OTTER RESEARCH REPORT Summary This report captures emerging findings from data collected from students, academics and senior managers at Leicester on their views on Open Educational Resources (OERs). The data was gathered between December 2009 and February 2010 in the following ways: Semi-structured interviews 5 senior staff (2 PVCs, Director of Library Services, Director of DL Development, Head of Engineering) 6 academic staff (Lifelong Learning, Media & Communication and Genetics, Students Union) Survey 17 students from eight academic departments i.e. Psychology, Media and Communications, Student Support and Development Service, TESOL & Applied Linguistics, Politics & International Relations, Law, History and Archaeology and Genetics. (Responses are still coming in) Findings 1. Stakeholders support the open sharing of educational resources, despite some views that this is a contested area. 2. OERs can help position UK HE and UoL in particular. 3. Academic staff are generally willing to share teaching materials. More evidence is needed, however, to make a convincing case about the value and impact of OERs. 4. Students view OERs as a supplementary resource that could improve the quality of the learner experience. 5. Most senior managers would like to see a mandate in the form of a policy and strategic action in order to take the OER agenda forward. 6. A team effort working with all stakeholders is seen as the appropriate way forward. 7. A developmental approach around a pilot focused on production and evaluation of generic materials within individual colleges is preferred by some senior managers to a grand scale approach across the institution. 8. Sustainability in terms of funding, staff capacity and support needs to be resolved. The policy document will make proposals to this effect. 9. Reward and recognition of academic staff is seen as key to the success of OERs by some academic staff 10. Students would like to see a wider range of topics and subjects covered. 11. Students are happy with the quality of OERs produced through OTTER base on the concise nature of information provided as well as structure and layout. 12. More awareness of Creative Commons licence is needed 13. The preferred options for access to OERs by students are Learning Management Systems and social networking sites. By Samuel Nikoi (16 February 2010) 1 1. Knowledge and understanding of the term “Open Educational Resources”. Senior Management OER has parallels with open access research OER is a contested area, without sufficient evidence. Academic staff Students Quotes Free and open sharing of quality resources Resources accessible to everyone Opportunity to share success story and expertise Materials freely available online Materials for students enrolled on distance learning programmes A tool for teachers and students to share Resources for courses online Information and knowledge freely available to all Information to anyone to read and/or edit. Resource open to all in the academic community Resources that differ from traditional learning; focused on interactional input utilising technology. A resource simple to use and easy to access One of the key drivers for open access to research materials was that institutions which were funding research wanted the outputs of those research projects to be more available to people so there was a driver there which perhaps isn't there is the same way in terms of OERs (Senior Manager) Students Quotes Students generally found it easy using the OERs and gave the following reasons for their satisfaction: Layout and structure o Clearly labelled titles/sub titles o side bar subject headings e.g. genetics Visible and functioning links Useful abstracts Language (clarity and easy of reading) User friendliness The titles were clearly labeled and easy to follow (student) There is no problem of people creating resources but it is the problem of accessing them and using them that is the issue (Senior Manager) Knowledge should be transferred, it should be freely available and OERs enable that to happen (Uni. Staff member) Resources open to all in the academic community… come in varied forms many differing from the traditional process of learning; focusing on a more interactional input that utilise available technology. (student) 2. Ease of navigation through the OERs Senior Management Academic staff The links were mainly visible and accessible. (student) It was very clearly listed under the psychology which then followed on with a useful abstract explaining what the resource was about (student) I couldn’t access the web page. (student) 2 3. Quality of the OERs. Senior Management Academic staff Students Quotes Very concise right quantity of details relevance to course Students are generally happy with the quality of OERs for the following reasons: Convenience of getting information. Visually engaging Appropriate details How nicely laid out Use of diagrams to support text Different formats e.g. images and PDF Clarity of language good structure The person who put it together obviously spent time thinking about the right quantity of details to convey in other for the messages to be concise but accessible. (Uni. Staff member) Students Quotes Blackboard and social networking sites were the preferred options for access to OERs base on the following reasons: Convenience of access Fun of educating others Address habits of accessing information by different people. Accessible to academic community. Sharing capabilities with peers How platform promote discussions Familiarity of platform Easy of navigation Generic nature A space for staff and students I think it might benefit the student body if the information is not just in one place, so there isn’t one repository located on one particular website but instead located across many different platforms. (Uni. Staff member) The information on DNA which is not my course - looks very interesting and detailed enough to explain to a novice about the topic. (student) There's only one subject. It'd be better to have wider range of topics and maybe relevant additional information. (student) 4. Preferred options for accessing the OERs. Senior Management Academic staff Public repositories and mobile devices were seen as desirable options. Blackboard and other institutional learning systems are very useful for accessibility for the academic community. It would allow sharing capabilities for peers and lecturers in the discussion groups and be generally easier to access as it is the common medium for universities (Student). Through the university is helpful for specific course information but having it on social networking sites helps educate further people in a fun way on the general information. (Student). 3 5. Business case for sharing teaching and learning materials. Senior Management Academic staff Students Quotes Marketing and branding of UK higher education Recruitment of foreign students to study in the UK Efficient gains in terms of duplication of effort Improvement in the quality of teaching Materials that provide structure to engage students Time saved e.g. demonstration lessons to a large class As an add-on to forms of assessment Improvement in teaching style Stimulating the learning environment Students see the value of OERs to their learning base on the following reasons: get away from textbooks useful for revision how to give presentation Access to wider range of materials general knowledge on various subjects knowledge on specific topics Great for grasping basic concepts that more complex helps to reach out to groups without access to HE No business case should be based on lack of information and there should be some case study analysis of possible losses, direct and indirect gains. (Senior manager) We have to make these things interesting, worthwhile, and interactive. I think the prize is to see that there is a more stimulating learning environment than you would even have in the lecture hall (Academic staff) [The OER] would allow me to deeply understand the subject Ancient History especially which is hard to fully interpret due to the lack of sources and general limitations. (Student). Great for revision, quite basic though, good for grasping basic genetic concepts that more complex concepts are built on (Student). 6. Maximizing the impact of repositories (LRA, OTTER and CDDU tasters) in a coordinated way Senior Management Academic staff Students Quotes Owners of resources/materials need to work together OTTER need to join-up with DL, Marketing and International Office Address educational design issues Ease of access A searchable catalogue to find out what OERs are available It’s highly undesirable if individual units within UoL are setting things up without reference to the other and that will be a waste of opportunity and effort. (Senior Manager) Work closely with DL… I’m not persuaded that this contact is working well, at present, and it should do so (Senior Manager) 4 7. How OERs will benefit the University of Leicester. Senior Management Academic staff Students Quotes a. Marketing a. Marketing Student recruitment using taster courses institutional visibility Bring in more students Good name As champion of open learning Could damage reputation a. Marketing Attract students to the University increase University's reputation as champion of OERs Reputation as socially responsible university Reach out to university community. Promote distance and flexible learning We should be careful not to spin off benefits without analysing them… How is student experience improved specifically by open access? (Senior Manager) b. Teaching Improved quality of teaching materials Academic time saving c. Learning experience b. Teaching Improved teaching methods / assessment Concise way of presenting information to students c. Learning experience Improve student satisfaction More interaction with students Stage the development of student work through a series of exercises. Explore new subjects in different disciplines Improve student learning in their own time b. Teaching Lesson planning in teaching Share expertise and learn from other resources Help expand knowledge Improve research in teaching styles c. Learning experience Make learning simpler Easier for students to access learning resources. Help revision, making notes and writing essays. Links to external resources Support and enhance mobile learning encourage sharing of more information Resource equivalent to a library. OERs are starting to show me the kinds of things I could do to make our course a lot more interesting” (Academic staff) I think there will be a risk of for instance the status you have as university of Leicester if people sort of like download things and make the quality less but still it has the university logo. (Academic staff) For example for students studying economics…they might have an interest in another area of academia which they just want to explore but don’t want to go to the library and find a textbook because that’s too much what the learner wants. (Uni. Staff member) It makes Leicester a beacon of possibility in terms of inspiring others to create similar resources (Uni. Staff member) I often travel to work by train and bus which gives me an hour and a half of study time each way. I have two small children at home and a dedicated, but tired wife, so having the option to download these materials in a form that allows me to study on my 3 hour commute to work would be fantastic. (Student) It would allow the university to reach out to a greater spectrum within the university community. Distance and more flexible learning would become greatly encouraged and improved, and they could therefore attract more of these types of students. (Student) 5 8. Policies are needed to encourage sharing of quality teaching and learning materials Senior Management Academic staff Students Quotes a. Management commitment A mandate A decision on what to share that is common to all College level policies b. Access c. Maintenance & update d. Teaching and learning Getting more students to use OERs e. Technology and media Address what infrastructure is needed Standards and quality a. Management commitment Promote a culture of sharing across departments b. Access on social networks Via search engines Through Blackboard Availability to all students c. Maintenance & update d. Teaching and learning How OER can improve collaborative learning Using OER as a teaching resource e. Technology and media f. IPR f. IPR g. Support Training and support for staff a. Management commitment Commitment to OERs b. Access on social networks Via search engines Through Blackboard Availability to all students c. Maintenance & update OER as learning resource Regular updates d. Teaching and learning Wider spectrum within subjects Variety of resource Relevance to programmes / topics Opportunity to build own digital resource to facilitate mobile learning Improve learning opportunities Referral by staff I have very little interest in making little bits of teaching available to others… what the hell do you do with this? (Senior manager) Within the University, perhaps, to get the students to use them more…because the students are excellent ambassadors for these sort of thing (Academic staff) I think it will be helpful if you would get messages across that it is a good thing, that it is a good thing to share resources (Academic staff) I still use the material whenever I have time and whenever I need to check something for my essay (student) The University could say that it would promote this free and open style of learning (student) e. Technology and media Variety of media MP3 versions of lectures f. IPR Guarantee for authors of materials 6 9. The nature of support needed to develop, re-use and repurpose OERs Senior Management Academic staff Need practical support so there is no extra work involved Need a team approach Employ students to help Support to develop Etivities that explain difficult concepts or complex processes to student Support for adapting/ modifying OERs especially multi-media OERs like videos Knowledge of creative common licences Make time available to staff to develop OERs Students Quotes I think there will have to be a lot of practical support to enable staff to do…probably more support than the case of research materials (Senior Manager) It is not acceptable to expect academics to be able to develop the sort of resource...and that’s why you develop the whole raft of support services, educational designers, and educational technologist. (Senior Manager) From our experience with GENIE, I think we can see that lots of colleagues are very very willing to help, but it all boils down to I think time to do it or don’t have money to do it. (Academic staff) 10. Knowledge of “Creative Commons license” and what is allows with regard to OERs Senior Management Academic staff Not sure Lack of knowledge about the OER process Students Waive rights reserve Share, print and redistribute Create and communicate Edit and share materials Allow personal use of materials Share materials in a community. Materials not used commercially Some were not sure Not too clear on this Quotes Not very much, that is the first time I have heard that term. If we can have this interview again then I can answer that specific question if you want me to. (university staff member) I have heard about creative commons license but I don’t know anything about the process. I don’t know how the system is policed in anyway. (staff) I wasn’t too clear on this but I think it allows the uses of information which applies to UK copyright laws, but any reference to third party information may not abide by these rules (student). This license allows the OERs to be published online and shared within the university community. (student) 7 11. Motivation to continue the use of OERs Senior Management Academic staff Students Quotes Information not presented in a textbooklike fashion Different format (print, audio, images and links to other resources). Structure and layout for easy of navigation Provide access anytime, anywhere Add more subjects and expand topics. Provide hyperlinks to other resources Add pictures and videos Possible revision questions to reinforce the information. Remove timers and allow users to go at own pace. Link from UoL homepage or Blackboard. Hopefully with the development of such resources they would expand beyond the realms of subject specific knowledge into other things that typically is quite difficult to explain and that’s interesting. (University staff member) Possible revision questions to reinforce the information. (student) Definitely more materials needed...e.g. DNA sequencing and Genetic Engineering techniques e.g. cloning methods (student). 12. How OERs can be made more sustainable Senior Management Academic staff Students Quotes OER is a very expensive business How to maintain and update the materials Ways to addressing the “not invented here syndrome” Adopt a developmental approach starting with a pilot in generic subjects Time needed to develop resources University should pay for development of OERs Set up a discussion board for sharing ideas and experiences Available in languages that benefit international students I think it can’t be done in the current environment… there are different cost to be funded. (Senior Manager) This isn’t about open educational resources this is about how we develop and sustain good teaching learning and how we maximize the use of our resources so that we are not all reinventing the wheel (Senior Manager) The critical issue for sustainability is how you repurpose the material and train people to do this(Senior Manager) I think somehow the university should find money to pay for it. I think it is a very valuable thing to have these resources, like it is very valuable to have very good teachers and they cost money as well. (Academic staff) Need to reach out to others not only in the universities also through the media (Student) 8 13. Reward and recognition for making teaching materials freely and openly available Senior Management No easy answer Academic staff Students Promotion Treat OER development similar to peer-reviewed journal papers Quotes I think it is important that when people create good materials that they get proper formal recognition for it... with respect to promotion within the structure of the university. That’s really what it comes down to. (Academic staff) I think if you produce good teaching resources then there should also be a point somewhere on a scale and you say right yes this is what you’ve done and it should be similar to research outputs because I think these are teaching outputs”. (Academic staff) 14. Risks and concerns associated with OERs Senior Management Need for research and development so that we are very well informed about what the issues are Possible conflict with DL strategy Quality control – cf vanity-publishing. Raising expectations and not being able to meet them. Failing to exploit the marketing advantages. Not anticipating costs, hidden or otherwise. Copyright clearing Academic staff Students Quotes Evidence of how OERs improve student recruitment and competitiveness of the University of Leicester. Copyright and losing control over how materials are used in different contexts Reward and recognition for staff who make quality OERs available Clear strategic commitment towards mainstreaming OERs. Effective access to resources How OERs are used once downloaded Possibility of diluting quality and message Designing for active learning e.g. e-tivities that make learning more engaging and interactive Improve the quality of OERs through constant updating Support for finding and using OERs Address copyright and plagiarism Technical concerns e.g. link not working Include speeches public lectures held in other departments Who pays for it Use author identity as quality mark Free access to online books students involvement in OERs plagiarism Blind copying. Laziness in attending lectures Mandatory log-in for site security. Deciding when to engage with a new initiative is a crucial thing and I think we are doing absolutely the right thing in terms of being fully engaged through OTTER (senior manager) I think our main concern is that we still don’t feel that a fully convincing case has been made on making everything available on a totally open basis.(staff) If you un-take bits out of it [OER] you actually may ruin the story. So that is a concern. (staff) My concern is that you don’t know once it is downloaded what is happening to it. (staff) Increase likelihood of plagiarism? Blind copying. Laziness in attending seminars and lectures? (Student) I think as a student paying a lot of money for these resources maybe it is unfair for people to get them for free, but ion the other hand individuals should not have to pay for knowledge so I think freely educating people is a good idea (student) 9