NCEA Level 1 Everyday Science 2015 - 2016 Introduction Level 1 Everyday Science is a two year course, of 3– 4 topics per year, that works towards gaining 12 - 16 Level One credits for NCEA each year. All of the standards are assessed internally. You are expected to attend class on a regular basis and complete all of the course work and the associated assessment tasks. The topics offered will be different each year. Level 1 Science Topics (Not necessarily in order covered) Main Topics Standard Credits Lit Agricultural and Horticultural Science 1.2 AS 90157 v4 4 Int N N Num Demonstrate practical skills used in agricultural or horticultural production Demonstrate practical skills involves: • selection and use of appropriate equipment, materials and conditions when demonstrating the skill • carrying out skills in a safe manner • achieving the required outcome. Carry out a practical investigation in a biological context, with direction ● Plan and carry out a biological investigation ● Collect and process quantitative data ● Interpret the results and write a report of your findings Biology 1.1 AS 90925 v1 4 Int N Y Demonstrate understanding of carbon cycling ● Use data, information and pictures to decribe the addition, removal and storage of carbon. ● Present your information in an appropriate manner. Science 1.14 AS 90953 v1 4 Int N N Collect evidence from an investigation and relate it to the scientific theory relevant to the issue Collect secondary data and the identify the scientific theory relevant to the issue under investigation. Science 1.4 AS 90943 v2 4 Int N N Investigate the implications of the properties of metals for their use in society ● Collect information about the implications of the properties of metals and society. ● Collect data about the physical and chemical properties of metals. ● Present this information in a suitable form. Science 1.7 AS 90946 v2 4 Int N N Investigate selected chemical reactions ● Collect information about chemical reactions. ● This data will come from experiments carried out by the student, as well as information gathered from other sources. ● Present your results and information in a report. Science 1.8 AS 90947 4 Int N N Unit Standard 18986 2 Int N N Total 26 Investigate implications of heat for everyday life Select and use scientific equipment People credited with this unit standard are able to select and use scientific equipment. (over 2 years) RESOURCES: You will be issued with notes and other resources throughout the course that you will need to refer to during your class work and your Assessments. HOMEWORK: This will mainly consist of appropriate exercises set by the teacher in order to foster understanding of the topic being covered. It is important that you complete this homework as it forms an integral part of your science course. You should also spend time each week reviewing your work so that you are adequately prepared for tests / assessments Tests and school exams are important opportunities to clarify your understanding of concepts as well as practise writing clear, accurate, detailed responses. If at any stage you feel you are having difficulty coping with your work, please see your teacher. ASSESSMENTS: The Science course offers seven internal achievement standards over two years: AS 90925 (BIO 1.1) – Carry out a practical investigation in a biological context, with direction. AS 90953 (Sci 1.14) – Demonstrate understanding of carbon cycling. AS 90943 (Sci.1.4) – Investigate implications of heat for everyday life. AS 90955 ( Sci 1.16) AS 90946 (Sci 1.7) - Investigate the implications of the properties of metals for their use in society. AS 90157 (AG and Hort 1.2) - Demonstrate practical skills used in agricultural or horticultural Production. AS 90947 (Sci 1.8) - Investigate selected chemical reactions. US 18986 - Select and use scientific equipment. There will be only one assessment opportunity offered for each internal standard therefore it is important that you follow instructions very carefully, complete formative work and take on board any feedback from your teacher. For internal assessments, it is important that you are not given an unfair advantage over others by being allowed to hand work in late or by submitting work which is not your own. Please read the Linwood College NCEA Information Booklet carefully as it provides additional guidance. STATIONARY REQUIREMENTS: To ensure that you can access all your course work during the year, particularly for the assessments, all your notes and exercises are to be completed in a 1B8 Exercise book. It is essential that work for internal standards be organised. This body of work will be referred to as a science ‘portfolio’ and will be used for authenticity purposes. STUDENT OBLIGATIONS: 1 2 3 4 Ensure you understand the year 11 Everyday Science assessment programme and policy. Ensure you understand the requirements of each assessment being completed Check thoroughly the accuracy of the assessment by your teacher when work is returned. Discuss problems/concerns with your teacher /HOLA Science Have an enjoyable year.