LESSON PLAN Teacher: Watson Subject: Math 6 Week of: Aug. 29-Sept. 2 Year:2011-2012 TEKS/TAKS OBJECTIVES: 6.1A,6.1B, 6.3B, 6.4A, 6.11A, 6.11D, 6.12A, 6.12B MONDAY TOPIC(S): Numerical Understanding: Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals & Integers ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Concept and Key Understandings Concept 1) Number – NonNegative Rational Quantative Reasoning – Equivalence Key Understandings Non-negative rational numbers can be written as whole numbers, fractions, and decimals and for each non-negative rational number there is an equivalent whole number, fraction and decimal. 2) Quantative Reasoning Non-negative rational numbers can be represented using a variety of models to – Equivalence demonstrate equivalence. 3) Quantitative Reasoning – Compare and Order Non-negative rational numbers are ordered according to their value and placed on the number line relative to their position between whole numbers. ACTIVITIES/SKILLS: Warm-up: Spiral Review(CSCOPE) Class Activities: Percent Recording Sheet RESOURCES: CSCOPE ASSESSMENT: Check for Accuracy on the Percent Recording Activity INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Percent Recording Sheet NOTES and PROCEDURES: TUESDAY TOPIC(S): Numerical Understanding: Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals & Integers ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Concept and Key Understandings Concept 1) Number – NonNegative Rational Quantative Reasoning – Equivalence Key Understandings Non-negative rational numbers can be written as whole numbers, fractions, and decimals and for each non-negative rational number there is an equivalent whole number, fraction and decimal. 2) Quantative Reasoning Non-negative rational numbers can be represented using a variety of models to – Equivalence demonstrate equivalence. 3) Quantitative Reasoning – Compare and Order Non-negative rational numbers are ordered according to their value and placed on the number line relative to their position between whole numbers. ACTIVITIES/SKILLS: Warm-up: Spiral Review Class Activities: Equivalent Forms of Rational Numbers RESOURCES: CSCOPE ASSESSMENT: Check for understanding and accuracy for Equivalent Forms of Rational Numbers INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Equivalent Forms of Rational Numbers Recording Sheet NOTES and PROCEDURES: WEDNESDAY TOPIC(S): Numerical Understanding: Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals & Integers ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Concept and Key Understandings Concept 1) Number – NonNegative Rational Quantative Reasoning – Equivalence Key Understandings Non-negative rational numbers can be written as whole numbers, fractions, and decimals and for each non-negative rational number there is an equivalent whole number, fraction and decimal. 2) Quantative Reasoning Non-negative rational numbers can be represented using a variety of models to – Equivalence demonstrate equivalence. 3) Quantitative Reasoning – Compare and Order Non-negative rational numbers are ordered according to their value and placed on the number line relative to their position between whole numbers. ACTIVITIES/SKILLS: Warm-up: Spiral Review Activites: Compass Learning (Fractions) RESOURCES: Compass ASSESSMENT: Fraction Quizzes INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Compass Learning (Fractions) NOTES and PROCEDURES: THURSDAY TOPIC(S): Numerical Understanding: Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals & Integers ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Concept and Key Understandings Concept 1) Number – NonNegative Rational Quantative Reasoning – Equivalence Key Understandings Non-negative rational numbers can be written as whole numbers, fractions, and decimals and for each non-negative rational number there is an equivalent whole number, fraction and decimal. 2) Quantative Reasoning Non-negative rational numbers can be represented using a variety of models to – Equivalence demonstrate equivalence. 3) Quantitative Reasoning – Compare and Order Non-negative rational numbers are ordered according to their value and placed on the number line relative to their position between whole numbers. ACTIVITIES/SKILLS: Warm-up: Spiral Review Activities: Compass Learning (Decimals) RESOURCES: CSCOPE ASSESSMENT: Compass Quizzes INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Compass Learning (Decimals) NOTES and PROCEDURES: FRIDAY TOPIC(S): Numerical Understanding: Whole Numbers, Fractions, Decimals & Integers ENDURING UNDERSTANDINGS: Concept and Key Understandings Concept 1) Number – NonNegative Rational Quantative Reasoning – Equivalence Key Understandings Non-negative rational numbers can be written as whole numbers, fractions, and decimals and for each non-negative rational number there is an equivalent whole number, fraction and decimal. 2) Quantative Reasoning Non-negative rational numbers can be represented using a variety of models to – Equivalence demonstrate equivalence. 3) Quantitative Reasoning – Compare and Order Non-negative rational numbers are ordered according to their value and placed on the number line relative to their position between whole numbers. ACTIVITIES/SKILLS: Warm-up: Spiral Review Activities: Unit 1 Test Review RESOURCES: textbook ASSESSMENT: Using Activotes to check for understanding INDEPENDENT PRACTICE: Unit 1 Test Review NOTES and PROCEDURES: