Play scripts

Miss Gabby’s Class
Parent Handout:
Play Scripts and Dramatic Play
In the classroom we use play scripts to help your child expand and
develop their play skills. We have visual play scripts that provide a visual
sequence of what to do with various toys related to a theme. For
example, the birthday play script has all the necessary steps for a pretend
birthday party:
Get cake, put on plate, put on candles, sing happy birthday, blow out the
candles and then eat the cake. Another play script we have is a Doctor
play script which includes a visual checklist including: use stethoscope to
listen to heart, look at eyes, check ears, look in mouth, give shot and put
on a band aide. Along with the visual sequence, each play script comes
in a Tupper wear container that has all the materials and toys needed to
complete the pretend play sequence. For example the Doctor kit includes
a doctor bag, a visual checklist, band-aides, a doctor costume, and the
toy medical equipment. During the school year we will introduce a variety
of play scripts to the students. First we model how to use the play
scripts and play with the various toys. Then we encourage them to
imitate or expand on the play with the teachers and their peers.
Example Play Scripts:
 Doctor office-costumes, doctor kit, eye chart, ban-aides
 Grocery store-including a cash register, money, visual grocery list,
shopping cart
 Vet-stuffed animals, doctor kit, leash, water bowls, small carrier
 Post office-old key boards, phones, note cards, rules, mailbox
 Firefighter- old hose, dress up clothes, hats, squirt bottles
 Gift Wrapping-boxes, tape, wrapping paper, bows, small toys
 Pizza party- pizza boxes, toppings, toy pizza, menus
 Flower shop-fake flowers, plastic vases, cash register, cards
Birthday party- plastic cakes (or play dough cakes), candles, party
Hair salon-old blow dryer, head bands, plastic jewelry, clips, mirrors