March 18, 2015 - University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria

Committee on Instruction and Appraisal
March 18, 2015
Michele Beekman, M.D.
Roger Geiss, M.D.
Pushpa Joseph, M.D.
Stephen Lasley, Ph.D.
Sandy McGee
Glenn Miller, M.D.
David Pinson, DVM, Ph.D.
Sara Rusch, M.D.
Gerald Wickham, Ed.D.
Hanna O’Brien, M2
Approval of Minutes
A. Dr. Geiss motioned to approve the January minutes. Dr. Lasley seconded. All were in favor. None
opposed. Motion passed.
Informational Items
A. Urbana EPC met this morning. Dr. Miller reports they discussed:
1. Continued student complaints about their clicker responses being used for grades, and continued discussion
of students bringing in multiple clickers in an effort to have fellow students recorded as present.
a. In Peoria, Neurology is the only course that uses clickers as a method of taking attendance.
2. An additional OSCE may be implemented as preparation for students for the Step 2 exam.
3. Post Exam Review policy has shifted again:
a. Peoria will offer a proctored session, either as a class or individually, where students can view
items they missed and its feedback in Benware. Students would be given a designated amount of
time per question.
b. Additionally, verbal feedback can be given.
c. Confidentiality of exam questions is still a concern for some campuses.
4. Urbana plans to change M1 curriculum for 2015-2016 academic, which would require Peoria’s 2016-2017
M2 year curriculum to change as well. Peoria would have to make yet another curriculum change once
Peoria M1 students become M2s (tentatively scheduled for 2017-2018), which will be the same time frame
that LCME is evaluating us. Dr. Miller , Dr. Wickham, and Dr. Aiyer are meeting later this month to
discuss the best approach to the upcoming work load.
a. Discussion
1. We need an 18-month road map of tasks to be done before M1s arrive in Peoria.
2. The Urbana change in M1 year curriculum is to include history taking and creating a
differential diagnosis
3. Having the M1 year here in Peoria will be beneficial in the long run
4. LCME requires a form to be completed when enrollment changes by >10%.
M1s coming to our campus will mean >10% enrollment change for Peoria.
The form requires documentation of resources dedicated for additional students.
Deadline for the form is two years prior to enrollment change.
5. A task force will be created to oversee these upcoming changes.
6. Dr. Ray Curry, Senior Associate Dean, will be ultimately responsible for these transitions
and for the documentation of the changes for LCME.
7. Perhaps we can utilize lectures already available online from a variety of sources, followed
by discussions and/or small groups. A form of “flipped classroom”. Clinicians may be
able to lead some of the discussions.
Update from College-Wide Curriculum Committee (CCIA) – Dr. Wickham
A. Uniformity of Post Exam Review/Feedback Across all Four Campuses
a. Discussion of the last 18 months of policies
b. As Dr. Miller already stated, students on all four campuses will be able to view their missed questions
and the correlated feedback in Benware during a proctored session.
c. Dr. Curry believes the minimum requirement (viewing missed questions and feedback in Benware)
should be met by all campuses. Beyond that, each campus may do what their resources allow.
d. A policy clarification is to come.
B. Curricular Transformation Task Force
a. Stage I Recommendations, a collection of best practices, was established. It was announced 5 days
prior to Dr. Easter’s announcement regarding Urbana’s new medical school.
b. There is not a consensus on what the next steps will be.
Entrustable Professional Activities Pilot – Dr. Aiyer
A. No report this month since Dr. Aiyer is not present. She is in Washington, D.C., at a meeting with
representatives from the other nine schools involved in the pilot program.
M4s to Take Neurology Shelf Exam
A. Two separate four-week Neurology/Neurosurgery electives are available to our students
1. Neurology elective (Dr. Kattah) uses the NBME Shelf Exam to evaluate students
2. Neurosurgery elective (Dr. Tracy) does not use NBME Shelf Exam to evaluate students
3. Students have verbalized that the Neurosurgery elective is easier, and therefore preferable, due to no
NBME Shelf Exam
4. Dr. Tracy proposes the Neurology Shelf Exam be used for both electives. He has reviewed it and
deemed it appropriate for the Neurosurgery elective.
B. Administration is $35/student. Dr. Tracy put that into the neurosurgery budget.
C. Proposal: That the NBME Neurology Shelf Exam be administered to students in the Neurosurgery elective,
beginning with July 2015 rotations.
D. Discussion
1. Students typically take the Neurology elective OR the Neurosurgery elective, but are not prohibited
from taking both.
2. If a student takes both electives, and therefore takes the NBME Neurology Shelf Exam twice, there is
a very low likelihood that they will have the same pool of questions.
E. Dr. Geiss motioned that the NBME Neurology Shelf Exam be used in the Neurosurgery elective, beginning
July 2015. Dr. Beekman seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed.
Professionalism Taskforce Strategic Goals 2015-2016 – Dr. Wickham presenting for Dr. Tudor
A. Dr. Tudor is chair of Professionalism Task Force, which has met several times.
B. The task force includes students, UGME faculty, GME faculty, a resident, an OSF representative, and a
Unity Point representative.
C. The Task Force has developed six goals.
1. Establish and present clear expectations of professionalism throughout the continuum of medical
a. Faculty have sometimes stated, “We know professionalism when we see it.”
b. However, many students and residents do not have a clear understanding of professionalism.
2. Incorporate Professionalism Rounds at the end of M3’s third and sixth clerkships.
a. This will be like grand rounds, but focused on professionalism
3. Create Professionalism ceremony with symbolism to be presented during M3 Orientation.
4. Capture and disseminate stories and visuals of professionalism.
5. Examine Professionalism Milestones as related to all 11 UICOMP programs.
6. Survey Clerkship Directors and Program Directors as to the type, frequency, and severity of current
professionalism issues.
a. Perhaps M2 Course Directors could be included in the survey.
Pre-Clinical Task Force – Dr. Pinson
A. At recent meeting, discussion of whether active learning, and specifically TBLs, are effective took place.
1. More time is needed to collect data. TBLs have been in our curriculum for only 3 years.
2. M2 students are largely unhappy with the TBL grading scheme and the amount of preparatory work
required for TBLs.
3. Pre-Clinical Task Force will meet with a group of M2 students to discuss TBLs
a. TBL effectiveness
b. How TBLs are graded
c. Quizzes as another alternative (given in CV, Renal, Resp this year)
4. Discussion
a. Perhaps representatives from the Pre-Clinical Task Force can attend the student “Focus
Group”, held after exams.
b. TBLs began originally not at a medical school, but in Business education.
c. After LCME recommended more active learning during their 2009 visit, Peoria incorporated
d. Neurology modified TBLs are well liked by students.
e. In subjects where TBLs have been incorporated, students average 3 points higher on Step 1.
f. IM clerkship is currently running a trial. Students in one block learning didactically,
students in another block learning via TBL, with both groups being assessed via OSCE.
g. Flipped classroom should be considered as another active learning option. In this scenario,
classtime would be used for clinical analysis and a deeper understanding of pathophysiology.
Clinical Task Force – Dr. Wickham
A. Four times per year, including today, the meeting consists of clerkship directors only.
B. Discussed improvements for RSPP electronic evaluation process.
1. How Clerkship Directors can best oversee the RSPP students’ evaluations.
C. Discussed curriculum updates
1. Dr. Beekman is incorporating Patient Safety Rounds into the Pediatric Rotation
a. Feedback from students has been very positive
b. Safety rounds may be incorporated into other rotations in the future
2. Dr. Anderson, Surgery, used 3D camera technology to teach management of sterile field at M3
Orientation as a series of simulations.
a. An abstract of this teaching was submitted to Central Group on Educational Affairs, and was
accepted as a Poster for the Annual Meeting in Columbus, OH, April 8-10, 2015.
Dr. Rusch’s comments regarding the establishment of a new medical school in Urbana
A. She believes M1 year will take place in Peoria, though the date is not solidified.
B. Things to be done to prepare for the curricular transformation
1. If the arrival of M1s in Peoria is tied to a major curricular transformation, it will take longer to
2. Therefore, the arrival of M1s in 2016 may not be feasible. 2017 is possibly feasible, but not with an
entire transformation of curriculum on all campuses. Timing of the M1s arrival is currently
3. Items that will need to happen rapidly:
a. Determine how to do tele-medicine teleconferencing. We do not have those capabilities.
b. How to conduct flipped classrooms. That will determine space needed.
c. How to create, staff, and organize departments.
C. Having M1s here at Peoria will be advantageous.
1. Students do not need to move locations between M1 and M2 years.
2. Can do better job integrating M1 and M2 curriculum
3. Can make better use of resources.
4. More clinical content can be incorporated into the M1 year.
D. Resources
1. Will be needed to incorporate M1s in Peoria
2. Amount available and timeframe available is currently unclear
E. Commitment to current MSP students is solid. Urbana and Chicago are collaborating to work out details.
F. Discussion
1. In the past, during discussions of M1s possibly coming to Peoria, collaboration with Bradley or ISU
was mentioned.
2. Currently, that is not being considered. Shared podcasts or other innovative technology amongst
UICOM campuses may be used, followed up by classroom time and/or small groups, where the
material can be discussed.
Motions passed.
A. The NBME Neurology Shelf Exam will be used in the Neurosurgery elective, beginning July 2015.