3.5 6 bit string (pre-encryption) J A _ U 10 1 0 21 . 27 X 24 U 21 ! 30 01010 00001 00000 10101 11011 11000 10101 11110 0101 0100 0101 1101 0010 0000 Encryption keys: 1010 0111 0011 10 00 10 (init) 42 28 14 28 0111 00 14 0011 10 0 0000 00 Encrypted 6 bit string 01010 00000 01000 0 0 0 01110 00111 00000 0 0 0 00100 00111 01000 0 0 0 0010 0011 0100 0001 1110 1011 0000 00 1100 10 1001 00 0101 10 0010 00 1110 10 1011 00 0 50 36 22 8 58 44 50 1100 10 36 1001 00 22 0101 10 8 0010 00 58 1110 10 44 1011 00 30 0111 10 00010 0 11001 0 11011 0 1101 01010 0 10010 0 11000 0 1100 11010 0 01011 0 10001 0 1000 11100 0 00100 0 11000 0 1100 00100 0 11101 0 11001 0 1100 10110 0 10110 0 00000 0 0000 1110 Uitleg Omzetten naar decimale represent atie Omzetten naar binair Omzetten naar 4 bit strings Omzetten naar decimaal +50 mod 64 Omzetten naar binair 11100 0 01111 0 10011 0 1001 string key XOR Encrypted string 3.6 3.7 (bonus) 3.8 The message sent is some sort of a welcoming message, so we can guess some of the formal first and last lines of the encrypted message: The first line could be something like ‘welcome customer,’ ‘dear mr.x.’ In this case, ‘dear customer’ matches the amount of characters on the first line. HYNZQZLPSZXV SILTSTEJCGHTPAPPHQACZWOEEHREQZLPSZXVKJLEAQ MZLWIHTJVRTHPLTUZQXNRZHMXZIPKCLXTQBAJIHZAJLOETX YOMYIMAYLFMQWXPORRAKVVGREYWPMGXYQPYR JNSXPCISHLWIHTJYFXCKYCRSDWIAIZXXYVRMOACQQFMRS CZWATPIPHQIYYKQMXCBVKNMDYF KICECFG MGGRKCRIWRL HYNZQZLPSZXV Dear customer This translates to the key; eunioftwe A guess we made is that a part of the key is: e uni of twente When we use this key to decode our text, we see that the key isn’t correct, yet we find some valuable information: dearcustomer ooyleolnytoplgchtlhgvjvaanewcustomergpywml tdhjpdppijfcwpphgmtterthedecryhdginvqmdmhfhurlj tvquvtwursecretkeywgbiydzfalzntuwcqd euwtcjeonyoucanuseygepjeydmwvgtteijyjhgmdminy privatecomeelcchegxirjijlx wdjiysn icmecompany The last line looks awfully familiar to the company name; acme company. The line above it could be a formal ending of the letter. Our guess is that the line can be decrypted to ‘regards’ So; KICECFG Regards MGGRKCRIWRL Acme company When we use the ceasar system on each character, we get that the key used for this bit is: ‘tewelcomeunioftwen’ When we look back to the key we got from the first line, we find that part of the key matches. ‘tewelcomeunioftwen’ Considering that the key has to start with ‘eunioftwente’, we guess that the key must be ‘eunioftwentewelcom’ When we decrypt using this key, we get: dearcustomer wearehappytowelcomeyouasanewcustomerofacme ifyoucanreadthisletterthedecryptionofourmessage usingyoursecretkeyworkedsuccessfully fromnowonyoucanuseyourpersonalsecretkeyforany privatecommunicationwithus regards acmecompany Which, with some formatting, looks like this: Dear customer, We are happy to welcome you as a new customer of ACME. If you can read this letter the decryption of our message using your secret key worked successfully. From now on you can use your personal secret key for any private communication with us. Regards, acme company 3.9