MoHaWK Round 3: Briefing note for participants Welcome to the

MoHaWK Round 3: Briefing note for participants
Welcome to the national clinical registry for occupational health. Thank you for registering
and participating in Round 3 of data collection.
The collection of data for Round 3 is in March 2013. The data entry for Round 3 is the
first two weeks of April 2013.
Once you are into the data entry section please follow the detailed guidance on each
indicator (below) to know which data may be needed.
There are three sections in which data should be entered. On the Data Entry page select
the relevant domain (Outcome Indictors, Infection Control and Core OH Services) and
then enter the data.
Don’t worry if you can’t enter data for every indicator – please enter what you can. It is
important that you start to participate – you can then put in systems to collect additional
data in the future.
Please use the
by each indicator to read more about it.
Enter all the data for Round 3 in the column indicated.
Outcome Indicators
1. No of patients absent for > 4 weeks with adjustments / Total no of patients
absent for > 4 weeks
Identify how many patients were assessed between 1 – 31st March who had been
absent for >4 weeks. Identify how many of these in their assessment had work
adjustments considered and or recommended. Enter the data in the Round 3 column.
2a. No. new referrals seen within ten days / Total no. referred
Identify how many patients were assessed between 1 – 31st March who were new
management referrals (ie not reviews arranged by OH). Identify how many of these were
assessed within ten working days of receipt of the referral. Enter the data in the Round 3
2b. No. of reports on new referrals issues within two days / Total no. referred
How many of the new referrals had their report from OH issued within two working days
of the assessment. Enter the data in the Round 3 column.
Note: Local KPIs may differ. However, please enter number seen (not number offered an
appointment) within ten working days and number of reports issued within two working
days (not any other longer period) so that all units can benchmark against the same ratio.
3a. The number of patients who have given a score of 16 or more on their
satisfaction questionnaire
Note: Please only use the model satisfaction questionnaire even if the one used locally
differs so that results are comparable between units. You will find a copy of the model
questionnaire in the KMS. The total score available is 27.
Identify how many patient satisfaction questionnaire were returned between 1 – 31st
March that received a total score of 16 or more against the total number of
questionnaires returned. Enter the data in the Round 3 column.
3b. Average score on the patient satisfaction questionnaire
Input the average (mean) score of all questionnaires returned between 1 – 31st March.
Enter the data in the Round 3 column.
4a. The number of managers who have given a score of 9 or more on their
satisfaction questionnaire /
You will find a copy of the model questionnaire in the KMS. The total score available is
12. Note: Please only use the model satisfaction questionnaire even if the one used
locally differs so that results are comparable between units.
Identify how many manager satisfaction questionnaire were returned between 1 – 31st
March that received a total score of 9 or more. Input this number against the total number
of manager satisfaction questionnaires retuned. Enter the data in the Round 3 column.
4b.Average score on the manager satisfaction questionnaire
Input the average (mean) score of all manager satisfaction questionnaires retuned
between 1-31st March. Enter the data in the Round 3 column.
Infection Control
1. Number of doses of hepatitis B vaccine administered during the data collection
2. Number of doses of MMR vaccine administered during the data collection year
3. Number of doses of BCG vaccine administered during the data collection year
4. Number of doses of varicella vaccine administered during the data collection
For 1-4 Identify how many doses of relevant vaccines were administered in the period 1
April 2012 – 31 March 2013. Enter the data in the Round 3 column.
5. Number of front line clinical staff supported
This is the total number of people you support with direct patient contact.
We recommend you use the figure that has been used to measure immunisation rates for
the last seasonal flu immunisation campaign. For ease the DH figures from individual
trusts can be found in the KMS. (n.b. Please remember to place the total number - many
units are likely to support one or more NHS organisations in addition to their host trust.)
6. High risk NSI workers receiving PEP within 60 minutes / No. of high risk NSI
Identify how many workers who required post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV in the past 6
months (1st October – 31st March) received it within 60 minutes against the number
been managed in the past six months (include those who have been treated by
colleagues on your behalf eg A&E, GUM clinic). Enter the data in the Round 3 column.
7. No. of workers having their response to Hepatitis B confirmed / No. of workers at
completing a first course of hepatitis B immunisation
Identify how many workers completed a FIRST hepatitis B immunisation course last year
(1 April 2012 – 31 March 2013). Identify how many of these have since had their
response to immunisation confirmed by hep B surface antibody titre >10 IU/L. NB: Where
the antibody titre <10 IU/L but follow up has been instigated to investigate the cause or
improve the response please include these in the ‘confirmed’ group. Enter the data in the
Round 3 column.
8. No. of healthcare workers that are tested for VZV antibodies if indicated a
negative or uncertain history of chickenpox and shingles / No. of healthcare
workers who present with a negative or uncertain history of chickenpox and
Identify how many new healthcare workers last year (1 April 2012 – 31 March 2013)
were tested for VZV antibodies if they indicated on their immunisation assessment that
they had a negative or uncertain history of chickenpox and shingles against the total
number who indicated a negative or uncertain history of chickenpox and shingles. Enter
the data in the Round 3 column.
Core OH Service
Please indicate whether you are currently flagging each of the following health issues as
we intend to collect data on this in future MoHaWK rounds.
Identify how many of the eleven health issues listed are flagged
Hand dermatitis
Occupational Asthma
Mental health problems
Back pain
Forearm pain
Shoulder pain
Breast cancer
Other cancers
Multiple sclerosis
Inflammatory bowel disease
Units need to act now in preparation for Round 4 and beyond – please put a system to
flag all of the above health issues.
Future indicators (more information)
Units need to act now in preparation for Round 4 and beyond.
1. Access at work to both soap substitutes and emollients is recorded for all workers with
contact dermatitis
ACTION: introduce a system to flag all new cases of contact dermatitis (occupational and
2. New workers exposed to causes of occupational asthma are asked about pre-existing
occupational asthma
ACTION: introduce a system to flag all new cases of occupational asthma
3. Participation at work is documented for workers six months after their first occupational
health consultation with:
Mental health problems
Back pain
Forearm pain
Shoulder pain
Breast cancer
Other cancers
Multiple sclerosis
Hand dermatitis
Inflammatory bowel disease
ACTION: introduce a system to flag all new cases of these health issues.
There was an increase in participating units in Round 2. We have continued to receive
feedback on the system and have altered some aspects to the website as a result. In
addition, we have started to receive feedback on how useful this system is in improving
their clinical practice.
Please do continue to feedback to us (put in link for feedback)