“One thing I learned, and I learned it real good, I learned it especially good when I went to
Vietnam; just because you shoot someone doesn’t mean they are going to die. And if they
don’t die, they are going to be mad. And if they’ve got a gun, then you’re dead…If you really
want to kill somebody, you kill them. You don’t play, you make sure that when you shoot
them, they’re dead…That way, they can’t hurt you…They can’t hurt you at all…”
-Bill Cooper
Ralph Metzner
“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world,
the rest of the world calls butterfly.”
- Richard Bach
Our experience confirms what the elders and wise ones of all times have said - that we live in a constant
state of change. Modern science tells us the world consists of patterns of unceasing transformation of
energy and matter. We observe these changes in ourselves and in those we know and care for: changes of
physical growth, the learning of muscular skills, emotional development, acquisition of knowledge,
conformance to the changing expectations of our culture, becoming ill, becoming healed. We grow up. . .
we grow old. . . but we always grow. Our lives appear to unfold in multiple inter-weavings of cycles of
change at many levels, punctuated by discontinuous transitions. We see certain of these basic transitions marriage and divorce, illness and accidents, births and deaths - as "life-changing" events.
In addition to such changes, which are natural and ordinary, in the sense that they are an accepted part of
life, there exists in human experience another kind of transformation, a radical restructuring of the entire
psyche that has been variously referred to as mystical experience, ecstasy, cosmic consciousness, oceanic
feeling, oneness, transcendence, union with God, nirvana, satori, liberation, peak experience, and other
names. Such experiences may occur in some people without their recognizing much of what is really
happening and just how extraordinary this process is.
We have evidence that the prevalence of this kind of experience may be greatly underestimated. Andrew
Greeley and William McCready reported in the New York Times on a survey they made with a sample of
fifteen hundred "normal," middle-class Americans.(1) Forty percent of the respondents answered
affirmatively to the question "Have you ever had the feeling of being very close to a powerful spiritual
force that seemed to lift you out of yourself?" This finding prompted the researchers to title their article,
"Are We a Nation of Mystics?" People who have these kinds of experiences may not know what they are
or how to talk about them, but they agree that the experience is powerful, sometimes devastating, and
invariably life transforming.
There are many thoughtful people who believe that our time is one of accelerated social and individual
transformation. Fundamental world views, paradigms of reality, conceptions of human nature are being
questioned and challenged.(2) There are even suggestions from some observers that humanity as a whole
species is undergoing a collective transformation. We have no precedent in our experience for this kind of
evolutionary change. We are being challenged to examine our understanding of evolution itself.(3)
And that is not all. Albert Einstein remarked, "The atomic bomb has changed everything except our way
of thinking." In a world teetering on the brink of nuclear holocaust, economic collapse, and ecological
catastrophe, we are being challenged to examine ourselves. We feel we have to ask ourselves, "What are
we?" after all, to have arrived at such an insanely dangerous impasse. It seems to me that two important
conclusions are emerging with increasing certainty: (1) that the evolutionary transformation of society
and of humanity must take place first in the individual, and (2) that the transformation of the individual
requires a turning inward, toward self - not in narcissistic self-absorption but in aware self-confrontation.
What can we say, in psychological terms, about this kind of profound transformation in which so many
find themselves involved with varying degrees of urgency and intensity? I would agree with those who
speak of this transformation in terms of "consciousness." Consciousness - defined as the context, or field,
in which thoughts, feelings, perceptions, sensations, images, impulses, intentions, and the like, exist and
occur - is transformed when any of the following occur: changes in thinking, worldview, beliefs; feelings,
motives, impulses, values; as well as altered perceptions, such as heightened seeing (clairvoyance) and
sensing (clairsentience).
A further characteristic of this transformation of consciousness is the alteration of perception of time and
space. When time seems to pass at a different rate and when the space around us seems different and
unfamiliar, we sometimes experience a giddy or fearful recognition that we are in a process of change,
with an unpredictable outcome: we know we are going to be different, but we don't know how.
When our very concept of reality and our self-concept change, we speak of personal, or self,
transformation. This kind of experience changes the way we feel about the world - our emotional attitude
of basic trust or mistrust, faith or doubt, acceptance or rejection - and changes our feelings about
ourselves, our self-acceptance, self-esteem, self-love.
Whatever our definition of personality or of self may be, it is clear that as self-concepts, self-feelings, and
self-images change, the personality changes, too. We feel and sense ourselves to be different persons.
Without entering at this point into the debates over whether the ego should be annihilated (as in many
spiritual traditions) or strengthened (as in Western psychotherapy), we can agree, I believe, that the ego or
its function, role, and place is changed.
This book explores the meanings of human self-transformation. Other expressions signifying this realm of
human experience agree in their assignment of a pivotal role to the self-concept. Self-actualization, a
term used in humanistic and existential psychology, implies a bringing into actuality of something that
had been a latent potentiality. The term self-realization suggests a making real, or a seeing as real,
something that had been until then only a dream or a vague intuition. Jung's term individuation means (a)
becoming an individual distinct from the mass consciousness, and (b) becoming "indivisible," or whole.
Although the self-concept, or self-image, plays a pivotal role in most accounts of psycho-spiritual
transformation, it is not a necessary one. Buddhist psychology, which does not recognize the existence of
any self or ego, explains the transformation simply as an altered mode of functioning of the five "complex
aggregates" (skandhas) of consciousness. These aggregates, or systems - memory, perception,
feeling/valuing, form awareness, conscious comprehension - together constitute what we think of as
personality. In the process of transformation, their functions and aims are radically changed.(4)
There are two other aspects of individual identity, of persona or selfhood that may be affected in the kind
of core transformation we have been discussing; they are behavior and appearance. Whether a person's
actual behavior changes as a result of a deep transformative experience is an open question; obviously, it
depends on the individual's prior behavior. We know of extreme cases, such as that of Saul, who became
Paul and changed from an enemy to a defender of the faith. Criminals have been known to become saints.
Others may, after a transcendent vision, simply find themselves confirmed in their life path and their
spiritual practice, with no outwardly observable change in behavior. After enlightenment, the Zen masters
said, you may go back to cutting wood and drawing water.
Bodily appearance also may or may not be altered when consciousness and self are transformed. The
traditions of yoga, alchemy, and shamanism contain numerous examples of psychophysical
transformation. In illness and healing recovery, physical form and appearance may change drastically.
Anyone who has undergone the "remission" of a malignant tumor, spontaneously or as a result of psychic
healing, has brought about a kind of alchemical transformation of the physical elements of the body.
Michael Murphy and his associates have accumulated a large body of documentation and evidence of
unusual psychophysical changes occurring in sports and other situations involving extreme physical
challenge.(5) The Future of the Body
Attempts at describing the process of transformation of consciousness and personality in abstract,
psychological language are comparatively recent. In prior periods - in the religious and mystical literature
of East and West, in the traditions of shamanism, alchemy, and yoga, and in the allegorical language of
mythology - symbols and metaphors are used to convey essential information and guidelines for those
who find themselves plunged into the midst of a transformative crisis, and those who are pursuing a
disciplined path of development. People have often found that it is helpful to turn to the old texts and
stories for guidance and insight into the process they are undergoing. Historical accounts and images
from. Other cultures often evoke a kind of echo or resonance in us. Maybe this is recognition of our
common humanity; or some feel that we may be experiencing traces of "another life."
Through the work of Freud, Jung, and the other depth psychologists and students of comparative
mythology and religion, it has become apparent that myths still function as they did in the eras before
psychological theories were invented: myths seem to articulate certain deep, archetypal patterns of
growth. While Freud proposed that all men live out the Oedipus myth, modern psychologists agree that
there are many different myths that men and women have found themselves living, without realizing it.
From the discovery of such deep, mythic undertones in one's life, and the unsuspected level of meaning
that is revealed, comes support for healing and the self-reflection that leads to understanding.
Symbols and Metaphors of Transformation
In virtually all the traditional systems of human transformation, symbols, metaphors, analogies, parables,
myths, and allegories play a central role. This is true of the modern psychological, especially
transpersonal, approaches, as well as the traditional religious, mystical, and esoteric ways. In shamanism,
for example, the altered state of consciousness, or trance, which the shaman healer undergoes, is
symbolized as a journey or a flight through the air. And modern explorers of consciousness, whether
using psychedelic drugs or not, have created the language of "the trip" or of "being high." Similarly,
alchemy uses the description of chemical processes going on in a retort, as analogies or metaphors for
experimental processes going on in the psychophysical (body-mind) system of the practitioner.
Psychotherapists, especially those of a Jungian persuasion, frequently hear dreams with alchemical
themes, such as purification or sublimation, from their patients who are in the midst of a transformation.
We need only recall the yogic images of energy centers as flowers that unfold, or the idea of the
kundalini serpent that rises, to realize how extensive is the use of analogy and symbolism in these
traditions. Some modern psychiatrists suggest the existence of a "kundalini syndrome," occurring in some
yoga practitioners, in which serpentine energy currents surge uncontrollably through the body, and bring
about a major transformation of consciousness.
We might usefully compare the central transformative metaphors used by three of the pioneers of modern
depth psychology, Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich, and C. G. Jung. For Freud, the unconscious was a
deep and dangerous unknown, like the ocean; and psychoanalysis - making the unconscious conscious was like reclaiming land from the sea, as practiced in Holland. In Reich's theory, repressed unconscious
factors have become assembled into a kind of invisible armor, impacted into the tissues of the body,
especially the musculature; bio-energetic therapy aims at the melting, or dissolving, of this armor. In
Jung's view, the unconscious, both personal and collective, is like the night sky, an infinite unknown,
studded with myriads of tiny sparks of light that can become the sources of illumination, insight, and
creativity for the person in the process of individuation.(6)
Consciousness itself has been thought of in terms of two analogies. One is as a kind of space, as in
Buddhist notions of "emptiness," or in such expressions as "state of consciousness," or context, or field.
The other analogy is that of a river, as in the expressions "stream of consciousness" and "stream of
thought." We have, then, a geographical metaphor and a historical one, which correspond to the two main
dimensions of our experience of reality - space and time.
In literature and mythology, which may be regarded as the repositories of psychological teachings before
there was a separate discipline of psychology (i.e., prior to the late nineteenth century), we find two
widely used analogies for the human life cycle: the cycle of the day and that of the year. In the diurnal
analogy, we think of birth and youth as the sunrise and morning, adulthood as midday, maturity as the
afternoon, and aging as the evening of our days. In the seasonal metaphor, we speak of the springtime of
our youth, the summer of full adult power and expression, the autumnal maturity of our capacities through
midlife, and the "winter of our discontent," of aging and dying.
As these examples make clear, the use of metaphor and symbolism spreads far beyond the realm of
literature and the arts. It appears to be such a pervasive characteristic of human language that it may even
be regarded as a built-in feature of all human thinking. George Lakoff and Mark Johnson, in a book
entitled Metaphors We Live By, have made just this point.(7) Adducing evidence from linguistics and
philosophy, they show how our ordinary conceptual system - which governs how we think, how we talk,
and how we act, both consciously and unconsciously - is fundamentally metaphorical in nature. For
example, an unconsciously held, or implicit, metaphor in our culture is the idea that money is liquid, as
expressed by "cash flow" and "liquid assets."
Lakoff and Johnson argue that surely the implicit metaphors of ordinary language have an experiential
basis. There is, among others, an interesting group of metaphors they call orientational, which are based
on our experience of the up/down dimension of space. We relate this dimension to feelings of happiness
("my spirits rose," "I feel down"), consciousness ("waking up," "falling asleep"), health and life ("he's at
the peak of health," "he dropped dead"), control and power ("the height of power," "being under control"),
status ("high society"), time ("upcoming events") and moral and other kinds of evaluation ("high-quality
work," "high-mindedness," "low character," "the depths of depravity"). Some of these metaphors we Shall
encounter again as we discuss the processes of consciousness transformation. Most models of psychospiritual development, for instance, use metaphors of an upward progression - "raising one's level of
consciousness," "bringing an unconscious complex up into awareness," "climbing to the top of the holy,
or mystical, mountain," "ascending the ladder of evolution, or the ladder of perfection" - and many more.
A useful distinction can be drawn between symbol and metaphor. In this book symbol is more likely to be
an object or thing; whereas metaphor stands for a process that extends through time. Thus, the tree is a
symbol of the human being, standing vertically between heaven and earth, linking the upper world of
Spirit and the lower worlds of Nature. On the other hand, the growth of a tree from seed to flowering
maturity is a metaphor for the growth of the individual, the unfolding of a human's life from seedconception to full creative expression. The path, or road, is a symbol of development of consciousness;
traveling on the road is a metaphor for the process of expanding the horizons of awareness.
The word symbol comes from the Greek roots sym ("together") and ballein ("to throw"). Thus, a symbol
is a throwing together, a linkage, connecting two disparate elements in our psyche. The word metaphor
comes from the Greek roots meta ("beyond") and pherein ("to carry"). Thus, it is a carrying beyond, a
transferring of meaning from one domain into another. Analogy comes from the Greek analogos
("proportionate"), which in turn is based on ana ("according to") and legein ("to collect" and "to speak").
Thus, by analogy we can gather (understand) and speak of, a similarity in proportion. A clock is a good
example of an analog device: it shows the same proportions and relationships as the passage of the sun in
relationship to the horizon.
In the writings of the mystics we find detailed and comprehensive descriptions of experiences of
transformation, couched in the metaphors and symbols of the particular religion that the mystic adhered
to. Transcending the boundaries of culture and religion in their visions and their writings, mystics are
pioneers of evolution, reporting back to the rest of humanity on what lies ahead for all of us. As Evelyn
Underhill writes in her masterful book Mysticism, "The mystic cannot wholly do without symbol and
image, inadequate to his vision though they must always be: for his experience must be expressed if it is
to be communicated, and its actuality is inexpressible except in some hint or parallel which will stimulate
the dormant intuition of the reader.(8) The Jesus of the New Testament used parables constantly, as we
know. The phrase "The Kingdom of Heaven is like . . . ," which runs like a golden thread through the
gospel narrative, is considered by some to tell the story of a transformation of consciousness from human
to divine, from personal to transpersonal.
Likewise, myths, legends, and folktales are important sources of transformational metaphors and symbols.
They often contain metaphoric accounts of transformative experiences. They are like the stories told by
explorers to future, would-be voyagers, describing in symbolic form major features of the interior
landscapes traversed by the consciousness voyager. Sometimes in a cautionary mode, sometimes in an
inspirational mode, they allude metaphorically to the interior conflicts to be resolved, hardships to be
endured, obstacles to be overcome, rewards to be won, tools to be used, allies to be found, visions to be
Symbols and metaphors, then, function in the psyche as connecting links between states and levels of
consciousness, bridging between domains of reality. They serve to elucidate the structures and functions
of consciousness while we are undergoing both ordinary and extraordinary transformations. Many of the
deepest, most powerful archetypal symbols are not necessarily articulated verbally. They may be
numbers, shapes, colors, natural phenomena, plants, or animals, and they may be expressed in a great
variety of cultural forms, including painting, sculpture, architecture, song, dance, ritual, movement,
gesture. These primordial, or archetypal, images are found in virtually all cultures and during all ages,
thus representing a kind of universal language.(10)
Another, most important function of symbols is their ability to induce or catalyze changes in our
perception, feeling, or thinking. For example, a Buddhist monk meditating on a symbolic figure will
experience specific definite changes in his consciousness, intentionally induced or facilitated by that
symbolic image. In Jungian psychotherapy the patient is often encouraged, in a process known as "active
imagination," to extend and develop the meaning associations of the image encountered in a dream. Jung
repeatedly emphasized the active, dynamic nature of symbols and their ability to work within us - even on
us - without our conscious recognition.
While Freud postulated that the symbols in the unconscious functioned primarily to conceal the impulses
and conflicts that they symbolized, for Jung the symbol was a bridge between conscious and unconscious,
an element that "points beyond itself to a meaning that is darkly divined yet still beyond our grasp."
Religious symbols in particular, according to Jung, have a distinctly revelatory and transformative
character. "Even today we can see in individuals the spontaneous genesis of genuine and valid religious
symbols, springing from the unconscious like flowers of a strange species, while consciousness stands by
perplexed."(11) Jung is referring here to the dynamic, spontaneous activity of symbols in the psyche, an
activity that brings symbolic visions to people in dreams, meditations, and other such states of
consciousness. Such visions always "just come," they are not "made up," and they may surprise the
individual in whom they arise.
The following chapters present ten key metaphors that are found in most of the world's great spiritual and
philosophical traditions. Mystics, hermits, monks, yogis, saints, sages, magicians, shamans, physicians,
wizards, teachers, warriors, scholars, artists, poets, philosophers, scientists, psychologists - all of those
who have functioned as way-showers on the evolutionary path - have found these metaphors and symbols
indispensable for describing their experience, for awakening intuition and for catalyzing transformation.
I invite the reader then to explore these central metaphors. A particular metaphor may trigger a memory
of a deeply moving transformative experience the reader has had. Another may point dimly to some
totally new, as yet unknown yet subtly sensed dimension of experience. There is no pre-established
sequence, no predetermined goal. Each one finds his own path, each works out her own destiny. The myth
of each life is a unique configuration of elements.
While it is widely believed and asserted that "all roads lead to the same mountaintop," I find this to be an
oversimplified and misleading analogy. I prefer the ancient symbolism of humans as radiating sources of
light, as "walking stars" treading the Earth path; or the image of giant trees rooted in the Earth, with
crown and branches reaching to the heavens; or that of caterpillars dimly sensing their potential as
scintillating, liberated butterflies. The exploration of the psyche, of inner space, seems to me very
analogous to the exploration of outer space: one can go in all directions for an infinite distance and length
of time. As Buckminster Fuller pointed out, each individual exists at the center of a movable sphere of
omni-directional awareness, that moves, like a shadow, everywhere we move.(12)
The process of sharing these inexpressible experiences of transformation may bring us to a greater
awareness of our interdependent, common humanity: whether we speak of union with God, or with the
Tao, or of cosmic consciousness, or of wholeness, there is a common core here in all of us; we are one in
this - and further, we are interconnected with the natural world and the cosmos in which we live.
Everything is then seen as metaphor: reality itself throws symbols at us with abundance of meaning. We
seem to be designed for comprehension and communication of meaning.
The phenomenal world is a mirror reflection of a basic ground reality unknowable by us, according to the
ancient Indian sages. "All phenomena," said Goethe, "are merely metaphorical" ("Alles Vergaengliche ist
nur ein Gleichnis"). Or, as Gregory Bateson stated it, mind is metaphorical, and mind is "the pattern that
connects." In this kind of vision, we are "carried across" metaphorically, across boundaries of culture, of
historical era, of race and language. We find linkages, from self to world, from world to world, and from
self to other selves.
Theories of Human Transformation
It may be useful to take a brief look at some of the theoretical approaches to the understanding of
transformation that have been proposed by historians of religion, philosophers, evolutionary theorists, and
psychologists. These theories, as we shall see, have often resorted to the same symbols, metaphors, and
images we find in the accounts of the mystics and in the myths of ancient peoples, to explain their
perspectives on transformation. Each of these theories and each of the metaphors contribute a valuable
thread to the tapestry of our understanding.
William James, in his work on religious experience, used the classic concept of conversion, literally a
"turning around," to describe not only a person's change from one religion to another, but also the process
of attaining a sense of the religious dimension of life, a sense of the sacred. "To be converted, to be
regenerated, to receive grace, to experience religion, to gain an assurance, are so many phrases which
denote the process, gradual or sudden, by which a self-hitherto divided, and consciously wrong, inferior
and unhappy, becomes unified and consciously right, superior and happy, in consequence of its firmer
hold upon religious realities."(13) Religious conversion then is one form that a transformative experience
might take for contemporary men and women. The metaphors of awakening and of progressing from
fragmentation to wholeness are related to this conversion model of transformation.
The historian of religion Mircea Eliade has emphasized the importance of the discovery of the sacred.
This does not necessarily imply belief in God or gods or spirits; rather, awareness of the sacred is inherent
in man's mode of being in the world. "Through experience of the sacred the mind grasps the difference
between what is revealed as real, potent, rich, and meaningful and that which is deficient in those qualities
-- in other words, the chaotic and perilous flux of things, their fortuitous and meaningless appearances and
disappearances."(14) This kind of experience of a sacred quality of the world, of all life, and of our life in
particular is often a significant element in the transformative experience of modern individuals, even
those of an atheistic or agnostic orientation. The metaphor of uncovering the veils of illusion to discover
the real is felt to be a particularly appropriate one for this kind of experience. A person may echo the
words of that wonderful spiritual "Amazing Grace," "I was blind and now I see."
The language of mysticism speaks of the human transformation most directly; and in a way that is not
particularly bound to a specific set of religious beliefs concerning the nature of God or divinity.
Mysticism refers to an experience of which one cannot speak (it comes from the Greek muein, "to keep
silent"). As William James wrote: "We pass into mystical states out of ordinary consciousness as from a
lesser into a more, as from a smallness into a vastness, and at the same time as from an unrest to a rest.
We feel them as reconciling, unifying states." And Evelyn Underhill speaks of mysticism as "an organic
process which.. . involves the achievement here and now of the immortal heritage of man . . . the art of
establishing his conscious relation with the Absolute."(15) The mystical literature of East and West
provides lucid and detailed accounts of the phenomenology of transformative experiences. Mystics try to
show us the ineffable, to point to visions of reality inexpressible in ordinary terms. They are the
butterflies who try to awaken the human larval caterpillars to the "immortal heritage" that awaits them.
Many writers have outlined stages of the mystic path. Underhill states that in Christian mysticism the
stages are (1) awakening or conversion to divine reality; (2) purgation and purification; (3) illumination,
visions, ecstatic states; (4) death, "the dark night of the soul"; and (5) union with the divine. The teachings
of the Gnostics distinguished three stages: (1) awakening, (2) revelation, and (3) anamnesis, or
recollection. There are also many other models that outline a developmental sequence of stages in
transformation. Each of these stages is associated with a metaphor, and without prejudging whether these
experiences always occur exactly in this order, we will examine these metaphors.
Another concept that recurs again and again in this literature is rebirth and regeneration. The so-called
mystery religions of ancient times preserved secret teachings of rebirth and expressed them by staging
them in ceremonies and rituals. Some native cultures in various parts of the Earth still practice ancient
rituals of rebirth and regeneration. As Jung pointed out in his essay "Concerning Rebirth," much of this
literature is concerned with beliefs about reincarnation and resurrection into life after death. Rebirth
(renovatio) within one lifetime, however, is "an essential transformation, that implies a change of
essential nature."(16)
Those who went through the "mysteries" in these religions were provided an experience they were not
allowed to speak about. Through hearing the mythic story recited and seeing it enacted, they were
initiated, or entered into the process, the way, as prescribed in that particular culture. In some instances,
hallucinogenic plant derivatives may have been used, as has been suggested recently for the Eleusinian
mysteries by Wasson, Ruck, and Hofmann.(17) This kind of initiation, clearly involving an altered state
of consciousness, could be regarded as a preview or rehearsal for those who were preparing to experience
the dying and regeneration in the domain of their own psyches.
From a merging of Hellenistic philosophy and early Christian thought, we have the concept of metanoia,
which literally means "beyond {meta} the mind {nous]," a transcending of the rational mind. Metanoia
was usually translated in the Christian writings as "repentance," which means "to feel sorry again"; it is
more accurately rendered, as A. K. Coomaraswamy has said, by "change of mind," or intellectual
metamorphosis. "Metanoia is a transformation of one's whole being, from human thinking to divine
In modern psychology, the terminology of development, personal development, or spiritual development
has been used to describe this central human process. The work of developmental psychologists, such as
Freud, Erikson, Piaget, Loevinger, Kohlberg, and others, has delineated sequences of human development
from infancy to adulthood (and more recently into maturity and old age) in such areas as sexuality, social
relationships, cognition, and moral values. Eastern philosophies on the other hand, focus on development
beyond the stage of normal, well-adjusted maturity into transpersonal, trans-rational levels of
consciousness, variously called subtle, causal, mystical, spiritual, or unitive. Some work has been done,
for example, by Ken Wilber,(19) to formulate an integration of these two traditions: in this approach,
human development proceeds along a linear sequence of "levels," each of which transcends and includes
the previous one. The details of these linear models will not concern us in this work. It is my belief that
the processes described by the metaphors occur at all levels or, one might say, at each transition from one
level to another.
Other theorists of human development have suggested the concept of transition: William Bridges, for
instance, has pointed to a basic formal pattern that underlies all kinds of transitions, whether they are
those of adolescence, midlife, illness, career change, marriage, separation, aging, or others.(20) There is
always an ending, then a neutral, or intermediate, zone, then a new beginning. When something ends, we
tend to feel afraid of loss - and of death. In the intermediate zone, we feel confused, ungrounded. At the
times of new beginnings we feel uncertain, anxious about choice and commitment. We shall see, in the
subsequent chapters of this book, that this three-phase pattern is pervasive in the literature. We are
probably always involved in some endings, some in-between zones, and some new beginnings.
Scientifically oriented thinkers have used biological evolution, the development of species, as an analogy
for individual human transformation. On the assumption that ontogeny, individual development, parallels
and repeats phylogeny, the development of the species, humans are seen at the growing edge of a new
evolutionary phase. This phase involves not physical organic changes but changes in mind, in
consciousness; not the physical environment, the ecosphere, but the mental field of the planet, what Pierre
Teilhard de Chardin called the "noosphere." For Sri Aurobindo, in man a definite new step is possible, a
kind of reversal, "for it is through his consciousness, through its transmutation and no longer through a
new bodily organism, that evolution can and must be affected."(21)
Another biological analogy for human transformation is the notion of metamorphosis. In this process,
seen primarily in insects, crabs, mollusks, and the like (rarely in vertebrates, and never in mammals), the
juvenile form of the animal is unrecognizably different from the mature form." The caterpillar that
metamorphoses into a butterfly has been one of the most enduring symbols of human transformation. This
implies that human beings are in a kind of larval stage, and that a change is possible that would make us
as different from the way we are now as butterflies are from caterpillars. The caterpillar lives in a
different world than the butterfly. Can it know anything about this "higher" world, which includes more
dimensions of movement? Can we humans know anything about the world of the ultra-human, the
transformed human? This question challenges us to explore and understand the sometimes tantalizingly
obscure symbols and metaphors. Perhaps those who have made it to "butterfly" are trying to tell us
"larvae" something.
In the alchemical tradition, which can be regarded as an early attempt to formulate a science of
consciousness, there occurs the idea of the transmutation of elements. Psychologically, the elements
symbolize the elemental aspects of our nature, which are to be transmuted from a disorderly state of chaos
and impurity to a state of harmony and balance. This alchemical principle is recast into psychological
terms in Jung's theory of individuation, according to which the four functions (thinking, feeling, sensing,
and intuition), which are normally in a state of imbalance and disorder, are integrated until the psyche
reaches a state of undividedness, or indivisibility. The alchemists and practitioners of the humoral theory
of illness and medicine believed that physical and psychic processes involved multiple interactions and
transmutations of the elemental energies and substances ("humors") within the total organism.
Modern biology and medicine have the concept of metabolism, which refers to the transformations of
solid, liquid, and gaseous substances into characteristic biochemical structures and physiological
activities. There is an analogy here to the functions of mind, or awareness, which Sir Julian Huxley
pointed out in proposing the concept of psycho-metabolism: this is the brain's transformation of the raw
material of subjective experience into characteristic patterns of awareness, which canalize and help to
direct behavior. The primary problem of psycho-metabolism, according to Huxley, is "how the
developing human being can integrate his interior life, whether by reconciling emotional or intellectual
conflict in a higher synthesis, or by reconciling diversity in a more embracing unity."(23)
Variations On the Theme of Self-transformation
1. The transformation may be abrupt or gradual. Ecstasy, peak experience, inspired revelation, the flash of
inventive insight, the poet's vision - all these are sudden experiences that may bring about profound
changes in a person's life. Likewise, a conversion experience may be abrupt and total, as William James
has described in many cases in his book. Zen Buddhism speaks of the moment of satori, the moment
filled with paradox, which changes everything and nothing. On the other hand, there is much teaching,
and much evidence that this moment is the result of gradual, step-by-step changes, whether in healing, in
psychotherapy, in meditation, or in learning of any kind. Evelyn Underhill is one of many students of
mysticism who argue that all conversions are gradual: "the apparently abrupt conversion is really, as a
rule, the sequel and result of a long period of restlessness, uncertainty, and mental stress."
2. The transformation may be temporary or lasting. We call a temporary transformation an "altered state
of consciousness," the lasting transformation, "personality change." Altered states include sleep,
dreaming, hypnotic trance, meditation, psychedelic states, absorption in creative activity, illness,
depression, elation, and madness. The psychiatrist and health researcher Andrew Weil has suggested that
altering consciousness may be an inherent need of the human brain, the "natural mind." Here the reader
may raise the question: So what? Does the altered state experience lead to lasting trait or behavior
changes? What kind of long-term changes occur in people who experience such states? Are the changes
all good? We need to ask ourselves what is the persistent quality of consciousness that we are
expressing." It is the outcome of action that tells us how enlightened someone is. As Jesus said, "Ye shall
know them by their fruits."
3. The transformation may be externally or internally induced. We have all encountered examples of
profound transformations of consciousness triggered by some external event, such as an accident, the
sight of a spectacular natural wonder, or contact with another. The "love at first sight" phenomenon can
certainly be regarded as an externally induced change of state. In a more mystical vein, the external
person is typically a guru or spiritual teacher. The rite of baptism in Christianity, the "power
transmission" (shaktipat) in Tantric Hinduism, the hypnotic induction in modern psychology, are
ritualized forms of such externally induced alteration. On the other hand, there are equally numerous
examples of changes of state and character occurring apparently without any external influence at all. The
concept of self-actualization definitely implies that something unfolds gradually and slowly from Within,
emerging from the inner depths of the psyche. The opening of a flower (compared to the opening of a
yogic chakra) and the growth of a tree or butterfly (compared to the psychic growth of a person) are
analogies that suggest self-induced, intrinsic transformation.
4. The transformation may occur through grace or intention. Experiences of heightened consciousness, of
mystical oneness or rapture, may be accompanied by a sense of their having been given freely and
unexpectedly through God's grace. Aldous Huxley called his ecstatic mescaline visions a "gratuitous
grace." Religious devotees are often exhorted to rely completely and only on the grace of the guru, or
saint, or deity for the transformation of their lives. Then there are the esoteric traditions of spiritual
practice, which emphasize the role of meticulous training in and practice of various meditative and yogic
disciplines, and conscious efforts to bring about desired changes. The transmutational work (opus) of the
alchemists and depth psychologists, the healing "journeys" (altered states) undertaken by the shamanic
healer, the ritual sacralizing of sexuality in the Tantras, and Gurdjieff's process - "conscious labor and
intentional suffering" - all fall within this category.
5. The transformation may be invisible to others or openly manifest. The healings and miracles performed
by Jesus were the "signs" that were needed by the common people of his time, to persuade them of his
nature and mission. Yet the history of religion is filled with unrecognized saints who labored in selfless
love and service, motivated by an inner vision or experience that transformed their being. Eastern texts
describe the special physical and psychological features of an enlightened Buddha or the various psychic
capacities (siddhis) that yogis acquire in the course of their practice, which serve as signposts along the
way. On the other hand, there is the Taoist tradition of the self-effacing sage, "tentative, as if fording a
river in winter; hesitant, as if in fear of his neighbors; formal, like a guest." The mind of this Taoist sage
is described as being like muddy water, which if it is left to settle gradually becomes clear."
6. The transformation may be progressive, regressive, or digressive. This is probably the most important
question about the nature and value of a transformative experience. Progressive transformation leads from
limitation to freedom, from darkness to light, from fragmentation to wholeness, from separation to
oneness, from sleeplike inertia to awakened awareness, from personality to Spirit, from ego to Self, from
mortality to immortality, from illusion to realization. It is, in its myriad variations, the single goal of the
classic mystical quest and of all spiritual disciplines. Regressive transformations are those that take the
opposite direction, from limited "normal" consciousness to even greater limitation or imprisonment, to
deeper darkness, more extreme fragmentation and separation, into the chaotic depths of madness, despair,
and the states of consciousness associated with violence, injury, and disease. Jung referred to these
regressive changes as "diminutions of personality," citing such examples as the primitives' "loss of soul,"
the hysteric's loss of function, the listlessness of depression.(27)
By digressive transformations, I mean those changes in consciousness that are neither progressive nor
regressive but simply different. Some kinds of hypnotic or trance States might be cited as "state"
examples as well as possession by spirits, as reported in primitive cultures. Other instances of this kind of
transformation discussed by Jung include those brought about by identification with a group, whether a
mob, race, nation, or political party, and those brought about by identification with a cult hero. To these, a
modern observer might add the transformations wrought by identification (plus idealization and imitation)
with a popular star of the sports or entertainment world; and the changes in individuals subjected to
various programs of "thought reform," brainwashing, behavior modification, aversion therapy,
programming, reprogramming, or deprogramming.
The subject of this book is primarily progressive transformation, although discussions of regressive
transformations are included for comparison and elucidation. The focus of attention on these progressive
transformations - otherwise known as "evolutionary," "psycho-spiritual," or "mystical" transformations carries with it the implicit judgment that these are better, more worthwhile, and more important to study.
Indeed, I would go so far as to state that humanity is truly at an evolutionary choice point: we know in our
hearts that we are either going to have to grow up very fast, change ourselves in radical ways, or we will
destroy ourselves and perhaps the entire planetary ecosystem as well. We have a desperate need for
greater awareness of our own inner dynamics and processes if we are going to survive the twentiethcentury global crisis.
Finally, there is a variation on the theme of transformation that is often overlooked and yet that is very
important: the distinction between transcendence and transformation.(28) To put it simply: to transcend
is to go beyond; to transform is to make different. We transcend a given state of consciousness or a
personality characteristic by rising above it (note the spatial metaphor) or by moving beyond it. For
example, we may transcend a state of fear or anxiety by moving into an attitude of love and trust, or we
may transcend a sense of separateness by meditating on the perception of oneness. The thought patterns
of fear or separateness remain in our minds and may be reactivated at another time. It is as if we were
stopping the music by lifting the tone arm off the recording. In psychological alchemy, transcendence is
associated with the element air, with its upward motion; and with the process of sublimation, where an
impulse is channeled into a "higher" expression (for example, sexual energy channeled into creativity).
Transformation in the stronger sense (sometimes also called transmutation), however, implies that the
patterns of thought or perception are actually changed. The structures and functioning of our psyche
become different. Some writers speak of this as a transformation of energy: the energy of fear or anger is
transmuted into a different form of expression. If, as a result of unitive experiences and spiritual practices,
a person no longer has the sense of separateness, even in ordinary, everyday consciousness, then the
personality structure itself has been transformed. In the sound-recording analogy, the engraved patterns
on the record have literally been erased or remade. Transformation is symbolized by the element fire; and
is associated with the notion of purification and with solutio, the dissolving of problems or barriers. I will
let the old Chinese master Chuang Tsu, have the last word here: "When one is changing, how does one
know that a change is taking place? When one is not changing, how does one know that a change hasn't
already occurred? Maybe you and I are still in a dream and have not yet awakened. . . . Be content with
what is happening and forget about change; then you can enter into the oneness of the mystery of
Sergeant Stone tells an amazing story about the history of UFO’s and extraterrestrials dating
back to the early 40’s and probably before. General Douglas MacArthur organized a group called
the Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit back in 1943 to study this issue and it continues to
this day. Their purpose is to recover objects of unknown origin particularly those that are of nonEarthly origin. They obtain field intelligence information and pass it on to those who are the
“keepers of this information.” Stone says that even Project Bluebook had an elite investigation
unit, which was outside of Bluebook. This unit was thought to be working in conjunction with
Bluebook but in fact was not. Stone has seen living and dead extraterrestrials in his official
duties on an army team that retrieved crashed ET crafts. He thinks that the extraterrestrials will
not permit us to explore the depths of outer space until we’ve learned to grow spiritually and that
they will make themselves known soon if we don’t first acknowledge their presence. On
February 26th, 1942, commonly called the Battle of Los Angeles, we find that there are some 15
to 20 unidentified craft flying over Los Angeles. We immediately responded by trying to shoot
these objects down. The 37th Coastal Artillery Group expended 1,430 rounds. We immediately
set out to try to find out if there was some hidden base belonging to the Axis from where these
planes could come, some commercial airport that they could have had these aircraft housed.
None of this bore out. Every search effort we made turned out to be fruitless.
At the same time in the Pacific they were experiencing the same phenomena, the so-called Foo
Fighters. General MacArthur directed his intelligence people to find out what was going on. I
have reason to believe that in 1943 MacArthur found out that in fact we had things not of this
Earth and visitors from some other planet visiting our planet that was actually observing that
world event we call the Second World War. One of the problems that he had was that, should
this be the case, and should they prove to be hostile, we knew very little about them and we had
very little means to defend ourselves.
MacArthur organized what was called the Interplanetary Phenomena Research Unit. [See the
testimony of Buck Sergeant Leonard Pretko regarding MacArthur’s involvement in the ET issue
and his knowledge of the retrieved spacecraft and ET’s from the New Mexico Crash. SG]
It would later be taken over by General Marshall. And it continued all the way through to present
day. Names have been changed and records still haven’t surfaced. The Army tries to state that it
was not an official organization effort to try to investigate UFO’s. But it was organized by a
General, it bore a fruit, it came to conclusions that were not popular, i.e., interplanetary
spacecraft. And they continued to do exactly what they do today and that is to be part of a multiintelligence operation in the recovery of objects of unknown origin particularly those that are of
non-Earthly origin. Their purpose is to assess that information, get raw field intelligence data,
and process that data into some type of useful intelligence product to disseminate to the field- to
those people who have a need to know and those people that are, shall we say, the keepers of that
One of MacArthur’s Air Force generals, an Army Air Corps General at the time, came back to
MacArthur and told MacArthur “what we have is something not of this Earth”. I would suggest
that by this time even the Germans had uncovered evidence that we were being visited and had
some type of physical evidence. MacArthur definitely had physical evidence. From the
documentation I saw [while working this issue in the Army], I was not able to ascertain exactly
what that physical evidence consisted of but it was there.
The one thing I find quite unique is that the Germans may have tried to back-engineer one of
these objects. We definitely tried to back-engineer it. But we find that your technology has to be
on par with the acquired technology in order to back-engineer it…
In the 1950’s, the United States Air Force had an elite unit to investigate UFO’s outside of
Bluebook. Even though Bluebook felt that this unit was working with them, they were not. This
unit was initially organized as a 4602nd Air Intelligence Service Squadron. Among its peacetime
missions was operation Blue Fly. Operation Blue Fly was to recover objects of unknown origin
that fell to Earth. It is very important that you remember these were specifically objects that fell
to Earth- because we didn’t have any spacecraft up there at this time. As a result of this, they had
monitors right there at Wright Patterson that when UFO reports came in they were looked at very
closely to see if there was any possible necessity of sending out teams to recover any of this
fallen debris.
The Air Force states they never used them. I’m telling you I know they did. But the intent of the
Operation Blue Fly peacetime project was to go out and recover objects of unknown origin that
impacted with the Earth. Later it would be expanded in 1957 to cover all objects of unknown
origin meaning spacecraft too. And it would become part of what they would call in the October
of 1957 timeframe, Project Moon Dust.
Project Moon Dust is the overall field exploitation to recover only two items: First, objects of
non-U.S. origin that survives re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere and impacts with the Earth and
objects. Naturally, we would be interested in those items from a technical, scientific intelligence
basis to determine, or try to ascertain the technical capabilities of any potential enemy since our
known enemy of the U.S., the USSR at that time that was launching space vehicles into space.
The other area of interest was objects of unknown origin. Now we find that there were quite a
few objects of unknown origin that did not correlate with any known space launches, impact
times, or any known space debris falling back to Earth.
In short, under [Project] Moon Dust and under Blue Fly, we have recovered alien debris not of
this Earth.
The degree of classification that we have now has changed over the years. Back during the time
of the Second World War all the way up to, say 1969, you may have had as many as 11
classifications. Now there are three: confidential, secret and top-secret. However, if you have
information that is highly sensitive that requires protection above and beyond the norm of what
is provided for those classifications, that’s when you have the Special Access Programs. You do
not get that type of information out into public domain unless it is officially sanctioned.
During the discussion of UFO’s, the question ultimately is going to come up can any government
keep secrets let alone the U.S. Government? And the answer to that is unequivocally yes. But
one of the greatest weapons the intelligence community has at their disposal is a predisposition
by the American people, the American politicians, and the debunkers- people who wish to try to
debunk UFO information. They immediately come out and say oh we can’t keep secrets, we
can’t keep secrets. Well, the truth is, yes we can.
The National Recognizance Office remained secret for many, many years. The mere existence of
the NSA remained secret. The development of the atomic weapon remained secret until once you
exploded one you eventually had to tell some people what was going on.
And we are conditioned by our own paradigms not to accept the possibility or probability of a
highly advanced intelligent civilization coming here to visit us. You have evidence in the form of
highly credible reports of objects being seen, of the entities inside these objects being seen. Yet,
we look for a prosaic explanation and we throw out the bits and pieces of the evidence that
doesn’t meet our paradigm. So it is a self-keeping secret. You can conceal it in plain sight. It is
political suicide to go and start hitting up intelligence agencies to get this information released.
So most of your members of Congress, and I know I’ve worked with a lot of them along that
line, will balk and try not to do it. I can name you three members of Congress that were point
blank asked to have a congressional inquiry on what happened here at Roswell.
One of the most ridiculous statements that I got was that a person would have to be a chairperson
to do that. So I asked a senator from Mississippi if he’d do it and without any hesitation, he said
no. I said, would you give me that in writing? I got that in writing but I’m hesitant to release it. I
will show it to you but I’m hesitant to release it simply because I made a promise not to.
We have got to get the documentation as it exists in the Government files. We have got to get it
released before it ultimately is destroyed. A good example is the Blue Fly and Moon Dust files. I
had classified documents the Air Force acknowledged. When I got members of Congress to help
me open up more files they were immediately destroyed and I can prove this.
Somewhere along the line they may see that material and realize there is some very highly
sensitive information that would have a damning effect upon the national security of United
States should it become compromised. It needs to be further protected to insure that there is only
a limited access to that information to a small number of people. So small you can put them on a
list of paper, on a piece of paper, and list them by name. Thus you have the Special Access
Programs. The controls that were supposed to be put on the Special Access Programs are not
there. When Congress did their review of the way we protect documents and the way we go
ahead and implement our secrecy programs they found that you had Special Access Programs
within Special Access Programs -- that it was essentially impossible to keep control of them all
by Congress. And I’m telling you right now; it is essentially impossible to keep control of them
When it comes to UFO’s the same criteria applies. Therefore, only a small nucleus within the
intelligence community numbering less than a hundred -- no, I’d suggest less than 50 -- control
all that information. It is not subject to congressional review or oversight at all. So Congress
needs to go ahead and ask the hard questions and convene a hearing.
There would be quite a few missions to describe but simply put, yes, I was involved in those
types of operations to retrieve crashed ET objects. A lot of people think that you are just in your
unit waiting in the rafters, just waiting for the next UFO crash, a landing where there is going to
be debris. It doesn’t work that way. You have a real life. You have a real job in the military.
However, if you are in an area where an event takes place and you are one of these people that
they can go ahead and call upon in your field of expertise, then you are called in.
Now, in order to prepare me for this, very early on in my career they sent me to NBC School at
Fort McCullen [sp], Alabama. It’s a three-week school. It’s for NBC personnel, NBC meaning
Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical. And it would always be in the context of an NBC unit that I
would be involved in UFO retrievals. You would go ahead and deploy as though it was a nuclear
accident. There are procedures already established on nuclear or biological or chemical
accidents. So you would proceed in that way. If you could get in there and do recoveries, if you
could go in and extract the debris that are there quietly behind the scenes and no one knows,
you’d do it. If you needed an officially sanctioned deception program to come into play, such as
a bogus news release, you could do this also.
For example, if you have an airplane accident we have standard procedures on how we handle
that. Those same procedures are utilized when you do a recovery or extraction of a crashed ET
spacecraft or debris thereof. And I have to stress debris simply because these are highly
advanced technical machines. There were not that many crashes. They are flawed because they
are made by an intelligence that is as mortal as you or me. Being mortal, we are subject to error.
Now, we are talking about a highly intelligent civilization, not a highly incompetent civilization.
We take steps and they take steps. But at the same time, when you go out, you make a recovery.
And when you make that recovery, you handle it the same way you would as if you were out
there on an airplane accident or you have a hazardous material type situation, because it works. It
is all set up. The only problem you have is that you have people out there that are very quickly
going to realize that this is not something of this planet. To be sure, with the Blue Fly recoveries
[ET craft], you do what is called an on-site analysis.
In short, you have experts out there who know what missiles are, who know what aircraft are.
They are looking at this material. They are telling you what it isn’t. This leaves you to only one
possible conclusion, something that did not originate on the face of this planet. That was the
intent of the Blue Fly teams. It was very critical to do an immediate on-site analysis. Now, the
way you package the material if it is just debris is handled the same way you would if it was
hazardous material. You took precautions. If you had a whole craft, you took very serious
precautions because while I still state the ET’s are not hostile, you still could cause some serious
accidents, which would result in death. I’m not going to get into how it was with the family when
I had to leave on these operations because you get a little emotional because you think about
what could happen…
Of course, you try to conceal the material, particularly if you have a large craft and it is disc
shaped or say, wedge shape -- which is a very good shape that we get from time to time. And you
take precautions particularly if you have to go ahead and put it on a truck to bring it in. If you
have to put it on a truck to take it to a safe haven area, we track that truck. The truck has an 800
number so if there is a breakdown they can secure the vehicle and stay with it. But they have a
number they can call and immediately get assistance out there to move that vehicle to a safe
haven area. And there are procedures outlined in this. As a matter of fact, you have a shipping
document. And that shipping document has the number right on it to call. So you use a code
word -- I’ll give you one that we used all the time: Tabasco.
In the case of an ET craft, you are going to get a specialized team out there that knows what to
do should there be a biological component. One of the big concerns we had was biological due to
contamination as a result of this being truly of alien origin.
I am prepared to state that I have been at locations where craft of unknown origin that did not
originate on the face of this planet were there. I am prepared to state that while I was there, we
saw living and dead bodies of entities that were not born on this planet. I am prepared to state
that we had what they referred to as “interfacing” with those entities. I am prepared to state that
they have a school to try to indoctrinate people. I never went to that school. I always refused. I
am prepared to state that when I got out of the service in 1990, that they held me for two months
so that I might better reconsider to stay in and not get out. I am prepared to state that I had orders
that stated that I was supposed to get out on December 1st of 1989, and that they revoked those
orders. Once again, in violation of law they held me for two months pending approval of my
retirement, which had already been approved. The purpose of that was to try to convince me to
stay in.
We have contact with aliens not originating from some foreign country but from some other
solar system. And I have been a party to that. I’ve worked it. I’ve been there. And I know some
of the things we do is really, really, really, really terrible. They are not hostile toward us. We are
the enemy in this instance -- but we are the enemy, I like to think, for the good reasons. We are
concerned about what some other country might do. I have concluded that I am fighting against
the clock. That I have but a short time to try to convince people that we are moving down an
avenue where we are going to militarize space. Once we militarize space we will have a whole
new avenue of technology open up to us.
NASA says it is going to take another 1,400 years before we achieve what we call interstellar
travel. I’m telling you by the end of this century we will be doing that. If we do nothing to grow
spiritually -- and this is a hard thing for me to state -- but if we do nothing to grow spiritually we
will not achieve interstellar travel. They will stop us. What’s worse they will make themselves
known to an unsuspecting people on this planet.
We want to acquire this technology. We want to make this technology part of our own
technology. Within the next 25 years we are going to militarize space. As a result of militarizing
space, we are going to acquire new technologies and we are going to evolve new technology that
is going to lead us into interstellar travel. As a direct result, we will become a threat to them
unless we spiritually grow also. But I feel that if we do not grow spiritually we are forcing the
situation where the entities will eventually make themselves known. And they will make
themselves known. And no power on Earth can stop that from happening. The ET’s will do this
in order to stop us from going out into space as a threat. If this should happen, it will happen to
an unsuspecting world population and that can create some very serious problems.
[See the testimony of Dr. Carol Rosin regarding Wernher Von Braun’s concern over our
weaponizing space. SG]
But this doesn’t deal just with the United States. It is a truth that the entire world has to be
informed about. And that truth is that man is not alone, that we have people from other planets,
from other solar systems coming here.
I believe that the intelligence community had good intentions when they classified information
dealing with UFO’s. I believe that they asked some very serious and hard questions: What
impact would it have if the peoples of the world knew that they were no longer alone in the
universe, that they had intelligence that was visiting this planet? And I think that the intentions
were good there. As intelligence agencies among nations, naturally you want to go ahead and
acquire the technology for military application. So you want to try to keep some of that
knowledge as confidential as possible by classifying it as high as you possibly can- keeping the
information open to only a small handful of people thus, Special Access Programs. However, I
believe that while it was full of good intentions in keeping this information classified, it is [now]
hurting people.
I do not believe that any government has the right to try to make individuals who merely see
UFO’s look crazy. I do not believe that any government has a right knowing that the psychology
of specific individuals may ultimately lead to a tremendous amount of mental depression,
ultimately, leading in many, many cases to suicide or self destruction. When we see these types
of things coming about, we have an obligation to reconsider our thoughts and positions. I would
suggest [that] we need to break down the walls of secrecy, that we must be responsible in getting
the truth out. We must be responsible in how we get that truth out. And we must be truthful.
And it is not a scary story. You will learn that the ET’s have a perception of God. You find they
have families. You find they have cultures. You find that they have likes and dislikes. You look
for those things that are similar among us, not the differences. And that is the way you start on
the path to truth. The problem that we have right now is that we look at them as something to
talk about; something to marvel at and be amazed at.
Well, back to my own story, we had just finished the training that I took to be an NBC NCO.
And a friend of mine brought me back to Fort Lee, Virginia. He was going to Fort Meade,
Maryland and says, come on, I’ll give you a ride to your base. And we discussed UFO’s on the
way to Fort Lee.
Several weeks after I got back to Fort Lee, I got a call from this person and I was going to visit
him at Ft. Meade. When I got to Fort Meade where he was supposed to be, they said, well, he is
going to be tied up we’ll talk to you later about his situation as soon as he gets free. This person
says, by the way, have you ever been to the Pentagon? Well, at that time I had never been at the
Pentagon. So they said, well, it is really a unique place. Why don’t we go ahead and give you the
twenty-five cent tour. So we went on over. We went in. I had a little badge that was given to me,
no picture on it. But the guy that was with me, his had a picture and he’d just tell the guards he is
authorized to come with me. And he’d always be the one to get me in. Finally we got to a place
that has an elevator. We went down on it- I don’t know how far down we went. I can’t tell you if
there is one flight under the Pentagon, two, or fifty. But we went down. When we get out there,
there are two monorails there. I mean, there are monorails under the Pentagon. They look like
big tubes, rather thick in the center, one on each side. So you had these little monorails with cars
that look like a bullet, where you could seat two people in front and two people in back. We got
on the one monorail and started to go, it seemed like maybe 20 minutes, but I’m guessing at that
because I don’t know for sure.
When we got out, he says, well, let me show you some interesting sites down this corridor here.
So we are going down the corridor and it looked like there was a door at the far end of that
corridor. As we got closer and closer to that door, my guide turned to me and stated, you know,
things aren’t always as they seem to be. He says a lot of people don’t know about these
underground locations underneath the Pentagon. Only a few know that the Pentagon has
underground monorails that connect up to other locations. He says, it is just like the walls here --
they don’t all seem like walls. And I said, what do you mean they are not walls? I said, what are
you talking about? I thought, you know, he was trying to make a joke. At that time he says, no, it
is like the wall behind you. I look and it looks like a wall to me. There are no seams or anything I
can see. Then he pushes me. I try to grab myself but there is actually a door that opened.
Well, when you go through the door there is like a field table there. And behind the field table
you had this little entity. The entity was a little bigger than the 3, 3 1/2 foot tall entities that are a
lot of times reported. But there were two men on either side of the table slightly behind the
creature. When I turned around, I looked right into the eyes of this little creature. And you know,
it’s like you are seeing it but everything is being pulled from your mind-he was reading my
whole life. It is hard to describe what I really felt there- your life up to that point goes by in
seconds. And I mean you were feeling everything.
I remember going down and grabbing a hold of my head like this and falling to the floor. The
next thing I remember I wake up and I am back in my friend’s office [back at Fort Meade]. And
when I’m back in Jack’s office they told me nothing happened that I had been there the whole
day. But I knew better.
I will go this far to state that there is an interaction between entities and certain Government
agencies within the U.S. Government. I will not go so far to state that they are giving us
technologies to kill ourselves. They are not along that line. Their purpose in being here is for
scientific purposes and for humanitarian purposes.
We have been very foolish in how we have done certain things and we have harmed ourselves.
We now realize that we have harmed ourselves and we are trying to take corrective action. And
that right there is the one thing that the ET’s are checking on. There is the biosphere that’s been
damaged. They are not coming here to repair that. They are coming here to see how we handle it.
But a government can’t be the one that shoulders all of the responsibility and shoulders all the
knowledge and all the understanding. The whole situation is that we have to work in unison as a
people, a united people. We must go ahead and start preparing ourselves to where we ultimately
will take that giant step to where we are going to be visiting other planets out there in other solar
systems. And we have to, once again, I’ll use the word, grow spiritually as a group of people, the
people representing mankind on planet Earth. Yes there is some type- and I don’t know to what
extent- but there is some type of dialogue that is taking place between our visitors of all species,
because there is more than one, and the various governments- not just the U.S. Government, but
of the worlds. Primarily, these are the more developed nations of the world because at present
space faring nations represent the greatest threat to them.
Another early experience I had was an accidental viewing of something I was not supposed to
see. We were in a facility and a friend and I went to a balcony area looking down over the
briefing room. They had a Plexiglas window that separated the balcony and what was going on
downstairs- you couldn’t hear what was being said. But we started to notice that they were
running a film. And the film showed various types of what we would call UFO’s, today. It
showed various types of alien creatures some that looked very much like us some that looked
like us with marked differences. We were not aware of the fact that there were people now up
there with us. And they said, what are you guys doing up here? And we told them, well you
know we are just sitting up here eating our snacks because we didn’t want to go to the snack bar.
They said, you need to come with us and you need to come with us now. So I mean they pushed
us grabbing us by the nape, the shirt, and pushed us down the stairs.
Once they got down the stairs, they pushed us on out the doors and into a van. The van was right
there waiting, a panel van, where they pushed us in and shut the door. And then they drove us
off. We don’t know where they took us to but the location where we finally got out was a oneframe military style building. They took us in there, put us into this room. The room had the
military cots there. It had one table with a light. And we were sitting back trying to figure out
why are they doing this? Why is this going on?
On the fifth night, I got out and they drove me back to my billets. I reported in and went to bed
because I was dead tired and all I wanted to do was get some sleep. The next morning, which
was a Saturday morning, I am awakened by the CQ, that is, Charge of Quarters. And he says, I
want to see you. Well, I was taken to see two men; one guy was acting like a good guy. The
other guy went ahead and said, I told you we shouldn’t trust him. Let’s just take the so and so
out. Let’s just end this. Let’s shoot him. And the nicer guy says, no, no, we’ll discuss this. And
he sent the guy that was supposed to be the bad guy out- we use that technique sometimes in
security- good cop, bad cop. The one that was supposed to be the bad guy, he went to get some
The good guy says, listen, he says, you like working with this UFO stuff. And I’m saying, no, I
don’t. And he says, well, you know, you have experience with it. You’ve had some involvement.
He says, and those were not phony pictures up there. He says, would you like to work with it?
Would you like to work with us? I said, no I wouldn’t like that at all. Eventually he goes ahead
and says, look, you like working with, you’ll get to work with it, you’ll get to learn more about
it, he says. He says the whole situation is that by the end of this year we are going to release
everything we know. But here again the world is not a safe place. We have to know more from a
technological viewpoint and a military standpoint than potential enemies of this country know.
So I’m asking you -- work with us. Well, I thought about it. And you know, I was young. And I
thought this is something that I’ve actually been involved with all my life, that it’d be fun, that I
could go ahead learn certain things, answers to the questions I had, actually get a better
understanding of events in my life.
I do believe that, one, they wanted me in the military; two, they wanted me involved in this
program; three, there wasn’t really concern about, if at some later date, I started to talk about it.
They were only concerned what I might have to prove: If I had some little slivers of proof, what
impact would that have on my story. But I know they did not want me out of the military. I know
they wanted me to stay in. I know they wanted me to go ahead and go to what they referred to as
The School. But I would never commit myself to go to what they were referring to as The
I was told that if you go to the school it will open up a whole new world for you, a whole new
avenue. But I had to agree to it. And I had to go ahead and sign specific papers to go to it. And I
was not prepared to go to that school. I had seen people who were involved with the program
that had gone to that school and let me just say I didn’t like their personality. I did not like the
idea that by you going there it made you something special, it made you a prima donna, if you
wish. That was not the way it was supposed to be. I felt that one of the greatest things you can be
is a servant and not vice versa.
So some of these people, I did not like their disposition. I did not like their attitudes. And I did
not want to become like them. And one of my fears was if I went to the school it would change
me the same way.
Now, there are events, there are recoveries [of ET craft]. But the recoveries are few and far
between. One of the events that took place in 1969 was a recovery of a craft that was a wedge
shape craft and took place in Indian Town Gap. Now, I know it was cold and I believe it to have
been in the winter but there was no snow. We were on a field training exercise, the 96th Civil
Affairs Group. I was part of the 96th Civil Affairs Company. I was the NBC Non-Commissioner
Officer in Charge. We were notified that they had an incident involving a downed craft and we
needed to assist in recovery. The persons that showed up knew exactly where we were going and
we went to our staging area. From there we went to another location in Indian Town Gap. We
didn’t have any problems about civilians or curiosity seekers or anything like this. The situation
is, we did the recovery. I realized that what I was seeing was not of human origin.
When we got there, there was already a team set up. Floodlights were always set up around the
object. I was asked to get closer and closer to the object to take readings with the APD 27. As I
did this, I realized what I was seeing was not of an Earthly origin. I’m hesitant to go into it too
much, because I don’t want to get emotional about it…
Vol 3:2 (July 2009). ISSN 1938-1719
George LoBuono, M.A.
The US government’s first direct, face-to-face contact with aliens occurred decades ago, when grayish
skinned human-alien hybrids crashed near a New Mexico airbase. After the US military concluded that
the aliens probably had some human genetic composition in them, US officials scrambled to develop
safeguards against a stealth intervention on this planet by aliens of unknown origin. The intrusion of
aliens with advanced technology and capabilities occurred at the outset of the Cold War, which compelled
Truman’s government to guard information about aliens as a military secret. For over four years, Truman
had direct control of the US government’s alien-related programs. However, in 1953 President
Eisenhower let Nelson Rockefeller re-design executive security structures. Rockefeller ended elected
official control of alien-related programs, a move that Eisenhower later regretted. Multiple former official
witnesses say that within months, aliens were allowed basing rights on the Nellis Air Force range.
Subsequent secrecy of alien-related programs allowed crime to proliferate within them, unchecked by
rigorous public oversight. As a result, early human relations with aliens were largely determined by the
Roswell Grays’ alignment of aliens, rather than humans. Questions were raised about the intentions and
material ambitions of such aliens. Under the circumstances, the situation could only be corrected through
exposure and independent human investigation of aliens and alien interactions.
Early human contacts with aliens tended to be very one-sided. Using advanced science and technology,
aliens chose the terms of the interactions and were able to limit and control information flow. Humans
couldn’t understand what was happening, let alone compete with aliens. Lacking adequate science,
humans tended to think that alien contact was a revelation from God, a strange angelic kind of interaction.
But when live, in-the-flesh aliens fell out of the sky near a US nuclear bomber base, things began to
In 1947 the bodies of four short, Gray-skinned aliens and their wing-shaped craft were recovered near
Roswell, NM by the US military and were kept for scientific study.1 A fifth alien reportedly survived and
later communicated--telepathically--with military investigators.2 Stunned by the appearance of aliens who
had advanced knowledge about human affairs, the Army worked overtime to study the Roswell aliens and
their science. Just two years after Hiroshima, US officials feared the aliens might be hostile or have
designs on this planet. So, discussion about aliens proceeded in extreme secrecy. As Eisenhower National
Security Council staff member Col. Philip Corso wrote, “From day 1, the army treated its retrieval of the
(Roswell) debris as if it were an operation conducted in a wartime theater under battle conditions.”3 Corso
wasn’t the only witness to Roswell aliens. Dozens of first-hand witnesses, including military brass, have
admitted that they saw dead and wounded aliens or the alien craft that crashed near Roswell.
Under the circumstances, strict defense considerations were understandable. However, the secrecy of
alien-related programs prevented competent public analysis of what, on the surface, appeared to be an
alien intervention into human affairs. President Truman was kept apprised of developments, but in 1953
when Eisenhower got in, corporate manipulators removed US presidents and other elected officials from
active control of alien-related programs.4 Soon, the secret programs were rife with corruption, and some
potential whistleblowers were reportedly murdered before they could speak. It was a recipe for disaster.
Although we now know more about aliens due to reports by direct witnesses, in 1947--just two years after
Hiroshima, fear and defensiveness were the order of the day. Col. Corso, who later served on
Eisenhower’s White House National Security Council staff, summed up the Army’s feelings about the
crash at Roswell:
“We didn’t know what the inhabitants of these craft wanted, but we had to assume from their behavior,
especially their interventions in the lives of human beings and the reported cattle mutilations, that they
could be potential enemies. That meant that we were facing a far superior power with weapons capable
of obliterating us.”5
It wasn’t a hostile assumption. Instead, the incursion of alien technology that humans couldn’t match
caused fear and wariness in the US government. To have manufactured and serviced alien vehicles would
have required a large, possibly burgeoning industrial structure. That meant mining and the use of nonrenewable materials, security to prevent potentially competing aliens from taking their resources, and a
large, possibly repressive government. But wherever they came from, whatever their intentions, aliens
had arrived and they knew more about humans than humans knew about them.
In a preliminary analysis, Army Gen. Nathan Twining showed President Truman detailed photos and told
him about the strange alien technology. Army scientists couldn’t find an engine or power unit in the
Roswell alien craft. Stranger still, as Corso noted, Army doctors examined the dead aliens and did
“autopsy reports that suggested they were too human; they had to be related to our species in some way.”6
In other words, aliens had created what appeared to be human-alien hybrids. Had they made others that
looked more human, and if so, what were the aliens planning to do with such hybrids?
That first, unexpected contact provoked a major crisis in US government. Aliens were directly intervening
in human affairs, buzzing a nuclear bomber base and either taking humans or human reproductive
material to create human-alien hybrids. They hadn’t asked permission. Instead, they were trying to hide it
all. According to Col. Corso, who said he worked on a Pentagon plan to copy technology from the
Roswell wreckage, Pentagon officials grew more concerned about an alien incursion than they feared the
threat of the Soviet Union. Corso wrote that part of the reason for a nuclear weapons buildup in
subsequent years was to amass the ability to defeat an alien landing and occupation scenario. Later, Corso
learned that Soviet dictator Josef Stalin heard about the Roswell crash. It was front-page news in the
Roswell Daily Record and was featured on ABC radio news--until the Army decided to put out a cover
story to hide the fact. The Navy Pacific fleet commander’s intelligence briefer, William Cooper, said the
US briefed the Soviets and US allies about the aliens in order to maintain global security against possible
Less than a month after Roswell, the National Security Act of 1947 was written. It separated the Air Force
from the Army and created both the CIA and a National Security Council. Legislators were told the CIA
would protect the nation, but they didn’t anticipate the danger of unaccountable power, at the time.
Although Congress was supposed to approve overall budgets for the CIA and the NSA, which was
created on Nov. 4, 1952, the new agencies had secret budgets and owned businesses that operated without
legislative control. As had happened under monarchies of the past, corruption began to threaten the rule of
law in the United States.
Truman set up a working group to maintain secrecy and supervise study of the Roswell artifacts. Corso
wrote that the group agreed to “allow disclosure of some of the most far-fetched information, whether
true or not, because it would help create a climate of public attitude that would be able to accept the
existence of extraterrestrial life without a general sense of panic.” Gen. Twining said, “It will be a case
where the cover-up is the disclosure and the disclosure is the cover-up. Deny everything, but let the public
sentiment take its course. Let skepticism do our work for us until the truth becomes common
It was a reasonable policy, given the fact that advanced alien technology had recently dropped out of the
sky near the only nuclear bomber base on US soil. The president would monitor the project, and the
public would gradually be allowed to learn about it.
Direct, face-to-face contact with aliens near Roswell led to a defensive mobilization and at least some
sub-rosa skirmishes with aliens. As a result, the US military worked to reverse-engineer alien technology
in order to be able to match it. Leading scientists were allowed to analyze the Roswell artifacts if they
swore to secrecy. Their early analyses were impressive. They suggested that the Roswell craft used a kind
of Tesla technology featuring something like the Biefeld-Brown effect, which had been discovered
decades earlier.9 Early findings were only preliminary, but continued research led to the use and misuse of
strange, new technologies. Given that the Roswell craft had crashed while buzzing the sole US nuclear
bomber base, human use of alien technology for weapons purposes may have provided a convenient
excuse for more aggressive intervention, here, by the Roswell Grays’ larger alignment of aliens.
If Gray-hybrid aliens had been buzzing the Roswell air base in order to monitor nuclear weapons
staging, their loss of greatly more advanced technology near the base would have been a major
concern. Given their ability to monitor human governments, did they do anything to influence
the human response to technology that might change the course of human history? There’s
evidence to suggest they did. Five years after Roswell, in July of 1952, the Washington Post, the
New York Times and other newspapers printed stories and photos of unidentified, saucer-like
craft swarming over Washington DC near the White House (photo above).10 Their appearance
may have been meant as a message to Truman that US security policy, post-Roswell, was
considered inimical to such aliens.
Career Airman Charles Hall writes that he witnessed how Air Force brass condoned the presence of “Tall
White” aliens who were given a small base and supplies in the southeast corner of the Nellis Air Force
range starting in 1954, or perhaps earlier.16 Clifford Stone, Steven Wilson, and Michael Wolf all stated
that they saw aliens working inside US bases during their military careers.17 In addition, Army Sgt.
Robert Dean says he saw a secret NATO document that said senior political and military leaders had
mixed with human-looking aliens who could blend into a human crowd, unnoticed. Dean said the NATO
command feared such aliens could infiltrate high public positions without being detected, a suspicion that
Col. Corso said haunted the Pentagon.18 More recently, computer hacker Gary McKinnon claimed to have
viewed internal US military documents about “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers.”19
Adding to suspicions, the US government is prosecuting McKinnon for violating its secrecy. Meanwhile,
McKinnon’s story is like that of Clark McClelland, who worked on NASA’s space shuttle program until
1992. McClelland formally stated that he saw live video feed of an 8-9 ft. tall non-human working
alongside two human astronauts in the Space Shuttle’s open bay while the alien’s wing-shaped craft
hovered nearby.20 The alien craft was similar in design to the Roswell aliens’ craft.
Navy intelligence officer William Cooper, who briefed the Pacific Fleet commander as part of
his duties, stated that while in the Navy he saw classified papers saying that in 1954 a taller
version of the Gray aliens had landed at Holloman Air Force Base to initiate talks with the
US military--presumably Air Force generals.22 The US Air Force appears to have been the
easiest route of approach for the aliens. In part due to Du Pont and Rockefeller family ownership
of key aviation interests, an Air Force faction prioritized profit and technology over national
security. DuPonts owned much of Boeing, Rockwell-North American, and through GM later
gained control of Hughes Aerospace; a Rockefeller invested early in Lockheed.23 The Navy and
the Army appear to have been more cautious, at that time…
Encounters Forum File
(C) Encounters Forum
**In the last several years, few have stirred the field of UFOlogy
like Milton William Cooper. Cooper, born May 6, 1943 is a balding
47 year old man, who has enthralled thousands with lurid tales of
dangerous UFOs and secret government treaties allowing the alien
menace to abduct and experiment on unwilling human victims in
exchange for advanced alien technology. Raining threats and
pronouncements over the UFO field like a continuously firing
shotgun, Cooper has recently leveled charges of government spookery
against almost every UFOlogist in the field, and in many cases
claimed to have seen the names on a list back in 1972 and 1973
while purportedly serving in Naval Intelligence in CINCPACFLT.
Leveling charges at former friends and associates, Cooper has
charged various UFOlogists with illegal acts, moral turpitude and
charges of UFOlogists purveying disinformation that permeate the
field. Cooper, now with an agent to book speaking engagements at
any and every UFO event possible, is very fond of stating "don't
take my word for it, go out and check the information yourself".
UFO Magazine has, and the following is the result of our
Who is M. Wm. "Bill" Cooper, and where did he come from? Cooper's
first public appearance resulted when he uploaded a text on
Paranet, the international computer data service. The file alleges
a fantastic sighting of a UFO while Cooper was a crewmember of the
USS TIRU, a United States Naval Submarine, in 1966. According to
Cooper, the sighting took place while he was on duty as the port
lookout. Claiming that the sub's skipper immediately classified the
incident, Cooper reported that when the submarine reached port, the
witnesses were debriefed by Naval Security. During this time frame,
John O. Lear, son of William "Bill" Lear of Lear Jet fame, had also
been undergoing Paranet scrutiny as a result of the release of his
hypothesis concerning an alien threat. Lear's document had been
released in December of 1987, and had created quite an uproar in
its own right. Lear alleged that the United States Government had
entered into a relationship with possible ET intelligence and in
exchange for super technology, gave carte blanche to the ETs to
conduct experiments and abductions on unsuspecting human beings.
Lear claimed that in addition, the ETs, with our governments
knowledge, were mutilating domestic animals such as cattle and
sheep, and in some cases even humans were the victims. Because much
of Lear’s information was a hypothesis, and little checkable
information was forthcoming, many of the Paranet members were
asking very hard questions, and then in a number of instances,
attacked Lear’s credibility. Cooper allied himself with Lear when
he again visited the Paranet system with the claim that he had just
been terminated from his $75000.00 a year job as the Executive
Director of a School.
In October of 1988, Cooper contacted this writer via Paranet with
the request of a favor. Telling me at that time that "this is
dangerous if anyone finds out", he asked me to accept the
electronic transfer of a file into my computer, to be sent to
Stanton Friedman with the information of who wanted Friedman to see
it. The document included information about MAJI, MJ-1, THE BLUE
TEAM, GRUDGE, and according to Cooper various other alleged secret
government projects dealing with the alien presence. Agreeing to
send the information to Friedman, (I never heard any more about this
until later when Cooper was barred from Paranet because of claims
of feeding false and fraudulent information) I basically forgot
about this information until Cooper released additional files
claiming that this was the final release. There were several
"final" releases, for example in one Cooper claimed "MJ-12 is the
name of the secret control group... The JASON SOCIETY to sift
through all the facts, evidence, technology, lies and deception..."
TO MJ-12 THE PERSON OR MJ-12 THE GROUP..." By this time I was
becoming confused with the various "final releases". In another
release Cooper claimed that "Project Luna" was an alien base on the
far side of the Moon and it was observed by various Astronauts, but
then one more "final release" he stated that it was the code name
for an underground base in Nevada near Dulce, New Mexico.
In the later releases are a number of names that were never
mentioned in earlier releases. Names such as JOSHUA, and O.H. KRLL,
or KRLLL, or CRLL, CRLLL, or even KRILL. This proves to be very
important as the later investigation will show, when it comes to
answering whether these claims will bear up under serious scrutiny.
Cooper later claimed that the reason the documents were "different"
was that he wanted to throw the government off his trail until
someone would verify that what he said was the truth, and that "it
does not matter who is wrong or right and who is wrong or if a
project name is in the wrong place. ... we must all band together
and expose it now."
As time progressed Cooper severed all ties with other researchers
in the UFO field. Once a very close confident of John Lear, Cooper
has turned on Lear and has accused Lear of being an agent of the
Central Intelligence Agency. In months past, Cooper was a star
guest on the "Billy Goodman Happening" broadcast from KVEG in Las
Vegas. Another alleged former government employee, physicist
Robert "Bob" Lazar, appeared on the Goodman radio show, and Cooper
was lavish in his praise of Lazars willingness to come forward to
expose the cosmic secret. Now, Lazar like Lear is suffering Coopers
allegations of
being an intelligence disinformation purveyor.
Cooper now is operating an electronic bulletin board service, the
electronic newsletters, Cooper has leveled charges against numerous
people in the UFO community. When anyone challenges him, Cooper
will once more blast the questioners as "agents of the secret
government." In the previous edition of his newsletter, Cooper
charged that Bob Lazar, the "self-claimed physicist who worked on
saucers, was arrested today for participation in one of Las Vegas'
prostitution rings. He was also accused of running a drug lab which
manufactures methamphetamine." Additional charges included naming
Lear and Lazar as being a member of a "ring" of government agents
that "include the
greats of UFOlogy". Cooper named Bruce Maccabee,
Lear, Lazar, William Moore, Jaime Shandera, Stanton Friedman, and
other unnamed at that time. Cooper left the impression with that
document that the others would include whom ever questioned his
sources, information or allegations. Cooper also claimed that
Stacey Borland, who led a Las Vegas Contactee Group was murdered
after she sponsored a talk with Budd Hopkins, and also received a
document from a man who reportedly worked a "DREAMLAND".
The Stacy Borland story was reported to me by many people
who called me by phone. I confirmed the story through a Las
Vegas Psychologist. I repeat I received many phone calls all
telling the same story regarding Stacy Borland. Whether she
was murdered on a Saturday or on a Wednesday the next day or
three weeks later has nothing to do with the subject of the
story. The subject of the story was that a rumor floats
around Las Vegas that someone from the test site gives
Borland some documents, she is killed, Grace takes her place
and members report that he is writing their names on what
appears to be government forms labeled CONFIDENTIAL. Try as
you might to cover up the important facts but you won't
succeed. It is my opinion that she was given documents and
that your group or the people you work for killed her. I
know that MAJESTY TWELVE (also known as MAJORITY TWELVE) has
killed before and most probably will kill again. Moore and
Lear work for them.
George Knapp states in his letter to Corbin that John Grace
was appointed to take over the contactee group. The members
of the group who have called me expressed anger and concern
that his assumption of the leadership was totally against
the wishes of the members. In fact if the reports are
correct some of the group’s members have left the group over
this issue. Just exactly who appointed Grace over the
protest of the members? Is it a democratic group or a Nazi
group? I understand from the many calls that I have received
that the members are not happy with the situation and the
group is splintered. Cory and Jeff are only 2 of the sources
for this information but both are friends of Lear's. Are
they telling me the truth or is Lear setting me up? I
believe they have told the truth as they knew it in every
George Knapp really screwed up when he implied that I
accused John Grace of murder. That is an outright lie.
George Knapp is a liar. I said no such thing anywhere in the
story (he calls himself a journalist?). I reported what was
told to me by many sources and all that is required of a
journalist is 2 sources. I am not a journalist and I did a
better job than both Mike Corbin and George Knapp have done
so far.
Here are the facts. William Moore is a self-confessed agent.
No one can deny that. Only fools listen to Moore now. HE
CONFESSED. Do you hear that George? Are you a fool or do you
work for them? George Knapp you knew that Moore was a self
confessed agent and you still used him in your series and in
your 2 hour special. Why? During the 2 hour special you
presented Moore as a credible prominent researcher. You made
no mention that Moore had doctored documents and had
admitted it. No mention was made that Moore had engaged in
lying and passing out disinformation to other researchers.
No mention was made that Moore had confessed to being an
agent for an intelligence agency. You did not mention that
Moore spied on researchers and submitted reports to his
Recently, Stacey Borland, the leader of a Las Vegas contactee group
sponsored a talk by Budd Hopkins at a library in Las Vegas. It is
rumored that a man who worked in the top secret area known as
“DREAMLAND” approached Stacey and gave her some documents. The next
day it was reported that Stacey and her brother were found dead in her
Las Vegas apartment. They had both been stabbed many times and blood
was all over the walls and floors. As if that were not enough, Stacey
was set afire and burned horribly. The apartment did not catch fire.
Odd, don’t you think? The list of members of the contactee group and
the sign-in sheet from the Hopkins event are reported missing.
John Grace, aka Val Valarian, aka Mr. Wilson (in shadow with voice
disguised in a video entitled “Top Secret Cover-up”) moved right in and
took over leadership of the contactee group. John Grace is the
co-author along with John Lear of “The Matrix” and authored “The Secret
Treaty”. John Grace is also the director of the “Nevada Aerial
Research Society”. A “Capt. Grace” is mentioned in the “Aquarius
Telex” that was leaked by the confessed agent William Moore.
John Grace is an active duty agent of the Counter Intelligence Division
of the Air Force Office of Special Investigation. He has been seen
wearing an Air Force officers uniform bearing the rank of Captain, an
Army officers uniform, and an Air Force enlisted man’s uniform with the
rank of Staff Sergeant. He attends most all UFO conferences and always
wears a name badge with an alias printed on it such as “Klark Kent”,
the badge he wore at the 89 MUFON symposium .
It is reported that as the new leader of the contactee group he is
categorizing the members into groups as to their degree of alien
encounter. He is compiling lists labeled “CONFIDENTIAL” and the forms
have been reported to look like official military or government forms.
Borland---a researcher who inspired John Grace (aka Val Valerian) on his path which led to the
establishment of the Leading Edge Research Group---had also been working with employees of
Reynolds Electric Corporation who had exposed the fact (over the Billy Goodman Radio Talk Show)
that several of their co-workers were being held captive in an underground base below the Mercury Test
site in Nevada (This was after stumbling across a conspiracy involving an alien (reptilian) takeover of
U.S. underground installations).
This was also confirmed by a former Wackenhut employee, Michael Riconosciuto who implied that the
entire underground system (linking Nellis AFB on the outskirts of Las Vegas with Edwards AFB in
California) was no longer under human control and that many who had learned too much either turned
up missing or dead just like the 5 test site employees whose chopper was shot down as they were trying
to leave the base with an aircraft packed with damning evidence on antigravity, genetic and
underground base atrocities.
Borland was attempting to expose this conspiracy and help the "Mercury workers“ in their
desperate struggle. Shortly afterwards, Stacy and her brother were murdered in a "gangland
style“ slaying in Las Vegas.
EG & G was established by three nuclear engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
shortly after the end of World War II. These engineers, Harold E. Edgerton, Kenneth J. Germehausen,
and Herbert E. Grier, had been involved in the American effort to construct an atomic bomb during the
war. So valued were their contributions that after the war the government asked them to establish a
company to manage further development of the country's nuclear weapons. The three established a small
partnership called Edgerton, Germehausen & Grier on November 13, 1947, and quickly began collecting
contracts to advise the government on nuclear tests in Nevada and on South Pacific islands.
One of the first employees of the new company was Bernard J. O'Keefe, another MIT graduate who had
worked for Dr. Grier during the war. O'Keefe served with the 21st Bomber Command in the Mariana
Islands during the war, and is said to have personally wired the bomb that later destroyed the Japanese
city of Nagasaki. O'Keefe was sent to Japan after its surrender to investigate that country's progress with
nuclear technology and recruit promising Japanese scientists for other atomic projects. A specialist in the
design and development of electronic instrumentation and controls, O'Keefe quickly gained an important
position in the growing firm.
Inconvenienced by the length of the company's name, employees soon began to rely on the simple
acronym EG & G, which later became its official name. In order to maintain close contact with MIT and its
excellent nuclear and electronic engineering programs, EG & G set up its headquarters in Bedford,
Massachusetts, in northwest suburban Boston.
EG & G was involved in the U.S. effort to build a more powerful nuclear weapon, the hydrogen bomb.
That year, Grier and O'Keefe were present at a Nevada test site to personally witness an H-bomb
detonation. After the weapon failed to explode, Grier and O'Keefe flipped a coin to determine who should
scale the 300-foot test tower and disarm the bomb. Although O'Keefe lost, he won the special distinction
of being the first man to disarm a live H-bomb.
O'Keefe had a second brush with disaster in 1958 when he witnessed an H-bomb detonation at Bikini
Atoll in the South Pacific. There, shifting winds in the upper atmosphere caused a radioactive cloud of
fallout to shower his bunker.
These experiences taught O'Keefe the awesome destructive power of nuclear weaponry and the dangers
of radioactive fallout. As an engineer and manager he was bound to perform his company's contracts, but
grew personally opposed to the use of nuclear weapons. This sharpened his sense of responsibility
toward the emerging form of warfare, a quality that was not lost upon the government's Atomic Energy
As a result of EG & G's experience with detonations, and O'Keefe's concern for nuclear non-proliferation,
the company became increasingly involved in distant monitoring projects, particularly as they related to
Soviet nuclear tests. By observing changes in the atmosphere, EG & G was able to determine the
incidence and strength of Soviet tests and provide important data on the progress of Moscow's weapons
program. In the process, EG & G gained highly specialized knowledge in environmental sciences. These
skills had numerous applications outside the weapons industry, in such areas as pollution control and
environmental management.
Exploring Commercial Markets: 1960s
As early as 1960, O'Keefe and the company's three founders had considered establishing a new
environmental analysis business, which would lessen EG & G's dependence on low-margin government
contracts and permit the company to enter new commercial markets. But at the time, neither public
concern nor legislation placed a high value on such endeavors.
Three years later, the United States, the Soviet Union, and the United Kingdom signed a protocol that
banned nuclear tests in the atmosphere, above ground, in the water, or in outer space. With this
document, EG & G appeared to lose a major portion of its business. However, the protocol did not
prevent underground tests, which were far more complicated. EG & G remained the only company with
the proper supervisory credentials to manage this type of nuclear testing. The company was forced to
develop geologic analytical capabilities and become a tunneling and mining operation as well.
Furthermore, the government had also laid plans to establish a kind of oceanographic equivalent to
NASA. Eager to take a place in this organization, EG & G invested heavily in oceanographic research.
While the underwater NASA never materialized, the efforts enabled O'Keefe to further cultivate new
commercial markets for EG & G, including excavation and water transmission.
During this time the company's three founders moved further into retirement, taking ceremonial "executive
chairman emeritus" positions. As a result, O'Keefe became the de facto head of the company. EG & G
also pursued a strong acquisition campaign, taking over 13 companies between 1964 and 1967.
By 1967 a strong environmental movement began to form in the United States. With legislation still years
away, EG & G began laying plans to play an important role in the environmental projects it was sure
would result.
EG & G was divided into four main operating divisions. The smallest of these was EG & G International,
which was primarily concerned with oceanography. The standard products and equipment division, which
grew fastest during the 1960s, produced a variety of machines and electronic devices. EG & G's largest
segment remained its nuclear detonation and monitoring business. But perhaps the most innovative and
interesting division was the nuclear technology group, which was involved in the design of nuclear rocket
engines for interplanetary propulsion.
Other noncombat nuclear projects included "nuclear landscaping" projects, in which controlled nuclear
explosions could carve out harbors, canals, and other types of passages. EG & G's CER Geonuclear unit
participated in tests wherein nuclear explosions were used to fracture layers of rock so that otherwise
inaccessible gas and oil reserves could be exploited. These public works projects, while feasible, failed to
gain public support. In fact, opposition to nuclear technology in general increased as people grew wary of
the safety of nuclear energy. In addition, nuclear excavation would have required an unlikely waiver of the
1963 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.
With the evaporation of good commercial prospects for its nuclear engineering expertise, EG & G was
forced to rely again on military projects. Despite efforts to step up mechanical and electrical engineering
work (partly by acquiring a spate of small research companies), EG & G mustered only four percent
annual growth during the late 1960s.
Failed Initiatives: 1970--75
Interest in nuclear power increased dramatically during the 1973--74 Arab oil embargo, in which
Americans sought to reduce their costly dependence on imported oil. Realizing that the world's oil
exporting nations stood to permanently lose their largest customer, the United States, King Faisal of
Saudi Arabia promptly called for an end to the embargo. Nonetheless, while Americans regained access
to Arab oil, the end of the embargo was disastrous for the U.S. nuclear energy industry--and for EG & G.
The end of the embargo removed one of the great justifications for nuclear power, and gave anti-nuclear
activists time to properly organize legislative battles.
While EG & G was being locked out of yet another promising commercial application of its technologies, it
attempted projects in other fields. Some years earlier, in an effort to develop a new process for purifying
nuclear isotopes, EG & G developed a flash tube that was ideal for photocopiers. However, by the time
an application could be developed, Xerox had already saturated the market with conventional designs. In
another ill-timed move, the company bet that environmental laws would cause demand for the
unconventional Wankel engine to rise. EG & G purchased a Texas automobile testing agency in hopes of
winning large emission monitoring contracts. However, the oil embargo destroyed the market for the
clean, but gas-eating Wankel, and automobile environmental legislation was abandoned.
During this time, with the encouragement of the government, EG & G established a minority-dominated
subsidiary, EG & G Roxbury, in a neighborhood of Boston, hoping to help strengthen the economic
structure of the community. The project floundered, however, when bureaucrats failed to properly support
the program, causing only a few sales to be made from the subsidiary. After a few years of disastrous
results, the entire program was wound up.
On the Upswing: 1976--80s
EG & G's environmental division, which languished after the oil embargo, finally began to take off in 1976.
Rather than concentrating on environmental compliance, the group evolved into a comprehensive
resource efficiency operation that could provide complete oceanographic, atmospheric, and geophysical
analysis. By conserving resources, operations could more easily achieve pollution and waste reduction
Another area of success was in port development. Although unable to blast out custom designed harbors
with nuclear devices, EG & G was a world leader in oceanographic studies and channel engineering. The
company designed numerous tanker ports in the Persian Gulf and bauxite harbors in South America.
In 1979 President Jimmy Carter asked Bernard O'Keefe to serve as chairperson of the government's
synthetic fuels corporation. Having already been asked to serve on a transition team for then presidential
candidate Ronald Reagan, however, O'Keefe refused Carter's offer.
With the election of Reagan in 1980, the United States took a sudden turn toward military armament
programs. EG & G experienced a resurgence in its flagging nuclear testing business and was tapped to
develop a number of new nuclear weapons systems, including the MX missile and the Strategic Defense
Initiative. A self-described "card carrying member of the military-industrial complex," Bernard O'Keefe
wrote in his book Nuclear Hostages that the United States and the Soviet Union were locked in an arms
race that neither of them could control. Ironically, EG & G remained deeply involved in a number of
Reagan administration projects O'Keefe opposed, including the MX, the neutron bomb, and stationing of
nuclear missiles in Europe. Nevertheless, EG & G's pretax operating profit doubled from the new
EG & G also became involved in the space shuttle program, checking the spacecraft's electrical
components, loading its fuel, and managing the Cape Canaveral space center during shuttle missions.
EG & G's site management abilities won it a position with the Department of Energy's elite Nuclear
Emergency Search Team which investigated nuclear extortion threats. The company also won a contract
to manage the government's troubled Rocky Flats installation outside Denver. This facility, which
manufactured nuclear weapon triggers, was widely criticized for mismanagement under Rockwell
EG & G maintained its momentum throughout the 1980s, winning contracts from diverse governmental
agencies, including the Department of Energy, the Army, the Air Force, the Department of Defense, and
U.S. Customs. In 1988 the company hit a record high for both sales and earnings. O'Keefe retired from
EG & G during this period of strong growth, and was succeeded by John M. Kucharski.
Rapid Diversification: 1990s
Under U.S. President George Bush, and with the subsequent collapse of the Soviet military threat, the
number of EG & G nuclear test projects decreased significantly. As such, EG & G was under pressure to
cultivate profitable new commercial ventures to offset the loss of revenue from military contracts. The
company responded rapidly, entering new commercial markets via a series of acquisitions. One of the
first acquisitions of the 1990s was Electro-Optics, the optoelectronics business of General Electric
Canada. Electro-Optics designed and produced advanced semiconductor emitters and detectors for
defense, space, telecommunications, and industrial applications. Other new ventures followed quickly: the
Finland-based WALLAC Group, which produced analytical and diagnostic systems; IC Sensors, a maker
of sensing devices for industrial, automotive, medical, and aerospace uses; and NoVOCs, Inc., an
environmental remediation specialist.
In 1994, facing legal pressure from activists' groups, EG & G announced that it would discontinue its
nuclear-related endeavors as its various existing contracts expired. That same year, the company
undertook a major reorganization to accommodate its newly acquired interests and the discontinuation of
its nuclear business. One important area of focus for the company was its Instruments division, which was
rapidly becoming a leader in the field of weapons and explosives screening systems. After providing
x~ray machines and metal detectors for the Democratic and Republican national conventions in 1992, the
company won a contract to supply state-of-the-art explosives detection systems for federal courthouses
across the nation. A subsequent contract with the Federal Aviation Administration called for ten of EG &
G's most advanced explosives detection systems for screening checked baggage in airports.
In 1998 Gregory Summe replaced Kucharski as EG & G's president and CEO. Summe, formerly the
president of AlliedSignal Inc.'s Automotive Products Group, was known for his ability to streamline and
consolidate technology businesses. He assumed his new position with the twin goals of improving
operational efficiency and restructuring EG & G's portfolio to sharpen the company's focus on identified
high-growth markets. One of his first efforts toward better operational efficiency was to consolidate all EG
& G's business into five independent strategic business units: Life Sciences, Instruments, Engineered
Products, Optoelectronics, and Technical Services. The company also began repositioning its portfolio by
liquidating assets that fell outside these growth areas and making acquisitions that strengthened EG &
G's position within its identified markets. This strategy led to the largest acquisition in the company's
history: Lumen Technologies. Lumen, purchased for $250 million in December 1998, was known globally
as a producer of specialty lighting. The Lumen acquisition served to strengthen the company's existing
position in the medical lighting market, while at the same time allowing it entry into the areas of video and
entertainment lighting.
Looking to the Future
The consolidation efforts that Summe's management team initiated in 1998 were expected to continue,
with the goal of streamlining sites, functions, and processes so as to reduce operating costs and improve
quality, consistency, and response time.
The company intended to continue its focused acquisition strategy. It also planned to continue
aggressively developing and marketing new products in its various divisions. Some of the products
expected to be introduced were high-volume, cost-effective systems for drug screening, and a Point of
Care system that allowed diagnosticians to determine whether or not a patient had suffered a heart attack
in just 15 minutes. In addition to introducing new products, the company also anticipated an increased
emphasis on product line extensions and renewals.
Principal Subsidiaries: EG & G Alabama, Inc.; EG & G Astrophysics (England); EG & G ATP GmbH
(Germany); EG & G ATP GmbH & Co. Automotive Testing Papenburg KG (Germany); EG & G
Automotive Research, Inc.; EG & G California, Inc.; EG & G Benelux BV (Netherlands); EG & G Canada
Investments, Inc.; EG & G Canada Limited; EG & G Defense Materials, Inc.; EG & G do Brasil Ltda.; EG
& G E.C. (U.K.); EG & G Emissions Testing Services, Inc.; EG & G Energy Measurements, Inc.; EG & G
Exporters Ltd. (U.S. Virgin Islands); EG & G Florida, Inc.; EG & G GmbH. (Germany); EG & G Holdings,
Inc.; EG & G Hong Kong, Ltd.; EG & G IC Sensors, Inc.; EG & G Idaho, Inc.; EG & G Information
Technologies, Inc.; EG & G Instruments GmbH. (Germany); EG & G Instruments International Ltd.; EG &
G Instruments, Inc.; EG & G International Ltd.; EG & G Japan, Inc. (U.S.A.); EG & G Judson Infared, Inc.;
EG & G KT Aerofab, Inc.; EG & G Langley, Inc.; EG & G Ltd. (U.K.); EG & G Management Services of
San Antonio, Inc.; EG & G Management Systems, Inc.; EG & G Missouri Metals Shaping Company, Inc.;
EG & G Mound Applied Technologies, Inc.; EG & G Omni, Inc.; EG & G Pressure Science, Inc.; EG & G
Singapore Pte Ltd.; EG & G Special Projects, Inc.; EG & G Star City, Inc.; EG & G S.A. (France); EG & G
SpA (Italy); EG & G Technical Services of West Virginia, Inc.; EG & G Vactec Philippines, Ltd.; EG & G
Ventures, Inc.; EG & G Watertown, Inc.; Antarctic Support Associates (Columbia); B.A.I. GmbH.
(Germany); Benelux Analytical Instruments S.A. (Belgium; 92.3%); Berthold A.G. (Switzerland); Berthold
Analytical Instruments, Inc.; Berthold France S.A. (80%); Berthold GmbH & Co. KG (Germany); Biozone
Oy (Finland); EC III, Inc. (Mexico; 49%); Eagle EG & G, Inc.; Eagle EG & G Aerospace Co. Ltd.; Heimann
Optoelectronics GmbH (Germany); Heimann Shenzhen Optoelectronics Co. Ltd. (China); NOK EG & G
Optoelectronics Corp. (Japan; 49%); Pribori Oy (Russia); PT EG & G Heimann Optoelectronics
(Singapore); Reticon Corp.; Reynolds Electrical & Engineering, Inc.; Science Support
Corporation; Seiko EG & G Co., Ltd. (Japan; 49%); Shanghai EG & G Reticon Optoelectronics Co. Ltd.;
Societe Civile Immoiliere (France; 82.5%); The Launch Support Company, L.C.; Vactec, Inc.; WALLAC
ADL AG (Germany); WALLAC ADL GmbH (Germany); WALLAC A/S; WALLAC Holding GmbH
(Germany); WALLAC Norge AS (Norway); WALLAC Oy (Finland); WALLAC Sverige AB (Sweden);
WALLAC, Inc.; Wellesley B.V. (Netherlands); Wright Components, Inc.; ZAO Pribori.
Also claimed in the Cooper CAJI newsletter was that John Grace, a still
active duty Air Force NCO took over the contactee group, and when
the investigation was started, the list of the contactee group and
the sign in sheet from Hopkins talk was missing. Serious
allegations if true, so UFO immediately contacted George Knapp of
KLAS TV in Las Vegas. Hopkins was in Las Vegas weeks after Borland
and her brother were found dead. Borland's boyfriend was the
initial suspect, but was cleared quickly by the Las Vegas Police.
The search then centered on a 24 year old suspect, William Mitchell
Smith, also known as William "Bo" Stevens. No UFO involvement at
all was discovered by police. According to George Knapp in a now
public letter to Michael Corbin, director of Paranet "Bill Cooper
wouldn't know the truth if it bit him on the ass.... a secret
organization is highly unlikely. Moore (Bill) and Lear can't stand
each other. Moore and Friedman have tried to contact Lazar thru me
on several occasions...." Then Knapp relayed "Some of the
individuals have provided me with proof of Cooper's dishonesty,
proof that will be made public in the near future". Knapp was true
to his word. In part 5 of the KLAS second UFO special just recently
run by Knapp's TV station, Knapp pointed out one such occurrence
where serious questions about Coopers information were raised.
According to Cooper, in his purported viewing of a top secret
government document in 1972-1973- he viewed information about O.H.
Krill, which according to Cooper stood for "Original Hostage
The problem with Cooper's claim, however, comes from the two people
involved in the O.H. Krill document. The origin of the
controversial document has been known for some time in the UFO
field. Conceived by UFO researcher John Grace, who heads the Nevada
Aerial Research organization and uses the pseudonym "Val Valerian,"
the title was chosen as an inside joke, according to both Lear and
Grace. While being interviewed by UFO Magazine, Lear stated that he
heard Cooper tell a television interviewer that he (Cooper) had
seen the O.H. Krill document back in the early 70's. Lear turned
"beet red," he said, and motioned for Cooper to speak to him
Lear told Cooper, "Bill, O.H. Krill is a joke! John
Grace and I used "KRILL" from Bob Emenegger's special "UFOs: It Has
Begun", because of a women who allegedly channeled an entity named
CRYLLL. Grace just pulled the O. H. out of thin air!" According to
Lear, Cooper flatly disagreed, saying, "No, I saw it in 1972." Lear
said, "I dropped it then. I could see that there was no talking to
him. I then began to wonder just how much of Bill Cooper was real."
Lear was then asked about Cooper's allegation in the most recent
edition of CAJI, that Bob Lazar was "arrested for prostitution" and
is now facing narcotic's violations. Lear stated, "It's all
fabrication and fantasy."
Knapp said "There is no truth to the
allegation that Lazar has been arrested. Lazar admitted on TV that
he set up software for a bordello that was subsequently closed by
police, but as of this point, no charges have been filed at all."
With respect to the charge of drug manufacture, Cooper stated that
he received the information from John Lear, and he also named two
additional UFO buffs, a Cory Testa and Geoff Graff. Testa was
shocked at the allegation that Lear told him Lazar was facing drug
violations. Testa stated, "I still believe that he (Lazar) is real
and John Lear never said anything like that." Testa later called
back and stated "I just called Bill Cooper and he denied that he
said that I said anything to him about Lazar." The paragraph was
read to him four times and he responded sadly, "You know, I am just
a guy who is really interested in UFOs, and I never wanted to get
involved in anything like this. Why would Bill say I said something
like that?" Testa then stated that Cooper claimed to him that Lear
was the famous Condor from William Moore’s Avairy.
Testa then
stated that "everyone I was associated with, Cooper claimed that
they were a government agent."
William "Bill" Moore was called to get his reaction to the stated
claims that John Lear was the shadowy agent "Condor", and he
responded with "I usually do not comment on someone that I consider
to be mentally ill, but it is not true that Lear is Condor".
Moore was then advised that in the CAJI newsletter Cooper made the
claim that the tape of Condor was placed in voice analysis, and
that he had unscrambled it, proving that Lear was Condor.
laughed and stated "There is nothing to undo, nothing to
unscramble. Jaime and I masked Condors voice through a vocoder. The
vocoder is a device that the sound source is run through a mike,
then to a sound source sending it to a voice envelope to a vocoder.
Nothing of the human qualities are left to unscramble."
When Moore was asked about the additional claims of his being
identified as a government operative he stated "It is absolutely
false. You know, I am getting tired of all these accusations,
Cooper is always wrapping himself up in the flag and constitution,
what ever happened to the basic right of being innocent until
proven guilty? You know, I have never spoken to Cooper or had as
much as a single correspondence with him." Moore stated then that
he had been given a copy of the CAJI newsletter, had just read it,
and was amazed at the contents. I then mentioned to him that in the
newsletter, Cooper had stated that he had seen Moore’s name, along
with Stanton Friedman, John Lear and Bruce Maccabee on a list of
agents to be recruited in 1972. He also claimed that Bob Swan, a
service friend was also informed of this back in 1972. When Swan
was questioned by Linda Howe and Tony Pelham among others about
what he remembered, Swan stated for the record that really the only
thing he remembered was something to do with UFOs. Since I was
aware that Moore did not really come into the UFO scene with any
great splash until The Roswell Incident, I asked him what he was
doing in 1972 that would have brought him to the governments
attention. He responded that in 1972 he was teaching at the Herman
Community Schools, Independent District 264, in Herman, MN. Moore
taught there from the Fall of 1969 until the Spring of 1979. Along
with the teaching, Moore was active in the teachers union, #32
Local. It would appear he would be very unlikely for a government
recruitment to the intelligence services then.
Cooper stated in the CAJI newsletter that "No one likes to be a
fool but most UFOlogists are exactly that. I keep saying to DO
RESEARCH, TO INVESTIGATE, but no one does it. They just sit around
and CALL EACH OTHER NAMES." When I, representing UFO Magazine
attempted to call Cooper to verify his claims, I ended up leaving
a message on his computer service. I had not spoken to Cooper for
close to a year and had no way to get his home phone number. Cooper
read the message and called about an hour later. Answering the
telephone Cooper stated "What the hell do you want!?" I then
attempted to explain that I was doing a story for UFO Magazine and
wanted to verify his claims. Cooper stated "What are you writing
for your ****en trashzine?" I then said that I had received a copy
of the CAJI newsletter and he replied "I would be very careful if
I was you, that newsletter is copyrighted."
Cooper then stated "I don't trust you or anyone you are associated
with." The only reference I was able to get concerned the
allegation that Bob Lazar ran a speed lab. "John Lear told me that
out of his own mouth... I got the information from a man named Cory
and Geoff who are good friends of John Lear." Just at that time the
phone rang with the call waiting feature, and Cooper refused to
hold till I could find out who called. He hung up and refused to
speak any further. This seemed out of character for a person that
felt that their information was legitimate.
I next spoke to Bob Lazar. Lazar was burned out at the UFO field by
this time, and it really doesn't take much to understand why. I
asked Lazar if he had been arrested and charged with any crimes,
and as of this date, no charges have been filed. The involvement
with prostitution came as a result of Lazar selling a computer to
the alleged bordello, and writing a software program for cash
received. When asked about a drug lab, Lazar explained his research
lab and various scientific equipment that he has there. "The
"speed" might be explained by my work with hi-tech jet cars" he
stated. "Cooper is an intelligent man, and the two times I've seen
him, well I hate to call someone a psychopath but he really acts
crazy. He seems to believe a lot of what he says to the point he
will fight about them and get violent."
"You mean", I countered,
that he will get physically violent?" "Yes, on the only two
occasions I have seen him, and there was usually liquor involved,
not beer or anything, but liquor, he will get violent. I walked in
on something with my sister-in-law, ... after a brief time talking
to Cooper, he got up screaming and throwing stuff around, he was a
lunatic." Another charge leveled by Cooper alleged that Lear, once
in the company of Cooper and several others, claimed Lear called
Lazar up to send a hooker over to Lear’s home. Lazar stated that
"that’s absurd, and why it’s absurd is my involvement with the
bordello was in January of 1990. It mainly involved some electronic
work and setting up software. When I saw Cooper was long before
that, and in either case I would not be the guy anyone called. I
had no connections to get anyone. I deny his whole allegation.
"Everyone seems to have a Bill Cooper story, and mine is a paper I
wrote in Los Alamos concerning Project Excalibur. I wrote that in
1988, I had a witness there while I typed that word for word. I
printed that out, Lear was hot on the trail looking for
connections, and that filled everything, he essentially had all the
information that was to be had. John then gave a copy to Bill
Cooper and I heard Cooper reading that verbatim, word for word at
the MUFON convention. He claimed to have seen it in the mid-70s. I
then heard him on Billy Goodman show. I called him, he recognized
the voice. He said he knew who I was. I then asked him, Bill that
Excalibur missile thing, did you get that at John Lear’s or did you
read that in the 70's. I gave him an out if he had forgotten. He
said no, "I read that word for word in 1973". I said okay and
thanks. That was my first confirmation that this guy was a complete
liar. I had just typed that in 1988. The witness that saw me type
this was
Gene Huff."
June 7, 1990
Recently ParaNet received a call from Gene Huff, Las Vegas real
estate appraiser and close friend of Robert Lazar, stating that he
wished to place a clarification on ParaNet for the record regarding
Lazar's recent felony indictment on a count of Pandering in Las
Vegas, Nevada by the Clark County Sheriff's Department. Lazar, in a
public statement made on KLAS-TV in April, admittedly told on camera
that he had been involved in a brothel in the Las Vegas area by
assisting in the installation of computer and security equipment.
Shortly after that,
following an investigation by authorities,
charges were brought against Lazar. He could get up to five years if
The big question now is: Does this damage Lazar's credibility along
with KLAS-TV reporter George Knapp, who featured Lazar on a news
special in November 1989? According to Huff and the statement that
follows, the answer is a big no.
What has further clouded the issue has been Bill Cooper's attacks on
Lazar and Knapp for their participation in what Cooper calls
"government disinformation activity." Cooper, a self-styled UFO
who claims to have seen super-secret UFO documents aboard a
Navy ship while enlisted in the early 1970s,
has made various
statements about Lazar,
Knapp and a host of other UFO
researchers being government agents intent on disinforming the
The following is a letter received via ParaFAX on June 4,
Gene Huff.
I am a Las Vegas real estate appraiser and I have known Bob Lazar
since late 1985, John Lear since mid-1988, and George Knapp since
early 1989. I thought some of the members of your service [ParaNet]
might need some actual FACTS regarding some of the accusations and
allegations made by Milton W. Cooper. I've written the following
pages which you may use, if you choose to do so.
So Cooper learned poker from granny and love from Annie, huh? Too
bad he didn't learn anything from George Washington and the cherry
tree briefing.
The actual story of the "Bob Lazar-prostitution
connection" is as follows: Bob Lazar and his late first wife, Carol,
owned a legal brothel in northern Nevada during the early 1980's, so
Bob was familiar with the brothel business. Recently, he ran into a
hooker who was running a small brothel here in Las Vegas. Bob gave
her a bunch of ideas on how she could efficiently run her business.
She asked him to help her and said she would pay him for his
I guess this kind of parallels attorneys receiving
their fees from clients with questionable vocations, but I won't
argue that point here. He helped her by installing a computer, doing
some computer programming, accounting, installing security cameras
and monitors, etc. When all of the systems were running smoothly, Bob
was going to leave as he felt he had already received money
commensurate with what he felt he had contributed. She offered him
money just to stay around and do nothing, which seemed strange, but
Bob was going to part ways anyway, and the worst thing that could
have happened, happened. this hooker had fallen madly in love with
Bob. In a serious talk, she made her feelings known to him. She asked
how sexually attractive she was to him on a scale from 1 to
Bob "Mr. Compassion" Lazar told her that, to him, she was a 1. She
cried for a day and a half.
news was impossible to take for a woman who had for years
had men calling her on a daily basis offering to pay her money to
have sex with her.
As it ends up, she is a Las Vegas Metro Vice,
FBI, and DEA informant. Now she has implicated him as being much
more involved than he actually was,
for obvious motives.
He has
not yet been charged, but with her connections, it appears certain
that he will be.
this was all exposed by Bob Lazar ON TELEVISION
here in Las Vegas.
This required no investigation by Cooper or
the knuckleheads from vice. There is much more to this story which
is better saved until Bob Lazar's freedom is certain.
The story of Bob Lazar running a drug lab is totally false. He is
currently doing some research at a small, privately funded lab here
in Las Vegas.
The lab was recently randomly visited by one active
duty Las Vegas cop, and another ex-Las Vegas cop who both witnessed
nothing illegal or as ludicrous as drug manufacturing
going on there. Naturally, Sherlock Cooper didn't know this.
more classic
misinterpreting an elementary body of information and jumbling it to
fit his distorted view of the world around him.
This leaves only
Cooper to interpret what is "truth" while draped in an American
Cooper labels his opponents as part of a government
band of conspirators, which is anyone who doesn't believe
or actually
and understands the
true source of his information, which in turn, is anyone who has
ever heard him speak or has read what he has written.
speaks as though Bob Lazar and John Lear are one item.
These are two separate men with very different ideas.
Bob Lazar's
story is not phony, and he is not part of a band of government
knew him before he met John Lear,
and before
worked at S 4.
I was with him the first and second times he met
Lear and they had no prior contact before that.
As far as one of
them working for the other, what a joke.
I was present at both of Bob Lazar's polygraph sessions. These
were prior to George Knapp's November 1989
the first
included two polygraphs with the same identical questions
being asked both times.
He passed one and failed on. This is why
the results were considered inconclusive by the first polygrapher
subsequent tests were suggested
second test was done at a completely different company,
about a
month later.
Similar, but different questions were asked and Bob
Lazar passed.
The polygraphs from the second night
were then
reviewed by another polygrapher who also agreed that he had passed.
The polygraphs from the second night were then sent to a third
polygrapher in San Francisco, who was of the opinion that the Federal
government wouldn't lie about something like this, and he said he
thought the results were inconclusive. So to be fair, George Knapp
said the results were inconclusive. Actually, four polygraphers
reviewed the two night's tests.
One polygrapher stated the first
night's tests were inconclusive. Two polygraphers stated that he
had passed the second night's tests, and one polygrapher thought
the second night's tests were inconclusive.
This doesn't sound
like as big of a failure as Cooper makes it, does it?
The problem with Cooper's polygraph challenge is two-fold. First,
of those challenged want to associate publicly or privately
with Cooper.
Second, when someone actually believes their lies,
they register as truth on the polygraph.
So for obvious reasons,
there is nothing to be gained by
those challenged.
you must admit, Cooper and a polygraph is an amusing thought.
Lazar does NOT develop dosimeter badges at Los
Alamos and
Sandia labs.
He manufactures and repairs alpha radiation probes.
He even owns a patent on one particular kind.
an amateur
sleuth like Cooper could have access to that information.
Cooper is on the record on the Billy Goodman show as stating that
checked Bob Lazar out, and that what Bob Lazar was stating
was true.
(Not that Bob Lazar cared what Cooper thought.) I
guess Cooper has a lot of trouble with these sudden changes of mind.
overstated his exposure to Bob Lazar via John Lear.
met Cooper twice at Lear's house.
Kris, Bob's sister-in-law,
him one time, and they both came home of the opinion that
Cooper was crazy.
The second time, I was invited but declined
since it appeared obvious to me that Cooper had taken the Kennedy
information from
"Dallas Revisited,"
narrated by Lars Hansen, and I did not want to associate with
Cooper in public, or privately.
Bob went as a favor
Lear and although can't remember if anyone accompanied him, his
opinion of Cooper didn't change.
Lear and
information to him. Remember, only recently has Cooper become the
"World's Leading Authority on UFOs."
Back then he was just a sailor
who said he saw a craft when he was in the Navy,
no one worthy of
"leaking" anything to. And in reality that's all that Cooper WASN'T
and ISN'T important enough to perform for, even in a joking manner.
He shouldn't flatter himself in thinking that the government would
launch an attack on him.
No one needs to discredit Cooper, he has
discredited himself.
Those groups
that want
Washington to get amnesty for secret project participants who want
to speak out, had better not go there with Cooper.
Anyone that can
access the classified library (and there are thousands nationwide),
knows that many of the dates and events Cooper speaks about are
And the
events and dates that are accurate have
generally been stated on the record by others BEFORE Cooper is on
the record as having stated them. Anyway,
he'd get laughed out
of Washington.
Cooper controversy appears to pretty much
be a regional issue in the West and Southwest U.S., thanks to the
Billy Goodman show, and now Cooper has turned on him, too. Authors
and researchers from all over the world have come to Las Vegas and
met Bob Lazar. The one common denominator that links all of them is
all know of at least one instance in which they don't
believe Cooper, either.
This list of people includes, but
not limited to,
Timothy Goode, Linda Howe,
Vallee', Budd Hopkins, Bill Moore, etc.
Incidentally, Bob Lazar
chose not to meet with Bill Moore.
Within the first 15
George Knapp and I talked to Moore, Moore admitted not only lying
giving out disinformation,
he also said that he was the one
had stolen the missing "metal"
from the Billy Meier's
He said he had it analyzed and it could have been
made here on Earth.
Since he was a self-professed liar and thief,
Lazar declined to meet him.
We still wonder why he
let the stolen Meier's metal resurface if it was a fake.
Maybe he
lied about that,
it's a shame,
because he's
an intelligent man and he could be a positive force.
Cooper's claims about Project Excalibur and O.H.
in an upcoming issue of UFO Magazine so I
that here.
will be
go into
I have seen polaroid pictures of Falcon and Condor from the set of
the Fox Television Network a couple of years ago.
I don't know if
their segments were taped or live, however, these pictures were
taken by two guys who had access to the set.
I did not recognize
either of the gentlemen, but neither was John Lear.
wanted to investigate whether or not John Lear
is Condor,
suggest that someone find out from the producers of the show
Falcon and Condor did their segments. At that time, John Lear was
flying for American Trans Air as an L-1011
captain on flights to
Hawaii, Germany, etc.
The flight logs should at least be able to
narrow down whether Lear was in the air or for that matter even in
this country at the time Falcon and Condor were present.
I personally find it hard to believe that anyone would care enough
one way or another to go through that much
Knapp's May 1990
special news segments,
recorded on audio tape
a conversation with
a Las
Vegas resident as saying that he's so pissed that Lear exposed him
as lying about the O.H. Krill papers that if Lear were in front of
him right then, he'd "Shoot the son of a bitch." Yet through all of
Cooper's attacks on Lear,
Lear still insists that Cooper had an
original contribution.
If that's true, it's unfortunate because
been lost because of Cooper's subsequent actions.
This is a waste because even though Cooper is an amateurish writer
(as am I), he is a semi-adequate public speaker who arouses people.
If people will take Cooper's advice and read and investigator for
themselves, I'm sure they'll make their own decisions on Cooper soon
was not AFRAID to call Cooper
had previously interviewed Cooper and
apparently heard enough back then.
Cooper got his rightful share of
time in both of Knapp's specials. George Knapp's career is not in
Knapp knows more about Lazar than does
the general
public, which includes Cooper.
Knapp is just required to establish
Lazar's credentials before moving on to some of the more exciting
subjects Bob Lazar has commented on.
Hopefully Knapp will
his May 1990 news segments into an expanded special so we can
possibly hear some more testimony as to Cooper's credibility.
Cooper has publicly stated that he will tell his version of the
show of force by the gray aliens in central Nevada in 1979
in his
upcoming book. I hope it's not the same story Bob Lazar and I told
on the Billy Goodman show in 1989.
I would hate for that story to
have mysteriously made it from the radio in 1989 all the way back to
the reports Cooper allegedly read between 1970
and 1973.
all, this event hadn't even happened yet. Not even Cooper could try
that, could he?
Through all of this I have noticed only one solid connection
Cooper and the Nixon Administration and that is that both Milton W.
Cooper and Richard M. Nixon both have upper lips
which perspire
profusely when they're lying.
I guess the most amusing thing that has happened in the last two
years is that know Cooper has suddenly become a tough guy, at least
through his eyes.
He calls everyone else wimps, and liars,
I and many others are of the opinion that if they cast
the part of WIMPY in the Broadway version of POPEYE,
would be a lock for the part. And if indeed information, not money,
is the power of the 90's, Cooper will keep "borrowing" from everyone
involved, but don't worry, he'll gladly pay you Tuesday.
all of the dust has settled, I don't think
nickname will any longer be Bill.
I think it could
probably even "Uncle Miltie," after all if the
fits, right?
Gene Huff
(with apologies to Dr. Hunter S. Thompson)
by Lars Hansson
Although I knew it would somehow be inevitable, I have been very reluctant to commit what
follows to hard copy for a number of reasons. Throughout years of uncovering all manner of lies,
treachery, deceit and betrayal by criminal elements within the government of our country and its
client regimes around the world, I have subscribed to an unspoken code of "honor among
thieves" -- that is, to respect and protect the identity of sources who have finally chosen to "come
clean," often at great peril to themselves or their families. What has been held reluctantly in
confidence emerges now only after the repeated blatant and sniggering violation of that code by
John Lear himself. Despite Lear's cultivated image as a swashbuckling pilot and serious UFO
researcher, he is, in my opinion, and others', an irresponsible, self-centered, loutish thrill-seeker
who truly has no business in the latter field, and questionable competence in the former, given
his record of hard-drinking and womanizing, at least during the time I associated with him from
1988-1990. Lest I be accused of self-righteousness in this regard, I have never pretended to
sanctity, but have certainly interacted with Lear and the others mentioned herein with utmost
integrity, while he has not hesitated to portray me publicly in a much different light. Because of
the magnitude of the issues he has succeeded in forcing before the world's attention, I believe
that it is long past the time when the public should know more of the truth about Lear which he
has so desperately been attempting to conceal. I sincerely regret that I waited this long to bring it
to their attention myself. For someone who has made such an effort to "wake up the masses" to
the looming peril of takeover by "grey aliens from Zeta Reticuli," which he has claimed are
ensconced in underground havens in the Nevada desert, the man has accomplished an even more
masterful cover-up of the looming peril of martial law under the fascist masters he has willingly
served for over two decades. The only reason I have reluctantly chosen not to publicize Lear's
involvement in the activities I am about to disclose until now was that I had little doubt that his
family would almost certainly suffer severe negative repercussions, particularly considering
some of the principals involved. As much as I detest melodrama, the revelations contained herein
constitute a very real threat to the reputations, and the very lives of a number of innocent people
as well as the participants. I realize also that exposure of some of the more sordid aspects will
likely bring embarrassment and discomfort to others ensnared in the situation. I regret this
probable turn of events tremendously, but after considerable soul-searching have concluded that
the larger issues compel me to make these disclosures. I am truly sorry, but their boy has had
numerous opportunities to rectify the errors and has deliberately chosen instead to magnify them.
C'est la guerre. I am not making these disclosures out of fear, or in a limp-wristed attempt to
embarrass or "get back" at John Lear. I could have chosen any number of other less-public ways
to do that long before now if that had been my desire. Rather, I believe that it is crucial that the
American people be informed of these details in order to fully appreciate the magnitude of the
sell-out of this once-great nation which has taken place at the hands of the weapons merchants
and their willing operatives and transportation agents, such as Lear. While a few concerned
citizens are still asking "Where was George?" on October 19 and 20, 1980 when a shameful deal
was being made in Paris with the Iranians to keep the American hostages until the precise
moment Ronald Reagan was inaugurated, I am compelled by conscience to inform them more
fully on those who handled the actual payoff. This payoff has been estimated by those in the
know to ultimately total upwards of $82 billion in illegal weapons transfers over a period of
nearly a decade. On a more personal level, I am also intent on making it clear to all concerned
that I am aware of the threats Lear has been making -- including his obsession with having me
killed, according to one mutual acquaintance. Since I made his threats public, he has claimed that
I am a "Walter Mitty" who would like to flatter myself that someone cared enough to feel
threatened by my disclosures. I believe, however, that Lear's fear has been genuine for some time
that I will expose his complete fraudulence on the UFO issue, and his participation in such
treasonous and criminal flight operations over a number of years. In this regard, it is almost a
given that Lear might already have quietly made calls to his cronies in the "trade" to whine and
snivel about the numerous secrets he bragged about to me. Have no doubt whatsoever, that any
of these people would kill unhesitatingly to continue covering up many of the things Lear
bantered about openly to me, though he was fully aware of my professional and political
orientation from the very outset of our contact with each other. After failing to receive so much
as an acknowledgment from various media and law enforcement contacts to whom I made some
of this information available over the last three years, I have been heartened recently to see the
harsh light of scrutiny finally beginning to fall on such depredations by the few honest people in
power, and the rats beginning to squirm. I have no illusions about the possible repercussions: As
my fellow investigator John Judge has said many times, "You can either face this shit standing
up or on your knees." And as Barbara Honegger and others have documented, George Bush's
"kinder, gentler nation" has already entailed a large and growing number of mysterious fatalities.
Despite the sincerity of my investigative efforts throughout this period, my role and motivation
have been repeatedly distorted by those with an axe to grind, or mayhem to conceal. I have found
inspiration to continue from the old pilot's adage, "When you're receiving flak, it means you're
probably over the target!" which my friend and mentor Lt. Col. James Bo Gritz is fond of using
to exhort his audiences to valor in the face of increasing corruption and persecution by those in
power at present. Even John Hancock had more fearless compatriots beside him than some of the
wimps, wannabees, liars and backstabbers I have mistakenly chosen to associate with in the past,
all of whom, like Lear and Cooper, claim allegiance to the truth and preserving our cherished
constitutional freedoms -- before they "duck and cover." Nor do I have any illusions as to my
"reward" for bearing such a message, but given the inherent risks in working on all my
investigations, especially as I have with Gritz in publicizing high-level U.S. Government
involvement in drug trafficking, political destabilizations and assassinations, such a
consideration has obviously been secondary. Although I have been following the UFO
phenomenon for 25 years (and fairly intensely for the last three years), I do not pretend to be any
kind of expert on the subject. My focus in this article will be primarily on more mundane issues
related to personal credibility and provable criminal and/or treasonous actions on the part of the
individuals named above. Those who are hoping to learn here whether or not Bill Cooper and
John Lear and others are telling the truth about whether there really are UFOs and/or aliens at
Area S-4 of the Nevada Test Site, as they and others have alleged, or whether MJ-12 really exists
or is another elaborate fabrication of the intelligence agencies, will have to look elsewhere. I do
not know for a fact that either or both of them are working in any capacity for any intelligence
agency, but whether they are or not, they certainly deserve distinguished disinformation service
medals. Whatever insights I may have acquired on the subject of UFOs over the last three years,
it is not my purpose to discuss them in any great detail here. I have little doubt, however, that
exposure of Lear's involvement in the operations I am about to describe will ultimately surface
direct connections all the way into the highest levels of the U.S. Intelligence Community and
beyond. And I have little doubt, as well, that whatever the truth is about the reality of advancedpropulsion aircraft, the intelligence agencies are massively involved in spewing disinformation to
confuse the issue as much as possible. John Judge has referred to UFOs as "Unrecognized
Fascist Observatories," and if I had to place a bet, I'd say he's far closer to the mark than Lear or
Cooper. In retrospect, as you will clearly see in what follows, I believe it is no coincidence at all
that Lear emerged from the shadows to start beating the UFO drum in early 1987 just in time to
distract public attention from the Iran/Contra scandal which was beginning to unravel and from
Lt. Col. Bo Gritz's revelations about the complicity of high-level U.S. officials in the heroin trade
-- the same officials who were responsible for the return of our POWs and MIAs from Southeast
Asia. It is also well worth noting that Robert Gates, the former Deputy Director of the CIA,
whom Bush is again pushing for directorship after he was forced to withdraw in 1987 because of
his unsavory connections with Casey and the diversion of Iranian funds to the contras, is the
scion of Gates/Firestone, the company which bought out John's father's company, Lear-Siegler,
at that time one of the largest defense contractors in the world.
Washington insiders, however, have claimed Gates' nomination is serving merely as a stalking
dog for the eventual appointment of Brent Scowcroft. When Bill Colby, former CIA director
who openly admitted the extermination of over 40,000 non-combatant Vietnamese by the CIA's
Phoenix Program, thanks Lear in a copy of his book, Lost Victory, "for all your contributions,"
one must ask just exactly what those contributions were, when they began and if they have
ended. Lear admitted to me on audiotape in the summer of 1990 that his own fellow pilots at
Continental Air Services in Laos admitted flying opium, and that it was common knowledge that
Air America pilots carried it routinely, but insisted he was not aware of the activity at the time he
was there. Leslie Cockburn's outstanding PBS FRONTLINE TV special "Guns, Drugs and the
CIA" provided extensive testimony from a variety of participants in CIA covert operations
concerning the opium flights which essentially paid for the "secret war" in Laos, and the parallel
program of cocaine flights which were set up in the western hemisphere to fund the contra war in
Nicaragua, and other covert operations in Central America. The excerpt from the Cutolo
Affidavit included in the Appendix gives an excellent insight into the extent of the backing for
such operations. Furthermore, I have myself heard direct testimony from veterans of the "secret
war" in Laos who described their disgust and revulsion at being assigned to provide security for
Air America planes while the "sticky bricks" [opium] were being loaded onboard, and how U.S.
Marine squads on patrol in the jungle on a number of occasions -- without a word passing
between them -- would open up with all their firepower on the arrogant Porter jockeys flying the
loads over the treetops. Lear himself acknowledges in an article written about him that
"Everyone got shot down over there eventually." He experienced such a shootdown when
"Somebody hosed down the aircraft with gunfire," and he was forced to land. I wasn't aware of
the frequency of aircraft casualties due to "friendly fire" in Laos during the time I was
communicating with Lear; I can only wonder if he would admit it if he was aware of the actual
source of hostile fire in Laos himself. When I began this report, I had the singular intention of
discussing only the primary issues between John Lear and me, and had no intention to "write a
book." I want to emphasize that any such literary endeavor on my part would be far more
readable, fast- paced and genuinely intriguing. In the course of setting forth these issues,
however, many additional developments have taken place which have compelled me to present
the chronology in far more detail than originally planned. Since I fully anticipate that legal action
may arise as a result of my statements herein, it is presented as an affidavit, a declaration of
facts, all of which pertaining directly to Lear and me I solemnly swear to be accurate to the very
best of my knowledge. I offer no apology for what it lacks in entertainment value. My overriding
intention here is to leave no room for doubt or distortion as to any aspect of my dealings with
Lear personally -- from the beginning to the end of our association -- or the larger ramifications
of those issues in dispute between us. This recounting is, therefore, admittedly more personal
than my usual work. I have not attempted to make it any more "literary" or less "subjective"
precisely for the above reasons. I hope also that it may provide a graphic illustration for each of
you as to how you may be "sucked into" such difficulties despite your entry into such an inquiry
with the very best of personal and/or professional intentions. If this statement accomplishes at
least that much, it will have been worth the effort. If it helps to bring some of these men to
account for a number of extremely questionable -- if not criminally treasonous -- actions
performed under the guise of "covert policy," so much the better. I want to emphasize also at the
outset that in the case of both John Lear and Bill Cooper, I alone have attempted to initiate
dialogue and have provided numerous and sincere opportunities to resolve the issues between us,
in a setting of their choice -- only to be met with more lies, threats and insinuations in each case.
Cooper, in particular, has had no qualms about calling friends of mine to threaten their lives over
the phone in the middle of the night. They will verify that this took place, and you can actually
obtain an audiotape of 10 such calls he made to two individuals who were attempting to help
promote him -- I've included the ad in this report.
…According to mutual acquaintances, Lear has forged threatening notes and my signature
on my letter to him, placed several messages on his answering machine offering my phone
messages to him for sale, and most recently has discussed his obsession with luring me back
to Las Vegas to kill me…
John Lear is Agent Condor - CIA?, page 1
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Topic started on 29-6-2007 @ 07:54 PM by Fowl
Sifting through some sites ive had favourited, i come across this little
Anyone remember the T.V. show " UFO Cover up live" ?
by body-proportion comparison analysis and voice-print
analysis it turns out that none other than our very own John Lear is the
agent dubbed 'Condor' on the CIA backed TV production.
As Condor, he is in
reality a government agent who has been working with Moore,
Shandera, Friedman, John Grace, Bob Lazar, and others all along.
reply posted on 30-6-2007 @ 12:00 PM by johnlear
How 'bout just asking John straight out...........John are you presently working in any way, shape, or form
for the CIA?
No. In no way, shape or form. My last load of arms was out of Athens, Greece to
Johannesburg. October 22, 1981. Interesting date. Look it up.
A Public Briefing given by John Lear May
14,1990 Las Vegas
by John Lear
What I'm going to do today is just bring you up to date on some of the stuff that I
know that's going on. Obviously, if you came here today, you know that what they
call the phenomenon is real - it's going on. It's very frightening. I don't have to
convince anybody here about what's going on, so instead of going through the usual
background of all of this I'll just start off with a list of what's been happening in the
last six months - the stuff that I know that's going on.
To start with, I'd like to start with the issue of missing children. If anyone was at the
Bud Hopkins talk at the Spring Valley Library, you will remember that Bud has
always made a point of saying:
My field is abductions, that's all I do, I don't get into any of the other research, I'm not
qualified on it, I haven't done the research and so I just stick with abductions. By the
way, the Meier case was A fraud, the Adamski case was a fraud, there's no missing
children and Bob Lazar is a fraud.
Bud's a nice guy but he speaks of things that he doesn't know anything about. The
Adamski case WAS true. I know it because I talked with the CIA guy that went down
to interview him. he was down there for a couple of days and they told him enough
that there's no doubt that Adamski had all the experiences that he talked about.
As far as the Meier case, when I first got into what they call
UFOlogy I was told that the Meier case was a fraud, the pictures were faked,etc. I
really believed that, and on one of the first George Knapp interviews that I did I said
that the Meier case was a fraud. After about a year, I started checking around to make
sure I was on firm ground. I called all the guys I knew in the field and asked them
what their best evidence was that Meier was a fraud. They would say things like, Oh,
uh somebody else said that. Then you trace it further and no one seemed to know who
was the one that started it. There was a lot of talk that the photos were hoaxed and that
he had models in his garage....the bottom line is that there was no evidence that it was
a fraud. In fact, Lazar worked on a machine identical to one of the craft in the Meier
As far as Lazar is concerned, Hopkins said don't believe what government scientists
tell you . I have been involved in the Lazar case for about two years and there's no
question in my mind that everything he says happened up there actually happened.
There are a number of things that happened to him that we're not telling the public,
and with good reason. First of all, they wouldn't believe it, and secondly it would not
really add that much more to the case. Bud was on a little shaky ground there. As far
as the missing children issue is concerned Hopkins, in order to prove his case, looked
around the audience at the Spring Valley Library (about 250 people) and asked "does
anybody here know of A missing child?". Of course, no one raised their hand and he
said, "I rest my case". That's patently ridiculous. There are quite a number of missing
children. There's an interesting book out called "A Good Night's Story". I heard about
it from Bob Oechsler, head of the MUFON section in Maryland, and the story is
printed like a children's book and it's about children being abducted. Copies are going
into every library and school. It has nothing to do with aliens or anything, but if child
abductions is not a big problem, why the wide distribution of the book? There is a
telephone number that you can call to order the book, 1-800-444-BLUE. I don't know
what's behind it.
I'd like to talk a little about Dulce. The question is "is this true, does Dulce exist?" I
like to have four independent confirmations about whatever I look into. The forth
confirmation came in several months ago from an aerospace engineer who worked for
the Air Force, mainly in designing aircraft and rockets. He was deeply involved in the
Space Shuttle program. He said "yes, that in fact he had been at Dulce, that it exists".
he visited the facility for something other than genetic engineering. The name that he
knew it by WAS "Section B". So Dulce does exist. About six months ago, Gabe
Valdez' brother found some of the aboveground ventilation shafts for the base on the
top of Mount Archeleta. There were going to wait until the snow clears, which is just
about now, before attempting to investigate further. I understand that the ducts were
rectangular, horizontal, and about 30 feet wide. One of the guys that worked on the
Meier video did some very sophisticated frequency analysis of the area and he said
"whatever is under there puts out energy of a city the size of New York. There's just
all kinds of stuff going on under there. That's the update on Dulce.
As far as the Greys are concerned, there are all types of Greys. They are definitely
cybernetic organisms . They are not a species' themselves. They work for someone
else. There are several different levels of them. There are many instances that indicate
that they don't function independently by themselves. They operate from higher
In one particular abduction case, somebody had grabbed one and by the movements of
the arms they could see that the Gray had been programmed to fend off an attack by
moving its arms in a certain way. All it really had to do was turn around and back
away. It points out that they are being programmed.
I would like to cover the incident where the astronauts were supposed to have said
that they had an alien spaceship in visual contact. Apparently after very thorough
research by Bob Oechsler and his group in Maryland, it turns out that this
transmission was sent from a 12 square mile area which included CIA headquarters
and the NSA facility at Fort George Meade. Apparently it was a test of some kind to
see if the public would bite". I really don't know what it was, but that's the area that it
was sent from. It was a very sophisticated transmission. It was Blaha's voice, but it
was not coming from the Discovery. I thought that was interesting.
I would like to briefly talk about Bill Cooper. George Knapp did a very brutal 20
minutes about Cooper. There are a number of things that are very suspicious about
Bill, but I would like to tell you that I believe that Bill Cooper did have access to
information in 1973 when he was in the Navy, and that the information did include
some information about some of the dealings with the aliens. It was my understanding
when I first met Bill, that when he was stationed at Pearl Harbor he had the key to a
classified area. He would go in there at night and read some of these briefings. That's
what he told me. Later on, he started saying that he was part of an intelligence briefing
team. I don't think he was; at least that's not what he told me. Also, in the beginning
he limited his verification of what I was saying by saying " Look, I can only support
50% of what you 're saying It later became 150%. Nothing is black or white - it's all
shades of Gray. Cooper did have access to some information in 1973, but not as much
as he would like you to believe he did. You can take that for what it’s worth. He has
done some very strange things. He has threatened me on at least four occasions. He
thinks that I'm with the agency and involved in disinformation, so that's his deal.
The other day, a guy came up to my house who was out in the forest with Charles Halt
the very first night of the Bentwaters incident that something landed. There was a
rectangular object that landed, and he actually jumped on top of it. He said he could
look down inside the object . He has never made any public statement at all . I never
thought that I would ever get to meet him. He did in fact confirm that the incident did
in fact happen.
As far as an update on AIDS is concerned, AIDS was developed by the Navy in 19l2.
The specific doctor that developed it was a doctor by the name of R.M. Donner. The
initial AIDS research was financed by Congress. July 1, 1969 is when they had the
hearings. This is a copy of the DOD appropriations report for 1970 (Ed note: See July
90 Leading Edge). It was chaired by Robert Sykes. The testimony reveals exactly
what they wanted - a biological virus for which there was no known immunity. They
finally got it developed in 1972 and started doing experiments. The biggest
experiment was in 1977/78 when they released it in Africa, which is now lOO%
infected. In the United States in 1978/79 AIDS was released to the white male
homosexual population through the Hepatitis B vaccine. The reason they wanted to
start with the white male homosexual population was that they wanted to get it to
spread very quickly, and they thought that people would not worry about it if they
thought that only drug abusers or homosexuals were involved. That’s what happened.
The Navy goal WAS to infect 75% of the world’s population by April of 1991. Those
are from top classified government documents. What's interesting is that by the
present rate of infection, 75% of the population will not be infected by the April 91
target, so what we're looking at is other ways the government may have of spreading
this disease. I am kind of happy I don't live in California, where those helicopters are
flying up and down spraying for the Medfly. Whitley Streiber. I heard the other day
that he's become a recluse, that he's destroyed emotionally by the reception of
Communion and his second book Majestic, even though it's an excellent book and I
would recommend it to anyone who wants a good outline on what the Government did
in 194l when they recovered the saucer at Roswell. It's an excellent book. One of the
interesting things about the book is the two autopsy reports in the back. They are
absolutely the truth. I don't know where he got those - the original reports about the
two aliens. Whitley used to call me all the time in the middle of the night and chat for
two or three hours up until about a year ago.
A little more about Bob Oechsler. Oechsler has done a lot of research in the
Chesapeake Bay area. There's really something big going on there. Basically, it
appears the HQ of MJ-12 is back on Kent Island or somewhere back there. A lot of
EMP research and engineering is going on. A lot of underground activity - all kinds of
stuff. What's interesting is that about a year ago he ran into Admiral Inman, who is
supposedly one of the MJ-12 members. Bob stopped him and asked to be put in touch
with somebody in MJ-12. Inman took Bob's card and looked at him with kind of a
half-smile and said, let me see what I can do." About 6 months later he called and set
up a meeting for Oechsler to go and see General Stafford, who is head of some kind of
organization at the Pentagon. Oechsler went to see him and went down some ramps
under the Pentagon and into this one corridor where he was required to walk through
what he thought was a metal detector, but when he walked through it he felt real dizzy
and walked in Staffords office still kind of reeling from this thing. He asked Stafford,
"what in the world was that?". Stafford said, don't worry about it, I had a headache for
six weeks after first going through that thing". Bob had a lot of strange things happen
to him. Supposedly in September 90, there is going to be another release of
government information about UFOs or aliens. Here we go again. Supposedly
Oechsler's going to be a part of it. Supposedly they're going to show a saucer and a
dead body. I've heard that so many times I don't believe it. Oechsler is supposedly
being briefed on some of the things the government is doing. He was sent down to
Ellington AFB near Houston and shown a government research laboratory that we
have down there that was 40 feet long, 20 feet wide and it was a zero gravity chamber.
It has a very bright light at the top and everybody was floating. Oechsler is not quite
sure where this lab is. He was taken there in a black helicopter that did not look like
any of the helicopters we have in inventory. It was very smooth and looked like it
WAS molded in one piece. Oechsler said that it sounded like a helicopter until it was
25 feet off the ground and then there was dead silence. He didn't hear a thing. He
estimates that it was near Pensacola where there was a large platform and a number of
buildings. He was taken into the building and shown the primary SDI facility, which
was a great big room, and suspended on the ceiling was a 25'x25' three dimensional
video "presentation". On it was represented the southeastern portion of the United
States and then there was a grid pattern that came up to what was represented as
300,000 feet. There were "vortexes" represented here and there in the gridwork. There
were little dots labeled "ASC's". We don't know what that means. You could see
flights of some type enter these "vortex~ areas and apparently go underground, but if
one went down in a different area, it would split up into eight blips. Interesting. There
were only men in there, no woman. Everybody had on black pants with a white shirt
buttoned up to the collar with a tie. No one smiled. Oechsler doesn't know what the
place was. He was just shown it and given no other information. He tried to get in
touch with General Stafford after that, but so far no luck.
The aerospace engineer that I spoke of confirmed that Dulce existed and that we do
have a base on the Moon. I have several other sources that confirm the base on the
Moon. They go there regularly. I don't know what they do there, but it does exist. He
also confirmed the existence of the base on Mars. It's already there.
I have come up with some information during the past month about the Challenger
accident from an individual who has worked at Cape Kennedy for a number of years.
Apparently, the Challenger was blown up by the Russians. It was a KGB unit that did
it. They did it using 1l Libyans who had access to the protected areas. An explosive
charge was put on the strut that held the SRB to the main fuel tank and it ignited,
banging the SRB against the fuel tank. It was the only launch were all the Russian
trawlers pulled out several hundred miles into the ocean away from the Cape. There
was also a video and radio link that was held aloft by a balloon, and the night before
the launch the cable was cut so they couldn't get any pictures on launch day of the
SRB strut area. There were also a number of other things that happened. Apparently,
the Soviet Chernobyl incident was caused by the United States in retaliation for the
Challenger indecent. Now I am looking into that, and I will let you know what I find
I went to a very interesting talk by Bill Hamilton, who's here to- night, and after the
talk we went on a very interesting mission to check out the Lockheed skunk works
near Los Angeles. This skunk works has done a lot of secret of work. As you've read
in the papers, they're moving Lockheed to Georgia to do a lot of the work down there.
They are also closing down the plant at Burbank, saying that they Are going to move
it down to Palmdale, but we think they are moving operations to the Tehachapi
mountain area, where there already is an underground facility in the western portion
of the Antelope Valley. There was a lot of activity going on there. We think that
saucer craft are being produced at this underground facility using other types of
technology. Bill is here today and brings the information that the silo doors at this socalled "Tehachpi Ranch" have been seen to open and a saucer shaped craft has flown
out of it. I would have like to have seen that Sunday night.
The other day I was over Bob Lazar's house and we were looking through a classified
book on nuclear bomb technology up until 1960, and we were discussing how many
bombs have been exp1oded in space. Up until 1960 there were at least four. The first
one was in August 1958 and was called TEAK. It was A hydrogen bomb exploded
252,000 feet over Johnston Island. What's interesting about this is that I don't think
we had that kind of capability" in those days of launching things like that. I took out
my Jane's "All the Worlds Spacecraft And went back and found out that after Sputnik
was launched we had ( as far as the public was concerned) quite an effort to get
something up there ourselves. that Was the Redstone and Vanguard rockets. It turns
out that the first launch was successful but every one after that failed. We just couldn't
get anything off the ground. All that stuff was just a ruse, because a year later we were
launching hydrogen bombs over Johnston Island that weighed two tons. The public
was told that we couldn't even get a three pound object into space. Apparently there
was a classified launch facility in the Pacific.
With regard to the South African incident, it appears that it was a hoax perpetrated by
James Van Gruenen, who has A history of hoaxes. We don't know what the final
outcome was. Van Gruenen even offered one producer a chance to meet an alien from
the Space Council. This producer contacted me and I told him to check Van Gruenen's
I got a call from Linda Howe a couple days ago, and she told me that there WAS A
discussion by VP Quayle about reorienting the SDI toward shooting down an
incoming asteroid and that it was in a paper. She's supposed to send me the article.
What is interesting is that we've heard this story for the last two or three years About
an incoming asteroid. It's obviously under intelligent control, it's putting out radio
emissions. Supposedly it's on the edge of the solar system now, heading this way. I
have at least three confirmations that it does exist. The code name is supposedly
Wormwood. One of the confirmations came from a friend of s guy in the CIA. They
were out one night and the CIA guy was drinking heavily And was very depressed.
His friend asked him what the matter was, asking "is it the thing that is coming in
from space?. The agency guy dropped his glass and said, how do you know about
that?. That's one of them. If we are reorienting SDI in that way, that opens a lot of
questions about what is going on.
(via skype 7/1/12…)
“ECHEOP:WORMWOOD…as far as I know, under BUSH2, WORMWOOD became a really
big deal…Might have a new ECHEOP handle by now, I mean, they can call it whatever the hell
they want, they can name it and re-name it, and re-name it again….with this thing, it’s all just
deck chairs, man. This thing, they called WORMWOOD…man, it is flying, it is en route and it
is HUGE. A mothership 3/4th’s the size of our Moon and it is on its goddamn way…No
Nibiru and Wormwood
by E. Vegh © 2005
Chapter 1: Mothership
Slow but sure moves the might of the gods.
-Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC), The Bacchae, circa 407 B.C.
....Wormwood, spoken of in Revelation 8, is said to be a falling star that
poisons the Earth's fresh and salt waters during the biblical Apocalypse. The exact wording
in the verses pertaining to Wormwood, are of particular importance:
8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it
were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
8:11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became
wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
If you'll recall from the Introduction, a falling star is a biblical idiom for a fallen angel(s),
and not just a fallen angel, but a fallen angel in an UFO. In the case of Wormwood, it's a
particularly large UFO, "a great star from heaven." In fact, it's very likely a mothership with
a contingent of smaller craft onboard. In the verses above, it sounds as if it's either
breaking apart in the Earth's atmosphere, spreading toxic debris across the surface of
several water sources , or it's deploying several smaller craft to do the job of poisoning the
Earth's water supplies at the same time as it plunges into the water, itself. Either way, it's
an event with a bad outcome. There's no indication that Wormwood self-destructs following
this event, in fact, it appears to overlay the next chapter, in which the next prominent fallen
angel event occurs and the invasion continues. These may be overlapping pieces of
information that further define one another. For example, it could be possible that the fallen
angel in Revelation 9, is from the mothership in Revelation 8.
....For those who believe Wormwood is "Nibiru," the above verse and the associated verses
regarding fallen angels, offer solid proof that Wormwood is not a planet nor is it the
Sumerian "Nibiru." It is, however, associated with the fallen angelic Anunnaki, and therein
may reside the confusion on the topic. There's no biblical precedent for a literal planet to be
a called an "angel" in scripture. Although, stars and planets were often associated with the
fallen angelic visitors, perhaps as a result of their appearance as they descended through
Earth's atmosphere in their glowing space craft or perhaps as a result of their descriptions
of their places of origin, the Sumerians appear to have known the difference. The authors of
the New Testament, also appear to have known the difference, otherwise Revelation 9:1
would not identify the fallen star as masculine and capable of using a key to open the
"bottomless pit" upon arriving on the Earth. (For further information on the "bottomless pit,"
see The Anunnaki and the Abyss). They understood when Jesus called Himself, "the Bright
and Morning Star," that He didn't actually mean He was literally the planet Venus or the
Sun. [2]
....Before you pronounce the entire event metaphorical, remember John, the Apostle who
wrote the Book of Revelation while on the Isle of Patmos, was just relating events as he saw
them, in the order that he saw them. He was having a futuristic vision about many things
that probably had no equivalent in his day, such as modern technology. This, however, does
not mean that he was writing entirely metaphorical: Comparatively, yes, but not completely
figurative. So, it's entirely possible and likely, that what John was witnessing was a huge
extra-terrestrial space craft, either plummeting into the ocean or diving into it, after
releasing several smaller craft. This would have the appearance of it breaking apart, to the
untrained eye, especially if the UFOs were all glowing as they exited the mothership. In any
event, Wormwood is most assuredly not Nibiru or any part thereof.
....Alternatively, the mentioned UFOs and their pilots may have been here, all along, and
either remain hidden from our view behind some other planet (or in the Van Allen Asteroid
Belt) in our Solar System, or are using some type of cloaking technology.
Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places. (emphasis added) (KJV)
Revelation 12:12
"Woe unto you, inhabitants of the earth and sea. For the Devil has come down To you,
having great wrath Knowing his time is short." (emphasis added)
In that event, the fate of Wormwood may be a result of God's retribution on the fallen
angels and inevitably anyone on Earth who follows them. Ironically, the destruction of
Wormwood also brings destruction upon the Earth, if indeed the verse is depicting the
destruction of Wormwood. I'm still unsure as to its fate in that timeframe. However, in the
same chapter, following the arrival of Wormwood, an Angel of God is also flying through the
heavens, pronouncing "Woe" on the inhabitants of the Earth. Therefore, this chapter may be
depicting a future war in heaven (not to be confused with "Heaven") between the fallen
angels and the holy angels, that results in the destruction of much of planet Earth, as well.
Chapter 2: Invasion
Individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and
philosophers of today - but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our
salvation if we are to be saved at all.
-Isaac Asimov
....Most who read the biblical texts and other ancient texts, don't appreciate the high level
of science and space-related information involved in many of the old texts. They think of the
ancient peoples as merely superstitious. But, what if the ancients were describing real
events and situations? We may need to recalibrate our thinking caps, because it appears
this is exactly the case. The ancient people were not hallucinating when they described
events occurring around them, and this includes the people of the biblical texts. However, in
addition to being overlooked as meaningful historical accounts, many who actually believe in
the stories of the ancient texts, still think of them as simple metaphors with the occasional
real life application. This is a serious underestimation of our ancient past. So serious in fact,
it will leave many believers unprepared for the future coming upon them.
....Let's consider the Fallen Angelic invasion in the Book of Revelation mentioned in the
previous chapter. The Bible is literally teeming with warnings and examples of similar
magnitude, and those warnings apply most dramatically to the end times. If you believe we
are living in the last days, it's time to also come to grips with the meanings of the end time
prophecies. They can no longer be ignored or thought of as some metaphorical symbol for
invisible events. We have been invaded by fallen angelic beings since times past, whose
intentions have always been to end all human life on planet Earth and steal eternal LIFE
from as many people as they possibly can. And they intend to continue and resume such
activities in the future, with a marked and massive increase in severity. But even as they
destroy, they will also be destroyed. The end of the fallen angels will also devastate the
Earth and its remaining inhabitants. One way in which Revelation depicts the ongoing
invasion of our planet by Fallen Angels is by showing the first significant invasion since the
ancient times - that momentous event during which Jesus won the war over the eternal fate
of humanity, and the fallen angels were cast out of Heaven. For example: ....
Revelation 12: 9
"So the great Dragon was cast out, That serpent of old, called The Devil and Satan, who
deceives The whole world; he was cast to The Earth, and his angels were Cast out with
Notice, he and his angels were cast to the Earth. And how did they arrive on the Earth? The
same way they have arrived for millennia and the same way they will appear to the people
of Earth, in the future: In high-tech, considerably-advanced, spacecraft. In UFOs of a
seemingly-advanced race, that glow like the stars as they "fall" to Earth. In fact, they've
never actually stopped interfering with the human race. However, some have been banned
from coming back to the Earth, as described in Jude 1: 6,
And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath
reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.
These fallen angels are released from the "Abyss" as detailed in Revelation 9 (and described
in detail in The Anunnaki and the Abyss), so they can take part in the end time battle over
the fate of Earth and humanity. A massive extra-terrestrial invasion of epic proportions.
They will no longer be hidden from the eyes of the world.
....So, if Nibiru is not Wormwood, how does it figure into this extra-terrestrial invasion?
Turn to the next page to find out.
Chapter 3: What is Nibiru?
I believe that these extra-terrestrial vehicles and their crews are visiting this planet from
other planets. Most astronauts were reluctant to discuss UFOs.
-Gordon Cooper, American Astronaut
.Even though Nibiru is not an extra-terrestrial planet but rather the Mesopotamian city of
Nippur, it was famous for a significant extra-terrestrial persona and a piece of alien
technology: An Anunnaki "god" named "Enlil" and the "heaven-earth bond." [1] In The
Anunnaki and the Abyss, I outline the identity of the sumerian Anunnaki as the "Fallen
Angels" of biblical texts. Enlil was an important Anunnaki and was considered a "god" by the
sumerian people. At his city of Nippur (Nibiru), he built a temple to house the "heavenearth" bond which connected the Earth to other planets in the universe. I believe the
"heaven-earth bond" was a star gate of sorts, employed by the fallen angels to travel
between our planet and their own (among other places). So although I don't believe Nibiru
is the 10th planet, I do believe it may have had a connection, a star gate, to other planets
within or outside our own solar system. Therefore, Nibiru (Nippur) was technologically
connected to an extra-terrestrial planet, but it isn't, itself, an extra-terrestrial planet. It
contains or contained, a star gate to an extra-terrestrial planet.
....So the answer to the question, "What does Nibiru have to do with this extra-terrestrial
invasion?" I can only answer as regards the technology of the Anunnaki inhabitants of
Nippur. As I indicated in the previous e-book, the "Bottomless Pit" of Revelation 9 is most
likely another star gate, which was also housed in a temple by an Anunnaki named Enki
(also known as Enki-Ea or just Ea). His temple was built by the Euphrates river at the
Mesopotamian city of "Eridu."
....As far as I can tell, there's no indication that Enlil's star gate at Nippur will be re-opened
during the invasion, although there's significant biblical indications that Enki's star gate at
Eridu, will be. This opening of the "Abyss", "Bottomless Pit" or Enki's ABZU, follows the
arrival of the mothership described in Revelation 8. Whether Nibiru (Nippur), where Enlil's
"heaven-earth bond" resides, plays a part in that invasion, is something I am not aware of
at this time. (If you'd like to see the ongoing archaeological dig at Nippur, here's a map of
the dig from the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute: Nippur Archaeological Dig and
here's a 3-D map: Enlil's Temple E.KUR at Nippur (Nibiru) ).
Enlil's Temple of E.KUR at Nippur
(Nibiru), which housed the
"DUR.ANKI" or "heaven-earth
bond",, a star gate.
Enki's Temple of E.ABZU at Eridu,
which housed the "ABZU",, a
star gate.
....Notice how both their temples are pyramidal in shape. That was the structure of the
buildings of the angels and gods of the Anunnaki, in ancient times. It's my contention, that
they placed their star gates either inside the pyramidal structures or in their temples at the
top of the pyramidal structures. If my theory is correct, the watery star gates would glow
and release clouds of steam, when activated. From the top of a pyramid or ziggurat, they
would have the appearance of the Sun or a star appearing on the apex and remaining there
until the star gate was deactivated (alternatively, an UFO descending to the top of these
structures, would have the same effect). An amazing spectacle for the ancient peoples to
behold. Observe this very interesting masonic symbol, as old as ancient Egypt itself, which
appears on the back of the US dollar bill.
The Men in Black
All things considered, UFO research has become pretty much of a circus today, and the most
intriguing and controversial sideshow skirting the edges is the question of the "silencers," or the
mysterious "Men in Black." There is a strong subliminal appeal in these accounts of visits by
mysterious dark-suited figures (I have been visited myself, as have others I've known) attempting
to silence UFO witnesses. A typical situation would be that a witness has a UFO sighting or
UFO-related experience. Shortly thereafter he is visited by one or more "odd"-looking men who
relate to him the minutest details of his experience, even though he has as yet told no one for fear
of ridicule or other reasons.
The men warn him about spreading the story of his experience around and sometimes even
threaten him personally, sometimes obliquely, sometimes directly. Any evidence, if it exists, is
confiscated in one way or another. Sometimes the visit is for some totally meaningless reason
and the subject of UFOs is hardly mentioned, if at all. But again, the men all seem to look alike.
We actually seem to find ourselves in close proximity to beings who obviously must be directly
connected in some way with the objects themselves or the source behind them, yet they seem to
be functioning unobtrusively within the framework of our own everyday existence.
The classic conception of an MIB is a man of indefinite age, medium height and dressed
completely in black. He always has a black hat and often a black turtleneck sweater. They
present an appearance often described as "strange" or "odd." They speak in a dull monotone
voice, "like a computer," and are dark-complected with high cheekbones, thin lips, pointed chin,
and eyes that are mildly slanted.
The visitors themselves are often on absurd missions. They have reportedly posed as salesmen,
telephone repairmen or representatives from official or unofficial organizations. Their mode of
transportation is usually large and expensive cars -- Buicks or Lincolns, sometimes Cadillacs, all
black, of course.
I might note at this point that their physical appearance also has included beings that have palegreyish skin, and that some of them have been seen to have blond hair, yet they wear the clothing
and drive the cars previously described.
Their cars often operate with the headlights off, but ghostly purple or greenish glows illuminate
the interior. Unusual insignia have been seen emblazoned on the doors and the license plates are
always unidentifiable or untraceable.
The fabric of their clothes has been described as strangely "shiny" or thin, but not silky -- almost
as if they have been cut from a new type of fabric.
Their often mechanical behavior has caused them to be described by some as being like robots or
androids (think back to the Dulce lab).
A lot of descriptions of some of these "folks" are pretty bizarre. A businessman's family in
Wildwood, New Jersey, was visited by an unusually large man whose pants legs hiked up when
he sat down, revealing a green wire grafted onto his skin and running up his leg.
There are other cases of MIB appearing on the other side of a wet, muddy field after a heavy
rain, but having no mud whatever on their brightly shined shoes and in the bitter cold, out of
nowhere, wearing only a thin coat. Their shoes and wallets all seem new and hardly broken in.
They are not alone. They seem to have faceless conspirators in the nation's post offices and
phone companies. Researchers and witnesses often report their mail going astray at an unusually
high rate and being bothered by bizarre phone calls where they are spoken to by metallic,
unhuman-sounding voices.
Unusual noises on the phone, intensifying whenever UFOs are mentioned, and voices breaking
in on conversations, have all led many people to suspect that their phones are being tapped.
One can't discuss the MIB for long without mentioning the name of John A. Keel, an author who
has written much about them. Keel has done more than any other writer to publicize this bizarre
aspect of the UFO situation. Keel suggests that the UFO are part of the environment itself and
come from another time-space continua; that most of the UFO phenomena is psychic and
psychological rather than physical. Well, I personally would not define it that way, although
those two components are certainly deeply involved in what's going on.
The first noted appearance of the MIB was in 1947, at the scene of the Maury Island incident,
where some debris was ejected from a disk, and subsequently recovered by officials, who loaded
them on an Army bomber which crashed on takeoff.
To illustrate a little how bizarre some of the incidents are regarding the MIB, I have assembled a
short list of some of the more interesting factors in some cases:
An ex-Air Force man is gassed and interrogated by MIB
after he has learned classified NASA secrets.
Close-up photos of UFOs were seized from a teenager
who is also directly threatened by MIB.
MIB sighted in the lobby of the U.S. State Department
leave a mysterious artifact.
MIB pose as Air Force officers to silence witnesses.
MIB tries to buy before-hours Coke and sings to birds
in trees.
MIB disintegrates a coin in a witness' hand and tells
him that his heart will do the same if he talks.
Throughout all this information, I have neglected to mention some aspects of the psychology of
the Greys. Dr. Paul Bennewitz, in his original report to the government entitled "Project Beta,"
goes into some detail, which I will now discuss:
The alien, either through evolvement or because the
humanoid types are "made," will exhibit tendencies
for bad logic. They appear to have more frailties
and weaknesses than the normal Homo Sapien.
They are not to be trusted.
Because of the aliens' apparent logic system, a key
decision cannot be made without higher clearance.
All are under control of what they call "The Keeper,"
yet it would appear that even this is not the final
authority. Delays as long as 12-15 hours can occur
for a decision.
Because of this apparent control, individual
instantaneous decision-making by the alien is
limited. If the "plan" goes even slightly out of
balance or context, they become confused. Faced with
this, possibly, the humanoids would be the first to
Psychologically their morale is near disintegration.
There is pronounced dissension in the ranks -- even
with the humanoids.
Because of their own internal vulnerability mind-wise
to each other, there is a basic lack of trust between
They appear to be totally death-oriented, and because
of this, absolutely death-fear oriented. This is a
psychological advantage.
The prime, and weakest area discovered, probed and
tested is exactly what they have used, thinking it
their key strength -- that being the manipulation of
and control of the mind. Manipulated in reverse
psychology they face a situation where they have a
vulnerable, integrated weakness.
They totally respect force.
Grey Physiology and Anatomy
The approximate height of most specimens is between 3.5 and 4.5 feet. The head, by human
standards, is large in comparison with the body. Facial features show a pair of eyes described as
large, sunken or deeply set, far apart or distended more than the human, and slightly slanted as
Oriental or Mongoloid. No ear lobes or apertures on the side of the head were seen. The nose is
vague. One or two holes have been mentioned. The mouth area is described as a small slit or
fissure. In some cases there is no mouth at all. It appears not to function as a means for
communication or for food. The neck area is described as being thin, in some instances not being
visible at all because of the tightly-knit garment. Most observers describe these humanoids as
being hairless. Some of the bodies recovered have a slight hair-patch atop the head. Others have
what appears to be like a silver skullcap. There were no breathing attachments or
communications devices. This suggests telepathy with higher intelligence. In one instance there
was an opening in the right frontal lobe area, revealing a crystalline network. This network
implies the development of a third brain.
The arms are described as long and thin, reaching down to the knee section. The hangers each
contain four fingers, with no thumbs. Three fingers are longer than the other. Some are very
long. Some are very long. Others are very short. No description is available of the legs and feet.
Some pathologists indicate that that section of the body was not developed as we would
anticipate, showing that some of these beings were adapted to life in the water. There was a
webbing effect between the fingers on most of the specimens.
According to most observers, the skin is grey. Some claim it is beige, tan or pinkish-grey. No
reproductive organs or capabilities were discovered. No phallus. No womb. Confirms cloning
mentioned by other sources. The humanoids appear to be from a mold, sharing identical racial
and biological characteristics. There is no blood as we know it, but there is a fluid which is
greyish in color.
The "Taxonomy of Extra-Terrestrial Humanoids," another offering by George Andrews, yields
some other observations:
Working under the instructions of the humanoids
from Rigel (the Greys), CIA and former Nazi
scientists have developed and deployed malignant
strains of bacteria and viruses, including AIDS, in
order to exterminate undesirable elements of the
human population.
The Greys are almost entirely devoid of emotions,
but can obtain a "high" by telepathically tuning in
the different kinds of intense human emotion, such
as ecstasy or agony. (Does that explain why UFOs
have always been seen in regions of war and human
There are over 1,000 humans in the United States
alone who are the offspring of intergalactic or
extragalactic beings and terrestrial humans. (The
son of an acquaintance of [deleted in original]
is one.)
Throughout recorded history, as well as during
prehistoric times, there has been constant genetic
manipulation of and interbreeding with humans in
order to breed out the less evolved simian traits.
The Nordic races have participated in this from the
beginning, and we are as much a part of them as we
might suppose.
Greys have the ability to camouflage themselves as
tall Blonds through mental energy projection. Blonds
never project themselves as Greys. Some Blonds seen
with the Greys are physically real, but are
prisoners of the Greys who have either paralyzed
them or have destroyed their ability to teleport
through time and other dimensions. Note: A lot of
the material obtained by George Andrews has as its
source a Blond that is a time traveler that escaped
the Grey takeover of their system.
Both Blonds and Greys have the ability to
disintegrate matter into energy and then
reintegrate the energy back into matter. This
ability allows them to pass through walls and to
transport abductees out of their cars with the
doors still locked.
The original Rigelians were the Blonds until they
were invaded by the Greys, a parasitic race, who
took over and interbred with them. The original
Rigelians were the ones who seeded the earth. It
is because of this common ancestry that terrestrial
humanity is of such interest to both the Blonds and
the Greys.
Terrestrial human females can be impregnated either
on board ship or while they sleep in their homes.
Males need not be manifested in visible form for
this to occur.
The Blonds now habitate the Procyon system. The
conflict between the Blonds and the Greys is in a
state of temporary truce, although the conflict
between the Rigelian and the Sirius system is being
fought actively.
The Blonds with speech abilities will respond
violently if attacked or threatened, but the
telepathic ones will respond peacefully.
Blonds were sometimes mistaken for angels in
earlier centuries. They do not seem to age, and
consistently appear to be from 27 to 35 human years
Confused? Well, now you can see why the natural diversity of the way things are are hard to sort
out for the average researcher. The probability that this information is true or partially true
remains fairly high, based on analysis of what we know about abductions and general contact
between humans and EBEs that has been documented.
Real Esoterica -- Sirius and the MIB
Let's regress for a moment back to the MIB. According to John Keel, the MIB often state that
they are representatives of the "Nation of the Third Eye."
Based on some of the info we have already researched, it is apparent that Sirius has been in
contact with us for a long time. According to George Hunt Williamson (one of the early
contactees) in his book "Other Tongues, Other Flesh," the earth allies of Sirius, i.e., the secret
societies, use the Eye of Horus as an insignia. This symbol has also been seen on the MIB. Secret
societies believe that there is a Great White Lodge on earth. They call it Shamballa -- and
consider it to be the spiritual center of the world. Now, theosophists such as Alice Bailey say that
the Great White Lodge is on Sirius. If the All-Seeing-Eye is a symbol of Sirius' earth-allies and
the MIB wear that symbol, and if Shamballa represents the Great White Lodge on earth -- then
the MIB are emissaries of Shamballa. Sirius and Shamballa are two sides of the same coin. This
is verified in the book "The Undiscovered Country," by Stephen Jenkins. Jenkins was told by
Buddhist priests that Shamballa was located in the constellation of Orion.
The entrance to Shamballa on earth is usually placed in the trans-Himalayan region. Some assert
it is in the heart of the Gobi Desert (where there have been allegations of crashed disks and
bases). According to the explorer Nicholas Roerich, there are caves in the Himalayan foothills
that have subterranean passages. In one of the these passages, there is a stone door that has never
been opened, because the time for its opening has not yet arrived. In 1930, Doreal founded the
Brotherhood of the White Temple. He says that the entrance to Shamballa is far underground. he
goes on to say that space bends around Shamballa, and that there is a warp which leads into
another universe.
Let's get back to something we can have more of a direct handle on. Many times psychics have
been called upon by investigative authorities to evaluate situations, and in many cases what they
have contributed has been very helpful.
This was done in the case of animal mutilations back in 1980 by Peter Jordan, who engaged
several psychics to render their impressions from photos and maps of mutilations and mutilation
areas. What follows is a condensation of what was found during this exercise.
Name of Psychic: Ronald Mangravite
This animal has been dead a few days.
Some parts are decaying faster than others.
There is an overload of electrolytes in the body
possibly due to injection of a citrate.
Something wrong with blood. Picking up higher
portion of plasma which may be lymphatic fluid.
Two men working on the animal. Very sharp surgical
Men dressed in black. Jumpsuits. Shiny black nylon.
Winch line coming down from chopper.
Men are skilled ex-military.
Something is going to be done with the tissue.
Flurometry connection. Spectrophotometers.
Choppers are brown or grey.
Underground implications.
Experimentation with different analytical techniques.
Name of Psychic: Elisabeth Lerner
Paramilitary forces.
A serious invasion of American privacy.
Non-American Indians part of secret project.
The word "Annide."
The word "Carmine" or "Karmine."
The symbol "dk."
A new wave of mutilations will strike near southwest
New Mexico.
The Hobart Company is involved in this.
(Refrigeration equipment?)
Three huge, doughnut-shaped objects will be seen in
conjunction with these new mutilations.
Breakthrough in research.
Muscle relaxant injections.
Someone with the name "Empeda."
This is a Mexican operation.
Names "Kielman" and "Kelman."
Institution with many Lincoln Continentals and
Laboratory underground.
Lilly Pharmaceuticals.
Roman numerals IVIII [sic].
Name "Stephano."
The number "1714."
Last name "Audler."
First name "Mase."
Last name "Audli."
Jet rocket labs nearby.
Domes above the ground.
Vehicle ID # MP 1936. Small jeeps.
Last name "Plento."
Initials "C.B.P." heads operation. Wears brown
military shoes. Army.
Number "1161."
Around an oil field.
Place where oil crosses in an "X" pattern.
Chemical engineering connections.
Periscope device on bottom of craft. Chopper called
"The Shark."
Man with blond hair. English features. High forehead.
Wears square ring. Insignia reads "C.B.P." Has
something to do with ammunition. Colonel.
Name of Psychic: Nancy Fuchs
Dusk scene. Men talking about some animal's throat.
Something missing.
Cylindrical object.
Long thick object inserted into jugular vein.
Powerful energy flow emanating from device used to
kill cattle.
Feeling of tremendous anger and hostility.
Research implication. Minerals needed for research.
Intimidation of rancher Gomez.
Thousands of samples needed for this breeding effect.
Animal dies in seconds.
Jolts of electricity through animal.
Breeding and genetics involved.
Army background.
Liquid-filled shoes leave no prints.
Marshall. Army. Cap with black rim and gold braid.
Pompous. White-haired. Very influential. Walks into
Pentagon whenever he pleases. Commission given 15-18
years ago for mutilation project when he was
overseas. Grand Marshall. Friend of General
MacArthur. Lives in Dakotas. Money invested. Highpriority issue. Tall. Heavyset. Only 17 people know
of this.
Project with $2.5 million allocated early in game for
breeding experimentation. Late 1960s through
Pentagon. More and more money invested every year.
Land wanted. Want to destroy ranchers prime source
of income.
John Mitchell connected to this.
Howard Hughes.
Uranium connection.
Picture complex. Faction-ridden.
Interest in speeding up growth of cattle.
Importance of pancreas.
Well, there you have that little presentation. I don't know what exactly to make of it, but there it
is. Certainly a non-UFO implication here, however, it only relates to THREE mutilations. How
about the other 10,000 -- most of which have the UFO connection? What did I tell you about a
multi-level reality?
At this point, I will put some references and excerpts from some volumes that I believe are
relevant to all the things we've been talking about. Where I feel it is applicable, I will comment
on them.
"The Goblin Universe"
(p222) The ability to materialize mental constructs is not unknown. Suppose one creates a field
with the mind that is strong enough to attract supercharged particles. The particles are real but
unstable in their assemblage since the stability depends on the intermediate mental component.
(p223) Physical aspect of UFOs and other phenomena lie in the behavior of electromagnetic
(p124) If all UFO incidents were chance encounters, someone would have obtained a filmed
record or a series of stills years ago. The only way that such episodes can be engineered so that
they remain total mysteries is for the entities to have advance knowledge of any situation before
it occurs.
(p117, referencing John Keel) These entities labor to cultivate belief in various frames of
reference, and then they create new manifestation which support those beliefs.
(p120) Illness is common after close contact with some beings.
(p122) Guy Underwood classified primary geomagnetic currents into three classes: water lines,
aquastats, and track lines. Some magnetic signals appear as spirals, others are linear. Gnats and
flies congregate above magnetic patterns.
"Extra-Terrestrials Among Us"
(p2-3)On several occasions after UFOs flew over missile sites, it was found that the targeting of
the missiles had changed, and the warheads had to be replaced.
(p3) On 22 June 1980 a UFO that was 10 miles in diameter was reported over the Kuwait oil
(p4) On July 30, 1985, a UFO over Mongolia that was 10 km in diameter was reported heading
south. It was sighted by a Chinese jet and reported in the "Japan Times." The Unites States
ignored this report.
(p8) JANAP-146 specifies up to 10 years in prison and $10,000 in fines for anyone in
government service who makes unauthorized public statements about UFO phenomena. The
British Official Secrets Act makes similar provisions.
(p9) Many routes of UFOs take the form of an isosceles triangle.
(p16) On September 14, 1978, a UFO as big as an ocean liner flew over Italy, and over Rome on
the 15th and 16th.
Comment: This was two weeks before Pope John Paul I was found dead under suspicious
circumstances. He was killed between September 28-29. Autopsy was refused. It was rumored he
intended to reveal the Fatima message of 1917.
(p 20) UFOs dart around in daylight at speeds which cannot be seen.
(p22) An individual having one CE experience usually has another.
(p24) There is no basis to support psychiatric pathology for UFO witnesses.
(p24) Dr. Brian T. Clifford (Pentagon) announces on October 5, 1982, that contact between U.S.
citizens and extraterrestrials on their vehicles is illegal. Title 14, Section 1211 of the Code of
Federal Regulations (adopted July 16, 1969, before the first manned lunar landing) says that
anyone guilty of this becomes a wanted criminal to be jailed for one year and fined $5,000. The
NASA administrator is empowered to determine WITH OR WITHOUT A HEARING that a
person has been "ET-exposed" and impose INDETERMINATE quarantine under armed guard,
which cannot be broken even by court order.
(p89) Mars has a history of transient phenomena.
(p90) Temporary brilliant spots on Mars were reported by astronomers in 1890, 1892, 1900,
1911, 1924, 1937, 1952, 1954, 1967, and 1971. The distribution was non-random. Intensely dark
spots, transient in nature, were reported on Mars in 1925, 1952, and 1954.
(p93) About 33% of abductees are able to remember the experiences without hypnotic
regression. 66% of the abductees were alone when abducted.
(p94) Some abductees did not return but vanished permanently or were found dead after a UFO
(p25) Records of the 687 B.C. battle between the Assyrians and the Hebrews indicate that "a
blast from heaven" reduced the bodies of 185,000 Assyrians to ashes but left their clothes intact.
(p145) Morris K. Jessup died under mysterious circumstances after a copy of his book "Case for
the UFO" was sent to the Chief of the Office of Naval Research (ONR) in Washington.
(p146 -- comments from "Case for the UFO"):
Falls from the sky of flesh, blood, reptiles, etc.,
were due to either spoiled food or cleaning of
holding tanks.
Comments describe TWO different space races who share
the planet with us without our knowledge. They are
not visitors -- they have been here longer than we
have. They feel more at ease in the ocean.
The little men were almost wiped out by a serpent
race identified only as the "S-men." S-men are
ravenous for red meat, extremely materialistic, and
are greedy for power. Comment: Sounds like the Deros
of Shavarian fame.
(p147) Thanks to Allen Dulles in partnership with Reinhard Gehlen, the Gestapo was
transplanted intact into the United States system as the CIA, without the knowledge or consent of
American citizens. Comment: Remember Reagan placing wreaths on graves of SS stormtroopers
at the 40th anniversary of WWII? Roots of that symbolic gesture go deep.
(p147) Reference the Intelligence Identity Protection Act of 1981: Freedom to speak about
anything but the CIA. Some claim that concentration camps have already been built. Activation
was sealed by Executive Order Rex 84. The next REX exercise in in 1988.
(p148) Jessup: "I believe that space structures of 5-10 miles in diameter are sufficiently large to
produce intelligently directed storms."
(p150) Alleged alien comment in annotated edition of "Case for the UFO": "Men frozen helpless
make good prey."
(p151) Dr. James E. McDonald thought that the Federal Power Commission was evading the
evidence concerning UFO involvement in the total power failure that paralyzed New York on
July 13, 1965, and dared to say so in front of a Congressional committee.
(p152) On June 13, 1971, James E. McDonald was found dead under mysterious circumstances,
shot through the head with a pistol by his side.
(p153) Murder disguised as suicide is one of the well-known specialties of the CIA.
(p153) There is ample documentation suggesting that among the highest-priority covert
operations of the CIA are those supplying heroin to the Mafia. The "war on drugs" is in fact a
war on the independent drug dealer who constitutes a threat to the Mafia monopoly. Comment:
Additional ways to subdue the population or eliminate undesirables?
(p156) Karen Silkwood's murder disguised as auto accident.
(p159) George Adamski, contactee in the 1950s had a special government passport. Possible CIA
disinformation agent.
(p162) Although mutilations were reported in England as early as 1904-1905, ("Winter of
Weirdness"), the large-scale operations there began in 1973.
(p163) A rancher and his sons saw a UFO as big as a hotel which was accompanied by four
smaller ones. Rectangular in shape, 300-400 feet long, and 60 feet high. A helicopter approached
it and turned into a small UFO.
(p163) Phantom cars appear on roads, follow people, and disappear.
(p163) A rancher and his wife looked at a UFO 5/8 of a mile away and reported that two
appendages emerged from the egg-shaped object.
(p164) Apparently UFOs have the capability of invisibility.
(p164) Materialization of a Bigfoot before a witness.
(p164) Dematerialization of Bigfoot before witness who shot it with a 16-gauge shotgun at pointblank range into its stomach.
(p166) On August 21, 1975, a sheriff was chasing an unmarked helicopter in his plane in
southwestern Nebraska at 0430 when the lights on the helicopter went out, and the only thing
seem on the ground was a missile silo.
(p166) About the time mutilations began in earnest (1973 wave), a new branch of science was
beginning to develop -- biogeochemistry -- analysis of mineral and oil deposits by analysis of
tissues of herbivorous animals.
(p168) An elderly lady in Arkansas in 1979 injured herself and was cut during a fall. The injuries
were repaired by two aliens, who gave her a piece of metal with pyramids and six- pointed stars
on it. The aliens told her they "consumed juice," but not the kind consumed by humans. Six
weeks later, she was out looking for her dog and spotted a horse lying on its side, unconscious.
Two men in white, dressed like surgeons, were at work on the horse. There were two Air Force
helicopters parked in the clearing, two men in Air Force uniforms, and the same two aliens who
had helped her after her fall. The lady was spotted by the group and she was overtaken by a
helicopter which flashed a blue light on her which burned her clothing. Help arrived as the
helicopter retreated, and she was brought to the local hospital. People having nothing to do with
the hospital staff began turning up to question her. After release she was harassed at all hours by
strangers who insisted on questioning her, repeating the same questions over and over again. The
couple moved to a different state, only to have it start all over again. MUFON began
investigating this case, but as of 1986 had not yet made public its conclusions. Research into the
case began in 1980.
(p171) Tissue samples taken from a carcass revealed the presence of chlorpromazine, a
(p171 comment by Gabe Valdez) "Whoever is doing these mutilations are highly organized and
have a lot of resources."
(p172) The theory of biogeochemical basis for the mutilations fails to account for the fact that
mutilations are worldwide.
(p174) When FBI agent Rommel was given $50K to investigate the mutilations in one district in
New Mexico, all mutilations in that district stopped during the year.
(p177) The Condon Report, Rommel Report, and the Warren Report all have a resemblance.
(p177) The human tendency to avoid facing unpleasant facts may allow parasitic entities to
"farm us."
(p178) A seven-year-old heifer was found whose unborn calf had been removed with breaking
the placental bag.
(p181) U.S. Senate lied to by Pentagon in 1968 during Senate hearings on UFOs.
(p200) In an anonymous letter to a Denver paper on April 8, 1983, it was told that the mutilations
are being done by a secret government group called Delta. Animal parts are used to test effects of
germ warfare and poison (cyanide and dioxin) they are testing on civilians in America. Testing is
associated with black helicopters. Helicopters are also used to ferry heroin and cocaine. Delta
bases said to be all underground on Indian Reservations. HQ for operations and where a lot of
choppers are based in 28 miles east of Albuquerque on I-40, then 14 miles north on a dirt road
into the Laguna Indian Reservation. Comment: Disinformation attempt?
(p204, UPI story, February 2, 1984) Dr. James Womack at Texas A&M University announced
his discovery that humans share "perfect match" chromosomes with cattle. The perfect match is
with portions of the 21st chromosome pair, a strand known to carry characteristics of Mongolism
or Down's Syndrome, associated with mental retardation. Dr. Womack says, "We must have
more in common than previously believed."
(p205, 1984 letter) A recent arrival on the nutritional scene is protomorphogens, or glandulars -ground up glands of cattle. If one takes these for a year you get "hooked" on them. Your own
glands stop producing hormones.
Many EBEs have no alimentary canals and no glands.
In some cancer clinics, these glandulars are used to treat cancer victims, and so are glands from
human fetuses.
(p206) What is happening with the mutilations would make sense in human terms if the location
on which the cattle grazed was important, or the parts taken could be used geobiologically
(which they aren't).
(p208) UFOs are: Extraterrestrial, ultraterrestrial, interdimensional, and time travelers.
(p208) Some UFOs behave as if the UFO itself was a living organism. Comment: Refer to
Trevor James Constable's book "Sky Creatures," for a discussion of biological aeroforms, of
"Flying Saucers at Etibi-Raa," by Wendell Stevens for a discussion of just that subject.
(p208) Entities with cyborg-like traits, having both mechanical and biological features, turn up
quite frequently in reports.
(p208) It is odd that among the viruses there are some that look like UFOs, like T.
Bacteriophage. Do some UFO have the ability to operate in the micro-dimension of viruses?
Comment: In the discipline of Yoga is noted the ability to become large or small.
(p209) Anyone with more access to even one more dimension than we have access to could
evade our most carefully planned investigations indefinitely.
(p210) Modern brain capacity: 1300cc
. . . . . Cro-magnon man: 1400cc
. . . . . Baskop man (megroid [sic] race): 1800cc
The last two appeared quite suddenly.
(p210) Theory of Max H. Flindt attributes paradoxically rapid development of the human brain
to interbreeding between primitive humanity and ETs.
According to Flindt, schizophrenia is caused by subconscious racial memory of the ET branch of
the family tree, longing for home. Considerable differences between glandular and nervous
systems between primitive humans and ETs would provide a basis for traumatic tension
associated with regressed memory.
(p210) Our civilization has forgotten the existence of other intelligent beings in the universe.
(p211) The idea that Homo Sapiens is unique is becoming no longer tenable.
(But Not an Apology)
Jim Speiser
this network. I think I've developed a pretty good reputareliability
fairness. I certainly owe nothing in the
of an explanation to Messrs. Cooper and Lear. However, I can see
I don't feel I have to explain my actions regarding this
some confusion may have arisen regarding my actions, especialthe
Don Ecker, whom I have a great deal of respect
on the part of other users who have discreetly inquired as
to my reasons.
seem to come best in the form of chronologies,
and so, a brief chronology follows.
Cooper first contacted this board with a story of a sighting he
had on board a submarine in 1966. The story (TIRU-1.UFO) was forwarded
back in August.
Cooper for inclusion in a possible story in UFO Magaalso sent to Stan Friedman for verification. This was
I learned
from Vickie Cooper that Bill (no relation) had had a con-
in which the Majestic-12 documents had come up. When
"proword" "MAJIC", he claimed to have seen that
in his days with CINCPACFLT (Commander
Pacific Fleet). About a week later, I received the
first of many files from
Cooper, in which he implied that he had firsthand contact with or knowledge
individuals connected with MJ-12.
that anyone possessing this
this file to both Stanton Friedman
further implied
great danger. I forwarded
Jamie Shandera, to see whether any
the information in it checked out. I later found out that it did not.
Cooper took a more active role in the public mes-
base. He claimed publicly that he had lost his $75,000/year job
after having spoken with Stan
He stated that he would not be providing any more info for
more documents written by
through the ParaNet system, by way of our Ft. Smith
uploaded anonymously, but were written by Cooper.
the same preamble, which claimed that the info
for Stanton Friedman only, and that we were in
danger for possessing the info contained therein. (DANGER.DOC,
this time, a user named Jeff Felix began using the board, and
via chat for a private meeting between him and myself. We set
meet at the Jerry's on Scottsdale Road in Tempe (the same one
Phoenix Skeptics hold their monthly meetings.) At this
is all of about 24, told a bizarre tale of having
technician, of having been "fooling around"
come up with an encryption program,
file, the Aquarius file,
"the underground
that with
Felix, who
computer, trying
"stumbled across" the Majestic
the whole ball of wax. "Its all true," he told us,
bases, the aliens, the crashed saucers, etc." He claimed
a modified modem, he could get back in to the files. Naturally, I
was extremely skeptical, and a few days later when I asked Felix a few
questions on the phone, testing his knowledge of the most basic intelligence
when he failed
What was even more revealing was that Bill Cooper had
of the questions I asked Felix, and I have a
provided me with some
captured chat session with
Cooper in which he expressed his doubts of Felix's veracity.
with Felix, he mentioned something called
spelling). He said he had discussed it with
before he had called me. Cooper later told me
Felix had not mentioned it. He told me he had heard of it,
it was VERY Top Secret, above his level. He said he didn't
know anything more about it.
later called to tell me that Project
is real, that his sources told him it was a project by MJ-
the aliens. He told me that it was
touch with Felix, that if "the kid knows about
real." Felix, in the meantime, would give me
about Excalibur, except that a friend of his who had
thing he had (broken into the NSA's Cray-3 computer,
most advanced and secure supercomputer in the world), had "stum-
bled across" the Excalibur file.
on Cooper and Felix at this time began to center on the
the two of them were scamming me behind my back, and I
become a home for unwed paranoids.
his long absence, and began to join
in a series of mutual admiration sessions, I saw things
getting out of control.
by now that Cooper was either engaging in fantasy role-play-
something more sinister. The word "disinformation" has been
MJ-12 mess. Now,
as a Naval NCO with a back-
seem to check out. His information is self-
paranoid, and
does NOT check out, at least with the
I have contacted. After the UFO COVER-UP
sent ANOTHER file by way of ParaNet RHO in
10-15-88 Position Paper. In it he completely contradicts
thesis, and claims that the MJ-12 scenario
as painted by Moore's
group (and implicitly, by himself) is a hoax.
full agreement with John Lear (which agreement
on Lear's support of Cooper).
at work to discredit
Now I
field of
suspect? Moore/Shandera/Friedman,
claims to be in
ask you, if agents of disinformation
who claimed
is the more likely
a slightly different spin, then turned around and contradicted
the moment it became public knowledge, and can't
each other, yet support each other publicly?
actually on the advice of Cooper
ParaNet of
to have
government agents, and produced them for live
Cooper/Lear, who seemingly plagiarized the Moore documents,
New Project Blue Book of
an unwitting
accused William Pitts and
a military intelligence cover operation, and
pipeline. To avoid becoming
pipeline, which I'm sure no one here wants, I simply got rid of the
most likely suspect.
Lear, I don't think any self-respecting Sysop would stand for
of borderline treason on his public board, especially from
proudly displays in his office enlarged telephoto-graphs
installation at Groom Lake, the country's most secret tactical
obtained by himself after attempting
area illegally. His unqualified support for Cooper,
on Cooper's unqualified support
and somehow disturbing, in light
contradicted Lear's information. And
early 1987, when it became
fact that Cooper has
Lear entered Ufology
a few that Moore was going to release
MJ-12. Lear is known to have been a CIA operative in the past. He wears his
on his office walls, in the form of autographed pictures of him-
standing with
Again, if disinformation is taking
place, I ask you, who is the more likely source?
working? Well, consider. What if Moore/Shandera/Friedman
a shame that so many
such as Don Ecker, watched UFO COVER-UP
asking if MSF were for real, began asking if
real? This, despite the obvious contra-
dictions and obfuscations listed below:
documents you are looking for are for the most part labeled TOP
-- Bill Cooper, 22 August
Cooper, 15 October
Cooper, 22 August
by Mr. Moore et al are photographic copies
procured at great risk." -- Bill
DELIBERATE FORGERIES." -- Bill Cooper, 15 October
think on that one for a while." -- Bill Cooper, when
Aquarius Telex contained a compartmentalized
code at the top that indicated to anyone trained in military
the document was either fraudulent
or to be ignored for some reason. Phone conversation, 11 October
"The code is ZNY." -- Bill Cooper, phone conversation, 12 October.
it, Jim, I just remembered after I hung up with you, its NOT
that means something else, but its _________" (my deletion). --
Bill Cooper, phone conversation, 12 October
the head of the AQUARIUS TELEX that tells me
the information contained within it is not to be acted upon nor
any way believed...________ on the telex net informs all stations
BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY...The code is really a
that was used by a lot of enlisted men, and
couple of
-- Bill Cooper, 15 October
originals except where
** EOF **
The following hypothesis discusses the significance of UFO occupant
activities to human civilization and development. To understand the
terminology and concepts discussed in this paper, readers are encouraged
to review the following works: UFO Crash at Aztec by William Steinman and
Wendelle Stevens, particularly the addendum in the back of the book titled
"The Bennewitz Story" (pages 578-604); The Roswell Incident by William
Moore; Leonard Stringfield's Status Reports II and III on UFO
crash/retrievals; John Lear's "LEAR.TXT" on Paranet computer bulletin
board; the updated transcript of Linda Howe's documentary "Strange
Harvest" (page 64); Jerome Clark's article in the April 1988 issue of Fate
magazine: "UFO Crashes, Part IV", and Communion by Whitley Strieber.
In December of 1987, airline pilot and UFO researcher John Lear published
a letter on Paranet. Based on his research, Lear concluded that
extraterrestrial biological entities (EBE's) are malevolent beings from
space who have orchestrated a deceptive, "well-planned invasion of Earth
for its resources and benefits." Lear's scenario reads like the plot of a
science fiction horror film: The EBE'S have perpetrated a "grand
deception" on humans to hide their true motives which are to create
human-alien crossbreeds, presumably for sinister purposes, and consume
biological matter. According to Lear, the EBE'S terminate any humans who
might interfere with them.
Because John Lear appears to be sincere in his research and has
impressive credentials, ufologists are seriously examining his statement.
For example, Jim Speiser, Paranet's administrator, says in his
introduction to Lear's letter, "John...has contacts in sensitive positions
that could conceivably allow him access to information of this type."
Lear may have contacts that have provided him with accurate data, but
his speculations and hypotheses are presented with the same authority and
confidence as his alleged facts, even though his conclusions seem
extremely questionable.
Rather than being sinister or malevolent, is it possible that EBE'S
are members of an advanced evolutionary level of life who are tending this
planet as a garden? Might they be cultivating human life, not as a food
source, but to give human beings the opportunity to become, through their
choices, potential members and contributors to the EBE's' advanced level?
Could this planet be one of numerous planetary "gardens" established by
the EBE's for such a purpose?
In this context, all EBE activity could be seen as benevolent.
However, certain aspects of their work might seem frightening or
traumatic to a human mind, depending on that mind's level of development
and comprehension. Does the plant understand when the gardener uproots it
to replant it in better soil, or prunes and grafts to ensure proper
improved growth?
In the field of science, a single set of data has often been
interpreted in profoundly different ways. When we are dealing with
obviously advanced technology, how can we be sure that we are interpreting
what we see with any accuracy? Can those who base conclusions about
advanced beings only on what is measurable or verifiable by current
technology ever see more than a limited picture? Even if John Lear's
facts are correct concerning underground CIA-alien facilities, body parts
floating in vats of amber liquid, etc., the facts do not necessarily
warrant Lear's horrified conclusions.
Is it possible to arrive at a valid conclusion based solely on "hard
evidence"? Perhaps not, but we should not adopt a purely spiritual
approach either, as do many UFO contactees and "channelers" or we risk
arriving at pleasant metaphysical fantasies that do not jive with observed
Lear posed the question, "What is the big picture, anyway?"
(Lear.txt). In attempting to answer this, we obviously need a big frame
of reference. Perhaps examining some of the details that Lear discussed
will give us that perspective.
John Lear suggests, along with Budd Hopkins, that EBE's may be on the
"backside of an evolutionary genetic curve." They base this on the EBE's
having, for example, a lack of hair and teeth, fewer fingers and toes, and
atrophied or missing digestive and reproductive organs. Isn't it possible
that just the opposite is true--that the absence of digestive and
reproductive organs are signs of evolving and outgrowing the need for
"primitive" organs? Rather than the EBE's needing to revitalize
themselves by inbreeding with humans and/or consuming extractions from
human and bovine tissue, isn't it possible that they are experimenting
with hybridization and tissue samples for our sakes?
If you consider the possibility that UFO occupants may have been
involved in the creation of free-willed human beings from the very
beginning, couldn't their present genetic work be an effort to correct the
severe damage that we have inflicted upon our genetic structure? Maybe
the EBE's are seeking ways to undo the effects of generations of
unrestrained primitive behavior (territorialism, wars,selfishness, etc.),
drug usage, pollution, food additives, etc.?
Could EBE's represent the goal toward which human beings have the
capacity to evolve if they choose? This may be difficult for some to
accept if they see the EBE's appearance as "strange" by human standards.
Could it also be hard to think about because our egos have difficulty with
the notion that human beings do not represent the height of evolutionary
advancement in the universe? Lear himself notes how difficult it was for
the human mind to accept that the Sun does not revolve around the Earth.
Lear acknowledges that EBE's may be as much as a billion years ahead
of human beings in advancement. How does this jive with his statement
that "the EBE's have a genetic disorder in that their digestive system is
atrophied?" It seems more probable that a digestive system is simply not
required for a space-dwelling organism. (Just think of the time that
leaves them free to do more significant work than preparing food, eating,
digesting, and eliminating.) And if they are so advanced that they can
create life in a laboratory, why would they need reproductive organs?
Lear concludes that EBE's are deriving sustenance from enzyme or
hormonal secretions applied to their skin. Aren't there other possible
explanations for these applications? This is pure conjecture, but could
they be applying these secretions to their skin as a means of analyzing
them, that
is, using their own bodies as test subjects?
Let's take a look at so-called mutilations for a moment. A
significant point in researcher Linda Howe's examination of animal
mutilations comes in an update to her documentary "Strange Harvest." In
the transcript of that film (update 1st broadcast, May 25, 1980), Howe
says she received information from a psychic in Albuquerque. The psychic
correctly predicted that a deviation would occur in the surgical method
used by the aliens, "...which is...a necessity in order to arrive at a
success in formulation of a serum-like concoction which will be returned
to mankind during a time of need." (Howe p. 64) Linda Howe might be
commended for her courage as an investigator in quoting a psychic. The
point is that there may be beneficial reasons why the EBE's are performing
their surgical operations. It is interesting that when a tribe of American
Indians were once asked what they thought of "mutilations" occurring on
their reservation, they replied simply, "The star people know what they
are doing, and should be trusted."
Before continuing to speculate about the motivations of UFO occupants,
we have to ask ourselves, is it possible to understand what EBE's are and
what they are doing if we don't know what human beings are?
Consider, if you will, that the true nature of man is a "life force"
or mind (often referred to as a "soul") encapsulated in a physical body.
Could the human mind itself be the creation of a higher evolutionary level
(the EBE's)? Could the human mind be a perennial that experiences
successive seasons of growth on a planet's surface just as a perennial
plant experiences seasons of growth in a garden?
In this context, reincarnation is not a religious concept. It is
merely one way of describing how a mental being (man) can experience
evolutionary growth and development by progressing through various
physical vehicles.
If this is the case, then nothing is lost when the physical body dies.
The "life force" or mind is not destroyed, but merely transferred to
another body, or possibly somehow put in storage.
Many close encounter records indicate that the EBE's, although aware
that nothing is lost when the human body is destroyed, are reluctant to
destroy a human body,even though they have done so in certain
circumstances. Ironically, although most humans regard the physical body
as a person's totality, we are inclined to destroy each other senselessly,
and wantonly.
UFO occupants seem to understand far more than we do about the
difference between mind and body, and how to work with both, separately or
together. It appears that they can extract the consciousness (mind, soul)
of a person from the body which is housing that consciousness. In
addition to the numerous accounts of physical "abductions", UFO literature
is filled with incidents where humans reportedly experience being taken
outside of their physical bodies.
In addition, some humans feel they have encountered the same UFO
occupant on different occasions, even though the individual they
"recognize" has a totally different appearance. This could suggest that
the EBE's can also transfer their own consciousness or mind from one body
to another, like changing clothes.
We can see that the variety of UFO occupant types may not necessarily
represent different species from different galaxies. The various
vehicular types may simply show different levels of development. It seems
likely that the more advanced minds of this highly evolved level are the
ones in the more advanced bodies..
UFO occupants who appear to be in human form, including the so-called
"Nordics," may in fact be advanced humans from other productive gardens
(planets) who have been allowed to work with the EBE's, even though they
haven't yet advanced enough to earn more evolved vehicles. The presence
of such individuals may come in very handy at times, as in the famous
Travis Walton case where a large human-looking occupant was able to
restore calm to Walton.
John Lear states that UFO researcher William Moore has a videotape
containing an interview with a colonel connected to MJ-12. The colonel
says that the EBE's claim to have created Christ. Once again, Lear draws
a negative conclusion from this, speculating that the claim "could be an
effort to disrupt traditional values for undetermined reasons."
But what if the claim is true? If the primary concern of EBE's is the
cultivation and nurturing of human minds, then isn't it conceivable that
Jesus could have been one of them in human "clothing"? Considering recent
evidence that human mothers have been artificially inseminated by
extraterrestrials to produce hybrids, isn't this a possible explanation
for Jesus' alleged virgin birth? Wouldn't such a hybrid vehicle have
given him a greater capacity to stay in touch with his "father," and even
perform what humans would see as "miracles"?
Consider that the Bible, divested of its traditional religious
interpretation, may actually be a record of close encounters. According
to this record, the extraterrestrials apparently worked closely with the
ancient Israelites and saved them from the terrestrial power of the
Egyptians. But the EBE's didn't hesitate to wipe out thousands of the
Israelites when they were disobedient. If you see this in the light of
the EBE's trying to teach humans how to become more refined and more
evolved, the first step being simple disciplines and leaving a strong
impression on human minds, it's food for thought. Only human bodies were
lost, not minds. It also puts Lear's alleged altercation between humans
and EBE's at the Dulce underground base in a different light.
Maybe we should be asking: Are we growing in the right way? How
should we conduct ourselves in the presence of these individuals and how
should we conduct ourselves with each other? What do we have to gain by
treating EBE's as hostile invaders? What is the real purpose of these
visitations? Since we seem to be far less advanced, maybe the only way we
can gain is by concluding they are here for our benefit.
April 1988
Well, as if this weren't enough, let's examine the basic allegations that were raised by Gary
Stollman when he held an empty BB gun to David Horowitz on KNBC Channel 4, Los Angeles,
in October, 1987. Gary clearly though that he was alone in his knowledge, and evidently turned
to desperation to have the public become aware of what he knew. For the sake of brevity, I will
simply summarize the allegations, and make comments where I wish to do so:
His physical father is in fact a clone created by
the CIA and alien forces.
Cloning is a part of a plot to overthrow the U.S
The CIA maintains mental-retraining hospitals.
Phones were turned off at Rohlman Psychiatric
Hospital in Cincinnati for 48 hours after his
A former CIA official had an interview on KPFK radio
in which he told a college audience that the CIA has
towed barges across New York Harbor that were
The CIA may have created the AIDS virus to wipe out
the gay population. Comment: Hmmm, where have we
heard THAT before?
The CIA assassinated John F. Kennedy and the 22
material witnesses who died with two years. Comment:
Hmmmm, I have heard that as well.
He demands that the Air Force release all
information on UFOs.
He demands that the information about Hanger 18 at
Wright-Patterson [AFB] be released.
He relates that he spoke to a girl at Florida Junior
College who told him that seven of her friends had
been "replaced."
The CIA doesn't trust people on computers.
Individuals at the Optimist Boys School in Pasadena
were recruited by others and given false IDs and
birth certificates.
There is a secret group led by the President's own
There are beings around with the power to teleport
instantly and do the same to others; who can read
and control minds, and transform matter into other
forms and create it at will.
He asks for a congressional investigation and
federal protection.
He states that he cannot harm anyone with an empty
BB gun.
Well, what do you think? [Name deleted in original, replaced with the word "MUFON"]
contacted Mr. Stollman's lawyer in December, 1987, and told him that some of what Gary had
said may be true. His lawyer promptly made himself scarce.
For some of you who keep an eye on the news, the President (Reagan) has said some mighty
interesting things in some speeches of his:
To the students of Fallston High School in Fallston, Maryland, on December 4, 1985, he said:
"I couldn't but -- one point in our discussions with General Secretary Gorbachev -- when you
stop to think that we're all God's children, wherever we may live in the world, I couldn't help but
say to him, just think how easy his task and mine might be in these meetings that we held if
suddenly there was a threat to this world from some other species from another planet outside in
the universe. We'd forget all the little local differences that we have between our countries and
we would find out once and for all that we really are all human beings on this earth together.
"Well, I don't suppose we can wait for some alien race to come down and threaten us...."
To the 42nd General Assembly of the United Nations, September 21, 1987:
"In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the
members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside universal threat to make us recognize this
common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we
were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force
already among us? What could be more alien to the universal aspirations of our peoples than war
and the threat of war?"
Comment: Apparently Mr. Reagan doesn't realize that war is NOT alien to the aspirations of
peace -- it's always been here.
Does Mr. Reagan know something that we know but the general public doesn't know about what
is happening and what will happen within the next five years?
General Types of Entities
The Greys are known to be of three types:
Grey 1: 3.5 feet tall. Large head. Large slanted eyes. Worship
Technology and don't care about us. Type popularized in
"Communion" by Strieber.
Grey 2: Same general appearance, although has a different
finger arrangement and a slightly different face.
More sophisticated than Grey 1. They possess a degree
of common sense and are somewhat passive. It is not
known if they require the secretions needed by Grey 1.
Grey 3: Same basic type. Lips thinner. Subservient to other
two types.
Other entities known to frequent this planet:
Blonds/Swedes/Nordics: Known by any of these names. Similar to
us. Blond hair, blue eyes. Will not break law of non-
interference to help us. Would only intervene if the
Greys' activity would affect other parts of the universe.
Interdimensional: Entities that can assume a variety of shapes.
Basically of a peaceful nature.
Short Humanoids: 1.5 to 2.5 feet tall, skin bluish in color.
Seen quite frequently in Mexico near Chihuahua.
Hairy Dwarfs: 4 feet tall. Weigh about 35 pounds. Hairy.
Neutral. Respect intelligent life.
Very Tall Race: Look like us but 7-8 feet tall. United with
the Swedes.
Nordic Clones: Appear similar to us but with grey tinge to their
skin. These are drones created by the Greys. Child-like mentality.
Men-In-Black (MIB): Oriental or olive-skinned. Eyes sensitive to
light. Eyes have vertical pupils. Very pale skin in
some types. Do not conform easily to our social
patterns. Usually wear black clothes, drive black cars,
and wear sunglasses. In groups they all dress alike.
Sometimes time-disoriented. they cannot handle a
psychological "curve-ball" or interruption to their
plan. Often intimidate UFO witnesses and impersonate
government officials. Equivalent of our CIA. From
another galaxy.
Although there are some 40 or more known types of aliens visiting our world at the present time,
these are the most commonly seen types.
Extract of information from:
"UFO Contact from Undersea,"
Section 1: Regression session, Filiberto Cardenas (subject)
Event date: 3 January 1979 UFO CEIII
During the regression session(s) the following
information came forth:
1. Subject was taken to one of three pyramid bases. Two pyramid bases
are under ocean, one on land. Subject was taken to base between Berin
and Santiago of the coast of Chile. Other underwater base is in the Atlantic
in an unspecified location. The base was entered through an underwater
tunnel. The aliens stated that they had been there 36 months at that time.
2. Aliens told the subject that there were six (6) other individuals whom
the aliens had contacted.
3. Subject stated that the aliens voiced that they were eventually going to
make themselves known to the world.
4. Aliens stated that they control the Chinese, and they have provided the
Chinese with a device that can "paralyze cities and towns completely."
5. Aliens stated that the device will cause a change that "is going to be
something for which the world cannot wait." The Chinese are to provoke
certain unspecified changes, and that in those changes, "people who are
negative will disappear."
6. Subject remembers seeing (future) scenes of people running disoriented
along roads, and that there is a disaster coming.
7. Details of underwater tunnel described as walls of " firmed water," not
rock. The ship evidently generated a force field which repelled the water
around it.
8. Devices were supposedly installed in subject's head by aliens.
Subsequent x-rays revealed nothing.
(Session 3)
1. First contact with these groups of aliens began 4,000 years ago.
2. It has been thousands of years since this group last descended to earth.
3. If progress on earth does not continue, aliens will use more forceful
demonstrations to get their point across that we must have peace and
4. Subject was interrogated for 15 days after the events by US security and
intelligence services.
5. Information from aliens had also to do with "an atrocity in the plans
certain forces on earth had planned."
6. Subject was seven years old when contact with aliens first occurred.
7. Aliens have ability to dematerialize their craft.
8. Aliens stated that we should beware of other alien groups who will
present themselves in a good light but if they pursue "bad objectives
against us they could do two things. They could destroy this planet with
the same arms that this planet has, or on the contrary, transport away all
our arms in one operation, which would take no more than 20 minutes of
our time. They can be visible or not, whatever they choose."
9. [sic] Treatise references 81 other crossbreeds from (negative) aliens
who have performed duties on earth. Half alien-half earthling =
10. Aliens spoke of great portions of land and whole cities will [sic]
disappear. Mexico City and major cities in California.
History and Operations -- Operation Trojan Horse
The amusing little mystery of flying saucers slowly evolves into a complicated
series of coincidences and paradoxes as we plunge deeper and deeper into the
data, excluding nothing, and considering everything as objectively as possible.
Our skies have been filled with "Trojan Horses" throughout history, and like the
original Trojan Horse, the SEEM to conceal hostile intent.
Several facts are now apparent:
The objects have always chosen to operate in a
clandestine manner, furtively choosing the hours of
darkness for their enigmatic activities over thinlypopulated areas, where the possibility of being detected
is slight.
The hostility factor is further supported by the fact
that the objects chose, most often, to appear in formsbr> which we
can readily accept and explain to our own
satisfaction -- ranging from dirigibles to meteors and
conventional-appearing airplanes.
The objects of unusual configuration, undoubtedly
constituting a deceptive minority of all the
paraphysical objects flitting about in our atmosphere.
In other words, flying saucers are not at all what we have hoped they were. They
are a part of something else. John A. Keel called that something else "Operation
Trojan Horse."
When one really digs into UFO literature, it readily becomes clear that the
ultraterrestrials deliberately conveyed whatever impression that would meet the
available frame of reference for that time.
Until 1848, the religious frame of reference was constantly used by the
phenomenon. As man's technology improved many of our old beliefs were
discarded and the "phenomenon" was obliged to update its manifestations and
establish new frames of reference. No more objects were seen in 1947 than had
been seen in 1847. We were simply seeing them in a new way. A new game was
being played with us.
A new game has emerged: the artifact or hardware game. The phenomenon has
always obliged us by planting false evidence all over the landscape.
UFO cultists trapped themselves into a hopeless situation almost from the outset.
The apparent purpose of most of the landings seems to have been to advance
belief in the frame of reference, not to provide absolute proof that the frame of
reference is authentic.
Physical Evidence
All kinds of junk have fallen out of the sky throughout recorded history. Ivan T.
Sanderson has in his files extensive lists that go back to Roman times. Ridiculous
things such as stone pillars and heavy metal wheels have come crashing out of the
blue, and there are countless cases of ice blocks, some weighing hundreds of
pounds, dropping all over this planet. The flying saucers have been spewing all
kinds of trash all over the landscape. In nearly every instance, these materials
always prove to be ordinary earthly substances like magnesium, aluminum,
chromium, and even plain old tin. Each of these incidents give the skeptics new
Mysterious hollow spheres have also been dropping out of the sky all over the
world. Three such spheres were found in the Australian desert in 1963. They were
about 14 inches in diameter and had a shiny polished surface. Efforts to open the
spheres failed, and they were turned over to the USAF. Other metal spheres have
dropped out of the sky in Mexico (1967) and Conway, Arkansas (1967). The
Mexican steel ball was identified as titanium, the one in Arkansas steel.
Smaller colored spheres were found scattered over the French countryside in
1966-67, as if it had been raining balls there. Where is all this stuff coming from?
The same place as the stone pillars and blocks of ice. Innumerable cases of
contact and landings have been flushed down the ufological drain because of the
deliberate "negative factors." Sincere witnesses have actually been ruined because
the amateur UFO investigators have accused them of being liars and worse.
Another fascinating game which the ufonauts play with a vengeance is the
"repair" gambit. Beginning in 1897, there has been an endless stream of stories
and reports, many from reliable witnesses, on how they encountered a grounded
UFO and observed the occupants making repairs of some kind. The basic details
in all these stories are so similar that it seems as if the ufonauts are following a
carefully rehearsed procedure.
Generally speaking, there are three (3) types of beings observed in relation to
Normal-looking people, including females.
Oriental, dark-skinned beings.
Unidentifiable creatures, who have made a real effort to
hide from witnesses.
Oddly enough, when all the reports and the data is in, the scope of the
phenomenon and the overwhelming quantity of reports negates its validity. An
analysis of cases indicates that flying saucers are not, in most cases, stable
machines requiring fuel, maintenance, and logistical support. Most of them are, in
all probability, transmutations of energy from other dimensions and do not exist
in the same way that this paper exists.
The UFO phenomenon seems to be largely subjective: that is, specific kinds of
people become involved and are actually manipulated by the phenomenon in the
same way that it manipulates matter. These subjective experiences are far more
important to our study that the "random" superficial sightings. We are obliged to
forget about the sightings and concentrate on the claims and experiences of the
Thousands of UFO photos have been taken since 1882. There's just one problem.
With very few exceptions, no two UFO photos are alike. The sightings force two
unacceptable answers upon us:
All the witnesses were mistaken or lying.
Some tremendous unknown civilization is exerting an allout effort to manufacture thousands of different types of
UFOs and is sending them all to our planet.
The governments of the world overtly have maintained variations of the first
proposal. UFO enthusiasts accept the second. There is a third proposal which
merits some attention: some "hard" objects definitely exist as temporary
materializations from other dimensions. They leave indentations in the ground
when they land. Witnesses have touched them and even been inside them. These
"hard" objects may be decoys to cover the multitudinous activities of the "soft"
objects. The "soft" objects hold one of the keys of the mystery. There are
countless sightings of objects which changed size and shape in front of witnesses
who often get the impression that it was alive, that it was not behaving like a
mechanical object at all.
There is no question at all that there are intelligences that can manipulate or
materialize any kind of object into our dimension. Let's take a look, for a second,
at the electromagnetic spectrum. As you know, our visual spectrum makes up a
small portion of the whole. Look at what's involved with UFOs:
__________________ Spectrum
If you will relate this to cases that you are familiar with, as far as appearance,
spectrum shift when in flight, etc., you will see the applicability of the above
When UFO stabilize in our dimension they radiate energy on all frequencies and
become glowing white. Radical maneuvers require a frequency alteration, which
produces color changes. It is interesting to note that in Blue Book Report #14,
they replaced the phrase "Electromagnetic Phenomenon" with the word
"Unknown" in a majority of those cases. Why? There is no doubt that again, a
situation exists where we have multiple realities within the UFO realm as well. It
is clear that we are not dealing with random ET visitors. It has an extreme element
of intention to do with all of it. Mutilations started in April, 1897, with the
abduction of Alexander Hamilton's calf, witnessed by several people. That is one
of the constants that has been with us that has not changed frame of reference.
How many people give thought to the three dark-skinned wise men who appeared
before the birth of Jesus, spread the reality of the happening, and disappeared
again. All the dark-skinned men in threes. MIB. It makes you wonder. Hmmmm.
Charting the Enigma
Well, here we are again. Taking a sample of 33% of 10,000 or so cases, or about
3,330 cases, we find that 730 are so-called Type I, a low-level object observed
and reported by reliable witnesses. It was found that 2,600 were Type II, highaltitude objects performing in a controlled manner and distinct from normal
aircraft and natural phenomena. The time of the sightings depends on where you
are. If you are in a rural area, sightings conveniently begin after 10 p.m. A
populated area would have them between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. For some reason, in
many "flaps," Wednesday had about 20.5% of the sightings. Hmmm.
Now, if the UFO phenomenon (and I dislike that word) had a purely psychic basis
then I would think there would be more sightings on a Saturday, when people are
statistically out and about than on Wednesday. There are notable exceptions to
everything of course, one of which was the "flap" of August 16, 1966, which was
on a Tuesday.
Reports seem to cluster within political boundaries of states, as if there were a
methodical exploration of states from border to border. If the UFO were a natural
occurrence, one would expect otherwise.
Thousands of sightings can be fitted into the "great circle" route, and often the
dates are staggered so that it appears that the phenomenon moves systematically
from point to point.
Every state in the United States has from two to ten "windows." These are areas
where UFOs appear repeatedly year after year. The objects will appear in these
places and pursue courses confined to sectors with a radius of about 200 miles.
The great circle from Canada (not to be confused with the traditional Great
Circle) in the northwest through the central states and back into northeast Canada
is a major window. Hundreds of smaller windows lie within that circle. Another
major window is centered in the Gulf of Mexico and encompasses much of
Mexico, Texas and the Southwest.
As mentioned previously, many windows center directly over area of magnetic
UFOs seem to congregate about the highest available hills in these window areas.
They become visible in these centers and then radiate outward, traveling
sometimes 100-200 miles before disappearing again.
Among the great heaps of neglected and ignored UFO data, we find hundreds of
"minipeople" accounts. These are very rarely published anywhere because they
tend to be so unbelievable. Most of them are identical to the fairy and gnome
stories of yesteryear. Witnesses to these events can experience conjunctivitis,
akinesia (paralysis), amnesia, and the other effects often noted by witnesses to
more conventional events. One notable event is one that occurred in Seattle,
Washington, in the latter part of August, 1965. A woman awoke around 2 a.m.
and discovered she could not move a muscle or make a sound. Her window was
open, and suddenly a tiny, football-sized dull-grey object floated through the
window and hovered over the carpet near her bed. Three legs lowered from the
object and it settled to the floor. A small ramp extended from it and five or six
tiny people clambered out and seemed to work on some kind of repairs on the
object. They wore tight-fitting clothing. When they were finished, they got in and
the object took off and sailed out the window. At that point, she was able to move.
The case was investigated by J. Russell Jenkins of Seattle.
You can readily see why almost none of these kinds of stories ever appear in
print, except in occult-oriented literature. Nevertheless, if we hope to assess the
true UFO situation, we must examine all these stories. We can learn nothing by
considering only those incidents which are emotionally and intellectually
acceptable to us.
TIME is one of the most important aspects of the UFO thing. It plays a strange
but significant role. Part of the answer may not lie in the stars but in the clock
ticking on your fireplace.
Our world exists in three dimensions. We can move in many directions within
these dimensions. Space does not exist except when we make it exist. To us, the
distance between atoms in our matter is so minute that it can only be calculated
with hypothetical measurements. Yet, if we lived on an atom, and our size was
relative to its size, the distance to the next atom would seem awesome.
There is another man-made measurement called time. Unlike the other three
dimensions, time has us seemingly trapped. Time becomes very real to us, and it
appears that we couldn't live without it. Yet time doesn't really exist at all. This
moment exists to us. Does this mean the same moment is being shared by other
The UFO phenomenon does seem to be controlled. It does follow intelligent
patterns. If the objects themselves are manifestations of higher energies, then
something has to manipulate those energies somehow and reduce them to the
visible frequencies. Not only do they enter the visible frequencies, but they take
forms which seem physical and real to us, and they carry out actions which seem
to be intelligent.
Thus we arrive at the source. The source has to be a form of intelligent energy
operating at the highest possible point of the frequency spectrum. If such an
energy exists at all, it might permeate the universe and maintain equal control of
each component part. Because of its very high frequency, so high that the energy
particles are virtually standing still, the source has no need to replenish itself in
any way that would be acceptable to our environmental sciences. It could actually
create and destroy matter by manipulating the lower energies. It would be
timeless, because it exists beyond all time fields. It would be infinite because it is
not confined by three-dimensional "space."
Children. Children figure neatly into this, and they always have. The child's mind,
especially before the so-called age of reason when the logic circuits begin to form,
is a clear instrument, open and uninfluenced by opinions and conclusions. This is
an important point in the UFO mystery.
Perhaps if we were in a pure energy state, each particle of energy would itself
serve as a synapse, and information could be stored by a slight alteration in
frequency. All the memory fragments of a rose, for example, would be recorded at
one frequency, and the whole energy form could tune into that memory by
adjusting frequencies, as we might adjust a radio receiver. In other words, no
complex circuitry would be required. No body would be necessary. The energy
patterns would not need material form. It would permeate the entire universe. It
could surround you completely at this very moment and be aware of all the feeble
impulses of low energy passing through your brain. If it so desired, it could
control those pulses and thus control your thoughts. Man has always been aware
of this intelligent energy or force. He has always worshipped it.
Our first conclusion is that the UFOs originate from beyond our own time frame
or time cycle. Our second conclusion is that the source has total foreknowledge of
human events and even of individual lives. Since time and space are not
absolutes, these two conclusions are compatible.
It is that all human events occur simultaneously when viewed by a greater
intelligence. If a greater intelligence wants to communicate with a lower form, all
kinds of problems are presented. The communication must be conducted in a
manner which will be meaningful and understandable to the lower life form. An
acceptable frame of reference must be found and utilized.
UFO phenomenon, especially the "soft" ones, are frequently reflective; that is, the
observed manifestations seem to be deliberately tailored and adjusted to the
individual beliefs and attitudes of the witnesses. Contactees are given information
which, in most cases, conforms to their beliefs. UFO researchers who concentrate
on one particular aspect or theory find themselves inundated with seemingly
reliable reports which seem to substantiate that theory.
John Keel's extensive experiences with this reflective factor led him to carry out
weird experiments which confirmed that a large part of the reported data is
engineered and deliberately false. The witnesses are not the perpetrators, but
merely the victims.
The apparent purpose of all this false data is multifold. Much of it is meant to
create confusion and diversion. Some of it has served to support certain beliefs
which were erroneous but which would serve as stepping-stones to the higher,
more complex truth. Whole generations have come and gone, happily believing in
the false data, unaware that they were mere links in the chain.
If it were all understood too soon, we might crumble under the weight of the truth.
This earth is covered with windows into those other unseen worlds. If we had the
instruments to detect them, we would find that these windows are the focal points
for super high-frequency waves -- the "rays" of ancient lore. These rays might
come from Orion or the Pleiades as the ancients claimed, or they might be part of
the great force that emanates throughout the universe. The UFOs have given us
the evidence that such rays exist. Now, slowly, we are being told why.
It is also apparent that some entities are having a good laugh at our expense. As
mentioned before, literature indicates that the phenomenon carefully cultivated
the religious frame of reference in early times, just as the modern manifestations
have carefully supported the extraterrestrial frame of reference.
The Devil's emissaries of yesteryear have been replaced by the mysterious "men
in black." A major, but little-explored, aspect of the UFO phenomenon is
therefore theological and philosophical rather than purely scientific. The UFO
problem can never be untangled by physicists and scientists unless they are men
who also are schooled in the other disciplines.
The earth was occupied before man arrived or was created. That's an important
point to consider. The original occupants were paraphysical and possessed the
power of transmutation of matter. Man was the interloper. The inevitable conflict
arose between physical man and the paraphysical owners of the planet. Man
accepted the interpretation that this conflict raged between his creator and the
Devil. The religious viewpoint has always been that the Devil has been attacking
man (trying to get rid of him) by causing havoc upon him. There is historical and
modern proof that this may be so.
It is interesting that parapsychologists have long concluded that the paralysis that
contactees experience is a contributing cause; that the entity may materialize by
utilizing energy from the percipient himself.
John Keel has in his files hundreds of cases, some of which have now been
investigated by qualified psychiatrists, in which young men and women obsessed
with the UFO phenomenon have suffered frightening visits from apparitions,
followed up by mysterious black Cadillacs which appeared and disappeared
suddenly, and have been terrified into up their pursuit of the UFOs. The
phenomenon is again reflective in nature; the more frightened the victim becomes,
the more the manifestations are escalated. Think about it.
The Other Side of the Coin
There is a balance in nature, and there also seems to be a balance in the UFO
picture. People have actually died after exposure to the gamma and UV rays from
UFOs. But other people have actually had their ailments cured by similar rays.
Occult literature is filled with accounts of this type.
Except for those who might be specially constructed for incubus-succubus
activities, it does appear that our "angels" and "spacemen" come from a world, in
many cases, with sex -- and very probably, a world without an organized society;
a world in which each individual is merely a unit in the whole and is totally
controlled by the collective intelligence or energy mass of that whole. In other
words, these beings, or some of them anyway, have no free will. They are slaves
of a very high order. Often they try to convey this to percipients with their
statements, "We are One," "We are in bondage."
We face a great task in trying to isolate the UFO phenomenon from the larger and
more important "big picture," the overall situation of which the UFOs are merely
a small part.
Elemental beings are another aspect of the world we live in. Children see them
more than adults, perhaps for the reasons described before. Historical records
certainly indicate that the little people have always existed all over this planet;
that they possess the power of flight, the power of invisibility, and, to varying
degrees, the power to dominate and control the human mind. Accounts of little
humanoids with supernatural powers can be found in almost every culture.
The manifestations have remained the same throughout history. Only our
interpretations of those events have changed. It brought the birth of Spiritualism,
which was in its heyday in the 1850s and 1860s, and was just another form of
communication between the ultraterrestrials and ourselves.
UFO flaps also parallel outbreaks of poltergeist cases. It all ties in together.
Assuming that each discovered historical report represents a larger number of
unpublished or undiscovered reports, just as today's UFO reports represent on the
average 250 unreported or unpublished sightings, we can conclude that a flap
condition existed, for example, in the years 1820, 1834, 1844, 1846, and 1849.
We also find that there was an outbreak of poltergeists in 1835, 1846, and 1849.
As the 19th century progressed, reporting improved, and we are able to make
more precise correlations. A UFO flap took place in 1850, and there was also a
series of poltergeist cases. A larger poltergeist outbreak occurred in 1867,
following flaps in 1863-64. UFO activity became more intense beginning in 1870,
and there were notable flaps in 1872, 1877, and 1879. The 1880s produced a
major explosion of all kinds of phenomena, including the sudden disappearance of
people. Poltergeist cases were in abundance in that decade, particularly in the big
flap years of 1883 and 1885.
Astrophysicist Morris K. Jessup labeled the years 1877-87 the "Incredible
Decade" after scouring astronomical journals of the period. Astronomers made
some remarkable discoveries during those years. The previously unobserved
satellites of Mars popped into view in 1877, new craters appeared on the moon,
all kinds of strange objects flitted around the upper atmosphere.
The trance phenomenon deserves extensive study because so many aspects of it
are directly related to the contactee phenomenon. In both, you will find the same
contradictions. There seem to be both good and evil forces at work. The good
guys latch onto people with particularly receptive minds and turn them into trance
mediums and the bad guys use the same methods to tamper with the minds of
contactees and even to commit murder indirectly. Since incidents of these types
can be traced throughout history, it seems probably that these forces have always
been here on this planet. do the ultraterrestrials really care about us? There is
much evidence to suggest that they don't. They care only to the extent that we can
fulfill our enigmatic use to them.
There have been innumerable psychic hoaxes for the past 150 years, and many of
these parallel the UFO hoaxes. In ufology we have to contend with the teenager's
hot air balloon, and in psychic phenomenon we have to worry about youngsters
firing rocks at houses. There are, however, more UFO sightings than there are
plastic balloons, and more poltergeists dumping rocks in living rooms than there
are wild-eyed youngsters with slingshots. There are also more ultraterrestrial
entities than either the occultists or the UFO researchers can dream of.
Giant winged beings, usually described as headless, are an integral part of the
UFO phenomenon. Winged human forms have been seen flying over many areas
of the world. John A. Keel wrote a book called the "Mothman Prophecies" and
Gray Barker a book called "The Silver Bridge" that go into some detail. They are
usually described as having blazing red eyes set deep in their shoulders.
On May 13, 1917, three girls in Portugal were in the meadows of a place called
Cova da Iria outside of Fatima, Portugal, when they saw a flash of light in the
clear sky. They ran for shelter under a tree, thinking that was lightning. When
they reached the tree, they stopped in amazement, for there hovering just above a
3-foot evergreen nearby, a brilliant globe of light hung suspended.
Within this globe there was an entity garbed in a luminous white robe with a face
of light which dazzled and hurt the eyes.
The figure stated that it was from heaven, and asked the girls to come there on the
13th day, for six months in succession. On October 13, 1917, an estimated 70,000
people had gathered at the site. Suddenly the crowd screamed, for something
came through the clouds: a huge silver disk which rotated rapidly as it descended
towards the crowd. It seemed to change color, going through the spectrum. These
gyrations continued for ten minutes. Miles from there, others were also watching
the same object.
The incident at Fatima was obviously a carefully planned and deliberately
executed demonstration. The major prophecies of Fatima had been written down
and sealed in an envelope, and turned over to the Vatican. They were supposed to
be revealed to the world in 1960. The secret of Fatima? One Pope was murdered
after only 30 days in office when the Vatican thought he would reveal it. It is said
to be a prediction of the end of the world. The demonstration was therefore a
failure as far as the ultraterrestrials were concerned. Such demos proved highly
effective in Biblical times, but times were changing and new methods were called
A similar event such as Fatima took place in Garabandal, Germany, on July 2,
1961. Even more startling, on the entity's right side they could see "a square of red
fire framing a triangle with an eye and some writing. The lettering was in an old
Oriental script." The Third Eye. Haven't we heard of that before?
Remember the Nation of the Third Eye -- the MIB. etc?
Gravitational Propulsion
Well, I have gotten this far in explaining some things to you. I might as well turn
to my favorite subject of all -- gravitational propulsion. The best place to start is
with the efforts of a personal acquaintance of mine who had the good fortune to
meet in England -- Mr. J. R. Searl. His investigations into gravitational propulsion
have proven to be quite revealing -- he's done it, and I want to tell you about it.
In 1949, he was employed by the Midlands Board as an electronic fitter. He was
very enthusiastic about the subject of electricity, though he had no formal
education on the subject other than was required by his job. Unhindered by
conventional ideas about electricity, he carried out his own investigation into the
subject. During work on electrical motors and generators, he noticed that a small
electromotive force (EMF) was produced by the spinning metal parts -- the
negative toward the outside and the positive toward the rotational axis.
In 1950, he experimented with rotating slip rings and measured a small EMF on a
conventional meter. He also noticed that when the rings were spinning freely and
no electrical current was taken, his hair bristled. His conclusions were that free
electrons in the metal were spun out by centrifugal force being produced by the
static field in the metal. He then decided to build a generator on the same
It had a segmented rotor disc, passing through electromagnets at its periphery.
The electromagnets were energized from the rotor, and were intended to boost the
By 1952, the first generator had been constructed and was about three feet in
diameter. It was tested in the open by Searl and a friend. The armature was set in
motion by a small engine. The device produced the expected electrical power, but
at an unexpectedly high potential. At relatively low armature speeds a potential of
the order of 10^5 volts was produced, as indicated by static effects on nearby
The really unexpected then occurred. While still speeding up, the generator lifted
and rose to a height of about 50 feet above the ground, breaking the union
between itself and the engine. Here it stayed for a while, still speeding up and
surrounding itself with a pink glow. This indicated ionization of air at a much
reduced pressure of about 10^-3 mm Hg. More interesting was the side effect,
causing local radio receivers to go on by themselves. Finally, the whole generator
accelerated at a fantastic rate and is thought to have gone off into space.
Since that day, Searl and others have made some ten or more small flying craft,
some of which have been similarly lost, and have developed a form of control.
Larger craft have been built -- some 12 feet and two 30 feet in diameter.
Once the machine has passed a certain threshold of potential voltage, the energy
output exceeds the input. The energy output seems to be virtually limitless. We
made some measurements when I was there, and as far as we could see, the
estimated output is somewhere in the vicinity of 10^13 to 10^15 watts. Above
what appears to be the threshold potential, some 10^13 volts, the generator and
attached parts become inertia-free. There is also some "matter snatch" upon
acceleration away from the ground, since it tends to take a little "turf" with it
when it goes.
Analyzing what is happening is fairly easy. What the generator is doing is placing
a "stress" on the ambient space around it. The space breaks down to provide the
magnetism to relieve the stress, but the energy by-product is absorbed by the
generator, which reinforces the field.
It should be noted at this point that only a very small amount of space fabric
passes through the craft and an even smaller amount is converted for energy.
However, I have noticed that small changes in etheric forces lead to large physical
effects. It was aptly demonstrated and I was impressed.
Recently, Mr. Searl had (1987) a brush with authorities, when he began simply
generating his own power for his own house. Now he doesn't have a very large
house, but the Utility Board didn't like the fact that they had lost their monopoly.
Now he lives in Birmingham under an assumed name. Simple, eh?
April 26, 2004 Los Angeles, California
Dan Burisch is a microbiologist who received his Ph.D. from the State University of New York,
Stonybrook, in 1989. He is 40 years old now, born on February 2, 1964. His birth certificate name was
Danny Benjamin Crain. I have met and talked with his mother, Dodie Crain, and with Dan Burisch,
Ph.D., himself.
In 1990, he married Deborah Kay Burisch who had a child from a previous marriage. Five years later in
1995, Dan legally changed his last name from Crain to Burisch to match the child’s legal last name. In
1989, as Dan Crain graduated from SUNY Stonybrook with a Ph.D. in Microbiology and Molecular
Genetics, Dan was at the same time employed by the U. S. Navy’s DOD Naval Research Laboratory.
His rank was Captain and his title Microbiologist IV.
In 1994, he was assigned to work in an underground laboratory at S-4/Area 51, five floors under the
Papoose Mountain installation at Nellis AFB, Nevada. The fifth floor is accessible only by one secure
elevator. Dr. Burisch told me that in the year 1994, he suited up in the fifth floor underground laboratory
like an astronaut with breathing and urination hoses.
His assignment was to enter a round “clean sphere” filled with cold hydrogen atmosphere that housed
an entity called “extraterrestrial” by his government superiors. According to Dr. Burisch, his boss
reported to a MAJI committee, an extension of the Majestic-12 Special Studies Group organized by
President Harry S. Truman in 1947. Majestic 12 included top scientific, military and business leaders
asked to study the extraterrestrial phenomenon.
Dr. Burisch says the being at S-4/Area 51 was called “J-Rod.” The
name emerged when the being pointed at the “J” key on a computer
keyboard and then at a hyphen-like or “bar” key. Telepathically, the
being communicated that those symbols were equivalent to the
number 15 in hieroglyphics, similar to Egyptian. Fifteen, the being
telepathed, was an appropriate name for him because it was the
number of light years from Earth to a planet important to his
civilization. So, the Majestic group named him “J-Rod”
Dr. Burisch was told there was a serious medical problem with the
J-Rod and his species and that MJ-12 wanted Dan to extract tissue
from the being’s arm for microscopic study. A serious peripheral
neuropathy was diagnosed and Dr.
Burisch said in the year 1994, he collected more than 100 tissue
samples in an effort to study the J-Rod’s nerve damage and to perhaps develop a treatment.
Dan became upset by what he was learning and in a whistle-blowing effort, Dr. Burisch began to leak
information to longtime UFO researcher and Executive Director of Skywatch International, Bill Hamilton,
in the summer and fall of 2002. That year, Bill played audiotaped and videotaped interviews for me of
Dr. Burisch talking about his microbiology research of the extraterrestrial being’s neuropathy and a
complicated threat that has come to be known as the Time Convergence Paradox.
Now Dr. Burisch has been diagnosed with a heart condition in which part of his heart muscle is weak,
similar to the condition that killed the TV actor, John Ritter. In April, Dan Burisch told Bill Hamilton that
he has negotiated a deal with his government handlers to retire from official service to MJ-12. But he
wants to keep researching the issue of “panspermia” - the seeding of life on Earth that has been
provoked by what the J-Rod has communicated to Dan Burisch during the tissue extraction procedures
at S-4/Area 51.
I talked with Bill Hamilton at the recent X-Conference in Gaithersburg, Maryland, about his evolving
understanding of the extraterrestrial’s communications to Dan Burisch.
Bill Hamilton, Computer Programmer Analyst, University of California-Los Angeles, and Executive
Director of Skywatch, Lancaster, California:
These extractions that he took were of course painful to this entity. And he knew that and he could even
feel the pain the entity was feeling because it’s a vacuum extraction and these tissue extractions were
sent down like a vacuum hose to a container of some kind and as far as I know, traveled down a
conveyor belt to another station and perhaps someone like another biologist would be looking at these
tissue samples under a microscope.
And I have asked Dan: Does he believe the J-Rod is still at this particular facility? He believes that he is,
but has no confirmation of that. The purpose of taking these tissue samples was to come up with a
means possibly to reverse engineer the genetics of this particular entity, perhaps even by hybridizing
genes together in order to remedy a peripheral neuropathy that this entity was suffering.
Yes, I believe that is so. I have studied a little about peripheral neuropathies - using the world wide web
of course! - and I have found out that people who suffer from these are in great pain. It is very painful for
them to have neuropathies of this kind.
Yes. Not only telepathy in terms of what the being is thinking, but what the being is feeling is conveyed
and empathy is going across here. Now, why is anybody trying to remedy this being’s problem? Why are
they trying to fix it? I think there was a dialogue that went on before Dan ever arrived there and they
(MJ-12 and entity) had reached some kind of agreement that if we would help fixing the problem and
what was needed was samples from present-day human genomes that’s why coming to us on Earth.
They need something from us. They need this assistance, or at least some asked for this assistance,
and in exchange for the help, they would provide us with some details of their advanced technology
which in turn could be passed to those scientists and engineers who deal with hardware.
Paradox of the Converging Time Lines
That’s essentially correct, as fantastic as it seems. But it would explain why there is such interaction,
why there is such interest in us - why the abductions. Or even why the animal mutilations, because
some of these beings are conducting these operations and they are harvesting material. Harvesting
material they hope can help them and this is the reason why they traveled back. And another reason is:
how did they get into this condition?
Well, they are talking about there is yet to come a catastrophe that affects the whole population of the
Earth. This catastrophe was of such a nature that it included intense radiation and as we know, radiation
can change, mutate genes. Those that were exposed to it underwent micro-evolutionary changes that
eventually ended up in this type of creature. Of course, something was defective that was passed on in
the genetic line that resulted in the neuropathy.
There was another branch of the human race that apparently goes on and remains more human and
becomes more as Dan has termed it more ‘spiritual’ in nature. Both of these branches of the human
race at a far time in the future as they have developed technology for not only travel to other planets,
because we do go on to inhabit the planet Mars in the future and probably build habitats there.
Yes, according to that. That is a jumping off point from Mars to their ultimate destinations and the little
grey type humanoids end up on some planet around Zeta Reticuli 2. The other human blond-type,
Nordic-looking types, end up somewhere on a planet near the middle star in Orion’s belt, Epsilon Orion
is, I believe. I don’t know what particular planet that is. Dan had no contact with the Orion beings. He
only read about them in the documents. He was only told about them from the J-Rod. He only had an
encounter with one J-Rod, as he says.
Yes. He did not hesitate to tell me the year this was supposed to happen was 2012. And I said, ‘Oh, you
mean the Mayan date.’ And he said, ‘Yes.’
I asked him, ‘Why do you think this is?’
Actually, he had to check back to find out, so our conversation on this became a little more informed and
I was given to understand that somewhere around that date I don’t know if there is a little bell curve
before and after that date, December 2012 would be the middle point. At that time, our solar system
was going to pass through the plane of the galaxy because it has a periodic motion of approximately 200
million years in which it makes an entire circuit of the galaxy. We are approximately 30,000 light years
from the core of the galaxy, so we are kind of one of the rim worlds.
But we have lots of company. It’s going around the galaxy like a horse on a carousel, going up above
the plane, down below the plane, like a sine wave.
As we pass through the plane of the galaxy, there is a dust belt. We are now feeling the effects of this
dust belt because there is an influx of dust coming into the Sun. It is causing the Sun, like a T Tauri type
star, to heat up, radiate in infra-red and x-ray bands of the spectrum. (T Tauri stars are young suns, near
many molecular clouds in our galaxy. They have temperatures and masses similar to our Sun, but are
brighter and more variable, with solar-like activity at X1000.)
Worm Holes and Time Travel
“Can highly advanced civilizations build wormholes through hyperspace for rapid interstellar travel and
machines for traveling backward in time?”
- Kip S. Thorne, Astrophysicist
(Illustration on Page 483, Black Holes & Time Warps © 1994 by Kip S. Thorne)
The only thing that Dan mentions that would put a coming 2012 catastrophe outside current scientific
knowledge is what (the J-Rod says) lurks in this band of our Milky Way galaxy - that is natural worm
holes (not confirmed by Earth scientists). Worm holes hypothetically can connect two points in space
and time (Einstein-Rosen bridge), as if the points were adjacent to one another.
Therefore, if there is any radiation coming from the center of the galaxy in addition that could be
absorbed by the planets, if a worm hole comes into alignment with this, it could amplify that radiation.
Then the radiation would seem like we were right adjacent to the radiant source.
If there were any (artificially engineered time travel) machines of such a nature that they could generate
artificial worm holes on the Earth and were active at the time (Earth passed through worm holes in the
galaxy), that in turn would also amplify this radiation.
So, if you want to consider the scientific world and that natural or ET-made 'star gates' really do exist
and they were left on Earth by ancient civilizations a long time ago then if any of them remain secret
and somebody goes to activate them in order to escape (catastrophe) or make their own exit to save
their own hide, that could be disastrous for all of us because it would amplify the catastrophic
Global Warming and Freezing - Are Galactic Gas and Dust Regions the Cause?
In the July 25, 2003 Science Journal, the “Astrobiology: Latest News” section reported:
“Solar System’s Path May Have Spurred Ice Ages - Physicist Nir Shaviv of the University of Toronto
argues that the path of our solar system through the Milky Way galaxy may be responsible for Earth’s
periodic ice ages. Our Sun and its planets move in a slow orbit around the center of our galaxy. Over
time, our solar system passes through the galaxy’s spiral arms-regions dense with stars. Where there
are more stars, there are also more supernovae-giant stars that explode in a flood of cosmic rays. Such
rays could affect Earth’s atmosphere and alter its climate.
Shaviv says that the timing of ice ages on Earth correlates closely with the historical levels of cosmic ray
exposure and with the solar system’s route through the spiral arms. Other scientists have previously
suggested that our solar system’s galactic orbit makes Earth habitable.”
Let me make this statement first. How would they know this? How would they know there was a coming
nuclear war when we could strategically plan to avert it? How would they know this unless they had
some means of accessing the future? Right? Either through a remote viewing program of some kind or
some kind of device that has been developed like in Project Looking Glass.
Project Looking Glass is an instrument to assist them in looking into this. But another source, if I may go
outside of the Dan Burisch circle, another source indicated to me that a long time ago, one of the first
gifts given to us by the extraterrestrials and given to Harry Truman of all things was a sphere and this
sphere was multi-dimensional. It had 6 portals. One of the portals would open up a view of the future.
That was the first one they were able to open up. And they saw things they could not understand. And
what they saw, I was told, was fire, fire, fire everywhere, like the Earth was burning up. And they could
not comprehend that.
But as I understand it, that sphere still exists. And another device called the Yellow Book which is a
holographic type of record that the J-Rods have about our history and their history from thousands of
years ago to the present and into the future. And some people, who have had access to the Yellow
Book, have accessed the future and have almost gone crazy about what they have seen.
Sometime between, I believe, 200 let’s say to beyond 2012.
But 2012 is kind of like a center point.
In May 1990, in a public debate, Dr. Dan Burisch had a spirited encounter with George Knapp, an
investigative reporter for the KLAS-TV I-Team in Las Vegas. Mr. Knapp may be known to the
general reader already as the reporter that Bob Lazar went to in 1989 to tell his story about his
experience at Area 51, just north of Las Vegas. That experience may have permanently soured Mr.
Knapp towards Dr. Burisch, although he may have had just cause at the time for taking umbrage as
he did. During that time, Dr. Burisch was precluded from speaking publicly and forthrightly about his
work at Area 51 and for Majestic 12 by his National Security Oath – an Oath that allowed for his own
death warrant were he to speak openly about certain subjects. Now, today, Dr. Burisch is
undergoing an extensive debriefing in which he will recount his lifetime experiences and work for the
Majestic Twelve (MJ-12) and the superior group the Committee of the Majority, which was
disbanded officially in 2002 and all ties finally terminated in 2003.
To bring the subject matter back; in January, 2003, Bill Hamilton heard from George Knapp about
the more recent developments (at that time) in the case of Dr. Burisch; as of this writing, in October
2005, Mr. Hamilton is unable to recall whether he had sent an inquiring email to Mr. Knapp to look
into the story earlier, or whether Mr. Knapp had sent an unsolicited email on Jan 16, 2003 which he
claimed that “Dan and his friends have been peddling this same story for ten years.” In either event,
it is clear that Mr. Knapp had already made up his mind that “Dan and his friends” were attempting to
“peddle” his “story” for at least a decade, and was unable to grasp the possibility that the “leaks”
were authentic, from individuals associated with Dan’s projects, who unbeknownst to Dan, were
quietly trying to engender some investigative journalism to ‘tell the world’ what was really going on in
the heart of the Coverup. No matter; Mr. Knapp apparently did nothing at that time and also did
nothing in the summer of the following year.
In July 2004, an open letter was posted by Mr. Knapp in the Las Vegas Mercury, included in this
writer’s subsequent email to him:
Hello George;
I understand you saw Dan Burisch and his wife at a local eatery late last year and stared at him until
his wife had to mention it to the manager. I know of your history with Bob Lazar, and thank you for
helping bring that story to the general public.
This email was prompted by the following snip posted on the GLP forum this morning, and I'd like to
confirm it indeed came from you if possible:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------Las Vegas Mercury
Thursday, July 08, 2004
By George Knapp
A Las Vegas man who claims to have a doctorate in microbiology is making a minor splash in UFO
Dr. Dan Burisch, formerly known as Dr. Danny Crain, claims to have worked at a secret Nevada
military facility, where it was his job to take tissue samples from an extraterrestrial being.
Crain has been trying to peddle this tall tale for about 14 years now.
Knappster believes his claimed Ph.D. is phony, since Crain was working for the state Parole and
Probation Department at the time he supposedly earned the degree.
UFO Magazine, a respected periodical in this wacky field, is working on a story about "Dr." Crain´s
credibility problems.
Anyone out there remember him, either from his days at P&P or from UNLV, or from his stint as a
Sahara Hotel security guard?
Drop me a note if you do.
----------------------------------------------------------------------Since I know you are a veteran journalist of many years standing, I presume you have done some
basic research on the subject at hand, Dr. Dan Burisch. Which means that you must have read the
materials thoroughly at the following URL:
[original URL redacted; material now available at HYPERLINK
Which is why I am puzzled by this assertion that Dr. Burisch is "trying to peddle this tall tale for about
14 years." Who is doing the peddling? Isn't Dr Burisch a 'reluctant witness' that was drawn-out by the
leakage of the now-infamous Q94-109a document? And who has sufficient awareness to label this a
'tall tale'? True, the implications are indeed mind-boggling, but as an objective journalist surely you
can use the term "alleged" rather than exhibiting such bias before you've researched the supposed
As to whether the "field" of Ufology is 'wacky', it seems that the field is only defined by the clumsy
attempts of some that don't do their homework, namely this UFO Magazine, which appears to be a
fifth-column of the Coverup. For that publication to make the blatant claim that they have a photo of
a "J-rod" borders on perjury. I know the history of that photo, and if you need further confirmation of
its inauthenticity you should contact Bill Hamilton, former director of Skywatch and the one man who
has more than ample evidence of Dr. Burisch's biography. If you'd like his email for direct
correspondence, I'm sure he would be more than happy to hear from you.
So please, if possible, can you confirm whether this post from today's Mercury originated with you?
Are you in fact researching the story of Dr. Dan Burisch and the wider story of what his work
implies? If so, there is a group of citizens from around the globe who had many conferences
between last November and the end of May with Dr Burisch, including live webcam conferences, live
meetings, and science lectures with him. No "expose" of this story would be complete without a
discussion with this group, and the gravity of the story's implications warrant that.
Please let me know how we can be of assistance.
George replied later that day:
Subject: RE: Dr. Dan Burisch
I was told that I had recently been in the same restaurant as Dan, but I only heard about if afterward.
I never saw him, certainly didn't stare him down, and am not even sure I would recognize him
anymore. I haven't seen him in more than ten years.
it would be interesting to hear the name of the restaurant and the manager. That could be checked
George then replied again the next day:
Subject: RE: Dr. Dan Burisch
You can believe what you want, but Dan Crain has been actively and directly promoting this stuff for
many years, trying to get someone to buy into it, while pretending to be the poor reluctant witness
who is risking his life to tell all. I'm not going to be covering any group discussions about the
implications of his work since it is a total crock. If he has got you 'snowed' based on bits and pieces
of UFO mumbo jumbo that he has appropriated here and there, then that's your problem.
I don't mean to be too harsh, but believe me, I worked on this stuff for a long time. It is my firm
believe that Dan and his associates are playing mind games, either for ego or because they're
meant to be a distraction. Thanks for writing. You are certianly welcome to send along any other
information that you think I should see, but I'm not going to get into a running debate about DC's
To which I replied:
Thanks for responding. And you are so right about the "mind games". But when you say Dan Burisch
(yes, he changed his name last decade to the surname of his step-daughter's last name) is peddling
"mumbo jumbo" etc, remember that he was also some kind of minister in a disinfo cover "church"
called the 'Sanctuary of the Golden Pedal', designed to produce scoffing by naive prying eyes that
might actually get close enough to learning about the projects he worked on. Are you aware of this?
Having had a front-row seat, in a manner of speaking, I can assure you that this is the most farreaching and complex story in the 'field' to have ever come along. I'd defy anyone to put all the
pieces together to support a hypothetical claim that would so cavalierly claim it's "mumbo jumbo".
Dan himself rues the fact that his co-worker only leaked q94-109a, without the even more-important
q94-109b, c, and d. I'm not about to attempt to validate every insinuation of the story, whether it be
the alleged stargates, the 'benevolence' of the J-rods, the placement of the Lotus 'model' in order to
be found in the future, the 'oval mass of energy' that is threatening earth at this very moment, the
DCTP, etc.... much of this material wasn't even given to Dan until very recently. I have received quite
a bit of info from some of the security/communications personnel that perform sundry duties for
Majestic, and have checked and re-checked much of the info. What I'm saying, in essence, is that
there is far too much smoke here for there not to be a major fire that should require investigation by
the duly-elected authorities. Disclosure isn't going to be handed on a silver platter to any one
individual, hoping to ride it to his/her personal glory, but through careful analysis of a massive
amount of documentation.
There is no "running debate" among those who know he's legitimate; it's a running debate about
whether the projects he worked on and discusses are what they claim to be. The biggest project of
all is already on public record; Project Preserve Destiny. I'm sure you've read "Above Black:Project
Preserve Destiny" by Sgt. Dan Sherman. [] What's your take on that? It's
the same project DBCB worked on; supposedly a preparation for the coming cataclysms.
The whole paradigm fits, but the trick is filtering the dis/misinfo out. I truly hope that's what you are
trying to do, and not merely smear a good-hearted scientist who, despite working for the Coverup,
has tried to make amends and let the 'interested few' know of the reality behind this Coverup.
Thanks for the dialog; hope we can do some good with you.
Despite a follow-up email by myself to Mr. Knapp, including the specific information that the name of
the restaurant was the “Souper Salad” where he allegedly stared so hard at Dr. and Mrs. Burisch
that she had the manager make a note to that effect, that was pretty much it for my correspondence
with Mr. Knapp during 2004. Even though other affidavits then surfaced that answered his call for
information that would ‘verify’ Dr Burisch/Danny Crain, I didn’t hear back and my attention was taken
up by our legal case and the preparations for it.
Until September of this year (2005), that is. It was only then that a new Knapp knoise made itself
known when Mr. Knapp made a statement that was posted on the Stargate public forum. There was
an open letter posted on Fri, Sept 9 at 8:20 p.m. PST. As it was made public at that time by other
parties, I reproduce it here as it is already now part of the public record:
From: HYPERLINK "" (Victor Martinez)
To: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(plus 64 other individuals, most of them well-known in the ‘ufology’ community)
Subject: Open letter to the crazed Burisch lunatic cultists from GeorgeKnapp!
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 20:14:25 -0700
From: GEORGE KNAPP, Investigative Journalist, KLAS-TV
From: HYPERLINK "" (George Knapp)
Date: Fri, Sep 9, 2005, 8:20 p.m. PST
VICTOR: I will respond to this claptrap, BUT with considerable reluctance. It's pretty clear from the
postings here and elsewhere that whatever I say WON'T matter a bit. Dan Crain and his always
creative PR team can make up whatever nutty story they want to, and no matter how many times
they are CAUGHT IN OBVIOUS LIES, they always resort to the ultimate defense - that all of this has
been manufactured and manipulated by dark and all-powerful forces. It's the equivalent of saying,
"Yeah, it may not make sense to you, but that's because we have magic beans!" The magic beans
explain everything. How do you argue with THAT?!
I'm also reluctant to spend too much time on this because it's clearthey REALLY get a kick out of it!
They've been peddling this story for 16 years now, but in all that time poor, heroic Dan has somehow
managed to escape assassination while openly peddling fantastic "secrets" from a supposedly ultrasuper-duper secret program! Come on, does that really seem remotely believable?!
Aldrich Ames went to federal prison for life for revealing ACTUAL SECRETS that were far less
grandiose than Dan's imaginary ramblings, yet Crain continues to write books, appear in public, chat
on the Internet, and add new and astounding details to his mythology on an almost daily basis, and
no one in big bad Washington has the resources or will to get him to tone it down a bit?!
In a post-9/11 world where hundreds of people are imprisoned indefinitely without any charges being
filed, and where federal agents are empowered to bug phones, investigate library records, and hold
secret tribunals, DOES IT REALLY MAKE SENSE that Crain can sell DVDs in which he reveals
supposedly classified information?!
People who will believe this, as absurd as it is on its face, won't care one tiny bit about information
that is in direct conflict with their core beliefs. This is a MATTER OF FAITH for them. It is their
religion. Crain's publicists can issue whatever response they choose, and it will be accepted by the
I used to think that Dan and his cohorts were common but creative hustlers, trying to ratchet up
some interest in their assorted books and tapes. While that suspicion certainly rings true, I also
believe they're doing it because it MAKES THEM FEEL IMPORTANT. It's like some kind of live,
interactive video game or role-playing fantasy for them. They've created this parallel world where
their otherwise INSIGNIFICANT LIVES HAVE MEANING and purpose, and they're all really
important figures who are BATTLING EVIL for the good of mankind.
Maybe they didn't get enough respect during their Dungeons and Dragons phase. Maybe they all sit
around smoking doobies and laughing about the next round of bullshit they will foist upon their
limited audience. (If that's what's going on, I would almost have to tip my hat to them because it's
clear they are having fun, while making a few bucks on the side.)
I've wondered whether it [Burisch] is some sort of OFFICIALLY SANCTIONED DISINFORMATION
worthwhile pursuits, a tactic that has proven successful in the UFO field in the past.
But then it occurs to me that surely the dastardly minds at the CIA/DIA/Illuminati/MJ-12 scouting
combine could surely have recruited a more credible and less dysfunctional group of covert
operatives that this collection of social misfits. These are the kids who were always the last ones to
be picked for volleyball during gym class!
Now, they've created a make believe world where they all get to play James Bond or Pussy Galore,
and there's no way that logic or anything else is going to make them return to their other, less
interesting lives. Sorry to ramble, but that's just my take on it.
As for this material mentioned below, it certainly fits their pattern. They cherry-pick one or two tidbits
that are real, and then they weave them into an Easter Bunny tale that is more to their liking. Again,
it won't matter what I say about what REALLY happened because it will only give them new ammo,
but here goes:
I NEVER saw any travel manifest that listed Dan Crain's name on it. I have NO idea WHAT they are
talking about. I did receive an extraordinary amount of unsolicited mail from several anonymous
sources, all of it about Dan, all of it of dubious value.
Admittedly, one or two of the letters were intriguing, but I eventually concluded that Dan and friends
were the source of EVERY bit of it. I don't know why they are going to the trouble of making up the
bit about the travel itinerary, but it's their show.
I've never heard this chestnut about a "Special Access Program" in which participants were "in a
special ritual category for 27 years." Please.... Why 27 years? Why not 26 years and 8 months, and
they only get to see the sunlight on Groundhog's Day?!
Bob Lazar NEVER worked at Tonopah. I don't care how many phony names or supposedly reliable
sources you care to fabricate to say otherwise, but it's just NOT true. I've known Bob longer than
ANY person who's likely to read this stream and have been over his story more times than you can
imagine, and no matter what anyone thinks about his allegations, this little detail WAS MADE UP BY
SOMEONE other than Bob.
The mysterious "Joseph G." was NOT attached to Flight Control at Nellis. He worked for the Public
Information Office. His name is Joe Girouard. He was, in effect, a P.R. operative for Nellis. He also
described himself to me as "Dan Crain's best friend." They were close enough that Joe asked Dan
to be the best man at his wedding. Joe also became the P.R. agent for Dan. It's true that he helped
to organize and promote the Horizons event.
In retrospect, Joe and I agree that the event seemed to have been designed to get some public
attention for his pal Danny. After Crain got married and cut off all contact with Joe and with the
Crain family, Joe went to work as the press laison for Nevada's Lt. Governor. My guess is that his
name is now being mentioned by Dan's flock because I already made it public in an article published
last year in "UFO Magazine." (You can look it up, unless, the records have mysteriously
Joe knows a heck of a lot about Dan. The message from the Crainologists is almost certainly a form
of preventive damage control. They are WORRIED about what Joe might reveal in the future, so
they are recreating him as a shadowy military guy without a last name. Nice touch.
I NEVER confronted Dan and his lovely bride with any DOD manifest. I don't believe I ever met
Deborah at all. I only had a few face-to-face chats with Dan, and there was NO Deborah at any of
them. I know that 1990 IS the year that Deborah met Dan, since I have recently retrieved a copy of
her criminal record. At the time, Dan was working full time as a probation officer (while
simulteanously obtaining his PhD in NewYork and bonding with J-Rod up at Papoose).
Deborah was ordered by a judge to meet regularly with her probation officer following her conviction
on drug trafficking charges, and that's how their love blossomed. A few years ago, a story surfaced
among Crain followers that I encountered the happy couple at a Las Vegas restaurant and that I
stared at them so intently that Dan asked the manager to have me removed.
If you believe that a Las Vegas restaurant would kick out a TV reporter because of unbridled stariing,
then I don't know what to say.
After seeing so many recent photos of Dan on various Web sites, I would certainly recognize him if I
saw him, but at the time, I wasn't exactly fixated on his various fairy tales and don't think I would
have known him from the waiter. (Of course, I was preoccupied at the time. The Iluminati ordered
me to eat a grilled cheese sandwich that may or may not have contained a top-secret microfilm.)
The stuff about Lazar and Crain working on similar projects or somehow interacting is wishful
thinking on someone's part. If Lazar worked on "avionics," it's news to me.
Not that any of this matters one bit. It's just fuel for their IMAGINARY FIRE.
Investigative Journalist
Las Vegas, NV
Despite the obvious and glaring prejudice and slanderous comments regarding those public citizens
investigating the truth or lack of it in what has now become the ‘saga’ of Dr. Dan Burisch, along with
a subjective bias that should preclude any attempt by the author of the above email from ‘covering’
the story in an objective manner, there is a serious and actionable libelous and slanderous comment
made concerning Mrs. Burisch that she took objection to.
Following this post, Deborah Burisch called Rob Tompkins on the eve of Sept. 9 - he is the
Executive Director of KLAS TV 8. It was approximately 10:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. that she called the
newsroom there at Channel 8, receiving the newsroom editor on the phone, namely, "Blair" - a male.
[She] pressed on him to get Tompkins on the phone, of which after a minute or so, he did. She then
advised Tompkins that she was extremely upset that Knapp would stoop so low as to misrepresent
someone like he had on the email that was written. In the post on the above date Mr. Knapp stated
"Deborah was ordered by a judge to meet regularly with her probation officer following her drug
trafficking (incorrect) charges, and that's how their love blossomed". Tompkins advised her, after she
expressed her unhappiness with this incorrect characterization, that his boss Bob Stodal was out of
town until Monday. He said he would be in Mr. Stodal's office first thing Monday morning to discuss
this situation regarding what Mr. Knapp had done. This was of course, an untruth. After not hearing
from Mr. Stodal by Tuesday afternoon, she called him back. He said that he didn't work until the
evenings, and he would be speaking to Mr. Stodal that evening. When she didn't hear from him by
the next day (Wednesday), she called Mr. Tompkins back. He said that he had discussed this issue
at Channel 8 and they felt that they had nothing to apologize for. He said that she would not be
hearing anything more about this. Period.
(Apparently the management of KLASTV Channel 8 of Las Vegas, Nevada, believe it is okay for one
of their ‘investigative journalists’ to make libelous and wild accusations against not only specific
individuals and whole groups of people, but that it is okay to allow them to concoct and air a story
that is obviously prejudiced, as these exchanges are part of the “run-up to the November sweeps”
which Mr. Knapp seems so eager to sacrifice truth to for ratings.)
Following a series of telephone calls and emails between Mrs. Burisch and Marci McDowell, and Mr.
Knapp, it was agreed they would meet and “go on the record” for him for his upcoming “story”.
However, things changed abruptly after a short email exchange between Mr. Blair (better known by
his avatar “Boomerang”) and Mr. Knapp. Mr. Blair, who had received an invitation by Marci
McDowell to come to Las Vegas to witness the GPs in action, then emailed Mr. Knapp to invite him
to lunch while he was in town and he could confirm and corroborate some of the issues surrounding
the case of Dr. Burisch. Mr. Knapp, however, chose to use the opportunity to respond that his
schedule was quite busy, people were always after him to “cover stories”, and intimated that Ms.
McDowell and Mrs. Burisch were eaglerly ‘chasing him’ in effect to ‘get their story publicized’. This
was a blatant twisting of the situation surrounding having Ms. McDowell and Mrs. Burisch going ‘on
the record’ to counter the incorrect and false statements that Mr. Knapp himself had presented.
After hearing what George had to say to Mr. Blair’s generous offer to meet for lunch while in town to
verify the Ganesh Particles at work, Marci became convinced that Mr. Knapp was prejudiced even at
this late stage and was possibly out to carry through a ‘smear’ campaign, to compensate for having
been so bitterly denied the real story back in 1990. Here is what she then had to say to Mr. Knapp, a
copy of which was posted on the public internet forum of note to this story:
Mr. Knapp,
In person via telephone, you were polite, but behind my back you sent the following statement to a
friend of mine ....." So when I get what I perceive to be some sort of pressure, applied by several
people, on something as minor-league as this, I am not patient. Yours was the fourth of fifth
message I had received
in a twelve-hour period urging me to accept this offer for an interview,
something I never requested in the first place."
I guess I was mistaken; I was under the impression that you had made a serious call for information
regarding Dr. Burisch's Ph.D. And even when we spoke one-on-one you seemed genuinely
interested: I said "it [the meeting] sounds wonderful, looking forward to it" to which you responded
"me too". I had no idea until your email that you considered this meeting to be a trivial bother.
If meeting the one person who could shed light and give a first hand accounting of the matter you
claim to be investigating is such a burden for you, I must assume that you really had no interest in
taking an unbiased approach to your investigation. It's clear you prefer to continue to sling mud and
present blatantly false statements about Dr. Burisch's case, such as those you gave to the UFO
Magazine last year, or those you made concerning Ms. Burisch (which prompted her complaint to
your superiors last month).
Deborah Burisch has informed me that she has decided not to sit an interview with you now - saying,
among other things, that you do not deserve a face to face interview with her. She said, "he had one
last chance, and he blew it". So, this email is being sent to notify you that the interview and meeting
scheduled for Friday October 14, 2005 at 10:30 am is herewith cancelled.
I honestly believed that you finally decided to take a more balanced approach to your research of Dr.
Burisch's case. That's why I convinced Ms. Burisch to give you another chance. Perhaps people will
now understand why Dr. Burisch has flatly refused to ever sit an interview with you. Anyway his wife
now says the same thing. I wonder how long it is going to be before the community at large
recognizes what is going on under your facade.
Soon, sir, you will have nothing upon which to base your stories about Dr. Burisch except the
musings of that covey of schoolteachers in the UK which so impressed you recently.
I had planned to bring KLAS-TV a great deal of documentation, including the comments of an
American medical doctor who also holds a Ph.D degree in neurophysiology who went the record last
year with the following comment about Dr. Burisch's work: he said, "It would be foolish for me to ask
about a specific area of molecular biology in which I am not as advanced as is he (Dan Burisch): his
writings on profound biochemical and genetic postulates are beyond my single medical school
course in pathophysiology...". I also had planned to bring extensive information concerning Dr.
Burisch's work on the remediation of cancer tumors using taurine chloramine - your sarcastic past
remarks about Chlorox set aside for the moment - and could even have shown you original sworn
affidavits attesting to Dr. Burisch's work in secure facilities, his Ph.D and other topics germane to
your investigation. But clearly, this kind of input would fly in the face of your 'style'.
You know George, when it does come time for the full truth to come out, you've written yourself and
KLAS-TV right out of this story.
Marcia A. McDowell, M.A.
To truly understand its potential impact on how a journalist could show such
bias as many can readily see, the reader should know the facts of that
weekend in May 1990 when Dan (then Dan Crain, as this was before his
name change) first met George in public debate:
In May of 1990, George had received some letters from Fran C. and Rose H., living on Channel 10
Drive, close by where Dan lived at the time, about Dan being picked up and saluted, etc. The topic,
in the Hacienda (the Horizon's 1990 expo) that day and at that time was, of all things, the
government coverup, and the panelists were discussing if there was any evidence for such a
coverup when Dan (a ‘company man’ at the time) cast doubt on it! Knapp then openly challenged
Dan that he had letters and some evidence (as he put it) that Dan was ‘part of the saucer program at
Area 51’. The shocked audience began verbally attacking, asking whether Dan was a gov plant.
Dan, wearing a blue suit, white shirt, and red silk tie ...said, “Oh no, I am not a gov plant!”, at which
Knapp continued his assault.
Unknown to him, Dale (Dr. Etheridge) and Dan had an ALF doll in a brown paper bag and Dale
raised his voice stating that he was going to turn Dan in and had the goods on him. The audience
gasped! He said it was time for Dan to tell everyone the truth about the coverup. (Of course, Dr.
Dale Etheridge had NO IDEA Dan really WAS a gov’t. scientist working for black-ops.) He produced
the paper bag by handing it to Dan under the table. Dan then produced the bag and said that he
was going to turn over his evidence. Mr. Knapp approached the table and Dan then produced the
ALF doll and gave it to Knapp.
Joseph Girouard was aware that this was going to happen as he and Dan had hatched the idea a
week ahead, when Dan was speaking to the Young Astronauts at Dr. Lonnie Hammargren's
residence. Dan actually used the doll in that presentation to the kids and we are holding that
evidence on tape. Knapp, shaken, backed away, while others got angry stating that it was not a
joke and then Knapp sat on the base right in front of the American Flag, which was positioned to
the left of the panel's table (looking at the panel from the audience). Dan was positioned next to the
end position on the right of the panel (from the same perspective). When George sat down, Dan
said (in an aggressive and serious and attacking tone) something like, "That's right, George, it isn't a
joke! Turn around George! You can sit in front of the Flag but have you looked at her lately? She is
beautiful isn't she, George? You need to understand that if someone is not supposed to talk about a
subject, THEY DON’T!"
According to reports, Mr. Knapp apparently just sat there and burned. Then someone else brought
up another topic and the panel just moved its discussion.
What we see here is a singular moment, a searing one, that probably permanently prejudiced
George to Dan’s story. In some ways, it’s a relief for the reader or viewer to see how George Knapp
came by his stated disbelief in Dan’s “story”, having been treated that way when in reality Dan even
then had admitted to something even as he honored his oath. I believe this is what “J” referred to in
his letter to Bill Hamilton in May 2004 [link to come] where he speaks of how Dan was given a small
piece of ‘test’ information early on to see how he would handle it. He apparently showed a
‘propensity for telling the truth’, while also exercising self-censorship – particularly when it came to
issues that would truly hurt the security of the nation. Perhaps Dan was “the one that got away” for
George, since he had been rebuffed and in a most rebuking manner.
Of course, Mr. Knapp has made the valid observation that it isn’t the story of Deb, or Marci, or
myself, or all the many other avatars, but of Dr Dan Burisch, but even there he errs. It ‘s the truths of
what lie at the heart of Dan Burisch’s work that are the REAL story. Yet to disclose these most
amazing things isn’t what some might think would be so easy. First, the sheer amount of information
that basically has to be downloaded from Dan in a manner and format accessible to the average
reader is a monumental undertaking. Even now as this is typed, this ‘Debriefing’ is ongoing, and
some days are more intense than others. George is now trying to seize this moment to fit his own
agenda’s timeline, whether or not it might jeapordize the Disclosure that is coming for want of careful
planning. In fact, he’s so much as stated this would be for the “November sweeps."
Let’s look at one of his colleagues, whom this writer approached when it became evident that Mr.
Knapp was interested in producing a smear, much as the one he now takes some credit for in
helping to foist upon an innocent readership in the pages of “UFO Magazine” in late 2004. After the
contretemps set off by Mr. Blair’s email to Mr. Knapp, I contacted Jon Ralston, another “reporter”
for KLASTV whose primary area of expertise was ‘public affairs’. In fact, when one reads the
accompanying blurb captioning his picture on the station’s website, one can’t help but believe that
here might be an objective voice that could possibly do a more balanced story on the emerging
Disclosure that the ‘controversial’ Dr Burisch is at the center of.
Mr. Ralston is described as the host of “Face to Face”, a daily public-affairs talk show on Las Vegas
One (a sister station to KLASTV). A quick google search of his previous work shows that he has
covered a number of political brouhahas in both local and Nevada state government. One would
think that a story of these proportions would interest such a journalist, or at least elicit a courteous
response to both a phone call and an email. After obtaining his cell phone number, this writer gave a
short synopsis of the controversy over Dr. Burisch and the recent events prompted by Mr. Knapp,
and left off with this website’s URL for a more detailed looksee were he show interest. This was
followed up by the following email to him later that same day, Oct. 12th:
Dear Jon;
While you are taking some time to review the story at, I wanted to detail some
of the background that you may not have time to find in the huge amount of material. As I indicated
on the phone, your colleague Mr. Knapp apparently had an early run-in with Dr. Burisch years
ago, before he had been relieved of the strictures of his National Security oath, and was stonewalled by Dan at the time. George may not have ever forgiven him for that slight, and it certainly
seemed from his email to me of last year that he hadn't. Dan never 'peddled' a story to anyone; he
spoke honestly and truthfully to first Bill Hamilton and then myself, following our attempts to dig into
this story. Many 'whistleblowers' are of a cast that you may be familiar with in that they look for
cover in the media to protect them from retribution for 'telling the truth' on power, but Dr. Burisch is of
an entirely different species. He does feel that "the more one knows, the more one owes", but to
merely rush out to the nearest street corner and tell of the incredible secrets at the heart of the
Coverup simply wouldn't do and often only serves to irritate the baser demographics.
I say all this because it may be that if you speak to George about this before looking into this
independently, he may cast it as a case of 'being hounded by Burisch and his followers' when that
simply isn't the case. Mr. Knapp posted erroneously to an internet forum, through an intermediary,
and made a statement about Dan's wife that she felt was quite slanderous in accusing her of having
been convicted of trafficking in narcotics when it simply wasn't true. She felt that George was using
the information to discolor and demean her husband's contributions, when in fact he has been at the
very heart of the most incredible projects in the entire Coverup and is only now allowed to talk about
them as part of a Disclosure effort agreed to at the recent T9 Treat signing. Despite the fact that
ultimately Dr. Burisch's projects are the 'good side' of the black-ops community, there is still a dark
side, but if we want real Disclosure we have to start somewhere and we certainly won't be allowed it
if we foam at the mouth or scoff at the heel. Now Mrs. Burisch is rightly wanting an apology from
George or some form of redress from his superiors for having written misleading statements about
her in the public realm, which is one of the principal reasons she swore out her own affidavit (a quick
read of the opening Updates page at shows this). The station management,
after discussing a potential legal case with Mrs. Burisch, decided (from this writier’s understanding)
to allow Mr. Knapp to do a story, but the word came back from the response he made to Mr. Blair
that he was already casting this as a pleading effort on the part of Dr and Mrs Burisch when she
would have simply accepted an honest and truthful retraction by him.
The story is, as you may have gathered, much bigger than whether Mrs. Burisch trafficked or
witnessed a narcotics transaction. Someone with the kind of public-affairs journalism that you seem
to have exhibited in the past is better suited and hopefully more objective (while still maintaining a
critical and skeptical eye, granted), and I hope you agree that this story is worthy of the public
learning of it. The fact that a number of 'patriotic insiders' have independently provided me with
corroborative information, and continue to do so, is just one of the amazing features in this story.
I've had to use my discretion on more than one occasion to censor my own release of information.
[following this was a short compendium of my email correspondence with Mr. Knapp from last year –
There you have it, Jon. My intention isn't to sow any division between colleagues, and for that
matter I have no idea if you are either close friends with George or even if you despise the man; the
story is the key thing no matter what kind of relationship you have with him. I hold nothing against
him outside the possibility that his views may not be as unbiased as they should be to do justice to
the story.
Please let me know if we can be of assistance, as we'll be receiving the Attorney General's response
next Tuesday and then the real fireworks begin.
Don Deppeller
Of course, I never received so much as a curt response such as “Not interested” or even “No
comment”. To point out the obvious: the Affidavit of Dr. Dan Burisch of April 13th, 2005, made on our
behalf, is an historic document in and of itself and would warrant a serious investigation by any
alleged ‘public affairs’ journalist if the story had yet to become nationally known, but was even basic
courtesy extended? No. Again, a prejudice that shows a failing grade in the efforts toward
Disclosure. One more example of biased, arrogant and collusionary ‘journalists’. Some may argue
that surely he may have had too many things to attend to? Apparently not, as he found time to
discuss this with Mr. Knapp, as George so willingly states in his public post a few days later.
Given Knapp's words in his October 14th open letter, posted through a “guest” on the public forum of
note and therefore making his reply public also:
Friday, 10-14-05, 10:49 PST
First of all, there is no need to call me "sir," as you did in your recent letter. After all, we've known
each other for many years now. While I appreciate your respectful tone, it seems too formal and
Second, I sincerely regret the decision by you and Mrs. Burisch to avoid the interview that you
proposed in the first place. Frankly, I was astounded by your magnanimous offer, which I learned
about by reading the Internet press release that you distributed long before you ever heard back
from me. Your latest letter, which was also released to the world before I received it, was less of a
While I was looking forward to a healthy exchange of information under the hot lights of a television
studio, I never believed you would actually go through with it. Not for a minute. Not for a second. I
wasn't sure what excuse you would use for cancelling the encounter that you requested, but I had no
doubt that you would come up with something. (It's not that I'm pyschic I got a hot tip about this from
a cherubim who talks to me from time to time.)
I was also confident that you would issue a public announcement about your decision to back out. Lo
and behold. A suspicious person might think that this little episode was really meant for public
consumption all along rather than being an actual offer to sit down for an interview with me.
What does surprise me is the flimsy excuse you are using to justify the
cancellation. In the past, you have always exhibited such a vivid imagination and a real talent for
creative writing, so I assumed you would come up with a much better reason. Apparently, my
expectations of you were somewhat inflated.
Just so I am clear on this, you cancelled the interview because I wrote a short note to a friend of
yours who was pestering me about agreeing to an interview? As noted in my note, I was a bit
irritated about being lobbied on your behalf. You placed the initial call to my phone in the evening
hours, long after I had left the station. Then you immediately released your public notice on the
Internet, which is where I first learned about it. Then you called and left another phone message.
Then two of your functionaries sent e-mails to my workplace to urge me to accept the offer. I'm sorry
that I did not cancel all of my appointments so that I could respond immediately to your message,
but some of us have actual jobs. By the time I retrieved my messages the following afternoon, I had
several unsolicited communications from your supporters and was privy to quite a bit of Internet
chatter about this offer.
As I explaind to your associate, I do not appreciate being lobbied so intensely about anything. It's a
character flaw, I suppose. Yes, in my response, I did characterize this matter as "minor league." I did
NOT mean it to be a derisive shot at you or Mrs. Burisch, and only intended it to be way to dissuade
your associate from any additional lobbying on your behalf. I had already decided to accept your
offer and didn't need any arm twisting from your cheerleaders.
A word of explanation. Every day, I get 50 or more phone calls from people who have various
problems and need my help. I receive between 150 - 200 e-mails each day, also from people who
have assorted problems or issues. I simply DON'T have the time to engage in e-mail debates with
someone who wants to lobby me about a UFO story. I had every intention of ACCEPTING your offer
of an interview, but I was going to respond after I had met my other obligations and deadlines. I
didn't need to be prodded by your emissaries and resented the heavy-handed approach.
Is it really so terrible that I used the term "minor league" in my e-mail? After all that has been written
about you and Dan over the years, is this phrase even close to the harsher assessments that you
have already responded to with characteristic gusto? Really? Is it even in the top 10 or 20? I thought
you had thicker skin, unless, of couse, you intended to cancel the interview from the very beginning.
Regarding the "minor league" phrase, allow me to explain further. I have just returned from a fourday road trip to Moab Utah. I'm working on a story about a 12-ton pile of uranium tailings that has
threatened the Colorado River, the primary water source for 25 million people. To me, THAT is a
major league story. I'm also investiigating a shocking allegation about politcal corruption in the local
court system, shady land deals involving public officials, and the failures of Nevada's worker
compensation program, along wth a few more projects.
These are stories that directly affect the lives of large numbers of people. They are real,
documentable issues of immediate concern. While in Moab, I did not have to spend much time to
verify the backgrounds of the people I interviewed. I didn't have to devote years to find out whether
they actually worked at the positions they claimed. No bicycle messengers showed up to deliver
copies of their college degrees. No secret society ordered them to keep quiet.
It was all pretty simple, which is a far cry from the story you are peddling. I don't mind putting hard
work into verifying a story if I have a sense that the story is true and is worth the time and effort.
That's NOT the feeling I get concerning the Crain story. So, yes, in comparison, I would have to say
that the Crain scenario is minor league when juxtaposed against real issues involving real people
whose statements are reasonably verifiable. I meant no disrespect to you or anyone else. That's just
the way I see it.
In the same vein, I respectfully submit that you and Deborah are lesser players in the Crain story,
not insignificant by any means, but minor actors in the drama. Dan IS the story, not you. Dan is the
person who should be interviewed and who should answer questions about his claims. I realize from
your missive that this will not happen, but I never expected that it would. He's not going to submit to
questioning by someone who is not a sympathetic supporter, not on camera anyway.
As for the notion that he would make himself available for a Congressional inquiry, remind me not to
hold my breath. Would I still welcome a chance to ask questions of you and Deborah? Of course. It
would make for a better story and would at least offer the opportunity for you to defend the larger
scenario. We both know that isn't going to happen because you would never participate in a situation
that you did not control. If I'm wrong, prove it to me. Name the place and the time.
Your letter accuses me of characterizing the pending interview as "a trivial bother." I never said
anything of the sort. Please DON'T put words into my mouth. Compared to an interview with Dan
himself, or compared to the other stories I am working on, I would still say that an interview with you
and Deb is a lesser priority, but I certainly DON'T think of it as trivial. I'm sure it would be illuminating
on many levels. If you want to reconsider, LET's GO FOR IT.
You mentioned that you felt I was ready to take a more balanced approach. That's exactly right. I
really do prefer to have BOTH SIDES OF ANY ISSUE included in my stories. The only way to inject
some balance into the story I am preparing on this case is to have some input from persons who
know the material well. That means you, or Deb, or Dan.
But, if you somehow interpreted my politeness as a sign that I have suddenly become neutral on the
Crain saga, I'm afraid you are mistaken.
My opinion about this is well known to you. That opinion is not carved in stone though, so if there is
VERIFIABLE INFORMATION that might change my mind, I am anxious to hear it.
As for your tantalizing list of evidence that you were prepared to unveil during the interview, I am all
ears. If you are going to drop the name of the anonymous medical doctor who supposedly supports
Dan's tale, I would caution you against it. I know this person, and I know what his opinion REALLY
IS. He shared it with me last week, in fact. I don't really want to drag his name into it, but he has
authorized me to elaborate concerning his earlier statements, if it comes to that. I DON'T think you
will like what he has to say.
If you want to talk about the cancer cure, there's a simple way to get the info out to the world. Let's
have the cure. What's the hangup? Millions of people die of cancer every year. If Dan has the cure,
shouldn't he share it with humanity? After all, it's been 19 or 20 years since he made this
breakthrough discovery. How many more people must die before the secret formula is made public?!
Talk about a major league story. This would be front page news all over the world. So let's have it.
Don't deny the cure to cancer patients simply because you are angry with me. I will hold some space
at the top of every newscast for the next week if you are truly prepared to unveil this blockbuster
Concerning the eternally elusive PhD, you intimate that you and Deb were
prepared to clear this up once and for all during the interview. You were ready to lay out the real
proof. Please continue. Either you have the degree or you don't. If you do, where is it? Why not
release it, if not to me, then to the rest of the world? Please answer this one question: WHERE is the
degree and WHY won't you make it public? Wouldn't it bolster your case? Weren't you going to
release it to me during our aborted interview?
If this is the case, as you imply, let's have it. Put it out there for everyone to see and evaluate,
especially since you say you were make the proof available to me anyway.
To anyone who is still reading this I make one point. A few weeks ago, I submitted a detailed
analysis of the whole PhD question. I asked Crain supporters to respond if they could. Has there
been a single response? Has anyone come up with a single name of someone who can prove they
were at SUNY when Dan was there? One professor? One fellow student? Anyone? Has anyone
addressed the highly specious circumstances concerning this highly inventive scenario?
The answer is NO.
Prove me wrong Marcia. Show us the long-missing doctorate. Put it on display for all the world to
see and rub my nose in it. Wouldn't that be a triumphant moment? Show us the degree and if it
withstands scrutiny by the public at large, I will be humiliated, but will dutifully report the facts in my
upcoming story.
Make no mistake though. I am proceeding with my plans for a TV report about this matter, whether
you choose to participate or not. I appreciate your oft-stated concerns about my teetering career,
although I am mystified by some of the snide wisecracks that have been made about all of the
trouble I am now in at KLAS.
For those not familiar with this chapter of the drama, it started several weeks ago when I wrote an email letter concerning the circumstances of how Dan met his wife. As you know, Dan was a parole
officer and Deborah was a parolee resulting from her guilty plea to drug charges. I characterized her
legal troubles as resulting from drug trafficking. I only used the term in a generic sense, but I
understand Deb's concern that this is not technically correct, since "trafficking" is a seperate offense.
Allow me to set the record straight, as you have requested.
Deb was NOT charged with trafficking. Records from the Clark County District court show that she
and three (3) other people were charged with four (4) counts of importation, transportation,
manufacture, and sale of a controlled substance. According to Dodie Crain, the drug was cocaine.
She also was charged with three (3) counts of conspiracy to commit conrolled substances offenses.
She plead guilty to two (2) counts and was sentenced to two (2) years behind bars. The sentence
was suspended so long as she stayed out of trouble for a two-year probation period, plus she had to
undergo drug counseling and pay a small fine. That's how she met Dan. I'm told that this
arrangement was supposedly orchestrated by MJ-12 so that Deb could meet Dan and get him under
her control. (Wouldn't it have been easier to just meet him in a coffee shop?)
Also, was it necessary to slap the three (3) other co-defendants with a FBI NCIC [National Crime
Information Center] criminal rap sheet? I wonder if those three (3) persons who were part of the coke
ring realize that it was all an elaborate set up? Hmmm.... Maybe I should ask them.
I have NO interest in causing Deb Burisch any embarrassment. To my knowledge, I have never met
her and have never talked to her. As far as I know, she met the conditions of her parole and has
stayed clean ever since. I'm aware that she does not have a very high opinion of me, but she
certainly isn't alone in that regard.
The only reason her past is even relevent is because of the fanciful tales that have been concocted
and widely distributed concerning their marriage, and her alleged employment as a government
operative. Now, I see repeated assertions in various forums that Deb has been involved in
consultations with my employers about possible legal action. Oh, come on!
This is ridiculous and untrue and you both know it. Deb did place a single call to the TV station. The
call was made on a Saturday morning and was picked up by one of our weekend interns who
happened to be manning the phone lines. The bewildered intern said Deb threatened to sue me
unless I stopped harrassing her. That message was passed along to my news director who asked
me on Monday morning what the heck this was about. I explained it, and that was the end of it.
There have been no conversations with my bosses about lawsuits. There have been no fervent
negotiations. I have not been admonished whatsoever and certainly have not been instructed to
back away from this story. In fact, this very day, I briefed my news managers about the status of my
story and it is scheduled to air in November, whether you cooperate with me or not. It's a nice try, but
you can do better. If I am wrong, please educate me.
Feel free to report to the world the names of those superiors who have been speaking with you and
Deb about my precipitous position at the station. I'm not talking about mere unsolicited e-mails that
you may or may not have sent to anyone at KLAS. I'm asking for the names of those persons who
have been huddled in these high level discussions with you, Deb, or your attorneys. I look forward to
any kind of verification you might offer.
(I also got quite a kick out of the phone call and letter sent by your associate DonDep to my
colleague and friend Jon Ralston, asking Ralston to make room on his program for a discussion of
the Crain case, and warning him that I would likely try to sabotage any fair and balanced coverage of
this vital story. Believe me, I don't need to torpedo this idea with Jon. He's a very smart guy and
quickly surmised that this is not worthy of his time. The problem for you is that he prefers to cover
actual news events and issues of importance to the community.)
As mentioned previously, I am deeply moved by your continued concern about my career and by
your predictions that my credibility is hopelessly tarnished and that my professional demise is just
around the corner. Although you may not believe it, I have a pretty good reputation, both in the
community and with my journalism colleagues. I just won my 7th and 8th Emmy awards and a
national honor as well, and things seem to be clicking along pretty well.
Your oft-stated prediction that I am about to crash and burn is about as likely as you offering
conclusive proof that the Crain story is legitimate. My guess is that both of these things will happen,
followed by the freezing over of hell, sightings of pigs flying in formation, and a month of Sundays.
But again, thanks for thinking of me.
Come on Crain supporters, answer the questions that were raised weeks ago. Ask Marcia and Deb
to produce the doctorate. They've got it, so LET's SEE IT. If not, why not? Why is the final proof and
vindication always just around the corner? It's as if someone enjoys stretching it out, like a prime
time soap opera that strings people along.
The people who have stood by Dan deserve no less than verifiable proof so they can know their faith
in this matter was justified. And if Dan really has been through such terrible turmoil and personal
danger, he seemingly deserves to be vindicated as well. So where is it? I can't wait to hear this one.
While you are at it, please pass along the name of the bicycle messenger service that dropped off
the doctorate in the park. I took a quick look at the phone book and couldn't find a single bicycle
messenger service in the Las Vegas area. (Of course, maybe this was an MJ-12, double-secret
probation bicycle service that specializes in diploma dropoffs and only delivers to public parks, which
would explain why it doesn't need a phone listing.)
Answer the questions. Provide the PROOF. If you want to do so on camera, I'm READY when YOU
Now it’s time that Mr. Knapp heard back with some insight as to why his questions won’t be
answered to his satisfaction, and why the public shouldn’t accept the premise of his questions. The
record is full of explanation, yet George refuses to consider them time and again.
First, it is not the time nor place for Disclosure to commence on someone’s November ‘sweeps’
needs. Once it was determined that Dan was allowed to speak without the strictures of his National
Security Oath, and that he was now allowed by the recently-signed Tau 9 Treaty to “Disclose” to the
public the truth of the extraterrestrial coverup, it was rightly determined that to go forward
prematurely would have potentially disasterous effects. The outburst of cognitive dissonance that
followed Dan’s historic “General Affidavit of April 13th, 2005” showed acutely the dangers involved in
Disclosure without providing a complete and comprehensive history as much as possible. It is still a
serious plausibility that assassination attempts may be mounted against Dr Burisch, as Disclosure
will not sit well with many rogue and rebellious black-ops agents and units (not to mention the blackops of other govt’ power centers, such as the Illuminati). Therefore, the decision to mount an
agressively thorough campaign to fully articulate as much as possible Dan’s involvement in his
various projects and what he can personally attest to is underway. Mr. Knapp will not only have to
wait, he’ll have to wait in the back row for when the time comes if he insists on trying to force the
hand of Disclosure without helping it along by taking an honestly skeptical – NOT OVERTLY
SUSPICIOUS – look at the issues already known of.
After cursory opening remarks, George makes several accusations about Marci which are patently
false. He then moves on to claim he knew this devious behavior would take place (if you want to
avoid scheduling an interview, George, you can do better than to slant your opinion so intently in
some emails, while professing a contradictory embrace of ‘open and healthy debate’ in other ones).
He then accuses her of utilizing ‘creative writing’ and a ‘vivid imagination’ and other incorrect claims,
including where he accuses her of releasing her letter cancelling his interview while simultaneously
‘expressing irritation at her friends lobbying him’. Again, the image not of a journalist attempting to do
an honest story, but one casting the players as pushing for him to conduct his interview. Immediately
on he admits to characterizing the entire story as “minor league”, then apologizes for it as he
explains it was only to give the ‘brush-off’ to her ‘associate’. No sooner is this out of his mouth when
he alludes to Marci’s
“cheerleaders”, followed immediately by another disclaimer that he is overwhelmed by so many
people that ‘need his help and email him between 150 and 200 times a day’. This is a most amazing
fact, when it appears he knows which ones to spend his time on. He then goes on to discuss his use
of the term “minor league”, again as if Marci had taken offense at the fact it wasn’t ‘billed properly’.
Following a recitation of other stories he is working on, which seem laudable, we come to this:
“No bicycle messengers showed up to deliver copies of their college degrees.
No secret society ordered them to keep quiet.”
Of course not, George. You have easy stories that don’t involve doing that much substantantiating of
sources and justification. You probably don’t see the black-ops agents on bicycles advertised, either.
Please don’t tell us you actually believed that it was a ‘public’ service? And you have no background
in how secret societies operate, so you pass judgement without doing some homework?
“I don't mind putting hard work into verifying a story if I have a sense that the
story is true and is worth the time and effort.
That's NOT the feeling I get concerning the Crain story.”
This statement alone would certainly disqualify Mr. Knapp as an objective reporter. If you know that
you have to wait a few months, just like the rest of us, and insist on passing judgement beforehand
without keeping an open mind, then yes, reasonable readers may be pre-disposed to feel your
treatment of the ‘story’ is biased.
There is so much more in the letter from Mr. Knapp, such as this:
“But, if you somehow interpreted my politeness as a sign that I have suddenly
become neutral on the Crain saga, I'm afraid you are mistaken.
My opinion about this is well known to you.”
Sadly, yes. Well-known and well-seasoned with bitterness.
“The only way to inject some balance into the story I am preparing on this
case is to have some input from persons who know the material well. That
means you, or Deb, or Dan.”
Mr. Knapp doesn’t even consider this writer’s perspective relevant, despite having information and
data that none of the afore-mentioned individuals above have and also relying on information we
have provided that he supposedly intends to use in his coverage. Now it appears we will need to use
them with someone who is willing to provide a fair and balanced perspective that will hopefully help
prepare the way for Disclosure to occur.
“A few weeks ago, I submitted a detailed analysis of the whole PhD question. I
asked Crain supporters to respond if they could. Has there been a single
response? Has anyone come up with a single name of someone who can
prove they were at SUNY when Dan was there? One professor? One fellow
student? Anyone? Has anyone addressed the highly specious circumstances
concerning this highly inventive scenario?”
It is pleasing to note that Mr. Knapp has taken such an avid interest in our work that he refers to it so
pointedly, yet won’t bother himself with communicating directly with the first public recipient of them.
Such an arrogant gesture as that is assuredly a major reason why we have been blessed with such
effective Disclosure in the past by such titans of investigative journalism. Don’t bother to
communicate with the source; merely exercise a suspicious mind! This is guarenteed to make you
friends in high places. The fact is that there ARE a number of individuals we know have admitted to
having schooled with Dan, but are afraid to come forward until Disclosure actually crosses a critical
juncture. Again, this concept must cause Cognitive Dissonance in the minds of some, since George
is often quick to change his tune back to one of accomodation and “setting the record straight”. In
fact, he does this very thing, as if to state that he was wrong in the first place. He also goes on to
admit that he had had discussions with his colleague Mr. Ralston who also apparently prejudged and
dismissed this case without so much as a “Not interested” reply.
This journalist, Mr. George Knapp, and his some-time colleague from KLASTV, Mr. Jon Ralston,
receive a failing grade in working towards the all-important public’s right to the truth. As such, they
help extend the Coverup and make it harder to effect Disclosure, and will appear shortly as the new
poster children in the Media Coverup Hall of Shame. Look for their report cards elsewhere on this
– Don Deppeller
In an interview with Val Valerian, Alex Collier explained what he knew of the Nibiruans:
"What I know of them in terms of their genetic stock is that the word itself, Niburu, is a word of Orion
origin which I am told means 'the joining of two tribes'. Apparently this original tribe was created as a
marriage between a princess of reptilian-human ancestry from Orion and a group from Sirius of human
origin. It was a marriage of alliance, millions of years ago."
And like the offspring of any good family, they moved into the neighborhood, occupying the mysterious
white dwarf star known as Sirius B. This companion star has a 50 year elliptical orbit around the visible
Sirius and is located in the constellation of Canis Major. It is an extremely dense planet, one that also
rotates on its axis.
As Sitchin rightly discerned, it has many difficulties with its own atmosphere, with the vegetation that
grows there, and with its short supply of water. It is a very arid land, hence the need for the atmospheric
shield to encourage more precipitation. It is also one on which the palm tree is the central means of
survival, thus the references to it in the ancient texts as the 'Tree of Life'.
Water is scarce, and making it drinkable is a time-consuming process, one that gave the Anunnaki
plenty of skills in the filtration of our seawater in search of the gold they needed. This also explains the
sacredness which they applied to the concept of the 'Water of Life' in their composing of the Sumerian
Their choice of the Middle Eastern region to set up a colony was in part based on its similarity to their
own home planet, as well as keeping a healthy distance from the colonies of their Sirian and Orion
neighbors in Egypt and west of 'The Pillars of Hercules'.
This relationship between the Anunnaki and their 'masters' was more in the form of lackeys or as a
servile or subservient race, rather than as equals or competitors. Stories of the wars upon Earth
between these races are correct, the wars being caused by the jealousy the Anunnaki felt for the level of
technology of the Sirians, and also of the control the Sirians exercised upon the planet through their
presence in the later stages of Lemuria's existence, and in Atlantis.
Just as they have almost done here on Earth at times, the Anunnaki, over the course of their history had
almost destroyed their own environment, but it is NOT true that they came to planet Earth to mine the
gold strictly because of their environment. The truth is that the Anunnaki are the 'druglords' of the
galaxy, their purpose being to obtain here the drug known as 'shem-an-na' or 'white-powder gold', as
explained in Laurence Gardner's Genesis of the Grail Kings.
Their means of travel through space is fairly primitive in terms of other alien races, although they do
have spacecraft that are able to maneuver through the various wormholes and portals in space to get
from one side of the galaxy to the other. For this purpose, they have also established a way-station on
Io, one of the moons of Jupiter.
Located nearest the end to one of the portals they use which leads into the area of space near their own
home planet. What was written into the movie (or book) 2010 about Io was meant to awaken people to
the possibility of these beings using planets or planetoids for their home bases in space.
The Anunnaki's spacecraft varied in size depending on the needs of their circumstances.
They have what would be called 'mother-ships' large enough to transport them safely through the portals
and back, also to get them from Io to Earth and back. They then have smaller craft shuttle craft to take
them from the planet's surface to their 'space station' circling the Earth in geosynchronous orbit. The
shuttles then went to their motherships which did not stay in the area all the time the Anunnaki were on
the planet. These came and went at regular intervals, depending on the schedule of the opening and
closing of the wormholes and their portals.
To a human being of today, let alone one in those days and of that primitive state of consciousness, a
Nibiruan mothership of the Anunnaki would seem like a planet and would best be explained as such,
especially in a culture where there weren't already words to explain such things as UFOs and quantum
The wormholes and portals through which the Nibiruans travel to get to and from our solar system are
thus not always open, and exact timing is needed to be able to travel from one area of space to the
other. Hence the necessity for the exact locating and alignment with the stars, and also the need for an
accurate calendar to plan their comings and goings.
These celestial measurements allowed them to travel home on a regular basis, and not to get stuck here
on Earth at times when it was not beneficial to be here. The cycle of these portals opening and closing is
along the lines of 3600 years, and they remain open for periods of two to three hundred years at a time,
sufficient time for the Anunnaki to come and go and still appear as the gods that everybody thought they
It is the opening of the portals that occurs every 3600 years, not the actual physical planet coming
around and traveling through the solar system. This is the reason for the alignment of most of their
'sacred' sites to the stars for the calculation of these times, especially to the planet Jupiter.
I cannot help but remember the scene from the Wizard of Oz where Dorothy and her companions are
confronted by the large face of Oz, only to find out later that he was a scared old man hiding behind a
screen. It just seems to fit.
So much of what we have been told about the Anunnaki and about history in general seems to fit with
this metaphor.
So many of these alien races who have interfered with this planet and its people have been just like the
little old wizard standing behind the screen. They pull the strings and the fear-making thought-forms
make us all dance. Until that is, the screen is finally knocked over and the wizard exposed for what he
truly is - a lizard in human clothing.
'Smoke and mirrors' is an expression we shall all use a great deal more with relation to our history, for
that is what most of it has been. Now it comes time to blow away the proverbial smoke and smash threw
those 'oh-so-shiny' mirrors and finally get to the heart of the matter.
The Myth of Nibiru and the End of the World in 2012:
Skeptical Inquirer readers may not be aware that a rogue planet on a 3,600-year orbit is
about to enter the inner solar system and visit a catastrophe upon Earth. This threatening
planet was discovered by the ancient Mesopotamians, who named it Nibiru. It was known
also to the Mayans, who associated it with the end—December 2012—of their “long count”
calendar. Although astronomers and space scientists are tracking Nibiru, this information
is being kept from the public as part of a worldwide conspiracy. This official silence
cannot be maintained for much longer, however, since by 2009 Nibiru will be visible to
the naked eye from the southern hemisphere, and already Earth’s axis is tilting, changing
the length of the day under its influence. As one aficionado recently wrote to me: “Why
are you lying? It’s coming, and everyone knows it.”
I was introduced to this conspiracy theory in December 2007, when I began to receive
questions about Nibiru submitted to NASA’s “Ask an Astrobiologist” Web site. I normally
receive about a dozen questions per week from the public dealing mostly with life in the
universe, but sometimes they include UFOs and visiting aliens. Nibiru seemed different,
since it was claimed to be an actual planet that was being tracked by astronomers but
hidden from the public. Knowing that the astronomers of the world, both professional
and amateur, are a free-spirited group who couldn’t keep a secret even if ordered to, I
assumed that Nibiru was the sort of Internet rumor that would quickly pass.
However, I also remembered that Nibiru had briefly been prominent among conspiracy
buffs in 2003, when there was a similar rumor of the coming destruction of our
civilization. The source of this information was a specific warning said to have been sent
to the people of Earth by an advanced alien civilization on a planet orbiting the star Zeta
Reticuli. A woman named Nancy Lieder claimed to be channeling this information from
the Zetans, who warned that a worldwide cataclysm would strike the Earth in May 2003.
Phil Plait described this situation in detail on his “Badastronomy” Web site. As it turned
out, May 2003 passed with no pole shift or other cataclysms, so I figured that would end
the Nibiru interest. Yet here it was again, the same story recycled with an end -of-theworld date reset to December 2012.
In the six months since I first mentioned Nibiru on my Web site, this topic has threatened
to take over “Ask an Astrobiologist.” I now receive at least one question per day ranging
from anguished (“I can’t sleep; I am really scared; I don’t want to die”) to the abusive
(“Why are you lying; you are putting my family at risk; if NASA denies it then it must be
This article is based on more than one hundred questions submitted in the first four
months of 2008, only a few of which were actually answered online. Except for some
condensing, I’ve left the questioners’ text as it was originally submitted.
Initial Questions: The Distinction between Nibiru, Planet X, and Eris
Although the name of the Sumerian god Nibiru is most often given to this object, I quickly
learned that some Web sites were also calling it Planet X or Eris. Planet X is a generic
term used by astronomers over the past century for any unknown or hypothesized planets
beyond Pluto. Eris is an actual, newly discovered dwarf planet, a little larger than Pluto
but much farther away. By conflating these, some were claiming that NASA had found
Nibiru or that Eris was going to fly past Earth in 2012.
Q: I was on the NASA home page and searched Planet Niburu. Come to find out there
actually is a planet beyond Pluto and they are calling it Niburu. Some said Planet
Niburu didn’t exist but now we know it does! There haven’t been many straight answers
on this subject so I don’t really expect to get the total truth, but here I go. Is there ANY
chance of a Niburu flyby in 2012? And if there is why don’t the public have a right to
know so that we can prepare ourselves?
A: I’m sorry if the NASA web page confused you. I just checked, and there is no mention
of Nibiru other than recent statements that it does not exist and is a hoax. The web site
does include a 2005 news story on the discovery of one of the transneptunian dwarf
planets, 2003UB313. UB313 was subsequently given the name Eris, and there is plenty of
information about Eris on the web, including a good introduction in Wikipedia. But this
has nothing to do with Nibiru. Nibiru is a hoax, linked to a religious cult, and having
nothing to do with science.
Q: How can you call Nibiru a hoax when your own IRAS detected it and you issued a
press release in 1982 which made it to eight major newspapers?
A: When looking into this sort of thing, you need to read past the first paragraph, since
new data are always coming along in science. IRAS (the first infrared survey satellite,
which flew more than 20 years ago) cataloged 350,000 infrared sources, and initially
many of these were unidentified (which was the point, of course, of making such a
survey). All of these observations have been followed up by subsequent studies with more
powerful telescopes both on the ground and in space. The rumor about a “tenth planet”
erupted in 1984 after a scientific paper was published in Astrophysical Journal Letters
titled “Unidentified point sources in the IRAS minisurvey,” which discussed several
infrared sources with “no counterparts.” But these “mystery objects” were later found to
be distant galaxies. The bottom line is that Nibiru is a myth, with no basis whatever in
fact. To an astronomer, persistent claims about a planet that is nearby but invisible are
just plain silly.
Q: I have been reading the questions and answers about Nibiru. I am glad you say it
does not exist. However Eris does exist and I see they were going to call it Xena . . .
planet X. On this Website when you type in Nibiru Eris comes up and it clearly states it
is the 10th planet. Will Eris do a flyby since it is considered a planet and the 10th one?
Is Eris coming toward us? Could this even be possible that we would be thrown off our
axis? Are Pluto and others really slightly of their normal gravitational paths because of
this planet that is supposedly coming toward us? Why do they say time is speeding up
because of the magnetic pulse this planet is creating? Is th is true that there are only
really 16 hours a day now because time is moving faster? Is that possible? Why do the
days seem so much shorter? I am scared about this whole 2012 thing. Eris seems to be
in the position that everyone says Nibiru is and the same size. Maybe we are asking the
wrong question. Maybe we should be asking about Eris and not Nibiru. Thank you for
your time as I am scared to death!
A: There is no factual basis for the many Nibiru stories. This Internet chatter originated
from the claim by Nancy Lieder that she was warned about this planet by aliens from the
star Zeta Reticuli. In the absence of real information, however, people speculate and
embellish this fictional story. One such addition is to link Nibiru with “Planet X,” a term
used for many years by astronomers to refer to any unknown planet that might exist
beyond Pluto. Far from being a real object, this term indicates an unknown or
undiscovered object (that is why it is called “X”). Another false link is with Eris, the
largest of the dwarf planets recently found beyond Neptune, designated 2003 UB313
when it was discovered in 2003. Before Eris was given its formal name, its discoverer,
Mike Brown of Caltech, informally referred to it as Xena, a word play on “Planet X.” The
name Eris was officially adopted by the International Astronomical Union in 2006.
However, this has nothing to do with Nibiru. Nibiru is supposed to be a large planet on a
highly elliptical orbit with a period of 3,600 years, which comes onto the inner solar
system and will disrupt Earth in 2003 (the original claim) or 2012 (the current claim).
Eris is a dwarf planet (smaller than the Moon) with a period of 557 years, currently far
beyond Neptune or Pluto at a distance of about 10 billion miles. Its orbit will never bring
it into the inner solar system; the closest it will come, in about 2255, is 4 billion miles.
Eris does not match the fictional object Nibiru in distance, orbit, size, or any other
property, and it does not threaten Earth in any way. The other items you mention from
the Internet are untrue. Neither Pluto nor any other transneptunian object is deviating
from its normal path. Time is not speeding up, and the days are not shorter. You know as
well as I do that there are still the usual 24 hours in the day, not 16! Please don’t be
scared; the entire Nibiru story, as well as any concerns about Eris threatening Earth, are
a hoax, nothing more.
Trying to Contain the Topic
At the beginning of February, I combined several similar questions in the hopes that I
could lay this topic to rest and get back to writing about real science.
Q: Recent questions about Nibiru: (1) I have found a lot of stuff about a so called
planet. Planet x or Nibiru. If anything they say [is] possible like revolving around the
sun clockwise and it has been said that its orbit is way far out past Pluto. Also there are
statements that it has a 3600-year orbit around the sun and that [it] is supposed to
return in the near future. Is this possible at all? It sounds fishy to me, but there are
supposed pics of it and a lot of scientist talk about it. I even wikipedia searched it. I
would just like to find out some info please. (2) Nibiru does exist and I can prove it.
Nibiru is in the old testament Exodus 6:4. and you are watching Nibiru from a la b on
the south pole. also I have images from a telescope of Nibiru. and people from the
southern hemisphere can see Nibiru in the daytime. is that proof enough for you? (3)
many signs tell that something big is out there coming and why wouldn’t it be true
about nibiru / planet x? why build a telescope at the south pole an photos and such with
this redish dwarf star moving fast in 1983 it was 50 billion miles away and 10 years
later it is alot closer is it hiding behind the sun i know you all dont want to st art a world
wide panic. (4) I read were you said that Nibiru is a hoax. My question to you is why
would anyone let the american population know about such a catastrophe? Isn’t it the
governments job to keep the population at ease
A: I hope this is my last comment on the Nibiru hoax, but questions like the above five
keep coming in. Most of the entries on the Internet about Nibiru are false. Wikipedia has
it correct when they write that “Nibiru is a name in Sumerian, Babylonian astrol ogy
associated with the god Marduk, generally accepted as referring to the planet Jupiter.”
The rest is a hoax, including all the “stuff” questioner #1 found on the Internet.
Questioners #2 and #3 mention the astronomical observatory at the South Pole, but I
assure you these astronomers are not looking at Nibiru. The Antarctic is a great place for
infrared astronomical observations, and it also has the advantage that objects can be
observed continuously without the interference of the day-night cycle. Questioners #3
and #4 seem to think that the government would hide information about Nibiru and the
catastrophe coming in a few years, but I can’t imagine why. My experience is, in fact, that
sometimes parts of the government do just the opposite, as in the fre quent references to
various terrorist threats. In any case, the job of NASA scientists is to discover and tell the
truth! Finally, questioner #5 asks me to identify two pictures. I can only guess that these
might be images of an expanding gas cloud (nebula) ejected by a star in its old age. They
are obviously very distant, since we see stars in the foreground superposed on the nebula.
[A sharp-eyed reader later identified these photos as an expanding gas shell around the
star V838 Mon].
Questions Become Angry and Threatening
Having called Nibiru a hoax on a NASA Web site, I had opened myself to a growing series
of abusive emails (which I did not answer). Here is a sample:
Q: I can’t believe This!, you still have the gall to lie to the hole world about planet X
Nibiru, How dare you do that, yet you keep on calling yourself a Senior Scientist, shame
on you, people must keep on knocking hard on your door until you give up and come
Q: Sorry but you say Nibiru is a Hoax? Doesn’t Exist? So maybe The Sumerian people
doesn’t exist also! Nibiru does exists and its the new Planet discovered in 2005 size of
Pluto. It is talked about centuries ago in Sumerian Civilization. Stone Plates with the
planet were found! It’s possible to say that this planet giant orbit passes between Sun
and Earth and causes the Glacier Eras to happen. I talk about the facts! Like science
usually does! So how can you say it’s a hoax???
Q: I hope I can get an honest answer and not a lie. I would like to know more about this
Nibiru thing. Not that you’re really going to tell me the truth here are you? I have been
told that by May 2009 it will be seen by the average person is this true? I will not take
kind to someone endangering my family because they want to keep a secret.
Q: The question isn’t why are you lying to the people about the existence of Nibiru, the
question is do you think you will be spared when it’s effects come to pass.
Q: Why are we (the people) not informed of a possible catastrophe, especially one of
this magnitude to take into consideration. I really don’t expect the truth from you guys.
Q: So if you all are watching Eris and it’s trajectory, why can’t you tell us about how it’s
going to come between the sun and the earth? Where is the info on your webpage of the
true trajectory which will cause the perturbing of all our solar system heavenly bodies?
If this is nothing to worry about, then why don’t you talk about its trajectory? Why
don’t you have people partnering to watch it, track it and be actively talking about
this huge new planet that is coming? Why are you so quiet about this new discovery?
Your behavior is suspicious and your actions will be discovered soon so I would suggest
a full disclosure.
Q: I know for a fact that Nibiru is a planet the Sumerians knew this. We discovered
Pluto in 1930 but the Sumerians knew it existed in 4500 b.c. Voyager 2 made the first
close-ups from Neptune and Uranus in 1986 and we saw how the planets looked like up
close. The Sumerians in 4500 b.c. knew that already. How is it that there i nfo is so
accurate and Nasa with all this technology cannot find Nibiru? Is Nasa keeping this
planet from us?
Q: Why do you continue to claim this is a hoax? what is it in 1983 the heavenly body
that you discovered then covered up saying it was nothing? why is it that closer to 2012
we see increased volcanic activity, earthquakes, tsunamis, flooding, droughts, and m uch
more? its not from global warming! this activity is happening on other planets as well.
Q: I think NASA is trying to cover up the upcoming of planet X or Nibiru in year 2012.
Is it because this world is over population and some of us need to die? Why i s NASA
being fishy about this?
Q: Why would you people rather die than warn people and prepare for this kind of
Q: Don’t play stupid with me because you are obviously not going to answer my
question with truth not like it’s your fault but the governments and higher powers.
Q: I understand you don’t want to lose your job. So I know your answer about Nibiru.
You, NASA, the USA government and whoever else will deny till it will be undeniable.
Mankind is going to disappear and nothing will change this truth. I hope you couldn’t
live with this lie over your shoulders anymore.
Q: Everybody knows that planet x and nibiru exist, when is NASA and the government
going to come clean and stop bold face lying to the American people. People have a
right to survive this calamity. No wonder everybody say’s NASA stands for never a
straight answer!
The Questions Keep Coming
Following are a few of the questions from March and April, which I (perhaps foolishly)
have continued to try to answer. These include some new twists, such as the claim that
the Sun will be in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy in December 2012, and this is what
will cause “pole shifts” and other cosmic catastrophes.
Q: Now if the Nibiru topic is a hoax, then what are the infrared images of the alleged
Nibiru??? And I also heard that NASA saw it with IRAS and reported it and all that..
Why does NASA deny anything about it instead of telling the public so (if Nibiru is in
fact a hoax) they don’t take drastic measures such as my family was planning on doing.
I need more proof that Nibiru is a hoax because the government and NASA are keeping
to much from us for us to make full judgment on it. . . .
A: I really am sorry that you have taken the Nibiru hoax seriously, and that this hoax is
causing you and your family distress. This Nibiru stuff is all pure fiction, without any core
of fact or truth. Specifically (1) The are no infrared images of Nibiru —period. (2) IRAS
(the Infrared Astronomy Satellite, which carried out a sky survey for 10 months in 1983)
discovered many infrared sources, but none of them was Nibiru or Planet X or any other
objects in the outer solar system. (3) NASA scientists tell the truth. There is no reason
why we would not do so, and besides truth-telling is a fundamental value of scientific
research. (4) It is unreasonable to ask us to prove that Nibiru is a hoax. Your questions
should be to Nibiru proponents to prove to you that what they are saying is true, not for
NASA to prove it is false. The burden of proof falls on those who make wild claims.
Remember the often-quoted comment from Carl Sagan that extraordinary claims demand
extraordinary levels of evidence if they are to be believed.
Q: I understand that you said Nibiru is a hoax but why on this website they have a live
picture of Nibiru.
A: The website you sent me is pretty funny. For example, the statement that the Earth’s
axis had tilted and the Sun had shifted from its correct place in the sky; anyone with eyes
can see this is not true. Or the comment about building observatories at the south pole to
observe Nibiru. There is no celestial configuration possible that could be seen only from
the Antarctic and not from the whole southern hemisphere. And they ask why no
observatories have been built near the North Pole. The last time I looked, the North Pole
was in the middle of the Arctic Sea, not exactly the sort of place to build a telescope. I am
also bemused by the claims that Nibiru has remained hidden behind the Sun for years.
The impossibility of such an orbit has been clear since Johannes Kepler published his
first two laws of planetary motions in 1609. Anyway, thanks for a good laugh.
Q: When most of the planets align in 2012 and planet earth is in the centre of the milky
way, what will the effects of this be on planet earth?
A: There is no planet alignment in 2012 or any other time in the next several decades. As
to the Earth being in the center of the Milky Way, I don’t know what this phrase means. If
you are referring to the Milky Way Galaxy, we are rather far toward the edge of this spiral
galaxy, some 30,000 light-years from the center.
Q: I was wondering what the conclusions were about the possibility of a polar shif t, and
if that happened what the effects would be to everyday living.
A: Quite a few people have been asking me about the danger of a polar shift, and I must
confess that I don’t know what you mean by the term. “Polar shift” seems to have become
a buzzword on websites that promote catastrophist ideas and various conspiracy theories,
and so this phrase gets passed on from one blog to another without ever being defined. If
this means some sudden change in the position of the pole (that is, the rotation axis o f
the Earth), then that is impossible. There is no point in speculating about the
consequences of something that has never happened and never will. Before geologists
discovered the role of plate tectonics (about 60 years ago), there was some speculation
that a polar shift was involved in transforming the Antarctic from a warm to a cold
climate, but now we know it was the Antarctic continent that moved, not the rotation
pole. The very small and gradual changes that do take place in the position of the pole a re
responses of the Earth to changes in the distribution of mass on the surface, for example
due to freezing or thawing of glaciers. The bottom line is that there is no possibility of a
“polar shift” and no danger associated with one.
Q: How can you say that a pole shift is impossible? The geological record shows
repeated reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field.
A: Thanks for pointing out an ambiguity concerning the term “pole shift”. As I wrote in
my previous answer, everything I have seen predicting destruction from an alleged pole
shift concerns the rotational pole of the Earth. There is no chance that this rotational pole
will shift to a significant degree. The magnetic pole is different; it regularly shifts position
by a small amount, and as you note, the polarity of the Earth’s magnetic pole reverses
roughly once per million years (on average). This magnetic reversal appears to be
generated internally and not to be influenced by any outside events. There is no
indication that it will happen anytime soon, but more to the point, a magnetic reversal
would not cause any of the horrible consequences that you find associated with “pole
shift” on the catastrophist Internet sites.
Q: If the world was going to end would you tell us?
A: The short answer is “of course I would tell you.” Science is about discovering and
communicating the truth about nature, not keeping secrets. But on a more basic level, I
don’t understand questions that ask about a possible end of the world in 2012. This world
has been peacefully going its way for 4.5 billion years, with life evolving for probably 4
billion years. Do you really imagine that after 4 billion years it is all going to end 4 years
from now? And how could it possibly happen? There is nothing around that could destroy
a planet. The worst damage that we could inflict on our ecosystem is probably associated
with global warming and loss of habitat, which are already causing a mass extinction, but
none of that threatens the future of the planet itself.
Weirder and Weirder
As I write this in June, questions keep coming in. In addition, nine out of ten of the “most
popular” questions and answers on “Ask an Astrobiologist” are about Nibiru, not
astrobiology. This experience is baffling on several fronts. While I hope that many people
who read my replies are pleased to learn that the world is not about to end, I am
surprised at so many angry responses. These come from people who seem to want the
world to end in 2012, who are upset to be told that this catastrophe wi ll not happen. I am
also struck by their lack of perspective about time or space. For example, my
correspondents seem to accept the claim that the magnetic influence of Nibiru is already
causing a pole shift even though the object is invisible to astronomers. Some even accept
that the tilt is already apparent, or even that the world is “turning upside down.” They
also accept that we will be in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, 30,000 light -years
away, in 2012. The fact that none of this is being reported in newspapers or on television
is simply accepted as evidence of a grand conspiracy. Do they ever ask themselves why
governments are pursuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, worried about global warming,
and conducting an energetic presidential election in the U.S. if they all know the world
will end in four years? It has been a revelation to me to glimpse this underworld of
conspiracy theories and doomsday predictions.
To conclude on a lighter note, the following recent questions are actually quite amusing:
Q: I have read about the things all about Nibiru, and i was completely shocked from
this matter, but for many years until now as i gazed towards the sky during at night, i
have noticed a huge star beyond us, I would like to ask is that Eris? because the size has
dramatically increased over the last couple of years?
Q: Recently there have been a good amount of scary stuff going around in the world. An
earthquake and a cyclone. Not only that but it seems that the world is turning upside
Q: I am an experimental physicist. I am currently working on anti -gravity technology. I
have received an infra-red reading of an object travelling into our solar system. This lab
does not contain any astrophysicists but we believe this object (around 1.2 t imes the
size of Jupiter) is the new planet Niribu (Planet X). As rumours here have circulated. Its
orbit is highly eliptical and will pass into the inner-solar system. I would like to confirm
a couple of things for me. Is this accurate—Our facts are based on rumour, the scan is
only a basic, find objects to test on scan. Does this object pose any danger to the Earth?
Would any danger occur in a test of experimental technology to deviate the object from
its current course? The generator we have created theo retically can move any object of
any size, as mass should not affect the fields created.
Q: I hear that the beings who are on the Nibiru mother ship which houses smaller ships
inside are coming to help the inhabitants of Earth to raise their polarity level s up so the
plane would shift up to 4D. Have you heard about this? Please be honest. There’s a lot
of information on YouTube that speaks about this. I always knew that another advanced
life form was here and is working to get us ready for the shift. I woul d like for one of
them to reveal their selves on TV on CNN. Wouldn’t you?
1) Interview with EBE-2: March 5th, 1983 at Los Alamos National Labs.
The following reported interview was referenced in discussion by many on the list, and can be found
both in Exempt from Disclosure by Robert Collins, and on Collins' website While
the details do not match precisely, the orders of magnitude of the numbers provided (length of day
and year) do correspond.
The following is an account of the meeting I [Rick Doty] was involved in with EBE-2. On March 5,
1983, I was at Los Alamos National Laboratories conducting business on a counterintelligence project.
During my visit, a source I'll call LANL-1, asked me to sit in on a very special interview. Not knowing
what he was talking about, I questioned him. However, he wouldn't say exactly what the project
involved or who was being interviewed.
I accompanied LANL-1 to an underground facility west of the Los Alamos complex. The area was
called, Site 30. Access to this facility was gained by entering Area 49. Access to the underground
facility was through building number 49-2091. An elevator took us down about 60 feet (only
estimating). Once we arrived, access was gained through a large vault opening outside the elevator.
We walked down a hallway to another vault door.
We entered and turned right. We walked about 200 feet turned left and entered vault door to a large
room. This room contained two tables, several chairs and recording equipment. I sat near the door.
About ten minutes later, three people, who I did not know, entered the room. One, an Air Force
Colonel, asked me to sign a security document, which gave me an upgraded clearance, TS/SCI/GroupMJ-B-3 clearance. I've never heard of this but I signed. The Colonel told me I was to listen and not
make any sounds during the interview.
I asked the Colonel who was being interviewed and he told me a guest from another planet! The
Colonel left. The other two people set up a table with a microphone and recording equipment,
including a camera. About five minutes later, in walks a 4' 9" non-human looking creature. It was
dressed in a tight fitting cream colored suit. It had no hair and was identified to me as EBE-2.
EBE-2 sat in a chair across the table from two civilians and the AF Colonel. I did not know the identity
of the three. LANL-1 came into the room and sat next to me. I listened while the three asked EBE-2 a
series of questions pertaining to its home planet. First question was about the temperature, climate
and weather. EBE-2 responded in perfect English but sounded like a machine generated voice. Very
hard to explain but it was either coming from a device that EBE-2 had in front of him or from
something in its body.
EBE-2 explained the weather of its planet which was dry, varying temperature between 65-90
degrees. There was 35 hours of constant sunshine and three hours of darkness. Rainfall occurred only
during one of its months each year. The day lasted 38 of our hours. They did not have months but did
have years which consisted of approximately 600 of our days. They used a society cycle which I
understood to be similar to our months. During this society cycle each Eben worked a certain time and
conducted business. There was also a rest cycle which consisted of a regulated period of sleep. I don't
recall the exact number of hours or sleep/rest. EBE-2 discussed weather patterns and how they were
formed. I don't recall the exact words. However, EBE-2 seemed very intelligent and fully explained
each weather pattern in precise detail. He used Earth's equivalents for Meteorology terms.
The interesting part of this interview was that I didn't hear any questions being asked by the three
humans sitting across from EBE-2. Either the questions were already given to EBE-2 or the three
humans were "thinking the questions" and EBE-2 would respond in English.
[Clarification requested by Rick Doty: this was observed on a TV monitor and Doty was not actually in
the same room as EBE-2.]
[Addition from Robert Collins: EBE–2 did state that his planet was named "Sieu" – but that was in
Eben, not English. He never mentioned "Serpo" as such. He said that according to Earth days, his
planet's days were approximately 37-40 hours; that he liked the cool climate of Earth, around LANL
(Los Alamos National Laboratories) and northern New Mexico; and that he was a scientist and was
providing assistance to Earth scientists in the area of space travel. EBE–1 (initially just known as EBE)
was the sole survivor of the Roswell crash, and lived until 1952 (see this posting by Anonymous), EBE–2
arrived in 1964 and stayed till 1984, and EBE–3 (with two aides, one of whom was female) arrived in
1978 and stayed until 1994.]
© Peregrine Communications (Robert Collins)
Special thanks for the permission to reproduce the interview here.
2) Anomalous orbital data.
The orbital data supplied by Anonymous (particularly the 865 day period of orbit) do not appear to
accord with Kepler's laws. This generated a large volume of discussion on the list, a number of whose
members are prominent scientists.
However, it's reasonable to consider that if a story like this was invented the first thing a storyteller
would get right would be the physics, as the "correct" numbers are easy to calculate. So the fact that
some of the numbers differ widely from those predicted by known laws – a sitting duck for criticism –
may be a validating factor, not otherwise. Why set oneself up to be dismissed immediately?
3) Distortion of biological rhythms in the absence of the measurement of earth time.
Research has been done in caves on chronobiology, with no natural rhythms to guide the subjective
judgment of time.
In 1962, Michel Siffre, a French caver and geologist, spent two months in a cave in the European Alps
in the first of several "out of time" experiments. After 61 days underground with no time reference, he
resurfaced on 17 September believing the date was 20 August.
In 1972 – now in collaboration with NASA – Siffre supervised other similar experiments before going
down again into the Midnight Cave in Del Rio, Texas where he for 205 days, a far longer period. Siffre
had all comforts and conveniences, including communication with the outside world, but had no means
of measuring time. He had agreed to emerge when he judged 175 days had passed. Siffre said: "My
brain would make automatic adjustments because it had memorized the previous experiment, and yet
I was still out."
It’s interesting to speculate that while NASA may never have revealed (or maybe never knew
themselves) the real reason for sponsoring the experiment, this would have been smack in the middle
of the Eben exchange program (originally planned to be 1965-75, though Anonymous reports that it
stretched to 1978) and presumably in their communication with Earth it would have become clear by
then that the twelve had become time-disoriented: so research on Earth was necessary. Siffre, having
done the first and only other experiment in 1962, would have been the obvious guinea pig.
A little calculation is interesting. In the first experiment, Siffre "stretched" his subjective time by a
massive 85%. In the second experiment, fully prepared and alert to the problem, he did better – but
still stretched his stay by 17%. The Eben exchangees appear to have stretched their own stay by
approx 30%. Not proof as such, but a compelling indication, from an unexpected direction, that
Anonymous's report has validity.
Reference: Michel Siffre, "Six months alone in a cave", National Geographic, v.147, no.3, March 1975,
4) The ability of some ETs to manipulate and transcend time is referenced in Dan Sherman's
book, Above Black.
Dan Sherman wrote a book, Above Black, in which he reveals how he was groomed and trained as a
telepathic communicator with a race of ETs from and about whom he received data but never actually
met – in preparation for an anticipated catastrophic event. He learned information that appears to
corroborate the difficult reports by Anonymous that time is in some way experienced differently by the
Ebens and/or in the Ebens' environment, with a corresponding distortion of physical laws as we would
understand them.
Sherman states that he learned that "time" – as we humans know it – does not have the same
meaning for them. They still age as we do but are not bound by the physics of time as we currently
are. Their means of travel across vast distances is heavily dependent on the manipulation of time but
not as we perceive it.
Sherman enquired whether they can travel through time, i.e. whether they can go backwards and
forwards in time. He was told that it was not possible to witness a reality that occurred in some other
time but the present: in order to go back in time, one must assume that there exists a reference point
from which to measure backward or forward. This is an impossibility. Essentially, they weren't able to
travel through time – rather, around time and from time. Sherman states that he never really
understood what this meant. Their mode of propulsion was somehow that they used both time and
electromagnetic energy. Sherman was also told that our sun was very unique; and that someday we
would understand how it really worked and how we could utilize the same methods that they
themselves use but on a smaller scale.
5) The reported inclusion of a "DIM" in the exchangees' inventory.
Anonymous reports in his fifth posting:
They also took electric razors, coffee pots, electric heaters, a DIM (no explanation as to what this was),
an electric IBM typewriter, a scientific calculator, slide rules (both conventional and scientific), Base
Data Collection Recorder (BDCR), three different sized telescopes, tangents, both conventional and
This tiny but possibly significant part of
Anonymous's report rings true. If the story is false,
it would be very clever misinformation to mention
something so minor and unexplained when so
much else reported is graphically and clearly stated
(whatever opinions readers may have about it).
Update, 2 December (clarification from Paul
McGovern): The "DIM" was the Duty Information
Manual. It was their "bible," for all of the
information they would need. The operations plans,
how to execute the plans, emergency action
procedures, etc.
6) The following was presented to Victor
Martinez from another source (not
MJ-12 Staff Document
30 July 1999
1) Intelligent life does exist on other planets and
throughout the Universe.
2) Craft not of human design or manufacture are
operating in and around the land, sea and air of
3) Intelligent beings other than Homo Sapiens
Sapiens are conducting various missions on this
planet. These beings have been coming here for
tens of thousands of years.
4) Alien beings may have human-like bodies or non-human bodies (such as hybrid, insectoid, or
reptilian). Intelligent beings can be physical, non-physical or inter-dimensional in nature.
5) The variety of life in the universe is diverse, like the life on our own planet is diverse.
6) Some alien beings have the ability through advanced technology or other means to move forward
and backward at will through time and space.
7) The spiritual evolution of an alien life form may be ahead of, equal to or behind its level of
technological development.
8) The social orientation, motives and agendas of these beings is very diverse. Some alien
intelligences are more friendly to human beings than others.
9) In many cases, the "abduction phenomenon" is a real event. This activity is complex, coordinated
and purposeful. It often occurs throughout many generations of a family.
10) Cross-breeding of humans with more than one alien species has occurred. Hybrid children and
hybrid adults do exist. They have characteristics of both the human and alien races.
11) Although most alien contacts and sightings occurring on modern-day earth have been shrouded in
secrecy and mystery, the veil is slowly being lifted by the activities of civilians and specially assigned
government personnel. The Public Acclimation to the reality of alien life is proceeding in a way
designed not to shock or disrupt society any more than necessary.
12) A great amount of "UFO" and alien information is now in the public domain. Countless books,
videos and internet websites are devoted to these subjects. Thousands of pages of U.S. government
documents on unusual sightings and encounters have been made available.
At this point, credentialed researchers and academicians have investigated the UFO/alien phenomenon
and published their findings. This is a further step to help validate the phenomenon in the minds of
the public.
With these 12 points as a reliable framework, it is intended that key members of the public and
government will be better able to accept, evaluate and place into
perspective the large body of evidence which is soon to be before
The document on the left [click here to enlarge] is part of the original
1954 UFO Crash Retrieval manual of the U.S. Government, known as
"Special Operations Manual SOM1-01". The document was classified
at two levels Above Top Secret.
As of a few years ago, my information is that UFO crash retrievals
are handled by special "Blue Teams," operating out of the U.S. Office
of Naval Intelligence (ONI). The advanced technology of these craft
is being back-engineered at facilities such as Area S/4, near Papoose
Lake, Nevada. While "mainstream" scientists wonder if there's alien
life, the government has been working on the alien technology for
Click here for more information on the entire document. Click here to download the entire document:
Part 1 Part 2
On the right [click here to enlarge] is part of a Top Secret Briefing to President-Elect Eisenhower, dated
18 Nov 1952, concerning the existence of UFOs. After extensive investigation at the U.S. National
Archives, it has been concluded that this document is very likely authentic. (Leaking a document to
the public is one way of "unofficially" declassifying it.)
7) The scene of the exchangees departing Earth on the Eben craft appears to be
cinematically portrayed in the final scene of the movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind – with
the same number of male and female personnel reported by Anonymous.
The final segment of the movie does indeed feature twelve people – ten men and two women. Twelve
people is also the number given in Spielberg's book of the movie. Interestingly, one blonde woman
stands out, first shown in a long close-up when the priest gives his blessing. Then, when the team
members file past, all have dark glasses with the exception of the blonde... and Roy Neary, who would
be the thirteenth member. The subsequent shot is where they line up, and now the woman is seen to
have put on her dark glasses to join the others. This appears to be a flawed piece of direction, most
untypical of Spielberg; the reader is left to speculate on any possible significance.
Also worthy of note is that all team members wear a triangular patch on their left arm and the
American Flag on the right arm of their orange jumpsuits. There is a uniformed officer with the priest
when the blessing is given.
8) An e-mail from a researcher (name supplied, but withheld here).
Regarding the SOM-1 document and the private MJ-12 Staff document known as "A Framework" [see
(6) above] – I was almost blown off my chair. WOW! What a brilliant post!
It requires about 20 years of experience to know the importance of what you have posted. VERY WELL
done! And I liked your interview on "Coast to Coast AM." Hint: I think you've "pushed some buttons"
in Washington, DC, at high levels. (You may never hear about it, though. Nice job :-)
I really like your website, and the "consistencies" webpage in particular.
My assessment of SOM-1 is that it is real. I've known someone who was involved with U.S. Navy Seal
UFO crash retrieval "Blue Teams." I have reason to believe that SOM-1 is authentic, or a manual like it
is authentic. You're close to the truth.
I received a copy of "A Framework" years ago in the U.S. mail, with no return address. It was on
plain, printed paper. I'm sure that was intentional, to prevent tracing. I'm a researcher, so I guess I'm
on a "list." Of great interest to me was that the "Public Acclimation Campaign" unfolded exactly as "A
Framework" indicated. The public releases in movies, etc., have followed that document very well. I've
had other researchers comment on this to me. Some of them were skeptical at first, then amazed.
They had no explanation why the document in their hands matched what happened in public.
Just so you know, I can ASSURE you that nobody just "made up" the "Framework" document recently,
to fool you. Some people have known about this for many years. AND to your credit, you quoted it
accurately. The copy you posted IS the "Real Deal."
The "Framework" document has met the test of time... it matches the rare reports of U.S. security
officers in underground alien bases, to the testimony of abductees. I don't know of ANY informed
researcher who has EVER questioned the contents of that document, over the years. Many researchers
have their own way of "knowing and checking" things. Not one researcher I know refuted anything.
A couple of very good researchers have questioned the source, but they NEVER questioned the
contents. And THAT is truly extraordinary.
Please keep SOM-1 and "A Framework" on your website – and keep up your good work!
I have attached a copy of "A Framework," which I had from years ago. You can check my copy, word
for word. This is the REAL version, only known to a very few people at the time.
9) The Eben craft power source, reported to utilize negative matter.
In his eleventh posting, Anonymous writes:
Team Commander: "In the center of these containers is a copper colored coil or something looking like
a coil. There is a bright light being shined from a point above into the center of the coil. We hear a
very dull hum, but no major loud sounds. 661 thinks it is a negative matter versus positive matter
Negative Mass Propulsion
The idea of negative mass propulsion was created to eliminate the need for fuel, since fuel limits the
feasibility of interstellar travel so much. Theoretically, it would allow faster than light travel without
violating Einstein's theory of relativity. (note 1)
The way this works is it uses gravity to bend space around the spaceship. A large amount of "negative
mass" would be in front of the ship and a large amount of positive mass would be behind it, and the
masses would curve space in such a way that it'd accelerate the ship. Apparently, such a process
would not violate the conservation of energy, as the space it is travelling through would be warped.
(note 2)
If this theory were to work, it could be the best form of transportation available. It has been
suggested that it would allow a ship to bypass the limitations of relativity, and a ship could actually
travel to and from its destination at speeds far faster than the speed of light without running into the
problem of taking several years to do so. (note 2)
Unfortunately, we don't even know if negative matter exists, and even if we did discover it, we'd have
to develop a way to turn the effect of the matter on and off, so the speed of the ship could be
controlled. (note 1)
10) Documents newly disclosed, reporting confusion, sickness and disorientation when
entering a disk at the Kingman crash site.
These two pages of a classified document were sent to us on 24 December by a researcher (name
supplied but withheld here). They appear to be transcripts of a prepared briefing or lecture – or
perhaps a simple memo – dated 24 March 1995, of the experiences of a number of military personnel
when entering a downed craft (Kingman, Arizona, 1953). The symptoms reported correspond closely
with those reported in the Team Commander's log in the eleventh posting.
Bill Uhouse:
“I spent 10 years in the Marine Corps, and four years working with the Air Force as a civilian doing
experimental testing on aircraft since my Marine Corps days. I was a pilot in the service, and a fighter
pilot; [I] fought in after the latter part of WWII and the Korean War Conflict, I was discharged as a
Captain in the Marine Corps.
I didn’t start working on flight simulators until about – well the year was 1954, in September. After I got
out of the Marine Corps, I took a job with the Air Force at Wright Patterson doing experimental flighttesting on various different modifications of aircraft.
While I was at Wright Patterson, I was approached by an individual who – and I’m not going to mention
his name – [wanted] to determine if I wanted to work in an area on new creative devices. Okay? And, that
was a flying disc simulator. What they had done: they had selected several of us, and they reassigned me
to A-Link Aviation, which was a simulator manufacturer. At that time they were building what they
called the C-11B, and F-102 simulator, B-47 simulator, and so forth. They wanted us to get experienced
before we actually started work on the flying disc simulator, which I spent 30-some years working on.
I don’t think any flying disc simulators went into operation until the early 1960s – around 1962 or 1963.
The reason why I am saying this is because the simulator wasn’t actually functional until around 1958.
The simulator that they used was for the extraterrestrial craft they had, which is a 30-meter one that
crashed in Kingman, Arizona, back in 1953 or 1952. That’s the first one that they took out to the test
This ET craft was a controlled craft that the aliens wanted to present to our government – the U.S.A. It
landed about 15 miles from what used to be an army air base, which is now a defunct army base. But that
particular craft, there were some problems with: number one – getting it on the flatbed to take it up to
Area 51. They couldn’t get it across the dam because of the road. It had to be barged across the Colorado
River at the time, and then taken up Route 93 out to Area 51, which was just being constructed at the
time. There were four aliens aboard that thing, and those aliens went to Los Alamos for testing.
They set up Los Alamos with a particular area for those guys, and they put certain people in there with
them – people that were astrophysicists and general scientists – to ask them questions. The way the story
was told to me was: there was only one Alien that would talk to any of these scientists that they put in the
lab with them. The rest wouldn’t talk to anybody, or even have a conversation with them. You know, first
they thought it was all ESP or telepathy, but you know, most of that is kind of a joke to me, because they
actually speak – maybe not like we do – but they actually speak and converse. But there was only one
who would [at Los Alamos].
The difference between this disc, and other discs that they had looked at was that this one was a much
simpler design. The disc simulator didn’t have a reactor, [but] we had a space in it that looked like the
reactor that wasn’t the device we operated the simulator with. We operated it with six large capacitors that
were charged with a million volts each, so there were six million volts in those capacitors. They were the
largest capacitors ever built. These particular capacitors, they’d last for 30 minutes, so you could get in
there and actually work the controls and do what you had to – to get the simulator, the disc to operate.
So, it wasn’t that simple, because we only had 30 minutes. Okay? But, in the simulator you’ll notice that
there are no seat belts. Right? It was the same thing with the actual craft – no seat belts. You don’t need
seat belts, because when you fly one of these things upside down, there is no upside down like in a regular
aircraft – you just don’t feel it. There’s a simple explanation for that: you have your own gravitational
field right inside the craft, so if you are flying upside down – to you – you are right side up. I mean, it’s
just really simple, if people would look at it. I was inside the actual alien craft for a start-up.
There weren’t any windows. The only way we had any visibility at all was done with cameras or videotype devices. [See the testimony of Mark McClandlish. SG] My specialty was the flight deck and the
instruments on the flight deck. I knew about the gravitational field and what it took to get people trained.
Because the disc has its own gravitational field, you would be sick or disoriented for about two minutes
after getting in, after it was cranked up. It takes a lot of time to become used to it. Because of the area and
the smallness of it, just to raise your hand becomes complicated. You have to be trained – trained with
your mind, to accept what you are going to actually feel and experience.
Just moving about is difficult, but after a while you get used to it and you do it – it’s simple. You just
have to know where everything is, and you [have] to understand what’s going to happen to your body. It’s
no different than accepting the g-forces when you are flying an aircraft or coming out of a dive. It’s a
whole new ball game.
Each engineer that had anything to do with the design was part of the start-up crew. We would have to
verify all the equipment that we put in – be sure it [worked] like it [was] supposed to, etc. I’m sure our
crews have taken these craft out into space. I’m saying it probably took a while to train enough of the
people, over a sufficient time period. The whole problem with the disc is that it is so exacting in its design
and so forth. It can’t be used like we use aircraft today, with dropping bombs and having machine guns in
the wings.
The design is so exacting, that you can’t add anything – it’s got to be just right. There’s a big problem in
the design of where things are put. Say, where the center of the aircraft is, and that type of thing. Even the
fact that we raised it three feet so the taller guys could get in – the actual ship was extended back to its
original configuration, but it has to be raised.
We had meetings, and I ended up in a meeting with an alien. I called him J-ROD – of course, that’s what
they called him. I don’t know if that was his real name or not, but that’s the name the linguist gave him. I
did draw a sketch, before I left, of him in a meeting. I provided it to some people and that was my
impression of what I saw, an art picture of an alien that is working in cooperation with earth-people as
told here.
The alien used to come in with [Dr. Edward] Teller and some of the other guys,
occasionally, to handle questions that maybe we'd have. But you have to understand that
everything was specific to the group. If it wasn't specific to the group, you couldn't talk about it. It
was on a need-to-know basis. And [the ET], he'd talk. He would talk, but he'd sound just like as if
you spoke - he'd sound like you. You know, he's like a parrot, but he'd try and answer your
question. A lot of times he'd have a hard time understanding, because if you didn't put it on paper
and explain yourself, half the time he couldn't give you a good answer.
The preparation we had before meeting this alien was, basically, going through all of the different
nationalities in the world. Then they got into going into other forms of life, even down to animals and that
type of thing. And this J-ROD - his skin was pinkish, but a little bit rough - that kind of stuff; not
horrible-looking, you know - or to me, he wasn't horrible-looking.
Some of the guys who were in the particular group that I was in - they never even made it. You know,
when they gave you the psychological questions, I just answered them the way I felt and I had no
problem. That's what they wanted to know - if you'd become upset - but it never bothered me. It didn't
amount to much.
So basically, the alien was only giving engineering advice and science advice. For example, I performed
the calculations but needed more help. I spoke of a book that - well it's not a book; it's a big assembly
with various divisions dealing with gravitational technology, and the key elements are in there, but all the
information wasn't there. Even our top mathematicians couldn't figure some of this stuff out, so the alien
would assist.
Sometimes you'd get into a spot where you [would] try and try and try, and it wouldn't work. And that's
when he'd [the alien] come in. They would tell him to look at this and see what we did wrong. Over the
last 40 years or so, not counting the simulators - I'm talking about actual craft - there are probably two or
three-dozen, and various sizes that we built.
I don't know much about the [ET] ones that they brought here. I know about that one [craft] out of
Kingman but that's about it. And, I know the company that hauled it out of there - who is out here now but, there's one that operates with certain chemicals.
I think these triangles that people are seeing are two or three 30-meter craft, that are in the center of it [the
triangle]. And, the outside perimeter - well you could put anything you want, as long as these particular
ones meet the design criteria, and they'll operate.
You know, there were certain reasons for the secrecy. I could understand that; it was no different than the
first atomic bomb that they built. But they are getting so far ahead now with aircraft design. And, like I
told you gentlemen earlier - that by 2003, most of this stuff will be out for everybody to look at. Maybe
not the way that everybody expects it, but in some manner they determine appropriate to show everybody.
You know, a big surprise.”
Zecharia Sitchin was born in Russia, was raised in Palestine, graduated from the University of London
with a degree in economic history. He worked for years as a journalist and editor in Israel before settling
in New York.
Sitchin, like Velikovsky and Däniken, presents a compelling and entertaining story based on belief about
ancient visitors from other worlds. Zecharia Sitchin's key ideas are based on the assumption that ancient
myths are not myths but historical and scientific texts. According to Sitchin, ancient Sumerian clay tablets
reveal that gods from another planet (Nibiru, which orbits our Sun every 3,600 years) arrived on Earth
some 450,000 years ago and created humans by genetic engineering of female apes.
History Timeline According to Sitchin
450,000 years ago,
On Nibiru, a distant member of our solar system, life faces slow extinction as the planet's atmosphere
erodes. Deposed by Anu, the ruler Alalu escapes in a spaceship and finds refuge on Earth. He discovers
that Earth has gold that can be used to protect Nibiru's atmosphere.
Led by Enki, a son of Anu, the Anunnaki land on Earth, establish Eridu -Earth Station I - for extracting
gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf.
Earth's climate mellows. More Anunnaki arrive on Earth, among them Enki's half-sister Ninhursag, Chief
Medical Officer.
As gold production falters, Anu arrives on Earth with Enlil, the heir apparent. It is decided to obtain the
vital gold by mining it in southern Africa. Drawing lots, Enlil wins command of Earth Mission; Enki is
relegated to Africa. On departing Earth, Anu is challenged by Alalu's grandson.
Seven functional settlements in southern Mesopotamia include a Spaceport (Sippar), Mission Control
Center (Nippur), a metallurgical center (Shuruppak). The ores arrive by ships from Africa; the refined
metal is sent aloft to orbiters manned by Igigi, then transferred to spaceships arriving periodically from
Gaining the support of the Igigi, Alalu's grandson attempts to seize mastery over Earth. The Enlilites win
the War of the Olden Gods.
The Anunnaki toiling in the gold mines mutiny. Enki and Ninhursag create Primitive Workers through
genetic manipulation of Ape woman; they take over the manual chores of the Anunnaki. Enlil raids the
mines, brings the Primitive Workers to the Edin in Mesopotamia. Given the ability to procreate, Homo
Sapiens begins to multiply.
Life on Earth regresses during a new glacial period.
Climate warms again. The Anunnaki (the biblical Nefilim), to Enlil's growing annoyance marry the
daughters of Man.
The "accursation of Earth" - a new Ice Age-begins. Regressive types of Man roam the Earth . CroMagnon man survives.
Enki and Ninhursag elevate humans of Anunnaki parentage to rule in Shuruppak. Enlil, enraged. plots
Mankind's demise.
Realizing that the passage of Nibiru in Earth's proximity will trigger an immense tidal wave, Enlil makes
the Anunnaki swear to keep the impending calamity a secret from Mankind.
11,000 B.C.
Enki breaks the oath, instructs Ziusudra/Noah to build a submersible ship. The Deluge sweeps over the
Earth; the Anunnaki witness the total destruction from their orbiting spacecraft.
Enlil agrees to grant the remnants of Mankind implements and seeds; agriculture begins in the highlands.
Enki domesticates animals.
10,500 B.C.
The descendants of Noah are allotted three regions. Ninurta, Enlil's foremost son, dams the mountains and
drains the rivers to make Mesopotamia habitable; Enki reclaims the Nile valley. The Sinai peninsula is
retained by the Anunnaki for a post-Diluvial spaceport; a control center is established on Mount Moriah
(the future Jerusalem).
9,780 B.C.
Ra/Marduk, Enki's firstborn son, divides dominion over Egypt between Osiris and Seth.
9,330 B.C.
Seth seizes and dismembers Osiris, assumes sole rule over the Nile Valley.
8,970 B.C.
Horus avenges his father Osiris by launching the First Pyramid War. Seth escapes to Asia, seizes the Sinai
peninsula and Canaan.
8,670 B.C.
Opposed to the resulting control of all the space facilities by Enki's descendants, the Enlilites launch the
Second Pyramid War. The victorious Ninurta empties the Great Pyramid of its equipment.
Ninhursag, half-sister of Enki and Enlil, convenes peace conference. The division of Earth is reaffirmed.
Rule over Egypt transferred from the Ra/Marduk dynasty to that of Thoth. Heliopolis built as a substitute
Beacon City.
8,500 B.C.
The Anunnaki establish outposts at the gateway to the space facilities; Jericho is one of them.
7,400 B.C.
As the era of peace continues, the Anunnaki grant Mankind new advances; the Neolithic period begins.
Demi-gods rule over Egypt.
3,800 B.C.
Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities, beginning with
Eridu and Nippur.
Anu comes to Earth for a pageantful visit. A new city, Uruk (Erech), is built in his honor; he makes its
temple the abode of his beloved granddaughter Inanna/lshtar.
3,760 B.C.
Mankind granted kingship. Kish is first capital under the aegis of Ninurta. The alendar begun at Nippur.
Civilization blossoms out in Sumer (the First Region).
3,450 B.C.
Primacy in Sumer transferred to Nannar/Sin. Marduk proclaims Babylon "Gateway of the Gods." The
"Tower of Babel" incident. The Anunnaki confuseMankind's languages.
His coup frustrated, Marduk/Ra returns to Egypt, deposes Thoth, seizes his younger brother Dumuzi who
had betrothed Inanna. Dumuzi accidentally killed; Marduk imprisoned alive in the Great Pyramid. Freed
through an emergency shaft, he goes into exile.
3,100- 3350 B.C.
years of chaos end with installation of first Egyptian Pharaoh in Memphis.Civilization comes to the
Second Region.
Kingship in Sumer transferred to Erech. Inanna given dominion over the Third Region; the Indus Valley
Civilization begins.
Sumer's royal capital shifts about. Kingship deteriorates. Enlil loses patience with the unruly human
Inanna falls in love with Sharru-Kin (Sargon). He establishes new capital city. Agade (Akkad). Akkadian
empire launched.
Aiming to rule the four regions, Sargon removes sacred soil from Babylon. The Marduk-Inanna conflict
flares up again. It ends when Nergal, Marduk's brother, journeys from south Africa to Babylon and
persuades Marduk to leave Mesopotamia.
Naram-Sin ascends the throne of Akkad. Directed by the warlike Inanna, he penetrates the Sinai
peninsula, invades Egypt.
Inanna usurps the power in Mesopotamia; Naram-Sin defies Nippur. The Great Anunnaki obliterate
Agade. Inanna escapes. Sumer and Akkad occupied by foreign troops loyal to Enlil and Ninurta.
Sumerian civilization rises to new heights under enlightened rulers of Lagash. Thoth helps its king Gudea
build a ziggurat-temple for Ninurta.
Terah, Abraham's father, born in Nippur into a priestly-royal family.
Egypt divided; followers of Ra/Marduk retain the south; Pharaohs opposed to him gain the throne of
lower Egypt.
As Enlil and Ninurta are increasingly away, central authority also deteriorates in Mesopotamia. Inanna's
attempts to regain the kingship for Erech does not last.
B.C 2,123
Abraham born in Nippur.
Enlil entrusts the Lands of Shem to Nannar; Ur declared capital of new empire. Ur- Nammmu ascends
throne, is named Protector of Nippur. A Nippurian priest-Terah, Abraham's father - comes to Ur to liaison
with its royal court.
Ur-Nammu dies in battle. The people consider his untimely death a betrayal by Anu and Enlil. Terah
departs with his family for Harran.
Shulgi ascends the throne of Ur, strengthens imperial ties. As empire thrives, Shulgi falls under charms of
Inanna, becomes her lover. Grants Larsa to Elamites in exchange for serving as his Foreign Legion.
Theban princes loyal to Ra/Marduk press northward under Mentuhotep I. Nabu, Marduk's son, gains
adherents for his father in Western Asia.
On Nannar's orders, Shulgi sends Elamite troops to suppress unrest in Canaanite cities. Elamites reach the
gateway to the Sinai peninsula and its Spaceport.
Shulgi dies. Marduk moves to the Land of the Hittites. Abraham ordered to southern Canaan with an elite
corps of cavalrymen.
Amar-Sin (the biblical Amraphel) becomes king of Ur. Abraham goes to Egypt, stays five years, then
returns with more troops.
Guided by Inanna, Amar-Sin forms a coalition of Kings of the East, launches military expedition to
Canaan and the Sinai. Its leader is the Elamite Khedor-la'omer. Abraham blocks the advance at the
gateway to the Spaceport.
Shu-Sin replaces Amar-Sin on throne of Ur as the empire disintegrates.
Ibbi-Sin replaces Shu-Sin. The western provinces increasingly to Marduk.
Leading his followers, Marduk marches on Sumer, enthrones himself in Babylon. Fighting spreads to
central Mesopotamia. Nippur's Holy of Holies is defiled. Enlil demands punishment for Marduk and
Nabu; Enki opposes, but his son Nergal sides with Enlil.
As Nabu marshals his Canaanite followers to capture the Spaceport, the Great Anunnaki approve of the
use of nuclear weapons. Nergal and Ninurta destroy the Spaceport and the errant Canaanite cities.
The winds carry the radioactive cloud to Sumer. People die a terrible death, animals perish, the water is
poisoned, the soil becomes barren. Sumer and its great civilization lie prostrate. Its legacy passes to
Abraham's seed as he begets -at age 100- a legitimate heir: Isaac.
Sumerian Culture and the Annunaki
Working from the same archaeological discoveries, artifacts, and recovered records as archaeologists and
linguists have for two hundred years, Sitchin propounds – proves, in the opinion of this author -- that the
Anunnaki (Sumerian: “those who came down from the heavens”; Old testament Hebrew, Anakeim,
Nefilim, Elohim; Egyptian: Neter), an advanced civilization from the tenth planet in our solar system,
splashed down in the Persian gulf area around 432,000 years ago, colonized the planet, with the purpose
of obtaining large quantities of gold. Some 250,000 years ago, the recovered documents tell us, their
lower echelon miners rebelled against the conditions in the mines and the Anunnaki directorate decided to
create a creature to take their place. Enki, their chief scientist and Ninhursag their chief medical officer,
after getting no satisfactory results splicing animal and Homo Erectus genes, merged their Anunnaki
genes with that of Homo Erectus and produced us, Homo Sapiens, a genetically bicameral species, for
their purposes as slaves. Because we were a hybrid, we could not procreate. The demand for us as
workers became greater and we were genetically manipulated to reproduce.
Eventually, we became so numerous that some of us were expelled from the Anunnaki city centers,
gradually spreading over the planet. Having become a stable genetic stock and developing more
precociously than, perhaps, the Anunnaki had anticipated, the Anunnaki began to be attracted to humans
as sexual partners and children were born of these unions. This was unacceptable to the majority of the
Anunnaki high council and it was decided to wipe out the human population through a flood that was
predictable when Nibiru, the tenth in our solar system and the Anunnaki home planet, came through the
inner solar system again (around 12,500 years ago) on one of its periodic 3600 year returns. Some
humans were saved by the action of the Anunnaki official, Enki, who was sympathetic to the humans he
had originally genetically created. For thousands of years, we were their slaves, their workers, their
servants, and their soldiers in their political battles among themselves. The Anunnaki used us in the
construction of their palaces (we retroproject the religious notion of temple on these now), their cities,
their mining and refining complexes and their astronomical installations on all the continents. They
expanded from Mesopotamia to Egypt to India to South and Central America and the stamp of their
presence can be found in the farthest reaches of the planet.
Around 6000 years ago, they, probably realizing that they were going to phase off the planet, began,
gradually, to bring humans to independence. Sumer, a human civilization, amazing in its “sudden”,
mature, and highly advanced character was set up under their tutelage in Mesopotamia. Human kings
were inaugurated as go-betweens, foremen of the human populations answering to the Anunnaki. A strain
of humans, genetically enhanced with more Anunnaki genes, a bloodline of rulers in a tradition of
“servants of the people” was initiated (Gardner). These designated humans were taught technology,
mathematics, astronomy, advanced crafts and the ways of advanced civilized society (in schools, called
now “mystery schools” but there was no mystery about them). Gardner has brought to light the fact that
there exists a robust, highly documented, genealogical, genetic history carrying all the way back to the
Anunnaki, possessed by the heterodox tradition of Christianity, which is only now coming forward, no
longer gun-shy of the Inquisition. This tradition, preserving the bloodline, is the one branded “heretical”
and murderously persecuted by the Roman Church. There were no Dark Ages for this tradition, only for
those whom the Church wanted to keep in the dark about the real nature of human history and destroy the
bloodline, a direct threat to the power of the Bishops.
A key underpinning of the Sitchin paradigm is the existence, now or in the past, of the tenth planet in our
solar system, the home planet of the Anunnaki with the size, orbit, and characteristics described, as
Sitchin has demonstrated, in the Enuma Elish and corroborated by Harrington, former chief of the U.S.
Naval Observatory, now deceased.
Tombaugh discovered Pluto in 1930. Christie, of the U.S. Naval Observatory, discovered Charon, Pluto’s
moon, in 1978. The characteristics of Pluto derivable from the nature of Charon demonstrated that there
must still be a large planet undiscovered because Pluto could not be the cause of the residuals, the
“wobbles” in the orbital paths of Uranus and Neptune clearly identifiable. The IRAS (Infrared
Astronomical Satellite), during ’83 -’84, produced observations of a tenth planet so robust that one of the
astronomers on the project said that “all that remains is to name it” -- from which point the information
has become curiously guarded. In 1992 Harrington and Van Flandern of the Naval Observatory, working
with all the information they had at hand, published their findings and opinion that there is, indeed, a
tenth planet, even calling it an “intruder” planet. The search was narrowed to the southern skies, below
the ecliptic. Harrington invited Sitchin, having read his book and translations of the Enuma Elish, to a
meeting at his office and they correlated the current findings with the ancient records.
The recovered Enuma Elish document, a history of the formation of our solar system and more, says that,
at the time when Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn were in place, there was a Uranus
sized planet, called Tiamat, in orbit between Mars and Jupiter. Earth was not in place yet. A large
wandering planet, called Nibiru, was captured into the system gravitationally. As it passed by the outer
planets it caused the anomalies of their moons, the tilting of Uranus on its side, the dislodging of Pluto
from its being a moon of Saturn to its own planetary orbit. Its path bent by the gravitational pull of the
large planets, first its satellites collided with the large planet Tiamat and, on a second orbit through,
Nibiru collided with Tiamat, driving the larger part of it into what is now Earth’s orbit to recongeal as
Earth, dragging its moon with it to become our Moon with all its anomalies. The shattered debris of
Tiamat’s smaller part became the asteroid belt, comets, and meteorites. The gouge of our Pacific basin is
awesome testimony to the collisional event. Nibiru settled into a 3600 year elliptical retrograde (opposite
direction to all the other planets) orbit around our sun, coming in through the asteroid belt region between
Mars and Jupiter at perigee and swinging far out past Pluto at apogee. Harrington acknowledged that his
information agreed with all these details and the maps they each had drawn of the orbits were almost
indistinguishable. The current probable location of Nibiru (Planet X, our tenth) estimated by both was the
It is the opinion of this author and others that, in light of the evidence already obtained through the use of
the Pioneer 10 and 11 and two Voyager space craft, the Infrared Imaging Satellite (IRAS, ‘83-84) and the
clear and unequivocal statements of Harrington when consulting with Sitchin, that the search has already
been accomplished, in fact that the planet has already been found.
We need to force the issue of the tenth planet being in our solar system, not just to demonstrate the
validity of the new paradigm but for a very practical reason. The ancient records are very clear. The
passage of the tenth planet, Nibiru, once every 3600 years, through the inner solar system effects the
Earth, sometimes in catastrophic ways. It is very probably the cause of pole shifts, pole reversals, changes
in the precessional movement, perhaps even catastrophic bombardment by asteroid size space debris that
it may drag along with it. Since it passes through the asteroid belt area between Mars and Jupiter and its
orbital path may vary depending on the position of the other planets when it comes though, it may have
been responsible for the devastation of Mars. A rigorous, detailed computer modeling of the solar system,
including the tenth planet needs to be done urgently for our own planetary safety. Remember that the
Vatican maintains an astronomical observatory and Msgr. Balducci may have access to information that
prompts him to make the amazing statements he has ---- no doubt as voice of the Vatican.
Interview with Zecharia Sitchin
NOTE: The following Q&A interview was conducted over a course of weeks between YOWUSA and
Zecharia Sitchin and has been reviewed by him for completeness and accuracy.
YOWUSA: Could you please summarise your research and explain how you managed to beautifully
consolidate everything in your latest release “The Lost Book Of Enki”?
SITCHIN: My journey into the Past began as a schoolboy, fortunate to study the Bible (Old Testament)
in its original Hebrew. Reaching chapter 6 of Genesis, the teacher explained that in the days before the
Great Flood of Noah there were "giants" upon the Earth. But I raised my hand and said: The term in the
Bible is Nefilim, which means Those Who Have Come Down/Descended (from Heaven to Earth), not
Instead of being complimented on my linguistic knowledge, I was reprimanded for "questioning the
Bible." The result was an obsession: Who were the Nefilim? What was the significance that they married
the Daughters of Adam? Why were they described as the sons (plural) of the Elohim ("gods" in plural)?
The lifetime of research led me to the origin of all these tales -- the Great Flood, the Tower of Babel and
the Creation of the Adam included -- in the writings, on clay tablets, of the Sumerians, back in time
almost six millennia.
In the eight books preceding The Lost Book of Enki (starting with The 12th Planet in 1976).) I presented
the textual and pictorial evidence from all the ancient civilizations showing that WE ARE NOT ALONE - that there is one more planet in our own solar system from which intelligent beings (Nefilim, Elohim,
Anunnaki in Sumerian) had come here some 450,000 years ago for their own reasons, and who some
300,000 years ago engaged in genetic engineering to bring about Homo-sapiens by mixing their genes
with those of the evolved hominids. Their home planet, which has an elongated orbit around our sun
lasting some 3,600 years, was called NIBIRU: "Planet of the Crossing."
The leader of the first expedition to Earth, a great scientist who led the genetic engineering achievement,
was called EN.KI ("Lord Earth").
In 2024 BC the ongoing conflict between clans of the Anunnaki (to use their Sumerian name) resulted in
the use of nuclear weapons to obliterate their spaceport in the Sinai Peninsula. The unexpected
consequence was the demise of the great Sumerian civilization.
Enki opposed this use of the "weapons of terror." His autobiography, reconstructed by me from almost
800 long, short, undamaged or even fragmented texts, was intended to tell Mankind how it all came
about. Thus the culmination of my lifelong writings: The Lost Book Of Enki.
YOWUSA: On your web site you quote from an article titled “Comet’s Course Hints at Mystery Planet”
in the journal Science dated 6 April 2001:
“A Supercomet following an unexpectedly far-flung path around the sun suggests that an unidentified
planet once lurked in the outermost reaches of the solar system, an international team of astronomers
reports. What’s more, the mysterious object may still be there.”
From your research into the historical records of ancient civilisations are all such findings relating to the
Sumerian Nibiru?
SITCHIN: The above is just one recent example of a recurring spate of revelations from the astronomical
establishment touching on the existence of one more planet in our solar system. Some ten years ago the
US Government itself, through its Naval Observatory, led the search for "Planet X" and the team's leader,
Dr. Harrington, agreed with my ancient evidence. At that time even The New York Times wrote that all
that is left regarding the existence of such a post-Plutonian planet is to name it... (I wrote to the Planetary
Society that the planet already has a name: Nibiru). After a hiatus of a decade or so, the "discoveries" of
"something" "out there" keep piling up again.
I have no doubt that at the right time -- right in the eyes of whoever decided these matters -- the existence
of Nibiru will be officially confirmed.
YOWUSA: On your web site you also quote from an article titled “Neptune Attacks!” in the New
Scientist magazine:
“There is new evidence that a sudden barrage of deadly debris crashed against the Earth and the Moon 3.9
billion years ago… What triggered this onslaught? Something in the structure of the Solar System must
have changed.”
SITCHIN: This is yet another confirmation by modern science of the Sumerian knowledge. A long text
known as Enuma Elish describes how Nibiru arrived at an early Solar System and collided with an olden
planet, causing it’s crash to form the Earth and the Moon.
YOWUSA: So, while the majority in the scientific community may disagree with your research, they are
still making open discoveries that are confirming your research. However, many religious leaders still
seem to be relatively tight-lipped about acknowledging your research. Are you disappointed that religion
does not seem to be evolving in the way our science is?
SITCHIN: In Sumerian times Religion was Science and Science was Religion. Who is more tight lipped
now, to use your words, one wonders. As the two come together, the validity of the ancients' knowledge
will also become evident.
YOWUSA: Since the whole Hebrew Bible was compiled centuries after Genesis, the first of the five
books of the Bible, do you believe that the writer of the Genesis account followed Sumerian beliefs more
SITCHIN: Of Course. The first parts of Genesis, from the tale of Creation through the tales of Adam and
Eve, the Garden of Eden, the Tower of Babel, the Great Flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Wars of the
Kings in which Abraham was involved -- are all based on earlier Sumerian records.
YOWUSA: The beliefs of the Native American Indians reflect Sumerian beliefs as you have stated them.
Since major religions have departed from the original Sumerian beliefs, why do you say the Native
American beliefs have remained so intact?
SITCHIN: A good question; let me try to answer it: The Anunnaki first established their activities in the
Americas after the Great Flood, because the Deluge exposed there vast sources of gold -- the metal for
which they had come to Earth (needing it to create a shield to save the atmosphere on Nibiru). The arena
for that was South America. The next phase was when the leader known in the Old World as
Ningishzidda (in Sumerian) or Thoth (in Egypt) was exiled, and came with his followers to Mesoamerica
where he was called the Winged Serpent (Quetzalcoatl). Separated from the wars and feuds of the Old
World -- resulting among other things in Religion as we know it today -- the people in the Americas
apparently retained the olden knowledge and lore untainted.
YOWUSA: According to your findings, at about 11,000 BC, 7,400 BC, and 3,800 BC as a result of the
appearance of Nibiru or the visitation of the Anunnaki, mankind experienced significant technological
and/or sociological advances.
For example, the year 3,760 AD coincides with the beginning of the Jewish Calender and according to
you the time of the state visit to Earth by Anu (a leader of the Anunnaki or Nibiru) in Nippur, Sumer’s
“cult center.” Assuming a relatively stable orbit for Nibiru, that would place a similar event in 3,440 AD.
According to NOSTRADAMUS scholar John Hogue, the quatrains of Nostradamus predict that the Earth
will be destroyed by the expanding Sun in the year 3,797 AD. Mayan calendars are interpreted to indicate
an “ending” at 2012 AD, and so on. How do such predictions jive with the data on the ancient clay
SITCHIN: That Mankind's progression from Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age) to Mesolithic (Middle Stone
Age) to Neolithic (New Stone Age) and then the great Sumerian civilization, had occurred in intervals of
about 3,600 years, is a fact. That Anu visited Earth, approved the grant of civilization (=knowledge,
science, technology) to Mankind, marked by the start of the calendar in Nippur in 3760 BC (which is still
the Hebrew/Jewish calendar), is certain (as far as I am concerned).
But as I have tried to explain in my recent Seminars (though not yet in a full length book), the visits to
Earth and the nearing (at what is called perihelion) of Nibiru do NOT coincide. This is a point of immense
significance, which those who have only read my first book somehow ignore.
Also, the assumption that the 3600 years, as a perfect mathematical given, is also at all times the actual
orbital period, is untenable: Even the orbit of Halley's comet, about 75 years, varies from 74 to 76 or so.
All attempts to pinpoint a precise date for future arrivals of the planet and/or of the Anunnaki are thus
difficult questions. I will answer them once I am satisfied that, based on historical and astronomical data,
I have come up with the right answer.
YOWUSA: In retrospect, have there ever been times in your life when you wished that you had never
uncovered this knowledge so that you may have lived a much simpler, less informed life?
SITCHIN: No. I am grateful to my fate -- or destiny (the Sumerians distinguished between the two) -that my teacher told me harshly to "sit down and don’t question the Bible."
I have as a result devoted my lifetime to the study of what the ancients knew, witnessed and recorded. I
am grateful that I was given the ability to fathom that evidence and to convey it to my fellow humans -- to
let them know how WE had come about, what our Past has been, and thus What the Future holds; because
-- as is stated in the Lost Book of Enki and the Bible, the First Things shall be the Last Things.
The Lost Lands of Mu and Lemuria
Lemuria and Mu are interchangeable names given to a lost land believed to have been located somewhere
in either the southern Pacific or Indian Oceans. This ancient continent was apparently the home of an
advanced and highly spiritual culture, perhaps the mother race of all mankind, but it sank beneath the
waves many thousands of years ago as the result of a geological cataclysm of some kind.
The thousands of rocky islands scattered throughout the Pacific, including Easter Island, Tahiti, Hawaii
and Samoa, have been claimed by some to be the only surviving remains of this once great continent. The
theory of a lost continent in this area has been put forward by many different people, most notably in the
mid 19th century by scientists in order to explain the unusual distribution of various animals and plants
around the Indian and Pacific Oceans.In the late 19th century occultist Madame Blavatsky reincarnated
the idea of Lemuria as a lost continent / spiritual homeland and influenced a host of subsequent occultists
and mystics including well known American psychic healer and Prophet Edgar Cayce. The popularisation
of Lemuria / Mu as a purely physical place began in the 20th century with ex-British army officer Colonel
James Churchward, and the idea still has many adherents today.
But is there any physical evidence to back up these claims of an ancient continent beneath the Pacific or
Indian Ocean? Or should these ‘lost homeland’ stories be interpreted in another way entirely, perhaps as
the symbol of a mythical vanished ‘Golden Age’ of man?
The idea of a lost continent known as ‘Mu’ in the Pacific Ocean does not actually have a particularly long
history, neither is it mentioned specifically in any ancient mythologies as some writers have suggested.
The title ‘Mu’ originated with eccentric amateur archaeologist Augustus le Plongeon (1826-1908), who
was the first to make photographical records of the ruins of the archaeological site of Chichen Itza in
Yucatán, Mexico. Plongeon’s credibility was badly damaged by his attempted translation of a Mayan
book known as the ‘Troana Codex’ (also known as the ‘Madrid Codex’).
In his books Sacred Mysteries Among the Mayans and Quiches (1886) and Queen Moo and the Egyptian
Sphinx (1896) Plongeon interpreted part of the text of the Troana Codex as revealing that the Maya of
Yucatán were the ancestors of the Egyptians and many other civilisations. He also believed that an
ancient continent, which he called Mu, had been destroyed by a volcanic eruption, the survivors of this
cataclysm founding the Mayan civilisation. Plongeon equates Mu with Atlantis and states that a ‘Queen
Moo’ originally from Atlantis, travelled to Egypt where she became known as Isis, and founded the
Egyptian civilisation. However, Plongeon’s interpretation of the Mayan book is considered by experts in
Mayan archaeology and history as completely erroneous, indeed much of what he interpreted as
hieroglyphics turned out to be ornamental design.
‘Lemuria’, the alternative name for the lost continent, also originated in the nineteenth century. Ernst
Heinrich Haeckel (1834-1919), a German naturalist and supporter of Darwin, proposed that a land bridge
spanning the Indian Ocean separating Madagascar from India could explain the widespread distribution of
lemurs, small, primitive tree-dwelling mammals found in Africa, Madagascar, India and the East Indian
archipelago. More bizarrely, Haeckel also suggested that lemurs were the ancestors of the human race and
that this land bridge was the “probable cradle of the human race.”
Other well-known scientists, such as the evolutionist T.H. Huxley and the naturalist Alfred Russell
Wallace, had no doubt about the existence of a huge continent in the Pacific millions of years previously,
which had been destroyed in a disastrous earthquake that submerged it beneath the waves, much as
Atlantis was thought to have been drowned.
Before the discovery of continental drift it was not unusual in the mid to late 19th century for scientists to
propose submerged land masses and land bridges to explain the distribution of the world’s flora and
fauna. In 1864, the English zoologist Philip Lutley Sclater (1829-1913) gave the hypothetical continent
the name ‘Lemuria’ in an article ‘The Mammals of Madagascar’ in The Quarterly Journal of Science, and
since then it has stuck.
Zoologists and geologists now explain the distribution of lemurs and other plants and animals in the area
of the Pacific and Indian Oceans to be the result of plate tectonics and continental drift. The theory of
plate tectonics, and it is still a theory, affirms that moving plates of the Earth’s crust supported on less
rigid mantle rocks causes continental drift, volcanic and seismic activity, and the formation of mountain
chains. The concept of continental drift was first proposed by German scientist Alfred Wegener in 1912,
but the theory did not gain general acceptance in the scientific community for another 50 years.
With this understanding of plate tectonics geologists now regard the theory of a sunken continent beneath
the Pacific as an impossibility. They also point out that theories of lost lands in the Pacific mostly
originate in the 19th century, when knowledge of the area was limited and well before the Pacific sea
floor had been mapped.
The idea of Lemuria as something more than a physical place, or at least somewhere which had been
inhabited by non-human entities before the appearance of man, derives from the writings of colourful
Russian occultist Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831-1891). Blavatsky was the co-founder, together with
lawyer Henry Steel Olcott, of the Theosophical Society, in New York in 1875. The Society was an
esoteric order designed to study the mystical teachings of both Christianity and Eastern religions.
In her massive tome The Secret Doctrine (1888) Blavatsky describes a history originating millions of
years ago with the ‘Lords of Flame’ and goes on to discusses five ‘Root Races’ which have existed on
earth, each one dying out in an earth-shattering cataclysm. The third of these Root Races she called the
‘Lemurian’, which lived a million years ago, and who were bizarre telepathic giants who kept dinosaurs
as pets.
The Lemurians eventually drowned when their continent was submerged beneath the Pacific Ocean. The
progeny of the Lemurians was the fourth Root Race, the human Atlanteans, who were brought down by
their use of black magic, their continent of Atlantis sinking beneath the waves 850,000 years ago. Present
humanity represents the Fifth Root Race.
Blavatsky envisioned her Lemuria as covering a vast area. In her own words it stretched from
…the foot of the Himalayas, which separated it from the inland sea rolling its waves over what is now
Tibet, Mongolia, and the great desert of Schamo (Gobi); from Chittagong, westward to Hardwar, and
eastward to Assam. From thence, it stretched South across what is known to us as Southern India, Ceylon,
and Sumatra; then embracing on its way, as we go South, Madagascar on its right hand and Australia and
Tasmania on its left, it ran down to within a few degrees of the Antarctic Circle; when, from Australia, an
inland region on the Mother Continent in those ages, it extended far into the Pacific Ocean…
Blavatsky also describes survivors of the catastrophic destruction of Lemuria escaping to become the
ancestors of some of the Aboriginal tribes of Australia. She maintained that she took all of her
information regarding Lemuria from ‘The Book of Dzyan’, supposed to have been written in Atlantis and
shown to her by the Indian adepts known as ‘Mahatmas’.
Madame Blavatsky never claimed to have discovered Lemuria; in fact she refers to Philip Schlater
coining the name Lemuria, in her writings. It has to be said that The Secret Doctrine is an extremely
difficult book, a complex mixture of Eastern and Western cosmologies, mystical ramblings and esoteric
wisdom, much of it not meant to be taken literally.
Blavatsky’s is the first ‘occult’ interpretation of Lemuria, but on one level it should not be equated with
the physical continent later proposed by Churchward. What Blavatsky and other occultists since have
suggested concerning Lemuria could be partly interpreted as an ideal spiritual condition of the soul, a
kind of spiritual-historical vision.
Nevertheless, there are some psychics and prophets who even today regard the existence of ancient
Lemuria / Mu as a physical reality. Indeed, there are a few who when ‘hypnotically regressed’ have
recalled former lives as citizens on the doomed continent.
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky ( H P Blavatsky ) was born on August 12, 1831, at Dnepropetrovsk
(Ekaterinoslav), Russian Ukraine, daughter of Colonel Peter Alexeyevich von Hahn and novelist Helena
Andreyevna (née de Fadeyev). In 1849, at the age of 16, she married the much older N. V. Blavatsky, and
some months later began more than 20 years of extensive travel, bringing her into contact with mystic
traditions the world over. The travels provided a basis for Madame Blavatsky's claim to have studied for
seven years under Hindu mahatmas (masters) in the East. She also claimed to have several times entered
Tibet, which at that time was practically inaccessable to foreigners.
In 1873 Madame Blavatsky arrived in New York. In July 1875 she was urged "to establish a
philosophico-religious society," and in the Fall of the same year she became the principal founder, along
with Col. Henry Steel Olcott and William Quan Judge, of The Theosophical Society. She devoted the rest
of her life to its humanitarian and educational objectives.
During these times H P Blavatsky was the first Russian woman to become naturalized as an American
citizen. She started to write her first major work, Isis Unveiled, and after its publication in 1877 she and
H. S. Olcott left for India. There they worked to re-establish Oriental philosophical and religious ideas,
largely through the pages of The Theosophist, a magazine which Madame Blavatsky founded and edited.
She and Olcott established a new headquarters for the Theosophical Society in India. Whilst on a visit to
Sri Lanka they joined with a Buddhist tradition of faith.
In 1884, while Madame Blavatsky was traveling in Europe, disgruntled Theosophical Society employees
in India went to local missionaries with forged documents, bringing charges of fraud against her. These
charges were investigated and, although an initial report was unfavourable to Madame Blavatsky, it was
eventually deemed that the charges were unjustified.
The stress associated with the investigation contributed to a break down in Madame Blavatsky's health
and in 1885 she left India for Europe, where she continued to write and organise on behalf of the
Theosophical Society. In 1887 she settled in London, and began a new magazine Lucifer ("Lightbringer").
Her principal work entitled "The Secret Doctrine" was published in 1888 and, in the same year, aided by
W. Q. Judge, she formed the Esoteric Section of The Theosophical Society. Shortly afterwards she wrote
The Key to Theosophy and The Voice of the Silence. In 1890 she became head of a newly-established
European Section. She died in London on May 8, 1891 after many years of chronic illness.
MYRNA 1980 she claimed to have been abducted near Cimarron, NM and
claimed to have been taken to an unknown underground location......She was at at that time a
resident of Eagle Nest, New Mexico......Paul Bennewitz interviewed her at his house, together
with Leo Sprinkle who did a hypnotic regression....Paul Bennewitz later on decided that she
must have been taken into the Dulce base.....this was allegedly only after Bennewitz begun to
suspect that there was a base in Dulce....later on, a Richard C. Doty (who was with AFOSI
Kirtland AFB at that time) suggested to her that she might have been taken to an undergound
weapons storage facility.
May 5, 1980, Myrna Hansen had what is now known as an abduction experience. She was driving along
one night to her home in Eagles Nest, New Mexico when she saw a bright light which was sucking a cow
up into what could only be called a UFO, at least two other people witnessed this event. Myrna had
expected to arrive home about 9:00 that evening but instead did not get there until 1 a.m.. When she got
home she called the police department for help. The officer referred her to Officer Gabe Valdez who in
the past had many of his cows mutilated and he referred her to Paul Bennewitz who Gabe knew was
interested in cattle mutilation and UFO’s. Two days later Myrna came to stay at the Bennewitz residence.
Bennewitz became convinced that she had been implanted with some sort of device that was controlling
her and keeping her from remembering everything that had happened so he preferred regression sessions,
done by Leo Sprinkle a psychologist and Professor at University of Wyoming, be done in his car with
many layers of foil over the windows to keep the EM signals from getting in or out. This sounds rather
funny now, but as far as I know Bennewitz was the first person to come up with the theory that abductees
were being implanted. It was during these sessions that Myrna told about being taken to a underground
base that Paul somehow figured out was near Dulce.
In the Bennewitz home sat a receiver he had built that was picking up low frequency EM signals which he
said were coming from Kirtland AFB around the Manzano weapons storage area. The neighborhood he
lived in is as close as you can get to the Manzano area, the two are separated only by barb wire and
electric fences. His house was only about 1 mile away from Manzano mountain. He had also been taking
photos and 8mm film of lights he saw hovering and moving rapidly around the Manzano area. Everyone
in Albuquerque has known for ages that Manzano Mountain is mostly hollowed out with tunnels
throughout. I have known this since I was a child because my Grandfather worked at Sandia Lab and had
told us and just about everyone who knew this told everyone they knew so I am sure Paul Bennewitz
knew this too. Paul was sure that the signals and pictures he was recording were signs of a eminent alien
invasion so he contacted Kirtland AFB along with NM Senators and Congressmen to warn them. Kirtland
was very interested in what Paul was recording, since they had many secret projects going on that needed
to be protected from eavesdroppers and this is where Richard Doty enters the picture in late 1980.
Richard Doty is on the record saying he worked for the OSI as a disinformation officer. I checked with
Linda Howe who tells me that she did meet him at Kirtland where he gave her some information that was
true, but at the same time that seems to only be to get her to believe his other information that was not
true. He recalls that she did not fall for this and the “operation” with her was a failure. Paul Bennewitz on
the other hand was eager to believe whatever Doty told him. It seems that Bill Moore who at the time was
working himself as a disinformation agent tried to tell Bennewitz not to believe everything Doty or even
Moore himself told him, but to no avail.
Still, Paul Bennewitz was not a complete nut. The signals he was receiving were real signals that Doty
says the NSA who had their own offices at the base were doing the sending and receiving. Doty was
eventually replaced by NSA agents who wanted to make sure Bennewitz discredited himself by spreading
wild stories about UFO’s. They also wanted to keep a eye on him to make sure that he wasn’t sharing his
method of intercepting these signals with Soviet spies posing as UFO enthusiasts. Bennewitz was even
sent some sort of software that was suppose to decode the messages which basically gave him a bunch
of nonsense about a alien invasion.
Eventually Paul Bennewitz became convinced that the true threat was the underground alien base
somewhere near Dulce. According to Richard Doty the military wanted Paul to think the aliens were
responsible for cattle mutilations because really they were being done by the military and that the NSA
wanted him to concentrate his energy on Dulce rather than Kirtland where there was real stuff going on,
so they set up a elaborate hoax to go along with his disillusions. According to Doty they helicoptered in
bunches of debris from Kirtland that would look like stuff that belonged to spaceships and even pounded
large tubes into the ground of Archuleta Mesa to make it look like air shafts for the underground base.
When this was all done Doty flew Bennewitz over the site to show him what the Air Force was concerned
about. Bennewitz apparently believed every word. Bennewitz was so interested in the area that he
purchased his own plane and began flying reconnaissance missions over the site himself. During one of
these flights he came across the wreckage of what may have been a early prototype stealth bomber. He
snapped many photos of it, but made the mistake of showing them to Richard Doty. Bennewitz was then
told that this was a experimental nuclear aircraft that the aliens had shot down to teach the US a lesson
about flying over their base and that Bennewitz and others should stay away do to the radiation. With
everyone keeping away, this gave the air force time to clean up the wreckage and the NSA time to steal
Bennewitz’s photos of it. All that remains is the drawing he made of the crash, but other researchers such
as Bill Moore saw the original photos.
Originally Posted by rorechof
Here is a bit of The Back-story on Dulce...
In 1966 Paul Bennewitz started a company called Thunder Scientific Corporation,
headquartered in Albuquerque, New Mexico...
Allegedly, Bennewitz had been interested in the UFO phenom for many years
One day Bennewitz became convinced that the so-called Cattle mutilations were of
alien/ET design
In a state of hypnosis, a person named Myrna Hansen, SAID SO...
Bennewitz believed her...
Myrna Hansen also claimed she was kidnapped by Aliens and taken to an
underground base in New Mexico where she claimed she saw a whole bunch
of Human and Cattle Body Parts stored in Vats.
This is about the time 'ol Benne started claiming he had uncovered the fact that
aliens were controlling humans through electromagnetic devices...
The idea of the Nibiru encounter originated with Nancy Lieder, a Wisconsin woman who claims that as a
girl she was contacted by gray extraterrestrials called Zetas, who implanted a communications device in
her brain. In 1995, she founded the website ZetaTalk to disseminate her ideas. Lieder first came to public
attention on Internet newsgroups during the build-up to Comet Hale–Bopp's 1997 perihelion. She stated,
speaking as the Zetas, that "The Hale-Bopp comet does not exist. It is a fraud, perpetrated by those who
would have the teeming masses quiescent until it is too late. Hale-Bopp is nothing more than a distant
star, and will draw no closer." She claimed that the Hale-Bopp story was manufactured to distract people
from the imminent arrival of a large planetary object, "Planet X", which would soon pass by Earth and
destroy civilization. After Hale-Bopp's perihelion revealed it as one of the brightest and longest-observed
comets of the last century, Lieder removed the first two sentences of her initial statement from her site,
though they can still be found in Google's archives. Her claims eventually made the New York Times.
Lieder described Planet X as roughly four times the size of the Earth, and said that its closest approach
would occur on May 27, 2003, resulting in the Earth's rotation ceasing for exactly 5.9 terrestrial days.
This would be followed by the Earth's pole destabilizing in a pole shift (a physical pole shift, with the
Earth's pole physically moving, rather than a geomagnetic reversal) caused by magnetic attraction
between the Earth's core and the magnetism of the passing planet. This in turn would disrupt the Earth's
magnetic core and lead to subsequent displacement of the Earth's crust.
After Lieder, the first person to propagate her Planet X idea was Mark Hazlewood, a former member of
the ZetaTalk community, who in 2001 published a book: Blindsided: Planet X Passes in 2003. Lieder
would later accuse him of being a confidence trickster. A Japanese cult called the Pana Wave Laboratory,
which blocked off roads and rivers with white cloths to protect itself from electromagnetic attacks, also
warned that the world would end in May 2003 after the approach of a tenth planet.
Roughly a week before the supposed arrival of Planet X, Lieder appeared on KROQ-FM radio in Los
Angeles, and advised listeners to put their pets down in anticipation of the event. When asked if she had
done so, she replied that she had, and that "The puppies are in a happy place." She also advised that "A
dog makes a good meal". After the 2003 date passed without incident, Lieder said that it was merely a
"White Lie ... to fool the establishment," and said that to disclose the true date would give those in power
enough time to declare martial law and trap people in cities during the shift, leading to their deaths.
Many Internet sites continue to proclaim that Lieder's object is en route to Earth, often citing its arrival
date as December, 2012. This date has gathered many apocalyptic associations, as it is the end of the
current cycle (baktun) in the long count in the Mayan calendar. Several writers have published books
connecting the encounter with 2012
ZetaTalk is an apocalyptic alien-contactee cult started in the mid-1990s by Nancy Lieder.
ZetaTalk's mythology is a mishmash of New Age pseudoscience, mostly cribbed from the
pseudoarchaeology of Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Däniken as well as Velikovskian catastrophism,
though it differs in several important respects from related beliefs like David Icke's Lizardman mythos.
The story starts in ancient Sumer, where giants known as the Annunaki came to Earth to mine gold for
some reason. Their home planet is Nibiru, also known as Marduk or Planet X, which is a brown dwarf on
an eccentric orbit that passes through the inner Solar System every 3,657 years. In fact, Nibiru is on a
figure-eight orbit, continually slingshotting between the Sun and its dark cousin Nemesis some distance
Whenever Nibiru passes by, its strong magnetic field and gravitational pull cause a shift in the Earth's
magnetic field as well as disruptions in its orbit, resulting in massive planetwide destruction. The next
time Nibiru passes into the inner solar system, it will stop Earth's rotation and flip it on its side, causing
massive flooding of many land areas and stripping away most of the atmosphere. Nancy's job as a conduit
for the Zetas, a race of aliens who want humans to survive so that they can create hybrids with us - in fact,
Nancy is the mother of one such hybrid - is to warn Earth of the coming catastrophe, as Nibiru is due to
pass by Any Day Now. She is opposed in this endeavour by the Powers That Be, who worry about the
overpopulation of the Earth and want to seize the opportunity to let the sheeple be killed off in the
disaster. The Zetas are aware of this, though, and have deceived the PTBs in a series of brilliant feints and
fakeouts cunningly disguised to look like failed prophecies.
Though she had some encounters with aliens as a young girl, Nancy first became aware of her status as a
"contactee" in 1993, when the Zetas started talking to her through an implant in her brain. At first she was
unsure about the reality of the situation, so she asked the Zetas for a sign to prove that they were on the
level. Soon afterwards, while at the movies, she opened a package of individually wrapped Starburst
candies and discovered that one was in fact unwrapped. The Zetas' awesome power proven beyond a
shadow of a doubt, Nancy promptly moved to Wisconsin to start ZetaTalk, and began accumulating
followers to help her debate with real astronomers on the sci.astro Usenet group. Watchers of the crank
world started taking notice, and her profile increased over the next few years with appearances on Jeff
Rense's radio show and Coast to Coast AM, in which she pointed to Earth changes as evidence for the
impending disaster.
Eventually Nancy announced that Nibiru would pass by Earth in May of 2003, causing all sorts of
problems for the unsuspecting human race, including the fabled pole shift. In the early 2000s, she started
doing "Live Chat" sessions on the Godlike Productions conspiracy forums, where people would ask the
Zetas questions and she would respond for them. She advised people on how to prepare for the shift stockpile canned food, build underground shelters, and kill all of your pets. Followers posted shots of
lights in the night sky, insisting that Nibiru was becoming visible to the naked eye. Nancy's star rose high
enough that even Phil Plait took notice, devoting a debunking page on the still-young Bad Astronomy site
to the utter ridiculousness of the Nibiru / Planet X myth.
When May 2003 came and went without any sign of catastrophe, Nancy declared that the prophecy was a
"White Lie" told by the Zetas to throw off Them. If she gave a real date for the arrival of Planet X, They
would declare martial law and confine everyone to large cities so that the majority of the population
would die in the pole shift. Her masterstroke complete, Ms. Lieder declared that Planet X had in fact
arrived in the inner Solar System, though it was currently sitting motionless behind the Sun. When asked
why it was not visible at any time of the year, she declared that Earth had been stopped dead in its orbit
by Nibiru's gravitational pull and was similarly sitting motionless in space. When asked why different
constellations were visible throughout the year, she waffled a bit and said something about the earth
wobbling on its axis. Mystery solved!
While ZetaTalk lost most of its followers after the failed prediction of 2003, white lie excuse
notwithstanding, a small core of adherents remains thanks to cognitive dissonance. Nancy maintains that
the pole shift will happen Any Day Now, and certainly sometime before 2012 (the 2012 apocalypse is a
disinfo campaign orchestrated by Them so that people will be unprepared for the much earlier arrival of
She continued to host weekly Live ZetaChat sessions on Godlike Productions and responded to just about
anything that isn't an obvious troll. In May 2010, she announced that she was moving the chat to a new
Earth Changes Ning (address listed below) which was set up by former enthusiastic supporter Gerard
Zwaan, who resurfaced recently after a few years absence from the scene. Posting regulations are much
stricter at the Ning, where no dissent or arguing is allowed and results in an immediate ban and deletion
of all posts by that poster. Although Nancy had Moderator powers at GLP, she would ban debunking
posters only on her thread and only during the time of her chat, after which her thread would be opened to
the debunkers
Inuit Observations
The Inuit indians, who live on all sides of the Arctic Ocean (Greenland, Siberia, Alaska, Canada), were
filmed to get their comments about climate change, but more than comments about the melting Arctic ice
came out. Apparently, they have noticed that the Sun and Moon and constellations are not where they are
supposed to be! In the trailer for the Before Tomorrow film, they state that the Sun is too high in the sky,
and too hot, and the Earth has at the same time tilted to the North. They are documenting the Earth
"The Tilting of the Earth Changes Everything"
November 25, 2009
Arguably, the most bizarre, fascinating and perhaps groundbreaking of all observations we've
heard from Inuit is that they believe our world has tilted on its axis and this contributes to
climate change. When Zacharias and I first heard this, we thought it was very strange, yet elders
in all the communities we've worked in - Pangnirtung, Iqaluit, Resolute Bay and Igloolik - all
believe this phenomenon to be true. As a trained scientist, I know that a key test for "truth" is the
repeated replicability of a research finding, independent of who is doing the test. Hearing Inuit
across Nunavut make the same observation, using their traditional ecological knowledge, seems
to pass this credo for scientific truth. So what data are elders collecting and analyzing to draw
this conclusion?
Elders across Nunavut have noticed that the sun and stars have changed their position in the sky.
The sun is now rising higher and staying longer than it used to. Importantly, in the far north, you
must remember that the sun goes below the horizon for a large part of the year, and therefore
Inuit are very familiar with its celestial pattern. Indeed, Inuit we're talking with are telling us
stories about how in the old days, during the dark months, they would travel the land by dog
team using stars as their navigational tools. So, when Inuit talk about the sun and stars, they do
so with an intimate knowledge of these systems. We've heard that the earth has tilted in the
direction of the sun. Elders explain that this is why the sun is higher in the sky and there is
increased and more direct heat entering the Arctic ecosystem. As Japiti explains, this has
subsequently altered migratory routes of animals, warmed the ocean water, and thinned the ice
Uqalurait: the Snow is Speaking
November 23, 2009
An Igloolik elder, describes that uqalurait are changing because the earth itself has "tilted" and
has thrown off the consistent wind patterns of the past. The earth tilting on its axis is another reoccuring observation that we are hearing from Inuit, which they know because of how the sun,
moon and stars have changed in the sky. Indeed, elders simultaneously know the complexities of
the cosmos, land, wind and sky.
This is not a surprise nor anything new. Others have noted the Earth wobble, and it has been well
ZetaTalk Description 11/19/2004: The magnetic poles of Earth present themselves to
the Sun each once a day, at diametrically opposing times. When N. America faces the
Sun and Planet X, the N. Pole is exposed in its location just above the Canadian NW
Territories. As the N. Pole of Planet X is coming into play during the slow revolution of
Planet X in place, the N. Pole of Earth leans away from this hose of magnetic particles,
causing the Sun to seem too far to the South. This effect lingers until the S. Pole of
Earth comes into view, dawn just South of Tasmania, at which point the N. Pole of Earth
is out of view and negated. The Earth now attempts to move back into alignment with
the Sun, the dominant magnet in the solar system, overcompensating in this wobble
back to place the Sun temporarily too far to the North for Siberia and Europe.
In the News
Since there is a cover-up over the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system, this is also a
banned subject in the media. Nancy no longer gets on Coast to Coast, regardless of what unfolds
proving the accuracy of the Zeta predictions. The rule has apparently been that ZetaTalk has
been too accurate, and too defiant in telling the truth, to be in the news. Planet X arrived in the
inner solar system in 2003, and was tracked in precisely according to the Zeta coordinates. Now,
in 2009, it is showing up floating halfway between the Earth and Sun in SOHO images, and in
the Stereo Ahead images, confirming Zeta statements once again. Isn't all this newsworthy? It's
apparently a national security issue, not to be mentioned by talking heads on television or in the
printed news. Well, something has apparently changed! First, the possibility of Planet X creating
havoc in the near future hit the press in India.
Mr Minister, will Planet X hit Earth?
December 18, 2009
Heard about the monster planet 'X' heading towards Earth at a speed of 20,00,000 miles a year
and could hit any time after 2010? Our MPs have. On Thursday, this was one of the questions
they posed to the government, which found itself at a loss for answers. An question, "Whether it
is a fact that planet 'X' is heading towards Earth at a speed of 20,00,000 miles a year and may
come close or collide with it any time after 2010 to cause destruction like earthquake and
tsunami?" Apart from details, they wanted the government to enlighten them whether this had
any links with the Mayan civilization calendar and whether the Government was taking any
preventive steps. Minister of State for Science and Technology Prithviraj Chavan's reply was
brief: "There is no factual basis for this (question)."
NASA's WISE Observatory: can it find Planet-X (Nibiru) and avert a 2012 disaster?
December 14, 2009
On December 14, 9:09 a.m. (EST), NASA launched into space a Delta II rocket caring the Widefield Infrared Survey Explorer or WISE. According to a NASA Mission page on the WISE launch,
The mission of this 1,485-pound satellite is to " uncover hidden cosmic objects, including the
coolest stars, dark asteroids and the most luminous galaxies." Could NASA be looking for Nibiru also known as Planet-X? It is widely believed by many that something catastrophic will happen
on December 21 or 23, 2012. This date marks the end of the 5,125-year Mayan Long Calendar
cycle. One can only speculate as to what missions the WISE satellite has beyond those publicly
stated by NASA. We can only hope and pray that the world's governments are actively looking to
find and eliminate any and all threats to the planet: threats both from within and without.
In 1995, Nancy Lieder receive messages from the Zeta Reticuli concerning an object passing
through our solar system causing a pole-shift which would lead to the destruction of humanity.
The date of doom was original set for 2003. After 2003 came and went, a reinterpretation of the
Zeta messages revealed that 2010 rather that 2003 would mark the end of life on this planet as
we know it. Many today believe that the Zeta Reticuli messages actually refer to the Mayan
calendar's cataclysmic event of 2012. The object passing through the solar system is actually
Zecharia Sitchin's Nibiru. Nibiru was described as a star by the ancient Babylonian astronomers.
Sitchin says Nibiru was a planet whose inhabitants came to earth 450,000 years ago to search
for gold and to create a race of homo sapien slaves. According to Lieder's sources, the death
object is 4 times the size of the earth. Her website has actual photos of Planet-X along with
update messages from the Zetas.
The article, quoted in part above, also displayed some actual photos of Planet X, aka Nibiru, in
the article, while pointing folks directly to the ZetaTalk website.
Actual Photo of Nibiru from the website
"Photos from the General Public, Starting Late March, 2003 "
The Threat of Nibiru Looms
December 21, 2009
If there's one person who may escape what 2012 has in store for humanity, it's Nancy Lieder. The
mild-mannered, rapid-talking rural Wisconsin mom believes 90% of the human race will be
obliterated by a close encounter with an unmapped planetary object, dubbed Planet X or Nibiru.
After earlier suggesting the event would take place in 2003, she's now reluctant to pinpoint an
actual date, but believes by the end of 2012, many people will be convinced our governments are
not telling us about the threat of Nibiru. But just when humanity faces off our darkest hour including the passing planet turning Earth end over end - Lieder figures she won't be around to
feel the ground shake. "I'm not sure I'll be here," she says, adding; "I may be taken ... to live in
one of their (domed) cities."
She's referring to extra-terrestrials from the Zeta Reticuli star system. She says she is, through
implants in her head, in almost daily contact with the space beings, who watch over her. "This is
not the nattering of a crazy woman in Wisconsin," the 68-year-old retiree argues. Indeed, her
story, which she first posted on her website in 1995, has since been embraced by
2012 end-times believers across the web. She's become a doomsday den mother to groups as
far-flung as Asia and Russia. While her three grown children most often change the topic when
she brings up her work as they phone to check up on her, the twice-married Lieder has taken a
practical view of skeptics and non-believers. As well, she's developed a rather nonchalant
attitude toward the end of the world. "I did my crying early," she says.
The Zetas had long predicted that ZetaTalk would be in the press prior to the last weeks, giving
several reasons for the surge in popularity.
a track record of accuracy that gives assurance to those listening to the advice that they can
survive if proper steps are taken, thus encouraging personal survival plans;
the assurance that the common man, the poor man, can not only survive better than the rich
man, but will survive better than those with wealth, thus reducing resentment against the
a long history of preaching survival techniques that are simple to acquire and perform, thus
virtually arming anyone listening with the tools and means to survive.
ZetaTalk Prediction 5/26/2007: Imagine a hypothetical situation where the Second Sun is not
just sighted at sunrise and sunset, but during the day also, by many. Chemtrail fog no longer
clouds the view, as just as the Sun can shine through clouds or fog, so can this orb. What reason
would the establishment give, that would be a tenable excuse? A solar flare? Is this the end of
the solar system, the Sun unraveling? A flaming asteroid approaching Earth? Panic would
ensure, assuming an impact. They know they must close the gap! The Internet will not be
stopped, may be blocked at points, but is like water flowing around blocks, was designed that
way, to find alternate routes. They know this, and are planning for such an instance, in which
case you may see Nancy on CNN talking about eating bugs and weeds!
ZetaTalk Prediction 6/9/2007: The hand which owns most of the media outlets is the Puppet
Master's hand. He is interested in having the public educated on what is coming, and educated
on what to do about it, so that strong survival communities emerge. Most certainly the Puppet
Master is aware of ZetaTalk, and as a member of the former MJ12, is acquainted with Nancy
too. It is in the plans to have Nancy speak to future issues, and how to survive, in the media, at
some point, as we have repeatedly mentioned.
ZetaTalk Prediction 10/6/2007: Even if the quake incidence and magnitude were removed from
public view altogether, how to explain the mining accidents, collapsing bridges, landslides,
water and gas main breaks? They are pinging here and there at present, but will soon become a
thunderous chorus, so many incidences will be happening. Will the establishment shut down the
press and cut the phone lines to keep panic down? Obviously this technique would not work. The
Puppet Master knows that the time when honesty must be out there, to calm the public, is at
hand. He knows that explaining survival techniques is one means of quelling panic. This is why
we have predicted that Nancy will be pushed by the media into the public arena, as she has a
long history with these techniques.
In addition, The Zetas have stated that they will not provide information that the elite would
want, unless the common man is informed about what is coming, and informed via ZetaTalk,
rather than some mouthpiece the establishment puts forth.
ZetaTalk Condition 11/7/2009: They fear the ZetaTalk message. Until the establishment,
worldwide, is ready to be honest with their public about possible earth changes, the cataclysms
as we have described it, there can be no additional information relayed by ourselves.
What could all this mean? The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Explanation 12/26/2009 This is a genuine snow circle, not done by humans. Snow was
chosen as the medium due to hoaxes done in Europe recently. Humans would not fail to leave
traces, and would compress or melt, rather than remove, the snow. Likewise, covering foot prints
with artificial or manufactured snow would be obvious, by appearance if not by other means.
What is the message here? That the alien presence is real, not hoaxed. That there is an intruder
in the solar system, to the right of the Earth and between the Earth and Sun. That the Earth is in
a squeeze, and cannot escape.
As additional consistency: in 1995, Bill Uhouse, an insider at S-4 in Area 51, who worked with a
live alien (J-Rod) trying to bridge the gap between ET technology and ours on a craft delivered by
the ETs to S-4, told the researcher who supplied the document above about a craft recovered in 1953
from the vicinity of Kingman, Arizona. Uhouse reported the following, as summarized by this
The craft kept making a noise that the engineers were unable to stop. Somebody suggested they bring
the alien occupants back from Los Alamos, where they had been taken to a prepared habitat, and
have them stop the noise. This was done, and when the aliens indicated they would have to go inside
the ship to stop the noise, that was permitted. It is believed that they made contact with another of
their ships while inside. Then they came to the door again and were reloaded into the van and taken
back to Los Alamos.
11) An interesting experience reported by a filmmaker on the Above Top Secret Forum.
I am a filmmaker, and a couple of years ago, I had this meeting about a science-fiction film concept...
Make a long story short, a guy in the room, when Close Encounters is referenced, mentions that CE3
is based on fact. There was no reaction from anyone., since the initial presumption was that he meant
that there was a Roy (Richard Dreyfuss) person – an ordinary phone line worker who was chosen, or
called, to join the aliens... the guy, sensing a lack of comprehension regarding what he just said,
repeated it and slowly laid out the basics of the Serpo story...
It was a very cool thought, at the time, to consider the viability of such a program. I amuse myself
with daydreams of daily life on another planet for a few weeks, forget about it for a few years, and
then, since Anonymous came along, I am back, happily withstanding the din of my internal debate
about whether this profound piece of history was censored, or created.
12) What the Ebens may look like, taken from Wendelle Stevens' book UFO Contact from
These images below are NOT photographs of an Eben, but are taken from a lifelike sculpture of a
"Reticulan" created by the artist Alan Levigne, who did work for many of the major movie studios in
California. Levigne created the sculpted head in close consultation with Bill Herrmann, an contactee
and abductee whose graphic and detailed experience is the subject of Lt Col Wendelle Stevens'
excellent book UFO Contact from Reticulum. Readers are left to judge for themselves whether the
Reticulans and the Ebens (both from Zeta Reticuli, and apparently not the Grays) are one and the
13) A message received on this website contact form on 7 December 2005:
I [BR] received this message below on the website contact form on 7 December, the day after the
Coast to Coast AM with George Noory radio show. I immediately relayed it to Victor Martinez, asking
him to check with Anonymous whether the information was correct or a hoax.
The reply came back that it was indeed correct but was a very long story which would NOT be made
public, and we should under no circumstances release the information. So we didn’t, and sat on it...
not knowing quite what to think. Now – in further indication of a policy reversal – we are being asked
to do just that. Here’s the 7 December message in its entirety. It entirely confirms the posting by
Anonymous on 28 January:
From: "T.G.H." <>
Date: 7 Dec 2005 09:11:23 -0000
To: "" <>
Subject: Contact
There is much, much more to this story. One person, a male, died during the trip to Zeta.
He suffered a pulmonary embolism. In addition, an autopsy was performed at which time
the deceased individual’s DNA was extracted and stored. At a later time, the DNA was used
in a cloning type process which actually involved creating a hybrid being, part human, part
alien. Through an advanced aging process and something called rapid-cycling cloning,
several hundred hybrid beings were created. Some remain on Zeta, but others were
returned to Earth. This can be verified in documents contained in the ZR Repro Factor file.
14) A photograph purported to be of EBE-1:
I [BR] received this from an ex-intelligence officer while at the UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, in
March 2006. It is not specifically connected with Serpo and the source was not Anonymous. However,
such is the nature of the material that it is assumed that visitors to this site will be most interested in
the image.
I was informed that it was a real photograph, but it has not been analyzed. I have had confirmation
from two sources, one who has seen a film of EBE-1 made as a briefing for President Truman, and
another who worked for six months as a military archivist with original Roswell crash material, that
even if this is a model or a mock-up of some kind, it is an excellent likeness. I present this image for
visitors' interest without further comment.
"I have seen two different kinds
of ETs from crashes, and this is
definitely one of them. It could
very well be him. I am not 100%
sure, but I'd bank on it."
Ex-military archivist, who in the
1980s handled photographs, films
and artifacts from crash retrievals in
the late 1940s - name supplied
Astronomers reject the idea of Nibiru, and have made efforts to inform the public that there is no
threat to Earth in 2012. They point out that such an object so close to Earth would be easily
visible to the naked eye, as Jupiter and Saturn are both visible to the naked eye, and are dimmer
than Nibiru would be at their distances. A planet such as Nibiru would create noticeable effects
in the orbits of the outer planets. Some counter this by claiming that the object has been
concealed behind the Sun for several years, though this would be geometrically impossible.
Amateur photographs supposedly showing Nibiru near the Sun are usually the result of lens
flares, false images of the Sun created by reflections within the lens.
Astronomer Mike Brown notes that if this object's orbit were as described, it would only have
lasted in the Solar System for a million years or so before Jupiter expelled it, and that there is no
way another object's magnetic field could have such an effect on Earth. Lieder's assertions that
the approach of Nibiru would cause the Earth's rotation to stop or its axis to shift violate the laws
of physics. In his rebuttal of Immanuel Velikovsky's Worlds in Collision, which made the same
claim that the Earth's rotation could be stopped and then restarted, Carl Sagan noted that, "the
energy required to brake the Earth is not enough to melt it, although it would result in a
noticeable increase in temperature: The oceans would [be] raised to the boiling point of water ...
[Also,] how does the Earth get started up again, rotating at approximately the same rate of spin?
The Earth cannot do it by itself, because of the law of the conservation of angular momentum."
In a 2009 interview with the Discovery Channel, Mike Brown noted that, while it is not
impossible that the Sun has a distant planetary companion, such an object would have to be lying
very far from the observed regions of the Solar System to have no gravitational effect on the
other planets. A Mars-sized object could lie undetected at 300 AU (10 times the distance of
Neptune); a Jupiter-sized object at 30,000 AU. To travel 1000 AU in two years, an object would
need to be moving at 2400 km/s – faster than the galactic escape velocity. At that speed, any
object would be shot out of the Solar System, and then out of the Milky Way galaxy into
intergalactic space
Many believers in the imminent approach of Planet X/Nibiru accuse NASA of deliberately
covering up visual evidence of its existence. One such accusation involves the IRAS infrared
space observatory, launched in 1983. The satellite briefly made headlines due to an "unknown
object" that was at first described as "possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so
close to Earth that it would be part of this Solar System". This newspaper article has been cited
by proponents of the collision idea, beginning with Lieder herself, as evidence for the existence
of Nibiru. However, further analysis revealed that of several unidentified objects, nine were
distant galaxies and the tenth was "intergalactic cirrus"; none were found to be Solar System
Another accusation frequently made by websites predicting the collision is that the U.S.
government built the South Pole Telescope (SPT) to track Nibiru's trajectory, and that the object
has been imaged optically. However, the SPT (which is not funded by NASA) is a radio
telescope, and cannot take optical images. Its South Pole location was chosen due to the lowhumidity environment, and there is no way an approaching object could be seen only from the
South Pole. The "picture" of Nibiru posted on YouTube was revealed, in fact, to be a Hubble
image of the expanding light echo around the star V838 Mon.
Another conspiracy claim regards a patch of missing data in Google Sky near the constellation of
Orion, which has often been cited as evidence that Nibiru has been redacted. However, the same
region of sky can still be viewed by thousands of amateur astronomers. A scientist at Google said
that the missing data is due to a glitch in the stitching software used to piece the images together.
Another piece of claimed evidence drawn from Google Sky is the carbon star CW Leonis, which
is the brightest object in the 10 μm infrared sky and is frequently claimed to be Nibiru.
ZetaTalk: Early Zeta, written Dec 15, 1995
Where Early Man was a hybrid of various ape or monkey forms and existing hominoid forms,
Early Zeta was not a hybrid at all, but a transplant. Early Zeta therefore was placed, full grown
and conscious, on Zeta worlds. Thus transplanted, Early Zeta multiplied to the extent our worlds
could support a population, much as humans have upon the Earth. Early Zeta differed from our
present form primarily in brain size and mental capacities. Early Zeta was also stockier, shorter,
had large flat feet and in appearance was something of a low brow, with the head jutting out
the back rather than rounding. Our large eyes were an adaptation to our worlds, dim by your
standards, so Early Zeta was a bit blind on his new home, not a problem as the only danger Early
Zeta faced was from others of his kind. Our worlds do not contain carnivorous, nor even
herbivorous animals - just plants and bugs.
ZetaTalk: Zeta Reticuli, written by Jul 15, 1995
Our home planet is in the star system of Zeta Reticuli, or, shall we say, what you term Zeta
Reticuli. We, of course, have our own names for things. Zeta Reticuli is indeed a binary star
system, or at least that part of it you, on Earth, are aware of. In fact, there is much more to the
star system than you are aware of. The binary stars circle each other on an extreme end of Zeta
Reticuli, less than 1/3 into the star system itself. The other 2/3 are composed of stars not visible
to you, on Earth, but nevertheless affecting the gravitational pull of the other stars and planets
in the system. These other 2/3 of the bulk of the star system are only evident by the erratic
nature of the dance visible to you, on Earth, of the two visible binary stars. What we are telling
you, is that the planet we originate from is not known to you, as it is part of the 2/3 mass of the
star system not known to you.
Do you think our eyes got so large because our sun was bright? It has been rumored that our
planet is dying, and that this is the reason we are seeking genetic rebirth on your planet, Earth.
In fact, our planet is long dead, and we Zetas have been living by artificial means for eons. We
learned to live in cavities within planets, and by artificial light. We found this to be more
hospitable to living even before we destroyed our planet. Do you suppose we dove into the sub-
structure of our planet just when the atmosphere became poisonous, due to our wars? We were
already there. We had been simply forced to take this alternative over any others.
ZetaTalk: Zeta Meals, written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding whether we eat, and what it is that we eat. We no longer eat, having genetically
engineered ourselves in such a way that the digestive tract went out with the bath water. We
regret this, as we regret other things thrown out with the bath water. We nourish ourselves
through our skin, through a chemical bath we prepare in the laboratory and completely emerge
ourselves in. Our emissary, Nancy, can describe this to you, as she visited one of our homes in the
Gobi Desert, within a series of caverns in a mountain range there. Unlike some of the bad PR that
has been thrown our way, we do not require enzymes from living creatures in order to live. Does
anyone think that entities as advanced as we would require that in order to live? We can live in
space, on a dead planet, or anywhere. The chemicals needed for life are easily manufactured by
an advanced species such as ourselves. Where we have mouths, our digestive tract is not
complete. We avoid putting anything in our mouths, as like your appendix, anything put in can
only cause problems.
ZetaTalk: Gobi Desert, written by Jul 15, 1995
We went there in a large ship, larger than the usual used during routine contacts, and this ship
had a brown see-through floor and ceiling. We went into the side of a mountain, after coming
across a barren desert. There were no trees or vegetation on the mountain range. The entrance
to the Zeta home was artificially made, and could not be viewed from a distance. The entrance
was off a canyon, straight into the side of the canyon, and the track took a curve. The large ship
(which could have comfortably carried 50 people, throughout) locked into some kind of track in
the entrance, which guided the ship, held on all sides, smoothly onto a landing port. I was shown,
at one point, a natural cavern filled with idle ships, parked. Though the room went off irregularly,
as natural caverns do, I could see about 30 ships of various sizes. The walls of all the natural
caverns I was led through seemed to be coated by some kind of substance, a yellowish-white,
which glowed faintly. This is somewhat akin to the color and glow inside their ships, so perhaps is
the same substance.
We went first into a residence room, along a planked, slightly suspended walkway that led over
the cavern floors and through natural (or in some cases artificially made) openings between
caverns. The residences cascaded down along the sides of the residence cavern, so that all
residences had a patio. There were open arched doorways, without doors, but no windows. I saw
a Zeta floating in the air from one side of the cavern to the other, apparently not needing to walk
down and then up again to cross over to the other side. Going into another cavern, I was at first
confused, as it looked like a spa. There were green plants growing among what seemed to be hot
tubs, but I was puzzled to see what looked like bodies floating face down in the clear water.
Were they dead? Were they swimming? The Zeta who was my guide said to me: "This is where
we renew ourselves," and I realized those were live Zetas floating in the tubs.
ZetaTalk: ZetaTypes, written by Jul 15, 1995
Our emissary, Nancy, will describe the Zeta types she has met. She has met but few, as the Zetas
are numerous in form. The forms result from the various planets we have spread to during the
life of our form. Each planet plays upon the genetic structure, encouraging certain genetics to
emerge and demonstrate their superiority in survival and longevity. Thus, the life form gradually
adapts to the environment it finds itself in. Counts would differ, but for the sake of this discourse,
we will say that the number of variations that would be visibly noticeable to humans is 127.
Short Skinny Zeta
These Zetas have Whitley Strieber's Communion face with attendant thin body and limbs.
They're 4 foot tall or so, with a body no thicker than a post and arms no thicker than a broom
stick. The body and arms are straight, showing no muscle bulges, and the trunk does not move in
and out during breathing. They wear a beige colored skin-tight outfit that also covers the head.
They emit a tittering sound when excited, speech to one another, which sounds like a flock of
small birds. They seem like go-fers to the larger Zetas, doing detail tasks and errands. However,
they do communicate telepathically and are loving and kind. They appear most often in groups
of 3 or multiples thereof.
Tall Skinny Zeta
These Zetas are similar to the Short Skinny Zeta but they are 6 foot tall or so. They wear a gray
skin-tight outfit. They don't emit sounds. They're planners and conferees rather than go-fers,
appear businesslike, and can be stern. They address problems with great concern. They want to
discuss solutions rather than just offer sympathy. I've seen the face without the skin-tights and it
is beautiful. They have a small nose the size of my little finger, straight up and down, and high
cheekbones with hollowed cheeks. The frontal lobes protrude out slightly over the face. The skull
is lighter than the face, almost white, where the face and trunk and limbs are the same gray
color as the skin-tights they wear. I saw the hand and arm once without the skin-tights. The
fingers rapidly taper from the index to the side, with the little finger less than 1/2 the size of the
index finger. The thumb appears to come from the center of the palm, rather than the side, and
was felt by me rather than seen. Their fingers have some webbing between them. The fingers are
long, so that shaking hands lands the ends of the fingers up along the forearm. They have thick,
long fingernails. Their skin has wrinkles as does ours. The arm I saw up close had pea green
freckles along the outside, as our arms freckle when exposed to the sun.
Pumpkin Head Zeta
These Zetas are similar to the Short and Tall Zetas in body and limbs, but the head is round like a
pumpkin and the eyes are smaller, the size of ours, and round though black like the other Zetas.
They are tall enough to have to stoop going through the doorway when entering a room but can
stand straight up in the room. I'd place them at about 8 foot tall. They are related to other Zetas,
in their words "We are like them." They seem to handle heavy planning and conferee issues
where the other Zetas carried out existing policy, such as the Hybrid program. They can think
abstractly and creatively more so than the other Zetas. I was told their brain halves
communicate, as do ours, where the other Zetas have less of this. I met the pumpkin heads only
recently, since 1993. I was allowed to ask questions about the Zeta physiology. They breathe but
their lungs work like bellows, one exhaling while the other inhales, therefore there is no sign of
breathing. Their digestive system is minimal. They absorb through their skin. They generate the
enzymes they need, a standard travel pack, I was told. They do have sex organs, but I don't know
if they use them. The pumpkin head showed me his, as I asked. His penis curled between his legs,
did not dangle, and came rapidly to a point. The telepathic explanation of female sex organs
showed a wide vagina. The Zetas do not sleep.
Water Zeta
These Zetas are similar to the other Zetas in body and limb size, but they have many other
differences. They can live in or out of water but the only sign of this are soft fins along the sides
of the hips and thighs. Their toes and fingers appear stubbier than the other Zetas. The head is
aqua-dynamic, not round. Their eyes are at the end of short protuberances, and are not black.
There are large indentations for water to flow across the brow and past the cheeks. The head is
basically lumpy looking. The Water Zeta I met had one of the warmest Zeta personalities, a very
nice soul. They apparently eat, mentioning shrimp as not unlike their normal diet. They
apparently can't handle all the tasks assigned to other Zetas, think single thread or some such,
and are sensitive to sunlight.
ZetaTalk: Zeta Marriage, written Jul 15, 1995
The Zeta do not marry in the same sense that humans do. We, in the Service-to-Others, do not
have an institution such as marriage, which is in our opinion a form of bondage, however
willingly it may be entered into. If one examines the human institution of marriage for its true
purposes, and how those purposes are accomplished in our society, one can see why we are not
in need of such an institution. Caring for children, the most often defended rationale for
marriage, does not need to be mandated, as all children are cared for by all, and enthusiastically.
Compensating the dependent partner, usually the wife, who may give decades of devotion only
to be cast aside for a younger model, is another rationale. In our society, no members need fear
being rejected. Maintenance is guaranteed, and at the same level for all. In our society each Zeta
is free, and where there is much bonding there is no bondage. Sexual concourse should be
considerate and not undertaken in haste, and is most fulfilling in this context. Therefore, where
we have less bondage, we have more true bonding. And yes, the Zetas do have sex, and pair,
even while not procreating through sex at this time.
ZetaTalk: Unemotional, written May 15, 1997
We are clearly more intelligent than the humans we are responding to, but beyond this IQ
difference we are also brooking no nonsense in our replies, and thus the interpretation by some
humans that our responses are unemotional. Sentimentality has its place in developing bonds,
but this is not our primary intent during these discourses. Our bonding activities are engaged in
one-to-one with our human contactees, who have given The Call to us due to the nature of their
call being oriented toward Service-to-Others. It is here that we bond and deal with emotions on
our part or on the part of the contactee. In this public forum, sentimentality would be used by
our enemies as a diversion. Our primary purpose is to establish truth, on many matters often
deliberately confused by those in what we term the establishment in human society. So that
mankind might arrive at their own conclusions armed with the facts and insights they are not
otherwise allowed to arrive at due to lack of information or distorted or untruthful information
from the establishment. We are not ruthless, unless those who do not wish the facts lined up
impeccably are complaining about the lack of wiggle room they are given.
ZetaTalk: Dictatorial, written by Jul 15, 1995
Our culture, the Service-to-Others Zetas, allows each entity to flower in their individuality to the
fullest. We place no constraints on the individual, who may choose their activities based on their
own perception of what they desire to do in service to others.
ZetaTalk: Zeta Roles, written Jul 15, 1995
All children are given access to all learning experiences, equally. Should they indicate difficulty
with some material, or confusion, their request for assistance is met without hesitation. The
males, for instance, do not have their questions answered while the females find they are
expected to be seen but not heard from. When our little girls well up with ideas, they are given
the opportunity to present on an equal basis with our little boys, nor are they cut-off in midsentence by male teachers or fellow students, as little girls in human society find they are, daily.
In short, we simply threat little boys and girls as true equals, so that when they arrive at the
point where they can contribute to Zetan society, they are prepared to make their decision about
the roles they would like to fill. In the Service-to-Other society, roles are self chosen, in response
to the needs noted or expressed by others.
So, imagine this scenario: Zetan youngsters, having sopped up all the learning their curious
minds can hold, and having practiced various roles during play and school projects, by choice,
now spend a portion of their time in the community. They attend one of the community meetings
that occur regularly or more often if need arises. They hear discussion on a problem the adults
are dealing with. A youngster, as the adults, is free to volunteer his or her services. If the others
feel, in their hearts and minds, that the youngster would be overwhelmed in this role, this is, in
essence, another problem to be addressed. Perhaps a classmate, or one of the adults, offers to
assist the young volunteer, and in this regard is truly just a second set of hands or a backup in
case of failure. The volunteer is allowed to proceed, even if inexperienced. All are in Service-toOthers, and none wishes to harm the community, so the volunteer is not assumed to be
operating out of self interest. Most often, in such situations, we are pleasantly surprised. On
occasion the youngster needs some assistance. And when there is failure, we wait for the
youngster to request a review, so they may learn from the failure, before comments are offered.
So if the Zetas find that their sexes choose different roles, how do these roles by sex come about?
In the same way that roles by height, or physical or mental acuity, or past experiences and
differing knowledgebase, or desire to learn in a particular area, or empathy with certain
experiences affect role choices. In no other way.
The Zeta life span is 400 years, on average, and their IQ 287 on average.
ZetaTalk: Zeta IQ, written by Jul 15, 1995
Our IQ is higher than yours, and also different. We are vastly more telepathic. In comparing our
increased intelligence, numbers alone do not describe the situation. Where your mind carries on
dozens of thoughts simultaneously, ours carry on thousands. You are unaware of most of the
thinking your mind does. You are only aware of the conscious thought at the front of your mind.
Yet parts of your mind are concerned with sensing distance around you, the need to shift your
position, sensing the body language of others around you, calculating your physical hungers and
plotting how these will be satiated, etc. In terms of IQ, should we Zetas take one of your IQ tests,
which measure speed and accuracy, we would measure around 287 IQ points. However, this is
not an adequate measure.
ZetaTalk: Zeta Knowledge, written Dec 15, 2000
We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, have been looked upon with skepticism for presenting information from
the past which undocumented or otherwise unable to be explored by humans. Do we make this
information up? How can we speak to the issue of mankind's genetic engineering, in the past, when we
were still babes in the crib during that time ourselves, and did not have a hand in this engineering. How
can we explain the motives in human dramas that occurred far in the past so that all the characters are
now dead? How can we predict the arrival of Planet X, when it is out in space beyond where man can
peek clearly, and has a trajectory and path that is outside of the path that human math would compute?
In this reaction, the skeptics are placing our ability to retrieve knowledge or arrive at conclusions on a
par with their ability. Beyond the fact that we have more sources, and more knowledge, and a higher IQ,
is our tendency, as a Service-to-Other group, to deal with the facts in a straightforward manner. We
don't throw out what makes us uncomfortable, or insert lies to make ourselves feel more powerful or
special, or distort the facts as a manipulation.
So where do we get our information? Being telepathic, we can tune into any and every human mind on
Earth, should we wish, to read their thoughts. This ability exposes not only plans, but past actions. In that
reincarnation exists, and the soul does not forget, we can locate and interrogate the soul of those
humans who lived in the past. Is this in a computer? Indeed it is, if the mind is a organic computer, as the
birthing guides are aware of past lives when counseling an entity between lifetimes and when planning
their next incarnation. This is a simple inquiry to the birthing guides, who know the entities they are
guiding as a mother knows her children, and can locate the soul to be contacted. Likewise the genetic
engineering done in the past on mankind is not a secret, and as engineers charged with the current leap
for mankind, we have been privy to all the information we desire in this area.
ZetaTalk: Zeta Schools, written Jul 15, 1995
The Zetas in the Service-to-Other orientation have extensive schools, not only for our young but
for all ages. Where in human society education is viewed as preparation for life, when young,
and retraining for an occupation or to a minor degree self-improvement, when grown, the Zeta
have a different attitude. Self-improvement is at the fore, always. The young Zetas finds
themselves in a smorgasbord of stimulation, surrounded by toys and games that allow their
curious minds to fully explore physics, chemistry, biology, and the social studies. Unlike human
schools for their youngsters, where physics and chemistry experimentation is limited to lab time
or simplistic at-home experiments, the Zeta youngster is not limited to time slots or scope, nor do
we require the youngsters to be a certain age or grade before they have an opportunity. Don't
they blow themselves up? Precautions are taken in the way these lessons are structured, so that
the necessary knowledge is in place before next steps can be taken. The lessons have
checkpoints, so, for example, the youngster cannot just reach for the vial of acid and taste.
Social interaction is not structured, as it is to some degree in human society where human
youngsters are selected by the teacher to assume roles. Johnny gets to organize the field trip
because the teacher likes his engaging smile. Zeta youngsters are counseled when they are
having difficulty, and given assistance to a degree that would astonish humans, when in need,
but the roles they assume in play are self-chosen, and when they succeed at these roles it is
based on honest interaction between the youngsters. In Zeta society, the equivalent of the
dullard son of the boss assuming command of the company, or the inept daughter of the PTA
head getting the lead in the play does not exist. We do not use platitudes or hypocrisy to develop
our youngsters, but deal with the truth, teaching our youngsters, by example, to do this also
from the earliest age.
ZetaTalk: All Work, No Play, written by Jul 15, 1995
Is there happiness and joy in [our] camps, or is it all duty and work with no opportunity to play?
In the Service-to-Other camp, being happy in one's work is an automatic outcome, as one
chooses one's tasks, and thus this is without resentment. As to joy, there is always joy at doing
for others, at feeling important for their welfare, and seeing what comes about because of one's
efforts. Service-to-Others is not a grim dedication to tasks, with no time out for exploration, no
music or presentation of arts and theater, no fancy meals, and no luxurious baths. Every
enjoyment you have now would have an equivalent. The only stricture is self-imposed, a sense of
duty to fulfill a promise made to the others. For those in the Service-to-Others, self-imposed
expectations are not a burden, they are a source of joy and happiness. We Zetas in the Serviceto-Others enjoy ourselves, in all the many ways humans enjoy themselves. Luxuriant baths, silken
textured garments and soft beds, sweet tastes and smells, a sense of rhythm and desire to dance
- we have all of these.
We are portrayed as cold as steel, to a not small degree because the eyes of humans cannot see
our color and see us only as gray, steel gray. We are portrayed as emotionless, as we are
disciplined and fail to react when humans attempt to provoke us, feeling helpless in our grasp
and desiring some kind of satisfaction. We are presented as without sex or digestion, and
without parental ties, raising our young in tanks rather than in our arms and bellies. In fact we
have sexual urges, although not as strong at present as those humans have, and where we no
longer put food in our mouths, our bodies react to our nutrient baths with the same sense of
gratification and relief that humans have when eating hungry. Our young are raised outside of
our bodies because of our large heads, not because of lack of love. We are assumed to be
without a sense of rhythm or a desire to dance, because we have never been seen to party.
Humans should realize that when they meet with us, or are attended by us, that we are at work.
Do humans dance when at work?
ZetaTalk: Entertainment, written Jul 15, 1995
We, the Zetas, have the same range of activities that humans do. Why would we not? It's true
we don't go out to eat as much, and with our muted sexuality we don't look forward to getting
laid. But where you look forward to occasionally getting into a hot tub, our refreshment baths
are a big deal. The spas are lush with plants, and music that vibrates through the water and
walls is played. It's a total body experience. Games? We have more games than you, a thousand
fold more, and a hundred times more intricate. Our games are played with holographs, which
are generated by computer under control of our minds. The best are like chess, where many
players engage in strategies, or several teams play against each other. What is the goal of these
games? The same as your games. Where the game involves mental concentration, the goal is to
improve upon and practice strategic planning. Where the game involves cooperation among
players, the goal is to improve social skills and cooperation. Where the game involves close
timing and precision from the team, the goal is to gain skill at delegation and rapid hand-offs.
Watch children intent at play. Are they not preparing for life?
ZetaTalk: Literature, written Jan 15, 1997
We are telepathic, so often the performing artist is soundless but nevertheless relays the
composition perfectly. As for recording the great thoughts of the past, or works of art, the
written word is considered cumbersome and inadequate. We use holographic forms, where all
but telepathic thought is transmitted. In these cases, the intent of the author or artist is relayed
through other means, such as symbolic motion or recreating the situation described, much as
humans enjoy when going to the movie theater.
Space and Time Travel
ZetaTalk: Interstellar Travel, written by Jul 15, 1995
Most certainly we have interstellar ships, else how would we, as incarnated entities, arrive? The
means of travel is not what humans assume, propulsion. Humans use propulsion. As humans can
only move by a snail’s pace unless they are propelled, they assume that interstellar travel is by
propulsion. It is not, it is by attraction, and a quick kiss it is. We have explained how we move
from one density to another, by making a reservation in the density we wish to move to, and
then simply making the move. Likewise, when making long distance travel, we make a similar
reservation, and then simply move. Imagine what would happen if the repulsion were
eliminated, in a given interchange, and the attraction had no counterbalance? How fast is fast?
Should we be asked to explain, in formulas that humans could potentially understand, how
repulsion could be eliminated so that attraction is the only force in effect - we cannot. This is not
to evade scrutiny, but to prevent humans from getting about in the Universe in their present
spiritually immature state. Your world is essentially a play pen. Children are not allowed into the
computer room, nor into the Air Traffic Control tower. We trust you will understand, though we
expect you will be resentful.
ZetaTalk: Hover, written during the 2001 sci.astro debates
How do we hover, in our spacecraft, without whirling blades or blasting jets? How do we negate
the downdraft of gravity particles toward the surface of the planet we are hovering upon, while
at the same time negating the up blast of gravity particles which would send us upward in a wink
unless also countered? We control both directional flows, creating a gravity barrier around the
ship. Likewise space travel, our irresistible kiss, creates a tube through space composed of this
same barrier. Gravity particles exist in the space within this barrier or tube, but only create their
own gravity dance among themselves - not enough time or quantity to coalesce a gravitational
And what is this barrier? It is composed of gravity particles themselves, glued with an
overabundance of another particle it does interact with, unlike the majority of sub-atomic
particles which interact with gravity particles only in a mechanical manner. Does this not
produce a situation where the space or tube might become permanent? There is a time factor,
such that we must continually reproduce a space for our craft to hover, and quickly use the tube
arranged for instant space travel. The barrier degrades, in a wink, equalizing into the
surrounding area where it was gathered to be the glue. You can equate this to your use of
electricity, where it dissipates quickly into becoming electrons behaving normally in the
surrounding matter as soon as interference by man in making them stream ceases.
Time travel is another capability the Zetas have, but if the rules state that man, in his
immature state, is not to have space travel, they certainly state that man is not to have
time travel.
in fact, time travel is restricted even for the Zetas.
ZetaTalk: Time Travel, written by Jul 15, 1995
The Council of Worlds strictly administers time travel, as should one go back in time and really
work at it, changes would begin to appear. If we today travel back, would we not be deemed
visitors from the future? This confusion can be settled if one understands that the Earth is not
having visitors from the future, no matter how this may have been stated. The future has not
been written. You are writing it now, moment by moment, decision by decision. Travel back in
time is done for such matters as capturing genetic material long lost, for instance. Future travel
is done only to coordinate activities of contactees and ourselves, where one has to be, as you
say, in two places at once.
ZetaTalk: Service-to-Other, written by Jul 15, 1995
We are Service-to-Other Zetas. Our ambitions, therefore, relate to how we can be of Service. Our
careers are self-chosen, where each chooses that career he feels would best allow him to be of
Service. Our society's rules are a whole other question, which would be extensive to answer.
Suffice it to say that our society takes care of the minimal needs of all Zetas. We are free to
concentrate on our chosen Service. Any gaps in the support structure is observed by any Zetas in
the vicinity, who fill in with service as needed. We utterly trust each other.
ZetaTalk: Little Bit Selfish, written Jul 15, 1995
Of course there is a degree of selfishness in the Service-to-Other. If there were not, chaos would
reign. Service-to-Others is defined as being at least as concerned about others as about the self.
An even split. Of course, there are degrees, where some individuals almost never consider
themselves, and others often. And then, just as with your society, the point where selfishness
turns on differs among individuals. One would think nothing of sharing a garment with another,
but insists on maintaining a small horde of food, as this individual experienced starvation in its
past and has yet to recover from the memory. Another gives food away generously, having no
fall back at all though times are lean, but insists that their wardrobe not be shared as they are
vain of their appearance and have taken special care to enhance this. All intelligent species,
when in a Service-to-Others group, display a self-interest that maintains the individual. Without
this self-interest, as an integral part of the species, the species would not have survived
throughout evolution.
ZetaTalk: Without Money, written by Jul 15, 1995
So, how do [our] societies function without money, a medium of exchange? For simplicity's sake,
you can consider [we] operate as though everyone were a charity case. We will be explicit. The
apple grower, when in need of some item other than the apples he grows, simply goes and takes
them. Likewise, others simply come and take apples, as needed. If there are too few apples, then
there is distress communicated telepathically and a meeting of the group is called, or perhaps
the issue has come up during the regular meetings. As there is distress, others in the group weigh
their current activities in light of the new need, and discuss alternatives. Essentially, someone
who may be on sabbatical in order to devote to learning may cut this short to assist, or someone
who has taken responsibility for doing laundry may find they have extra time on their hands, and
volunteer. Or, it may be that in weighing the activities of all, the conclusion of the group is that
apples are of less importance, and an agreement is reached to parse the existing supply out
more carefully. In this way, money is replaced by communication and cooperation, and this
works just fine.
ZetaTalk: Telepathy, written by Jul 15, 1995
Telepathy is a curse for the Service-to-Self, and an advantage to the Service-to-Others. Being
only vaguely aware of telepathic qualities, humans wonder. Those humans with telepathic
abilities relay that this is a mixed blessing for humans. They can become distracted at
unwelcome times. They can become aware of the emotional tone of another, as well as the
thoughts, even though this may not be desired. However, for the Service-to-Other entity, who
desires to know where the others are, this is not a burden. Annoying emotion, such as rage or
loss of control, is not present. What is present is valid concerns about the needs of the group,
and information on joint projects. Think of team work, in your present human society, where
everyone on the team is focused on the goal. Does close mental and emotional synching not feel
ZetaTalk: Keeping Secrets, written Jul 15, 1995
In Service-to-Others there are no secrets. This is primarily because of the spiritual orientation,
where there is great concern for others. As this agenda does not need to be hidden, we are open
about our motives. Secondarily, there are no secrets because telepathic ability is vastly
increased. One's thoughts are read by and known to the others as quickly as they are
entertained. This makes it easy to be empathetic and caring, as the pain of one becomes the pain
of all. Communication is greatly enhanced by telepathy also. No need for the phone, no need to
write notes, no silent suffering.
ZetaTalk: By What Names, written Aug 15, 1995
Betty and Barney Hill named us, and the name, having been publicized, stuck. Zeta is your term
for the star system we came from. Likewise the Pleiadeans were named for their home
constellation. They have never minded, and the Nordics, named for their appearance, could care
less. A problem exists where the hundreds of aliens that appear to be gray to humans, because
the human eye cannot perceive the color spectrum, are all simply called grays. No one has
bothered to name them, or catalog them, and the task will probably proceed willy-nilly as
contactees come forth with sketches and a catchy name sticks.
ZetaTalk: Betty Hill, written Dec 15, 1995
An early and significant visitation was one familiar to the populace, known as the Betty and
Barney Hill incident. This made the headlines before the alien presence became an increasing
threat to the establishment, and thus was reported as relayed by the contactee, and not as
wished by the spin doctors. Thus, what was reported stands as true facts and not a distortion.
This couple was chosen specifically for this contact, which we in the Service-to-Others orientation
anticipated would get reported and reported faithfully. The accurate depiction of the
constellations allowed a curious mankind to correctly identify our star system of origin. Thus, the
name Zeta was ascribed to us, to which we willingly answer.
ZetaTalk: Why They Care, written by Jul 15, 1995
Issues of the coming pole shift, of the ecology, of nuclear disarmament or how many years the
Sun has until it burns itself out - all these are meaningless unless one considers mankind. Pole
shifts and ecological disasters and nuclear disasters and dying suns occur often in this Universe,
and no one notices because it affects no one. Why do we care, other than because we are living
in your Solar System today and tomorrow, and because our hybrids are both your cousins and
ours, and because your souls will be our future neighbors in the world we are both building? We
care because we empathize with your situation, having been there ourselves, and have the rare
opportunity, because of your call to us, to become directly involved with you - with the people of
We, the Zetas, cannot go back, as there have been adjustments to our physiology that would kill
us if we returned. We are referring to what happens to physical bodies when their environment
changes. You have some sense of this because of reports from your astronauts. After a brief
space sojourn, they find their bones decalcified. Imagine what happens after decades away from
the pull of a heavier gravity. For us, the return trip is virtually impossible. Some journeys,
undertaken, do not have a return route. For us, this was understood at the beginning. We are all
volunteers here on your Earth, as operating in the Service-to-Others mode we are not
commanded. All work is voluntary. Do we miss our home planet? Of course we do, as you might
imagine. Imagine living off rations, sleeping in cramped quarters with no view, with a task that
will consume your entire lifetime. We are not only volunteers, we are extremely dedicated
volunteers, as we all went in with our eyes open.
ZetaTalk: Universe, written by Jul 15, 1995
The vast Universe, which so intrigues man, has mysteries seemingly out of the reach of man.
How big is it? Does it have boundaries? Does it go forever, or is it circular? Is it all an illusion? Is it
homogeneous throughout? So many questions. Does the Universe have physical boundaries? We
do not know, nor are we allowed to know. To us, with our instruments and in our travels, it
appears to be boundless. We travel only so much, using home as a base, and limit our travels not
because of distance but due to what is known about certain parts of the Universe, which would
be poisonous to us. We too use probes, set to take their measures and return. This is the manner
by which your Solar System was located, not by us, but by others. If the probe returns with data
that indicates an environment that would be poisonous or quickly fatal, we do not,
understandably, explore that part of the Universe. Different sections of the Universe have
different compositions. By this we mean the elements are found in different proportions and the
resultant chemical reactions that ensue therefore have different characteristics. Some worlds
have silicon based life. Some suns emit radiation that is poisonous to us and would be to you
also. Those environments contain severe dangers, as silicon based microbes are ones your
immune system could not begin to muster a defense against.
Beyond some simple statements, we are not at liberty to explain the Universe to humans, as we
are restrained by the Rule of Non-Interference and also by our ignorance. For you, it seems that
the Universe is limitless, and boundless, and is not an illusion. So be it, as for you that is a reality
and in particular the reality which you must live in. It is also the reality which we, the Zetas, must
live in, and in truth we do not know that much more about the functioning of the Universe than
you do. The Universe holds secrets that we are not allowed to know at this time, at our stage of
spiritual growth. These questions must go unanswered, for the time being.
ZetaTalk: Got Religion, written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding religion. We have a religion. In fact, everyone does. Even those who profess not to
have a religion have a religion in their protestations. When we speak of our religion, it is more of
an understanding of the Universe. We are emotionally connected to the Universe. We are within
the One. We have kinship with one another as parts of the One. We have reverence for the
Universe and its workings, as a thing of beauty which we wish to understand. Each soul is in the
hand of God, within God, to our way of thinking, and thus needs no intermediary. We, the Zetas,
do not impose schedules on when God will be present, or we should all gather and listen to
someone interpret God's words and thoughts for us. Each is left to his own communications,
which needs no other intermediary.
Our religion is not like the major religions of the Earth, which deify entities human in
appearance. These religions, where the message given to humans was to draw them to the light,
have been corrupted over time by the forces of darkness. These religions preach against
knowledge, against self-initiative, against free thought. They restrain with rules which assist only
those who wish to rule. Where human religions, however well founded, have invariably been
twisted by the Service-to-Self crowd until they have lost all semblance of the original intent, our
faith is not so affected. The pure adage to Love thy Neighbor as Thyself stands as the rule by
which we guide ourselves, and there are no Thou Shalt Not's included. Where human religions,
having been infiltrated with the structure the Service-to-Self crowd feels comfortable with, have
pomp and ceremony and severe strictures for evading the controls, we have no ceremony to
express our faith. Was it not Jesus who said, insofar as ye love the least amongst you, so ye love
me, or words to that effect? Jesus was relaying a true Service-to-Other philosophy of faith, as we
believe that each of us, the least included, represents a part of God, is included in God's plan, and
is God's handiwork. Where we are not much clearer than you are on what God is, this is our
Aug. 15, 1996
John Lear has been wrongly suspected of being a CIA agent, due to the military
background of his family. Bright and intense, he has researched with great energy all
aspects of UFO phenomenon and the alien presence. He has many contacts, and not
all serve him well. As with most humans, appearances count, so well groomed and
informed contacts with government titles impress him, as they do many. Stories that are
repeated by more than one verifiable source are given more credence, and thus with a
multifaceted approach, even the most intelligent and conscientious reporter can be
made to spread an utterly fallacious story. To buffer a falsehood from discovery, those
wishing to spread a lie will expose various unsuspecting government agents or
contractors to sights they are made to believe are real. Then these individuals are lined
up with a reporter of substance like John Lear, and since those telling the story
genuinely believe what they have seen, the story rings true.
Thus the reporter should not be immediately suspect if their reports later become
discredited. Weigh the whole scenario for the truth, and understand the mine fields
those seeking to publish about the alien presence must walk through. Give them credit
for having reported at all, for not having given up when harassed, for not turning their
back when their lives and livelihood were threatened, for persevering when they were
treated derogatorily and stories about their personal lives were spread. Consider the
source broadly, for the many sources that may be behind any given source. Do some
discerning yourself, and don't expect to have the full answer to every question given to
you, readymade. You have a brain so you can think! So share some of the burden with
these brave reporters who labor long, with little reward for their efforts, to bring you the
by Terence Dickinson
A faint pair of stars, 220 trillion miles away, has been tentatively identified as the
"home base" of intelligent extraterrestrials who allegedly visited Earth in 1961. This
hypothesis is based on a strange, almost bizarre series of events mixing astronomical
research with hypnosis, amnesia, and alien humanoid creatures.
The two stars are known as Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli, or together as simply Zeta
Reticuli. They are each fifth magnitude stars -- barely visible to the unaided eye -located in the obscure souther constellation Reticulum. This southerly sky location
makes Zeta Reticuli invisible to observers north of Mexico City's latitude.
The weird circumstances that we have dubbed "The Zeta Reticuli Incident" sound like
they come straight from the UFO pages in one of those tabloids sold in every
supermarket. But this is much more than a retelling of a famous UFO incident; it's an
astronomical detective story that at times hovers on that hazy line that separates
science from fiction. It all started this way:
The date is Sept. 19, 1961. A middle aged New Hampshire couple, Betty and Barney
Hill, are driving home from a short vacation in Canada. It's dark, with the moon and
stars illuminating the wooded landscape along U.S. Route 3 in central New
Hampshire. The Hills' curiosity is aroused when a bright "star" seems to move in an
irregular pattern. They stop the car for a better view. The object moves closer, and its
disklike shape becomes evident.
Barney grabs his binoculars from the car seat and steps out. He walks into a field to
get a closer look, focuses the binoculars, and sees the object plainly. It has windows -and behind the windows, looking directly at him are...humanoid creatures! Terrified,
Barney stumbles back to the car, throws it into first gear and roars off. But for some
reason he turns down a side road where five of the humanoids are standing on the
Apparently unable to control their actions, Betty and Barney are easily taken back to
the ship by the humanoids. While inside they are physically examined, and one of the
humanoids communicates to Betty. After the examination she asks him where they are
from. In response he shows her a three-dimensional map with various sized dots and
lines on it. "Where are you on the map?" the humanoid asks Betty. She doesn't know,
so the subject is dropped.
Betty and Barney are returned unharmed to their car. They are told they will forget the
abduction portion of the incident. The ship rises, and then hurtles out of sight. The
couple continue their journey home oblivious of the abduction.
But the Hills are troubled by unexplained dreams and anxiety about two hours of their
trip that they can't account for. Betty, a social worker, asks advice from a psychiatrist
friend. He suggests that the memory of that time will be gradually restored over the
next few months -- but it never is. Two years after the incident, the couple are still
bothered by the missing two hours, and Barney's ulcers are acting up. A Boston
psychiatrist, Benjamin Simon, is recommended, and after several months of weekly
hypnosis sessions the bizarre events of that night in 1961 are revealed. A short time
later a UFO group leaks a distorted version of the story to the press and the whole
thing blows up. The Hills reluctantly disclose the entire story.
Can we take this dramatic scenario seriously? Did this incredible contact with aliens
actually occur or is it some kind of hallucination that affected both Barney and Betty
Hill? The complete account of the psychiatric examination from which the details of
the event emerged is related in John G. Fuller's 'The Interrupted Journey' (Dial Press,
1966), where we read that after the extensive psychiatric examination, Simon
concluded that the Hills were not fabricating the story. The most likely possibilities
seem to be: (a) the experience actually happened, or (b) some perceptive and illusory
misinterpretations occurred in relationship to some real event.
There are other cases of alleged abductions by extraterrestrial humanoids. The unique
aspect of the Hills' abduction is that they remembered virtually nothing of the incident.
Intrigued by the Hills' experience, J. Allen Hynek, chairman of the department of
astronomy at Northwestern University, decided to investigate. Hynek described how
the Hills recalled the details of their encounter in his book, 'The UFO Experience'
(Henry Regnery Company, 1972):
"Under repeated hypnosis they independently revealed what had supposedly happened.
The two stories agreed in considerable detail, although neither Betty nor Barney was
privy to what the other had said under hypnosis until much later. Under hypnosis they
stated that they had been taken separately aboard the craft, treated well by the
occupants -- rather as humans might treat experimental animals -- and then released
after having been given the hypnotic suggestion that they would remember nothing of
that particular experience. The method of their release supposedly accounted for the
amnesia, which was apparently broken only by counterhypnosis."
A number of scientists, including Hynek, have discussed this incident at length with
Barney and Betty Hill and have questioned them under hypnosis. They concur with
Simon's belief that there seems to be no evidence of outright fabrication or lying. One
would also wonder what Betty, who has a master's degree in social work and is a
supervisor in the New Hampshire Welfare Department, and Barney, who was on the
governor of New Hampshire's Civil Rights Commission, would have to gain by a
hoax? Although the Hills didn't, several people have lost their jobs after being
associated with similarly unusual publicity.
Stanton T. Friedman, a nuclear physicist and the nation's only space scientist devoting
full time to researching the UFO phenomenon, has spent many hours in conversation
with the Hills. "By no stretch of the imagination could anyone who knows them
conclude that they were nuts," he emphasizes.
So the experience remains a fascinating story despite the absence of proof that it
actually happened. Anyway -- that's where things were in 1966 when Marjorie Fish, an
Ohio schoolteacher, amateur astronomer and member of Mensa, became involved. She
wondered if the objects shown on the map that Betty Hill allegedly observed inside the
vehicle might represent some actual pattern of celestial objects. To get more
information about the map she decided to visit Betty Hill in the summer of 1969.
(Barney Hill died in early 1969.) Here is Ms. Fish's account of that meeting:
"On Aug.4, 1969, Betty Hill discussed the star map with me. Betty explained that she
drew the map in 1964 under posthypnotic suggestion. It was to be drawn only if she
could remember it accurately, and she was not to pay attention to what she was
drawing -- which puts it in the realm of automatic drawing. This is a way of getting at
repressed or forgotten material and can result in unusual accuracy. She made two
erasures showing her conscious mind took control part of the time.
"Betty described the map as three-dimensional, like looking through a window. The
stars were tinted and glowed. The map material was flat and thin (not a model), and
there were no noticeable lenticular lines like one of our three-dimensional processes.
(It sounds very much like a reflective hologram.) Betty did not shift her position while
viewing it, so we cannot tell if it would give the same three-dimensional view from all
positions or if it would be completely three-dimensional. Betty estimated the map was
approximately three feet wide and two feet high with the pattern covering most of the
map. She was standing about three feet away from it. She said there were many other
stars on the map but she only (apparently) was able to specifically recall the prominent
ones connected by lines and a small distinctive triangle off to the left. There was no
concentration of stars to indicate the Milky Way (galactic plane) suggesting that if it
represented reality, it probably only contained local stars. There were no grid lines."
So much for the background material on the Hill incident. (If you want more details on
the encounter, see Fuller's book). For the moment we will leave Marjorie Fish back in
1969 trying to interpret Betty Hill's reproduction of the map. There is a second major
area of background information that we have to attend to before we can properly
discuss the map. Unlike the bizarre events just described, the rest is pure astronomy.
Three key phases in the analysis described in this article are illustrated here. Top right diagram is
a copy of the map Betty drew, allegedly a duplicate of one she saw inside an extraterrestrial
vehicle. Center map is derived from a model of our stellar neighborhood by Marjorie Fish. It
shows the stars that coincide with those on the Hill map (the Fish model is illustrated on page 14).
The only area of significant incongruity is the wide separation of Zeta Reticuli in the Hill version.
Lower image shows a cathode ray tube computer readout that was run at Ohio State University as
a check on the Fish model. Data used to derive the Fish model and the computer readout wre
taken from Gliese catalog. Names of specific stars are given on pages 12 & 13.
According to the most recent star catalogs, there are about 1,000 known stars within a
radius of 55 light-years of the sun.
What are those other stars like? A check of the catalogs shows that most of them are
faint stars of relatively low temperature -- a class of stars astronomers call main
sequence stars. The sun is a main sequence star along with most of the other stars in
this part of the Milky Way galaxy, as the following table shows:
Main sequence stars
White dwarfs
Giants and Supergiants
Typical giant stars are Arcturus and Capella. Antares and Betelgeuse are members of
the ultrarare supergiant class. At the other end of the size and brightness scale the white
dwarfs are stellar cinders -- the remains of once brilliant suns. For reasons that will
soon become clear we can remove these classes of stars from our discussion and
concentrate on the main sequence stars.
The main sequence stars can be further subdivided.
Characteristics of Main Sequence Stars
of Total
(Degrees F)
The spectral class letters are part of a system of stellar "fingerprinting" that identifies
the main sequence star's temperature and gives clues to its mass and luminosity. The
hottest, brightest and most massive main sequence stars (with rare exceptions) are the
A stars. The faintest, coolest and least massive are the M stars.
Each class is subdivided into 10 subcategories. For example, an A0 star is hotter,
brighter and more massive than an A1 which is above an A2, and so on through A9.
This table supplies much additional information and shows how a slightly hotter and
more massive star turns out to be much more luminous than the sun, a G2 star. But the
bright stars pay dearly for their splendor. It takes a lot of stellar fuel to emit vast
quantities of light and heat. The penalty is a short lifespan as a main sequence star.
Conversely, the inconspicuous, cool M stars may be around to see the end of the
universe -- whatever that might be. With all these facts at hand we're now ready to
tackle the first part of the detective story.
Let's suppose we wanted to make our own map of a trip to the stars. We will limit
ourselves to the 55 light-year radius covered by the detailed star catalogs. The purpose
of the trip will be to search for intelligent life on planets that may be in orbit around
these stars. We would want to include every star that would seem likely to have a lifebearing planet orbiting around it. How many of these thousand-odd stars would we
include for such a voyage and which direction would we go? (For the moment, we'll
forget about the problem of making a spacecraft that will take us to these stars and
we'll assume that we've got some kind of vehicle that will effortlessly transport us to
wherever we want to go.) We don't want to waste our time and efforts -- we only want
to go to stars that we would think would have a high probability of having planets
harboring advanced life forms. This seems like a tall order. How do we even begin to
determine which stars might likely have such planets?
The first rule will be to restrict ourselves to life as we know it, the kind of life that we
are familiar with here on Earth -- carbon based life. Science fiction writers are fond of
describing life forms based on chemical systems that we have been unable to duplicate
here on Earth -- such as silicon based life or life based on the ammonium hydroxide
molecule instead of on carbon. But right now these life forms are simply fantasy -- we
have no evidence that they are in fact possible. Because we don't even know what they
might look like -- if they're out there -- we necessarily have to limit our search to the
kind of life that we understand.
Our kind of life -- life as we know it -- seems most likely to evolve on a planet that has
a stable temperature regime. It must be at the appropriate distance from its sun so that
water is neither frozen nor boiled away. The planet has to be the appropriate size so
that its gravity doesn't hold on to too much atmosphere (like Jupiter) or too little (like
Mars). But the main ingredient in a life-bearing planet is its star. And its star is the only
thing we can study since planets of other stars are far too faint to detect directly.
The conclusion we can draw is this: The star has to be like the sun.
Main sequence stars are basically stable for long periods of time. As shown in the
table, stars in spectral class G have stable lifespans of 10 billion years. (Our sun,
actually a G2 star, has a somewhat longer stable life expectancy of 11 billion years.)
We are about five billion years into that period so we can look forward to the sun
remaining much as it is (actually it will brighten slightly) for another six billion years.
Stars of class F4 or higher have stable burning periods of less than 3.5 billion years.
They have to be ruled out immediately. Such stars cannot have life-bearing planets
because, at least based on our experience on our world, this is not enough time to
permit highly developed biological systems to evolve on the land areas of a planet.
(Intelligent life may very well arise earlier in water environments, but let's forget that
possibility since we have not yet had meaningful communication with the dolphins -highly intelligent creatures on this planet!) But we may be wrong in our estimate of life
development time. There is another more compelling reason for eliminating stars of
class F4 and brighter.
So far, we have assumed all stars have planets, just as our sun does. Yet spectroscopic
studies of stars of class F4 and brighter reveal that most of them are in fact unlike our
sun in a vital way -- they are rapidly rotating stars. The sun rotates once in just under a
month, but 60 percent of the stars in the F0 to F4 range rotate much faster. And almost
all A stars are rapid rotators too. It seems, from recent studies of stellar evolution that
slowly rotating stars like the sun rotate slowly because they have planets. Apparently
the formation of a planetary system robs the star of much of its rotational momentum.
For two reasons, then, we eliminate stars of class F4 and above: (1) most of them rotate
rapidly and thus seem to be planetless, and (2) their stable lifespans are too brief for
advanced life to develop.
Another problem environment for higher forms of life is the multiple star system.
About half of all stars are born in pairs, or small groups of three or more. Our sun
could have been part of a double star system. If Jupiter was 80 times more massive it
would be an M6 red dwarf star. If the stars of a double system are far enough apart
there is no real problem for planets sustaining life (see "Planet of the Double Sun",
September 1974). But stars in fairly close or highly elliptical orbits would alternately
fry or freeze their planets. Such planets would also likely have unstable orbits. Because
this is a potentially troublesome area for our objective, we will eliminate all close and
moderately close pairs of systems of multiple stars.
Further elimination is necessary according to the catalogs. Some otherwise perfect stars
are labeled "variable". This means astronomers have observed variations of at least a
few percent in the star's light output. A one percent fluctuation in the sun would be
annoying for us here on Earth. Anything greater would cause climatic disaster. Could
intelligent life evolve under such conditions, given an otherwise habitable planet? It
seems unlikely. We are forced to "scratch" all stars suspected or proven to be variable.
This still leaves a few F stars, quite a few G stars, and hoards of K and M dwarfs.
Unfortunately most of the Ks and all of the Ms are out. Let's find out why.
These stars quite likely have planets. Indeed, one M star -- known as Barnard's star -- is
believed to almost certainly have at least one, and probably two or three, Jupiter sized
planets. Peter Van de Kamp of the Sproul Observatory at Swarthmore College (Pa.)
has watched Barnard's star for over three decades and is convinced that a "wobbling"
motion of that star is due to perturbations (gravitational "pulling and pushing") caused
by its unseen planets. (Earth sized planets cannot be detected in this manner.)
But the planets of M stars and the K stars below K4 have two serious handicaps that
virtually eliminate them from being abodes for life. First, these stars fry their planets
with occasional lethal bursts of radiation emitted from erupting solar flares. The flares
have the same intensity as those of our sun, but when you put that type of flare on a
little star it spells disaster for a planet that is within, say, 30 million miles. The problem
is that planets have to be that close to get enough heat from these feeble suns. If they
are farther out, they have frozen oceans and no life.
The close-in orbits of potential Earthlike planets of M and faint K stars produce the
second dilemma -- rotational lock. An example of rotational lock is right next door to
us. The moon, because of its nearness to Earth, is strongly affected by our planet's tidal
forces. Long ago our satellite stopped rotating and now has one side permanently
turned toward Earth. The same principles apply to planets of small stars that would
otherwise be at the right distance for moderate temperatures. If rotational lock has not
yet set in, at least rotational retardation would make impossibly long days and nights
(as evidenced by Mercury in our solar system).
What stars are left after all this pruning? All of the G stars remain along with F5
through F9 and K0 through K4. Stephen Dole of the Rand Corporation has made a
detailed study of stars in this range and suggests we should also eliminate F5, F6 and
F7 stars because they balloon to red giants before they reach an age of five billion
years. Dole feels this is cutting it too fine for intelligent species to fully evolve.
Admittedly this is based on our one example of intelligent life -- us. But limited though
this parameter is, it is the only one we have. Dole believes the K2, K3 and K4 stars are
also poor prospects because of their feeble energy output and consequently limited
zone for suitable Earthlike planets.
Accepting Dole's further trimming we are left with single, nonvariable stars from F8
through all the Gs to K1. What does that leave us with? Forty-six stars.
Now we are ready to plan the trip. It's pretty obvious that Tau Ceti is our first target.
After that, the choice is more difficult. We can't take each star in order or we would be
darting all over the sky. It's something like planning a vacation trip. Let's say we start
from St. Louis and want to hit all the major cities within a 1,000 mile radius. If we go
west, all we can visit is Kansas City and Denver. But northeast is a bonanza: Chicago,
Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, New York and more. The same principle
applies to the planning of our interstellar exploration. The plot of all 46 candidate stars
reveals a clumping in the direction of the constellations Cetus and Eridanus. Although
this section amounts to only 13 percent of the entire sky, it contains 15 of the 46 stars,
or 33 percent of the total. Luckily Tau Ceti is in this group, so that's the direction we
should go (comparable to heading northeast from St. Louis). If we plan to visit some of
these solar type stars and then return to Earth, we should try to have the shortest
distance between stops. It would be a waste of exploration time if we zipped randomly
from one star to another.
The route map above shows the culmination of our efforts. This group of stars is a "natural" for
exploration when we achieve interstellar flight. Even if, as most exobiologists contend, we are
highly unlikely to find advanced forms of life in such a small sample, the physical exploration of
planets of other stars by beings from Earth is inevitable, and the stars of this group should be
among the first targets.
Now we are ready to return to the map drawn by Betty Hill. Marjorie Fish reasoned that if the
stars in the Hill map corresponded to a patter of real stars -- perhaps something like we just
developed, only from an alien's viewpoint -- it might be possible to pinpoint the origin of the
alleged space travelers. Assuming the two stars in the foreground of the Hill map were the "base"
stars (the sun, a single star, was ruled out here), she decided to try to locate the entire pattern.
She theorized that the Hill map contained only local stars since no concentration would be
present if a more distant viewpoint was assumed and if both "us" and the alien visitors' home
base were to be represented.
Let's assume, just as an astronomical exercise, that the map does show the sun and the star that is
"the sun" to the humanoids. We'll take the Hill encounter at face value, and see where it leads.
Since the aliens were described as "humanoid" and seemed reasonably comfortable on this
planet, their home planet should be basically like ours. Their atmosphere must be similar because
the Hills breathed without trouble while inside the ship, and the aliens did not appear to wear any
protective apparatus. And since we assume their biology is similar to ours, their planet should
have the same temperature regime as Earth (Betty and Barney did say it was uncomfortably cold
in the ship). In essence, then, we assume their home planet must be very Earthlike. Based on
what we discussed earlier it follows that their sun would be on our list if it were within 55 lightyears of us.
The lines on the map, according to Betty Hill, were described by the alien as "trade routes" or
"places visited occasionally" with the dotted lines as "expeditions". Any interpretation of the
Betty Hill map must retain the logic of these routes (i.e. the lines would link stars that would be
worth visiting).
This model, prepared by Marjorie Fish. shows all the stars located in a vast volume of space extending out
about 55 light years in the direction of Zeta Reticuli. The viewing angle is from a point in space beyond that
limit looking back toward the Sun. Each star is suspended on a separate thread at its appropriate distance
and position from the Sun, and colored according to its spectral type (solar type stars are yellow). The star
"behind" the two components of Zeta Reticuli is Zeta Tucanae. From a model such as this, using the same
viewing angle seen here, Marjorie Fish noted 16 stars whose positions are remarkably closeto the stars in the
drawing made by Betty Hill. The fact that all of the stars in the "Hill configuration" are solar type stars is
one of several intriguing areas that enshroud the "Zeta Reticuli Incident".
Keeping all this in mind, Marjorie Fish constructed several three-dimensional models of the solar
neighborhood in hopes of detecting the pattern in the Hill map. Using beads dangling on threads,
she painstakingly recreated our stellar environment. Between Aug. 1968 and Feb. 1973, she
strung beads, checked data, searched and checked again. A suspicious alignment, detected in late
1968, turned out to be almost a perfect match once new data from the detailed 1969 edition of
the Catalog of Nearby Stars became available. (This catalog is often called the "Gliese catalog" - pronounced "glee-see" -- after its principal author, Wilhelm Gliese.)
The 16 stars in the stellar configuration discovered by Marjorie Fish are compared with the map
drawn by Betty Hill in the diagram on page 6. If some of the star names on the Fish map sound
familiar, they should. Ten of the 16 stars are from the compact group that we selected earlier
based on the most logical direction to pursue to conduct interstellar exploration from Earth
Continuing to take the Hill map at face value, the radiating pattern of "trade routes" implies that
Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 Reticuli are the "hub" of exploration or, in the context of the incident, the
aliens' home base. The sun is at the end of one of the supposedly regular trade routes.
The pair of stars that make up Zeta Reticuli is practically in the midst of the cluster of solar type
stars that attracted us while we were mapping out a logical interstellar voyage. Checking further
we find that all but two of the stars in the Fish pattern are on the table of nearby solar type stars.
These two stars are Tau 1 Eridani (an F6 star) and Gliese 86.1 (K2), and are, respectively, just
above and below the parameters we arrived at earlier. One star that should be there (Zeta
Tucanae) is missing probably because it is behind Zeta 1 Reticuli at the required viewing angle.
To summarize, then: (1) the pattern discovered by Marjorie Fish has an uncanny resemblance to
the map drawn by Betty Hill; (2) the stars are mostly the ones that we would visit if we were
exploring from Zeta Reticuli, and (3) the travel patterns generally make sense.
Walter Mitchell, professor of astronomy at Ohio State University in Columbus, has looked at
Marjorie Fish's interpretation of the Betty Hill map in detail and tells us, "The more I examine it,
the more I am impressed by the astronomy involved in Marjorie Fish's work."
During their examination of the map, Mitchell and some of his students inserted the positions of
hundreds of nearby stars into a computer and had various space vistas brought up on a cathode
ray tube readout. They requested the computer to put them in a position out beyond Zeta Reticuli
looking toward the sun. From this viewpoint the map pattern obtained by Marjorie Fish was
duplicated with virtually no variations. Mitchell noted an important and previously unknown fact
first pointed out by Ms. Fish: The stars in the map are almost in a plane; that is, they fill a wheel
shaped volume of space that makes star hopping from one to another easy and the logical way to
go -- and that is what is implied by the map that Betty Hill allegedly saw.
"I can find no major point of quibble with Marjorie Fish's interpretation of the Betty Hill map,"
says David R. Saunders, a statistics expert at the Industrial Relations Center of the University of
Chicago. By various lines of statistical reasoning he concludes that the chances of finding a
match among 16 stars of a specific spectral type among the thousand-odd stars nearest the sun is
"at least 1,000 to 1 against".
"The odds are about 10,000 to 1 against a random configuration matching perfectly with Betty
Hill's map," Saunders reports. "But the star group identified by Marjorie Fish isn't quite a perfect
match, and the odds consequently reduce to about 1,000 to 1. That is, there is one chance in
1,000 that the observed degree of congruence would occur in the volume of space we are
"In most fields of investigation where similar statistical methods are used, that degree of
congruence is rather persuasive," concludes Saunders.
Saunders, who has developed a monumental computerized catalog of more than 60,000 UFO
sightings, tells us that the Hill case is not unique in its general characteristics -- there are other
known cases of alleged communication with extraterrestrials. But in no other case on record have
maps ever been mentioned.
Mark Steggert of the Space Research Coordination Center at the University of Pittsburgh
developed a computer program that he calls PAR (for Perspective Alteration Routine) that can
duplicate the appearance of star fields from various viewpoints in space.
"I was intrigued by the proposal put forth by Marjorie Fish that she had interpreted a real star
pattern for the alleged map of Betty Hill. I was incredulous that models could be used to do an
astronometric problem," Steggert says. "To my surprise I found that the pattern that I derived
from my program had a close correspondence to the data from Marjorie Fish."
After several run-throughs, he confirmed the positions determined by Marjorie Fish. "I was able
to locate potential areas of error, but no real errors," Steggert concludes.
Steggert zeroed in on possibly the only real bone of contention that anyone has had with
Marjorie Fish's interpretation: The data on some of the stars may not be accurate enough for us to
make definitive conclusions. For example, he says the data from the Smithsonian Astrophysical
Observatory Catalog, the Royal Astronomical Society Observatory Catalog, and the Yale
Catalog of Bright Stars "have differences of up to two magnitudes and differences in distance
amounting to 40 percent for the star Gliese 59". Other stars have less variations in the data from
one catalog to another, but Steggert's point is valid. The data on some of the stars in the map is
just not good enough to make a definitive statement. (The fact that measurements of most of the
stars in question can only be made at the relatively poor equipped southern hemisphere
observatories accounts for the less reliable data.)
Using information on the same 15 stars from the Royal Observatory catalog (Annals #5),
Steggert reports that the pattern does come out differently because of the different data, and
Gliese 59 shows the largest variation. The Gliese catalog uses photometric, trigonometric and
spectroscopic parallaxes and derives a mean from all three after giving various mathematical
weights to each value. "The substantial variation in catalog material is something that must be
overcome," says Steggert. "This must be the next step in attempting to evaluate the map."
This point of view is shared by Jeffrey L. Kretsch, an undergraduate student who is working
under the advisement of J. Allen Hynek at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill. Like
Steggert, he too checked Marjorie Fish's pattern and found no error in the work. But Kretsch
reports that when he reconstructed the pattern using trigonometric distance measurements instead
of the composite measures in the Gliese catalog, he found enough variations to move Gliese 95
above the line between Gliese 86 and Tau 1 Eridani.
"The data for some of the stars seems to be very reliable, but a few of the pattern stars are not
well observed and data on them is somewhat conflicting," says Kretsch. The fact that the pattern
is less of a "good fit" using data from other sources leads Kretsch and others to wonder what new
observations would do. Would they give a closer fit? Or would the pattern become distorted?
Marjorie Fish was aware of the catalog variations, but has assumed the Gliese catalog is the most
reliable source material to utilize.
Is the Gliese catalog the best available data source. According to several astronomers who
specialize in stellar positions, it probably is. Peter Van de Kamp says, "It's first rate. There is
none better." He says the catalog was compiled with extensive research and care over many
A lot of the published trigonometric parallaxes on the stars beyond 30 light-years are not as
accurate as they could be, according to Kyle Cudworth of Yerkes Observatory. "Gliese added
other criteria to compensate and lessen the possible errors," he says.
The scientific director of the U.S. Naval Observatory, K.A. Strand, is among the world's
foremost authorities on stellar distances for nearby stars. He believes the Gliese catalog "is the
most complete and comprehensive source available."
Frank B. Salisbury of the University of Utah has also examined the Hill and Fish maps. "The
pattern of stars discovered by Marjorie Fish fits the map drawn by Betty Hill remarkably well.
It's a striking coincidence and forces one to take the Hill story more seriously," he says.
Salisbury is one of the few scientists who has spent some time on the UFO problem and has
written a book and several articles on the subject. A professor of plant physiology, his biology
expertise has been turned to astronomy on several occasions while studying the possibility of
biological organisms existing on Mars.
Salisbury insists that while psychological factors do play an important role in UFO phenomena,
the Hill story does represent one of the most credible reports of incredible events. The fact that
the story and the map came to light under hypnosis is good evidence that it actually took place.
"But it is not unequivocal evidence," he cautions.
Elaborating on this aspect of the incident, Mark Steggert offers this: "I am inclined to question
the ability of Betty, under posthypnotic suggestion, to duplicate the pattern two years after she
saw it. She noted no grid lines on the pattern for reference. Someone should (or perhaps has
already) conduct a test to see how well a similar patter could be recalled after a substantial period
of time. The stress she was under at the time is another unknown factor."
"The derivation of the base data by hypnotic techniques is perhaps not as 'far out' as it may
seem," says Stanton Friedman. "Several police departments around the country use hypnosis on
rape victims in order to get descriptions of the assailants -- descriptions that would otherwise
remain repressed. The trauma of such circumstances must be comparable in some ways to the
Hill incident."
Is it at all possible we are faced with a hoax?
"Highly unlikely," says Salisbury -- and the other investigators agree. One significant fact
against a charade is that the data from the Gliese catalog was not published until 1969, five years
after the star map was drawn by Betty Hill. Prior to 1969, the data could only have been obtained
from the observatories conducting research on the specific stars in question. It is not uncommon
for astronomers not to divulge their research data -- even to their colleagues -- before it appears
in print. In general, the entire sequence of events just does not smell of falsification.
Coincidence, possibly; hoax, improbable.
Where does all this leave us? Are there creatures inhabiting a planet of Zeta 2 Reticuli? Did they
visit Earth in 1961? The map indicates that the sun has been "visited occasionally". What does
that mean? Will further study and measurement of the stars in the map change their relative
positions and thus distort the configuration beyond the limits of coincidence?
The fact that the entire incident hinges on a map drawn under less than normal circumstances
certainly keeps us from drawing a firm conclusion. Exobiologists are united in their opinion that
the chance of us having neighbors so similar to us, apparently located so close, is vanishingly
small. But then, we don't even know for certain if there is anybody at all out there -- anywhere -despite the Hill map and pronouncements of the most respected scientists.
The only answer is to continue the search. Someday, perhaps soon, we will know.
The Zeta’s have many more similarities to the physiology of mankind than differences. I will point out
several similarities first of the species that is presently assisting mankind during this transformation
period. They have a heart, lungs and brain and are warm blooded. They are a carbon-based life form as
opposed to silicon based, which is common throughout the universe and their hemoglobin is iron based.
The sensory organs of the eyes, ears, nose, and skin are also present plus other not present in mankind.
Reproductive organs when present are used for relationships of pure love, although cloning is used for
propagation. Most important, their DNA is compatible with ours. This allows them to be genetic donors.
Thus as the hybrid program proceeds, elimination of disease, birth defects and dull intelligence will
benefit from a procedure of gene snipping and insertion specific zeta genes into the human zygote for
future mankind. For the many who have imagined, lets bridge the gap towards reality, thus addressing
differences. The height for the majority of Zetas, have a range between 3 and 6.5 feet with an average
weight of 40 lbs for the Zeta on the small side to 80 lbs. on the large side. The hairless head, almond
shaped projects 50% or more beyond the back of the neck and at a minimum is nearly double the width
of humans. The skin color is gray only because human eyes cannot register their true color, although
some have a mixture of brown, pink, and white splotches scattered about the top and back of the head.
The brain has two distinct lobes apparent from an outside visual and with some Zetas there is a slight
crease on the top of their skulls between the brain lobes. Enhanced, the brain processes thousands of
thoughts simultaneously while tapping a memory reservoir superior to earth's best super computers.
The separate areas of the mind work seamlessly ( as opposed to our conscience and sub conscience),
allowing them to meld as one. The forehead protrudes over the brow, which gives new abilities such as
telepathy and movement of solid matter by mere thought. The large black teardrop shaped eyes with
the point facing the nose have a matrix or web like appearance for reinforcement of the smoothsurfaced eye structure, a genetic modification engineered due to the low light underground
environment from which they came from. The electromagnetic spectrum, which stimulates the visual
cortex, is expanded. There are new colors available to the eye to behold with no reference of
description to humans. The ability to see heat energy radiating from living tissue (blue auras with
humans) and in some cases electrical energy can be perceived. The small nostrils contained within the
nasal structure are slightly raised above the facial structure and holes on the side of the head represent
any resemblance of a nose and ears with the range smell and hearing extended beyond human
comprehension. Their small mouth and digestive tract has no outlet and does not provide any
functionality. The Zetas have an additional system, which allows for the absorption of nutrients and
excretion of waste through the skin. The nutrients are artificially manufactured and mixed into waterbased solution contained in their baths providing all needed intake of sustenance. The neck is less than
half the diameter of a human and is approximately twice the proportional length. Their built is slim with
the limbs resembling the diameter that of a broom sticks. Their chest is a rigid framework as opposed to
an expandable chest in humans. Breathing is a process where one lung inflates as the other deflates so
the rigid chest cavity maintains a constant volume. Their arms are speckled with green freckles, with
color intensity depending upon individual exposure to sunlight. This allows them to absorb extra
nutrients from sunlight in times of need. Their skin is rough to the human touch, but you were to hold
one, you feel slightly warmer body with the heat softly diffused evenly about all surfaces. They have
small palms with the thumb projecting from its center and 3 other fingers, which the center one is at
least double the length of an average human middle finger. The have nails thicker and coarser than
humans, but the interesting feature is the enlarged pores on their finger tips allowing chemical analysis
in conjunction with touch and feel. Their walk is similar to what is portrayed in Star Gate (TV), which is
jerky when the greys are shown. Communication is by telepathy, allowing the working environment to
proceed in the most efficient way. They can and do read human thoughts anytime by just tuning in. This
allows the true feeling of empathy towards humans to be fully explored. Their spirituality and
responsibility towards other life forms has been rewarded by God, as he has bestowed upon them as a
race many advanced mental capabilities.
Insights on Zeta Reticulans and other Gray Alien Groups, Parts 1- 4
Dear Sir:
We saw your interesting page and felt the impulse to contribute with some information that may be
interested to yourself and your readers- As the origin of the information is from a psychic source, we
prefer to remain anonymous for now as to avoid so evil hands that would like to make use of our gift (as
they already do with many more gifted psychics) The information we got seem very interesting as is
about Extraterrestrial activity in out planet- More exactly the name grays Zeta Reticulan and their
connection to the NWO-- The interesting part was that while getting this information we were attack
(mind waves) by another race of extraterrestrials (Yukonadius, another type of gray) trying to prevent us
to present this information to the publicWe started a series of chats over the internet, while meditating and expanding our awareness opening
ourselves for information about ET intelligence in our planet.- Soon enough we started to get specific
information about several ET Races that are at this point affecting our evolutionIn the following week, while getting this information, I started to feel sick- I began to feel overcharged
with negative energy and my body began a natural process of vomiting these energies like a shaman
would do it- At nights, I began to feel my mind overcharge with intense psychic pressure and it was hard
to go to sleep- Many times I awakened abruptly under heavy mental attacks- I just could endure those
days as I kept vomiting this noxious energiesOne morning, I woke up and I was only experiencing through my awareness, my mental level- For a few
minutes I was a being that had no emotional body, but pure mental energy- very lucid and aware mental
energy, yet devoid of feelings- I was in empathy with the state of being of this gray ETs- As we kept
getting more information, the attacks became worse. I couldn't’t sleep for days in a row and I felt the
presence inside my head of another intelligence, literally trying to drive me crazy. There were some days
that I literally thought I was losing my mindOne important event that happened was the following- I was living in South America at the time, and one
day I had to go to the American Embassy as I was processing a visa petition for my wife- The minute I
entered the American Embassy, the mental bombardment stopped- I took a mental vacation for the few
hours I was there- Later I found out that the Embassy was protected by another race of ETs, the same one
that actually protect the country , but that is another storyTo make this short, I ended changing my plans and traveling as soon as I could back to the US, not
without withstanding the strongest of all the attacks while in the plane. I endured with all my heart the
impulse to go running wild all over the plane screaming like a mad man.- But as soon as we reached land,
the nightmare ended. I love this countryIn total, we gather information on about 12 different races of ETs here on the planet now. The Zeta
Reticulan being the most known to the public, is the one we are going to describe now
The Zetas are physical beings like us, that’s the reason we can see the UFO so easily. They knew about
the existence of our planet thousands of years ago, but ignored it as they didn't’t considered it as a
strategic point in their plans to conquest the universe. After the first atomic bombs, they considered that
our race achieved a substantial scientific advancement and started to pay us more attention- Their original
planet was destroyed thousands of years ago, losing a lot of their culture and spirituality. After that, a lot
of changes occurred from their physical level to their views about the universe. Now they are a shadow of
what they were once, a great race- .
They are extremely mental beings and destroy any emotions that may arise in them- In their minds, their
goal is to understand what is the greatest power of the universe and exploit it for their own benefit. They
know the greatest power is Life itself, and for millenniums they have tried to find a way to create life
from nothingness, but have failed to find the origin.
Having no spiritual beliefs, the truth will always escape through their fingers.- They only believe in
science and believe that there is a tool or machine for everything, and believe that their minds are so
great, that someday they will become like gods. They are extremely telepathic and can produce great
mental waves, that they use to manipulate and control weaker minds.
Their technology is based on the sub-atomic power and supra-electromagnetic transmissions used to
power their transportation, weapons, and others life support machinery. They seek the cure for pain.
There is a deep pain in their race that the control with their powerful minds in time to time. It is not a
physical or emotional pain, it is something that the human race has not experienced yet.- They think that
this constant pain is what prevents their powerful minds to achieve their full capacity. Through science
they are trying to find the cure for this pain and its source.
The Zetas see humanity as a basic intelligent life form that still has their roots in animal instinct. They
believe that in studying us and our animalistic nature, they will find the cure for their pain. (We believe
that the pain is in reality a great inner tension between the very highly develop minds and their extremely
underdeveloped hearts). Scientifically they will never find the cure they seek. As they have no spiritual
values in their minds, their moral values are thin, and this allows them to control others without remorse,
while their great minds shake any feeling of guilt. And with their heart closed, they will never find fault in
their ways.
Their philosophy is to control all the details and events in their lives and even their deaths if they could.
They have great ambition of power and a deep desire of supremacy of their species over all others.
Science is their religion and they have a deep knowledge in regards of mental evolution. What they don’t
understand is that the mind can't evolve to the supreme level without the heart. They feel emotions, but in
a vibrational form, (humans can't understand this ) and the vibration of fear is the most powerful in them.
They don’t feel love or jealousy like we humans understand those feelings. They just want to control and
know everything. The Zetas are extremely curious. - The only thing that has prevented them to achieve
their goals with us are more advance extraterrestrial beings that guard our planet 24 hours a day.
(I know you are very busy and I don't feel to keep writing more and taking more of your time unless you
let me know is of some interest to you).
Part 2 (Sep. 19, 2005)
( By the end of getting this ET information, the attacks had gotten worst. Through all this time I wasn't
sure where these attacks were coming from, as the source was doing a great job of concealing themselves.
One day, I went to the movies with my wife. Everything seemed fine, but when the lights went off, I
started to feel a pressure at my chest, as if I was loosing my breath. Then I felt a sharp pain and I thought i
was going to have a heart attack. I had to leave the theater and go to the restroom with my wife's help.
Once there, I relaxed and my body automatically started to vomit this negative energy, and then I felt
Trying to inquire with my brother into the nature of this attack, we finally were able to pierce the veil and
one of the gray ETs of the Yukonadious Race reveled himself- He was the one attacking me all the time.
My brother was in Thailand, but that land is well guarded and the ET's didn't dare to go there. I being in
South America, it was like open season there as those lands are their territory. Not even the Zeta
Reticulan dare to enter their frontiers. The Yukonadious are a vile, almost evil race and the worst treat for
the planet. But we will talk about them in another letter.
This ugly ET told us to erase all the information from our computers and hard drives or the attack against
me were to be intensify. As the can easily kill a human being with the mental power, there is a Universal
Law that prevents something like that from happening. But anyone with the ability to harm has be taken
into serious consideration. So we decided to comply and for the first time, I slept all night long. When I
told my wife about what was going on, she thought to herself "Who the hell they do think they are doing
this against my hubby and worst to humanity and still wanted to remain anonymous?" She told me later
that just after she thought that, a sharp intense pain was felt in the side of her head. Later we found out
that a type of etheric implant was placed on her in that part of the head.)
Continue from before..................
The Zeta’s internal path between their minds and their hearts is very narrow, and without the heart it is
very hard to understand Reality. Even though, they have great minds, they have no imagination, but they
do posses a sense of precognition that replaces it. They are very psychic, but not in the same way we
human are as seeing auras, chakras and astral planes etc, but in the capacity to transmit mental waves.
They constantly transmit these mental waves in the form of microwaves with the purpose of
controlling humanity. It may sound strange, but with this transmission, they are trying to change us to be
just like them (the perfect design in their minds)
The effects that these waves have on humans are many, but especially they are designed to close the heart
of humanity, pushing us to be more mental and analytical and losing many of the qualities of the heart,
like love, compassion the feeling of brotherhood and more. They use these waves many times on us trying
to change the vibration of the upper chakras and the heart to stop the flow of information we were getting
about them. The best strategy of the enemy is to make others believe that they don’t exist, but in time
humanity will know what is going on behind the veil.
The zetas are extremely physically strong (although their thin bodies appear to be fragile). Besides mental
control, they use their strength to subdue abductees once they have the humans inside their ships. Our
recommendation to the reader is that if they see a UFO (the typical dish form)- just hide. We don’t
recommend having images, drawings or figures of these beings, because- believe it or not- these forms
allow them to establish a connection with you and forward their mental waves to reach their goals.
Spiritually speaking with the New Age lingo, the Zeta’s are afraid that Planet Earth is going to ascend
towards a Golden Age (which has happened to them in the past,) leaving them behind in many ways,
(especially at the spiritual level, even though they may seem not to care about that). Their natural pride
can't conceive that humanity may leap forward beyond them. This makes them even more controlling and
jealous. The last Golden Age that their civilization experienced was 1.2 billions of years ago and they
cannot comprehend why humanity has had 3 Golden Ages in the past 500.000 years and we are at the
doorsteps of the 4th one. That’s why they think that there most be something very special about this
planet, so they seek the means to control it. All of their evil plans have been disassembled by other higher
Extraterrestrial beings with more advanced technologies.
The Zetas have a great base in the middle of what is named the Bermuda Triangle. They were drawn to
open a base of operations there as it was the place for an ancient Atlantis Temple of great Power, where
anchored the power of the seven rays in those days. The Zetas don't know this and are not in that place
for spiritual reasons, but they where drawn by the great electromagnetic fields that are generated at that
point. They use that base to transform the electromagnetic waves in pure energy. There is a great antenna,
the biggest on the planet (all invisible by the use of electromagnetic technologies) designed exclusively to
mentally control humanity.
They transmit many subliminal messages that attack the human instincts, making us act with very
specific behaviors. (it's possible that the cell phone antennas, used for mind control, may be linked to
theirs. Or they use them too or maybe the technology comes from them. We are not sure because we
learned about the cell antennas after reading about them on the Educate yourself page). In short, they
want to control the human race and if possible make us their slaves or worst- destroy us.
(more to come...)
Willy and Andy
Part 3 (Sep. 21, 2005)
The Zeta Reticulim already have several slave planets in different galaxies of the Universe. All
civilizations with lesser technologies and mentally inferior to them. Most of the slaves beings are made to
work in mining. The Zeta’s have an slave race called the Linenaris Tubilurus , that are of blue
complexion, with small but strong and resistant bodies, that travel with them in their space ships. This
last ones can better resist Earth atmosphere and can manage to breathe air. The Zetas can do it too but not
for long as it may become poisonous for them.- These blue beings are the ones that actually do the
abductions and bring the human beings into their ships. The Linenaris were races scientifically more
advanced than ours, but were totally controlled by the superior Zeta race, and now are being controlled by
the powerful Zetas mind waves.
After the human beings are taken inside the ships, many weird scientific procedures are practiced on
them. They include probing and medical tests. Once the tests are done, the Zetas inject a chemical
substance behind the human’s ears. This substance is extracted directly from the Zeta’s own brains and
affects the areas of the human brain that are related to short term memory. Because this examinations are
so intense, painful, and invasive, and because the human brain is bombarded with so much information
through the senses, it is very difficult to erase from the human mind these intense events and experiences.
It is like a direct attack against the brain. So, this chemical substance is the only way to block the
memories of these events. (Although there has been cases, as many of you know, that under hypnosis
some of the memories of these events have been recovered).- If a laboratory were to know what specific
substance to look for, it could be identified very easily and with some tests, determine an antidote for it.
In an unknown location, the Zeta Reticulim have a factory designed for the sole purpose of fabricating
androids. These androids look exactly like us and there function is to act as Zeta eyes among our society
so they can accelerate the culmination of their evil plans. These androids also serve as transmission
antennas of their mental waves that are designed to manipulate and control the weak human minds that
surround them. Even though these androids are perfect in every way to look like us and can mix with us
in our daily life, they can’t really be part of our society and customs (let's see one of them pass a physical
exam for example).
For that reason the Zeta’s have created at the genetic level, human being-like creatures that are so
perfect that they can easily pass any physical examination. The only difference between these clone-like
creations and us is the way the neuropath channels are connected. They are specifically designed so the
pathway won't be able to change at the base of the brain function, no matter what activity the clone is
involved with at the moment- This is the easiest way to control their creations rather than using implants
in real human beings- These creature's neuropathways serve also as antennas that can receive instructions
from the Zeta, but the clone perceive them only as neuronal impulses and act on them. Meaning that many
times not even the clones know that they are being used for Zeta purposes. A clever way to maintain a
complete cover up.
As the reader can begin to see, we don’t formally call this pseudo human creations “ clones”, because
they are not exact copies of a human being, but are unique creations that are made possible due to the
more advanced science of the Zetsa working with the most basic substances that are the building blocks
of a human being- Although we couldn’t confirm what I’m about to write, we feel that these creations are
destined to even more sinister ends as we will explain in another letter.
(Even though the Yukonadious told us to erase all the information we received about them in order to
leave me alone, they only complied until we actually erasd the files from our computers. The following
day, the attacks began again, but even stronger. Well, what do you expect from a morbid, sadistic race
that see us as little lab rats?
Because in this instance we are dealing with human beings.(I use the term "human" to describe any being
that has the 5 elements in them and are endowed with intelligence/intellect) and not astral beings or
demons, there was nothing that I could do to banish them like rituals, or use salt or garlic ,etc. So I
decided to use some extraterrestrial technologies that we learned from a race of Golden beings who are
not from the 3rd dimension, but higher {We may talk about them in another letter if people are interested,
as the information is not as physical as with these other races, but more spiritual}.
So this technology involves toning (a whale/dolphin-like sound) that helps ground higher frequencies.
Every time I did a toning session, the mind waves stopped, but just to be changed to another frequency.
They found a way around my toning by changing the mind wave attacks to different levels. It was very
stressful, and designed to drive me crazy.- It was only my ability to maintain my attention in Pure
Consciousness; the Ground of Being as my true reality and perfect Realization beyond the mind, that kept
me sane.
Also my extremely gifted brother gave me wise guidance and support even though he was so far away- I
also made them uncomfortable I bet, trying to keep a Love feeling and pure thoughts most of the time,
because that (I believe) causes them to feel uncomfortable as well. But by this time, many weeks has
passed by and I was tired. After my experience at the American Embassy {as I wrote in my first letter}, I
decided to fly to America as soon as possible- Once here I gave instructions to some of our students in
South America to try to rescue some of the information from the computer hard drives. Thank God they
found a computer expert that was able to retrieve most of the information that we thought had been lost)
(more to come...)
Willy and Andy.
Part 4 (Sep. 22, 2005)
Subject: Zeta Reticuli (Final Part) but new chapter on other race to come
The Zetas are relentless in their mission and goals. Their own race in going through a delicate period, in
which it is becoming more difficult for them to sustain as a species. The way they propagate is by cloning
themselves as they do not have a working sexual apparatus. This cloning has gone on for so long that
Nature itself is placing obstacles in their path by making it more difficult to continue this practice. Also, it
seems that their genetic make up has somehow changed as we will explain alter. Although their bodies
may last a millennia (or more), for a proud race like the Zetas, it is important for their aspirations that they
become god-like.
By now, the reader may understand the seriousness of the situation we are living today, as these
Extraterrestrials represent the biggest treat to humanity. At the beginning, their plans were to work alone
behind the veils, but they had to change tactics once their presence became more obvious, following the
famous Roswell incident when one of their ships crashed, revealing undisputed proof of their existence.
Then certain key people in governments and organizations had to be included in their plans, something
that has worked for their advantage anyway.
We didn’t try to look more into these human organizations and groups, so as not to lose focus of what we
were doing. Also, it seem more difficult to obtain information about them as they have many psychic
wards and black magic. But, after reading the page Educate yourself that Ken so bravely maintains, we
learned about the N.W.O. and the Illuminati and we are sure these are the organizations working at many
levels with the Zetas.
Also, the government has contact with them, but not by physical contact as one may imagine, but rather
by telepathy. The governments has a group of psychics called the Omega 12 that are in contact with
them and also are usee for many other purposes of remote viewing and more. The government built a
special building of specific metals that raise the magnetic vibrations of the environment (probably Zeta
technology) which raises their psychic powers tremendously. (On one occasion, we briefly got in touch
with them and they told us that the government knew, because of them, about the 9/11, but did nothing.)
So the Zetas plan of conquest involves many tactics which also includes the genetic fabrication of
diseases to wipe out big portions of the population. We are sure that AIDS is just one of a few
experiments they have created and unleashed on us. Thank God humanity has been able to control this
plague and stop the intended mass destructive purpose that it originally had. Also, the Zetas have been
experimenting in creating a hybrid species between them and us; combining our DNA. The purpose is
unknown to us, but may be a better suitable race to inhabit this planet or who knows what unholy end. (
It's good to point now that most of abductions occurs outside the big cities as all main cities are
protected by vibrational fields created by higher ET beings, that prevents the Zetas from making their
abductions. A few years back, the Zetas created big power black-outs in some mayor cities to quickly
abduct some key individuals)
Now sit tight because things get more bizarre from here.
The Zeta Reticuli are also being control by another race of Extraterrestrial beings. We will talk more
about them in another letter, but we can tell you that this ET being have the appearance of giant Insects
(Much like a Praying Mantis). As you can imagine, these ETs are even more mentally powerful than
the Zetas. They not only control the Zeta’s by mind waves, but also by using chemical substances that
they produce in their own bodies. So that’s were the Zetas learn how to use those chemical substances on
humans as we explained before.
So fragile is the Zetas conection to the heart, that their proud race felt slave to another race. But this
control is not a justification for the Zeta reticulim’s actions, because their true nature remains the same,
and even though they are controlled for certain specific purposes by the insect-like race, they still manage
to follow their own agenda as we explained before.
Any way the Insect-like race do not have the technology that the Zetas have (not even close), but have
superior mental control, so they are using the advanced Zeta technology to reach their highest purpose,
which is to conquer the universe. (I hope humanity never gets to the point of being so proud of their
technology and achievements as to believe that they can rule the universe too. But there are some egos out
there that already think they are the rulers of all). The interaction with this Insect-like beings chemicals
has caused the Zetas to begin to change a little in their genetic make up. That’s the reason why the Zeta
reticulim eyes are Insect-like, (there were much like ours before); meaning that the insect ET group not
only are mentally controlling them, but are chemically somehow changing the Zetas as well.
(While we where trying to tune into these insects, they tried to mentally block our vision. My brother was
writing to me in the chat some information he was getting, when all of the sudden, the font of the letters
changed to a symbol, and my brother began to write extremely fast…." Dont do it - Beware- Don't do it- "
After a while he stop and he said: "I don’t know what happened- I heard a buzz like sound inside my head
and lost conection with my body for a while"- When we translated the font to regular times it said: Don’t it – Beware- Don’t do it-. The insects somehow were trying to communicate with us, trying to stop
us from writing about them)
Hold unto your chairs because this is getting more intense and deeper than you can imagine.
The Et Insects are also being controlled by invisible hands and are the true evil power behind the insects
who control the Zetas, who in turn control certain human organizations. A chain of evil if we may say so.
This is like a great web of deception, being created behind the veil. These last beings that we mention
controlling all, are not physical beings, but rather what we may term fourth dimensional beings. And
they are not extraterrestrial. There is only one word used to describe them: Demons.
The Demons have found a way of using the Zeta Reticuli technologies and make use of the experiments
that the Zetas use on Human beings for the whole purpose of conquest, dominion, control, and power.
The Zetas are capable of killing a human being and then revive him/her. But when the body is revived the
body has no soul. The Demons see that the Astral and higher bodies can’t re-attach to the physical
vehicle. Instead of a soul, one of this fourth dimensional demons descend and enters the body, making it
his own to use them for their own evil plans.
These Soulless humans are truly Evil. We are beginning to talk almost in Biblical terms of the AntiChrist, but not just one, but hundreds maybe thousands of these beings. (We are not sure, but we
think that the human creations that the Zetas fabricate may be used to become vehicles for these demons,
but we are not sure of this. The Demons may need real humans for this to work).
(Some people in Mexico have reported seeing Zetas, but with red eyes and little tiny horns. We believe
that even some Zetas may be also possessed by their true masters, but this is just a theory). The demons
are also being supported by satanic orders that belong to a world wide network. Powerful sorcerers,
extremely psychic, that performs satanic ritual and sacrificial ceremonies. This is what opens the doors
for the demons to act freely in our world. A whole book can be written about this, but that’s another
story.So this is as much as we can resume about the Zetas reticulim activities on this planet. In another letter,
we will write more about the ET insect-like race named the Ferget Melangus. –
We know this information is very intense and extremely scandalous. But humanity must not fear because
we are not alone. There are good ETS helping us and we will write about them in the future. In the end,
the Ascended Masters told us that the real battle is fought in the hearts of humanity. By following the
white path of Love, Truth, and Service we can achieve victory- That’s the most powerful weapon in our
arsenalLove and Light …Willy and Andy.
Lars Hanssen
I had already determined to take Bill Cooper on over the airwaves as soon as Gritz's event was
over, not wanting to taint the proceedings with our "personal feud." I was only able to attend the
first evening and half of the next day, but still had occasion to actually be standing right next to
Cooper at one point, though he didn't notice me. It took all the restraint I could muster to keep
from confronting him then and there, but as much as I have come to detest Mr. Cooper, I had far
greater respect for Gritz than to disrupt his program. I did determine, however, to confront
Cooper publicly on the radio at the first opportunity following the conference, and expose his
lies. As fate would have it, a close friend happened to have called KFI Radio in LA on my behalf
at that time and when Tom Leykis's producer heard I was the person who made the infamous
Kennedy tape, he was delighted to have me on the upcoming show with Cooper. With that show
already scheduled, I determined to fire the first salvo on the Billy Goodman show on KVEG in
Las Vegas, which had promoted Cooper slavishly from the outset. Goodman was lukewarm
about having me on initially, since I had deliberately been maintaining a low public profile in
order to facilitate my investigative work. When he heard that I was going to be meeting Cooper
head-on on KFI Radio in LA a few days later, he was anxious to "scoop" Tom Leykis and then
actually became insistent that I appear on his show. When Bob Lazar also called him to suggest
that he have me on, he couldn't get me on quick enough, since "Bob Lazaaaaaar...." had been the
primary factor in making the Billy Goodman show "happen." When Lazar quit calling in,
Goodman's ratings evaporated. I would have preferred to have started much earlier that evening,
since I was certain Goodman or someone else would immediately contact Cooper, and I didn't
want to take unfair advantage of the situation, but the show was actually delayed an hour in
starting until 1 a.m. After I'd made a few opening remarks about Lazar's upcoming sentencing,
Goodman asked me something about the Kennedy assassination. Knowing I would probably not
be able to complete many sentences afterward, I deliberately stated that Bill Cooper was "a
fraud, a liar, a plagiarist, a snake-oil salesman and a third-rate huckster," and that he was
completely misusing the videotape I had made after I had told him more than once to cease and
desist. The audiotape of the entire confrontation is available to anyone who wants to hear it. I
was tired after a long week, and simply not prepared for Cooper's bald-faced lies. Given my
training and natural orientation toward diplomacy, I was more than ready to concede a point to
him if it was true, and I did this several times. My friends jumped me afterward about going so
easy on him, and he later crowed that "Everybody who heard the program thought I kicked your
ass!" Goodman, who Lear regularly refers to as "Billy Buffoon," shamelessly ran interference for
Cooper, who, as he let slip during the program, was one of Goodman's biggest
advertisers/sponsors. Even so, I made the main points I wanted to make. Despite Cooper's lies
and threats, the ripples I created that evening have certainly rocked his boat, and eventually will
engulf him. When Cooper claimed I had made the tape for Bo Gritz and John Lear -- a baldfaced lie -- and that I had given him an inscribed copy and a written authorization to show it -another lie -- I emphasized that I did not know either one of the two men at the time I made the
video. I surprised him by challenging him to present the copy he claimed I had given him to Tom
Leykis as proof when we met on his program five days later in LA. Needless to say, Cooper had
nothing to show, because it simply never happened. When I asked him off the air, in front of
Tom Leykis and the others present, where the tape I had supposedly given him was, he could
only snarl -- "I don't have to show you anything!" On that program, I did not hesitate to admit
that I not only made the tape, but made a monumental error by stating the "driver scenario" as an
actual fact in the narration, rather than as an apparent possibility. One man who thoroughly
castigated me on the air claimed I had created the tape as a "straw man" -- that is, putting out
something that was actually true, but of such poor quality that it could easily be discredited. He
called me a fraud, and insisted I had been paid off to change my story. After I managed to get a
word in, I emphasized that my intention in throwing the tape together was primarily to preserve
our copy of the film and to secure the funding to obtain a pristine copy of the film and perform
the best analysis available. I pointed out that there were actually numerous other pieces of
evidence besides the film that seemed to support the theory, and that I would have been the first
to promote it -- after all, I made the damn thing! -- if I believed it was true. When he accused me
of deliberately making a poor- quality tape just to make money, I reminded him that I was not
the one promoting it, showing and selling it -- Bill Cooper was! That took the wind out of his
sails somewhat, and most of the other callers pretty much tended to side with me, particularly
when I was able to bring out a number of the other crucial aspects of the assassination of which
Cooper is apparently ignorant. I was also able to point out the numerous inconsistencies in
Cooper's claims about his own background, particularly his statement that he had decided to have
nothing to do with the U.S. Government following his military service, even though his own
resume claims five more years' involvement with the "intelligence community," from 1975-1980.
Cooper claimed to have been so unnerved by his exposure to the Naval briefing papers in 1971
(or was it 1972 or 1973? I think Cooper changes the date every time he's asked) that he had to go
AWOL for ten days to sort it out and wanted to have nothing further to do with the military or
the intelligence community. After having his term of service extended by the Navy for a year in
punishment, he nevertheless chose to continue working for the "intelligence community" from
1975-1980 -- according to his own resume! In my one meeting with him at his home in Fullerton,
California in August 1989, during our two subsequent phone conversations in November 1989
and January 1990, and during our joint appearance on KFI Radio, he refused to answer any of
my questions as to what his activities were on their behalf. Regardless of who "won" the
encounter, Cooper failed, in front of five witnesses, by being unable to produce the tape he
claimed I had given to him, much less the authorization he claimed I had also given him. He
reversed himself more than once when I took him to task regarding specific time periods he
claimed to have gone AWOL and decided to get out of government service once and for all after
seeing the "Top-Secret" documents. I reminded him publicly that people he had claimed
previously to be his staunchest allies told me he had bragged about sneaking the documents from
their security lockers and sneaking the copies off his ship in his lunch pail. When I confronted
him about the contradiction between his statement on the air regarding his unwillingness to work
for the USG after reading the reports, and the fact that he claims on his own resume that he
performed services for "the intelligence community" from 1975-1980, he changed the subject; he
refused to even discuss it off the air. His statement to me was "That's for me to know -- you'll
never find out!" The rest, however, is all on tape -- you can listen to it yourself. Oh yes, he was
very forceful and overpowering, in the bully-boy style he has relied on to intimidate others,
shouting his way into control of the discussion, and lying repeatedly whenever I circled in too
tightly on him. Some might think he carried the day, particularly when I was willing to concede
agreement with the few truthful statements he did make. I know that I scored points with the
audience through my willingness to concede I had made the film and that there were numerous
other aspects related to the theory, all of which Cooper was entirely ignorant. I pointed out that
the two alleged witnesses who were supposed to have been willing to confirm the theory could
somehow never be located or identified. I described the mysterious .45- caliber slug found and
photographed repeatedly on the other side of Elm Street which Cooper had never discussed. I
described the extensive participation of "ex"-Nazis in the overall planning and execution of the
hit, and named names --none of which he knew. Despite his blustering, bully-boy style of
shouting down any unfavorable questioning, most of the listeners I talked to later said they
believed I made a far more favorable impact than Cooper on the better-informed audience in Los
Angeles. Perhaps the greatest victory was that, after hearing me out following Cooper's
subsequent presentation at Beverly Hills High, the one gentleman who gave me such a hard time
on the radio, who also still prefers to subscribe to the driver scenario, has become quite a good
friend since. He has also shared some excellent information regarding several related issues with
me and my associates. Despite our disagreement on the driver scenario, he has come to know
well the depth and sincerity of my research and continuing efforts. Despite Cooper's claims to
the contrary, there were no free seats at his Beverly Hills High program -- everybody had to pay
$20 to get in, only to hear more of Cooper's recycled purloined material from the same UFO
researchers whose documents and articles I myself had read from John Lear's files two years
before. There were also no microphones provided, nor any question-and-answer session after his
three-hour harangue, nor were any cameras or recording devices permitted -- hardly the open
atmosphere one might expect from someone who was trying to enlighten the world about the
imminent global threat facing them. Rather, it had all the hallmarks of a slickly-planned event to
insure Cooper held all the cards and controlled distribution of all the recordings. Perhaps because
of the heat I had put on him, he was obviously defensive throughout the talk, and actually did
identify some of the many other researchers whose work he was quoting from for a change. The
slide show was incredibly slow-moving, hard to read and tedious, and in one case he quickly
passed over a quote by Mikhail Gorbachev which appeared to indicate his belief in UFOs, until
an alert listener demanded that Cooper go back and read the rest of the quotation, in which
Gorbachev said, "For indeed, what could be more alien than war or the threat of war?" Cooper
was visibly ruffled by that minor exposure of his deliberate sensationalism. He used the occasion
to heavily slam Don Ecker, Bob Lazar, Budd Hopkins and me, repeatedly referring to Ecker's
UFO "trashzine," and claimed that Bob Lazar was as "phony as a three-dollar bill." Only a few
months earlier Cooper had gushed all over Lazar on the Billy Goodman, claiming he had
"checked Bob out thoroughly" and he was "all he claimed he was" and "a great American
patriot." Since no microphone had been provided with which to address Cooper, I had no choice
but to shout out from the middle of the auditorium "Is that why he just received a W-2 form from
Naval Intelligence for his work at Area S-4?" He did not like that one bit, to be sure. When he
later claimed during the showing of my videotape and the cheap colorized version of my tape by
Nippon TV which he claimed as absolute proof of the driver theory, that I had demanded that he
remove my narration some time before, but that he "didn't have the money," I again had no
choice but to shout out, "Your partner, Stan Barrington, says you sold several hundred copies of
my tape. That should have given you plenty of money, Bill." At that point he tried to restore
dominance by stating that "It's my show!" to the obvious approval of a few of his most devoted
sycophants and ordered his ushers to eject me from the auditorium if I "made another outburst."
A couple of them approached me hesitantly, at which time I told them I had heard enough
anyway and I would be happy to leave as soon as they refunded my money. They never returned.
Contrary to Cooper's statement, following his final boring remarks, I did not accost anyone.
Rather, a large crowd of people eagerly besieged me not in the lobby, but right in the aisle as I
was trying to leave -- not to make any disparaging remarks, but to eagerly question me about the
tape and why I did not support my own statements on it which Cooper was promoting so heavily.
I told them the simple truth as I have told you here, at which point David Lifton appeared. I
neither came with him to the event nor did I know he was present until that point. I had not
spoken with him except for one time on the phone regarding the Greer theory two summers
before. Even then Lifton was adamant that he did not believe in the driver theory though he had
been exposed to it many years before by Fred Newcomb, who had co-authored the Murder From
Within manuscript with Perry Adams. Lifton is well known by serious Kennedy assassination
researchers to be no friend of Robert Groden: nevertheless, he stated authoritatively that as much
as we all would like to pin the fatal headshot on Greer, after viewing what he claimed was the
finest copy of the film available shortly before, he was certain that (as I had been saying for
nearly two years) Greer's hands never left the steering wheel, even though he did look back twice
and stepped on the brakes -- clear indications, as far as I am concerned, that Greer was probably
in on the plot. This crowd of between 50-75 people that Cooper claims was so antagonistic,
actually followed us both outside to the patio at my suggestion to facilitate clearing the hall. We
continued the intense discussion there for over two hours longer. Without any urging on my part,
they also bought over $100 worth of some of the other literature I had brought along with me.
One fellow I met in the lobby during the intermission called me a week later, having tracked me
down to tell me he had looked at the much-clearer Zapruder footage from the NOVA special and
could clearly see that Greer didn't fire anything, and thanked me for having the guts to admit my
error in letting the tape get out and for confronting Cooper. Cooper is right about one thing: once
people see actual clear footage of the Zapruder film and not the 8th or 10th generation garbage
he drags around, they can indeed no longer be fooled and they will all denounce him for the
fraud and shameless demagogue that he truly is. Cooper's statement that "Hansson, Grodin [sic],
and Lifton are running out of time. Americans are catching on to the scam. I shudder to think
what will happen to these people when Americans finally get angry. Do not forget that Lear
informed me that his source for the film was a CIA agent who later turned out to be Lars
Hansson." is simply another outright, bald-faced lie and malicious slander. Though I am not an
attorney, it almost certainly qualifies as actual malicious baiting for some lunatic to go out and
"terminate" us as agents. The simple fact is that I had actually gotten into an hour-long argument
with Lifton regarding the driver theory two years before, and had never written or spoken to
Robert Groden until after our appearance on the TV program on which Cooper alone was afraid
to appear. Since Groden and I had never met or spoken with each other before, he was unfamiliar
with my beliefs concerning the driver theory. I have little doubt he was referring to Cooper's
published and videotaped statements when he characterized them on the program as "asinine,"
even though the producers had deliberately left out the most important half of my testimony and
made me appear to be supporting the theory myself. I have yet to meet Robert Groden personally
and met Lifton for the first and only time at Cooper's event. Despite their personal and/or
professional differences, however, they have performed 1,000 times the committed research
AND sacrifice to bring the truth about Kennedy's murder to the American public than has
Cooper. Even my 15-year effort in that regard pales beside their work. For Cooper to even dare
to make such a statement about them is utterly shameless and completely asinine. I don't know
either of them very well at all, but I would be willing to wager all that I have or will have that the
odds are far greater that if anyone works for the "Secret Government" it is Wild Bill Cooper -- he
certainly has the most acknowledged service time, and the least time in doing the hard work in
genuine research on the Kennedy assassination. To make such a statement about me is so
absolutely, patently untruthful and absurd, after my own record of taking the government on
directly on my own and Gritz's behalf, that anyone who has made even the most feeble effort to
check me out can quickly see through it. I can easily supply dozens of character witnesses who
can verify my activities and lack of income for the last 10 years. As I said before, Cooper is a
complete phony and a liar, and his cheap, third-grade technique of accusing anyone who exposes
him of being "an agent of the Secret Government" is so petty, childish and disgusting it reeks.
And again I ask you, what did Cooper do for "the intelligence community" between 1975-1980?
If he is so intent on alerting us all to the danger of takeover of which we are already acutely
aware, and if he had no qualms about committing treason and stealing Top-Secret documents
that no one else has ever seen, what could he possibly reveal about his intelligence-related
functions for five years that could possibly be any more damaging to our "national security" than
the purloined and fabricated gloom- and-doom scenario he is already spewing? His campaign of
smear tactics and vilification reeks of Goebbel's "Big Lie" propaganda techniques. His almost
complete ignorance of or unwillingness to discuss the extreme extent of actual Nazi involvement
in the post- war heroin and cocaine trade, as well as the true composition of the controllers of
Military-Industrial Complex that obviously rules this country and most of the world through
planned programs of assassination and genocide, is simply staggering. If, as John Judge says,
"Goebbels would have given his saluting arm for the propagandizing power of television," he
would certainly have sacrificed his "bird finger" for a bully-boy like Bill Cooper to go out and
harangue the masses with his message of fear, smear and confusion. Considering all that I have
related thus far, I do not think I am merely being paranoid in believing that Lear probably used
Cooper's interest in the Kennedy assassination initially in a definite attempt to discredit me.
Given the unscrupulous hothead and publicity hound that Cooper is, it probably took very little
urging to get him underway. Despite widespread suspicion that Lear and Cooper have actaully
been working for the same master(s) to spew disinformation since, I do believe that Lear's and
Cooper's mutual contempt is as real as mine is for both of them. Even so, I seriously doubt that
Cooper had had any great concern at all about John Kennedy's death, or who was actually
involved in effecting it, until John Lear "pimped" him with my rough videotape The Truth
Betrayed: Dallas Revisited. It is obvious even to this day that Cooper has done very little
research on the subject. In all the presentations he has conducted on the subject which I have
heard or seen, his discussion is limited almost exclusively to the "driver-shot-Kennedy" scenario
and little else. Whatever Cooper's actual motives in appropriating my videotape and selling it
since he obtained a copy directly from him, John Lear knew clearly that I no longer supported
the "driver-shot-Kennedy" theory long before he met with and furnished my tape to Cooper, and
I have little doubt also that Cooper knew my stand on the issue well before he began to publicize
my tape. They also both knew very well that the videotape I produced was by no means a
finished product for display or distribution, but rather a research aid hastily edited from a poorquality copy of the film to begin with. Milton William "Bill" Cooper, in my opinion, is not only
a liar and a plagiarist, he is a crude, loutish bully boy who would be right at home in a brown
shirt, or better yet, in a third-grader's sandbox -- that is precisely his style of threatening and
accusation. While Cooper has managed to get his hands on some good information from a
variety of sources, he has sown more seeds of discord and dissension amongst a variety of
sincere groups and researchers than any government disinformation agent could ever hope to. If
he is not on the payroll of Naval Intelligence or some other agency, as he has admitted he was
from 1975-1980, he certainly should be receiving checks from them, since he is doing a
superlative job of distorting and disrupting the work of a number of dedicated and sincere
researchers, and misleading thousands of genuinely concerned citizens who, for whatever reason,
will not take the time to verify his claims. The only reason I doubted initially (and still do) that
he was an agent was that I couldn't believe after meeting him that they have been reduced to
hiring someone so crude, so asinine and so transparent. Although I was being pushed by him and
some of his supporters at that time to help represent and promote him (and actually did provide
limited media-related consultation to them for his Nov. 5, 1989 event before I knew better) I
decided during our first and only meeting at his home in August 1989 that I did not like his
overall "you're either my friend or my enemy" style and was not at all convinced of his veracity
or his precision. Since then, I have come to develop genuine loathing and contempt for the man,
and for his alter ego, Mr. Lear, and not without exceedingly good reason, as you have been
shown already. Since I first became aware of Mr. Cooper from Lear's computer bulletin board
messages in November 1988, I have noted that virtually everyone else that he has initially sucked
up to, and slobbered over publicly, has come in fairly short order to completely disassociate from
him. Following their disavowal of Cooper, each has also subsequently received the most vicious
denunciations from him either on stage, in print, or late at night over the phone. One close friend
of mine received two death threats from Cooper at 2:30 a.m. after simply calling to order an
audiotape of Cooper from his friend, Richard Murray. While perhaps in some cases his criticism
of others may be partially, or even completely justified -- as in the case of Lear -- Cooper is not
at all above resorting to bald-faced lies to shore up his own position when he has been shown to
be in error, which is often. Indeed, I have never yet in my lengthy personal and professional
experience with military and law enforcement personnel, attorneys, covert operatives and
foreign-service snakes, much less used-car dealers, met anyone who will lie as blatantly and
shamelessly as William Cooper, though he has indeed many close seconds. This behavior on his
part is especially disgusting because I do believe that some of what he is promulgating is
accurate and of utmost importance to Americans and all the world's citizens. The tragic aspect is
that he is so far off-base in the rest of his allegations, and so foul- mouthed and crude in his
dissembling and attacks on other genuine and sincere researchers such as Robert Groden, that the
baby ends up being thrown out with the bathwater when intelligent people finally learn enough
to dismiss Bill Cooper as a wild-eyed fanatic at best. Most are far more inclined to view him as
an outright disinformation agent and/or wacko. I have tried to give the man the benefit of the
doubt since first hearing of him in Nov. 1988, particularly since some of the information he has
accessed and promulgates is true and valid, but after careful study, it becomes apparent that
virtually all such material has come from others. After being on the receiving end of his lies,
theft and threats, I am steadfastly committed to making sure that people hear "the rest of the
story" regarding his allegations and activities before they pass judgment on his veracity, or mine.
One simple case in point regarding Bill Cooper's lack of accuracy, honesty and precision, is the
way in which he has crusaded as the great exposer of the U.S. Army's involvement in the
creation of AIDS. It is a matter of record that Dr. Robert Strecker and others were lecturing on
this tragic fact years before their literature came into Cooper's hands. As a blatant example of
Cooper's lack of precision and thoroughness, the excerpt from the Congressional Record
concerning the Department of Defense Hearings testimony from Dr. McArthur on July 2, 1969
which Cooper distributes and has printed in his book on page 445 as "proof" of the Army's
culpability (which I happen to agree with) he wrongly references back to Part 5: Research,
Development, Test and Evaluation. Anyone who had bothered to simply look up the testimony at
their local library would quickly learn that nowhere in Part 5 does McArthur's testimony appear,
and might quickly conclude that it has been faked. Obviously, anyone who distributes such
information under that heading as proof is ill-informed at best and an outright fraud at worst. On
the other hand, anyone who, unlike Cooper, made at least a cursory search of the references
before taking it out to grandstand and sell tickets, would quickly learn that there were seven parts
to that particular series of Defense Appropriations hearings -- the McArthur testimony actually
appears in Part 6: Chemical and Biological Warfare on June 9, 1969, not July 1, 1969, as
Cooper's reprint indicates. If it may seem that I'm splitting hairs here, bear in mind that the
testimony is in an entirely different book from an entirely different hearing on an entirely
different day! If Bill Cooper is that sloppy in his research about a relatively simple reference
readily available to the public, how accurate is he with all the alleged meetings and secret
documents he claims to have had access to? According to several of Cooper's former
confidantes, he actually bragged about stealing the top-secret documents he claims to have had
access to from their lockers, after which he photocopied them and sneaked them out of his duty
station in his lunch pail. When I questioned him about this on KFI Radio in August 1990, he was
evasive to the extreme. I seriously doubt Cooper had any serious function with ONI while he was
in uniform or out of the service, since he lacked the rank, the specific training, much less the
record to be legitimately accorded such a high level of trust, nor has anyone come forward to
verify such service. I am certainly no great fan of Naval Intelligence in particular -- Lee Harvey
Oswald was one of their agents before his untimely demise. John Walker and his network were
Naval Officers and/or intelligence personnel; Christopher Boyce (the "Falcon"), on the other
hand, was merely the son of a retired FBI agent. But the fact is that they are serving many years
in prison for virtually the same acts as Cooper has bragged about committing, both privately and
publicly. If what Cooper is spewing so self-righteously is such a great threat to the world powerbrokers, not to mention their hand maidens in the intelligence communities, why has he, like
Lear, been so immune from prosecution? If, as Cooper claims in his book, UFO Magazine writer
(former Green Beret and deputy sheriff) Don Ecker lost his leg in a shotgun-training accident, is
it not possible -- with as many lies as he has been caught in red-handed - - that Cooper might
actually have simply had "one too many" when he rolled his motorcycle off the road and lost his
own leg? I don't know and neither, apparently does anyone else for sure, as is the case with
almost all of the rest of his wild-eyed allegations. He certainly must have had several too many
when he left the 10 life- threatening messages on the answering machines of his former
promoters, actors Michael Callan and Douglas Deane in July 1990. The audiotape of those
messages is readily available for anyone to hear for themself. The first one on the tape gives you
quite a feel for the man's subtlety and business acumen when he is failing to accomplish
objectives: Maniacal laughter precedes "Heeeeeey, maaaaaaan -- Somebody just sold me your
kneeeeees, and I'm comin' to get 'em. I'm comin' to get those knees, and I'm gonna break them
motherfuckers into five million pieces..." Maniacal laughter fades to hangup. Rudyard Kipling
wrote in his poem, If, that one must learn to achieve mastery of life by being able to transcend
many types of setbacks, including "having your words twisted by knaves to make a trap for
fools." I had no idea at the time I first read those words 20 years ago just how precisely I would
come to experience that reality personally. Knave is certainly one of the most complimentary
terms I would accord Bill Cooper, who has not merely twisted my words, but has blatantly lied
repeatedly about my words and actions, and those of a number of others. Fortunately, I have far
more faith in the strength of the truth and the intelligence of our respective audiences that most
will be able to sort out who is telling the truth once they have heard or read at least two sides of
the story. Unlike Cooper, I have proof for every single allegation I am making (and witnesses in
virtually every instance), and will be most happy to make this available at a reasonable cost to
anyone who wants to examine it for themselves. I am also more than willing to submit to an
independent professionally administered polygraph test along with this affidavit should anyone
request it and be willing to pay for it. AS embarrassing as a few of these disclosures have been
for me as well, I have absolutely nothing to hide. I sincerely doubt that Mr. Cooper would be
willing to submit to such a test with regard to my charges contained herein. I am absolutely
certain that he would not pass if he did. I find it particularly interesting that even the title of his
opus, "Behold a Pale Horse," is an outright plagiarism from an earlier novel by the same name
written by Lannon D. Reed. Considering the fact that Cooper was so adamant in denying to me
during our two phone conversations the involvement of "ex"-Nazis in the Cold-War nightmare
we have had to endure since 1945 -- as well as in John Kennedy's assassination -- I found it
particularly amusing that the book he stole his title from is actually subtitled "A Novel of
Homosexuals' Persecution in the Nazi Holocaust." To borrow a line from Wild Bill Cooper's
book, "I shudder to think of what will happen" to him when the gay community and Holocaust
survivors "finally get angry" about his cheap plagiarism and debasing of their experiences. As
you can see, plagiarism is the least of his outrages. Cooper's final statement about Lear's
identification of me as a CIA agent, whether Lear actually said it or not, is ridiculous and almost
laughable, given Lear's long-term association with the Agency himself, and his fear and
trembling since August 1988 about my exposing him for the sleazebucket and gunrunner that he
is. It is even more disgusting and hypocritical in light of Cooper's almost slavish attempt to curry
my favor during our first phone discussion and my subsequent meeting at his home in August
1989. If it were not for the general ignorance of most of these issues by his audience, Cooper
would probably have been put long ago in an institution where he belongs. Knowing his capacity
for turning his own lies around on others, when he does finally go berserk and kill some innocent
bystander who also appears to him to be "an agent of the Secret Government" or ends up on the
losing end of the lawsuit I may eventually have to file, he will almost predictably claim that the
Agency was funding me. Whatever funding I might be able to obtain to prosecute such a suit
would come from honest efforts and not from any intelligence sources. Cooper continues,
"Hansson later claimed that I violated his copyright. He had no copyright. Hansson himself
violated someone's copyright my making the film and giving it to me Lear and Gritz. I didn't and
still don't give a damn about copyright on THIS particular film. If I did, no one would ever know
who really killed our President. Bo Gritz stated on radio that he felt exactly the same way.
Hansson never attacked Lear or Gritz who still show the tape, and Gritz still makes it available. I
wonder why? Are Lear, Hansson and Gritz working together?" I didn't "later claim" that Cooper
violated my copyright -- I informed him of that fact the first time I called him to confront him
about his use of my videotape in late October 1989. I made it very clear to him that whether I
had any legal claim to a copyright on the Truth Betrayed video or not, if he had any ethics at all
he would obtain his own copy of the film inexpensively from any of the several legitimate
sources and make his own tape. I was not aware until several months later until John Lear
himself informed me that he was selling it as well. I made it very clear that I had completely
given up on the driver theory a year before, and that Lear certainly was well aware of that fact.
As to whether or not I had violated Zapruder's or Groden's copyright, that is certainly debatable;
since I had made no copies of the tape for sale, and had only given a very small handful of the
tapes to close and trusted associates -- aside from Lear -- I seriously doubted then or now that I
had violated any copyright laws. When Cooper says he doesn't "give a damn about copyright on
THIS particular film. If I did, no one would ever know who really killed our President," he
certainly utters a mouthful. He obviously doesn't give a damn about copyrights on a high
percentage of the material he quotes as his own from a number of other researchers -- including
the very title of his book, lifted from an earlier novel about homosexuals in Nazi Germany by
Lannon Reed. And he certainly doesn't give a damn about enlightening his audience about all the
other scumbags who participated in the planning, financing and execution of the fairly-well
orchestrated hit in Dallas that day. Whether William Greer was in on the plot in any capacity, he
was one of a long list of perpetrators Cooper completely overlooks in his obsessive concentration
on the most sensational (and erroneous) aspect. I have not heard the particular radio broadcast
that I referred to earlier and that Cooper refers to here in which he claims that Gritz "stated on
radio that he felt exactly the same way." Bo and I have done one radio program together on the
subject and have spoken together publicly twice with references to the JFK murder, and we
collaborated on an entire chapter in his new book on the subject. I have little doubt that he
probably did say something to the effect that he felt there should be no copyright on the Zapruder
film, but I know for certain after a number of discussions on the subject with him that tossing my
videotape out to the largely uninformed public with no additional information and references in
support of, or contradicting the statements I made on it, is profoundly disorienting to the average
person. As a special-forces operative and triggerman for many years, Gritz is occasionally prone
to "shoot from the hip" and ask questions later. He admitted when I confronted him about his
impulsive decision to make copies of my tape available without advising me in mid-1989 that he
did it primarily out of disgust with Cooper's excessively secretive and exclusive approach to the
entire matter. He was so put off by Cooper's reliance on his "secret copy of the special uncut
version of the Zapruder film" to bolster his own limited credibility -- when the same tape had
been gathering dust in Gritz's living room for over a year at that time -- that he impulsively
offered to make a copy of it available at the request of one of the callers. Knowing from our
discussions that I didn't support the theory any longer, anyway, and having seen much clearer
footage in the studio where I had produced his documentary a few months before, he considered
it "no big deal" and offered it primarily to defuse Cooper's messianic approach to the matter.
Despite his error in doing so without contacting me first, Gritz at least had the consideration for
the eventual recipients to also include another fairly decent documentary on the assassination on
the same tape, in order to provide some kind of overall background. He didn't ask the producers
of that program for permission to copy it, either, but that was his choice -- I had nothing to do
with it, and did not find out until several months later. Gritz immediately discontinued
distribution when I found out about it and requested him to stop. Cooper finally makes a truthful
statement when he says that I never attacked Lear, because I certainly should have exposed him
for the fraud and lecher that he is over two years ago. Out of respect for John Lear's family,
particularly his mother -- since I lost all respect for him over two years ago -- and concern that
my disclosures could bring considerable grief upon him and/or them, and my complete disgust
with Bill Cooper, it is true that I have given Lear far more leniency than I should have. It is
certainly true that he has shown (and probably sold) the tape many times without my permission.
In addition to what I have already described, I have had it confirmed as well from the producers
of the show that it was, in fact, John Lear who also made my videotape available to Nippon TV
for broadcast without my permission, even though he was well aware of how to contact me at the
same address I had had in California for over two years at that point. Although Cooper has touted
Nippon's version as "computer-enhanced," the display at his Beverly Hills High program in
August 1990 showed only a poorly colorized ("neonized" is perhaps more accurate), doctored
version of my own videotape -- with my own voice clearly evident in the background -- and
dubbed-in sound effects to indicate the gun blasts. It was even cheaper and shoddier than I had
been led to believe by his grandiose claims when I challenged him on KFI Radio a few days
before. Cooper has attempted to make a second career for himself exposing "the greatest coverup in human history," denouncing anyone as a CIA agent or an "agent of the secret government"
who has questioned him in any way. I find this very disturbing and believe that anyone who is
inclined to take any of Cooper's charges seriously should also demand and receive a detailed
answer from him regarding his post-service intelligence-related functions. I honestly have no
idea at this point what they were, or if, in fact, he is currently a witting or unwitting agent of any
intelligence agency. I would not be at all surprised to discover that he is, but I do not know that
for a fact. Given the Agency's unwillingness to disclose association with anyone, a disavowal
from them of Cooper is a virtual certainty. Given the number of his demonstrated lies and flipflopping, however, I am by no means sure that his resume statement is accurate, either -- that's
the big problem with liars.
The Nibiru collision is a doomsday prediction that claims that the Earth will soon be
struck or magnetically disrupted by the passing of a large planetary object variously
referred to as Nibiru, Planet X, or Wormwood.
This object has been referred to as Planet X, after a term used by astronomers to
describe a hypothetical planet beyond Neptune, Wormwood, after a passage from the
Book of Revelation that describes a a star named Wormwood falling from the skies, or,
most commonly, Nibiru. The name Nibiru is derived from the Earth Chronicles
mythology of Zecharia Sitchin's The 12th Planet, in which, according to Sitchin's reading
of Sumerian religious texts, a giant planet (Nibiru or Marduk)[1] with a 3600-year orbit
occasionally passes by Earth and allows its sentient inhabitants to interact with
humanity. These beings, which Sitchin identifies with the Annunaki of Sumerian myth,
would become humanity's first gods. However, Sitchin himself disagrees with claims of
an imminent apocalypse (see below). Some websites have also called this object Eris or
Nemesis;[2][3] however, these are completely different objects.
Today, several internet sites claim that "Planet X" or "Nibiru" is passing through our
Solar System, causing dramatic effects on Earth's weather patterns, earthquakes,
increased volcanic activity, and rising sea levels.[22] The most commonly cited new date
for the passage is 2012, which is the end of the current cycle (baktun) in the long count
in the Mayan calendar. In 2003, Turkish writer Burak Eldem published the book 2012:
Rendez-vous With Marduk, which forecast the return of Planet X in that year.[23] In 2007,
Jaysen Rand, a onetime music producer who has an honorary PhD from Moscow
University,[24] wrote The Return of Planet X-Wormwood, which also cites 2012 as the
arrival date.[25] Marshall Masters, publisher of the website, has published
many works prophesying the end of the world in 2012 following an encounter with
Planet X, including a novel (Godschild Covenant) and a "Planet X Forecast and 2012
Survival Guide".[26] The website "Project Camelot" claims to possess an anonymous
letter from a Norwegian politician that states "Planet X is coming" and describes a
secret plan to construct a series of globe-spanning 2012 survival bases.[27]
Astronomer and debunker Phil Plait has pointed out on his website that such an object
so close to Earth would be easily visible to the naked eye (Jupiter and Saturn are both
visible to the naked eye, and are dimmer than Nibiru would be at their distances), and
would be creating noticeable effects in the orbits of the outer planets.[28] Astronomer
Mike Brown notes that if this object's orbit were as described, it would only have lasted
in the Solar System for a million years or so before Jupiter expelled it. Brown also states
that there is no way another object's magnetic field could have such an effect on
Leider claims that this object is the same "Planet X" once searched for by astronomers
to account for discrepancies in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune.[30] However, in 1992
astronomer Myles Standish showed that these discrepancies were illusory, and today
almost all astronomers accept that Planet X does not exist.
Another claim made by proponents of the idea is that Nibiru is identical with Nemesis,[3]
the hypothetical brown or red dwarf companion to the Sun proposed by Richard A.
Muller to explain a purported regularity in mass extinctions observed in the fossil record.
He claimed that, as the object passed through the cometary Oort cloud every few million
years, its gravity would perturb the orbits of those distant objects, causing a swarm of
comets to enter the inner Solar System, leading to a higher probability of a major impact
which would trigger a mass extinction.[33] However, Nemesis, if it exists, would have an
orbit thousands of times longer than that proposed for Nibiru, and would never itself
come anywhere near Earth.[34]
Zecharia Sitchin himself has criticized this doomsday scenario's association with his
planet Nibiru. In 2007, partly in response to Lieder's claims, he published a book, The
End of Days, which set the time for the last passing of Nibiru by Earth at roughly 600
BC, which would mean it would be unlikely to return in less than 1000 years. [35]
Whitley Strieber, author of the alien abduction account, Communion, has said that,
while he accepts Lieder's claims of abduction, he believes that her predictions of
apocalypse are a symptom of her trauma: "The visitation of these impossible and
overwhelming presences creates a catastrophe of mind… (they) overturn our
understanding of what the world is and how it works. ... It feels like the world is ending.
What it actually means is that the mind, as we once knew it and lived it, is ending." [36]
Many believers in the imminent approach of Planet X/Nibiru/Wormwood claim that
NASA is deliberately covering up visual evidence of its existence.[37] One such
accusation involves the IRAS infrared space observatory, launched in 1983. The
satellite briefly made headlines due to an "unknown object" that was at first described
as "possibly as large as the giant planet Jupiter and possibly so close to Earth that it
would be part of this Solar System".[38] This newspaper article has been cited by
proponents of the collision idea, beginning with Leider herself, as evidence for the
existence of Nibiru.[39] However, further analysis revealed that of several unidentified
objects, nine were distant galaxies and the tenth was "intergalactic cirrus"; none were
found to be Solar System bodies.[40]
Another claim frequently made by websites predicting the collision is that the US
government built the South Pole Telescope to track Nibiru's trajectory.[41] David
Morrison, a scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center, ripostes that,
[The SPT] is a radio telescope, not an optical instrument. It cannot take images or photos. ... It was built
[at the South Pole] to take advantage of the extremely low humidity; in many ways the South Pole is the
best observing site on Earth for millimeter wave radio astronomy. I should add that it is impossible to
imagine a geometry in which an object can be seen only from the South Pole.[42]
Many collision proponents claim that scientists have openly admitted to Nibiru's
existence, and that they refer to it as Eris.[2] However, as Morrison notes,[43] Eris is a
dwarf planet only slightly larger than Pluto[44] with a well-determined orbit that never
takes it closer than 5.5 billion km from the Earth.[45]
Mike Brown, who discovered Eris, now says that Nibiru is the commonest
pseudoscientific topic he is asked about.[29] David Morrison claims he receives 20-25
emails a week about the impending arrival of Nibiru; some frightened, others angry and
claiming that he is part of the conspiracy to keep the truth of the impending apocalypse
from the public.[37] "Planetary scientists are being driven to distraction by Nibiru," notes
science writer Govert Schilling, "And it is not surprising; you devote so much time,
energy and creativity to fascinating scientific research, and find yourself on the tracks of
the most amazing and interesting things, and all the public at large is concerned about
is some crackpot theory about clay tablets, god-astronauts and a planet that doesn't
exist."[46] Morrison states that he hopes that the non-arrival of Nibiru could serve as a
teaching moment for the public, instructing them on rational thought and baloney
detection, but doubts that will happen.[37]
A similar idea has been advanced by New Age author V.M. Rabolu, who claims in
Hercolubus or Red Planet that Barnard's star is actually a planet known to the ancients
as Hercolubus, which purportedly came dangerously close to earth in the past,
destroying Atlantis.[47] Rabolu claims that Hercolubus will come close to earth again. He
also claims that humanity will only be saved by means of mantras and "astral
unfolding".[48] Leider has used Rabolu's ideas to bolster her claims.[49]
Barnard's star has been directly measured to be 5.98 ± 0.003 light years from Earth
(35.15 trillion miles). At that distance, it would need to be travelling at ten thousand
miles a second (an appreciable fraction of the speed of light) to reach Earth in less than
a century. While it is approaching Earth, Barnard's Star will not make its closest
approach to the Sun until around 11,700 AD, when it will approach to within some 3.8
In your 2008 interview, ‘John Lear Tells All – Part 1 of 4‘, at time 26:02, you note:
Kerry Cassidy: “Right, because why would you put together something like MJ-12 under
Truman to investigate or manage the UFO story unless there was no UFO story. Right? There
has got to be a UFO if you gonna put together a group.”
A little before that, at time 17:26, John Lear had made a summary-comment on another complex
matter in these words:
John Lear: “First we are gonna cover the Nibiru scam, planet-X.
It is not there, it is not gonna cause a problem in 2012, it’s a scam, I see it
working from every different direction, it’s just a plot to keep us, you know, in
a state of anxiety …
No inside scoop, I have never had an inside scoop, most of my information I have come up
with myself, … as far as planet-X and Nibiru, that’s based on 65 years of listening to
bullshit. … I wouldn’t pay any attention to it. Everybody gets to believe what they want.”
I have exactly those sentiments on the UFO scam. This letter only addresses that aspect of
your very interesting interview with a great story-teller. In the olden days, before
television, before radio, travelling narrators with similar story-telling and theatrical skills
provided the captivating entertainment relief in villages and towns in my native lands. I
believe this was also the case in the United States – what did they call it, the vaudeville?
So please permit me to borrow this great narrator’s fine diction in my summary opening
statement for this letter: I see it working from every different direction. It’s a scam and
But the UFO scam also has a purpose. It is not solely abstract psy-ops with scaremongering cataclysmic ideas like the 2012 and Nibiru scams whose main purpose evidently
is just to keep the human psyche in a heightened and paralyzed state of fear to make us
more amenable to the real coup de grâce. Planetary level catastrophes, real, imagined, and
manufactured, all primarily play into the bullshit propaganda organ of the Mighty
Wurlitzer just like the Nobel prize winning global warming mantra whose primary
purpose always has been the introduction of the carbon-credit scam. But the long-running
Alien/UFO theater is more than just wordy propaganda, more than just story-telling of
passionate advocates, more than just myth creation. I include below my humble report on
Aliens and UFOs which actually addresses the question you posed to John Lear as quoted
at the top of this letter: “There has got to be a UFO if you gonna put together a group.” I
hope you will enjoy reading it as much as I was entertained by your interview and will
kindly also let me have your reaction.
The report suggests the political science reasons for the enactment of this theater, for the
many reported UFO sightings (physical or imagined), and for the vicarious promulgation
of public conversations on Aliens/Abductions/Visitations/UFOs/ET Technology etc. of
which you too have become an energetic part. It is my humble prediction that the public
will actually see physical UFOs and Aliens alighting from the skies – made in the USA of
course – as the next emerging global threat which will be used as the coup de grâce to
cement world government.
And thus I was pleasantly surprised to hear story-teller John Lear’s response to your question at
time 1:14:34 in your interview:
Kerry Cassidy: “What about 2012 and a hologram of an alien invasion – have you heard this
John Lear: “Absolutely, would be, probably what they are gonna do. They are gonna put a
hologram and say: ‘Oh we are being attacked, you know by aliens, we have made a deal
with the ambassador, and he says that they feel that the earth is a threat, but if you all take
all any weapons you have, and turn them in, that they will give us a second chance’”
Kerry Cassidy: “So at that point we have one world government because they can put everybody
under the same roof and basically all the countries, you are talking not individuals bringing their
John Lear: “Yah, individuals. That’s one of the things the aliens want is for all you guys you
know, to turn in your individual weapons so that they don’t feel so much of a threat.”
Kerry Cassidy: “But aliens, come on, well okay, so this is a scenario”
John Lear: “It’s a scenario where the government wants to disarm us, and the way is to put
a hologram up there of an attack, and they say we have been in communication with them,
and you can really help us if you’ll turn in all your weapons. Of course, by the time we turn
in all our weapons, there is not much we can do. And we find out it’s just a scam. Like 9/11
was. Yah, that’s a scenario. I am sure that’s gonna happen.”
It is all too evident from the above dialog between you and John Lear that you understand
Machiavellian statecraft matters far more insightfully than you betrayed in your interview of Dr.
Steven Greer which is cited in my report. I am therefore perplexed as to why you still pursue the
UFO absurdity devoid of its social engineering aspect without showing any skepticism (the
Greer interview is truly pathetic in that regard)? One can only surmise that you must genuinely
believe in Aliens and UFOs above and beyond their psy-op utility to Machiavellian statecraft.
Like the great story-teller John Lear said: “Everybody gets to believe what they want.”
But it is not what people believe personally in the privacy of their lives which is the problem. It
is their pitching hearsay absurdities to the public in synchronicity with the Mighty Wurlitzer and
which are clearly harvestable for “imperial mobilization” by the Mighty Wurlitzer that is the
problem. How would you separate the passionate advocacy of the UFO adherents from global
propaganda – if, assuming for a moment, that propaganda is also the purpose? The statecraft has
the deep purse strings and the wherewithal to enact any macro propaganda they deem necessary
and useful, permit Hegelian dialectics to be spawned within it covering the entire gamut of
discourse with opposites alternately denying and affirming with truths, half-truths, and
imaginative evidence-free story-telling, and can sustain it over long periods of time because the
puppetmasters and ideologues remain the same. Notice how Hadley Cantril, funded by the
Rockefeller Foundation, created the ‘War of the Worlds’ enactment on New York radio in 1938
as a study in mass panic behavior? It is cited in my report.
The same institutions and oligarchic powers exist today despite the passage of many a resident in
the White House over the past hundred years. Those foisting their vile propaganda as dupes or
mercenaries, useful idiots or intelligence assets, mind-controlled or fervently believing, are all
the same as far as I am concerned because they all end up serving into the same Hegelian mindfck of the public. But while being a mercenary is a choice, being duped into idiocy is clearly not
something one wishes for. How much more obvious can it be that the public is being duped by
this carefully stage-managed long running psy-ops? The caption for the first photographic image
in my report suggests: “Secret: those who know do not speak; those who speak do not know;
those who know and speak always sleep with the fishes. State: Deception is a state of mind and
the mind of the State. Therefore, leaking a State-Secret: only a tune played by the Mighty
How can one separate the elaborate symphonies of the Mighty Wurlitzer in the evidence-free
hearsay narration of a handful of people as it is today, from ETs being shown arriving in space
ships and being witnessed by millions of peoples simultaneously? After all, billions of peoples
were made to witness airplanes crashing into tall buildings on 9/11, and the rulers asserted it was
Osama Bin Laden. The majority of the world’s public ‘United We Stand’ with that edict from the
pulpits of power thus creating the intended fait accompli of launching “imperial mobilization”
across the planet as the perpetual and endless war on terror with some notorious and illusive Ali
Baba. The Aliens are only the Ali Baba++, a more globally unifying enemy which Ronald
Reagan promised Mikhail Gorbachev was the most effective basis for a global Perestroika.
Unless the public can come up with a forensic and rational test to remove the tunes of the Mighty
Wurlitzer from what they see and hear, they simply cannot know the difference what is reality
and what is bullshit. This idea is somewhat akin to the Turing Test for computers. If a computing
machine can pass the Turing Test, it is theoretically indistinguishable from a human being if both
sit behind a curtain. Presently, if all the conversations on Aliens and UFOs in comparison to any
real ET is indistinguishable from the surround-sound of the Mighty Wurlitzer, then
commonsense indicates to treat them the same. The public does not have an empirical turing test
to distinguish them – other than the lonely yardstick of commonsense and some perceptive
understanding of the myriad forces driving the Mighty Wurlitzer.
I will end this letter with an insight gleaned from professor Bernard Lewis – the British-Zionist
Svengali and OSS vintage intelligence point-man carefully planted into America’s prestigious
IVY to cultivate doctrinal warfare in the garb of academic respectability – from his vile book of
social engineering titled ‘The Crisis of Islam – Holy War and Unholy Terror’:
“Terrorism requires only a few. Obviously the West must defend itself by whatever means will
be effective. But in devising means to fight the terrorist, it would surely be useful to understand
the forces that drive them.”
That same concept is utilized in my report in order to preemptively counter the massive
psychological terror which will be inflicted by super-terrorists. Thus, in devising means to fight
the super-terrorist, it would surely be useful to understand the forces that drive them! If the
public can preempt their propaganda by focussing on unraveling the many facets and scenarios
on what they Machiavellianly plan to do before they enact them, just as you did in your
conversation with John Lear quoted above, that vile psy-ops can surely be defeated before it
becomes the coup de grâce!
Thanks very much for your time,
with kind regards,
Zahir Ebrahim | Project
Ufology and Theological Clarifications
Monsignor Corrado Balducci - Pescara, June 8th. 2001
Over the last 150 years it have appeared sequentially and with an increasing spreading
and frequency rate, two types of manifestations and phenomena, very different between
them, but both so interesting, controversial and fascinating to divide public opinion into
two different aspects: or everything is real, or well everything is false. These are
spiritualism and ufology. It shouldn't surprise us this approach, because it's related only
to the reactions and behaviour of the public before these two phenomena and not to
their contents, obviously quite different between both of them
Regarding spiritualism, this is a practice for which there are testimonies across the
centuries; in 1847, with the sisters Fox in Hydesville (New York), it had a special remark
and spread rapidly in several countries. Very soon there was an explanation for the
phenomena connected to such practices, even by the scientists: the souls of the
disincarnated, better said of the dead people, are the cause of this. This was called the
spiritualist hypothesis, against which theologians soon opposed to the so called
demonic hypothesis.
Only by the end of XIX century there were made the first attempts to look for a natural
explanation, and finally in 1922, with the thick book of the French scientist Charles
Richet, Traitè de Mètapsychique , it began officially the so called Metapsychics,
nowadays better known as Parapsychology.
When I began with my demonic and metapsychic studies back in 1950, I found myself in
a period when, since two decades ago, it was denied the existence of spiritualist
phenomena (and not only by some scientists, but also by a very wide public opinion),
that represented at that time the most abundant cases of Metapsychics.
The same is valid since some decades on regarding Ufology.
After this premise, we reach our subject, for which I have two very brief clarifications to
- The acronym UFO (Unidentified Flying Object), is used here in a wider sense, or even
better, including also the existence of living beings in other planets.
- The aim of my intervention is to underline that something real must exist in the
phenomena, and how this does not contrast at all with Christian religion, being
considered positive even among theologians.
Let's divide the speech in three points:
1. Something real must exist.
2. Theological considerations on the habitability of other planets.
3. Some testimonies favourable to it.
I - UFO: Something real must exist.
This is a statement coming out from basic considerations based upon common sense,
human rationalism and upon a normal and possible course of our lives, considering not
only individual and social aspects, but also religious.
In fact, today there is a great amount (still increasing) of testimonies regarding the so
called flying saucers or spaceships and the extraterrestrials; and among them there are
some coming from reliable persons, with a culture and initially non believers. There are
already hundreds of thousands of eye witnesses in the world that state to have seen
UFO's at least once. There are so many, even in a smaller amount, the
testimoniescoming from the so called contactees.
If we consider this, it seems impossible to deny at a rational level that something real
does exist A totally sceptic behaviour is not justified at all, because a priori seems to be
against to the elemental prudence suggested by the good sense.
It is also real that we could think rationally that so large average of testimonies could be
due to illusions, hallucinations and to states of intense suggestion. In other cases it
could be also due to particular light effects or well to atmospheric phenomena, such as
clouds that over the mountains may show a shape similar to the flying saucers; we
could use as an example the so called ball rays or well globular flashes of lighting.
Other times UFO's could be confused with certain types of round-shaped aeroplanes,
that were certainly built in USA since the so called Cold War (it is also certain that
Russia built some aeroplanes of this type). This promoted in the period after World War
II, the spreading of the idea that flying saucers were nothing else but new inventions
with warring aim, obviously kept secret.
But these are always inaccurate explanations and considerations to explain the number
of testimonies and the wideness of UFO phenomenon. The most severe and hard
criticism could reduce largely this number, but never will be able to eliminate all of them.
We also have to remember that in several countries exist places, organisations and
associations that collect evidences and testimonies on tape, in order to make them
examine and study by experts and scientists as necessary; after that the whole set is
catalogued in explainable and non explainable phenomena. It is not any longer a secret
the existence of the so called Area 51 inthe United States, within a zone in the hearth of
the Nevada desert; an enormous land area that has a larger construction underground
than on the surface. In France is famous the SEPRA association; in Italy there is the
CUN, Centro Ufologico Nazionale (National Ufological Centre), already on its 36th. year
of existence, and with Dr. Roberto Pinotti as President since long ago; also in Italy there
is since 4 years until now the CIFAS ( Council of International Federation of Advanced
Studies ) dedicated to study the relationships between man and extraterrestrial space,
which President is still Gen. Salvatore Marcelletti.
Regarding the existence of something real within UFO phenomenon, I must add another
consideration that was left for last to better underline its importance. And this is, that a
generalised, systematic and total incredulity finally would weaken and destroy the value
of human testimony, with serious and unforeseeable consequences, because that is the
base of life not only individual and social, but also religious.
In fact, testimony is a form of communication of our faith in our partner. This is a widely
spread way on daily life (when listening news, spending, buying, etc.). Let's imagine
what could happen on individual and social life if the value of human testimony was
weaken, with the logical decrease and disappearance of that faith many times is
essential for daily life
After this, I have extended such inconveniences to religious life; in fact, also Christian
religion is based upon human testimony, being the Divine Revelation an historical fact.
In 1937 Jesuit theologian Herbert Thurston wrote on purpose: From a logical point of
view, christians that accept miracles and other episodes related on the Gospel... they
cannot reject in an obstinate way the reiterated testimonies of modern and reliable
witnesses, that relate what their eyes have seen... All our Apologetic system is based
upon the belief in the Truth said in the Gospel ( Church and Spiritualism ; Milan, 1937;
p.p. 179). For that: systematic demolition and discredit of humantestimonies regarding
simple fact data, seem to me contrary in principle to all belief on the historic seriousness
of Gospel, and indirectly, to every belief on Christian Revelation (Op. Cit. p.p. 157).
II. Theological and biblical considerations on the habitability of other planets.
First of all a clarification: we should exclude that angels use spaceships, due to the fact
that they are merely spiritual beings, and that they are wherever they want to be, and in
the rare cases when they show themselves, they don't have any difficulty to assume a
visible form. The very same we can say about dead people. Holy Virgin, in the very few
cases when she could consider to be in contact with human people (very exceptional
episodes and to be confirmed in their authenticity), continues to choose other very
different ways to transmit us her maternal affection, to manifest us her urgencies, to
communicate us her maternal claims or to give us her sweet reproaches. Even keeping
their angelic nature, we shouldn't think about the devils at all, because they are
connected in their liberty to God on their extraordinary activity, and in that way they are
disabled to express their terrible and malefic hate regarding us. Let's remember St.
August: If the devil by his own initiative could do anything, even a single living being
would not stay on Earth (ML 37, 1246); let's remember also to St. Buenaventura: Is so
large the demon's cruelty, that he would swallow us in every moment, if Divine
protection don't guard us ( Diaeta salutis , tit. 7 c.1, Verona 1748, p. 183).
Therefore, when speaking about extraterrestrials, we must think in beings like us, or
well and preferably in other types of living beings, that in their spiritual part they have
associated a material one; better said, a body in a better state than the one existing for
us as humans.
There is not a scientific certainty yet about this problem, even if this seems to be closer
and closer, thanks to the progress of science and study. Regarding the theological and
biblical aspect of this matter, we can remark three points, three affirmations in favour
from the various considerations:
1. Before all, that exist other inhabited planets is something possible. In the Bible there
are not specific allusions to other living beings, but neither is excluded this hypothesis,
that for this stays as possible, if we think that God's omnipotence and wisdom have no
limits, being infinite.
2. Furthermore, the existence of other inhabited planets is something credible. In fact,
there is a great diversity between angels, merely spiritual beings and us, composed by
spirit and matter; better said, soul and flesh, but a soul that cannot act if don't use the
body as an instrument; a body that makes with its passions and capital vices conditional
the soul to the point of make human person so fragile, and more devoted to evil than to
goodness. Therefore is credible that this enormous distance between us and the angels
could be reduced by the presence of beings that, having also a body (even if more
perfect), their soul is less conditioned on their intelligent and volitional acting.
If necessary, there is another confirmation upon the very ancient saying of Lucrezio
Caro: Natura non facit saltus ; a very famous phrase (that I found on the De rerum
natura ) and quoted - regarding that argument - also by some theologians.
Another consideration is taken for the aim of the creation, or well the Glory of God, a
concept that you can find several times on the Bible. For instance, Psalm 18 begins by
saying precisely: heavens sing the glory of God . But only human person is able to give
this glory to God in a conscious way , because it has intelligence and free will.
Precisely for this, several theologians say, is not only possible but credible, that in the
spaces that are distant and inaccessible for men and his scientific instruments, do exist
other beings able to know God as their Creator, and also they give Him this Glory, that
for them and their worlds represent the aim of Creation.
Jesuit Father Domenico Grasso, Professor of Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian
University wrote on purpose: Why all the perfection God has spread so widely in the
universe should be kept hidden without singing the glory of God? Wouldn't it be a
discordance unsuitable for God? Who writes a book knowing that it will never be read
by anyone, or well who paints a painting to hide it from anyone's sight? .
He claims regarding the statements made by German theologian Joseph Pohle in one
of his books of 1904 (page 457): It seems to be accordingly with the aim of the world
that inhabitable celestial bodies are settled by creatures that recognise the glory of God
in the physical beauties of their worlds, in the same way man does with his smaller
world ( Die Sternewelt undihre Bewohner - The Stars of Universe and its Inhabitants ;
Köln 1904; pp. 457). Finally Father Grasso concludes: we must think in the angels to
know where God receives the glory from these worlds from, because them, that are
purely spiritual, are not able to know the matter but indirectly, in the same way man
does with the spirit (ib.).
3. Beyond to be something possible and credible, I would see desirable the inhabitability
of other planets. In a future, even if very remote, these eventual inhabitants, superior to
us, could be very helpful to us, specially in our spiritual path. In a non practical way,
they could had been protecting and helping us since long time ago.
If it is the case that they do really exist intelligent beings on other planets, it would be
easier to understand how to conciliate their existence with the redemption of Christ. As
St. Paul says (cfr. Col. 1, 16-17), a real fact is that Christ is the centre and head of the
creation of the universe. Therefore there are no worlds without a reference of Him. From
the Bible is possible to assure that Christ, as Incarnated Verb, has total influence upon
all the possible inhabited planets.
I quote what said by St. Paul to the Colossians: For by Him all things were created that
are in heaven and that are on Earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions
or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is
before all things and in Him all things consist... For it pleased the Father that in Him all
the fullness should dwell. And by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether
things on earth or things in heaven, having made peace through the blood of His cross
(Col. 1, 16-20).
The Church celebrates the last Sunday of the Liturgical Year (before the Advent) as the
Feast of Christ, King of the universe, and in its liturgy the universality of His kingdom is
remembered, which is also expressed in the daily Mass.
III. Algunos testimonios a favor.
There exist several interesting statements on the inhabitability of other worlds by lay
scientists, theologians or servants of God which already qualified for a process of
beatification or canonisation. Obviously I'll limit myself to quote just some of them.
Beginning with the laymen, let me quote the great French scientist Charles Richet (1850
- 1935), that was, among otherthings, a materialist. In 1922, in his Traitè de
Mètapsychique , he stated: Do we have any right to claim, just because of our limited
senses and our mistaken intelligence, that man is the only intelligent being in this
immense cosmos?... That other intellectual forces, different from us, exist, is not only
possible but extremely probable. It is even certain... It is absurd to claim that we are the
only intelligence in nature... The existence of these beings cannot be proven, but the
probability of their existence is evident (loc. cit., Paris 1922, pp. 787-788).
I remember 5 theologians:
1. Cardinal Nicolò Cusano (1401 - 1464), philosopher and scientist that said: We are not
authorised to exclude that on another star beings do exist, even if they are completely
different from us .
2. The Jesuit Father and astronomer Fr. Angelo Secchi (1818 - 1876) wrote: It is absurd
to claim that the worlds surrounding us are large, uninhabited deserts and that the
meaning of the universe lies just in our small, inhabited planet. .
3. The famous Dominican preacher Jacques-Marie-Louis Monsabre (1827 - 1907)
referred to the principle Natura non facit saltus when he claimed that other intelligent
beings besides men and angels exist.
4. The already quoted English Jesuit Father Herbert Thurston wrote: Who can claim that
there are no other intelligent beings besides these 3 categories of angels, demons and
men in the Universe of God? I do not intend to confirm the possibility I indicated in my
question as a fact, but I ask: Who can be sure about it? (Op. Cit., pp. 3).
5. German Theologian Giuseppe Pohle: Hypothesis of the plurality of inhabited worlds is
totally favourable to the glory of the Lord. God creates for His glory, and any glory is
possible without intelligent beings, able to know the creation of the Lord . I remember
two persons for whom there is already going on their process of canonisation:
1. The Salesian Father and Servant of God Don Andrea Beltrami (1870 - 1897) who
prayed also for the possible inhabitants of other planets. Of the 16 booklets he wrote,
one seems to deal with this topic (and I say seems because unfortunately I was not able
to know the titles of his 16 publications).
2. The second (with whom I want to close this paper), is the already sanctified Padre
Pio, who was beatified by Pope John Paul II on May 2, 1999 and canonised on June 16,
2002. From St. Fr. Pio, the following dialogue is documented and officially published by
the Cappuchin Order: Question: Father, some claim that there are creatures of God on
other planets, too . Answer: What else? Do you think they don't exist and that God's
omnipotence is limited to this small planet Earth? What else? Do you think there are no
other beings who love the Lord? .
Another question: Father, I think the Earth is nothing compared to other planets and
stars . Answer: Exactly Yes, and we Earthlings are nothing, too. The Lord certainly did
not limit His glory to this small Earth. On other planets other beings exist who did not sin
and fall as we did . (Don Nello Castello: Così parlò Padre Pio ; Vicenza, 1974).
Lac. Corrado Balducci
Rome, C. 7 / 6 / 2001
Curfew of the Body, Soul and Mind
The Strange Story of Bill Cooper
By Philip D. Ropp
Christian short wave in the United States has always marched to a different drummer, with a
distinctive flavor and character not heard anywhere else. Uncensored, noncommercial, and with an
identity shaped by it's own easy and open accessibility, the American interpretation of the medium
became a forum that crossed racial, ethnic, denominational and political barriers to present the wide
diversity of thought and expression that is believing Christianity in this country. And, like Cajun
cooking, it became a uniquely American medium, unusually spicy, and with some of its contents hard
to swallow.
In the post Reagan era, Christian short wave broadcasters in the United States have provided
access to the airwaves for a number of American right-wing political individuals and groups that have
used the medium to coalesce themselves into what is today known as the "American Patriot"
movement. At its peak in the mid to late 1990's, Christian patriot radio, propelled by the draconian law
enforcement methods employed by the Clinton Justice Department in the Randy Weaver matter at
Ruby Ridge, Idaho and against the Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas, had emerged as the quasiofficial voice of the burgeoning national militia movement. In turn, patriot programming was now
occupying significant amounts of airtime on major broadcasters, especially WWCR, functioning as a
subculture within Christian radio, just as the larger movement itself did within the nation as a whole.
Patriot broadcasting, like the patriot movement, has been transformed by the events of recent years:
financially by the nonevent of Y2K, and philosophically by the election of George W. Bush as president
and the subsequent events of September 11 and the war against terrorism. This transformation has
effectively served to narrow the bandwidth of the patriot radio spectrum, as programmers have moved
away from the radical right in order to mine gold in the pockets of a broader audience. Many of these
new listeners are unaware of the genesis of the current medium, and, therefore, have no idea that the
"Christian talk radio" format that they hear today is a far cry from the call for an outright armed "grass
roots" revolution that characterized patriot programming just a few short years ago.
In November of 2001, the final emasculation of patriot radio took place when William Cooper, usually
referred to simply as a "talk show host," was shot to death in a confrontation with sheriff's deputies
outside his home near Eagar, Arizona.
Cooper was far more than just a talk show host. At the peak of his influence in the early and mid
1990's, he was leading the way in uniting the various local and regional militia organizations in the
United States into a nationwide, underground army. Cooper often boasted that Bill Clinton had
referred to him as the "most dangerous man in America." On a larger scale, it was Cooper that defined
the theology and mythology of the patriot movement as a whole, as even his enemies came to accept
his worldview as their reality. To understand the current remnant of this patriot radio medium, it is,
therefore, germane to our purpose to understand William Cooper; for it is he that provided so much of
the primordial ooze that the present medium evolved from.
Milton William "Bill" Cooper, a veteran of the Air Force and Navy, where he served in the Office of
Naval Intelligence, first gained notoriety in the late 1980's as a lecturer in the rarefied field of UFO
research. In a series of sensational and dramatic presentations, Cooper, claiming an over riding sense
of patriotic duty and top secret government sources, revealed the existence of an unthinkable
conspiracy: Malevolent space aliens had compromised the government and military establishment of
the United States and were conducting a wide range of secret experiments on American citizens. Like
a modern day Paul Revere, Cooper was announcing an invasion in progress by a force far more
sinister and dangerous than the Redcoats: bulbous headed intruders from outer space that had
cleverly gained power in secret.
In fact, Bill Cooper was merely one of many individuals making the endless circuit of UFO
conventions and meetings espousing this same revelation of "the horrible truth." Along with Cooper, Bill
Moore, Linda Moulton Howe, Stanton Friedman, John Lear and others were making similar assertions,
all based on supposedly top secret information being leaked through a variety of anonymous sources
within the various United States intelligence agencies, most notably the NSA and the CIA. A neatly
woven mythology emerged in which the Roswell crash, cattle mutilations, abductions and the other
various aspects of the UFO phenomenon were blended into a "suppressed reality" view of history.
Truman ordered the secrecy. Ike saw alien bodies at Edwards Air Force Base. JFK's assassination
was due to his intention to reveal the presence of the alien menace. UFOs landed at US air bases
during the Johnson administration. Nixon showed alien bodies at McDill Air Force Base to his pal,
Jackie Gleason. Jimmy Carter's presidency was destroyed because he had reported his own UFO
siting and was sympathetic to the cause of revelation. Reagan ordered "Star Wars" built as an alien
defense system. This interpretation of the UFO phenomenon soon came to dominate the field of UFO
investigation, making its proponents major celebrities among the UFO faithful, who sensed that the
long anticipated truth was finally emerging from the cloak of government imposed secrecy. This
worldview would soon find its way into the common culture as the premise of The X Files and take on a
surreal, comic book quality. However, through the mid and late 1980's, as more "revelations" emerged,
so did a rapidly growing subculture that believed whole heartedly that the United States had been sold
out to the now familiar "grays" in the ultimate government conspiracy.
By 1988, Bill Cooper and John Lear were arguably the most influential of the UFO "investigators" in
the United States. The information that Cooper had seen and heard as an Intelligence Officer in the Navy
dovetailed neatly with Lear's own eyewitness accounts and information from his sources within the
intelligence community. In turn, other major figures respected in the UFO community were given
information from supposedly reputable government sources that corroborated the information given to the
others, yet contained its own unique aspects. The overall effect was a puzzle of interlocking pieces that,
when assembled as a whole, produced a remarkable and, at least on the surface, plausible explanation of
the UFO phenomenon. Cooper and Lear carried the most weight within this elite circle of researchers
because both claimed direct access to US intelligence sources. Bill Moore, on the other hand, claimed his
information came from a mysterious group of government agents that would only identify themselves with
bird names, such as "Falcon" and "Condor." He referred to this collection of informants as the
"Aviary." Linda Moulton Howe's informant was a mysterious Colonel Doty, who was suspected of being
identical with Moore's "Condor." Cooper and Lear were generally regarded as one step closer to the
phenomenon than the others and, in fact, it was widely rumored at the time that Lear was, in actuality,
Whether "Falcon" or not, John Lear, son of Lear Jet founder William Lear, was the most accomplished
aircraft pilot of his generation. As such, Lear was tapped to fly some of the CIA's most sensitive missions.
According to legend, he was the pilot that flew George Bush to Paris for the notorious "October Surprise"
meetings in 1980. Most notably, Lear piloted arms and money during the clandestine operations that
would eventually come to be known as "Iran Contra." As the Iran Contra scandal began to unfold, John
Lear was busy destroying any credibility he might have as a witness by disclosing "the truth about the
UFO cover-up" in a series of sensational interviews that secured Art Bell's position as the legendary
master of weird late night radio on the west coast, and paved the way to his later nationwide success. To
cement his reputation as a lunatic, Lear also launched this information through numerous sources into the
UFO community. When Iran Contra blew over, John Lear, understandably enough, disappeared from
public view.
Cooper was incensed at the realization that Lear was a fraud. Somewhere in this process, he also
gained the insight that the "beyond top secret" information that he and the others had presented as fact
was, in reality, an organized stream of disinformation dispensed through a coordinated effort by the
United States intelligence community. Cooper perceived that even the UFO's that he had witnessed
personally during his Navy days were events staged to create in his mind the reality of the so called
"extraterrestrial hypothesis." Convinced that he had been "set-up" and shamelessly used by the
government, Cooper plunged into research bent on unmasking those behind the space invasion hoax and
emerged with the "real truth" behind the alien conspiracy: the Illuminati-Luciferian Freemasonry
There is only one topic that is off limits at the various UFO meetings and conventions that take place
continually around the United States: that the phenomenon might in anyway be fraudulent. Bill Cooper
needed a new venue in which to present his more recent findings, and short wave radio fit the bill
perfectly. By the early 1990's, William Cooper had reinvented himself in a book entitled Behold a Pale
Horse, and his program The Hour of the Time flourished in the midnight to one eastern time slot on
The Hour of the Time was dark and brooding, the tone set by Cooper's black moods and characteristic
deadly serious approach. The program's opening "theme" was a cacophony of air raid sirens, viscous dogs,
women's screams, and jack-booted storm troopers goose stepping down cobblestone streets. In a voice-over
slowed to a low, guttural rumble, Cooper intones: "Lights out, it is the hour of the time. Lights out for the
curfew of your body, soul, and mind." With the mood thus set, William Cooper used this forum to spin the
convoluted web of his new reality.
Conspiracy theories and conspiracy theorists have been around as long as there have been conspiracies - or rumors of conspiracies, take your choice. Two books that form the core scripture of the American
patriot movement are None Dare Call it Treason by John Stormer and None Dare Call It Conspiracy by
Gary Allen. Stormer's work, from 1964, documented a silent takeover of the government of the United
States by international socialists. Allen's 1971 book explained this process as an ongoing conspiracy of the
western world's rich elite, the Rockefellers, Morgans, Rothschilds,, for the purpose of establishing a
global socialistic government.
If Stormer and Allen provided thumbnail sketches of this alternate reality, then the scope and volume of
Cooper's contribution must be viewed as a panoramic, full color portrait. In the world of the Christian
patriot conspiracy theorists, it is the Order of the Illuminati, ostensibly a Bavarian secret society founded in
1776 by a Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt, that emerges as the mother and master of all modern
conspiracies, silently enslaving the world in the guise of a utopian new world order. Behind the scenes,
hidden within the upper degrees of the various rites of freemasonry, the Illuminati manipulate world
leaders and politicians like marionettes on the stage of world affairs, consciously orchestrating historical
events in a crescendo towards an unthinkable Armageddon and the finale of a dark "New Age" beyond.
Most of those that write about the origin of this masonic conspiracy for world domination end their
search at Adam Weishaupt; for Bill Cooper, this was only the beginning. Cooper, in turn, traced
"Illuminisim" through the 16th century Islamic "Cult of the Assassins" and into Moslem masonic
organizations all the way back to the time of Mohammed. He traced it through Jewish occultism,
Christian heresies and pagan legends into the mystery schools of the Greco-Roman period, then back
through ancient Egypt and the near east to the dawn of human history. Cooper identified this age old
conspiracy for world domination as the "Mystery Babylon" of the book of Revelation, and presented his
case to rapt Hour of the Time listeners in an amazing 18 hour series of broadcasts that first aired in 1993.
Prior to the destruction of the World Trade Center, the most notorious act of terrorism on American
soil was the destruction of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City on April 19, 1995.
This event would prove to be a watershed for the patriot movement and Bill Cooper, as Terry Nichols and
Timothy McVeigh, a Cooper disciple, introduced the American public to a "terrorist" militia that was far
more dangerous than the contemporaneous press image of a bunch of harmless idiots playing "army" in
the woods. Suddenly, the American public was confronted with "militant right-wing extremists," which,
according to the press handouts coming from the White House, represented everything that was wrong
with America and were to be taken deadly serious. Hillary Clinton would, in a memorable television
interview, stretch this to its most absurd limits by declaring that the Monica Lewinsky scandal was
actually the result of a "vast right-wing conspiracy."
At this time, Bill Cooper was at the apex of his influence, with his nightly Hour of the Time radio
audience at its peak and his newsletter, Veritas, gaining circulation outside the ranks of the militias and
other devout Cooper loyalists. In the days that followed the Oklahoma City tragedy, Cooper rose to the
occasion, presenting a concise analysis of the damage to the building, interviews with experts and eye
witnesses, and seismological reports that made a very compelling case for a scenario far different than that
painted by government investigators. Cooper showed that supplemental, high explosive charges placed at
or in the supporting columns of the Murrah Building would have been necessary to create the extensive
damage inflicted on the structure; far more damage than could be inflicted by a Ryder truck full of
ammonium nitrate and fuel oil (a low explosive). Beyond McVeigh and Nichols lay conspiracy...
Cooper was now convinced that the FBI had infiltrated the militias and that the incident in Oklahoma
City had been perpetrated by the government of the United States for the purpose of turning public
opinion against "true Americans:" the patriot community. The underlying purpose behind Oklahoma
City, like Waco, Ruby Ridge, and a string of lesser incidents, was to create public opinion that would first
demand the confiscation of firearms from law abiding citizens, then the establishment of a totalitarian
police state, and, finally, the surrendering of the sovereignty of the United States to the global socialism of
the "New World Order" and the United Nations. While Waco and Ruby Ridge were bungled into public
relations disasters by Janet Reno and the Justice Department, Oklahoma City had succeeded. The
patriot/militia movement had taken a torpedo below the waterline, and Bill Cooper knew it.
Whether the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building was as Cooper envisioned it or not, the result was
devastating to the militias. Across the heartland of America, communities protested the activities of the
militia groups in their local areas. While McVeigh himself had only been peripherally associated with the
Michigan Militia, and mostly as a friend of Terry Nichols, it was widely held throughout the Patriot
Community that McVeigh was, indeed, an FBI "plant." And so militia members began looking at each
other with suspicion. Membership dwindled and many groups disbanded. Norm Olsen, commander of the
Northern Michigan Militia and one of the most respected militia leaders in the country, was forced to
resign as pastor of a small, congregational church because church members were afraid that their chapel
would end up surrounded by the FBI and the BATF. Cooper denounced him on the air as a coward. "Let
them walk out on you, Norm," chided Cooper, "Don't just quit." But Norm did just quit, resigning his
commission in the Northern Michigan Militia as well.
With the revolution thus slipping away, a situation arose that Bill Cooper seized as an opportunity to
both revitalize the patriot movement and expand his already considerable influence within what was left of
it. Occupying the 10 p.m. to 12 a.m. time slot as the flagship of WWCR's week night schedule was Tom
Valentine's Radio Free America. When Valentine decided to leave the air, Cooper told WWCR that he
wanted to move into the Radio Free America time slot, which, in the world of short wave, is prime time.
WWCR balked. Hour of the Time was easily their most controversial program and the now frustrated
Cooper was often a nasty host given to berating callers and launching off on nearly incomprehensible
tirades at the slightest provocation. WWCR's refusal prompted Cooper into an ongoing tantrum that
turned Hour of the Time into a nightly rant against everyone and everything, but especially the
management at WWCR. Overcome by the futility of it all, Cooper left the air.
In the late 1990's, while Bill Cooper brooded in his self imposed exile from radio, Alan Wiener was
building a new short wave station in Monticello, Maine. Wiener started in radio as a "pirate" short wave
broadcaster, and is generally regarded as one of the best technicians in the business. A few years earlier,
Alan Wiener had been hired by the notorious "Brother" R. G. Stair to outfit "the good ship Fury" with
four short wave transmitters and so enable Stair to take to the seas and broadcast his Overcomer Ministry
to the four corners of the earth far away from the prying eyes on land. With no licenses in place, and the
Fury sitting at dock in US waters, Wiener powered up one of the transmitters, made a quick test
broadcast, and promptly experienced the pirate broadcaster's worst fear: an FCC raid. The transmitters
were confiscated, leaving Brother Stair with an empty, rusting old ship and destroying his dream of
broadcasting from the high seas.
Brother Stair made a point of telling his worldwide audience that he'd graciously let Alan Wiener off the
hook. This wasn't exactly true. When Wiener went on the air with WBCQ, R.G. Stair was right there to
snatch up all the airtime Wiener had for sale, and given Stair's penchant for manipulation, it can be safely
assumed that he bought this time at bargain basement prices.
Alan Wiener was desperate to sign any programming that wasn't R.G. Stair. WBCQ was conceived as
an independent short wave station, not a religious station, and while it was always part of Wiener's plan to
run some Christian programming, he had no intention of running it at 90% of his programming day and
certainly no intention of having R.G. Stair comprise 100% of that 90%. Practical considerations aside,
Wiener also made it no secret that he hated Brother Stair. What was needed was a veteran talk show host
with an established following and no broadcast commitments to build the prime time evening schedule
around. While Bill Cooper had made it clear that he didn't need anyone, Alan Wiener surely did need Bill
Cooper. Wiener offered Cooper the coveted 10 to 12 weeknight time slot, incredibly cheap rates, and the
chance to return to the air as the keystone program and center of attention on a brand new station. In
short, a fresh start.
Cooper, embittered and still smarting, wanted no part of returning to the airwaves. In the absence of
radio, he had turned his energies to the burgeoning Internet, posting Veritas online and offering tapes of
"Mystery Babylon" and other classics from his vast library of Hour of the Time broadcasts. Still much in
demand as a lecturer, he was getting by. Without the distraction of preparing and presenting a nightly
radio program, not to mention the stress and strain of those last difficult days at WWCR, Bill Cooper
could devote more time to his wife, Annie, and their daughters, Dorothy ("Pooh,") and Allyson, whom he
did cherish. This was as close to being happy as Cooper ever got, and he did not relish the thought of
giving it up. But he did. With a resignation to destiny and, through the persistence of Wiener, Cooper
agreed to reprise Hour of the Time on WBCQ Monday through Thursday nights in the 10 to 11 time slot.
Amidst all the fanfare Alan Wiener could muster and to the delight of the Cooper faithful, Hour of the
Time returned to the air in 1998.
However, the new version of the program soon revealed a deeply disturbed and very troubled William
Cooper. Some nights Cooper would ramble and rant. Some nights he would verbally blast caller after
caller, until finally launching into tirade: "You're not people!" Cooper would angrily proclaim, "You're
sheep being lead to the slaughter. You're nothing but 'sheeple,' stupid, ignorant 'sheeple' and you deserve
what you get!" Some nights he wouldn't show at all, offering an old Hour of the Time rebroadcast from the
In the aftermath of the Oklahoma City incident, Bill Cooper claimed that the Clinton Administration
had ordered all federal agencies to investigate, persecute and prosecute him in order to "shut him up."
Cooper responded by going on the attack. Bringing suit against the IRS, ostensibly to force the agency to
produce proof of jurisdiction and authority, he stopped paying taxes, and the IRS secured indictments
against Bill and Annie Cooper. In March of 1999, Cooper sent his family outside of the United States and,
essentially, barricaded himself in his mountain top home outside of Eagar with a stuffed food locker, a
couple of chickens, a most impressive arsenal, and an attack dog aptly named "Crusher."
The FBI surrounded Cooper's compound, as Bill told the world about it on Hour of the Time. The stage
was finally set for the showdown Cooper wanted. "I won't leave here alive, and I'll take as many of them
with me as I can!" Cooper enthusiastically told his audience.
As the Clinton Administration was winding down, and there was much talk of a Clinton "legacy," the
last thing the president wanted or needed with an election looming was another Ruby Ridge, this time
broadcast live on the air as it was happening. The FBI stood down and Bill Cooper was allowed to become
the problem of a new administration.
From this point on, alone and secluded, Bill Cooper made his final descent into madness. It had become
painfully obvious to him that if he could not induce the nation to rise up and throw off the chains of the
hated Illuminati as a zealot, then his alternative was do to so as a messiah. Cooper proceeded to alienate
everyone except his most loyal disciples, who would carry on the work in his absence.
Hour of the Time became a window into the final unraveling of William Cooper's mind, as he rambled in
and out of coherency between an ever decreasing number of callers. At the end, Cooper's detractors would
call and taunt him on the air, like children seeking revenge on a mean old dog that had grown too feeble to
defend itself. A few nights before his death, after a string of such calls, Cooper told his audience they could
go to hell. "I'm not taking this bullshit anymore!" he announced at 40 minutes into the program, "I don't
know what they're going to do back at WBCQ, but I'm out of here!" With a click, the satellite feed ended
and after a minute of dead air WBCQ filled out the hour with the repeat of a classic Hour of the Time,
creating a strange juxtaposition to the tormented Cooper heard in the minutes before.
When his decline was noted by the editor of the local newspaper, Cooper came off his hinges. Showing
up at the man's home, Bill Cooper waved a pistol in his face and threatened to kill him. Understandably, a
complaint was sworn out, and the showdown Cooper had demanded was at hand: On November 6, 2001,
17 sheriff's deputies, disguised as kids out to party, piled into pick up trucks and drove up to William
Cooper's property, where they proceeded to play loud music. Cooper went out to investigate in his Ford
Explorer, taking the bait. Getting out of the truck, he left his pistol lay on the seat, obviously believing that
he was simply running off a group of young revelers, as he had done in the past. Once close enough to
recognize the local law enforcement officers, Cooper bolted to the Explorer and tore back to the house,
where an AK-47 stood loaded and ready in an umbrella stand next to the door. The deputies caught up to
Cooper in his front yard. He raised his pistol and was fired upon enmasse, managing to take out one
policeman with two rounds to the head while in the process of being shot to death.
Since his death, the Cooper disciples soldier on, maintaining and updating his website,, and trying desperately to continue Hour of the Time on radio, though it should
be obvious to all that Bill Cooper was Hour of the Time, which is why the current version struggles to gain
the support it needs to stay on WBCQ, while Alex Jones, who dispenses the same basic brand of IlluminatiFreemasonry-Conspiracy information, ostensibly from "secret sources," thrives in the same time slot. The
truth of the matter is that Bill Cooper's time has come and gone, and the patriot radio medium had moved
on without him long before his death. There's just too much catching up to do, and the current program
lacks the style and presentation necessary to compete with slicker shows. Ironically enough, it was Bill
Cooper, who could do riveting radio, that raised the bar on style and presentation to begin with.
Bill Cooper will always remain an enigma, much like the UFO phenomonon and the Illuminati
conspiracy that he gave his life to reveal to a public that, for the most part, merely sought to be
entertained. And while "entertaining" is a concept that Cooper would have found anathema, it does,
nonetheless, describe him best. In yet another classic example in which life imitates art, he was the true
"mad prophet of the airways:" the man gone mad and consumed by the madness that surrounds us all
every day by taking the next step and taking it seriously. This is the point at which the more rational
among us know enough to back off, pour another cup of coffee, and listen rather than act; to merely be
entertained by it all. Bill Cooper ripped the mask from the alien intruders and found the Illuminati
underneath. He pulled the mask from the face of the Illuminati and it revealed a mirror. Rather than turn
away, Cooper gazed into this mirror and, to his horror, saw himself, the rest of humanity, and even Old
Nick tuned in to the radio every night: And all but Mr. Cooper merely entertained. And so the man went
mad. And so he showed us all the folly of our disbelief by ending his days in a pool of blood on a
mountainside near Eagar, Arizona. And so we tuned in to someone else and popped some corn.
And so the next time you're listening to a talk show on the short wave and you're wondering, "Where in
the world did this guy get this stuff?" Well, now you know.
Militia Leader William Cooper
Killed, Deputy Critical In Shootout
The Arizona Republic and AP
EAGER, AZ - A national leader of the militia movement has been killed and an
Apache County sheriff's deputy wounded in a shootout, authorities said.
William Milton Cooper, 58, of Eager, had hosted a talk show broadcast on the
Worldwide Christian Radio out of Nashville, which receives it via phone from his
home in St. Johns. He had millions of listeners worldwide, including Timothy
The deputy, whose name was being withheld by authorities, was shot twice in the
head while trying to arrest Cooper, a state Department of Public Safety spokesman
said today. Cooper was killed by another officer.
Several deputies were attempting to arrest Cooper, who was armed with a handgun,
said Officer Steve Volden, a spokesman for the DPS, which was investigating the
He said details of the shooting would be released later today.
The deputy was in critical condition at a Phoenix hospital early today, Volden said.
Cooper was one of the most widely known prophets of the "patriot movement," railing
at the federal government and talking of doomsday omens in his radio broadcast.
McVeigh, who was executed in May for the bombing of the federal building in
Oklahoma City, listened to Cooper's broadcasts for inspiration, according to testimony
by James Nichols, brother of Oklahoma bombing co-defendant Terry Nichols during a
1996 pretrial hearing.
Like some other patriot leaders, Cooper refused to get a driver's license or pay federal
income taxes, saying he is willing to risk getting ticketed and has found a legal way to
avoid the taxes.
The patriot movement grew during the 1990s, fed by a series of news events - the
siege of Randy Weaver in Idaho, the raid on the Branch Davidians near Waco, Texas
and the signing of gun-control laws.
William Milton Cooper Killed in Entrapment
Nov 6, 2001
We are posting these reports more or less as we have received them. We are deeply
saddened at the loss of Bill Cooper. We have had communications with him and members of
our egroup have chatted with him over the years as well. We didn't always see eye to eye,
and we often felt that Bill was not as aware as he might be about how his own mind could
be manipulated. But whatever the reason, whether he was manipulated to do something
that got him killed, or whether everyone involved in this situation was being manipulated or
not, we don't know. Nevertheless, it is a sad end for Bill. We are very sorry for his family.
Sheriff's Deputy Shot: The notice on this story says: (Copyright 2001 Associated Press.
All rights reserved. Thismaterial may not be published, broadcast, rewritten orredistributed)
so we aren't reproducing it here. It may, of course, disappear. The gist of it is:
A sheriff's deputy in Arizona was shot while trying to arrest William Milton Cooper. The
deputy was hospitalized in critical condition, but Bill Cooper was not. He was dead. This
occurred around midnight last night. The reason they were trying to arrest Cooper was, as
far as I can tell, because he "had a handgun."
Here is a private report:
Update on William Cooper
At 1:00 p.m. mountain time Nov.6th We received a call from Officer Frank Valenzuela form
Az. Dept of Public Safety, This call came to us as a result of our calling the sheriff's office to
confirm that this incident had happened, he informed us that this level of entrapment for
Mr. Cooper started at 11:40 p.m. mt. time Nov. 5th 2001 by luring Bill Cooper away from
his home which sat on top of a hillside in the community of Edgar ,Az his physical address
was 96 North Clearview Circle , Edgar, Az. The departments of Edgar and Apache law
enforcement were working together. They claimed that they had gone out to serve 3 felony
warrants, pertaining to someone having had a semi-automatic pistol drawn on them by Bill
At this time we do not have that info as to whom that was who filed a complaint.
Officers deliberately caused a ruckus to get this man away from his home to create this
entrapment He went down the hill away from his home to the automobile to see what the
ruckus was, it was 2 law officers in plain clothes. He spoke to them then got back in his car
to go back up to his house , when out of hiding came a patrol car that blocked his return to
his home. He put his hands on the car window as we assume that is what he was ordered to
do as they approached his car he pulled out to get around the car . He got out of his car and
tried to run for his home. Shots were fired. He returned fire hitting one officer in the head
twice whom is in surgery in St Joe's hospital. The other officer continued to fire until Cooper
was dead. Please keep in mind this report was given to us by the sheriffs office and here are
the numbers.. 928-333-5580, 1-800-352-1850
William Cooper authored the book Behold The Pale Horse. He was also battling the IRS.
He also was a well known radio talk show host. We here at MOM have a problem with this
report. MOM
Who is Milton William Cooper by Don Ecker
William Milton Cooper, author of "Behold a Pale Horse," was killed in a shootout with
sheriff's deputies in Eagar, Arizona today. Cooper was host of a talk show broadcast by
Worldwide Christian Radio out of Nashville. He was well known in the UFO community for his
radical view that there were a number of alien species present on earth, and that they were
unspeakably evil.
He led a drive to identify Whitley Strieber as a CIA agent, and considered most
conventional UFO researchers, including Stanton Friedman, Linda Moulton Howe
and many others, to be agents of a conspiracy devoted to concealing the evil alien
presence so that it could do its bidding on earth untroubled by human resistance.
He considered Art Bell a conspiratorial proponent of a new world order that he
believed would destroy human freedom, and devoted many pages of his website to
diatribes against Bell.
In defense of his claim that Strieber was a CIA operative, he produced a document that was
allegedly written in 1981 that "activated" Strieber and a number of other individuals,
including Richard Hoagland in a program called "Project Enable." Among other
inaccuracies, the document identifies Dr. John Alexander as a major when he was, at the
time of its writing, a Lieutenant Colonel. It makes reference to Project Stargate, but is
dated in 1981, when the military remote viewing program was still called Project Grill
When deputies attempted to arrest Cooper this morning, a gun battle broke out. One
Apache County deputy received two gunshots to the head. The deputy was in critical
condition at a Phoenix hospital. Cooper, who had a handgun, was killed.
Cooper served with the Strategic Air command until 1965. He was also a naval officer. He
was discharged from the Navy in 1975.
In March of 1999, Cooper sent his family out of the United States. He remained alone at his
home in Arizona, where he was killed.
On the official William Cooper website, his family states that his death was apparently not
related to his opposition to the federal government, but came as a result of a sheriff's
deputy's attempt to serve a warrant in a local matter.
All you Bill Cooper fans out there, don't get me wrong. I deeply respected Mr. Cooper (and still
do) for his research on the New World Order and the Illuminati. My opinion is that without his
contribution to mankind, much of what is now revealed would still be hidden.
In November of 2001, William Cooper, former US Naval Intelligence Officer, the author of
"Behold a Pale Horse", and a well respected researcher, was shot dead by a police officer outside
his home in Arizona. Of course, when something like this happens, conspiracy theories arise
quickly in the "conspiracy field". Some say it was a pure assassination, a hit job to get rid of this
"annoying person". Personally I believe his death had other causes:
William Cooper was a very angry man. I corresponded with him some, and he was hard to
reason with. His anger may be justified; he felt extremely betrayed by the government he once
served for many years, with the intention to protect the country he loved. When he found out
what was going on behind all our backs, he must have been shocked. He decided to reveal the
truth as he knew it from his research.
He was quite a loud voice in the community, and hosted many radio shows. He also held
lectures, which were quite awesome and extremely insightful. I think he was disappointed and
discouraged by the blindness and peoples' unwillingness to confront this evil called the
Illuminati. It is not a secret that he started drinking heavily, which of course didn't help his bad
mood and frustration.
Cooper was also a spokesman and a leader for the Christian Patriot Movement, the Militia, and
with his outgoing attitude and constant willingness to fight back, he drew the Illuminati's
attention in a big way. According to himself, the Feds were putting him under surveillance and
they constantly showed up around his house. He put up a diary on his website with daily updates
on how the Feds intervened with his privacy and his freedom. He wrote on the same page, that if
one day he would stop updating his public diary, he would probably have been killed or
kidnapped. One day, in November of 2001 he stopped writing...
Due to his serious involvement in the anti-Illuminati movement, he had to send his family to
Europe, "for their own protection", as he put it. Therefore, he lived his last years by himself,
together with his dog, Crusher, in his house in Arizona, and died alone without his family.
His involvement in the Christian Patriot Movement certainly must have contributed to that the
Illuminati tightened the rope around his neck. According to the police report, the reason the
police were outside his residence, waiting for him, was because they wanted to arrest him for a
misdemeanor of some sort, unrelated to his research. This fatal night, Cooper was driving home
from a radio show he had hosted, and when he saw the police, he must have been furious.
Probably he was sick and tired of always being provoked by them, so he continued driving,
almost hitting the police men with the car. It is unclear what happened next; did the police or did
Cooper open fire first? Either way, Cooper seriously wounded a deputy sheriff (who survived his
wounds), and continued running towards his house. The police opened fire and Cooper was dead.
I strongly believe Cooper would still be alive today if it wasn't for his anger, and maybe also
some subconscious wish for revenge. He made quite a few enemies in his later years due to his
bad temper, and he attacked, sometimes blindly, in all directions - also people who could have
been his friends. So perhaps his worst enemy was his own anger, which may eventually have
killed him.
I think he was a very brave and genuine man, and I admire him for what he has done, but let us
learn something from his death. Most of us who have found out the truth about the powers of this
world, sometimes feel angry for have been betrayed for so long; and angry because of all the
innocent lives that have been taken, due to greed and power. This is normal and quite alright.
However, we cannot let this anger come out uncontrolled and think we can win against those
people. The only way to get something decent done is to use rational thinking. Rationality can
never be achieved by an angry person. No matter how angry we may be inside, we have to
swallow it and continue being effective. Education and enlightenment combined is the only way
out of this trap, as I see it. We need to learn more about ourselves and look inwards for the truth,
so we can change the vibrations around us and that way inspire others to look. Our only hope is
that enough people know the truth, so we can be strong enough to say 'NO' to the New World
Order, outlaw secret societies with political and evil purposes, and require that the Illuminists are
refused powerful positions.
Many people write to me and ask me if we should create a World Army ourselves to fight the
Illuminati, or follow the Constitution and go to war against our government, like the Founding
Fathers said we should in a situation like this. I say no to that; I don't agree with everything in the
Constitution(1). We have to look deeper than that to be able not only to beat the Illuminati, but
also to avoid the same thing from happening in the future. Violence feeds violence, no matter if
it is for a good cause or not. By being violent, we justify our actions, which makes it alright to be
violent. This creates blindness, and the same blindness that got us into this mess in the first place
will lead to more violence and blindness in the future, and we'll soon be back to where we are
now. Thus, we are all responsible for our own future and can't blame it on somebody else,
including the Illuminati. We in fact brought them upon ourselves for being irresponsible enough
to let it all happen.
Education is step number one - enlightenment number two. Without spiritual insights we can
only win temporarily, and everything will repeat itself again in cycles. Only if we learn to know
ourselves on a spiritual level, we can win on a longer term. How do we get there? Well, it is a
very individual journey, and it doesn't matter how we get there, as long as we get there, and we
do it peacefully.
"Liberty can not be preserved without general knowledge
among people."
(August 1765) John A
Other UFO and/or truth seekers feelings on Mr. Cooper
BUDD Hopkins:
On November 10, 2001, I was in Mobile, Alabama, speaking at a "Journeys Beyond" conference. Five
days earlier, sheriff's deputies, attempting to serve a warrant, were shot at by conspiricist William
Cooper who gravely wounded one of them, deputy Robert Martinez. The other deputies returned fire
and Cooper was killed.
For those unfamiliar with his activities, William Cooper was once a divisive, almost unavoidable
presence at UFO conferences and on the radio and the Internet. His wild and woolly stories were
completely unbelievable, though a loyal band of followers clung to his every word.
I wondered at the time of Cooper's demise how long it would take before a myth of martyrdom would
arise among his fellow conspiricists. I knew that this alcoholic, emotionally disturbed man would
eventually be enthroned in the far-right's Valhalla of "government victims" - innocent, peace-loving
martyrs like Timothy McVeigh, James Earl Ray, David Koresh and a strange assortment of white
supremacists, psychopathic homophobes and killers of abortion providers.
Well, I saw signs of Cooper's elevation five days after his death, when I was attending that conference in
Mobile, Alabama. A confused young man approached me and referred to the government's "murder" of
William Cooper. In the telling, the rural sheriff's deputies who tried to serve their warrant soon after
metamorphosized into a sinister government SWAT team. The mythmaking machinery of paranoid
rumor and Internet misinformation was on the way.
What sort of man was the late William Cooper? Shortly after his death, he was described by his friend
Bill Hamilton as "an inveterate liar," and a man who "had a real love for booze and firearms." Hamilton
recalled that Cooper once invited him to go to a gun show with him to "buy a type of gun that would
blow a hole in an engine block. I asked why I would want to do a silly thing like that. His reply was that
I should protect myself against the government." Even more significant was Hamilton's delicately
worded statement that Cooper "had a difficult time telling truth from fantasy." A perfect description of
the conspiricists' central affliction.
Bruce Maccabee:
Some of you will recall William Milton Cooper who came onto the UFO scene about 15 years ago and
soon made himself one of the most unscrupulous conspiracy theorists in the UFO field.
After several years he was being invited to give lectures for considerable pay. He talked about the
UFO/Kennedy/you-name-it conspiracy. Anyone who didn't agree with him... even when he changed his
story... which he did (as it grew and grew)... was_against_ him and part of the Conspiracy! He put it all
into his book, 'Behold A Pale Horse'... which more accurately should be entitled 'Behind The Pale Horse'.
Mac Tonnies:
Before his violent death in November, 2001, lecturer and self-proclaimed military insider William
Cooper helped popularize a number of malignant myths centered on the notion of secret U.S. contact
with aliens. Cooper believed extraterrestrials were involved in a quiet takeover of the world, and
claimed to have seen briefing documents and photos of aliens while serving in the military. He famously
attacked noted UFO personalities such as Whitley Strieber, Linda Moulton Howe and Stanton Friedman
as being CIA operatives bent on keeping the truth from public knowledge. Later in his career, Cooper's
world view became increasingly oppressive and paranoid.
Greg Sandow:
I saw Cooper speak at Hollywood High School in Los Angeles in 1989.
Two highlights. One of them was his claim that aliens influenced the US to intervene militarily on the
Communist side during the Russian revolution. There are two small problems with that. First, the US
intervened on the anti-communist side (to be precise, this was in the civil war that followed the
revolution). Second, Cooper himself said at another point in his talk that the aliens arrived here in 1947.
The Russian revolution and the succeeding civil war were much earlier than that (1918 to 1921, I
Second highlight: During the question period, someone rose from the audience to announce that the
government was spying on the lecture! He pointed to video cameras set up onstage. Cooper -- for once
seeming utterly baffled -- replied that those were his own cameras. A case of conspiracy thinking getting
too crazy even for Cooper. Cooper got an ovation when he said the aliens were responsible for gun
control. It was quite an evening.
John Valez:
There is a very real difference between honest and intelligent dissent and the lunacy (certifiable) that
Cooper was responsible for spreading around. Let me share a little story with you, if I may, just to
illustrate my point.
About four years ago Budd Hopkins, Greg Sandow and myself drove out to New Jersey to speak at an
annual conference that is held there. It's a two + hour drive. On the way Budd played a tape for us that
was taken from his phone messaging machine. It contained a series of long distance telephone messages
that old 'Wild Bill' Cooper had left for Budd.
Alfred, the _threats_ and the language he used to issue those threats was enough to send Budd to the
police to seek advice as to how to handle the situation. Cooper was a certified looney. And, as has been
borne out by his shooting of this poor law enforcement officer (in the head - twice!) a very dangerous
nut as well. I have to tell you that just sitting in the car listening to his voice as he ranted and raved at
Budd sent chills up my spine. It was spooky to me even as a third party, witnessing the depth of his
From: Jerome Clark <>
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2001 10:17:37 -0600
Fwd Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 16:18:12 -0500
Subject: Re: William Cooper Killed In SWAT Raid - Clark
Sadly true. Cooper was the scariest man I've ever encountered in my long years in this field,
representing the sickest end of the anti- gummint paranoia which so afflicted American politics over the
past two decades, and which now, happily, is receding.
When I pointed out in an article that some of Cooper's UFO conspiracy theories had their roots in antiSemitic literature, he took to threatening me from various public forums. His followers were
frightening, too. Ten years ago, while lecturing in Sydney, Australia, on the Dark Side fantasies for
which Cooper was largely responsible, I had my speech interrupted by an enraged audience member
who started shouting at me. It was his view, as I understood it, that I was a CIA member; after all, only
a CIA member would charge that Cooper's stuff was 100%
I'm sorry that when he left this world, Cooper may have taken a deputy sheriff with him. I hope the man
recovers and is able to resume his life without ever meeting a Cooper equivalent again. Cooper, a true
sociopath, did damage to just about anybody who crossed his path. He will not be missed. Jerome Clark
is the former editor of the UFO magazine Fate and former vice-president and current board member of
the J. Allen Hyneck Center for UFO Studies
Bill Hamilton:
From: Bill Hamilton <>
Date: 8 Nov 2001 08:39:23 -0800
Fwd Date: Thu, 08 Nov 2001 16:33:25 -0500
Subject: Re: William Cooper Dies In Gunfight - Hamilton
I met Bill Cooper through John Lear in 1988. I booked him to speak at a UFO conference that K. Duran
and myself sponsored in the high desert of 29 Palms Calif years ago. This was one of his first public
After Cooper told his story he embarrassed me by asking the audience to donate money for his rent.
Later, I confronted him in the coffee shop about some of his outlandish claims like the Pleidians landing
at Edwards AFB which he denied a month later. That is when I started to hear him change his story,
even contradicting earlier statements he made. This became a normal part of his routine.
He was often soused and loved firearms. He advised me to go to a gun show and purchase a 'an engine
block-busting gun' and I asked him why I should do a silly thing like that and he said 'to defend yourself
against the government'. With pugilistic obstinacy he got into a fist fight with Eric Beckjord at a San
Diego UFO event. Things went downhill from there. Both of them should have been under care. He
threatened former friend John Lear while drinking by waving a gun in the air and said he could shoot
him. He later accused Lear of being agent "Condor" (Moore's aviary). A real nut case! He not only
accused Budd but many others of disinformation and lies. He fabricated contents of MJ-12 (Operation
Majority) documents that looked plagiarized from Bill Moore's and Bill English's publications. He kept
changing and expanding the contents and accusing anyone who disagreed.
I have the dubious distinction of being one of the people he slighted in his book 'Behold a Pale Horse'.
Most of this was also plagiarized material from conspiracy sources. Then he had enough with alien
conspiracies and declared there were no aliens (evil or otherwise), but plenty of evil government people.
That is when he entrenched himself in upstate Arizona to carry out his war against the government as a
so-called 'patriot'. May he rest in peace, Bill Hamilton
Richard Hall:
From: Richard Hall <>
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2001 21:47:32 +0000
Fwd Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2001 07:26:42 -0500
Subject: Re: William Cooper Killed In SWAT Raid - Hall
I strongly second these comments and won't bother to reply to Nick's reply to me apparently embracing
a very strange epistemology that would have us hang on the every word of Charles Manson, Squeaky
Fromme, William Cooper, and other mentally challenged individuals instead of listening to sane,
rational, well-informed people.
Having spent a number of years working for the American Psychological Association, I can suggest a
few reasonable answers. Particularly when it comes to UFOs, 'we' are gullible and tend to believe what
we want to believe. 'We' in the U.S. have become very paranoid about our Government (not without
some legitimate reasons, but way overboard).
When a paranoid, megalomaniac like Cooper taps into 'our' paranoia, he becomes a sort of prophet to
'us'. Also as has been amply demonstrated, 'we' don't understand science very well and so fail to sift and
sort through 'information' carefully. In addition, the world is full of people looking for quick answers
who reason simplistically (if at all) and are born 'followers' looking for a charismatic leader, hence cults
arise (e.g., CSETI) often masked in noble-sounding causes or rhetoric.
Clear thinking, careful data analysis, exposure of fraud and antisocial/paranoid behavior in
Meet some of the Bill Cooper Cult members
These people are clearly nuts:
nathaniel writes on his myspace blog:
William Cooper is the man who inspired my personal awakenning, with his book
"Behold the Pale Horse", though there was a great deal, of what he later found to be
false informtion. He realized that he was given false information to discredit him
because he was too close to the truth. Me personally I wish they would have taken Alex
and Left Bill with us. Enjoy....
Let me try to understand this. He was given false information that was close to the
truth? That's kind of weird. Mr. Bush was given false information that was close to the
truth too, and that's why American soldiers are stuck in Iraq all of these years later.
Saddam has WMDs, well it was false, but close to truth, so lets blame the shadowy
government figure, but the war continues anyway, as an analogy. Cooper was
supposedly given bad info, well he ran with it, and you bought it, hook, line and sinker;
Cooper's false info is still being peddled all over the world wide web, and causing
Also you want Apache County Sheriffs to leave Edgar and kill Alex Jones in Austin,
Texas. nathaniel, you are truly sick and i can tell this movement isn't for you buddy.
I bet you Nathaniel, that you wouldn't have the balls to say that to Alex's face. That's
very sick. Endgame, Terrorstorm, Obama Deception, Jones' radio show, prison planet,
infowars, Ron Paul Revolution, wearechange, and countless other activists groups that
have grown because of Jones, all wouldn't have happened. but no, you wish he was dead,
so none of that could happen. You wanted the patriot movement to be stuck in the
1990s, where heresay is gospel, and everyone and their mother is an agent except for
former intelligence agent Cooper.
Duck Face writes on Yahoo VideoI agree!! I've never understood how Alex Jones (or anyone) could walk around
Bohemian Grove, make a film, not be seen and thrown out?!!! He takes credit for
"being the first" to tell people about 9/11 (which he wasn't; William Cooper told the
truth a couple of months before). William Cooper is shot in the back November 2001
and all of a sudden - BINGO!! - Alex Jones has a REAL, bonefide career; the head
"head" of the Patriot Movement. The REAL leader, William Cooper, a classy, intelligent
man is dead and a raving lunatic with basically NO experience in anything becomes a
hero. Freaky and creepy...
Yeah, Bill Cooper was so classy he made death threats on air, and harassed fellow UFO
researchers. As you can tell,just like Obama has a facade, so does Bill Cooper. it's truly
sick. Also of note, Bill's ONI experience is a plus, and Alex Jones clean slate of a college
student on public access is seen as a negative. Nice use of double think by Duck Face.
As for the grove, it's a country club, and it had country club security-- that is until Jones
infiltrated it. In this paranoid cross section in the movement, they confuse Cremation of
Care with the Hillbillie group. Now if Jones infiltrated the Hillbillies then I would 100%
understand Duck Face's argument, because that portion has that level of security. If you
don't know who the Hillbillies are, then you don't know much about the Grove, so I
suggest you investigate it. If you look at the guest lists that have been leaked, it is mostly
mid-level to high level bureaucrats and heads of academia. People in that echelon of
society won't have the sci-fi DARPA security that these Bill Cooper followers fantasize
they do, so of course Alex can dress nice and blend in. If you take the time and watch his
film and its sequel, he clearly shows how he got in.
Here's an example of the pot calling the kettle black on this gold money forum by
username: Juristic Person:
I don't. I put a lot stock in Bill's research, past experiences and his word.
I can tell you one thing - Bill would be a huge critic of this so-called "truth" movement
if he were still with us today.
It's one thing to call for honesty and truth - but this movement makes up its' own
stories as it goes - true or not. When their "theories" turn out to be wrong, they quickly
jump to another unsupported theory, criticizing anyone who doesn't fall in line with
them right away.
Sounds more like a 9/11 coersion movement to me...
Of course William Cooper would hate the truth movement today. More people then ever
before are awake and they demand HARD EVIDENCE AND DOCUMENTATION NOT
HERESAY AND MADE UP STORIES. This Bill Cooper worshiper basically described
Bill Cooper because Mr. Cooper loved to run with made up stories on Krlll or MJ12 and
then blame some shadowy government figure for his own inaccuracies. Some how, this
Bill Cooper fanboy tried to pushed these parameters on an invisible NWO teacher, I am
guessing Jones as displayed by a later post he did in that forum:
Bill Cooper on Alex Jones: "lying, sensationalist bullshyt artist".
I'd say that's pretty accurate.
As you can see, Bill Cooper can be the pot calling the kettle black, and his cult laps it up
like a thirsty dog.
My Thoughts On The Late Bill Cooper
From Norio Hayakawa
The world will always remember Bill Cooper as an egotistic paranoia
monger. Indeed, to many he was an arrogant, obnoxious, choleric, selfaggrandizing, rude, vitriolic and vengeful person.
Perhaps he was all of this and much more. But no matter how negative
his personality is described to be, we must admit the fact that he did
indeed make a tremendous impact among hundreds, if not, thousands of
his listeners, whether in front of his astounded lecture audiences or
through his "shocking" radio programs.
I first met Bill back in 1989 in West L.A. when he was just an unknown
speaker and where he spoke for the first time at a gathering called
UFORUM. I was quite stunned then with his hypothesis on the Secret
Government. It really sounded so fresh at that time because unlike most
UFO speakers of that time he convincingly injected "UFOs" to a "oneworld government" right-wing flavored conspiracy theory. I was so
impacted by his hypothesis that I became a volunteer and helped him
organize his first successful major public appearance that same year,
which was held at Hollywood High School. That became the historic
launching pad for his national lecture circuit. And the rest is history.
Later, in December of that year, I even attended the controversial
National MUFON Conference held in Las Vegas in which Bill Cooper
was perhaps the most controversial speaker aside from John Lear and
Bill Moore and others. The Bill Cooper of then was very much into
ufology, it seemed. Even in 1991 when Gary Schultz and I organized the
first Ultimate Seminar in Rachel, Nevada (25 miles north of Area 51),
we were surprised to see Bill Cooper as an attendee. I remember quite
well when we lead the people to the White Sides hill for a climb to see
the base, Bill Cooper could not make the climb due to his leg and he was
even cracking up jokes about it.
In 1993 Bill Cooper, Eustace Mullins, Jordan Maxwell, Vladmir
Terziski, Dr. Robert Strecker, Anthony Hilder, a couple of other
conspiracy speakers and myself were all invited to speak at the First
International Conference on Global Deception to be held in the famous
Wembley Arena in London. Because of concerns for security due to the
controversial nature of the conference, the bulk of us decided not to
travel to England. Nevertheless, Bill Cooper had the guts to go and speak
at the conference. I admired him for that.
By 1993 I had completely abandoned the so-called "extraterrestrial
hypothesis" of the origins of the so-called UFO phenomena and began to
promote the hypothesis that the entire UFO phenomena was a brilliantly
concocted, staged and manipulated man-made deception by elitists to
bring about certain agendas. I completely disassociated myself with
"ufology". I was quite surprised to learn that, later on, Bill Cooper also
began to depart from "ufology" and was also beginning to hypothesize
that the "UFOs" had nothing to do with "aliens" but was a manipulation
of the government to bring about fear to create a one-world government.
Cooper began to admit that he most likely had been shown
disinformation by the government while he was in the service. On this
point, I truly commended Cooper for his admission. Cooper began to
state that he was not a ufologist. It was Cooper who coined the term
"ufoology" and I also commended him for it. However, Cooper had a
tendency to label anyone that didn't agree with him as "agents of CIA",
After moving to Arizona, he shifted his focus to the Patriot Movement
(the militia movement), although in reality he was just a one-man militia,
simply promoting his view on the Constitutional Republic through his
radio programs to thousands of listeners.
Besides his other numerous negative traits, Cooper had an uncontrollable
alcoholic problem. But despite his eccentric, obnoxious personality, deep
in his heart I believe that he wanted to be a good person. Unfortunately
he brought an end to his tumultuous life by his self-fulfilled prophecy
through his violent act. My heart goes out to Annie and the children. But
my heart goes out just as much to Deputy Marinez, at the young age of
40, who was shot by Cooper and who is still in a critical condition. Even
if the Deputy should recover, he will most likely live the rest of his life
with brain damage and paralysis. I feel so sorry for the Deputy's wife and
his children. Cooper will have to answer to God for his actions, no
doubt.. May we all learn from this tragedy.
Norio Hayakawa Civilian Intelligence Network
(Received at 231am and later transcribed via skype. )
“…IN BILL COOPER, I thought I’d found the perfect vehicle, really the right man at the right
time…That whole deal, and here he was, in my office, I mean BIGGER THAN LIFE…Wild Bill Cooper.
He hated that, I mean he REALLY hated nicknames all in all, so…MILTON William Cooper, you
know…blue collar genetics, white collar attenuation. So, yeah…He was a friend, actually. He and I….we,
ahh, we had that symbiotic thing, of one mind and sure…ahh… and, ahh, we were really right on the
same page, and in this thing, you have to have that. That’s really the name of the game….But, ya see, he
was a real maverick, a pain in the ass…But, a Patriot, in all senses of that word…I respected Bill, and
regardless of his ‘frailties’ we can say…he was an intense…a really smart guy, ahh, and totally
committed…I had to play him out because once I told him the truth, and I mean the REAL TRUTH, he
lost…ahh, after that, man, he lost every bit of his ability to lie…If Bill believed it was true, or was fully
convinced OF something’s truth, then he was gonna….you know, he was going to stick with it. I mean,
you could feed him a real STINKER and once in a while, he’d grab on and you’d run with him a
bit…Once, I flat out admitted I had screwed with him…You know, bad Intel…(laughs)…He refused to
believe it, see? It’s belief…bad for business, if telling the truth is your business….I had to play Bill
Cooper out because he got a taste of that real heavy paranoia, ya know…it , ahh, it rubs off on you,
sneaks up, worms its way into you, that was Bill. He fed that paranoia…the energy, you know…ahh…he
fed it and it started to feed off of him, and that right there’s the beginning of the end…and I mean
it….there reached a point and I just saw it in the poor guy’s eyes…He was lost in it, you know, never to
return…Bill Cooper was a junkie for paranoia, so I fed it to him, you know, WE fed it to him…for a
while, man, it sharpened him and kept him on that real precarious edge…ahh…pilots, ahh, they get that
same thing…Paranoia is progress, right…? Whatever gets the message across, because make no mistake,
that’s what we are in it for…good or bad….no black and white…just shades of grey…So, yeah, once Bill
Cooper bought something and swallowed it as TRUE, and he believed in it, forget it, he was a freight
train. So, in his crazed, almost constant, in the time I knew the guy, hyper-tense state, Bill Cooper would
spread that information like a man possessed….because, he was, ya know….ahhh…he was a man
possessed….He was a BELIEVER. Trusted his senses, even manic as hell…ahh…He was always ready
to die or kill or both. (…laugh…) He was ready, man, and I mean it. Whatever he had to do to spread his
Gospel, whatever it was, some of it as heavy as the, ahh, as heavy as the heart he carried it with…Bill was
a real pathological over thinker too, and that ends up in self-deception,…you, ahh, you would really have
to watch your guys for that….Believe me, I know, that’s a lot to take in…some of this stuff aint a fairy
tale…some of it is…I mean, Bill really got to see how it goes out there, ahh, the secret circle, the new
world., man, it goes, ahh….it goes funny on you if you aren’t careful…Bill, ahh, yeah, Bill…many nights
he drank too much, would just POUND on my desk and wail…I mean, he’d wake my wife and, ya
know…”it’s too dammmnn much…” … like that…sad, really….He’d just slur through his ruddy hands,
big hands, he had real big hands…But, inevitably, ahh…it’d convert one way or another back to fuel, and
I’d send him back out to kiss babies and shake hands all over again…(laugh)….you know, Bill… he ,
ahh, he drifted at some point, drifted over that fuzzy line…some men don’t have that…some men cant get
away from it….I never was bothered by any of it, so…ahh…I am being careful here not to…you know, I
don’t want to come off as….ahh….The line…it’s just, ahh, different for every man. With Bill it was
quick…he just slipped and SNAP - he was lost. Gone….Vapor….Look, paranoia can motivate just as
relentlessly as it can deter…Pressure, like this thing, man, it can really bug you out. The curse IS the
reward, ya know..that kinda thing…To tell you the truth, doing this thing, you really cannot allow
yourself to believe. You just gotta sell it and that’s it. Bill Cooper simply followed the wrong piper,
man….and he followed him WAY out into those woods….Bill followed the truth, ahh, and ahhh…the
truth danced him straight into the jaws of it’s evil twin…death….ahh, Those two, man, those two entities
are symbiotic, yeah, that’s the word….right? Symbiotic…History, ahh, History doesn’t have the luxury of
choosing between what’s true and what’s a lie…History just goes wherever the action is, and for a while
there, the action was ALL over Bill…You know, for a while there, he just stunk of it…belief…I think a
lot about the old guys, you know, MAJIC and all of them, Van Bush, Forrestal…ahh….Ed Teller….Ya
see, Old Ed woulda NEVER even considered working with a guy like Bill Cooper. Those old guys, and,
man they tried…you see, they figured they’d just continue on being pragmatic, logical guys…smartest
men in the world, and, ahh…all that….(laughs)….Problem is, at its core, this thing, ahh…at its core this
thing is purely IRRATIONAL…It’s a circus mirror, so….I figured why not populate the frontlines with
the goddamn lepers and the goddamn lunatics, right? Mad men, liars….whole different kind of
intelligence…Bill was certainly, at his best and, ahh…at his worst, definitely a madman….a
maverick….and that is exactly why Bill Cooper is dead….Plain and simple…….I don’t regret my part in
it. Never have…I’m sure I never will, so…Hey, look, ahh…Bill Cooper’s life was a grenade and his
death was the PIN PULLED…that ticktickticktick…it still rings in my ears, and I wonder…ahh…I
wonder…when is it all gonna explode…?
Violent life…Violent death, same old story…I’ve see it run down a LOT
of good men over a LOT of bad years…(laugh)….really,
man….TRUTH, man…Truth, no matter who knows it or who
believes it, is solely OWNED by whoever’s the last man standing,
and by my clock…Bill Cooper aint going anywhere anytime soon…”
“There have been many related sequential coincidences all throughout
my life, incidents that by themselves would have led nowhere. Statistically,
the odds against the same or a related sequence of events happening to
one individual are astronomically high. It is this series of incidents that
have convinced me that God has had a hand in my life. I do not believe in
fate. I do not believe in accidents.
I cannot and will not accept the theory that long sequences of unrelated
accidents determine world events. It is inconceivable that those with
power and wealth would not band together with a common bond, a common
interest, and a long-range plan to decide and direct the future of the
world. For those with the resources, to do otherwise would be totally
irresponsible. I know that I would be the first to organize a conspiracy to
control the outcome of the future, if I were such a person and a conspiracy
did not yet exist. I would do it in an attempt to ensure the survival of the
principles in which I believe, the survival of my family, my survival, and
the survival of the human race, if for no other reason.
I believe, therefore, that a grand game of chess is being played on a
level that we can barely imagine, and we are the pawns. Pawns are valuable
only under certain circumstances and are frequently sacrificed to gain
an advantage. Anyone who has studied military strategy is familiar with
the concept of sacrifice. Those who have seriously studied history have
probably discovered the real reason we go to war on a regularly scheduled
Before reading this book I advise you to play at least two complete
games of chess. You must learn the rules THEY play by. You must realize
objectively that some pieces are more valuable than others and that the
king is the most valuable of all. You cannot learn reality if you get caught
up in the fantasy that "if s not fair." You must come to know that the
ultimate outcome of the game is the only thing that counts. You were lied
to when you were told that "it does not matter whether you win or lose, if s
how you play the game." Winning in the world of the elite is everything.
Indeed, it is the only thing. The power elite intend to win.
My research has shown, at this point, that the future laid out for us
may be just about impossible to change. I do not agree with the means by
which the powerful few have chosen for us to reach the end. I do not agree
that the end is where we should end at all. But unless we can wake the
people from their sleep, nothing short of civil war will stop the planned
outcome. I base that statement not on defeatism but on the apathy of the
majority of the American people. Twenty-five years ago I would have
believed otherwise — but twenty-five years ago I was also sound asleep.
We have been taught lies. Reality is not at all what we perceive it to be.
We cannot survive any longer by hanging onto the falsehoods of the past.
Reality must be discerned at all costs if we are to be a part of the future.
Truth must prevail in all instances, no matter who it hurts or helps, if we are
to continue to live upon this earth. At this point, what we want may no
longer matter. It is what we must do to ensure our survival that counts.
The old way is in the certain process of destruction and a New World Order
is beating down the door.
To cling to the past is guaranteed suicide. To remain apathetic is
assured enslavement. To learn the truth and then act upon it is the only
means of survival at this moment. To shrug off the information contained
in this book and to disregard its warning will result in the complete
destruction of the Republic of the United States of America. You will never
get a second warning or a second chance. Like it or not, this is it, stark
reality. You can no longer turn your head, ignore it, pretend if s not true,
say "it can't happen to me," run, or hide. The wolf is at the door.
I fear for the little ones, the innocents, who are already paying for our
mistakes. There exists a great army of occupationally orphaned children.
They are attending government-controlled day-care centers. And latchkey
kids who are running wild in the streets. And the lop-sided, emotionally
wounded children of single welfare mothers, born only for the sake of
more money in the monthly check. Open your eyes and look at them, for
they are the future. In them I see the sure and certain destruction of this
once-proud nation. In their vacant eyes I see the death of Freedom. They
carry with them a great emptiness — and someone will surely pay a great
price for their suffering.
If we do not act in concert with each other and ensure that the future
becomes what we need it to be, then we will surely deserve whatever fate
awaits us.
I believe with all my heart that God put me in places and in positions
throughout my life so that I would be able to deliver this warning to His
people. I pray that I have been worthy and that I have done my job.
I believe first in God, the same God in which my ancestors believed. I
believe in Jesus Christ and that he is my saviour. Second, I believe in the
Constitution of the Republic of the United States of America, without
interpretation, as it was written and meant to work. I have given my
sacred oath "to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States of
America against all enemies foreign and domestic." I intend to fulfill that
oath. Third, I believe in the family unit and, in particular, my family unit.
I have sworn that I will give my life, if it is required, in defense of God,
The Constitution, or my family. Fourth…
“I believe that any man without principles that he is ready and willing to die
for at any given moment is already dead and is of no use or consequence
William Cooper
K: So you know Bill Cooper. You seem to have known just about everybody who
was anybody at the time.
JLEAR: Yeah. I was working Paranet at the time. Jim Spicer ran Paranet. I put my
hypothesis on Paranet. Then Bill Cooper called and said, “I can vouch for – I
forget what he said, 50 per cent, or 100 per cent of what John Lear says” and so I
invited Bill Cooper up. He came up, we talked and he told me... At those times Bill
was totally sane and rational. He told me that he was the guy at Pearl Harbor who
set up the camera and got the documents out of the safe for the briefings of the
high level Navy guys who’d go through. Five years later he’s an intelligence
officer giving the briefing himself! He wasn’t! He was just the guy in the office
that set up the projector, and he did have the key to the safe. He did read all that
stuff. But later he got what we call “UFO disease.” And UFO disease is
something that we get... we are just so in demand as speakers and we’ve
already told whatever we know, so now we got to make up a little more to
keep the interest. Being in demand like that is, it’s addictive, so you make up a
little more and that’s called UFO disease and that’s what happened to Bill. He
started making stuff up.
JLEAR: About this time, Bob... I met Bob here in the summer of 1988.
K: Bob Lazar?
JLEAR: Yeah. Bob sat right with Gene Huff. Gene Huff had called me and said,
“Hey, can I get a copy of your UFO stuff?” And I said, ”Gene, I’m out of it, my
wife’s going nuts.” I said, “I’ve just dropped everything.” So he said, “Well, in
case you ever need an appraisal on your house maybe we can work a deal out.” I
said, “You’re an appraiser?” At that time I needed an appraisal to get a second
[mortgage], because I was totally out of money. He said, “Yeah.” So I said, “Well
listen, I’ll give you all my stuff if you’ll appraise my house.” And from that day on
he’s always held that against me because he had no idea how big this place was.
K: (Laughs)
JLEAR: He claims he got the short end of the deal. But when he came over, the
guy that was holding the measuring tape was Bob Lazar.
K: Oh my god…
JLEAR: And so, I’m looking over his resume... when I’m talking he handed it to
me. That’s when I saw, you know, the degree from MIT and the degree from Cal
Tech. But all that stuff, along with Bennewitz’s and some of his photos, were
K: Out of your house?
JLEAR: Yeah. Out of here. I mean, they spent... who knows how much time they
spent in this office digging stuff out of my files.
K: Wow.
JLEAR: All kinds of stuff was missing, as was at Bob’s house. The people we
knew at, it wasn’t called Sprint, the telephone company, you know, found Bob’s
house was wired. This house was wired.
K: Do you comb this house now? Do you comb your house for bugs and things
like that, or do you just not bother anymore?
JLEAR: No. I don’t bother. But the telephone guy here that was sent out used to
do a lot of switching around of phones for my teenage daughters. So one day he
comes in about this time that I’m telling you about. He says, “John, your phone’s
tapped.” I said, “Yeah, no kidding.” He said, “You know, I’d like to find out where
it’s tapped.” I said, “Hey, be my guest.” So he comes back about half an hour later
and says, “It’s not down Monroe, or Hollywood or Bonanza. It’s farther than that.”
He said, “I’m going to find out.” I said, “You know, you don’t have to. I know it’s
tapped. Don’t worry about it.” He said, “No, I’d like to find out.” So he comes
back the next day and says, “John, your phone is tapped at the mainframe.” He
said, “I went to my boss and told him about it and he said, ‘If you want to keep
your job, you keep your mouth shut.’”
JLEAR: He said, “So I’m keeping my mouth shut but I’m telling you. It’s tapped
at the mainframe and they don't have the paperwork.” He said, “I looked for
paperwork to authorize a tap like that and they don’t have it.”
So anyway, I meet Bob. We talk. He thinks me and Gene are totally nuts. He said
he worked at Los Alamos. He said if there had been anything about UFOs, he
would have known. He said, “You guys are crazy,” and he sat there rolling his eyes
at all this stuff we were talking about. So over the next few months we started
giving him information and one of the things we gave him was where we thought
the alien was held at…
K: S-4?
JLEAR: …at Los Alamos: YY-II. And it turns out... we told him some other stuff,
I forget what it was, but there were three things we told him and he confirmed all
three things. He didn’t confirm that there was an alien at YY-II but he did confirm
that it was a mail stop and that it was absolutely secret, I mean, one of the big
secrets. So he decided to see if he could get a job up at area 51. So he called Dr.
Teller. And I thought I was there for the phone call. I may not have been, I might
have been there when Dr. Teller called him back, but I remember Bob saying… ah,
Dr. Teller saying: “Do you want to work here at Livermore or do you want to work
in Las Vegas?” And Bob said, “I want to work at Area 51.” And Teller says, “Let
me see what I can do.”
So then that was like in November of ‘88 and I remember Bob going for interviews
at EG&G and he told us exactly what they asked in the interviews. And it was
very very technical, and he said he did really good in all of them because he really
knew... He was really proud of himself. And he said in the second interview, the
first question was: “What’s your relationship with John Lear, and what do you
know about him?” And Bob said, talking to me, he said, “I told them that I do
know John Lear, I go over to this house, I think he sticks his nose in places where
it doesn’t belong.” He said, “What I didn’t tell them is I also like to stick my nose
in places it doesn’t belong.”
So then the next thing I know, is, I say December 6th... it could have been before
or after, I don’t remember... but this table wasn’t here, there were two chairs there,
and he came in. It was at night. It was about 7 or 8 o’clock and he sat down. I was
writing checks, and he said, “John, I saw a disk today.” And I looked up and said,
“What?” And he said, “I saw a disk today.” I said, “Theirs or ours?” He said,
“Theirs.” I said, “You went to Area 51?” I said, “What are you doing here? Why
didn’t you find out what’s going on and then tell me about it?” He said, “No,
you’ve taken so much crap over this thing that I tell you I saw it. It’s all real.”
So we spent a couple hours here. And he said, “I will answer your questions. I
can’t volunteer information.” He made me ask questions. Then we went outside,
stood outside and looked up at the stars and I said, “Well, if I want to go to Zeta
Reticuli, do I go [gesturing in different directions]… which way do I go?” He said,
“This way.” [gesturing to the right] and was saying how they take off and he had
an explanation for why they had to go to the right first or whatever.
Anyway, that went on for several months. He’d come over whenever he got back
and tell me what he saw. One night he comes in and sits down. After the first night
we didn’t talk in here anymore. I forget what the trigger was, but we didn’t discuss
anything. So he’s sitting there like this, and giving me the eye, so then we walk out
that door, out by the pool, and out by the stable, and as we walk by, Marilee, who
is always suspicious of everyone, asks, “Where you guys going?” And I say
“We’re just going to go out back and talk,” and so we went out in the back
alleyway there and I said: “What what what what???”
He says, “John, you’ll never know what it’s like to see your first alien.” I said,
“You saw him? He’s alive?” He said, “Yep.” And he told me the circumstances,
that he was being led down a corridor, escorted by guards on each side. I have a
drawing here of when he told me that. What he said... he said there was a door. He
said it had a regular square window about 12 inches by 12 inches with wire going
through and inside he saw the back of the Gray, standing with his back towards
him, and talking to two scientists who were looking down at this man in their lab
coats. And the stories go on...
K: He was sort of... his house was trashed, he basically left the government’s
employ. I mean, he was on the run wasn’t he?
JLEAR: ...Then it becomes he’s going back and forth up there and so March 21st
I’m over at his house and he’s designing a Doggy Death Ray. And the Doggy
Death Ray is because the dogs, Marilee’s dogs, are getting in our flowers and he’s
going to design a little amplifier with a high-pitched sound which would keep them
out of there. It’s Tuesday the 21st. And I remember watching TV. And it was the
day they sent up a missile from a boat and it did loop-de-loops. And Bob said,
“They’re going to test fly tomorrow night. Do you want to go see?” And I said,
“Yeah, but where can we go?” He said, “I know a back road to the test site without
getting on illegal property. You can see it.” I said, “Great.”
So the next day he and Gene and his wife Jackie, yeah, there was 4 of us, get in my
motorhome in the front here. And this was March 22nd. We drive out to Alamo
and turn off the road to Rachel, and we’re almost up that hillway and the
transmission went out. “It’s at night,” he said, “so we’ve got to be there at sunset
because that’s when they test fly.” So Gene Huff hitchhiked from where we were
stuck, back down to Ash Springs, got a couple cans of transmission oil, brought
‘em back up and poured ‘em in and then we continued out. And so we got out there
just a little after dark. And we went down the back road into Groom Lake. We
went down maybe half way and we pulled in this little area. And I took out the
telescope, set it up. Bob had the video camera, he set it up. And we started looking.
Then we saw it. It was about 9 o’clock. A light comes up that starts going this way
and that way and everything and I’m trying to get this scope with an 8 inch
diameter lens focused on the UFO. And of course there’s no way; that thing is too
big and too cumbersome. Well anyway, at one point the saucer stopped and I got it
nailed in. I said, “I got it! I got it! I got it!” The saucer was about maybe 30, 35, 40,
maybe 45 degrees angled. It was yellow and radiating something off it. And I said,
“I see it! I see it! Gene, quick take a look.” And so as I stepped away my foot
hooked the tripod and it got out of alignment so Gene didn’t see it. It was making a
descent behind the mountain (gestures straight down).
I’ll show you if we have time here. I have the tape that’s labeled March 22nd and
we videotaped all that was going on. Unfortunately the videotape was sitting on the
bumper while all this was going on but we videotaped afterwards, the conversation
about seeing it. Anyway., the next Wednesday night .. they always tested on
Wednesday nights and at sunset because they determined that was the time with
least traffic on that road so that people wouldn’t accidentally see the saucer. So the
next night was March 29th and I was on a trip with America Transair in Cleveland
and that was when I called Bob Tuesday night and I said, “You know, I’m in
Cleveland and I won’t be able...” I said, “What are you guys doing?” He said,
“We’re going fishing.” And I said, “Ah cool. I wish I could go.” That was the night
he took George Knapp and Jim Taliani. Jim Taliani worked at Tonopah Test
Range. And it was the week after that he got fired because when this tape got out
that George Knapp shot they could hear Jim‘s voice saying, “Oh neat! Oh neat!”
And they called him in and said you’re it. It may not have been the next week, but
it was soon.
Then the third Wednesday was April 6th. That was when me, Bob, Gene, Bob’s
wife and her sister rented a car because the motor home was out and something
else was out so we had to actually rent a car. And that’s when we had the Geiger
counter and all the video stuff in the trunk. We went up there, got all ready, we’re
driving in. I said, “Come on, we don’t need to go any further. Let’s stop here.”
“No, no. Let’s get closer, closer.” Bob’s wife’s sister was driving. And that’s when
we saw... You know I said at one time that it was four cars, maybe it was 2, but
whatever, there was headlights in front of us, and I said, “We’ve got to get out of
here.” So I told... I forget what her name is.... turn around carefully, because we’re
in sand here and we don’t want to get caught.
So we turned around to haul our asses out of there and it was obvious we weren’t
going to get to the highway before they caught us. So we stopped. Bob says, “Look
I can’t afford to get caught. I’m taking my gun (he had a 9mm) and I’m going out
into the desert.” He said, “When they leave I’ll come back.” So we stop, he goes
out into the desert, I take the telescope and start setting it up and they skid to a
stop. And they’re all standing around with machine guns at port arms and...
actually I ran up the vehicle and put my hands on the top of it and said, “What are
you guys doing here, what’s going on?” They said they need to see my ID. And I
said, “I don’t understand. What are you guys chasing us through the desert for?”
They said, “Well what are you running for?”
And so things calmed down. We showed our drivers license. They said, you know,
they made some calls and said, “Look, we can’t kick you out of here because it’s
BOM land, but we can make it awfully uncomfortable if you stick around here. So
make your own choice.” So they left. We waited about 15 minutes. The trunk was
open because I had gotten the telescope out, so we were kind of blinded. We had
no idea that all these guys did was go about 100 yards down the road, turn around,
set up all their cameras and parabolic recording equipment and were recording
everything that goes on. Bob comes out of the desert with his 9mm. He says, “You
know, it’s a good thing they didn’t make any false moves. I would have blasted
them to smithereens.” So we talked about 15 minutes and packed everything up
and, you know, we go out and hit the highway and there’s the Lincoln County
sheriff, all the sirens, red lights and everything. They get us out, you know, hands
up, hands against the car, then after about 15 - 20 minutes I made the comment that
Bob will never ever forgive me for, when the sheriff says, “I’ll need to see
licenses,” and I said, “Mine’s in the trunk.” Of course everything was in the trunk,
including the gun, the Geiger counter, all the video equipment and everything. We
never let them in the trunk. He said, “All I want to know is why there are 5 people
in this car now and at the test site there were only 4. And where’s the gun? That’s
all I want to know.”
And we spent a good hour hemming and hawing and at the end of the hour he gets
a call and he says, “OK.” His name was Lafrene, Sheriff Lafrene. He said, “I don’t
know why I’ve been told to do this, but I’ve been told to let you guys go. Now it
doesn’t make any sense to me, but those are my orders. I want you to get in that car
and I don’t want to see you ever around here again.” So we left, driving into town.
Now it’s like 11 or 12 o’clock. We discussed what was going on.
And the next day Bob gets a call from his boss .. I can’t remember what his name
is. He says, “Bob, don’t go out to the airport. I’m going to pick you up.” They
drove Bob up to Indian Springs which is the head of all the area test sites. And they
literally took him out of the car with a gun in his ear and they said, “Bob, now, we
gave you your clearance and told you the secret. That didn’t mean you were
supposed to tell all your friends about the flying saucers. Now do you want to work
here or not?” And Bob was noncommittal. They had brought the guards that had
caught us and who had talked to us, down, to prove that we were there and Bob
was noncommittal. And a few days later he said, “I’m not going back to work
there.” And we said, “Why?” And he said, “Because the last time I went on that
737...” he said, “I can remember going up the boarding ramp...
K: Oh no...
JLEAR: .... and I can remember coming back down the boarding ramp but I
cannot remember anything that went on after that, or between that.” He said, “I
don’t want to work under those conditions. I’d rather not work under those
JLEAR: He said, “I know what’s going on and it’s great but I don’t want to work
under those circumstances.” So that’s why he never went back.
K: OK. That’s fabulous stuff. I have a question. We met a guy that said that
underground in Area 51 that they .. I don’t know if the guy was whacked out or
what... but he said they have piles of, like, cocaine, and they’re drugging people to
get them to work there, basically. They fly them in, they give them drugs, they give
them women... Do you know anything about that?
JLEAR: No, but I have every reason to believe that’s true. I mean, the
underground facilities up there are so enormous, they’re so big, they stretch on
forever, they have many levels. I have a friend of mine at the Goldmine. The
people that originally ran that mine, one of the guys is in jail up at Winnemaka,
and one of the guys that’s in there is a security guard and he tells them.... and the
reason a security guard from Area 51 is in there is because he started to talk. And
he’s in there for life. He tells... what could they do to him now... that it goes on
There is no doubt in my mind. You see the stuff on Area 51 and they say, “Oh, I
know guys that work there and they said there’s no underground.” Of course.
Because, you know, there’s maybe 1900 people who work above ground. There’s
no reason for them... When you work at Area 51 they don’t give you a briefing and
say, “Now don’t tell anybody about the aliens we’ve got up here.” Guys who work
on airplanes, mechanics, they have no reason to know that stuff. Security doesn’t
work that way.
K: Is it your understanding that Bennewitz was basically messed with through
mind control?
JLEAR: (nods head yes) Bennewitz was on to some very good information, real
information. He’s the one that discovered Dulce. He’s the one that knew about the
black ship, the Grays, the Archuleta Mesa. He’s the one that knew about stuff,
Manzano Weapons Storage. Doty was sent to disinform him along with Bill
Moore, to make him look like an idiot.
K: And you knew Bill Moore, right? Is that right? Because Bill Moore has kind of
gone black. He’s not out in public really right now. I guess he was messed with a
lot. But he knows a lot as well, wouldn’t you say?
JLEAR: Probably.
K: What about Serpo? I understand on ATS you basically said Serpo is disinfo in
general but that yes, we obviously sent astronauts...
JLEAR: We sent a team. We did send a team. They went to Zeta Reticuli. There
was three of them. That could be misinformation... who knows? Maybe there was
five of them.
K: Right.
JLEAR: But the problem with Serpo as we’re seeing now and with Burisch is that
there’s males and females and that’s not right.
K: What do you mean males and females?
JLEAR: From Zeta Reticuli.
K: You mean, aliens that are male and female?
JLEAR: ...that are male and female
K: Are you saying there aren’t?
JLEAR: No. They are cybernetic organisms. They, the guys who made those guys,
which they call all the J-Rods and the Grays, whatever, those guys are just
cybernetic organisms. They come here. Their job is to see if this farm... I used to
call it an experiment, it’s not an experiment ... it’s a farm, a soul farm... if things
are going along fine. I used to think it was evil. It’s not. We’re just developing and
those guys, the Grays, are just here monitoring, seeing everything’s going OK.
They pick up kids when they’re 3 to 4; they pick them up when they’re 7 to 8; then
once they’re 13 to be sure everything’s OK. That’s all their job is.
K: Genetic manipulation, in other words, upgrading the race.
JLEAR: Right now we’re arrogant murderers, thieves, you know, and we learn to
grow out of it. When we grow out of that we’ll be able to go and play with
everybody else in the universe, which is a great big wonderful place.
K: So where do you get your certainty from?
JLEAR: My what?
K: Your certainty about what you know? You know what I mean? Is it because
you’ve talked to so many people who’ve been in deep?
K: But have you yourself had any ET interaction that you know of?
JLEAR: Probably but I don’t have the slightest memory. The only thing, you
know, that ever happened was when I was 9 or 10 years old. I used to go down to...
on Saturday mornings... to Brownie Brown’s Dance Studio where I took tumbling,
ballet, and tap dancing. It would end at 12. I’d walk outside the door to Ocean Park
Boulevard, get on the bus and go back to my house at 222 14th Street. It was about
30 minutes. So one day I get on the bus after dancing school and I get to where I’m
getting off at my house 30 minutes later. And I remember stepping off, down the
stepway on the bus and looking up at the driver and I was so shocked. I said... I
couldn’t say anything for a minute, then I said, “Didn’t I just take this bus home?”
And he looked at me... it was just the strangest... thing... It’s gone.... time. Who
knows where it went?
K: How much time was that?
JLEAR: Ah, probably, well, who knows? I don’t remember being conscious of
one hour, two hours. It could have been an hour or so.
K: Do you feel that the Grays are malevolent?
K: OK. And are you aware that we are basically kind of building a shield around
the planet, to bounce off, you know, basically to have a war with aliens and that
sort of thing?
JLEAR: It’s hilarious. I mean, our government is so arrogant, you know. They
know so little. Here they are, they’re building... they think they’re going to build a
shield against the Grays or whoever. There may be some kind of a war going on,
but the basic theme, basically what Earth is all about, is development of soul.
There’s billions of us in the universe. Billions just like Earth in various stages
of development. Some of them are not as advanced as we are, and some are
more advanced. But it’s all about the soul, our nature, not being such
murderous arrogant thieves. Going on, we have to develop.
The sun is not a series of thermonuclear explosions. The sun is an electromagnetic
sphere and what it does, it reacts with the electromagnetics of certain planets, all
the planets in the solar system, which enables them to have atmospheres and
environments just like Earth. Mercury is not hot enough to melt lead, it’s just like
Earth. Neptune is not a big gas giant, it’s just like Earth. The only big gas giant in
our solar system is NASA.
I’m just talking now about what they’re trying to feed us now on Project Serpo and
the reason is I believe that there is no way the government can hide any more the
Grays. They have to come up with a story. But since they don’t know who they are
or what they’re doing, they just want to say, “Yeah, they’re from Zeta Reticuli.
Yeah we’ve been there. Yeah it’s a mom and pop deal. We played soccer with
them. Yes. It’s no big deal....”
K: Except that they were doing genetic engineering and they took the parts of one
astronaut, the body parts, and were cloning him. That’s part of the Serpo story as
JLEAR: I didn’t realize that.
K: Yeah, a lot of people miss that.
JLEAR: Which astronaut?
K: One of the astronauts that died. On Serpo....
JLEAR: Oh, oh, yeah, OK.
K: .... and was basically found to be cloned. And so supposedly they almost started
a war over finding they couldn’t do last rites on the body of their fellow astronaut.
It’s a great story, but who knows if it’s true.
JLEAR: It’s a great story. I may be wrong, but I believe it’s disinformation.
K: But we’ve been to Zeta Reticuli. The root of the story is actually true, as far as
you’re concerned, because of what you contact are telling you?
K: Because there are some pretty decent people....
JLEAR: I’ve seen... the day is 90 Earth hours long. I haven’t seen that
information come up. It’s the 4th planet from Zeta Reticuli 2. So if you’re
standing on Reticulum 4 you can see both suns, Zeta 1 and Zeta 2.
K: Wow. Yes, because apparently there are pictures of some things like that.
JLEAR: Great.
K: Now are you saying that you don’t believe there are pictures?
JLEAR: No there could be, there could be…What
do I know?