Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation (Non -K U resident/fellow requesting a patient care rotation at KU) R e s i de n t ______________________________D e p a r t me n t _____________________ Dates of Rotation at KUSOM:_____________________ The following is a list of items the GME Office needs before a resident/fellow can be accepted into a visiting resident/fellow rotation. The completed packet should be delivered to GME at 1140 Delp, Mail Stop 1060 at least two weeks prior to the visiting rotation. KUMC COORDINATOR WILL PREPARE THE FOLLOWING: Step 1: Complete a Memorandum of Agreement (pages 3-7) for visiting resident/fellow, circulate for signatures, and then start collecting all applicable attachments from the visiting resident/fellow. Step 2: Set up an Outlook network account for the visiting resident/fellow at Step 3: Complete a Hospital O2 Computer Access (resident/fellow) Request Form. (see Attachments F & G) Step 3.a: Send form to GME for Assistant Dean signature of approval. GME will fax attachments F & G and then notify you once complete. Step 3.b: After GME has notified you, request O2 Training at Step 3.c: If rotating through the ED, there is additional eLearning for O2 training (Electronic Health Record) at Step 4: Set up an appointment with Occupational Health (8-6512). (see Attachment E) Appt. Date/Time:__________________ Inform the Resident/Fellow to bring the following to their appointment: Photo ID Medical Records- see attached page 14 for details Step 5: Complete and fax (8-2575) the following to the Director of Compliance and Privacy: Initial____ Date___________ UKP Chart Audit Card (see PC Toolkit-New Residents Onboarding Tools folder) OIG EPLS Disclosure Statement (see PC Toolkit-New Residents Onboarding Tools folder) Step 5.a: If visiting resident/fellow is at KU for 45 days or less, please follow this link to complete the required UKP Billing Compliance Training: -OR Step 5.b: If visiting resident/fellow is at KU for 45 days or more, please contact the UKP Billing Compliance Office (8-6629) to schedule In-person training. Step 6: Notify Medical Records. Initial____ Date___________ Email the following information to and cc: GME: Name, Email, NPI # and Dates of Rotation. Step 7: Add and Schedule the visiting resident/fellow into E*Value (Bio Data and Training and Edu. tab) Initial____ Date___________ Step 8: Contact the KUMC HR Employment Office (8-5086) for an ID Badge. Initial____ Date___________ Miscellaneous: Step 9: Arrange for lab coats and/or pagers, if applicable. Step 10: Contact the MO rotating site to secure a MO Institutional DEA and Suffix number for your visiting resident/fellow, if applicable. Step 11: (Attachment L) Prior to the visiting resident/fellow finishing their rotation, ensure a Clearing Form is completed Checklist continued on page 2 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 2 VISITING RESIDENT/FELLOW RESPONSIBILITIES: Provide the following documentation to your KUMC Coordinator: (Attachment A)- Rotation Schedule and Rotation Goals and Objectives (Attachment B-part 1)- Temporary or Permanent Kansas License Certificate (Attachment B-part 2)- If rotating in Missouri Hospital Site while visiting KU, Missouri License Certificate (Attachment C-part 1)- Kansas DEA (Attachment C-part 2)- Missouri BNDD, if applicable (Attachment D)- Medical School Diploma, or Medical School Transcript with a letter of completion sealed from the Medical School or the ECFMG report (Attachment E)- KU Health Information Registration (Occupational Health)- see KU Program Coordinator (Attachment F)- Hospital O2 Computer Access (resident/fellow) Request Form- see KU Program Coordinator (Attachment G)- KU Hospital Confidentiality Policy- signature required (Attachment H)- KU School of Medicine HIPAA Confidentiality Policy- signature required (Attachment I)- HIPAA Certificate of Training- from home institution (Attachment J)- National Provider Information Number (Attachment K)- Proof of Malpractice Insurance/Certificate ($1,000,000/$3,000,000) (Attachment L)- Clearing Form- see KU Program Coordinator *Any incomplete items will delay the visiting resident/fellow start date _____________________________________________________________________________________________ GME OFFICE USE ONLY: Review completed packet and GME signatures Assistant Dean sign O2 form/fax with Attachment G to 8-8562 and contact O2 Security Review E*Value Setup for Cost Report Collect Occupational Health Clearance Form Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 2 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 3 Visiting Resident/Fellow at KU THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEDICAL CENTER MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT NON-COMPENSATED EDUCATIONAL APPOINTMENT OR ASSIGNMENT (PHYSICIAN) 1) This agreement approves a visiting rotation at the University of Kansas Medical Center (herein referred to as “University”) for <<Visiting Resident’s/Fellow’s Name>>, a resident/fellow in the << KU Program Name>> residency training program at <<Name of KU Training Site>>. The rotation will consist of an educational experience intended to broaden the resident’s management and experience in providing quality patient care. The date of the rotation and agreement are <<Start Date>> to <<End Date>>. 2) The appointee is assigned to the University of Kansas Medical Center from a sponsoring Graduate Medical Education program in <<Visiting Resident/Fellow’s Current Program Name>> at << Visiting Resident/Fellow’s current Sponsoring Institution Name>> which will provide full professional liability coverage for the visiting resident/fellow. 3) SUPERVISION While at the University, a physician faculty preceptor shall supervise the visiting resident/fellow in administrative, educational and patient care activities. Following is the preceptor for the elective rotation at the University: <<KU Faculty or Program Director Name>>. The Training Site Program Director for the “Training Site” residency program at the University is <<KU Program Director Name)>>. By signing this agreement, the Visiting Resident’s/Fellow’s Program Director attests that the resident/fellow is in good academic standing and is authorized to perform this rotation at the University. 4) The specific Rotation Goals and Objectives will be included along with the Rotation Schedule on (Attachment A). 5) FISCAL CONSIDERATIONS Other than as set forth in this paragraph, University shall make no payments and provide no financial accommodation or support to the visiting resident/fellow or to the Training Site. Residents/Fellows who participate in the rotation at the University are not considered employees of the University, and are not entitled to receive from the University monetary compensation, worker’s compensation insurance, and/or any other employee benefits or status. Training Site shall pay the visiting resident’s/fellow’s stipend and benefits; otherwise, no party shall make financial contributions to the other related to the Agreement. Other than as set forth in this paragraph, “Training Site” shall make no payments and provide no financial accommodation or support to the University. 6) BYLAWS, RULES, AND DEPARTMENTAL REGULATIONS Residents/Fellows rotating to the University shall agree to observe faithfully the University of Kansas GME policy and procedure manual the medical staff bylaws of the University of Kansas Hospital and agree to be bound by its terms. 7) The appointee agrees to not engage in provision of any direct patient care unless licensed on either a permanent or temporary basis to practice medicine in the State of Kansas and when applicable a valid DEA certificate for the State of Kansas. 8) While it is anticipated that the term of appointment will be continued for the full period noted above. This agreement may be terminated by either party at any time upon written notice of such intent. Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 3 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 4 9) EVALUATION OF RESIDENTS/FELLOWS Upon completion of the visiting rotation, the University shall provide the program director at the Training Site with an evaluation of the visiting resident’s/fellow’s performance. 10) GENERAL Neither the University nor the Training Site shall discriminate against any resident/fellow participating in the program at the Training Site on the basis of race, color, age, religious affiliation, gender, national origin, sexual orientation or disability. Notices required herein shall be sent to: For the University: Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education University of Kansas Medical Center Mailstop 1060 3901 Rainbow Boulevard Kansas City, KS 66160-7301 With a copy to: Office of Legal Counsel 3901 Rainbow Boulevard Kansas City, KS 66160-7101 Date__________________ Visiting Resident/Fellow Appointee Signature:____________________________ Date__________________ Visiting Resident/Fellow Program Director Signature: ______________________ Sponsoring Institution Name:_________________________________ Street Address: ____________________________________________ City, State, Zip Code:_______________________________________ Phone Number:____________________________________________ Date__________________ For the University ________________________________________ Program Director University of Kansas Medical Center Send completed packet to GME for these signatures: Date__________________ Date__________________ Date__________________ Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 For the University ________________________________________ Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education University of Kansas Medical Center Approved as to form: For the University ________________________________________ Associate General Counsel University of Kansas Medical Center For the University ________________________________________ Executive Dean of Vice Chancellor for Clinical Affairs University of Kansas Medical Center 4 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 5 APPLICATION For Resident/Fellow Rotating From Other Institutions For Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotations at the University of Kansas Medical Center Directions for the applicant: Please complete Section I; have Sections II and III completed by your sponsoring institution; and attach copies of your Kansas License (MO license and MO BNDD, if applicable), DEA Certificate, Medical School Diploma, and ECFMG Certificate if applicable. Return Application to: University of Kansas Medical Center Program:________________________________ Name:_________________________________________________ Address:_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Phone:_________________________________________________ Section I. To be completed by the applicant. Last Name:_______________________ First Name:____________________ MI: ______ Degree:_______ Date of Birth:__________ Temp. or Perm. KS License #:______________KS DEA #:_________________ (Attachment B- part 1) (Attachment C- part 1) If Rotating in MO: MO License #:__________________ MO BNDD #:_____________________ (Attachment B- part 2– if applicable) (Attachment C- part 2– if applicable) SS#:_________________________ Resident/Fellow Rotating to KU has a valid temporary or permanent license in their home program state. __Y __N ************************************************************************************** Current Residency Institutional Sponsor:_____________________________________________________ Current Residency Program:_______________________________________________________________ Phone #:_____________________ Fax #:________________________ Pager #:_______________________ University of Kansas Medical Center Rotation:______________________ Location:_____________________ Rotation Start Date:_____________________ Rotation End Date:_____________________ ***************************************************************************************** Prior US training– Complete the following: Prior Residency/Fellowship Program #1:____________________________________________________________ Location (city and state):_________________________ Start Date:____________ End Date:___________ Prior Residency/Fellowship Program #2:____________________________________________________________ Location (city and state):_________________________ Start Date:___________ End Date:____________ **************************************************************************************** Medical School Diploma or Medical School Transcript with a letter of completion sealed from the Medical School:_________________________________________________ Graduation Date:_________ (Attachment D) If Applicable: ECFMG Certification #:___________________ ECFMG Certification Date:________________________ (Attachment D– if applicable) ________________________________________________ Resident/Fellow Signature Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 5 Date:_____________________ Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 6 Section II. To be completed by the applicant’s current Residency/Fellowship Program Director: 1. The resident/fellow named above is in good standing and currently a member of the <<Visiting Resident/Fellow’s Current Program Name>> residency/fellowship program. 2. On the dates requested for rotation, the resident/fellow is a <<PGY Level>> resident/fellow. 3. An evaluation _______ will _______will not be requested at the end of the elective rotation. 4. Background Checks: The << Visiting Resident/Fellow’s current Sponsoring Institution Name>> will check the following databases prior to placing a resident/fellow at KUMC for a clinical rotation: Kansas Highway Patrol Criminal Background Check Other State Criminal Background check (previous residences other than KS in the past seven years) Office of the Inspector General Kansas Sex Offender Registry Other State or National Sex Offender List (previous residences other than KS in the past seven years) Name, Social Security Number and Address Verification In cases where the background investigation was not conducted previously, the investigation will then be conducted prior to the start of the clinical rotation. KUMC will not accept residents/fellows for clinical rotations if their background information revealed any convictions for any crime against persons; robbery in the first degree; pharmacy robbery or arson in the first or second degrees; felony crimes related to drugs and alcohol; or any other crime that would not permit an individual to be licensed or registered by their profession upon completion of the educational program. It is the responsibility of <<Visiting Resident/Fellow’s current Sponsoring Institution Name>> to review the background information prior to the resident/fellow coming to the Hospital and Sponsoring Institution will not send any resident/fellow whose background information does not meet the standards defined in this paragraph. 5. The resident/fellow has our approval to take this elective, and their background check has been completed, reviewed and fulfilled state requirements. _______________________________________________________________ Residency/Fellowship Current Program Director (Print) _______________________________________________________________ Residency/Fellowship Current Program Director (Signature) _______________________________________________________________ Sponsoring Institution Name ______________________ Date Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 6 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 7 Section III. To be completed by an official of the <<Visiting Resident/Fellow’s current Sponsoring Institution Name>> in whose program the resident/fellow is currently a member: 1. Personal health coverage is in effect while the resident/fellow is away from our program. 2. KU Hospital HIPAA Confidentiality Policy Compliance is in effect for this resident/fellow. (Attachment F) 3. Malpractice insurance is extended to cover resident/fellow while the resident/fellow is on this elective rotation. 4. The resident/fellow has our approval to take this elective. ___________________________________________ DIO of Sponsoring Institution (print) ____________________________________________ Name of Sponsor ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ DIO of Sponsoring Institution (signature) Mailing Address ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Title City, State, Zip Code ___________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Date Telephone Number Section IV. To be completed by the University of Kansas Medical Center Residency/Fellowship Program Director: The resident/fellow has my approval for the visiting rotation. KUMC Program:__________________________ ________________________________________________ Residency/Fellowship KU Program Director (Print) ________________________________________________ Residency/Fellowship KU Program Director (Signature) Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 7 Date:_____________________ Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 8 ATTACHMENT A <<Training Site>> Rotation Schedule and Goals and Objectives Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 8 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 9 ATTACHMENT B– part 1 <<Training Site>> Temporary or Permanent Kansas License Certificate Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 9 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 10 ATTACHMENT B– part 2 <<Training Site>> If rotating in Missouri Hospital Site while visiting KU, Missouri License Certificate \ Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 10 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 11 ATTACHMENT C– part 1 <<Training Site>> Kansas DEA Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 11 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 12 ATTACHMENT C– part 2 <<Training Site>> Missouri BNDD (If Applicable) Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 12 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 13 ATTACHMENT D <<Training Site>> Medical School Diploma or Medical School Transcript with a letter of completion sealed from the Medical School or the ECFMG report Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 13 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 14 ATTACHMENT E KU Health Information Registration (REGISTRATION INFORMATION CHECKLIST) Name of student/trainee:______________________________ SSN: ___________________ Sponsoring Dept./Div.: _______________________________ Contact:_________________________ Phone:_____________ Parent Institution:____________________________________ Contact:_________________________ Phone:_____________ University of Kansas Medical Center Registration Policy for Students or Trainees Every person participating in any education or training program at the University of Kansas Medical Center must be registered by the appropriate office on campus. Because of the unique mission of our institution, we have an obligation to protect patients, employees, and visitors who come in contact with people engaged in education or training programs. It is important that information about Medical Center policies and procedures be provided. Visiting students/trainees will be held to the same standards to which we hold our own students, employees, faculty and staff. COVERED STUDENTS/TRAINEES: All students, clinical or non-clinical trainees, and visitors or observers of clinical practices or procedures must comply with the registration policy whether or not university credit or certification is granted. DEPARTMENTS/DIVISIONS RESPONSIBLE FOR REGISTRATION: Student Records and Registration: Every person participating in a program or course awarding academic credit or leading to a degree, diploma, or certificate from the University will register with the Director of Student Records and Registration. Clinical/Academic Department: Every person not registered with either of the above two offices will be registered by the clinical or academic department approving the student/trainee’s presence at the University of Kansas Medical Center. This would include but is not limited to clinical trainees performing externships or clerkships, guest faculty/staff, or other visitors invited to observe or participate in any aspect of patient care. The department will ensure completion of the Registration Information Checklist (Appendix A) on each student/trainee. The checklist must be completed prior to the beginning of training. The checklist is the minimum information required; therefore, the sponsoring department may request more information as deemed appropriate in the individual situation. The student/trainee should carry a completed copy of the checklist with them in case emergency medical services are required. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES / IMMUNIZATIONS / TESTS University of Kansas Medical Center requires that the student/trainee be free of any communicable diseases that may be transmitted to fellow students, patients or employees. Details of required immunization status for Tuberculosis, tetanus, Rubeola (measles), mumps, rubella, chickenpox and hepatitis B are found in Appendix A. Depending on the immunization status of the student/trainee, the student/trainee may be given the appropriate immunizations by Student Health or Occupational Health provided arrangements for payment are made or provided by their primary care physician. If the student/trainee chooses to decline an immunization that is recommended, they must do so in writing. Copies of the declinations can be signed in Occupational Health and will be kept with the student/trainee’s paperwork in the Graduate Medical Education (GME) office. USE OF UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS MEDICAL CENTER FACILITIES AND SERVICES: Personal health care services may be provided by KUMC practitioners under guidelines and restrictions as identified in the individual student/trainee’s personal medical insurance policy. Visiting students/trainees not eligible to be seen in Student Health and requiring preventive services (immunizations, PPD, etc.) or care for work-related injuries/exposures (occurring while on campus in the course of performing their duties) may be seen in the Occupational Health Clinic during normal working hours or in the Emergency Department after normal working hours, providing payment is guaranteed by the parent institution, sponsoring department or visiting student/trainee. RECORDKEEPING All completed checklists for students/trainees will be kept in a confidential file in the GME office. No services will be Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 14 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 15 provided without a completed checklist. ENFORCEMENT The checklist must be completed prior to matriculation. If the checklist is not completed, the prospective student/trainee will be returned to their parent institution and will not be allowed to begin training. IMMUNIZATION & TB STATUS You will have to schedule an appointment with the University of Kansas Medical Center Occupational Health Clinic. You may schedule this by calling 913-588-6512. Please bring documentation of the following with you to the appointment; including all dates and titer results! -BRING THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATION TO YOUR SCHEDULED APPOINTMENT WITH OCCUPATIONAL HEALTHImmunization or Test DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussis,Ttetanus): Two 0.5 ml doses IM (deltoid) 4 weeks apart; third dose 6-12 months after second dose. Booster every 10 years or after 5 years for wound management. Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis) Routine: single dose to replace Td booster ≥10 years earlier. Shorter Interval: > 2 years since last Td booster and care for infants < 12 months old. MEASLES (Rubeola): documentation of adequate vaccination (2 doses MMR at least 1 month apart, at or after 12 months of age) or laboratory evidence of immunity to measles. MUMPS: documentation of adequate vaccination (2 doses MMR at least 1 month apart, at or after 12 months of age) or laboratory evidence of immunity to mumps. RUBELLA (German Measles): documentation of adequate vaccination (2 doses MMR at least 1 month apart, at or after 12 months of age) or laboratory evidence of immunity to rubella. HEPATITIS B: Two 1.0 ml doses IM (deltoid) 4 weeks apart; third dose 5 months after second) and positive titer/screen. CHICKEN POX (Varicella): documentation of adequate vaccination (Two 0.5 ml. doses SC 4-8 weeks apart) or laboratory evidence of immunity. TUBERCULOSIS: A two-step PPD testing protocol is followed. KUMC will place one at the time of your visit. You will need to bring documentation of another one within 12 months preceding. If history of a positive PPD test, documentation of a negative chest x-ray within the past 12 months, a negative TB symptoms questionnaire, and description of any postconversion treatment is required. Documentation needs to include the below info but you cannot fill this out and call it documentation we need the note from where it was done. Last PPD Skin Test less than 12 months old: If you had a positive TB skin test was a chest X-Ray completed? If “Yes”: Date of chest x-ray: ______________ □Yes Results: ___________________________ Have you ever taken medication for a positive TB skin test? If “Yes”: Name of Medication: Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 □No □Yes □No Length of treatment: 15 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 16 ATTACHMENT F Hospital O2 Computer Access Resident/Fellow Request Form Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 16 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 17 ATTACHMENT G The University of Kansas Hospital Authority CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT/SIGNATURE ATTESTATION READ CAREFULLY – The University of Kansas Hospital Authority is committed to protecting the privacy and security of individually identifiable health information, organizational, and other information of a confidential nature for the hospital organization and its affiliates (collectively known as “confidential information”). As a system user you hold a position of trust. Information pertaining to patients, confidential information, and other sensitive information must be held in strict confidence. All system users at the University of Kansas Hospital are required to read the following agreement and agree to comply with this Agreement by signing where indicated. 1. I understand that my computer sign-on is my own individual, personal code for gaining access into University of Kansas Hospital Authority Computer Systems (e.g. SMS, Centricity, Logician, PACS, Tracemaster, etc.) and I agree that I will not share my login ID and/or password with anyone. 2. My computer sign-on allows me to access only such information which I have been authorized to use to perform my job responsibilities and I agree that I will only use my computer access as appropriate in order to carry out my assigned duties. 3. I understand that my computer sign-on and my electronic signature or initials, if applicable, act as my personal signature, as if I had signed a paper document, when performing all computer activities and is legally binding as my authorized personal signature. 4. I understand that the information I access through hospital systems is privileged, and/or confidential, and is to be used only in the performance of job-related or patient-related activities. I agree that I will not divulge confidential information unless requested to do so by my supervisor or other authorized personnel in the performance of my job duties or as required by law. 5. I understand that it is a violation of the University of Kansas Hospital’s Medical Record Ownership and Accessibility Policy to print any confidential information remotely (for example, home, hotel, or any off-site printer). I agree not to print confidential information remotely. 6. I am responsible for notifying my Human Resources department should I undergo a name change. That way the sign-on will be kept accurate at all times. I will also notify HIPAA Commitment at extension 5-5490 if I have reason to believe there may be a breach of confidentiality and/or I have reason to believe someone has accessed and/or is using my or any other person’s password so that the appropriate action may be taken. 7. I must sign off of a computer system if I leave the computer terminal for any period of time. I understand that failure to sign off of a Hospital computer system is a violation of the University of Kansas Hospital Authority’s confidentiality and patient privacy policies. I am responsible for all information accessed with my sign-on. 8. Any user (i.e. employee, staff, student or volunteer), or vendor employee (i.e. Business Associate), viewing patient information in the course of their job duties must agree to maintain the confidentiality of this information. In addition, I agree that no medical record is to be removed from the KUMC campus. I have read this agreement and by signing below I agree to comply with the policies as stated. I understand if I share my sign-on, use someone else’s sign-on, or fail to comply with this Agreement or any of the Hospital’s confidentiality or patient privacy policies, I will be committing a breach of hospital policy. I understand that I must not disclose confidential information, except, as such disclosure is part of the performance of job duties. I further understand that inappropriate disclosure and/or access of confidential information or any breach of University of Kansas Hospital Authority confidentiality and privacy policies will result in disciplinary action including possible loss of access to Hospital Computer Systems and possible termination. My agreement to the above shall continue even after I leave association with the Hospital or its affiliates. User’s Signature:_______________________________________________Date:__________________ User’s Name & Title (Print):____________________________________Dept:____________________ Organization (please circle 1): MAC / MATCS / Jayhawk / Med Center / KUPI / KU Hospital Authority/Other____________ Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 17 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 18 ATTACHMENT H KU School of Medicine HIPAA CONFIDENTIALITY POLICY VISITING FELLOWS, RESIDENTS, STUDENTS Patients at KU Medical Center are entitled to confidentiality with regard to their medical and personal information. The right to confidentiality of medical information is protected by state law and by federal privacy regulations known as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”). Those regulations specify substantial penalties for breach of patient confidentiality. 1. All patient medical and personal information is confidential information regardless of the educational or clinical setting(s) and must be held in strict confidence. This confidential information must not become casual conversation anywhere in or out of a hospital, clinic or any other venue. Information may only be shared with health care providers, supervising faculty, hospital or clinic employees, and students involved in the care of or services to the patient or involved in approved research projects, who have a valid need to know the information. 2. Under strict circumstances, upon receipt of a properly executed medical authorization by the patient or a HIPAA-compliant subpoena, medical information may be released to the requesting party. Inquiries regarding the appropriateness of the authorization or subpoena should be directed to the medical records department or the University’s Office of Legal Counsel at 913-588-7281, depending upon the situation. 3. Computer user codes/passwords are confidential. Only the individual to whom the code/password is issued should know the code. No one may attempt to obtain access through the computer system to information to which he/she is not authorized to view or receive 4. If a violation of this policy occurs or is suspected, immediately report this information to your supervising faculty. 5. Violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination from the program. Intentional misuse of protected health information could also subject an individual to civil and criminal penalties. I, ________________________________, acknowledge receipt of this Confidentiality Policy. I have read the policy and agree to abide by its terms and requirements throughout my education/training at K.U. Medical Center and as part of my participation in patient care activities. Signature_________________________________________ Date ________ Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 18 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 19 ATTACHMENT I <<Training Site>> HIPAA Certificate of Training- from home institution Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 19 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 20 ATTACHMENT J <<Training Site>> National Provider Information Number Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 20 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 21 ATTACHMENT K <<Training Site>> Proof of Malpractice Insurance/Certificate ($1,000,000/$3,000,000) Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 21 Visiting Resident/Fellow Rotation Page 22 ATTACHMENT L Visiting Resident/Fellow Clearing Form INSTRUCTIONS: Obtain the signatures of the departments or individuals listed below. Return this form to your Residency Coordinator by the last day of training. The Residency Coordinator is to provide the Graduate Medical Education Office with a copy prior to the completion of your visit. Clearance Item Signature Archie Dykes Library-Fines or Outstanding Materials Front Desk Identification Badge Turn-In Human Resources Additional Affiliates: Keys (Department) Program Coordinator Additional Affiliates: Medical Records-KU Hospital Additional Affiliates: Medical Records-UKP Additional Affiliates: Pager--TURN OFF VOICEMAIL FORWARDING Program Coordinator Parking Services Support Services Facility, 2100 W. 36th Ave Duty Hours Logging Complete in E*Value Program Coordinator Provide Program with New Address Program Coordinator Meal Card - KU Hospital Program Coordinator Revised 3/14/2013 KUMC Legal Review: 10/20/2009 22