PD Online Affiliate Resale Business Plan Welcome! We are glad to learn of your interest in participating in the ASCD PD Online Affiliate Resale Program! This document is designed to help you consider if this program is a good fit for your affiliate. You will need a certain level of capacity to successfully participate, including the ability to partner with ASCD and an accrediting institution, select and market courses that include an offline authentic assessment component which you the affiliate will complete and report to your accrediting partner, the ability to accept payments for course seats, and to keep track of financial and academic records over time. Constituent Services will work with you to assess your readiness and prepare your business plan. ASCD has developed a full catalog of current, high-interest courses that meet the needs of today’s busy educators. This opportunity has the potential to be an innovative way of creating new value for affiliates, while generating revenue and promoting ASCD PD Online. The ASCD PD Online Affiliate Resale Program is offered through Constituent Services, asking interested affiliates to develop a business plan that includes the establishment of a relationship with an accrediting organization such as a state department of education or university, which will provide CEUs for educators who successfully complete coursework. Through this program, affiliates collect educator registration fees, set up paid users in specific PD Online courses for which they have registered, and pay ASCD for the total number olf seats sold upon receipt of a monthly invoice. The courses are offered to affiliates at the rate of $99.00 per seat ($30 off the $129.00 price for 2014 PD Online course seats). You will also want to factor in the costs for your evaluation of coursework and the cost of credits that can be earned upon the successful completion of a course. Ultimately, the more seats an affiliate sells, the more revenue can be earned. A hybrid professional development model, your ASCD PD Online Affiliate Resale Program should offer PD Online courses that complement professional development topics targeted by your accrediting institution and are currently of high interest and high need in your region. In addition to the online component, your affiliate should offer an offline set of authentic assessment tasks that can be used for evaluation of student work at the end of each course. Once the window for course completion closes, your affiliate will evaluate the work of each educator who completed the coursework and send their information to your accrediting institution once you have identified them as having successfully completed the course requirements. The attached business plan template will help you and your board to identify the key elements of a successful program and prepare to launch your own PD Online opportunities for educators in your region. Please complete it and return it to Constituent Services. We will review your plan with you and help you prepare to steup your PD Online resale program. Sincerely, The Constituent Services Team 2014 ASCD Constituent Services 1|Page PD Online Affiliate Resale Business Plan Making a business plan for your PD Online affiliate resale proposal is an important step in ensuring you have the capacity to successfully partner with ASCD. Please complete the entire template and return to Constituent Services. Thank you. Name of ASCD Affiliate: Name of contact person for this proposal: Contact person phone: Contact person email: The goal of the ASCD PD Online Affiliate Resale Program is to support ASCD affiliates in creating new value for its members, while promoting quality PD Online courses and generating revenue for both ASCD and its affiliates. Affiliates are encouraged to start on a small scale and build capacity as they work out the logistics of the business operations involved in effectively meeting the needs of educators in your region and building a strong business relationship with ASCD. These roles and responsibilies are clearly delineated in this document to ensure that all parties involved are successful in their participation. ASCD will: Assist the affiliate in creating a well-developed business plan for their PD Online resale program. Provide the PD Online Course Catalog. Give the affiliate Service Center support in setting up your PD Online resale account. Offer Customer and technical support through the ASCD Service Center. Bill the affiliate a monthly invoice for total PD Online seats sold through affiliate resale. The affiliate will: Form a relationship with an accrediting institution that will award CEUs to educators who successfully complete specified course requirements agreed upon with the affiliate. Work with the accrediting institution to identify the courses which will be offered for CEU credits. Order and set up the PD Online courses through the ASCD Center Determine the window of time in which each PD Online course will start and conclude. Market PD Online courses offered through their affiliate website and web communications. Keep accurate records of all transactions with ASCD, registered educators, and the accrediting institution. Collect the fee for each PD Online course seat resold to educators in their region. Pay the monthly billing to ASCD in full for seats sold upon receipt of invoice. Set up registered educators in the PD Online courses for which they have paid. Offer offline authentic assessment tasks agreed-upon between the affiliate and the accrediting institution. Evaluate the authentic assessment tasks of educators completing PD Online courses. Submit required information of students successfully completing PD Online courses, including the end of course assessment, to the accrediting institution so that credits can be awarded. 2014 ASCD Constituent Services 2|Page Proposed start date to begin pilot of affiliate resale of PD Online course seats: Proposed end date of pilot: Which institution (department/ministry of education, college or university) will you use as an accrediting institution? Which PD Online courses have you and your accrediting institution identified to offer through your affiliate website for the pilot phase of this program? (Please list complete titles as they appear in the PD Online catalog.) What are the starting and ending dates for each course? Course Title Start Date End Date Identify the costs of a course seat per registration to determine the total fee you will charge educators: Cost PDO Online course seat Affiliate evaluation of coursework (e.g. $50) Continuing Education Credit (consult accrediting institution) Rate $99.00 Units 1 seat 1 hour 3 credits Fee $99.00 Total fee charged per course seat: $ At the end of your ASCD Affiliate PD Online Program pilot, success will be evaluated by: ASCD sales to affiliates through the program Number of individuals successfully completing PD Online courses through affiliate evaluation Please sign and complete below, and return this document to Constituent Services. Thank you. I have completed my affiliate’s business plan and I am ready to discuss with you next steps for conducting a pilot of the ASCD PD Online Affiliate Resale Program. Please contact me to review my plan. _______________________________________________ Signature ___________________________ Date _______________________________________________ Name ___________________________ Title 2014 ASCD Constituent Services 3|Page