APS Induction Essentials Your guide to departmental information to help you ease into your new position Contents Introduction to the Department Page 2 General Information (A-Z) Page 3 Financial Directives Page 14 AWEC Page 16 Sir David Read Controlled Environment Facility (Central Annexe) Page 17 Appendix 1 University Resources Page 18 Appendix 2 Key Contacts Page 19 1 Introduction Welcome to the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences! We are one of the largest university departments in the UK devoted to the study of whole organism biology, ranking among the top five biological science departments for research in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF). Recent quality assessments also confirmed our excellence in teaching (24/24 in the last Teaching Quality Exercise). In the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, we're committed to supporting equality and promoting diversity. In May 2013, we became the first department in the University to achieve an Athena SWAN silver award, in recognition of the steps we've taken to create an inclusive environment for staff and students. The teaching activities in the Department are overseen by the Teaching Committee. Graduate research is coordinated through the Graduate Committee, and there are three interactive research groups: Ecology and Environment, Evolution and Behaviour and Plant and Microbial Biology. Overall policy and strategy is developed by the Policy Committee, chaired by the Head of Department. The majority of staff meetings and departmental seminars are held within the core hours of 9.30 am to 2.30 pm. Departmental news is presented on Wednesdays with tea and coffee available from 10:30 am in the Common Room (D219). Links to University Resources can be found in Appendix 1. This booklet has been designed to give all new staff key information about the department. Further, detailed, information is available on the APS induction pages and on the university website. There are a lot of commonly used acronyms, these can be confusing! Please refer to the Acronym Decoder if in doubt. If there is anything not covered in this booklet that you would like further information on, please do just ask a colleague or your line manager - they will be more than happy to help. 2 General Information (A-Z) Absences from the Department All staff are required to use MyJob (through SAP, login via MUSE) to record absences, including holidays. Academic staff should also enter dates when they will be away from the Department in the absence diary in the main office, together with contact details. See also the section on sickness. Accident Reporting Please report all accidents, no matter how minor. Please use the online form from the Health and Safety website. Building fabric/maintenance/repairs If you notice a need for repairs in APS, please contact Stuart Pearce (24712; s.l.pierce@sheffield.ac.uk) or Hazel Basford (20077; h.basford@sheffield.ac.uk ). Car hire Anyone wishing to hire a car for use on University business should give details to Malcolm Crookes (m.crookes@sheffield.ac.uk), who will make the necessary arrangements, or Hazel Basford if Malcolm is absent. Car parking Car parking at the University is limited, therefore colleagues are requested to submit applications for parking permits on-line at http://parking.shef.ac.uk/user. Permits are valid from January – December. Parking permits for visitors may be obtained for use in Category C Pay and Display car parks. Anyone requiring such a permit should e.mail APS-parking@sheffield.ac.uk, giving at least 3 working days notice. Caring responsibilities The University and department recognises that some staff have caring responsibilities. The University also appreciates that carers’ needs are different from the needs of employees with mainstream childcare responsibilities, and that the circumstances and milestones of caring may also be different. As such, we will provide support to these staff to combine work with care. More information is available at: www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/guidance/flexible/caring Catering Anyone requiring catering for meetings, seminars, vivas etc, should contact the main office. 3 CIES student (academic staff) Academic staff members will need to access student information through CIES student. You need to apply for authorisation to access this database. CiLT - Certificate in Learning and Teaching (academic staff) New academic appointments without sufficient teaching experience/qualifications will need to complete a Certificate in Learning and Teaching (part time over two years) as part of their probation requirement. For further information see the relevant Learning and Teaching Services website. Child care The University and department are fully committed to helping working parents to balance work and family life, whilst this is compatible with the interests of the University. More information is available at: www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/guidance/family/index The Government has announced details in relation to the new scheme for Tax-Free Childcare for working families to take effect from autumn 2015. Further information on eligibility and on how the scheme will operate and can be found at: Tax-Free Childcare The majority of departmental staff and committee meetings are held during core hours (9.30-16.30) to ensure parents are able to fulfill their childcare commitments and attend meetings. The Parents@TUoS network aims to: ● Be a conduit for information ● Support all staff and students through career breaks ● Share best practice and "how to" tips If you would like to join the mailing list for the Parents@TUOS network, please email l.lee@sheffield.ac.uk. Further information is available at: www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/equality/support/parents Committees Teaching - Steve Rolfe (s.rolfe@sheffield.ac.uk) Research - Andrew Fleming (a.fleming@sheffield.ac.uk) Postgraduate - Gareth Phoenix (g.phoenix@sheffield.ac.uk) Athena SWAN - Rhonda Snook (r.snook@sheffield.ac.uk) Student-Staff - Mike Siva-Jothy (m.siva-jothy@sheffield.ac.uk) Common Room (D219) 4 This is available for general use and can be booked in the diary at the APS office on D-floor. Tea and coffee are available for purchase from 10.30 – 11 am and 15.30 – 16.00 pm Monday – Friday. The midweek news briefing is on Wednesdays at 10.45 am with an enticement of biscuits for attendance. Computer/Email account You will be given a computer account and an email address when you register with CiCS (see Ucard and keys entries). Please ensure you give your e-mail address to the office. Drinking water In most of the building, such as the Edwardian wing, tap water is unsuitable for human consumption, please check the potability of the tap water with someone before drinking it! Bottled drinking water is available from the dispenser in the common room (D219). Dispensers are also available in the admin suite, B81, C-floor near the teaching labs, and D-floor in the stairwell of the Edwardian wing. Email distribution lists You will be added to the departmental mailing list and academic/postdoctoral mailing lists as relevant. If this does not happen, contact Emma Grayson (e.grayson@sheffield.ac.uk). Academic staff should contact Helen Dulake (h.dulake@sheffield.ac.uk) to sign up to an email distribution list to be notified about funding opportunities in the Faculty of Science. Emergency telephone numbers In an emergency dial 4444 from any University main campus telephone. The University Control Room can be contacted on 24085. Equality and Diversity In the Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, we're committed to supporting equality and promoting diversity. In May 2013, we became the first department in the University to be given an Athena SWAN silver award, in recognition of the steps we've taken to create an inclusive environment for staff and students. The University of Sheffield as a whole had its Athena SWAN bronze award renewed at the same time. For more information on the departmental Athena SWAN activities please contact Rhonda Snook (r.snook@sheffield.ac.uk) or look at the APS Equality and Diversity webpage. The University Equality and Equality and Diversity websites also contain relevant information. Fax machine The departmental fax machine, number 0114 2220002, is located in the general office. Please ask for assistance if you are unsure how to operate it. Please enter the date, number you have dialled and your initials in the book provided. Personal faxes are charged at £0.50 per copy. Finance 5 The main finance hub for science is found in E100 (Addison Building). The finance team deal with enquiries regarding payroll, expenses/reimbursement, URMS, student finances and SAP. Paper forms for many of these are located in the main departmental office on D floor. Key contacts: Lisa Knight (l.knight@sheffield.ac.uk), Helen Davies (h.g.davies@sheffield.ac.uk) and Daniel Rose (daniel.rose@sheffield.ac.uk). Please refer to Financial Directives for more information on financial procedures. First Aid First Aid boxes are situated on the corridors in the Edwardian building, and in rooms marked with the First Aid symbol in the Alfred Denny. There is also a First Aid box on the wall opposite D218 in the Alfred Denny building. Please let Hazel Basford (20077, room D212) know if you use anything from any of the boxes to allow for restocking. Current first aiders are Hazel Basford (20077), Rosie Cripps, Linda Dulley (20056), Emma Grayson (24774), Maggi Killion (20045) and Nichola Price. Flexi-time system (support staff) The department operates a flexi-time system for all staff up to and including grade 6. Further information on the scheme is available from Hazel Basford (20077; h.basford@sheffield.ac.uk) or Allison Blake (20044; a.blake@sheffield.ac.uk). Flexible working (all staff) The University and department recognises the positive impact of flexible working arrangements to: improve business efficiency and productivity; improve the balance between life and work; create a positive and inclusive environment and to create a happy and healthy workforce. More information is provided at: www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/guidance/flexible Freedom of Information Act The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act 2000 requires the University to adopt a Publication Scheme and gives any individual the right to request any information whether or not it is covered in the Publication Scheme. Requests: ● ● ● A formal request must be in writing, which includes email or fax, and not by telephone. The enquirer must state their name and address, and describe the information they seek. The University must confirm or deny it holds the information within 20 working days of receipt of the request. ● The University must send the information (or tell the enquirer where they can find it) within the 20 working days. Should any member of staff receive a formal request for information please let Sue Carter (the Departmental FOI contact) know so that the enquiry can be logged. If the enquiry is from a member of the press or media, refer it immediately to the Public Relations Office. 6 Google mail, calendar and drive All staff emails, calendars and cloud computing are hosted by Google, via MUSE. All staff are allocated 10 TB of space on Google drive. Staff should use Google calendar and make their calendar accessible to the administrative staff. Some facilities and equipment are bookable only through Google calendar - contact relevant lab managers. Seminar schedules are also accessible through Google calendar; for example sign up to the departmental seminars calendar through the APS seminars page. Hotel accommodation Anyone requiring hotel accommodation for visitors should contact the departmental office via email (animal.plant@sheffield.ac.uk). Induction Upon arrival in your new position, your line manager will give you a tour of the department and an induction checklist. The checklist should be completed within the first couple of weeks of your position with the help of your line manager in the first instance. In addition to induction within APS, the university runs various induction and orientation events targeted at various sub-groups of staff (e.g. an induction course for researchers starting in the Faculty of Science). A list of courses available and place on these events can be booked through the Learning Management System, which is accessible once you have logged into the university website. Insurance Travel insurance is mandatory in respect of members of staff travelling overseas on university business and should be arranged through the UoS Insurance Office. Cover can be extended to accompanying family members and in respect of short leisure breaks made in conjunction with the business trip. The university also has university and equipment insurance policies, and hire car insurance. Please contact Hazel Basford (ext. 20077, h.basford@sheffield.ac.uk) with any queries regarding, or to book any, insurance. Key staff contacts See Appendix 2 Keys Keys for offices are available from Stuart Pearce, D211, or Hazel Basford, D212. For access to and throughout the Alfred Denny building and laboratories out of hours your uCard will require authorisation, please see either Hazel Basford or Stuart Pearce. For access to the Addison building, the plant growth facilities (Central Annexe) and/or AWEC you will need your Ucard activating, please e.mail aps-ucard@sheffield.ac.uk, giving your full name as it appears on the card, your u.card number, whether you are staff, student or visitor and expiry date of 7 card (if there is one). You will also need to say whether or not you need 24/7 access, or 8am – 6pm, and which part(s) of the department you need to access. Alternatively contact Hazel Basford or Stuart Pearce. Mail Outgoing post should be placed in the appropriate tray (internal/external) in the departmental office no later than 4.00pm. Personal post must be stamped or paid for. Personal post and parcels can also be sent from the main help desk in the Student Union. All post will be sent 2nd class. Incoming mail will be placed in pigeonholes in the Administration suite on D floor each morning and afternoon. All parcels to be posted either within the UK or abroad, must be sent by the main office. Maps A map of the University campus and Sheffield City Centre is available at www.sheffield.ac.uk/visitors/mapsandtravel Maternity The University is fully committed to helping working parents balance the needs of work and family life, and appreciates the importance of providing greater choice for parents in how they arrange parental care during the first year of a child's life. Human resources provides a maternity leave toolkit with all information relevant to maternity leave and planning. The University’s policy and procedure document gives full details with everything you need to know about maternity leave and returning to work. A new system of Shared Parental Leave and Pay will be available to parents of babies due/or children matched/placed for adoption on or after 5 April 2015. In advance of implementation, if you have any queries in relation to this new legislation, please contact your HR Team Contact. Meeting rooms The Finlay Library on C floor is available for meetings or tutorials. The Common Room on D floor can also be used for departmental seminars and meetings. The common room (D219) and Finlay library can be booked at the main APS office through the booking diaries. Other university wide rooms can be booked through the university webpages or Google calendar. e.g. BMS meeting rooms 8 Other bookable rooms Mentoring The University and Department offer extensive opportunities for mentoring and being a mentee. A general overview of mentoring schemes can be found at the following link: www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/sld/developorg/mentoring/mentoringarounduni Support staff can find mentoring information at: www.sheffield.ac.uk/growprogramme Researchers and male lecturers can get mentoring information here: www.sheffield.ac.uk/ris/ecr/mentoring/index Female academics (all levels) are provided with separate mentoring options: www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/sld/developmenteverywhere/coachmentor/impactfutures/impact www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/sld/developmenteverywhere/coachmentor/impactfutures/futures Out of Hours Anyone requiring to work out of hours will need to have their Ucard activated, so will need to contact the aps-ucard@sheffield.ac.uk (please see “Keys” above). Out of hours training and fire training (through hs.shef.ac.uk) must be completed and passed before working out of hours. You must remember to sign in and out of the building, in the book kept at the porter’s lodge, and secure the area before leaving. Please ensure doors are closed behind you and that you don’t allow anyone to follow you into any of the buildings without prior authorisation. PAT testing All electrical items must be PAT tested before use in the University. Contact Steve Fletcher (s.fletcher@sheffield.ac.uk or ext. 24713) to arrange testing. Pensions Information on the USS and USCS pension schemes is available on the Finance web pages (see Appendix 1). Pigeon holes You will be allocated a pigeon hole on your arrival in the department. These are situated in the admin suite on D floor. Personnel Procedures Information is available from the HR web pages (see Appendix 1) 9 Postdoc Society (early career researchers) The APS Postdoc Society was founded in 2011 with the following aims: ● facilitating social interactions between postdocs by organizing social events ● facilitating training and career development for postdocs ● give postdocs a stronger voice within APS and the University of Sheffield. All postdocs and early career researchers currently working in APS are automatically members of the society. Active members of the society form a committee that organizes and informs about upcoming events. To be informed about what is going on: ● Make sure you are on the APS postdoc mailing list by sending an email with your name to: Anya Westram (a.westram@sheffield.ac.uk) or Jess Stapley (j.stapley@sheffield.ac.uk). Printing All staff and student printing is carried out using the CiCS My Sustainable Print service. To access the printers you will need to download the driver from the My Sustainable Print website. Multifunctional printers are located on each floor of the Alfred Denny Building. Risk assessments You MUST do risk assessments BEFORE commencing lab or field work. Please see staff list for relevant contact(s). Safety The Departmental Safety Committee is chaired by the Departmental Safety Officer (see staff list). The Departmental safety booklet, part of this booklet, covers items specifically relating to the Department and includes relevant contact names. The University safety booklet covers the wider aspects of University policy and is available from the Health and Safety web site. Salary pay date Your salary will be paid into your account on the last working day of the month, except in December, when it is paid before the Christmas shut-down. Key payroll dates SAP – see Financial Directives Security The responsibility for the security of personal property is with the owner. Always keep personal property/valuables locked away and out of sight. If you are the last person out of a room, please ensure all windows are securely closed and lock the door. Do not leave keys/cards lying about. Report any theft immediately. Do not mark keys in any way that might identify them as University keys. Set alarms on areas where alarms are provided. 10 Ensure you are not followed into any buildings by anyone you don’t recognise when working out of hours. Should an incident occur which causes you alarm, telephone the Control Room, 24085, or 4444 if it is an emergency. Seminars There are a number of seminar series organised within the department. The seminar lists are available from the departmental website and seminar organisers in the department are: Departmental seminar series: Gareth Fraser (g.fraser@sheffield.ac.uk), Gavin Thomas (gavin.thomas@sheffield.ac.uk) or Emily Mockford (e.j.mockford@sheffield.ac.uk) Ecology and evolution seminar series: Jessica Stapley (j.stapley@sheffield.ac.uk) Robert Hill seminar series: Lisa Smith (lisa.m.smith@sheffield.ac.uk) The department operates a policy of encouraging seminar organizers to attain a 1:1 gender ratio for seminar speakers. Details of this policy can be found on the APS Culture and Values web page. Sickness The University operates a sickness absence management policy. (Full details are available on the HR web pages) Where a member of staff is absent due to ill health, they should contact the department (their supervisor/main office) on the first day of absence, before their usual start time. The member of staff will need to indicate the broad nature of the illness and likely return date, and if the illness or injury is due to an accident at work. If the period of ill health lasts for more than 7 days (including one weekend), then staff must obtain a note from their doctor. Springboard Springboard is a very popular personal and professional development programme for women involved in scholarly research across the University. If the period of ill health lasts for more than 7 days (including one weekend), then staff must obtain a note from their doctor. SRDS (Staff Review and Development Scheme) SRDS interviews are held annually. This scheme provides all staff with the opportunity to reflect and consider what they have done over the past year, to received feedback on their contribution over the past year and set objectives for the coming year, identifying any training and development required to support these objectives. SRDS can also be used to discuss career development and aspirations. 11 A variety of support materials are available to help prepare for SRDS, either as a reviewer or as a reviewer. The main portal for accessing this information is through Human Resources SRDS information (www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/guidance/srds). Staff meetings Departmental staff meetings are held regularly (approximately 1-2 times per semester), normally at 11.30 am in the Biomedical Sciences conference room. All staff are encouraged to attend and will be informed via email of time/date of the next meeting. Staff Training and Development The department fully supports training and development for all staff. Development needs are reviewed annually and effected through a variety of approaches, including ‘away day’, workshops, University run programmes and conferences etc. You can sign up for training workshops at the university through the Learning Management System. Researchers can focus their career development through the Think Ahead programme, while support staff can access the Grow programme. Further training and development information is available through RIS. Staff webpages (Academic staff) Each member of academic staff has their own webpage and is listed under one of the three research groupings. Contact Emma Grayson (e.grayson@sheffield.ac.uk) to set this up. It may also be useful to have an external lab website (e.g. on Wordpress) that you can edit and link to from your APS page. Stores There is a Faculty store, which is located in B59 (B1 floor). Some items are kept in the store, but must be requisitioned through MyCatalogue before collection (see Financial directives section). Items ordered through external suppliers are delivered to Stores who will inform you of their arrival. If you receive any ordered item directly through the post, please let Stores know so the item can be ‘goods receipted’ on SAP. If the item is electrical, please ensure it is PAT tested before use (see PAT testing). Support for staff A variety of support structures for all members of staff are available across the university and department. General support information is available through HR: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/equality/support Support for research activities is coordinated by Research and Innovation Services (RIS): http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/ris 12 Career development support for early career researchers is available through ThinkAhead: http://www.shef.ac.uk/ris/ecr/training New academic staff on probation will be assigned an academic mentor for their probationary period. Further information on departmental and university-level support is available on the APS equality and diversity webpage. Female academics can access additional support through Women@TUoS NET, which runs various activities and events catering to the needs of female academics. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender staff are supported through the LGBT Staff Network. Travel All new staff are encouraged to look at the APS Green Impact Guide at http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/aps/about/green-impact Staff are encouraged to avoid domestic flights and reduce international air travel where possible. Staff should travel second class in trains (first class will not usually be reimbursed). Air travel should be economy. Telephones Any queries or problems with your telephone, or if you need a telephone in your office, please contact Stuart Pearce, who is the Departmental Telephone Liaison Officer (TLO). Ucard A University Staff Card (Ucard) will be issued to you from CICS (Corporate Information and Computing Services). The Ucard allows you to access University Computing and Library Facilities, and swipe-access to the Department outside of normal working hours. It also allows you access to some labs and offices. Women@TUoS NETwork The University supports the Women@TUoS NETwork, a network for advocacy, inspiration and progress related to gender equality in the University and in academia. A variety of events are sponsored including talks, information sessions, networking opportunities, etc. You have to add your name to an email list to get announcements about forthcoming events. To add your name, please email Rachel Myers, r.myers@sheffield.ac.uk. 13 FINANCIAL DIRECTIVES The University Financial Directives are available on Finance Department web pages. You must comply with these at all times. Atypical workers The atypical workers bank is used for non-contracted staff on temporary work. Please contact the Departmental Manager for further information before asking anyone to do any temporary work Consumables All requests for consumables and equipment must be made via the SAP purchasing system. To access the system you must do the Uspace training sessions and be assigned a user profile (application forms available via procurement web pages). Senior technical staff in laboratories are usually responsible for requisitions for the lab group. Small value items can be purchased directly and the money claimed back. You will need a till receipt, credit/debit card receipts are not acceptable. Items up to £25 can be claimed from petty cash, see Hazel, items up to £200 can be claimed on a staff expenses claim form, but this should not be used as a way of ‘getting round SAP’. Equipment For equipment purchases between £5,000 and £25,000 (ex. VAT) you must get 3 quotes, or provide justification for use of a specific supplier. Any purchases over £25,001 must go through Procurement to comply with EU legislation. Expenses claim forms To claim expenses for travel or subsistence a Staff Expense form, available from the rack at the right hand side of the main reception desk (D-floor, Alfred Denny Building), must be filled in and forwarded to the Biology Finance HUB for processing. Claims for consumables should be under £200. All claims must be supported by original receipts (photocopies and credit/debit card slips are not acceptable). For travel purchases made online you will need a print-out of the receipt/ticket/boarding pass. For travel tickets ordered online the confirmation of booking is adequate as a receipt. All travel claims must be accompanied by a Travel and Hospitality form, available from the rack at the main office, on which you will need to provide full details of the nature and purpose of each trip, including dates, destinations and names of all people included on any of the receipts. Where expenses are incurred in foreign currencies the amounts should be shown in the currency in question, but reimbursement will be in pounds sterling at the spot rate in the Financial Times at the time the expenses were incurred, unless proof of conversion is provided by the claimant. NB no expenditure is allowed for travel insurance on ANY Research Council Grants. 14 Staff wishing to use their own car on University business should get prior authority from their manager or Head of Funding Unit. You are not allowed to claim for petrol when using your own car. Anyone claiming mileage must bring in their licence (paper and photocard if appropriate) and proof that they have relevant insurance cover for business use. Failure to do so will result in any mileage claim being rejected. Mileage expenses incurred whilst on University business will be reimbursed at the rate of 40p per mile for the first 4,000 business miles in each tax year. Mileage forms must be completed and attached to the claim form. For all expenses claims it is advisable to keep copies of forms and receipts. Foreign currency/travellers cheques for overseas travel Cash advances and foreign currency may be obtained from the cash office, or paid into your bank account, prior to overseas travel. Forms are available from D212 (contact Hazel Basford h.basford@sheffield.ac.uk) , please give at least 5 working days notice. Any request for over £300 must be fully justified on the form. Petty cash This is available for small items to the value of £25, from D212 (contact Hazel Basford h.basford@sheffield.ac.uk), receipts must be obtained. Purchasing cards There are ‘departmental’ purchasing cards for use on travel and subsistence expenses incurred on University business. They can also be used for purchase of consumables up to £200, for purchase of items above this limit permission must be obtained from the holder of the card prior to purchase. The normal ordering process should be used wherever possible. For more information contact Hazel Basford - h.basford@sheffield.ac.uk. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT All financial procedures and transactions associated with ● Bursaries ● Conferences ● Fixed term contracts ● Learned Societies Fund ● Recruitment ● Research Grants and Contracts must be dealt with by the Administration team. Please contact: John Beresford j.k.beresford@shef.ac.uk 15 AWEC (Arthur Willis Environment Centre) Brief notes for users follow: AWEC 1. You will need keys to access the site, these can be obtained from Stuart Pearce (s.l.pearce@sheffield.ac.uk) or Hazel Basford (h.basford@sheffield.ac.uk). The gates must be kept locked at all times, this is for your safety. 2. To access the main building you will need to activate your UCard, contact Hazel or Stuart. The swiping in point is to the left of the main entrance doors. After swiping, these doors open outwards automatically, so don’t stand too near! 3. You will also need to get an alarm code from Stuart Pearce/Hazel Basford. The alarm code entry box is to the left of the doors as you enter the building. You also need to swipe to exit the building, the swipe point is to the right of the main door as you approach. 4. There is a doorbell to the left of the main doors, if for any reason you do not have your swipe card, but please try to use this as little as possible. 5. You must have completed a relevant risk assessment, and had this approved by your supervisor where appropriate, BEFORE commencing work at AWEC. 6. Any electrical equipment must have a current PAT sticker on it. If this is out of date or missing DO NOT use the equipment until you have spoken with Stuart or Steve Fletcher (s.fletcher@sheffield.ac.uk). 7. Please ensure you keep your area clean and tidy. 8. Bins are available for different types of waste, please contact Maggi Killion (m.killion@sheffield.ac.uk) for details if you are unsure which bin to use. 9. Fire alarms are tested at 0830 on Monday morning. (Except on Bank Hols) The designated assembly point in case of fire is the opposite side of the drive away from the building. 10. If there are any problems on site please contact Dale Bavastock or Maggi Killion, or if neither of these is on site, Stuart or Hazel. 11. If you experience any problems with bees, please contact Steve Martin, ext 20143. 12. In an emergency, please ring the emergency control on 4444, or for security issues 24085. 13. You must not bring bicycles into the main building, bicycles can be kept in the outdoor plot area. Key contacts: Maggi Killion: m.killion@sheffield.ac.uk Ext 20045 Dale Bavastock: d.bavastock@sheffield.ac.uk A detailed booklet for users of AWEC is available from the site manager. 16 Sir David Read Controlled Environment Facility (central annexe) 1. Your Ucard must be activated to access the building. The swipe point of the building is to the left of the main doors. 2. To access certain parts of the building, you must have your swipe card authorised. Contact Stuart Pearce or Hazel Basford in the first instance. 3. All portable electrical equipment used in the facility must have a current PAT sticker. Do not use any equipment that does not have a current PAT sticker on it until you have spoken with Greg Nicholson or Steve Fletcher. 4. Please keep the area clean and tidy. 5. Different types of bins are available for different types of waste. Waste stream posters are displayed on the notice boards in the labs. Please contact Greg Nicholson if you are unsure which bin to use. 6. Fire alarms are tested at 0910 every Monday (except bank holidays). The designated assembly points are the Arts Tower Car Park and the Print Room Car Park. 7. If there are any problems with the facility please contact Greg Nicholson in the first instance. If Greg Nicholson is unavailable, contact Stuart Pearce or Timo Blake. 8. In an emergency, phone the emergency control room on 4444 from any university telephone. For security issues, phone 24085. Contacts Greg Nicholson g.j.nicholson@sheffield.ac.uk Ext 24720 Stuart Pearce s.l.pearce@sheffield.ac.uk Ext 24712 Timo Blake timo.blake@sheffield.ac.uk Ext 25075 A detailed booklet for users of the site is available from Greg Nicholson/Stuart Pearce. 17 APPENDIX 1: UNIVERSITY RESOURCES For new staff induction www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/recruitment/induction About the University www.sheffield.ac.uk/about/history About the Department www.sheffield.ac.uk/aps/about/history University structure www.sheffield.ac.uk/govern Decision-making structure (Committees) www.sheffield.ac.uk/govern/committees Financial directives www.sheffield.ac.uk/finance/regulations Human resources (extensive information on many aspects of employment and support) www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/guidance A-Z of Staffing Policies and Procedures www.sheffield.ac.uk/hr/az Salaries and Superannuation www.sheffield.ac.uk/finance/staff-information/mymoney/mypension/index.html Library www.sheffield.ac.uk/library/ Health and Safety www.sheffield.ac.uk/hs Transport www.sheffield.ac.uk/efm/property_business_services/transport Ucards and email accounts etc www.sheffield.ac.uk/cics/staff 18 APPENDIX 2: KEY CONTACTS Head of Department Prof. Mike Siva-Jothy m.siva-jothy@shef.ac.uk 24111 Department Manager Mr John Beresford j.k.beresford@shef.ac.uk 24373 Administration Manager/ PA to HoD Mrs Sue Carter s.a.carter@shef.ac.uk 24376 Lab superintendent Mrs Hazel Basford h.basford@shef.ac.uk 20077 Dept Safety Officer Prof. Richard Leegood r.leegood@shef.ac.uk 20040 Dept TLO/keys Mr Stuart Pearce s.l.pearce@shef.ac.uk 24712 a.doncaster@sheffield.ac.uk 20047 l.mccrickard@sheffield.ac.uk 20067 Student Administrative staff Postgraduate student administration Angela Doncaster Undergraduate student administration Louise McCrickard A full list of support staff can be found at: www.sheffield.ac.uk/aps/staff-and-students/support-staff A full list (and personal webpages) of academic staff can be found at: www.sheffield.ac.uk/aps/staff-and-students/acadstaff A full list (and personal webpages) of postdoctoral & research staff can be found at: www.sheffield.ac.uk/aps/staff-and-students/postdoc 19