RN/RM 2 Phase 2 package - ACT Health

Process and Preparation
Registered Nurse
Registered Midwife
Level 2
Personal Classification
Nurse Advisor (Workforce Development)
Nursing and Midwifery Office
Telephone: 6244 2147
Email: NMO@act.gov.au
Revised by Nursing & Midwifery Office, Dec 2015
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Purpose ......................................................................................................................................... 3
Definition of Registered Nurse/ Registered Midwife Level 2 ....................................................... 3
Role of the Registered Nurse/ Registered Midwife Level 2 .......................................................... 3
Guiding Principles ......................................................................................................................... 5
General Process Principles ............................................................................................................ 5
The Application Process ................................................................................................................ 6
Roles and Responsibilities ............................................................................................................. 8
Applicant’s responsibilities ........................................................................................................... 8
Supervisor’s responsibilities ......................................................................................................... 9
Referee’s responsibilities .............................................................................................................. 9
Assessment Panel’s Duties ............................................................................................................ 9
The Chief Executive’s Delegate’s Responsibilities ...................................................................... 10
Moderation Panel’s Duties ......................................................................................................... 11
Nurse advisor’s Role.................................................................................................................... 11
Appendix 1 .................................................................................................................................. 13
Generic Selection Criteria ........................................................................................................... 14
Appendix 2: ................................................................................................................................. 16
Information to assist in completing the application ................................................................... 16
1. Addressing the Selection Criteria ........................................................................................... 16
2. Preparing a Resume ............................................................................................................... 18
3. Health Directorate – Vision, Values, Objectives .................................................................... 19
4. Relevant Legislation ............................................................................................................... 20
Appendix 3: Formulating a Personal Performance Plan ............................................................. 22
Appendix 4: Frequently asked questions .................................................................................... 25
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The purpose of this framework is to:
Define the process for the career advancement of Level 1 Registered Nurses and Registered
Midwives (RN/RM) who are permanent officers of the Health Directorate to a Level 2 Personal
Definition of Registered Nurse/ Registered Midwife Level 2
RN/RM 2 refers to a RN and/or RM who has demonstrated competence in advanced nursing or
midwifery practice, provides guidance to RN’s/ RM’s level 1, enrolled nurses, assistants in
nursing and nursing and midwifery students in the delivery of nursing and/or midwifery care;
and acts as Team Leader in the absence of the Clinical Nurse/Midwife Consultant (CNC/CMC)
Role of the Registered Nurse/ Registered Midwife Level 2
1. Provides advanced nursing and/or midwifery care consistently and competently to
patients/clients of varying complexity, including:
Incorporation of a risk assessment approach to practice, whilst working within the
boundaries of professional legislation and existing policies and procedures.
Acting as a role model, a core clinical resource person, and a source of expert clinical
knowledge within the respective discipline based on:
Comprehensive, contemporary specialised nursing and/or midwifery knowledge
Expertise and skills in the area of practice
Understanding of legislative requirements
The exercise of sound clinical judgement
2. Remains current in specialised knowledge, expertise and skills through continuing
professional development and ongoing education.
3. Supports education within the scope of practice. Facilitates competency-based practice in
accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia Standards for Practice, Codes and
Guidelines http://www.nursingmidwiferyboard.gov.au/ ) and other specialty-specific
competency guidelines, through:
Provision of support to less experienced staff
Preceptorship of new staff
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Participation in area-specific activities such as in-service education
Support and promotion of reflective practice.
4. Communicates effectively and appropriately (orally, non-verbally and in writing) in a diverse
range of situations, using consistent and transparent processes.
5. Provides leadership within the multidisciplinary team to facilitate optimum health outcomes
Co-ordinating clinical care
Being autonomous in professional decision making, within scope of practice, when required
Initiating clinical care activities
Accepting accountability for clinical decisions and actions
6. Supports safe and evidence-based practice within the scope of practice through:
Promotion of evidence-based practice
Contribution to research and/or promotion of the utilisation of research as a source of
learning and innovation
Collaboration with peers
7. Makes regular contribution to the development and review of clinical practice, protocols and
policies. This includes:
Supporting policy change and new clinical initiatives in order to foster a dynamic workplace
Leads quality improvement initiatives within the area of practice
8. Demonstrates the ability to consistently display commitment to, compliance with and
leadership in high quality Customer Service, Equity and Diversity, Occupational Health and Safety
and Industrial Democracy principles, practices and relevant legislation relating to these areas,
and an understanding of and commitment to the organisation’s values.
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Guiding Principles
The overriding principle of advancement to Registered Midwife or Nurse Level 2 is that the nurse
and/or midwife functions and is seen by the organisation, as a source of expert nursing and/or
midwifery knowledge, skills and attributes. Therefore, during the selection process, the
Registered Nurse or Midwife Level 2 (Personal Classification) must demonstrate that they fulfil a
higher level of skill and a more demanding role than would generally be expected of a registered
nurse or registered midwife at the highest increment of Level 1 in a designated area.
General Process Principles
The process should ensure that applicants have equal opportunity to demonstrate their
suitability to be recognised for advancement.
Applicants should have reasonable access to information relevant to the duties and the
clinical area.
There should be no restrictions, other than set eligibility requirements, which may deter
potential applicants from obtaining information or from applying for advancement or which
prevent them from being considered for advancement.
Selection must be made without unlawful discrimination as prohibited by the Discrimination
Act 1991 and PSMA Standard 1 Part 3 – Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO).
Selection Procedures are merit based and fair.
Decisions are made without favouritism or patronage and with regard to merit, equity and
natural justice and only use relevant information.
Applicants have a reasonable opportunity to advance their case for selection.
Applicant claims are fully and fairly considered and feedback is available for all applicants.
The selection process is reported fully and accurately.
(ACT Public Service Nursing and Midwifery Enterprise Agreement 2013-2017)
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The Application Process
1. The Applicant submits application to the Nurse Advisor (Workforce Development). The preferred
method of submission is electronic. (See contact details on front page).
2. The Nurse Advisor (Workforce Development) forwards applications, electronically, to members
of Assessment Panel and the CNC/CMC applicable to the Applicant’s specialty area.
3. The Assessment Panel, which includes the CNC/CMC or an agreed alternative RN/RM 3 or above,
meets, assesses the application and interviews the Applicant.
4. The Assessment Panel Chair informs the Nurse Advisor (Workforce Development), electronically,
of the outcome for each Applicant, and then forwards documentation to the Nurse Advisor
(Workforce Development) via email or internal mail.
5. Final approval (or denial) is required from the Director of Nursing or Delegate for the specialty
6. The Nurse Advisor (Workforce Development) informs the applicants and the Clinical
Nurse/Midwife Consultants of the application outcome in writing.
7. For successful applicants within the Health Directorate, the Clinical Midwife/Nurse
Consultant/Nurse Manager completes the Establishment Variation Authorities (EVAs), and
submits these to Shared Services to enable upgrade to personal classification RN/RM Level 2.
Clinical Nurse/Midwife Consultants at Calvary Hospital inform Calvary Human Resources who
then action outcomes for Calvary Hospital employees.
8. Unsuccessful Applicants are advised to discuss their application with the CNC/CMC in their area,
and work with him or her to develop an individual professional development plan.
9. If an unsuccessful applicant is dissatisfied with the outcome of the application, reassessment by
a Moderation Panel can be sought within 14 days of notification of the outcome. This must be
submitted to the Nurse Advisor (Workforce Development)., who will then arrange for a
Moderation Panel to address grievances. An Applicant may access the Internal Review
Procedure contained in Schedule 5 of the ACT Public Service Nursing and Midwifery Enterprise
Agreement 2013-2017.
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The Application Process
Registered Nurse/Midwife Level 1 meets with CNC to develop Performance Management
Agreement or Professional Development Plan, with aim of applying for personal
classification to Registered Nurse/ Midwife level 2.
Applicant completes application and submits to the
Nurse Advisor (Workforce Development).)
Nurse Advisor organises assessment
panels and distributes applications to
Assessment Panel assesses application
and interviews applicant
Assessment Panel Chairperson advises
Nurse Advisor of recommendations
Nurse Advisor forwards recommendations
to Area Delegate (DON) for final
Unsuccessful applicants may
seek reassessment by a
moderation panel
Nurse Advisor informs applicants & CNC/CMC
of application outcomes
Unsuccessful applicants meet/discuss with
CNC/CMC to work on
Professional Development Plan
by a
Moderation Panel
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Roles and Responsibilities
Applicant’s responsibilities
The responsibility of the applicant is to complete the application and clearly provide
evidence of the skills and abilities required for Registered Nurse and/or Midwife
Level 2 advancement. In order to fulfil this responsibility the applicant is advised to:
1. Attend ‘Registered Nurse/Midwife Level 2 Personal Classification Information Session’ in order to prepare an application. (Bookings to be made
via Capabiliti)
2. Prepare the application in a timely manner. This allows sufficient time for:
o the Applicant to prepare their Personal Performance Plan in
collaboration with the CNC/CMC (See Appendix 3)
o the Supervisor and Referee to read the application prior to writing their
3. Provide supporting documentation to supervisor (such as academic records,
certificates of course attendance) as evidence. The supervisor will then
acknowledge this in his or her report to the assessment panel; (please do not
send copies of these documents)
4. Include a list of supporting documentation (as sighted and signed by the
supervisor) with the application. You may also include your Capabiliti
Individual Training History.
5. Submit (electronic and typed preferred) all the required application
documentation outlined below, and provided in Appendix 1, on or before the
due date. A guide to addressing the Selection Criteria and preparing a
Resume is provided in Appendix 2.
Required application documentation:
o Covering letter
o Applicant details
o Address to the generic selection criteria for the RN/RM 2 position
o Resume
o Personal Performance Plan
o Supervisor’s report
o Referee’s report
o A list of supporting documents, signed and dated by CNC/CMC (originals of
which have been sighted by the applicant’s supervisor)
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Supervisor’s responsibilities
The supervisor is usually the Clinical Nurse/Midwife Consultant. Alternatively,
following communication with CNC/CMC and Nurse Advisor (Workforce
Development), a Registered Nurse or Midwife Level 3 or above working in the
applicant’s clinical area can complete the supervisor’s report.
The Supervisor’s responsibilities are to:
1. Read the Applicant’s application;
2. Complete the supervisor’s report, addressing the selection criteria, giving as
much detail as possible regarding the Applicant’s knowledge, skills and
3. Sight documentary evidence supporting the application, (such as academic
records and certificates of course attendance) provided by the Applicant.
Record sighting by signing the list of supporting documents and in the area
provided on Supervisor’s report;
4. Inform the applicant’s manager, ADON and DON (the Delegate) of the
5. Participate as a member of the assessment panel (with 2 independent
6. Work with prospective applicants as well as unsuccessful applicants in the
specialty area to develop an individual Personal Performance Plan (ACTPS
Performance Framework), which addresses areas identified as requiring
additional development.
Referee’s responsibilities
The applicant requires a report from one (1) other referee. The referee must be a
Registered Nurse Level 2 or higher, and must have recent, direct knowledge of the
applicant’s work performance.
The referee’s responsibilities are:
1. Read the applicant’s application;
2. Complete the referee’s report, addressing the selection criteria, giving as
much detail as possible regarding the applicant’s knowledge, skills and
Assessment Panel’s Duties
 The assessment panel is comprised of three (3) members; the Clinical Nurse/
Midwife Consultant or an agreed alternative RN/RM3 or above from the
applicant’s specialty area and two independent panellists.
 The independent panel members are Registered Midwives or Nurses Level 2
or higher
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 The panel Chairperson is a Clinical Registered Nurse or Midwife Level 3,
unless agreed otherwise. The applicant’s supervisor cannot be the panel
 Each panel member must have completed training in the selection process
and selection techniques through Health Directorate SDU
 Maintaining integrity through the application of the merit principle, equity
and consistency in the advancement and selection process;
The Assessment Panel’s responsibilities are to:
1. Convene quarterly to assess applications for advancement to Personal
Classification Registered Nurse and/or Midwife Level 2;
2. Assess suitability for advancement to Registered Nurse/Midwife Level 2
through the review of the application and interview;
3. Provide a detailed written Assessment Panel Report of the assessment
process for each application and a recommendation based on their findings
for the Nurse Advisor (Workforce Development) to action;
4. Panel members have equal responsibility and accountability for:
o Assessing applicants;
o Ensuring that the process is equitable; and
o Contributing to the recommendation.
The Chief Executive’s Delegate’s Responsibilities
The Delegate gives final endorsement of the assessment panel’s recommendation
through considering:
 all information provided in the selection report, including applications,
references and assessments;
 the selection or moderation panel's recommendation;
 individual assessments; and
 any other additional relevant information.
The Delegate must be satisfied that:
 the selection process was merit based and fair;
 the process was consistent with the EEO program, and
 all applicants were assessed on the basis of knowledge, skills and abilities
“The Delegate should not be a part of the selection committee.”
(ACT Public Service Nursing and Midwifery Enterprise Agreement 2013-2017,
Schedule 5, Clause 8.3)
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Moderation Panel’s Duties
If unsuccessful, the applicant may seek reassessment by a moderation panel within
14 days of notification of the outcome.
The Moderation Panel will comprise two (2) or three (3) members, but not be limited
a. A panel chair who has appropriate skills and experience (should be a clinical
RN/RM Level 3 unless otherwise agreed);
b. A person who has appropriate skills and experience, nominated by the
Agency Consultative Committee; and
c. A person who has appropriate skills and experience, nominated by the Chief
Executive from a list of employees, and agreed by both parties.”
(ACT Public Service Nursing and Midwifery Enterprise Agreement 2013-2017,
Schedule 5, clause 7)
The responsibilities of the Moderation Panel are to:
 Convene at the written request of an applicant;
 Reassess the applicant’s application to establish if there is an apparent
absence of procedural fairness or inappropriate application of the selection
process general principles;
 Produce a detailed written report of the outcome of their reassessment and a
recommendation regarding advancement to Registered Midwife or Nurse
Level 2, which will be forwarded to the Nurse Advisor (Workforce
Development) and the Delegate for the applicant’s work area.
Nurse Advisor’s (Workforce Development) role
The primary role of the Nurse Advisor (Workforce Development) is to support and
facilitate the process of advancement to Registered Midwife/ Nurse Level 2 for
nurses and midwives employed under the ACT Public Service Nursing and Midwifery
Enterprise Agreement 2013-2017. The Nurse Advisor (Workforce Development) does
this through:
 Supporting the integration of Registered Nurse and/or Midwife Level 2
advancement and selection into all relevant areas within Health Directorate
through liaison and education of stakeholders.
 Coordinating and facilitating the application process for Personal
Classification Registered Nurse and/or Midwife Level 2.
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 Acting as a contact point for guidance, advice and support in aspects of the
Registered Nurse and/or Midwife Level 2 Personal Classification career
advancement and selection process.
In order to perform this role, the Nurse Advisor (Workforce Development) is responsible
for the following:
The formation of Assessment Panels;
Provision of support and advice to Assessment Panels;
Facilitation of venues and meeting times for panels;
The receipt of applications for personal classification level 2 and
distribution of these to Assessment Panels;
5. Liaison with relevant Clinical Nurse/Midwife Consultants or agreed
alternatives when they are required to participate on assessment panels;
6. Acceptance of reports from Assessment Panels;
7. Submission of Assessment Panel reports to area Delegates for approval or
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Appendix 1: Application documents
Applicants, Supervisors and Referees are asked to complete documentation
electronically and to submit these documents electronically to the Career
Advancement Coordinator. To enable this, documents are provided in ‘Microsoft
Word’ format.
To assist applicants in addressing the Selection Criteria and preparing a Resume,
suggestions are provided in Appendix 2. Regular information sessions are
provided through SDU regarding career advancement. Applicants are
encouraged to attend these sessions as a part of their professional development.
Additionally they provide an opportunity to successfully complete the required
application and optimise interview performance.
Prior to submitting an application, applicants should ensure all 8 of the
following documents have been included:
Covering letter
Applicant details
Address to the generic selection criteria for Personal Classification RN/RM 2
Personal Performance Plan
Supervisor’s report
Referee’s report
A list of supporting documents with Supervisor’s signature to indicate
originals have been sighted by the Applicant’s Supervisor.
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GENERIC SELECTION CRITERIA- Registered Nurse/ Midwife Level 2 Personal
Registered or eligible for registration as a Registered Nurse/Midwife with the
Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia and any other registration required by
the specific field.
Example: State AHPRA registration number
A registered nurse or midwife whose qualification meets the minimum
standard for registration in Australia, with a minimum of three years
full-time equivalent (FTE) post registration experience in the relevant field,
A registered nurse or midwife who holds a post-graduate qualification eligible
recognition through remuneration of a qualification allowance, and 12 months
FTE experience in the relevant field.
Please note that transitional years in Nursing and Midwifery do not count towards 3 years FTE
as the graduate year is a consolidation year.
Example: Clearly describe for how long and how many hours you have worked in area. e.g. 2
yrs at 56 hrs fortnight; 2 yrs full-time.
Extensive demonstrated competence in providing direct patient care (for
patients of varying complexity) utilising the nursing process and incorporating a
risk assessment approach while working within professional legislation and
existing policies and procedures.
Examples: Accurately, appropriately & flexibly assess, plan, implement, monitor, evaluate
& respond to client health needs in accordance with existing practice standards, codes
of ethics, guidelines, policies & strategies. This includes:
 Comprehensive clinical nursing knowledge
 Application of expertise in the clinical area
 Exercises sound clinical judgement
 Is a role model & a core resource person
Proven leadership ability.
 Within the multidisciplinary team facilitates best possible health outcomes
 Practices autonomously, within scope of practice, when required
 Takes the initiative & is accountable for activities.
 Is flexible -adapts & works effectively within a variety of situations.
 Leads the team regularly & willingly
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Support education within the clinical area with evidence of a commitment to
the fostering
of a learning culture, through:
- Implementation of an individual professional development plan
- Active contribution to and participation in specialty area-specific
education and training.
- Facilitation of competency-based nursing practice for students, and new
or less experienced staff as outlined in Australian Nursing and Midwifery
Council and other relevant specialty-specific guidelines.
 Assists in orientation & preceptorship & attends to competency-based assessment.
 Has ongoing commitment to professional development of self and others, & knowledge of
current trends in the relevant field
 Uses principles of adult learning, teaching & educational theory
 Accesses appropriate education & staff development opportunities.
 Facilitates reflective practice
Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively and appropriately
(orally, non-verbally and in writing), in a diverse range of situations,
including negotiation and consultation using consistent & transparent
 Promotes & maintains effective interpersonal relationships within the workplace team and
with clients.
 Facilitates discussion & resolution of moral & ethical challenges.
 Demonstrates effective negotiation & conflict resolution skills
Support safe and evidence-based practice within the clinical area through:
- Participation in policy, protocol and procedure development
- Promotion of and/or contribution to research as a source of current
evidence-based practice in the specialty area.
 Participates in area specific activities such as being a regular & significant contributor in
policy & procedure development;
 Seizes opportunities for contribution to research & innovation
Demonstrated knowledge, leadership and commitment to high quality
Customer Service, Equity and Diversity, Occupational Health and Safety and
Industrial Democracy principles, practices and relevant legislation relating to
these areas and an understanding of and commitment to the organisation's
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Appendix 2:
Information to assist in completing the application
1. Addressing the Selection Criteria
2. Preparing a Resume
3. Health Directorate– Vision, Values, Objectives
4. Relevant Legislation
1. Addressing the Selection Criteria
Selection criteria are based upon specific role requirements for the position
being advertised, in this case Level 2 Registered Nurse or Midwife. They
describe the qualities, skills, knowledge, experience and qualifications required
to effectively perform the role. Having applicants address identical selection
criteria ensures compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity
The ability to demonstrate fulfilment of the requirements of each criterion is
essential for the Registered Midwife/Nurse Level 2 personal classification
applicant. Applicants are rated by an Assessment Panel, against the selection
criteria, in order to assess suitability for the role.
Additionally, completion of selection criteria will help to prepare for interview.
Addressing the selection criteria requires contemplation and analysis of
personal and professional attributes, which is a useful preparatory exercise, as
interview questions usually relate to the selection criteria.
In order to address the selection criteria the Applicant must:
o Provide specific evidence which demonstrates an ability to meet the
selection criteria. For example you can provide actual examples from
your work place which demonstrate expert management of complex
clinical scenarios or conflict resolution;
o If possible, provide an indicator of success or a result. For example,
describe a positive health outcome which resulted from your
management of a complex clinical scenario or implementation of
evidence based practice in your area.
o Match examples with the most appropriate criterion. Some examples
will demonstrate ability for more than one criterion.
o Discuss examples in relation to criterion. For example communication,
leadership, courses attended or recognition received.
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 A good way to present examples within the selection criteria is to use the
STAR method described below.
Situation – describe the situation.
Task – what did you do?
Action – how did you do it?
Result – describe the outcome/s of your action/s.
For more information on using the STAR method and addressing selection
criteria, go to:
 To begin your address to the selection criteria, open a new document and
include your name as a header on each page. On the first page write your
name, contact details, position applied for and a short title indicating the
purpose of the document, such as ‘Statement of Claims against the
Selection Criteria’.
o Use headings to list criteria. Address each criterion using clear
language with specific and relevant examples from your current and
past work, extra-curricular activities, education and training.
o If a criterion has more than one part, (e.g. ‘extensive demonstrated
competence in providing direct patient care…utilising the nursing
process, and incorporating a risk assessment approach…’), ensure
you address each part of the criterion, ‘direct patient care’, ‘nursing
process’ and ‘a risk assessment approach’.
o Complete a grammar and spell check on your computer.
o Check presentation. Is it clear and concise? Is it easy to read and
o A maximum of 500 words for each criterion is adequate to
demonstrate your claim against the selection criterion.
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2. Preparing a Resume
There is no one right way to prepare a resume, just certain principles or
Use labelling, clear formatting and alignment, and white space to
ensure your valuable information is noticed.
Use only one plain font – Times New Roman, Arial, Helvetica, or Century
Use a combination of bullet points and short paragraphs.
Check for errors.
Don't over-capitalise or over-bold.
Be consistent in formatting. Put dates, titles, full stops etc in similar
places throughout your resume. This helps the reader to easily read and
digest your information.
Be consistent with language.
Make the resume simple and easy to read.
Make sure that your resume is well presented and organised, so that
the panel can immediately see the most relevant information remember clear headings and lots of white space.
Balance the resume as to what the employer will consider most
important / relevant.
Make sure that your application is typed and professionally presented.
Check for spelling and grammatical errors.
Ordinary, white, A4 paper is perfectly acceptable.
Print on dark paper may be difficult to read and will not photocopy
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3. Health Directorate – Vision, Values, Objectives
The ACT Government’s vision is of healthy individuals participating in a healthy
community. Members of our community should be able to:
Access appropriate, high quality services which meet their needs
Make and implement healthy lifestyle choices
Achieve equitable health outcomes
Act as partners with their health care professionals in their own health care
This vision is founded on principles of equity, well-being, consumer participation,
compassion and mutual respect.
The ACT Government’s key objectives for health are to:
o Maintain the good health status enjoyed by the ACT population as a whole
o Narrow the gaps in health outcomes between certain individuals and groups
o Strengthen the health of the community by leading whole-of-government
action addressing the social determinants of health
o Improve health and community care systems
Health Directorate’s values are articulated in the Health Action Plan, which was
developed as a result of the Health Directorate Summit, held in February 2002.
These values guide all health and community care policy development, planning and
service delivery in the ACT.
These values are:
Be diligent and conscientious in providing a safe and supportive environment for
everyone. Show commitment to providing the best care and be willing to go the
extra mile.
Be prepared for change and strive for quality improvements. Value and reward
excellence in practice and outcomes. Develop and contribute to an environment
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where every member of the team is the right person for their job, and is empowered
to perform to the highest possible standard.
Give time, attention and effort to others, encourage everyone to work together to
achieve the best results. Respect and acknowledge everyone’s input, skills and
Be open and trustworthy in communication with others. Ensure correct information
is provided in a timely way to others. Be accountable, reflective and open to
4. Relevant Legislation
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (ACT): Republication 3: Effective July 1,
2015 http://www.legislation.act.gov.au/a/db_39269/current/pdf/db_39269.pdf
Occupational Health and Safety in Health Directorate
Health Directorate is committed to Occupational Health and Safety in the workplace.
Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) is about promoting a safe and healthy
working environment for all staff and eliminating death, disease and injury in the
Relevant Legislation
Work Safety Act 2011 and Work Safety Regulation 2011
Public Sector Management Act and Standards 1994
Useful websites with further information:
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Equity and Diversity in Health Directorate
Health Directorate is committed to equity and diversity in the workplace. Equity is
about a fair go for all. Diversity is about recognising and embracing differences.
Applied together they provide a holistic approach to management and leadership
aimed at creating an inclusive workplace environment that uses and values the
talents, abilities and contributions of all people.
Relevant Legislation
ACT Discrimination Act 1991
Public Sector Management Act and Standards 1994
Useful websites with further information:
Industrial Democracy in Health Directorate
Health Directorate is committed to Industrial Democracy in the workplace. Industrial
Democracy is about staff having the opportunity to influence decisions affecting
their work, their working environment and processes. It is about establishing a
climate for problem solving and decision making through open communication,
access to information and collaborative strategies.
Customer Service in Health Directorate
Health Directorate is committed to high quality customer service principles as set
down in the ACT Government Customer Service Standard.
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Appendix 3: Formulating a Personal Performance Plan
The Performance Framework is intended to improve the workplace experience of all
staff, through strengthening staff-manager relationships, increasing clarity of
expectations and encouraging regular two-way discussions. Within this framework,
work performance involves three elements:
The way that we reflect our values and behaviours through our work
The knowledge and skills that we need; and
The work that we do.
The explicit reference to values/behaviours recognises the importance of how we do
our work, not just the tasks and outputs.
Central to this framework are open, regular and meaningful discussions between
managers and staff about ‘how you are going’ in your work, which provide
acknowledgment of positive achievements/behaviours and regular, frequent
feedback, both constructive and positive as needed. Both the individual and their
supervisor are responsible for ensuring this occurs.
Yearly performance plans written collaboratively between staff and managers should
be followed by formal reviews at 6 and 12 months.
The Canberra Hospital utilises the ACT Public Service Performance Framework to
implement this process. Supporting documents are available at:
Calvary Hospital utilises Annual Development Plans (ADP) to implement this process.
These are available on the Calvary Health Care Intranet at: ‘Organisational
Development’. Linking to ADP is now online.
The following is one process which can be followed in the development and
implementation of a Professional Development Plan.
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1. Professional performance review
What are your strengths and what areas would you like to improve in regard to each
of the following?
Clinical performance
Support of safe & evidence based practice
2. Identify goals
Discuss with your manager what skills and knowledge you have. Then look at what
skills and knowledge you can develop in your current role in order to achieve your
goals. Set clear, realistic goals.
3. Prepare your Professional Development Plan
Divide your plan into short and long-term goals
Be clear on what outcomes you expect
Consider who can support you in achieving your goals
Consider the goals and values of Health Directorate and how your
Professional development Plan reflects these
4. Identify resources which can support the implementation of your plan.
o Identify colleagues with skills and/or knowledge they might share with you.
Discuss your goals with them and seize opportunities to work together and
harness their skills and knowledge for your professional development.
o In-service education provided through The Canberra Hospital Staff
Development Unit (SDU) is a valuable resource
o When possible, attend ward or unit team meetings to gain insight and further
o Identify opportunities to contribute to education in your area. Research your
special area of interest and present your findings to your colleagues
o Is there an education programme you can undertake, such as university study
- locally provided, by distance or on-line?
o Is there a special interest group you can join to further your education. For
example the ACT Wound Management Group
o Contribution to policy and procedure review in your area will consequently
improve your knowledge and understanding specific to the area.
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5. Record your progress
Record your progress as you execute your Professional Development Plan. Keep upto-date records of education sessions attended. Additionally, keep a record of
informal education undertaken, such as literature reviews or informal education
sessions with colleagues. This information can be kept and updated in a professional
6. Evaluate your Professional Development Plan
Re-assess your strengths and weaknesses in the light of your recent educational
experiences. Assess how effective your plan is in terms of meeting your goals.
Meet with your manager as agreed in your plan to discuss your progress. These
opportunities can be used to evaluate what has been effective and what has not
been supportive of your professional development.
The Performance Framework helps us as individuals and teams to:
know what is expected of us and have a say in the setting of these expectations
have meaningful communication about what great performance looks like and
how we can achieve it
ask ‘How am I going?’
talk about areas for improvement, and
be recognised for our strengths and achievements.
This clarity helps each of us to look at our own work and identify better ways of
doing it.
The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia has identified continuing professional
development activities. This information is available at the link above.
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Appendix 4: Frequently asked questions
 I practice in a ‘narrow’ specialty field for which few nurses or midwives
are familiar with skills or knowledge. Am I eligible to apply for registered
Nurse or Midwife Level 2 personal classification?
A nurse or midwife who practices in a ‘narrow specialty field’ is not
necessarily practicing at Registered Nurse or Midwife Level 2 level.
You must be able to demonstrate your ability to fulfil each of the selection
criteria relevant to your area.
 I have been registered for 3 years, and have spent my graduate year and
the following two years in the same area. Am I eligible to apply for
Registered Nurse or Midwife Level 2 personal classification?
A nurse or midwife who has completed only 3 years in a speciality area
which includes their graduate year are not eligible to apply as the graduate
year is a consolidation year. If they have completed post graduate study in
the speciality during that time, they are able to apply.
 I am knowledgeable and able to practice ‘new’ or highly technical skills.
Does this, in itself, make me eligible for Registered Nurse /Midwife Level
2 personal classification?
Practicing new skills or performance of any particular task or class of tasks
could reflect changes occurring generally to all levels of nursing care and
treatment which is a general change in the overall standard of nursing.
These general changes to nursing care and standards do not fulfil the
requirements for the Registered Nurse /Midwife Level 2 personal
 I have many years midwifery or nursing practice and have worked in
many different areas. I am competent to perform a large variety of tasks.
Am I eligible for advancement to Registered Nurse or Midwife Level 2?
A nurse or midwife may be able to undertake and perform some tasks
better than other nurses or midwives, or be considered an ‘all rounder’;
however this does not necessarily mean that the practice is at the
Registered Nurse or Midwife Level 2 level.
 I have worked in my area for several years and am often called upon by
colleagues to give advice regarding clinical care of patients. In addition to
this I attend all mandatory training and have attended other education
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sessions pertinent to my area in my own time. Does this make me
eligible for advancement to Registered Nurse or Midwife Level 2 personal
You are clearly advancing in your nursing or midwifery practice, however
you need to demonstrate competency in several areas to meet the
requirements of the selection criteria for Registered Nurse /Midwife Level
In addition to demonstrating your capability as a clinical resource and
dedication to your own continuing education, you need to examine your
practice in regard to leadership, education of others, communication and
support of safe and evidence based practice.
This is best achieved in collaboration with your CNC or CMC. This process is
inherent to the development of your Professional Development Plan. (See
Appendix 3)
 If I transfer to another area, can I retain my Registered Midwife/ Nurse
Level 2 personal classification status?
This is addressed in the (ACT Public Service Nursing and Midwifery
Enterprise Agreement 2013-2017 at clause 31.3 as follows:
“31.3 A RN/RM Level 2 may from time to time seek transfer to another
work area, and retain their Level 2 status, subject to the following:
a) the request should be discussed by the employee with the manager and
CNC (or equivalent) of the losing and gaining work areas;
b) the employee must lodge an application according to the agreed selection
process to assess the employee's suitability to work at Level 2 in the new
work area;
c) where a transfer to a vacant position in the new work area is immediately
available, the employee may transfer there as a RN/RM Level 1, pending
the outcome of the assessment process;
d) if the employee's application is successful, then the employee will be back
paid as Level 2 to the date of first transfer to the new work area;
e) if the employee's application is not successful on the first occasion, then
the employee may reapply for assessment at a later time, but in that
case, there will be no back pay in the event that the employee is
successful” (ACT Public Service Nursing and Midwifery Enterprise
Agreement 2013-2017)
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