Algonquin College Advanced Care Paramedic Didactic Schedule 2010- 2011 Academic Year Didactic J216 Shaded areas are labs (P304, J216) Week 1 Day 1 Tuesday Room AM Classroom J-216 - Exams, Grading, Appeals Classroom J-216 Fluid & Electrolyte Hemodynamics (BP) Shock (Definition, MAP, Comp, Types) Lab Values September 7 Day 2 Wednesday 0800 - 1200 Welcome Course Outlines September 8 1200 - 1300 Lunch Safety and Injury Medical/ Vaccinations IT Network Access Library Access Student Support Academic advisors 1245 PT faculty Prep 1300 - 1630 Cellular Physiology Acid/Base Physiology - ABG Theory break do Lifting Back to Cell Phys. Day 3 Thursday September 9 Nervous System Chronic Neurological and, Infectious/ Disorders Cancer Lunch Classroom J-216 IV Therapy/ (Lab x 2) - Solutions/ (dopamine) Setups/locks IV catheters/practice o Tubes o Arms All Demo together and practice Michel/ Curtis Classroom J-216 Room PM Introduction Pharmacology (ALS Meds/Medical Directives/Scope of Practice) Classroom LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Classroom J-216 Week 2 Day 4 Tuesday Room AM Classroom J-216 September 14 0800 - 1200 Roles & Responsibilities Medical Legal Issues/Communication 101 1200 - 1300 Lunch Stan Moreau Day 5 Wednesday September 15 Introduction Pharmacology (ALS Meds/Medical Directives/Scope of Practice) Focus on ACP drugs only 1245 PT faculty Prep Day 6 Thursday September 16 Adult/Peds Classroom LAB+ Practice – Emphasis on 5 Rs – Must be verbalized Rights - Labels - Medical Math Continued Medical Directives Med Admin (lab x 3) Practice (PO, SL, SC/ IM/ PR, IN / IV with line/lock/ ) Preparing Preloads Demo (Drawing/ Zeroing meds ( use preloads/Ampoules) - Practice Self Injectable/PR (10:15 – 12:00) – Do before PM or in LAB Classroom J-216 Room PM Classroom J-216 Stan Moreau (1300- 1400) Michel Well being (14-1630) Continue. 8 -10 Classroom J-216 1300 - 1630 Ethics / Critical incident stress/Non Threatening/ Wellbeing Lunch Patient, Drug, Dose, Route, Time, Documentation Drug name Drug expiry Medical Math Continued Medical Directives Urinary Catheters/Overcath Ostomy drainage Care (Possible Visit Nursing Lab) Urinary catheterization (theory only) Adult Peds 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS This is a mixed Lab +Theory afternoon Classroom LAB+P215 J-216 Week 3 Day 7 Tuesday Room AM Classroom J-216 September 21 0800 - 1200 Exam # 1 1200 - 1300 1300 - 1630 Respiratory: Anatomy & Physiology Causes of hypoxia Respiratory Assessment Foundations course (Exam finished by 11: 00, time to review in morning 11:30 to 12:30 Return to class 13:30 Room PM Classroom J-216 Post exam Start Respiratory Assessment If time Auscultation tech Breaths sounds (TAPE/CD) Day 8 Wednesday Classroom J-216 Advanced Airway Management (Adult) and Basics Classification/LEMON/ SLOPES-EMT etc. September 22 Equipment procedures -Discuss Set Protocol - Tube Placement Presentation of equipment (sizes etc.) 1245 PT faculty Prep Advanced Airway (Lab x 3) A/W positioning/maneuvers Suction Oro and beyond (ETT needed) BVM/Genesis, Ventilators -Oral intubation (13-15:30) - Head positioning Laryngoscopy Insertion of tube Tube placement/Etco2 Filter Tie off /holder LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS - AFBO (Magill) -Extubation (15:45 – 1630) 3 groups all do same session Various Positions Day 9 Thursday September 23 Classroom J-216 Respiratory: Disease Processes (8-1030) A/W matching skills Presentations of equip/ Demo Advanced Airway (Labx3) -Nasal Intubation (RX reference to LIDO/Otrivin King LT Lighted Stylet Digital -LMA/combi Vary Positions/Situations Sitting intubation – trauma or Medical Classroom LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Week 4 Room AM 0800 - 1200 Respiratory Care Day 10 Tuesday Classroom J-216 September 28 Oximetry/EtC02 Physiology and use (8-10) 1200 - 1300 1245 PT faculty Prep More airway – finish and perfect airway maneuvers Oxygen delivery systems Masks (Simple, NR, Venturi, Pocket, Tube) Using MDI and Spacer (Intubated and Non Intubated) (1015-1200) Day 11 Wednesday Communications Morning 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS LAB Difficult airway day -3 groups - failed airway management ACR review and practice September 29 Complete airway management Room PM Classroom LAB All students do it perfectly Difficult airway presentation Classroom J-216 1300 - 1630 Skills lab (Lab x 3) Patching P304 What your B – C –D backup strategy Review by Medical Director Difficult Airways Surgical Airways Rapid Sequence Induction Day 12 Thursday September 30 1 Classroom J-216 Finish respiratory – All patho and respiratory disease presentations 1245 PT faculty Prep SAMPLE Rapid neuro More airway if needed Assessments (HPI, PMX – ref Clinical Examination Handbook) -Scene/Pri/Hx/VS/Sec - Suction/ Deep suction)and NG Insertion CPR (New) (LAB 3 Classroom LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Week 5 Day 13 Tuesday Room AM Classroom J-216 1200 - 1300 Classroom J-216 Resp/Airway exam (exams takes 3 solid hours for most students to finish – (Best to review 13h) Start Practice Finish A&P Finish Patient Assessment and patient management Lead II Interpretation -Static/Dynamic practice In class Continue review Reinforce with Marieb Animations for Action potentials October 6 Day 15 Thursday October 9 0800 to 0915 – Review Review Home work Cont..Lead II Interpretation -Static/Dynamic practice In class In 4 Groups: 2 dynamic , 2 static stations – for Static Use Great ECG and ECG Binder (Where is this?? Left in class) - For dynamic Use online ECG STAT and Heart SIM (need lab top does not work on regular computer 1245 PT faculty Prep Home work ECG Package 2 200 ECGs. Classroom l Skills lab (Lab x 4 ) Basic of def/ monitoring – wave forms (reports etc.) (13 – 1445) SAT/ ETCO2 AED/manually/with or without paddles (15 – 1630) Need 4 machines 4 groups 1) static rhythms with acetate or real 2) ECG review with Phalen 200 ECG from computer 3) ECG station with dynamic rhythms 3)Defib review including ETCO2 and all wave forms - Overall: ECG stations and clinical reasoning 1) Goal: Consensus – defend your rational Room PM Classroom J-216 Give home work – 26 ECG already posted on Bb Lead 2 review and practice in class only static Integrate Clinical approach and Tx for ECG and associated patient condition Classroom J-216 1300 - 1630 Cardiac: Anatomy & Physiology Electrophysiology continued Start cardiac if time October 5 Day 14 Wednesday 0800 - 1200 EXAM 2 2) 3) 4) 1 Monitor Defib – all you need to know 1 ECG dynamic station CPR and auto defib Skill station 1 ECG s\tatic station Classroom LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Week 6 Day 16 Tuesday Room AM Classroom J-216 0800 - 1200 Review ECG – package is in Documents Homework on Prof correspondence (given) 1200 - 1300 1245 PT faculty Prep Finish physiology ER drugs October 12 1300 to 1500 review cardioversion procedure and have all students go through procedure – no scenario Cardioversion (1000 -1200) Day 17 Wednesday Patch Practice (9-1030) Classroom LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS 1500 – 1630 Using Defib/monitors) go through cardioversion scenarios verbally and add arrest or drugs – critical thinking exercise 1245 PT faculty Prep Coronary artery diagram quiz – add forman ovalis, ligmentum arteiosoum as questions to be placed on test October 13 Room PM NOCP Reference Dysrhythmia Management Electrical Therapy Theory Classroom P-213 1300 - 1630 Dysrhythmia Management Electrical Therapy (Lab X 3) -Cardioversion Dysrhythmia Management Electrical Therapy (Lab X 3) Pacing ( use life pack 12/Zoll) Classroom LAB 1300 to 1500 review pacing procedure and have all students go through procedure – no scenario 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS 1500 – 1630 Using Defib/monitors) go through pacing scenarios verbally and add arrest or drugs – critical thinking exercise Homework ECG and critical thinking Give student heart problems Patho – research in class 30 minutes and present – the presentation can be spread over the next week Dysrhythmia Management Electrical Therapy Theory Pacing (1030-12) Day 18 Thursday October 14 Classroom J-216 Early morning quiz #1 and review 1245 PT faculty Prep Introduction to Scenario Practice (DEMO to All) - Only Simple Cardiac arrest following med directives Classroom LAB 0800 – 0930 (Lab 4 Continue presentations **NO CRAZY ARRESTS – Straight forward by the book with no complications 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS This is a learning and confidence building exercise. The students need to develop good habits Need 4 defibs Prep students for afternoon scenarios – remember these are the first comprehensive scenarios 0900 12h Jeanny Infectious diseases presentation (This fits in better here than in Respiratory section Critique the call management and thinking process – don’t let them wallow in uncertainty, coach them along in a positive light – there is lots of time to challenge the student and make the scenarios much more difficult Patch should be brief today – VSA And 4 Complete bags patches only -30 minutes per student All students do at least on scenario today Week 7 Day 19 Tuesday Room AM Classroom J-216 October 19 0800 - 1200 Morning review: Have students come up with any question pertaining to cardiac and ask each other – debate and clarification if needed. 1200 - 1300 1245 PT faculty Prep 13h 14h 12 lead acquisition and electrode placement review Acute MI Coronary Syndromes Day 20 Wednesday October 20 Morning review: Have students come up with a 1 question on Medical Directives and have them ask each other the questions – debate if necessary Room PM Classroom LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Continue straight forward arrest – may vary if student are ready Continue ECG and Presentations Classroom P-213 1300 - 1630 12 Lead Acquisition (Labx3) Patient set up for 12L Acquiring 12 lead + Interpretation 1245 PT faculty Prep Basic cardiac arrest again – build in dynamic type arrest Classroom LAB Practical Scenarios (Lab x 3) Skills Review Heart Diagram Quiz – add several math questions to the back of diagram – dopamine and valium, Midazolam, Dextrose, Lid peds. Chest Pain Pulmonary edema Arrests NOCP Reference 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Teachers choice: chest pain, Pulmonary edema, arrest etc. Classroom LAB Be sure all is done in real time. 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Congestive Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease Finish Presentations Day 21 Thursday October 21 Classroom J-216 Morning quiz # 2 with ECG and 12lead Cont…Congestive Heart Failure Cardiovascular Disease 8-10:00 Finish Quiz and Home work ECG. Research 10:15 – 12:00 Projects assigned and get 1245 PT faculty Prep Practical Scenarios (Lab x 3) Skills Review - - Chest Pain Pulmonary edema Arrests Vary with Critical thinking student to prep mini presentation on new CPR and ACLS standards Week 8 Room AM 0800 - 1200 Exam 3 (8 –10:30) Cardiac Day 22 Tuesday Classroom J-216 October 26 *All Students must submit Skills and Scenario Log Book for review Exam takes at least 3 hours for most students (Review at 13h) ________ Classroom J-216 Diabetes Toxicology (New SO Tactical) Day 23 Wednesday October 27 1200 - 1300 1300 - 1630 Altered LOC (AEIOUTIPS) (Met/Structural) -CVA -Seizure Room PM Classroom J-216 Case study of ECG and atypical calls (Robs call) 1245 PT faculty Prep Practical Scenarios (Lab x 3) Skills Review -Acute abdomen - Hypo/Hyperglycemic patient - Seizure patient/ / CVA - Other medical (Critical Review basic of OD first Thinking) Case Study TCA OD (11:00 12:00) LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Practice Glucometry before lunch Day 24 Thursday Classroom J-216 October 28 Endocrine (Finish endocrine) Acute Abdomen Poisonings (More tox) Anaphylaxis 1245 PT faculty Prep Practical Scenarios (Lab x 3) Skills Review - More time needed to cover this section Toxicology Hypo/Hyperglycemia Anaphylactic/allergic (IMMUNE) (Critical thinking Classroom LAB+P211 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS 10h – 12h research by Davis (this should remain in Cardiac section but this year Davis could only get this day off) Week 9 Day 25 Tuesday Room AM Classroom J-216 0800 - 1200 Gynecology/OBS/Intro to Peds Diseases 1200 - 1300 1245 PT faculty Prep 1300 - 1630 OBS/Minor Peds Calls Lab (3) Room PM Classroom LAB November 2 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Day 26 Wednesday November 3 Classroom J-216 Neonatal Resuscitation / Peds Assessment 1245 PT faculty Prep Pediatric Airway Management Lab Intubation (13-1430) IO (1445 – 1630) Lab ( 3) Classroom LAB Day 27 Thursday November 4 Classroom J-216 Pediatric Emergencies 1245 PT faculty Prep Peds Calls/ Arrests Lab (3) 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Classroom LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Week 10 Day 28 Tuesday Room AM Classroom J-216 1200 - 1300 1245 PT faculty Prep NOCP Reference All theory from PAR5001, 5002, 5003,5004 November 9 Day 29 Wednesday 0800 - 1200 EXAM 4 Medical Emergencies Classroom J-216 November 10 Kinematics of Trauma Burns, Eye, Abdominal Trauma Hemorrhage/ Shock (811) _____ 1300 - 1630 Special Patients (Lab 3) Geriatrics Physically Challenged Mentally Challenged Terminally Ill (Skills Check off day – get skills sign off up to date) 1245 PT faculty Prep Room PM LAB Trauma (Assessment / Airway) Management (Lab x 3) Stations -Intubating the trauma pt -Chest decompression - Use of pressure infusors/Jug vein access -Oro/Nasogastric tube insertion 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Basic Hemorrhage control (RED) Eviscerations Demo (11:15 – 12:00) (More skills tune up if needed) Day 30 Thursday November 11 Classroom J-216 Cont.. Chest Trauma Head/Spinal Trauma Environmental 1245 PT faculty Prep Trauma (lab x 3) Scenarios Splinting / Immobilizing Classroom LAB Trauma calls – some medical 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Week 11 Day 31 Tuesday November 16 Day 32 Wednesday Room AM 0800 - 1200 Classroom J-216 NOTE: Ruth changed and presented today instead of NOV 14th 0800 – 10h Environmental & Submersion Emergencies Classroom J-216 8h to 10h Environmental and Submersion today 1200 - 1300 1245 PT faculty Prep 1300 - 1630 Practical Scenarios (Lab 3) Skills Review 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS 10 h - 1200 Peer lab time to practice 1245 PT faculty Prep Practical Scenarios (Lab 3) Skills Review 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS PATh Ventilator review Triage practice (9-12) November 18 LAB Reread WHMIS (8-9) November 17 Day 33 Thursday Room PM LAB Classroom J-216 10h – 12h More peer lab practice Pre-reading assigned -Maintain Healthy life style -Psychiatric and-Behavioral Disorders Ruth Campbell (10 – 12h) Death Notification 1245 PT faculty Prep Practical Scenarios (Lab 3) Skills Review Classroom LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Week 12 Day 34 Tuesday Room AM Classroom J-216 November 23 Day 35 Wednesday Classroom J-216 0800 - 1200 Exam 5 1200 - 1300 1245 PT faculty Prep Trauma and Environmental Lab Exams (LAB 3) 1300 - 1630 Lab practice/exams Scenarios (Lab 3) Skills Evaluation Medical directors may attend lab testing 1245 PT faculty Prep Lab Exams (Lab 3) November 24 Room PM LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Classroom LAB 1615 Debrief LAB PT INST/ STDS Prep for HOSPITAL CLINICAL Day 36 Thursday 1200 - 1300 Loaded as part of PAR5005 (Trauma) November 25 Classroom J-216 Class ROOM Hospital Orientation Policies and Log book WHERE, WHEN, WHO, HOW, WHY Invite RN/Medics/DR. Equip differences/ Roles THIS IS OVERBOOKED FOR HOSPITAL – BUT ADD ANOTHER LAB DAY BECAUSE WE ONLY HAVE – 112 HOURS 1245 PT faculty Prep In Hospital Orientation OR,s and ERs