edTPA LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE (see pg 10 in handbook) Each lesson plan must be no more than 4 pages in length. You will need to condense or excerpt lesson plans longer than 4 pages. Any rationale for decisions or explanations should be included in your Planning Commentary and deleted from your plans. Date: _______ Period(s): ___ Class: ________________ Central Focus: A description of the important understandings and core concepts that you want students to develop within the learning segment. Standards: Please include the number and text of each standard that is being addressed. If only a portion of a standard is being addressed, then only list the part or parts that are relevant. Learning Objectives: Given the central focus, describe how the standards and learning objectives within your learning segment address students’ abilities to: a) construct meaning from, and interpret complex text. b) create a written product interpreting or responding to complex features of a text. Assessments: Informal and formal assessments used to monitor student learning, including type(s) of assessment and what is being assessed Instructional Resources and Materials: For students: (handouts, previous assignments, tests, etc.) For teacher: (lecture notes, answer keys, overheads, video, lists of questions, etc.) Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (including what you and the students will be doing) that support diverse student needs Introduction: How are you going to get the students to recall yesterday’s lesson and how it relates to what you are doing today? How will you capture student attention? Introduction Time Frame Introduction Activity Description Instruction: Include time estimates for each of your activities and also plan for regular checks for understanding. Instruction Time Frame Instruction Activity Description Closure: How will you tie the lesson together and reemphasize the concepts presented? How will you know if your students “get it” by the end of your lesson? Closure Time Frame Closure Activity Description UBD-UDL INTEGRATED LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Lesson: Author: Course: Date: STEP ONE: Pre-Planning What are you teaching? Why are you teaching it? Essential Question(s) Enduring Understandings Mastery Objectives Content What students will know - Skills Relevance Assessment/Checking for Understanding What students will be able to do - Why do students need this knowledge and skills right now? How are knowledge and skills used by adults? How will I know that students have understood the content and can apply the skills? STEP TWO: The Lesson How are you teaching it? Why are you teaching it that way? How do you know the students get it? How do the students know they get it? Opening/ How will ideas be introduced and linked to prior knowledge? Activator Instructional What instructional strategies and resources might I use to help students Activities perform well? Multiple Means Representation Multiple Means of Engagement Multiple Means of Expression How do you ensure that all students have access to the information presented? How do you provide multiple pathways for students to learn the material through multiple entry points, activity settings, and choices for interacting with the content? (Listening, talking, interacting with physical models, web search, etc.) How will students express and/or demonstrate what they have learned? (Tests, tiered assessments, oral exams, building a model, making a video, Closing How will the lesson end and bridge to learning for the future? STEP THREE: Set-Up What do you need to be prepared for the lesson? On the Board Objectives By the end of the period, you will be able to . . . Do Now Agenda Homework Materials and Resources Needed for the Lesson STEP FOUR: Reflections What did you learn in the process of teaching the lesson? Ending Where did the lesson end? What needs to happen tomorrow for this specific class? Reflection What went well? Why? What did you learn while teaching it? What areas need work? on the What steps can you take to make improvement? Lesson Modified UDL Lesson Plan Template (meets performance assessment requirements) Lesson: Teacher: Course: Date: TOPIC of this lesson or Essential Question (content/activity ex. Ch 3 Mice/Men, analyze character) Common Core State Standards and/or Subject Specific State Standards List 3-4 standards (CCSS &/or subject specific) aligned to the objectives of this lesson. Mastery Objectives (Skills) What students will be able to do (use Bloom’s taxonomy) Materials/Technology/Resources Needed for the Lesson Academic Language Vocabulary Academic Language Function Formative Assessments Summative Assessment Instructional Strategies What instructional strategies and resources might be used to help students perform well? Multiple Means of Representation Do all students have access to the information presented? Multiple Means of Engagement Multiple Means of Expression How are multiple pathways provided for students to How will students express and/or demonstrate what learn the material through multiple entry points, they have learned? (Tests, tiered assessments, oral activity settings and choices for interacting with the exams, building a model, making a video, etc.) content? (Listening, talking, interacting with physical models, web research, etc) Opening/Activity (Do Now) •How will ideas be introduced and linked to prior knowledge? •How will the opening activity motivate students? 1. (time/structure)* Activity . . . Agenda Explicitly describe instructional activities: modeling-I do, guided practice-we do, independent practice-you do. Include time–approximate minutes & structure–whole class, collaborative, individualized 2. (time/structure)* Activity. . . . 3. . . . . 4. . . . . 5. . . . Closure (check for understanding) How will the lesson end and bridge to learning for the future? 6. closing activity Reflection (to be filled in AFTER lesson delivered) What went well? Why? What did you learn while teaching it? What areas need work? What steps can you take to make improvement? TRADITIONAL LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Course: Topic of Lesson: Instructor: Grade: Unit: Common Core State Standards (or National Content Standards) Mastery Objectives – Content and Skill (use action verbs) Materials/Technology/Resources Needed for the Lesson Academic Language Vocabulary/Function (What content vocabulary will you have to pre-teach; what focus for vocab function?) Formative Assessments/Summative assessment Instructional Strategies (What strategies and resources help students perform well?) Differentiation: Multiple means of engagement/representation/expression (Consider student access to information, student interaction, and student presentation) Opening Activity (Do Now) (How will opening activity introduce topic and motivate students?) Agenda (Describe instructional activities; include time–approximate minutes & structure–whole class, collaborative, individualized) Closing (How will lesson end and bridge to future?) Reflection (What went well? What needs work? What steps can you take?