Running head: EAZYPAPER APA EXAMPLE EazyPaper APA Example John Doe Carleton University 1 EAZYPAPER APA EXAMPLE 2 Abstract Summarize the paper in 150 to 250 words with a single paragraph without indentation (APA 2.04). This is an example reference (Doe, 2000a), and another reference that shows advanced knowledge of APA, like quoting references made by the same author in the same year (Doe, 2000b). Try hovering your mouse over the two citations in this paragraph to see their corresponding reference in a tooltip. EAZYPAPER APA EXAMPLE 3 EazyPaper APA Example Click here and type your paper. In the Introduction, you should: 1) Introduce the problem (APA 2.05) 2) Explore importance of the problem (APA 2.05) 3) Describe relevant scholarship (APA 2.05) 4) State hypotheses and their correspondence to research design (APA 2.05) Method Describe in detail how the study was conducted. (APA 2.06) Participant (subject) characteristics Detail the sample's major demographic characteristics (APA 2.06) Sampling procedures Describe the procedures for selecting participants (APA 2.06) Sample size, power, and precision Demonstrate that sample size has sufficient power for results' precision (APA 2.06) Measures and covariates Define primary and secondary outcome measures and covariates (APA 2.06) Research design Specify the research design (APA 2.06) EAZYPAPER APA EXAMPLE 4 Experimental manipulations or interventions Describe the content, setting, properties, and participants of the intervention (APA 2.06) Results Report and summarize the results of your experiment (APA 2.07) Recruitment Provide dates of when you recruited subjects, plus follow-up (APA 2.07) Statistics and data analysis Analyze the data to disprove the null hypothesis (APA 2.07) Ancillary analyses Report any other analyses performed (e.g. for subgroups) (APA 2.07) Participant flow Describe the flow of partipants through the study (APA 2.07) Intervention or manipulation fidelity Provide evidence that intervention was administered correctly (APA 2.07) Baseline data Provide baseline demographic and/or clinical characteristics of each group (APA 2.07) Adverse events Detail all events with serious consequences (APA 2.07) Discussion Examine and interpret the results to draw inferences and conclusions from them (APA 2.08) EAZYPAPER APA EXAMPLE 5 References Doe, J. (2000a). An example title. Place: Publisher. Doe, J. (2000b). An example title from the same year: Vol. 2. Subwork title. Place: Publisher.