marketing, “Cultural self-construal and selfpresentational goals.” July 2008.
Shidler named lecturer, University of Hawaii, Department of Marketing, “Cultural
self-construal and self-presentational goals.” November, 2008.
Indiana University, Department of Psychology, “Cultural self-construal and selfpresentational goals.” April, 2009.
University of Iowa, Iowa Marketing Camp, Department of Marketing, “Cultural
self-construal and self-presentational goals.” May, 2009.
Marketing in Israel Conference, invited by a consortium of universities (e.g.,
Hebrew University, Tel-Aviv University). "Cultural differences in power goals."
December, 2009.
Presidential Speaker, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Beer Sheva,
Israel), College of Business, "Cultural self-construal and self-presentational
goals." Also taught a doctoral seminar session. December, 2009.
Attitudes preconference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Las
Vegas, Nevada. "Cultural differences in power goals." January, 2010
Shavitt, S. (1989). Individual differences in consumer attitudes and
behavior. In Competitive Paper Session on Individual Differences in
Consumer Behavior. Association for Consumer Research Conference,
Honolulu, October.
Shavitt, S. (2001). Toward new conceptualizations of culture in consumer
response: In L. Lau & D.A. Briley (Chairs), The dynamic nature of culture
and consumer behavior. Association for Consumer Research Conference,
Austin, October.
Session Chair
S. Shavitt (Chair), Motivational factors in consumer attitudes and behaviors:
Methodological and conceptual developments. Association for Consumer
Research Conference, Honolulu, October 1988.
S. Shavitt (Chair), Toward a redefinition of "attitude" in consumer research.
Association for Consumer Research Conference, New Orleans, October
K.S. Kim & S. Shavitt (Chairs), The long-term stability of attitudes:
Examining the factors affecting attitude persistence. Annual Meeting of the
American Psychological Association, Toronto, August 1993.
S. Schlosser & S. Shavitt (Chairs), Applying traditional attitude models to
understand the effectiveness of internet advertising. Winter Conference of
the Society for Consumer Psychology, Austin, February 1998.
S. Shavitt & J.A. Lee (Chairs), Beyond broad cross-cultural classifications:
Implications for understanding consumer responses. Association for
Consumer Research Conference, Austin, October 2001.
K. Lee & S. Shavitt (Chairs), The Influence of Cultural Thinking Styles on
Evaluative Processes. Presented at the Association for Consumer
Research Conference, Toronto, October 2003.
L. Lee, & S. Shavitt (Chairs). New Approaches and Theoretical Synergies in
Cross-Cultural Consumer Psychology. Roundtable Session presented at the
Association for Consumer Research Conference, Portland 2004.
S. Shavitt, & A. Valenzuela (Chairs). Beyond Individualism/Collectivism:
New Theoretical Perspectives in Culture-Based Research. Roundtable
Session presented at the Association for Consumer Research Conference,
San Antonio 2005.
Shavitt, S. (2006). Session Chair and discussant for Open Session:
Directions for Practice & Theory on Subsistence Marketplaces. Subsistence
Marketplace Conference, Chicago, August.
Shavitt, S. (2007). Introduction of Kent Monroe, ACR Fellows Session.
Association for Consumer Research Conference, Memphis, October.
(Invited Session Chair and speaker)
Conference Organizer
Proposed and organized “UIUC Conference on Surveys in the 21st Century,”
sponsored by the UI Survey Research Laboratory. The conference brought
together over 60 participants from across the campus to attend workshops
and exchange ideas geared to improving the quality of survey research.
Nineteen professors and administrators representing 14 different campus
units gave research presentations at the conference. November 1999.
Assisted in organizing the Seymour Sudman Symposium, Allerton
Conference Center, May 2001.
Chief Organizer: Sheth Foundation/Sudman Symposium on Cross-Cultural
Survey Research. A multi-disciplinary international conference (September
30 – October 2, 2004 at UIUC) in celebration of Survey Research
Laboratory’s 40th Anniversary. Responsible for invitation of scholars,
organization of program, and fund development/grant support, 2003-2004.
Proposed and coordinated Cross-Cultural Pre-conference at the meeting of
the Society for Consumer Psychology, February 2005. Pre-conference
featured talks and discussion by prominent researchers in this field and
several PhD students.
Co-Organizer of the first International Conference on Cultural Influences on
Behavior. December 2006 at Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology. Robert Wyer, chief organizer, and C.Y. Chiu, Ying-Yi Hong,
and Sharon Shavitt, co-organizers.
Co-Chair, ACR 2008 (San Francisco), together with Ann McGill of University
of Chicago. ACR is the largest and most visible consumer research
Organized Questionnaire Design Workshop by Jon Krosnick (Stanford
University), 2009. Two-day workshop in College of Business. Attended by
more than 70 faculty, staff, and students representing campus units across
the campus (e.g., Education, Psychology, Labor and Employment Relations,
Advertising, Nuclear Engineering, LAS Advancement, CITES, the Graduate
College, and others).
Invited Co-Organizer of the second International Conference on Cultural
Influences on Behavior, to be held June 2011 at Moscow School of
Management.. Robert Wyer, chief organizer, and C.Y. Chiu, Ying-Yi Hong,
and Sharon Shavitt, co-organizers.
Proposed and developed new Campus Honors Program course,
“Psychology of Advertising” (cross-listed as Adv 199/Psych 199). Awarded
competitive course development grants from Campus Honors Program for
this course. Taught for 1st time in Spring 1999, with core course evaluation
on CHP form: 4.7/5
Proposed and developed new course in Department of Advertising,
“Persuasion and Consumer Response” (Adv 394). Taught for 1st time in Fall
2001, with mean core evaluation on CEQ form: 4.8/5
Member, Curriculum Revision Committee, Department of Advertising, 19982001. Committee examined multiple alternatives and proposed broad
revision of undergraduate curriculum.
Chair, Courses and Curricula Committee, College of Communications,
2000-01. Oversaw approval of course additions and changes, including the
Advertising Department’s proposal for a new curriculum.
Member, Ph.D. Curriculum Re-Evaluation Committee for Marketing
Strategic Task Force, Department of Business Administration, 2002-2003.
Committee examined and proposed curricular revisions and new courses,
and provided a document outlining expectations of doctoral students in the
Ph.D. program and updated lists of relevant coursework available outside of
the College.
Have supervised over 70 independent study students to date, providing
them with laboratory research training and experience, 1987As a member of the Education and Training Committee of the Society of
Consumer Psychology since 1991, I regularly respond to queries from
students around the world seeking advice about careers and graduate
training options in consumer psychology.
Executive Development Program, Department of Advertising, taught each
Summer, 1995-2001. Taught Promotions Case modules (Case Method
Framework and Promotions Case Analysis), Copytesting module.
Organized and supervised extra-curricular presentations by selected
student teams from Advertising Campaigns class (Adv 392), 1995-2000.
Campaign recommendations presented to:
Leo Burnett Company:
BBDO, Chicago:
Walt Disney World account, 1995 account, 2000
Oprah Winfrey Show account, 1998
President, account, 1999
Executive Development Workshop on Advertising Strategy and Information
Technology in Tourism, lectured on, “The effect of interactive advertising on
attitude resistance.” Workshop sponsored by UIUC National Laboratory for
Tourism and eCommerce, November 1999.
Executive Development Workshop on Media Planning, lectured on, “The
effect of medium on attitudes toward advertising: Surveys and implications.”
Workshop sponsored by Media Pool, Slovenia, November 1999.
Office of Strategic Business Initiatives, Illinois MBA Program, Faculty
Advisor to project titled, “Country Insurance and Financial Services,” 20012002.
Industrial Distribution Management/Kimberly-Clark Case Competition,
UIUC, served as judge, Spring 2002.
LEAD Case Competition, UIUC, served as judge, Summer, 2007.