On the Dispersal of Leatherback Turtle Hatchlings from Meso -American Nesting Beaches George L. Shillinger 1 , Emanuele Di Lorenzo 2 , Hao Luo 2 , Steven J. Bograd 3 , Elliott. L. Hazen 3 , Helen Bailey 4 , James R. Spotilla 5 1 C e nte r for Oc ea n S olu t io ns , S t an fo rd Un i ve r sit y, 9 9 P ac if ic S tr eet , S uit e 1 55A , Mon te re y, CA 93 94 0 2 G eo rg i a In st it ut e o f T ec hno lo gy , S ch ool of E art h and At mos p h er ic S ci enc es , Atla nta , GA 30 33 2 3 NOAA S out h w est F is h er ie s S ci en ce Ce nte r , En v ir on me nt al R es ear ch D i vi s ion , 135 2 Li g ht hou se A ve nu e , P a cif ic G ro v e, CA 93 950 4 C he sa pe a ke Bi olo g ica l L a bor at or y , U n iv e rs i ty o f Mar yla nd C e nte r of En v ir on m ent al S t ud i es , S olo mo ns Isla nd , MD 20 6 8 8 5 Dr ex el Un i ve rs it y, De pa rt me nt of B iol o gy , P h ilad el p h ia , P A 1 910 4 For submission to Biology Letters ABSTRACT return to the nesting beach is refered to as the “Lost Years” (Carr et al., 1987). Although very little information is available on these early life 1. INTRODUCTION history stages, it is well known that hatchlings Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) in face a gauntlet of predators on the beach and the eastern Pacific Ocean have d eclined by up to within shallow coastal waters and race to get 90% over the past t wo decades and are currently offshore where decreased predation ri sk and listed as critically endangered (Spot ila et al., increased 2000). These declines have been driven by a survival potential [ ref??]. variety of anthropogenic impacts, including development at nesting beaches, poaching of eggs, degradation of foraging habitats, and fisheries bycatch (Santidrian Tomillo et al., 2008). Although conservat ion efforts at the largest eastern Pacific nesting beach (Playa Grande, Costa Rica) have contributed to turtle protection and recruitment, mortality rates remain high (~22%; S antidrian Tomillo et al., 2008), due largely to interactions of juvenile and adult leatherbacks wit h artisanal and commercial fisheries (E ckert and Sarti, 1997; Lewison et al., 2004; Donoso and Dutton, 2010). There is an urgent need to develop integrated management strategies to protect leatherback turtles across all life stages. resource availability maximize The region offshore of the Pacific coast of Mesoamerica where most of these nesting grounds are found is characterized by dynamic ocean conditions. coastal Wintertime mountain gaps winds through contribute to the development of large -scale anticyclonic edd ies within the Gulfs of Tehauntepec and Papagayo (Palacios and Bograd, 2005). These are intense and stable features that can last for up to six months and propagate more than 2000 km offshore from the continental margin, transporting nutrient -rich coastal waters and organisms into the ocean interior. There signature appears as re -circulation regions (e.g. Costa Rica Dome, Figure 1a) in long -term sea level means derived from satellite [Niiler et al., The highest density of nesting colonies occur on 2003] and the path of the westward moving beaches withi n the Parque Nacional Marine Las eddies emerges a s regions of elevated sea level Baulas variance (Figure 1c). 51’W), (PNMB), Cost a although Rica (10° smaller 20’N, colonies 85° exist throughout the region from Panama to central Mexico (Reina et al., 2002). Leatherback turtles at PNMB nest multiple times within a single season (generally December -April) at approximately 8-10 day intervals (Steyermark et al., 1996; Shillinger et al., 2010). Most tagging, genetic, and mark -recapture stud ies have focused on the internesting and post nesting movements of nest ing adult females (S hil linger et al., 2008, 2010, 2011). However, little is known about the early life history of In this study, we perform passive tracer experiments within an eddy -resolving model of the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean to investigate leatherback hatchling dispersal from Meso - American nesting beach es. In particular, we test the hypothesis successful that nesting the colony, largest at and Playa most Grande, Costa Rica, is the optimal location in the eastern Pacific for nesting due to the efficient eddy transport (Figure 1c) of hatchlings to offshore waters where mortality risks are lower. leatherbacks such t hat the period from hatching to approximately ten years later when females page 2 of 7 L E ATHERB ACK D ISPERSAL M ANUSCRIPT DRAFT -8/04/2011 In order to gain more confidence on the model 2. METHODS ability to capture realistic circulation features in The modeling framework uses a global eddy resolving ocean mod el to provide t he boundary conditions for a nest ed regional ocean model that is used to compute the d ispersion statistics. the central tropical Pacific ROMS nested domain we performed comparative analysis with satellite derived ocean currents [Niiler et al., 2003] and ocean sea surface height (SSH) anomalies (http://www.aviso.oceanobs.com /). These physical-biological ocean analyses reveal that ROMS is able to capture the model is from t he Japanese Eart h Simulator mean circulation as inferred from the SSH mean (OFES) [see (Figure 1b) with significant spatial correlation The global coupled detail descript ion in Masumoto et al., 2004; Sasai et al., 2006]. With a 1/10° (R>0.9). horizontal resolut ion and 54 vertical levels, this deviation in the SSH anomaly fields associated OFES model is driven by the daily mean forc ing with the eddy variability to confirm that the of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis from 1950 to 2010 numerical model exhibits high variance along [Kalnay et al., 1996]. In a comparison of the the path of the strong eddies (Figure 1c and 1d). OFES simulated fields with observations Sasai et The spatial correlation of the eddy standard al. [2007] show that the model is able to deviation (R>0.7) maps is not has high as for the reproduce with a high degree of accuracy the mean physical and biological dyna mics in t he central significant and retains the important features eastern tropical Pacific bet ween the equator and evident in the satellite. These results combined 20N, which is the region where we explore the with previous more in depth analyses of the effects of ocean currents on t he transport of OFES model (Sasai et al., 2007] provides us hatchlings. confidence that the modeling framework possess The regional ocean (ROMS )[Shchepet kin and mode ling McWilliams, system 2005; We als o circulation compared but is the still standard statistically sufficient realism to conduct the passive tracer dispersion experiment. Haidvogel et al., 2008] is nest ed within the T he ad ve cti on an d m i xi n g d is p ers io n s tat ist ics OFES model to comput e the dispersion statistics are d ia g nos ed by i n je cti ng a pas s iv e tra ce r in of passive tracers released from selected turtle sel ect ed co asta l r eg io ns o f t he mod el at t he nesting beaches. The ROMS computational grid locat io ns o f t he t urtl e n est i ng g rou nds . T he is nested in the OFES model in the tropical dyna m ics eastern Pacific region [5S -20N; 110W-70W] with im p le m ent ed the exact same horizontal resolution as the adv ect io n -d i ffu si on e q uati on w it h a de cay t e rm OFES model and 30 vertical terrain -following follo w in g t he a p pr oac h of C om b es et al . , 2 0 09: of t he in pas s iv e t he RO MS tr ace rs mod el as are an layers. The boundary and init ial conditions for the ROMS model are provid ed directly from the OFES simulation. This type of nested ocean modeling approach has been used in previous studies to successfully capture both the mean w he re P i s t he p ass i ve tra ce r co nce nt rat i on , and long -term variability of t he regional scale AH = 5 m 2/s i s t he ho ri zon tal d i ffu si v ity , AV Pacific circulations th e [Chhak and Di Lorenzo, ve rt ical di ff us iv i ty et al, 1 99 4] , by Q a a K PP 2007; Di Lorenzo et al., 2008; 2009; Combes et sch e me al., 2007; 2009]. in de p end e nt so urc e t er m a nd τ is t h e d e cay page 3 of 7 [L ar g e o bta i ne d ti me t i me scal e . T he sou rc e t er m is us ed t o r el e ase ex p er i me nts fo r a ll t h e y ea rs fr om 20 00 - 20 0 8 t h e pa ss i ve tr ace r at a d es ir ed loc at ion in s pa c e we ar e a ble to co mp il e a nd c om p ar e d is p er s io n and t i m e by s et t in g Q =1 . In t h i s st udy w e stat ist ics for fou r s ele cted nes ti n g s ite s: Pl a ya p erf or m ed r el eas e ex p er i me nt s for t he ye ars Gr and e , Play a C arat e , B ara d el la Cru z a nd 20 00 - 20 0 8 w he n t ra ck in g d at a is av ai la bl e . C haco ce nt e (F i gu re 3 -4 ), w h ic h w e d iscu ss in T he th e ne xt s ect io n . t rac e r is co nt i nuou sly re lea se d ( Q =1 ) d ur in g th e m ont hs o f J an /F e b/ Mar in e a ch mod el ye ar . T h es e ar e t h e mo nt hs w h en t he 3. RESULTS hat c hl i n gs l ea ve t h e b eac h . I n t he s u bs e qu ent mo nt hs bet w ee n A pr il and D ec e m be r w e st op The evolution of tracer distribution following t h e t r ac er re le as e ( Q = 0) and e va luat e ho w t he release t rac er con ce ntr at ion i s d i s pe rs ed b y t he oc ea n confirms cir culat io n . I n ord er not t o accu m ulat e tra cer coastal currents (Figure 3). Most the nesting conc ent rat io n fr om p re v ious y ea r re le ase s we sites that were tested with the release of tracer use t h e t h e d ecay t e r m wi t h a t i me scal e τ of 8 show offshore dispersion of the tracer in the mo nt hs . p ro vi des long-term mean (Figure 3). However, at Playa in si g ht o n t he ea rly p ha ses of t h e t urt le’ s l if e Grande (Figure 3c) and to some degree at Bara and i nt era cti on wit h t h e e nv i ro nm en t -- it de la Cruz (Figure 3a) and Playa Chacocente t ak es bet w e e n 60 d a ys t o 6 mo nt hs for th e (Figure t urt l es to d e vel o p t he ir ful l s w i mm i ng a b il ity concentration up to 1000 km in the offshore so be waters (~95°W). In contrast, tracer released cons id er ed as pa ss i ve t rac er s ad v ert ed b y th e further south, at Playa Carate, demonstrates ocea n cur re nts . significant T hi s t hat Fi gu re ty p e du r in g 2 s ho ws of this an s i mula t i on p ha se t h ey ex am pl e of c an t wo tr ace r rel ea se ex p er i m ent s f or t he P la ya Gr an de and P laya Car ate n es t i n g s it e s d ur in g y ear 20 00 . It is ev id e nt t hat in A pr i l, a b out o ne mo nt h a f ter t h e la st hat ch li n gs l ea ve t he b ea ch s it e, th e t rac er r ele as ed at P la ya Gra nd e (F i gur e 2a ) i s ent ra in ed i n t h e ed d y pat h a nd i s ad v ec ted offs h or e w h il e t h e t ra cer fro m t h e P la ya Car at e re ma in s cl os er to the s ho re a nd is pr ed o m i nan tly ad v ect e d alo ng t h e c oast . La r ge scal e edd i es l i ke t hos e o bse r ve d in t h e mo de l out put for 20 00 w er e ob se rv ed i n a ll y ea rs f or w hi ch 20 0 8) . e xp e ri m ent s T h is is we re pe rfo r med co ns ist ent w it h ( 20 00 sat ell ite ob se rv at ion s (Pa lac io s and Bo g rad , 2 00 5) . T he offs h or e edd y tra ns p ort fr om P l aya Gra n de , and coa stal r ete nt io n fr om P la ya Ca rat e , w ill b e s h ow n t o b e p er si st ent c ha ract er ist ic s o f t he re g ion . By p e rfo rm i ng t h es e t rac er re le ase from the 3b) surrounding dispersion each impact there retention the of the of eddy is in beach. statistics nesting transport significant the The between beaches coastal tracer waters difference the and in selected nesting sites is more apparent if we look at the tracer mean distribution in the month of June, about 3 month after the hatchling leave the beach and begin developing swimming ability (Figure 4). We find that in the first few month following the release the evolution of passive tracer distribution, and presumabl y hatchling turtles, is markedly different. Playa Grande, and to some extent Playa Chacocente, exhibits the highest tracer density in the offshore water (Figure 4c). Results from these dispersion statistics (Figure 4) corroborate the hypothesis that hatch lings from Playa Grande are more likely to be entrained and transported offshore by the large scale eddies during the early month followin g page 4 of 7 L E ATHERB ACK D ISPERSAL M ANUSCRIPT DRAFT -8/04/2011 the nesting. This efficient removal mechanism vulnerable and were the most at risk from from the coastal waters where predation is fisheries bycatch (Heppell et al., 2000; Lewison higher should reduce the m ortality risks of the et al., 2004). Because leatherbacks spend 10 hatchlings. years or more at sea before returning to the Although these beaches are separated by only 120(?) km, nesting beach, these years are potentially critical for population viability. Models such as those 4. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSIONS employed important here offshore can transport identify corridors other that Passive tracer experiments embedded within a could be buffered from human impacts to ensure ROMS model of the eastern tropical Pacific leatherback survival. Validation of these models demonstrate significant offshore eddy transport will in late winter from P laya Grande, Costa Rica. leatherback turtles across multiple years and life This is in contrast with other beaches to the stages. south and north where t here is significant coastal retention. These model results support the idea that hatchling leatherbacks ent ering the ocean in late winter at Playa Grande can be rapidly and efficient ly transported offshore within Papagayo eddies. Because turtles face increased predation risk near the beach, quick offshore transport is likely to increase the probability of survival. Moreover, these eddies provide a relatively productive refuge within which young turtles can develop during their first few months. We hypothesize that Playa Grande was evolutionarily selected as an optimal nesting site due to enhanced hatchling survival probability from offshore eddy transport . A corrolary to this hypothesis is that red uced early life mortality leads to increased ret urn of adult females, who show high site fidelity to nesting beaches. Thus, the relatively large leatherback population at Playa Grande compared to other eastern Pacific beaches may be the result of enhanced survival during early life stages. Understanding the fate of leat herback turtle hatchlings is critical t o prot ect the population. 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