Tel: (416) 736-5521 230 York Lanes

Graduate Studies, Office of the Dean
York University
230 York Lanes - 4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON, Canada M3J 1P3
Tel: (416) 736-5521
Change to Program/Graduate Diploma Academic Requirements
Proposal Template
The following information is required for all proposals involving a change to program/graduate diploma academic
requirements, including admission requirements. To facilitate the review/approval process, please use the headings
below (and omit the italicized explanations below each heading).
1. Program/Graduate Diploma: MA and PhD in Psychology – Social/Personality Area
2. Effective Session of Proposed Change(s): 2015/16
3. Proposed Change(s) and Rationale
The description of and rationale for the proposed change(s) should provide information with respect to
each of the following points. Please provide:
In the summer of 2006 it was unanimously decided by the SP faculty to make a slight change to our
program requirements. At the time students pursuing an MA were required to take no method
requirement; PhD students were expected to complete two courses (a total of 6.0 credits) in methods. In
2006 we decided that it would be better for our students if they were instead required to complete one
method requirement (3.0 credits) at the MA level and one at the PhD level instead of two at the PhD level.
In addition, we concluded that we would encourage students to take the two method requirements that we
offer (6150E 3.0 – Research Methods in the Study of Personality OR 6150B 3.0 – Social Methods ), with
other method courses having the potential to also fulfill this requirement. In 2006, this change was made
to the Graduate Psychology Handbook.
In 2006, this change was made to the Graduate Psychology Handbook but there is no record that these
changes were approved by FGS Council or Senate.
a) A description of the proposed change(s) and rationale, including alignment with academic
We decided to make this change for several reasons. First, the program determined that MA students
needed some formal training in methods before entering the PhD. Second, we found our program to
have more requirements at the PhD level than we felt was ideal for the success and marketability of our
doctoral candidates. After a good discussion about this at our annual area retreat in 2006, there was
unanimous agreement that this change would benefit our graduate students and provide better training to
our students.
b) An outline of the changes to requirements and the associated learning outcomes, including
how the proposed requirements will support the achievement of program/graduate diploma
learning objectives.
One of our goals is to ensure that students have a solid foundation in social/personality methods by the
end of the MA. Changing this requirement to the MA level helps to satisfy this goal.
c) An overview of the consultation undertaken with relevant academic units and an assessment of
the impact of the modifications on other programs/graduate diplomas. (Where and as appropriate,
the proposal must include statements from the relevant program/graduate diplomas confirming
Graduate Studies, Office of the Dean
York University
230 York Lanes - 4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON, Canada M3J 1P3
Tel: (416) 736-5521
We anticipate that this change will have no impact on our current program.
d) A summary of any resource implications and how they are being addressed. (Attention should be
paid to whether the proposed changes will be supported by a reallocation of existing resources or if
new/additional resources are required. If new/additional resources are required, the proposal must
include a statement from the relevant Dean(s)/Principal.)
We anticipate no resource implications.
e) A summary of how students currently enrolled in the program/graduate diploma will be
Currently enrolled students are already following the program changes outlined here and
therefore no accommodation is needed
4. Calendar Copy
Using the following two-column format, provide a copy of the relevant program/graduate diploma
requirements as they will appear in the graduate Calendar.
Existing Program/Graduate Diploma Information
(change from)
Proposed Program/Graduate Diploma Information
(change to)
1. Courses
(a) Psychology 6131 3.0: Univariate Analysis I:
Analysis of Variance, and Psychology 6132 3.0:
Univariate Analysis II: Regression;
(b) Psychology 6400 3.0: Contemporary Issues in
Personality and Social Psychology;
(c) One of Psychology 6410 3.0: Social Psychology or
Psychology 6510 3.0: Personality; and,
(d) One half-course, or equivalent chosen from those
offered at the 6000 level by the Graduate Program
in Psychology (not including computer skills
1. Courses
(a) Psychology 6131 3.0: Univariate Analysis I: Analysis
of Variance, and Psychology 6132 3.0: Univariate
Analysis II: Regression;
(b) Psychology 6400 3.0: Contemporary Issues in
Personality and Social Psychology;
(c) One of Psychology 6410 3.0: Social Psychology or
Psychology 6510 3.0: Personality;
(d) One half course in research methods, chosen from
a list of courses approved by the area (6150E 3.0
– Research Methods in the Study of Personality
OR 6150B 3.0 – Social Methods); and
(e) A minimum of one half-course (3 credits) elective,
chosen in consultation with the supervisor, from
those offered at the 6000 level.
2. Practica
Each area of specialization assigns practica to its
students. In the practicum the student’s academic
learning is applied and consolidated. The practicum is
also a context in which the student’s professional
conduct and development are supported and evaluated.
Grades are assigned to practica, and with full awareness
that both academic learning and professional
responsibility are uniquely related in the practicum
2. Practica
Each area of specialization assigns practica to its
students. In the practicum the student’s academic
learning is applied and consolidated. The practicum is
also a context in which the student’s professional
conduct and development are supported and evaluated.
Grades are assigned to practica, and with full awareness
that both academic learning and professional
responsibility are uniquely related in the practicum
Graduate Studies, Office of the Dean
York University
230 York Lanes - 4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON, Canada M3J 1P3
Candidates are required to serve at least one practicum
on campus, whether an applied (Psychology 6810 6.0) or
a research (Psychology 6820 6.0) practicum.
Tel: (416) 736-5521
Candidates are required to complete at least one
practicum on campus, whether an applied (Psychology
6810 6.0) or a research (Psychology 6820 6.0)
1. Courses
(a) Psychology 6020 3.0: Historical and Theoretical
1. Courses
(a) Psychology 6020 3.0: Historical and Theoretical
Foundations of Contemporary Psychology A or
Psychology 6030 3.0: Historical and Theoretical
Foundations of Contemporary Psychology B;
(b) Six credits in courses specializing in quantitative
methods from the statistics courses offered in graduate
psychology, chosen from a list of courses approved by
the program;
(c) Psychology 6410 3.0: Social Psychology or
Psychology 6510 3.0: Personality, depending on which
of these two courses has already been taken at the MA
(d) Two half-courses in research methods chosen from a
list of courses approved by the area; and,
Any methods course in the Graduate Program in
Psychology can be taken to satisfy this requirement. A
directed reading course supervised by a faculty member
other than the dissertation supervisor, and which
involves conducting a study, could also be used to
satisfy this requirement. Such a reading course could not
be taken in the same year as the research practicum.
(e) A minimum of two half-courses or equivalent,
chosen in consultation with his or her supervisor, from
those offered at the 6000 level.
The number of reading courses (Psychology 6710 3.0 or
6710 6.0) that a student may take for a credit in
fulfilment of minimum requirements is limited to one
full-course equivalent.
 Note: Each candidate should complete the
statistics and research methods requirement by
the end of the PhD I year.
2. Practica
(For a general description of this requirement, see the
above section on the MA practica).
Candidates are required to serve at least two practica.
The two types of practica are the applied practicum
(Psychology 6810 6.0) and the research practicum
(Psychology 6820 6.0).
Foundations of Contemporary Psychology A or
Psychology 6030 3.0: Historical and Theoretical
Foundations of Contemporary Psychology B;
(b) Six credits in courses specializing in quantitative
methods from the statistics courses offered in
graduate psychology, chosen from a list of courses
approved by the program;
(c) Psychology 6410 3.0: Social Psychology or
Psychology 6510 3.0: Personality, depending on
which of these two courses has already been taken
at the MA level;
(d) One half-course in research methods chosen from
a list of courses approved by the area (6150E 3.0
– Research Methods in the Study of Personality
OR 6150B 3.0 – Social Methods);
(e) Two half-courses (6 credits), chosen in consultation
with his or her supervisor, from those offered at the 6000
The number of reading courses (Psychology 6710 3.0 or
6710 6.0) that a student may take for a credit in
fulfilment of minimum requirements is limited to one
full-course equivalent.
 Note: Each candidate must complete the
statistics and research methods requirement by
the end of the PhD I year.
2. Practica
(For a general description of this requirement, see the
above section on the MA practica).
Candidates (PhD I & II) are normally required to
complete at least two practica. The two types of practica
are the applied practicum (Psychology 6810 6.0) and the
research practicum (Psychology 6820 6.0).