JULY 2014 VOLUME 1 ISSUE #3 The Potomac District Sailor’s Knot Newsletter July 2014 Knots: The Carrick bend is a knot used for joining two lines. It is particularly appropriate for very heavy rope or cable that is too large and stiff to easily be formed into other common bends. It will not jam even after carrying a significant load or being soaked with water. AΔK knots binds us together with strength. Potomac District Sisters, What a fun month June has been! School is out. I visited and helped 6 chapters with the installation of officers. I met with the Potomac 3 P’s for tea. And we had several sisters agree to help with various jobs on the Potomac District Board! This is a great start to summer! 3 P Meeting Fairfax Regional Library June 30, 214 POINTS OF INTEREST: Potomac Exec. Board Members Founder’s Day: October 12 Fair Oaks Waterford Habitat for Humanity introduction Virginia Mentoring Shaping Our Ship Founder’s Day theme Blue Marble Assessing mobility Vote: State World Understanding Project The 3 P retreat June 30th was very productive. We heard from speakers from the local Habitat for Humanity groups. Prince William, Loudoun and NOVA (Alexandria, Falls Church, Arlington and Fairfax Counties) were represented. Our altruistic Chair, Nan Altheide, will keep us on track with projects available to our chapters throughout the next two years. We heard from a VA Mentoring rep about possible projects for our District Educational Excellence initiative. Barb Eason, gave each of us a blue marble saying thank you & encouraging us to pass it on or “pay it forward”. See the picture inset to the left. We began planning Founder's Day Oct. 12, 2014 at the Waterford Fair Oaks. Looks like an “active” event in the works, stay tuned. Enjoy summer! -Karen The Potomac District Newsletter Vapotomacdistrictpresktaylor@gmail.com Karen Taylor, President JULY 2014 PAGE 2 Potomac District, Officers and Board: SAVE THE DATE: August 1, 2014ext- and Form H-114 Delete place photo Annual here. Chapter Highlights due to Headquarters July 14-16, 2014 - SER Southeast Region Conference in Charleston, West Virginia President: Karen Taylor Immediate Past President: Ruth Brannigan Web Wizardess: Janet Micari *Secretary & Founders Day Registrar: _________ *President-Elect: ____________ Chaplain: Barbara McClellan Altruism: Nan Altheide World Understanding: Barbara Eason Emergency Relief: Pam Freer *Educational excellence: *Public Relations: _______________ * Unfilled positions as of July 2014 Please let me know if you would be willing to serve in one of the open positions above. September 20, 2014 - Fall Council of Chapter Presidents at Crowne Plaza, Richmond September 10, 2014 – Deadline for submitting articles to the Kappan FALL COUNCIL OF PRESIDENTS October 1, 2014 - Chapter Yearbooks due October 15, 2014 - H-128 Membership Plan Part-A due to Headquarters & Deadline to file 990-N e-postcard if the fiscal year is June 1-May 31 & your revenue is less than $50,000. The Fall Council of Chapter Presidents will be held September 20, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza Downtown, Richmond. Chapter Presidents, Presidents Elect or Vice Presidents, Immediate Past Presidents, and Treasurers should plan to attend. December 1, 2014- dues should be forwarded to Headquarters. “3 Cheers! Julie Kidd (Beta Gamma), Southeast Region Sergeant-at-Arms and Virginia Past State President, was recently promoted to Full Professor of Education at George Mason University”! JULY 2014 PAGE 3 Help Chart Our VA AΔK Course History: Lelah Sullivan, our Virginia Alpha Delta Kappa Historian has requested chapter historians send her labeled photos of chapter activities and events. Please email photos to her at: lelahsullivan5@gmail.com. POTOMAC DISTRICT PRESIDENTS: Delete text and place photo here. IOTA President Alpha Tau President Tau President Beta Gamma President PSI CoPresident Beta Zeta President Gamma Epsilon President Gamma Theta POC Gamma Phi President Terrie Jolliffe Ann Thorsen Sue Saccomando Phylis Adams Colette Hill/Jill Woodall Pam Collier Elaine Florimonte POTOMAC FRIENDSHIP KNOTS: THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE The Sailor Bracelet Story: Sailors have worn the Sailor Bracelet for over 200 years! Back in the days of old, sailors would fashion a sailor bracelet from the extra ropes on their ships, using them to wipe the sweat from their brow (it’s a lot of work this sailing stuff), or would give one to a sweetheart to wear for good luck while he was away out at sea. Today the tradition continues! The sailor bracelet is worn all over the world, serving as a token of friendship, good luck, and most of all a love for the ocean. Recently, while helping with chapter installations, I have observed friendship knots exchanged as retiring leaders welcomed new officers, (the tie that binds). Beta Gamma, IPP Barbara Elbeze presented the new chapter officers with woven bracelets with nautical charms. Psi Karen Taylor Debra Holder Chapter IPP gifted chocolate to new officers. Every chapter past presidents made special efforts to say special thanks the officers who have served from Gamma Epsilon and Gamma Theta. 1. Books on the Move, 2. Community Partnerships for Global Literacy 3. Zebra Academy. Which do you choose? Vote online today! PAGE 4 The Virginia Executive Board: Conway Blankenship, President Kim Matthias, President-Elect Kathy Beatty, Vice President & State Membership Chair Debbie Carter, Recording Secretary Molly Freitag, Corresponding Secretary Getting Ship Shape Mobility: It only takes small steps to improve our level of health. While it takes 6 weeks for permanent change even one week of a change can be remarkable in how we feel. We do need to know a baseline for what we can currently do. As we age, our fall risk increases. There are baseline tests which help determine the fitness of our parents, family, friends, & ourselves. See the one test below: Pat Crawford, Treasurer Timed Get Up and Go Test: Measures mobility in people who are able to walk on their own (assistive device permitted) Lelah Sullivan, Historian The person may wear their usual footwear and can use any assistive device they normally use. Sharon Klevesahl, Sergeant-atArms Linda Marushi, Chaplain Jayne Perala, Immediate Past President Barbara Haney, Financial Advisor Barbara Havens, Newsletter Editor Jennifer Edwards, Parliamentarian Joann Ervin, Technology Coordinator 1. Have the person sit in the chair with their back to the chair and their arms resting on the arm rests. 2. Ask the person to stand up from a standard chair and walk a distance of 10 ft. (3m). 3. Have the person turn around, walk back to the chair and sit down again. Timing begins when the person starts to rise from the chair and ends when he or she returns to the chair and sits down. The person should be given 1 practice trial and then 3actual trial. The times from the three actual trials are averaged. Seconds Rating: <10 Freely mobile, <20 Mostly independent,20-29 Variable mobility, >20 Impaired mobility http://www.fallpreventiontaskforce.org/tools.htm PAGE 5 VA President Conway’s State Theme “Sail Forward” Membership: Kathy Beatty, VA Membership Chair: Summer is a great time to lay the ground work for bringing in new members. Casual outings, coffee klatches, happy hours help us meet & learn about potential sisters. Altruistic project: Habitat for Humanity: www.habitat.org/ the district 3 P’s voted to promote this initiative for the next biennium. We will have details at Founder’s Day on how chapters can become involved. All Hands On DeckKathy Beatty, VA Membership Chair’s Logo -Created by Elaine Florimonte, Gamma Epsilon Education Excellence: VA Mentoring: At the 3-P meeting June 3oth, Elizabeth Bass an affiliate presented an overview of the programs available to groups interested in quality mentoring of children. 1 in 3 children will never have a mentor. Mentoring proves to help children succeed. Mentoring helps to build capacity & cultural competency. For more information go to: http://www.vamentoring.org/ International- VOTE World Understanding: Each member can vote. Please go to the www.alphadeltakappa.org site to vote for the next World Understanding project: learn more at the links provided. 1. Books on the Move, bring the world of reading to a Sioux Indian Reserve to increase literacy & graduation rates. www.Hawkwing.org 2. Community Partnership for Global Literacy, Teaching & learning initiative in Central America supporting female students to pursue careers in education, medicine, dentistry. www.talica.org 3. Zebra Academy, help a primary school & teacher training in Kenya including constriction & maintenance of schools. www.mtochurch.com Link to International web site for Chapter Officers to register new officers: If your chapter has not completed this form please do so ASAP. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1zyLeaO8AS0lXEiiicQ3Ng9B0heZyHfbTN9fawbMmp0/viewform “Trying times are for trying new things” –Jane Pauley