Introduction to Psychiatric Nursing History of psychiatric nursing 1859-1860 Florence Nightingale—Notes on Nursing _Ks THIS IS REALLY LONG BUT WAY WORTH learning about Florence – it really shows you how we got here and the impact of her own mental health on nursing. 1841-1887 Dorothea Dix worked to reform psychiatric care in mental hospitals, not a nurse. 1873 Linda Richards graduated from New England Hospital for Women and Children in Boston. First trained American psychiatric nurse. 1882 Boston City Hospital Training School Nurses established at McLean Hospital. 1913 Johns Hopkins-first school of nursing to include a course on psychiatric nursing in its curriculum (Effie Taylor initiated) 1920 Harriet Bailey, first nurse educator to write a psychiatric nursing text “Nursing Mental Disease” 1946 National Institute of Mental Health created 1950 NLN required that schools of nursing must provide an experience in psych nursing 1952 Hildegarde Peplau- published Interpersonal Relations in Nursing, first systematic theoretical framework in psychiatric nursing buA 1954 Development of major tranquilizers/psychotropic drugs chlorpromazine, an antipsychotic. First Graduate Nursing Program—Peplau at Rudgers 1960 Ida Orlando-Initiated the term Nursing Process, presented general theoretical framework for all nurse-patient relationships 1962 Peplau publishes Interpersonal Techniques: the Crux of Psychiatric Nursing, identifying counseling as the heart of the nurse’s role 1963 Perspectives in Psychiatric Care, Journal of Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health Services published 1963 Community Mental Health Centers Act passed Two nursing journals established 1973 Standards of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Practice published 1978 President’s Commission on Mental Health Report 1986 American Psychiatric Nurses Association established 2003 Certification of Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners by ANA What is Mental Health? What is Mental Illness? How does Culture play a role? Multiaxial Assessment Axis I Clinical Disorders Axis II Personality Disorders/Mental Retardation Axis III General Medical Conditions Axis IV Psychosocial and Environmental Problems Axis V Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF scale) Role of the Mental Health Team Psychiatric Nurse Psychiatrist Psychologist Social Worker Case Management/Utilization Review Mental Health Technicians Role of the Psychiatric Nurse Nurse/Patient Relationship Psychiatric nursing is the therapeutic use of self Personal Qualities of the nurse: Self-Awareness- “Know thyself” Clarify Values- what is important to me? Accept differences Do not project your values Explore feelings Awareness of feelings and meanings Altruism- why do I want to help others? Hospitalizing for Mental Illness Voluntary - FVA Involuntary PEC – ications/CSOC/Doucments/AOT_SB182_Act407.pdf Court-Committed Patients’ Rights Universal Bill of Rights for Mental Health Patients ADA of 1990 HIPPA Tarasoff—duty to warn Settings for Psychiatric Care Inpatient Care Settings Outpatient Care Settings Psychiatric home care Intensive Outpatient Programs (IOP) Partial Hospitalizations Programs (PHP) Residential Treatment Programs Group Homes Rehab Centers