PUBLIC PRESENTATION DAY Frequently Asked Questions What is a Public Presentation Day? Held in the Nambur Wariga meeting room at the corporate headquarters in Morwell, our Public Presentation Day is your chance to make a presentation to Councillors on a topic that addresses an agenda item, or is significant to you or the wider Latrobe City community. Sessions will take place on a three-week cycle, on Mondays between 5pm and 6pm. You can interact with the Councillors without the 3 minute time limit that is in place for Ordinary Council Meetings. How long can I speak for? In order to allow as many speakers as we can on any given evening, presentations are limited to a maximum of 10 minutes, with a five minute question and answer session. We will be flexible according to the nature of the presentation and the number of presenters. This will be at the discretion of the Mayor. What can I talk about? Your presentation should relate to an item or subject, deemed by the Councillors, to be of importance to the municipality and within Council’s control. If your item is on the upcoming Ordinary Council Meeting agenda you will be automatically granted a time to speak at the particular Public Presentation Day prior to that meeting. All other presentation requests will be submitted to the Mayor for a decision on when or if a presentation will be granted a time. What can I expect on the day? Only those presenting may attend. The meeting will consist of all available Councillors, presenters and, if required, the relevant Council Officer. How will I get feedback? You will receive verbal feedback during the presentation and, at the mayor’s discretion, you may receive written correspondence after the session. How do I apply? You can submit a form online or by post, or complete a form at any service centre. All presentations are by appointment only, and should be submitted to the Council Operations Administration Officer by 12 noon on the Friday before your selected Public Presentation Day session. For further information contact Katrina Pizzi on 5128 5717 or by email on: 1|P a g e PUBLIC PRESENTATION DAY 2014 Schedule for Public Presentation Days Public Presentation Days will take place on a three week cycle, on Monday nights from 5pm to 6pm. Sessions planned for 2014, along with the ordinary council meeting dates, are listed below. Public Presentation Day Council Meeting Date Monday 12 May 2014 Monday 19 May 2014 Monday 2 June 2014 Monday 10 June 2014 Monday 23 June 2014 Monday 30 June 2014 Monday 14 July 2014 Monday 21 July 2014 Monday 4 August 2014 Monday 11 August 2014 Monday 25 August 2014 Monday 1 September 2014 Monday 15 September 2014 Monday 22 September 2014 Monday 6 October 2014 Monday 13 October 2014 Monday 27 October 2014 Monday 5 November 2014 Monday 17 November 2014 Monday 24 November 2014 Monday 8 December 2014 Monday 15 December 2014 Please note: In accordance with Latrobe City Council’s Local Law No.1 – Meeting Procedure Local law – members of the public addressing Council are to extend due courtesy to Councillors and Council Officers at all times. Local Law No.1 is available for viewing via the Council website and at all Service Centres, for reference to Public Participation. 2|P a g e