Design Refinements - Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust

HS2 Phase 1 – Design Refinements Consultation 16th May
to 11th July 2013
Herts &
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust response, 5th July 2013
Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust (HMWT) is a local charity supported by
people who care about protecting wildlife, including over 21,000 members.
With the help of volunteers, we take practical action everyday to protect
wildlife, restore biodiversity and connect people with the natural world in
Hertfordshire and Middlesex. Our vision is of a living landscape, where we
work with others to restore, recreate and reconnect wildlife-rich places in the
town and country, to create a dynamic and functioning ecological network for
the benefit of people and wildlife. Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust is one
of 47 Wildlife Trusts nationwide: we are the only charities working to protect
the full range of UK wildlife and habitats at a local level.
Grebe House
St Michael’s Street
St Albans
Tel: (01727) 858901
Fax: (01727) 854542
Chief Executive: Jane Durney
The proposed HS2 Phase 1 route will cut through one of HMWT’s key Living
Landscape focus areas: the Colne Valley. The Colne Valley is the first
significant area of countryside to the west of London. The Colne Valley’s
network of lakes, river, canal, woodland, meadows and farmland, provides a
haven for wildlife, an important habitat corridor and a significant recreational
resource accessible to millions of people - benefits fostered through the
existence of the Colne Valley Regional Park. Nationally significant
populations of breeding and overwintering wetland birds and a regionally
significant population of Daubenton’s bats depend on the valuable and
sensitive habitats of the Colne Valley. The proposed Colne Valley viaduct will
slice through a Site of Special Scientific Interest and HMWT’s Broadwater
Lake Nature Reserve.
Focus and scope of comments
Our comments relate to the proposed changes at Heathrow Junctions
(Chapter 5 of the Design Refinements consultation document) and Colne
Valley Viaduct (Chapter 6 of the Design Refinements consultation document).
Heathrow Junctions
The link to Heathrow has not yet been decided upon by government. For the
avoidance of doubt, our comments relate strictly to the appropriateness of
making provision as part of Phase 1 to allow construction of a link in the
event that it comes forward in Phase 2 (or later), not to the principle of
construction of that link.
HMWT supports the change, subject to suitable impact assessments,
mitigation and compensation (as required).
Hertfordshire & Middlesex
Wildlife Trust Limited is registered
in England No 816710 at the
above address and is registered
as a charity under Registration No
239863. VAT No 366 9276 06
Sir Simon A Bowes Lyon, KCVO
Protecting Wildlife for the Future
It is considered unlikely that making this change will have any significant ecological impact on the
Colne Valley over and above the substantial impact which would in any event result from the
elements of the construction already in the Phase 1 route.
We agree that only the minimum infrastructure required should be implemented as part of Phase1,
to avoid undue additional ecological impact in the event that the Heathrow link doesn’t eventually
get built.
It is recognised that the options for providing junctions are limited, and therefore would need to be
in the Colne Valley.
Impacts associated with this change should be fully incorporated into the project EIA process.
Avoidance, mitigation and compensation for any additional impact relating to this change should be
delivered as an integral part of the wider package of measures for the Phase 1 construction
through the Colne Valley. This should follow the principles of the mitigation hierarchy, achieve a
net gain for nature, and adhere to relevant ecological best practice standards.
Colne Valley Viaduct
We recognise that this change has been proposed in order to reduce the amount of construction
required within the channel of the river Colne, on the advice of the Environment Agency. The
modification would take the line 60 metres north, allowing the viaduct to cross the river at a right
angle and so requiring only one supporting pier in the channel instead of six. This would reduce
the impact on the River Colne, but take the line further up into the Mid Colne Valley SSSI.
We consider that this change would probably not have a significantly greater impact on the SSSI,
birdlife and other ecological interests in the Colne Valley, over and above those that will in any
event result if the project proceeds. We agree that the change may reduce impacts on the river
and its functioning, which would be positive in terms of maintaining its ecology and role as an
ecological link. It is not possible to provide more detailed comment on the likely impacts, as the
Environmental Statement is incomplete.
It is possible that this change could open up further mitigation options, such as redirecting the river
in advance of viaduct construction to avoid the piers being located within the channel. This option
is referred to in the draft Environmental Statement. HS2 Ltd should ensure that it consults local
community and environmental groups with an interest in the Colne to input to further development
of mitigation proposals, including Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust and the Colne Valley Park
Community Interest Company.
If the River Colne is diverted to avoid and reduce impacts from the viaduct supporting piers, HMWT
would expect that the new channel is routed and profiled in a sensitive and naturalistic manner to
improve its ecological value and maintain connectivity through the landscape. Effective monitoring
and remedial action as needed must be implemented over the course of and after the river
diversion. Opportunities to undertake restoration work along the affected and adjacent sections of
the River Colne to improve it ecologically should be pursued as part of mitigation for impacts on the
Colne relating to the viaduct.
Additional Impacts associated with this change should be fully incorporated into the project EIA
process. Avoidance, mitigation and compensation for any additional impact relating to this change
should be delivered as an integral part of the wider package of measures for the Phase 1
construction through the Colne Valley. This should follow the principles of the mitigation
hierarchy, achieve a net gain for nature, and adhere to relevant ecological best practice standards.
Odette Carter
Planning and Policy Officer
Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust
Grebe House
St Michael’s Street
St Albans AL3 4SN
01727 858901
Protecting Wildlife for the Future
Registered in England No 816710 Registered Charity No 239863