chapter 6: cardiovascular emergencies

What is a HEART ATTACK: ____________________________________________________
Signs of a heart attack are:
 __________________________________________
 __________________________________________
 Dizziness, sweating, nausea
 Shortness of breath
Care for a heart attack:
 __________________________________________
 Help the victim into the most comfortable resting position
 Give 4 chewable aspirin or 1 regular aspirin if no allergies
 Give Nitroglycerin if victim has prescribed medication
 __________________________________________
ANGINA: ____________________________________________________________________
Care for Angina:
 __________________________________________
 Give Nitroglycerin if victim has prescribed medication
 If the pain continues beyond 10 minutes, suspect a heart attack and call 9-1-1
STROKE: ____________________________________________________________________
Signs of a stroke are:
 __________________________________________
 Blurred or decreased vision
 __________________________________________
 Dizziness or loss of balance
 __________________________________________
 Sudden confusion
Care for a stroke:
 Call 9-1-1
 __________________________________________
 If vomiting, roll the victim to his or her side (recovery position)
What is a HEART ATTACK: occurs when the heart muscle tissue dies because its blood supply
is reduced or stopped
Signs of a heart attack are:
 Chest pressure, squeezing, or pain that lasts more than a few minutes
 Pain spreading to the shoulders, neck, jaw, or arms
 Dizziness, sweating, nausea
 Shortness of breath
Care for a heart attack:
 Seek medical care by calling 9-1-1
 Help the victim into the most comfortable resting position
 Give 4 chewable aspirin or 1 regular aspirin if no allergies
 Give Nitroglycerin if victim has prescribed medication
 Monitor Breathing
ANGINA: chest pain associated with heart disease that occurs when the heart muscle does
not get enough blood (brought on by physical activity, exposure to cold,or emotional stress)
Care for Angina:
 Have the victim rest
 Give Nitroglycerin if victim has prescribed medication
 If the pain continues beyond 10 minutes, suspect a heart attack and call 9-1-1
STROKE: brain attack, occurs when part of the blood flow to the brain is suddenly cut off
Signs of a stroke are:
 Sudden weakness or numbness of the face, arm, or leg on one side of the body
 Blurred or decreased vision
 Problems speaking
 Dizziness or loss of balance
 Sudden, severe headache
 Sudden confusion
Care for a stroke:
 Call 9-1-1
 Have the victim rest in a comfortable position, often on their back with head/shoulders
 If vomiting, roll the victim to his or her side (recovery position)