GPSA_Assembly Meeting Minutes_01 Oct_2014_FINAL

Graduate and Professional Student Association
The Pennsylvania State University
315 HUB-Robeson Center
University Park, PA 16802
GPSA Assembly Meeting | Wednesday, October 1st, 2014 | 6:30pm | Oak Building / EEB
Call to Order- 6:30pm
Roll Call_ addendum
Report by UPAC Marika Merritt-None
Motion for Minutes approval September 3, September17, motion 2nd
Both Approved unanimously
Standing Committee Reports
a. Internal Development: Doug Whalen
Two resolutions go be introduced later.
Community Service- Chair Erica Hildabridle
Care packages for overseas. Jesse Scott update on blood drive-paperwork
done for financing. It will use our logos and will work on have grads as
donors and volunteers. Project Care collaboration possible and we might
create a December food drive.
Q Nicole Benevento: What is the Blood Drive Dates.
A: all in November
Q: What is the background of Project Care?
A: Food pantry at Law Building is open to all students; the community
service will help organize food drive. The law building is the best available
Student Concerns- Chair Kevin Reuining
Summary of meeting with on budget with treasurer.
Sexual Violence Presentation by Stevie Berbericki who has a Petition on
sexual violence going around. We will form a resolution based on the
petition. How Happy is this valley? We cannot afford to ignore the issue any
Stevie: speaks on sexual violence and how we can deal with the traumatic
effects to victims. How we can extend the discussion past the resources we
have already. Long-term strategies may actually be something we can
implement. PSU has social responsibilities, as do we to be proactive. 1. Gen
Ed requirements may be needed. 2. Bystander intervention mandatory. 3.
Voluntary sexual violence module made mandatory. 4. Support services are
great but we need more visibility (lanyards? More signage?) 5. Dark parts of
campus can be better lit. 6. Encourage intervention training. GPSA can ask
the admin (full text available as an attachment)
Motion to extend for 10 mins. 2nd Yea’s unanimous.
Follow up with admins, challenge the guidelines, and fill the seats in
Q Kevin Reuning: Will speak about the resolution process that will come out
of Stevie’s presentation.
Comment: Jeffrey Yes means yes law was passed in California, may be
something we can adopt.
Q Erica Hildabridle: What about the Sexual training course
A: It’s a how to defend rape course, which may not be suitable for everyone
and does not address all aspects of the issue but it welcomed.
Q Brian Aynardi : Alcohol task force may be able to help because they are
related especially on campus
Q Emily McLaughlin: Have RA or Dorms go to sexual violence trainings or
hold them
A: yes this does not address off campus. Emily, can we mandate that for
Q Alyssa Looney: Can we give out numbers of hotlines on cards as has been
in the past, but more widely?
Alya Gafni: How does Greek life on campus deal with these issues?
A: They have intervention training, but there are problems in enforcement.
Kevin Horne: Same things have been brought to UPUA and he hopes we can
work with them to gain momentum.
Marika Merritt: Can we draft a resolution with UPUA for the whole Grad
Student Body.
Danielle: we can be more engaged. How do we educate grads, an event?
Jon Reader: What other resources such as faculty and administrators can we
use? Can help put Stevie in contact with them?
Motion to extend 5 mins , 2nd all yeas.
Q Enica Castaneda: Grad Council wants input on Gen Ed and maybe we can
do this? It may be hard but we should do it anyway.
Comment Jeffrey: enforcement of Fraternity and Sororities is a problem I
encounter tered in working with Men Against Violence in that they often use
pledges to sit in for the chapters.
Jesse Scott: Afraid these suggestions are not long term and that type of
impact needs to be considered as the problem is not a short term.
A: Stevie points out that mandatory courses do exactly this.
Thank you Stevie! And Kevin Reuning along within the student concerns
d. Grad Cup-Chair: Marika Merritt
Need members and email her about this.
e. Professional Development: Nicole Benevento comments that the
dissertation boot camp is going on at the moment.
f. Programming Committee- Chair: Marika Merritt
Marika, tailgate 70+ showed up for a family friendly tailgate and that the
family friendly format will be retained. Oct 25 another tailgate, talk about a
coffee hour?
Q Enica: how much was spent for the tailgate?
A: 400 spent for that decided at a programming meeting. Winter Gala-choice
of venues, Atherton hotel is now the only option Voting on themes? Food
Motion to extend 5 mins, 2nd, all yeas.
Clarification: Oriental is not politically correct term (this term was included
in a slide provided by the Atherton
Q: Budget for this?
A: 3K for 200 people
Q Jared: questions about the vote, is this official or just to get an idea of how
the delegates feel?
A: it is unofficial
Jesse Scott Q: Estimated ticket prices?
A: 10$ for students and 5$ suggested donation. Katie said more than 10
seemed too much in the past and had a negative effect on attendance.
Motion to poll the room, 2nd. Poll with hands.
5 mins to extend, 2nd, all yeas.
Move to call the question, move into the vote. Unanimous.
1 “Oriental”, 4 Mexican, 4 Caribbean, 7 Mediterranean, 1 all American
Alya G: Not all options are the same price.
Enica C: do we have to vote on theme?
Q: The budget is allocated?
A: It was in the budget for programming and Ok by the treasurer.
Comment: Final vote will be online.
g. Publicity and Media-Chair:
Nicole Benevento:
Please let her know about events for FB.
h. Human Diversity-none
i. THON-Chair: Marika Merritt
3:45 meeting w23 in Paterno
PACCC-Chairs: Nathaniel Porter, Alaska Hults
None/looking for white course apt to become a delegate to use the comm
k. Healthcare/ Health Insurance
Nathaniel Porter is officially now the chair.
Report by the President – Danielle C. Rhubart
Voter reg deadline by Monday
6 liaisons positions open with 3 that are priority
Facilities Fee advisory Board
IM/HUB allocation transfer
SAF current activity fee tiers
BOT GLRP restructuring package
Request to the state as PSU is a strong contributor to the economic development
of the state
Delegate sponsored Events:
Q: Nicole wants to know if it’s college specific?
A: Yes
Trustee selected by students (elections and application)
Q: What is our position on free elections?
A: she is against elections because of money being involved might skew them.
BOT selected are still vetted by BOT.
No powerpoint submitted to the secretary.
Report by the Executive Vice President – Douglas Whalen
Agenda by Sunday before the meeting will get in. 5 mins or less can get in;
otherwise let him know as soon as possible.
Q: who send out the minute meetings?
A: Doug and the minutes will come out earlier
Report by Vice President of External Affairs None
Report by the Secretary – Jeffrey Masko
Report by the Treasurer – Courtney Davis
GPSA food committee budget is just one meeting per semester. More details on
the money spent on committees. James Fan has been emailing with
budget suggestions
Report by the Faculty Senate – Enica Castañeda none, but, please communicate
with grad council
representatives any concerns
Report by Graduate Council
Morteza: Proposed grad faculty criteria as mentioned last time (51% are not
tenure track) they want our feedback, will limit non-tenured track faculty in
advising, committees, etc. It will go on so we can think about this further. Survey
on Facebook or something? M
Motion to extend, 2nd yeas, 1 nay.
Reports from Liaisons
Jennifer Newton Sustainable committee
Report by the Judiciary
No VP External, any nominations need to be in by Tuesday next week.
Report by the Faculty Advisor
Philip; 1) likes the commitment 2) thinks the issue of sexual violence is
important and can enlist Peggy Lora to help 3) a favorite program in the past was
an international film festival that jeffrey masko as a film scholar can help with in
setting up. Will talk to Adam Christianson about survey.
Resolution 1/ 2014-2015
Kevin Reuining as author: this resolution came out of the Health Care committee
speaking at BOT. This calls for a clarification of the discrepancies on the signing
date of the health care contract.
Q Kevin Horne: Call on the PSU means what or who?
A: We could ask personal people and add them to resolution
Jesse: It would be David Gray. Philip Burlingame, yes David Gray.
Jesse motions to amend res to add the officer(s).
Kevin Motions approval of amendment through unanimous consent. 2nd 19 yeas,
1 opposed.
Q Jared Kephart: why would we not be friendlier with a phone call? Why is this
important now since it is in the past and finished with?
A: The point is to know when David Gray knew and to make this information
Katie: She found it hot-heated.
Jesse: If we are provided with the information, what will it do?
A: Provide transparency and provide information that we can use as we go
forward with new negotiations.
Motion to extend 5 mins, 2nd. Unanimous to extend
Alex Park: thinks it should be more informal.
Alya G: Add in the future. Motion to withdraw and submit as email.
Enica C: Why did they see it as hot-heated. Why can’t we ask hard questions?
Alex: We should be less accusatory, not sure of what the goal is.
Kevin Horne: Was not specific enough and wants particular names.
Motion to extend until last speaker is finished, 2nd motion carries.
Jesse questioned whether they will be vote next week and if during the vote will
there be questions allowed.
Morteza: Responding to the friendly emails, people should know this omission
was not friendly. Rewording is fine, but why are afraid of antagonizing the
administration. The sentiment here seems is we have to accept it, so do we have
say anything and this is not acceptable.
Marika: When did he say this? At the BOT meeting?
A: Task force was going to be taken into account but wasn’t.
Jesse: doesn’t know why this is important since it is a
A Enica: If we want to have impact, then we need to have to push back.
Jesse: 3 years ago we voted on Aetna and voiced concern then so all should be ok
Kevin Reuining: What the role do they see GPSA having, is it about a social
events or more important issues? The administration wants input, but don’t want
to listen. If we don’t do something now about the decision-making process then
who will?
Emily Mc: explains that resolution goes first to Internal Development and then to
Judiciary. Kevin R says it should be in the constitution if we do it. Order of the
day, moving on.
Resolution 2/ 2014-2015
Kevin R: Calling for the task force report to be released; it’s about accountability.
Enica C: Does Danielle know about it? Danielle requested more time so we could
delve into the issues. Final report was due at the end of the summer and it is now
in the hands of the administration as of last week.
Emily: Why do we need to ask? Katie: Friendly email would be better
Morteza: I may be cynical, but if it hasn’t been released then it needs to be.
Phone calls and emails have not work.
Motion to close debate, 2nd. 3 yeas, motion fails.
Marika: Did they contact the Task force committee?
Kevin: Yes, but they don’t know.
Danielle: Was supposed to the first week of classes.
Alex: We know what’s going on with 3 task forces members so no need for us to
be involved.
Aparna Parikh: Claiming that nothing will come out of it is not good enough.
Kevin H: Danielle should ask, not us.
Kevin R: it about transparency.
Danielle: can send email to find out.
Jesse: does know if this is appropriate for the GPSA to discuss.
Motion to end discussion after Alison. 2nd Motion carries.
Kevin R: Was it ever passed publically announced that it would go past the July
1st? Katie says it was, but doesn’t know how widely.
Open Forum
Brian: the Collegiate Recovery Community asked to PR to help publicize.
Jesse questioned the minutes, Motion to resubmit, 2nd motion to resubmit carries.
Kevin H: questioned the vagueness of the constitution and how we can adjust it.
Emily solicits amendments to constitution
Jesse: facility fees for funds to keep update.
XVIII. Adjourn: motion, 2nd 8:50pm
President- Danielle Rhubart | Executive Vice President –
Doug Whalen | Vice President of External AffairsTreasurer- Courtney Davis | Secretary- Jeffrey Masko | Advisor – Philip Burlingame, Ph.D. |
GPSA Assembly Attendance Oct 1
X= present
XO=present but left early
Executive Board
President: Danielle Rhubart X
Executive Vice President: Doug Whalen X
Vice President of External Affairs: open
Treasurer: Courtney Davis X
Executive Secretary: jeffrey masko X
Faculty Advisor: Philip Burlingame X
Graduate Council Representatives
Enica Castaneda X
Brad Sottile OX
Nathaniel Porter O
Morteza Karimzadeh X
Doug Whalen X
jeffrey masko X
Agricultural Sciences
– Alison Franklin X
– Erica Hildabridle X
Smeal College of Business
- James Fan X
- Matt Borzoo O
Art &Architecture
- One delegate seat vacant
Earth & Mineral Sciences
- Aparna Parikh X
- Jacob Hagedorn X
- Enica Castaneda X
- Alaska Black Hults O
- Two delegate seats vacant
Dickinson School of Law
- Alex Park X
- Alyssa Looney X
- Jared Kephart X
- Emery Etter O
- Luis Ocampo X
-Andrew Goodyear O
Liberal Arts
- Kyler Sherman-Wilkins O
- Nicole Benevento X
Health & Human Development
- Jonathan Reader X
- Nicole Roberts X
Information Technology
- One delegate seat vacant
International Affairs
- One delegate seat vacant
- One delegate seat vacant
Eberly College of Science
- Ayla Gafni X
- One delegate seat vacant
At Large
– Mehmet Ali Doke X
– Kevin Horne X
-Jesse Scott X
White Course Apartments
- One delegate seat vacant
Inter-College Degree Program
- Spencer Carran O
- Char White X
Emily McLaughlin X
Brian Aynardi X
Seth Kandl O
I want to thank you all for having me here tonight. What I am going to talk about is painful, and it takes a lot to
listen – and even more to immerse yourself in this enough to act. So, thank you.
As you all know, sexual violence on college campuses is a severe issue, and it isn’t neutral. It’s a problem that
affects every campus, every city, every town... I would like to say that we can imagine the pain of being a survivor, the
fear, the trauma – but we can’t. The scar never goes away – it doesn’t heal, in time you just learn to adapt. You learn to
get through the everyday in camouflage – navigating through the triggers, the flashbacks, the panic attacks – and passing
as o.k. Passing – for the rest of your life.
The fact that the survivor never really heals – that the trauma never goes away – we have to fight against someone going
through that. Even one assault on this campus is too many. We know from our alerts that there has been more than one.
So what do we do? How do we combat the pervasive culture of sexual violence that is prevalent in this world? So
pervasive that every two minutes someone in America says no, and that person ignored.
Asking the survivor what they could have done differently clearly isn’t the answer. It’s hard enough to pass through the
world as a survivor without being surrounded by dialogues that insist you could have called the police, you could have
avoided the party, you could have worn nail polish that detects date rape drugs. This conversation is all around us. Penn
State has done a fabulous job setting up resources for survivors. I don’t say this to belittle these resources – far from it. I
am astounded by the amazing work that so many dedicated individuals are doing here – navigating an incredibly painful
space to ensure that survivors are not alone. I thank these individuals, sincerely.
So, we have the resources to support our students if they have been assaulted. Now it’s time to focus on actions that stop
sexual assault instead of reacting to it. It’s time to change the conversation.
The Center for Disease Control states that one-session educational programs are not enough, yet they comprise the
majority of prevention tools. Yet there are studies that indicate the rigorous, longitudinal, and comprehensive intervention
strategies do work to change the culture. I would like to mention that this research is still relatively new, so no definitive
claims can be made – but one thing we do know is – what we’ve been doing isn’t working. It’s time to go further.
Research that indicates the potential of comprehensive prevention strategies is the inspiration for a good deal of the
actionable suggestions I would like to present tonight. If we can start focusing on the social responsibility that Penn State
has to the community – as well as their resources to ensure said social responsibility – I believe we can imagine Penn
State – and all of us – moving into the position of leaders against sexual violence.
1: The Faculty Senate is currently meeting to revise general education requirement guidelines. There are a
number of courses that address violence, including sexual violence. Initiating that students take one of these courses is the
first step towards working against the dehumanization that occurs during instances of violence.
2: We have individuals at PSU trained in Bystander Intervention, and there are currently voluntary trainings around
campus. We need to make these trainings mandatory and accessible to all students. We need to ensure that Penn State,
who has increased the budget by over 50 million, is allocating much needed funds to ensuring this important work is done
and those doing this work have adequate support. I believe first-year seminars and colloquiums are a great place to
initiate these trainings and ensure every student has access to them.
3: There is a voluntary sexual harassment module online, and the majority of students complete this module
before coming to PSU. This module could easily be made mandatory – and not just for undergraduates but also for
graduate students, professional students, faculty and staff. Also, this module should be updated so it begins the work of
dispelling rape myths.
I believe these actions, taken in combination with one another – are powerful proactive measures that can make Penn
State a leader in changing the culture of sexual violence. Yet we also need to ensure that survivors continue to get
outstanding support services. The services here are great – they are. Yet many students may be afraid to seek help or may
not know such resources exist. This is something Penn State can also work to improve.
So it is suggested that Penn State give all students, faculty and staff a keychain or lanyard with contact information for
these resources. Right now there is a card given to all incoming students, but we all know how easy it is to lose this.
Something students can keep on their person would be so helpful. Also, PSU should look into high visibility areas as a
vehicle for raising awareness about these resources. I’ve seen posters on buses, for example. That’s a great start – I think
we can do better.
Finally, the campus and certain areas of downtown are too dark. I don’t bring this up to feed into the myth that violence
happens by a stranger in a dark alley. The majority of instances of sexual violence occur by someone the survivor knows,
and many times they occur in a location the survivor is familiar with. Yet I would like to bring us back to the pain that
never goes away – the wound that time does not heal. Imagine being that survivor – carrying the weight of trauma and,
even just for thirty seconds, being on that dark street or in that dark space on campus. Imagine the possibilities for intense
fear that live in that space. Also, if we mandate bystander intervention and give folks the tools to safely intervene – well,
it would be easier to intervene if you can actually see what is happening around you.
As far as measures specific to the GPSA – I urge you to take these concerns to administration and to continually follow
up with administration. I urge you to fill the seats of any and every task force you can think of. I urge you to continually
address this topic and challenge the idea that just meeting federal guidelines vis-a-vis the Clery Act or Title IX, for
example, is enough. I urge you to say – yes, we have done this. Now what’s next.