Result Summary Sheet for linking higher educational qualifications

Result Summary Sheet
for linking higher educational qualifications to the levels of the HuQF
and for the assessment of their compatibility with the QF-EHEA
1.2 Name of the qualification: LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT MASTER
1.3 Sector of the qualification: higher education
1.4 Academic sector/domain of the qualification: (according to Annexes 1 and 2 of
the “no. 298/2005 (XII. 22) Government Decree on bachelor and master programmes in
higher education, and on the procedural order of launching degree courses”): Economic
1.5 Laws related to the qualification:
- No. 289/2005. (XII.22) Government Decree on bachelor and master programmes in
higher education, and on the procedural order of launching degree courses
- No. 15/2006. (IV. 3.) OM Decree of the Minister of Education on the Educational and
Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) of bachelor and master programmes
- No. 1229/2012. (VII. 6.) Government Decision on the tasks related to the introduction
of the Hungarian Qualifications Framework, and on the amendment of the no.
1004/2011. (I. 14.) Government Decision on the establishment and introduction of the
National Qualifications Framework
1.6 Degree of the qualification (Higher Vocational Education and
Training/BA/BSc/MA/MSc/PhD): MSc
1.7 Number of credits to be achieved for the obtainment of the qualification:
120 credits
1.8 Entry criteria for the qualification (secondary school leaving examination,
BA/BSC, MA/MSC, other): BA/BSc
6.1 The HuQF level recommended for the qualification: Level 7
6.2 Cycle of the qualification: Cycle 2 (master programme, MSc)
6.3 Strength of the qualification level:
1 – It can be definitely linked to the level
6.4 Brief summarizing justification:
Although the Education and Outcome description for the Leadership and
Management Master Programme was prepared before Hungary accepted the
HuQF (QF-EHEA), the technical analysis provided sufficient evidence to prove
that the Leadership and Management Master Programme can be linked to Level
7 of the HuQF (Cycle 2 of the QF-EHEA). It could be also clearly evidenced that
this degree course is at a higher level than Level 6 of the HuQF (Cycle 1 of the
QF-EHEA), however, it does not reach the requirement level of Level 8 of the
HuQF (Cycle 3 of the QF-EHEA).
Individual Expert Sheet
for linking higher educational qualifications to the levels of the HuQF
and for the assessment of their compatibility with the QF-EHEA
1. Data Sheet
1.1 Name of the expert to carry out the analysis: dr. Gyula László
1.2 Name of the analysed qualification (precise name of the qualification as included
in the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) and in the diploma):
1.3 Sector of the qualification:
Higher Education
1.4 Academic sector/domain of the qualification: (according to Annexes 1 and 2 of
the “no. 298/2005 (XII. 22) Government Decree on bachelor and master programmes in
higher education, and on the procedural order of launching degree courses”):
Economic Studies
1.5 Laws related to the qualification:
No. 298/2005 (XII. 22) Government Decree on bachelor and master
programmes in higher education, and on the procedural order of launching
degree courses
No. 15/2006. (IV. 3.) OM Decree of the Minister of Education on the Educational
and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) of bachelor and master programmes
No. 1229/2012. (VII. 6.) Government Decision on the tasks related to the
introduction of the Hungarian Qualifications Framework, and on the amendment
of the no. 1004/2011. (I. 14.) Government Decision on the establishment and
introduction of the National Qualifications Framework
1.6 Degree of the qualification: (Higher Vocational Education and
Training/BA/BSc/MA/MSc/PhD): MSc
1.7 Number of credits to be achieved for the obtainment of the qualification:
120 credits
1.8 Entry criteria for the qualification (secondary school leaving examination,
BA/BSC, MA/MSC, other): BA/BSc
Based on the comparison of the knowledge domains used for the assessment of the
credit values as stated by the Higher Education Act, the student shall have a recognised
credit value of at least 60 credits according to the student’s prior studies in the following
knowledge domains:
– basic knowledge of methodology (15 credits): mathematics, statistics, informatics;
– basic knowledge of economy (10 credits): micro- and macro-economy, international
economics, environmental economics, theoretical economics, statistical economics,
history of economic theories, economic modelling, economic policy, sectoral and
functional economics, community economics;
– basic knowledge of business (15 credits): corporate economics, economic law,
marketing, finance, accounting, decision theory and methodology, business ethics,
business communication, knowledge of taxation, corporate finance;
– basic knowledge of social sciences (10 credits): knowledge of the EU, knowledge of
public policy, economic history, sociology, philosophy, psychology;
– professional knowledge (10 credits): management of value creating processes,
leadership and management, business planning, business management, strategic
planning, controlling, human resource management, development of managerial skills,
IT systems.
It is a criterion for the admission to the master programme that the student shall have
at least 30 credits in the above listed knowledge domains. The missing credits shall be
obtained parallel with the training for the obtainment of the master degree, within two
terms starting from the admission, as stated by the study and examination rules of the
concerned higher education institution.
1.9 Reasons why the qualification has been selected for linking:
Linking is to evidence that qualifications are compatible with the authoritative outcome
features (the level descriptions of the QF-EHEA and HuQF), more precisely to assess the
degree of compatibility for the qualifications. The above level descriptions are
necessarily “general” by nature, whereas the training to be linked is already professionspecific, i.e. it is a specific degree course of an academic sector. Therefore we have
selected a master programme within the academic domain of economic studies, which is
fundamentally “general”, i.e. relatively the most general (the least field-specific within
the economic studies), which allows a more precise comparison.
2. The documents to serve as a basis of analysis
2.1 List of the documents, background materials collected and used for the
no. 298/2005 (XII. 22) Government Decree on bachelor and master programmes
in higher education, and on the procedural order of launching degree courses
No. 15/2006. (IV. 3.) OM Decree of the Minister of Education on the Educational
and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) of bachelor and master programmes
No. 1229/2012. (VII. 6.) Government Decision on the tasks related to the
introduction of the Hungarian Qualifications Framework, and on the amendment
of the no. 1004/2011. (I. 14.) Government Decision on the establishment and
introduction of the National Qualifications Framework
The Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area
The request of the University of Pécs for launching the Leadership and
Management Master Programme and the degree course curriculum for 2013
2.2 Possible observations and remarks for the documents:
We believe that this expert analysis is able to provide a professionally absolutely correct
evaluation of the compatibility of the analysed master programme with the HuQF.
However, it should be kept in mind as a restrictive factor that on the one hand a
relatively general framework (of a higher level) is compared to a relatively specific
degree course description (of a “lower” level), which may result in reasonable and
justifiable differences regarding specificity and exposition. On the other hand, the HuQF
already follows the spirit and aspects of the QF-EHEA, the European Qualifications
Framework, whereas the Leadership and Management Master Programme to be
compared was prepared in a period when education management and qualification
principles based on study units and outcome regulation did not mean definite and
general aspects. (In fact, the qualification to be linked does not have a “qualification
description” but “only” an Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) system.)
3. Text and content analysis
Required documents:
Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) of the qualification is based on the
following documents:
 Chapter of the annex to the no. 15/2006. (IV. 3.) OM Decree of the Minister of
Education on the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) of bachelor and
master programmes, including the qualifications for the concerned training area,
 Annexes 1 and 2 to the no. 39/2012. (XI. 21.) EMMI Decree of the Ministry of
Human Resources on the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) of higher
vocational education and training, furthermore
 387/2012. (XII. 19.) Government Decree on doctoral schools, the doctoral
degree award procedure and habilitation,
 cycle features of the QF-EHEA;
 level descriptors of the HuQF;
 level descriptors for the training area, elaborated by the task forces.
3.1 Which are the competence elements and text parts in the outcome description
of the qualification that evidence compatibility with the relevant level of the HuQF
[and the relevant cycle of the QF-EHEA]?
Comparison is carried out in two phases: first the Educational and Outcomes
Standards (‘KKK’) of the Leadership and Management Master Programme is
evaluated in comparison with the HuQF then it is evaluated in comparison with
the learning outcomes as common denominators of the economic studies
domain prepared within the frames of TÁMOP 413.
3.1.1 Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) of the Leadership and
Management compared to the HuQF
a) Knowledge:
Knowledge in the HuQF
Knowledge in the Educational and
Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’)
MT1 Knows the general and specific
A person who has completed the master
features, main tendencies and exact
programme knows:
limits of the general domains of a given KT1 the modern trends and results in the
field of work or study, as well as its
science and practice of leadership and
links to related fields.
MT2 Has an in-depth knowledge of the
KT2 leadership and management methods
correlations, theories and the related
supported by modern information
terminology of a given field of work or
technology and know-how, and their
practical use,
MT3 Knows the particular research
KT3 the modes of solution for the
methods (especially those related to
problems and new phenomena
knowledge acquisition and problem
occurring during the operation of
solving) used in his field, abstraction
organisations, and the methods for
techniques and the methods to cope
their critical processing,
with practical aspects of theoretical
KT4 the fundamental (functional) practical
methods and solutions, as well as their
possible use in the area according to
the specialisation of the training.
The knowledge elements of the HuQF can be found in the Educational and Outcomes
Standards (‘KKK’) of the degree course with a relatively great exactness (though in a
different structure and wording):
MT1 ↔ KT2
MT2 ↔ KT1
MT3 ↔ KT3, KT4
The fundamental difference between the two descriptions of knowledge basically lies in
the approach, and it can be described by the fact that while Level 7 of the HuQF
emphasises the definition of a level that exceeds the knowledge of Level 6, i.e. it rather
provides a general knowledge description, the Educational and Outcomes Standards
(‘KKK’) puts the focus on practical knowledge (problem solving, practical methods and
their possible use).
This is also underpinned by the wording of the training aim for the degree course as
included in the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’):
“The aim of the study programme is to train such experts to businesses and public
sector organisations who have sound and integrated professional knowledge in the broad
and narrow fields of management, the latter one being in conformity with their optional
specialisation. With the acquired knowledge, they are able to analyse, plan and manage
the work processes of the organisations in the competitive and public sectors. They are
able to recognise, analyse and solve newly emerging problems, while using the known
categories of individual and organisational learning, as well as their skills for innovation
and creative thinking. They have appropriate knowledge for continuing their studies
within the frame of a doctoral programme.”
b) Skills:
Skills in the HuQF
MK1 Capable to perform exhaustive
analysis of diverse conceptual domains
constituting the body of knowledge of a
given field of work or study, to devise
general and specific correlations and to
carry out related evaluation activities.
MK2 Able to identify profession-specific
issues, explore and outline the
theoretical and practical background
needed for their solution.
MK3 Able to approach profession-specific
problems in an interdisciplinary,
comprehensive manner.
MK4 Able to join research, development
MK5 Is advanced at using the infocommunication techniques of his/her
field as well as using and processing
Hungarian and foreign language
MK6 Able to apply a wide range of
methods and techniques in various
contexts of different degree of
complexity and predictability.
MK7 Able to produce in a scientific format
analyses and summaries of sub-fields of
his area of study.
MK8 Able to apply his professional skills
in accordance with the various
requirements of a given workplace.
Skills in the Educational and Outcomes
Standards (‘KKK’)
A person who has completed the master
programme is able to:
KK1 identify and use the relevant
employment (work) opportunities in the
national and international labour
KK2 perform managerial tasks with the
previously gained practical experience,
KK3 form an opinion, prepare and make a
decision which is professionally
grounded, related to the operations of
organisations, individually or as a
member of a group,
KK4 fill special jobs with the additional
knowledge according to the
KK5 manage and operate an own
business with the acquired knowledge
and the previously gained experience,
KK6 critically evaluate research and its
results in the discipline of the degree
KK7 provide the continuous and lifelong
development of his/her knowledge and
Personal features and skills required for
using the professional qualification in
KA1 creativity, flexibility,
KA2 skill to analyse and synthetize,
KA3 skill to identify and solve problems…
The HuQF uses four dimensions for describing the qualification, the Educational and
Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) uses only three of them (partly under different names)
therefore the Skills description elements of the HuQF are included in the suitability and
skills features of the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) in a “mixed” manner.
The result of referencing is the following:
MK1 ↔ KK6, KA2
MK2 ↔ KK3, KA2, KA3
MK3, 6, 7 ↔ KK3
MK5 ↔ KK6
MK8 ↔ KK4
Referencing is considerable here as well though it shows a less complete result
compared to the previous case. Differences could be hardly described with the antonyms
more/less. Differences are basically induced by the considerably simplified fact that
while the HuQF rather describes general/professional skills elements, the Educational
and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) uses a practical/labour market approach and expects
the graduates to show managerial skills and suitability for filling managerial jobs
instead. Consequently, the wording of the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’)
is less profession-specific/scientific.
c) Attitude:
Attitudes in the HuQF
Attitudes in the Educational and
Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’)
MA1 Knows and identifies with the specific A person who has completed the master
and general relations and professional
programme is able to:
identity that constitute the
KK7 provide the continuous and lifelong
characteristics of his profession and its
development of his/her knowledge and
individual and social functions. This is
the basis for his unfolding vocational
Personal features and skills required for
using the professional qualification in
MA2 Able to understand and genuinely
communicate the particulars and the
KA1 creativity, flexibility,
synthesis of his/her profession’s topics.
KA2 skill to analyse and synthetize,
MA3 His/her professional interest deepens KA3 skill to identify and solve problems,
and is consolidated.
KA4 intuition and systematism,
KA5 persistence and stress tolerance,
KA6 emotional intelligence,
KA7 suitability for cooperation, for
participation in team work, and for
executing managerial tasks after
sufficient experience has been gained
KA8 commitment to and demand for
quality work,
KA9 demand for participation in
continuing vocational education and
The more or less exact referencing at the level of the text does not actually bring
results in this dimension, mainly deepened and consolidated professional interest,
quality and lifelong learning may be paired:
MA3 ↔ KK7, KA8, KA9
The fundamental difference of the approach may be identified in that Educational and
Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) used the dimension of “features and skills” instead of
attitudes. Accordingly, features that graduates should have are specified in its system of
requirements (creativity, flexibility, systematism, etc.) and not attitudes, i.e. the
characteristics of approach and relation.
d) Autonomy and responsibility:
Autonomy and responsibility in the HuQF
MÖ1 Possesses considerable autonomy in
elaborating general and specific
Autonomy and responsibility in the
Educational and Outcomes Standards
A person who has completed the master
programme is able to:
professional issues, in representing and
justifying professional views.
MÖ2 Assumes responsibility in taking
initiative for cooperation.
MÖ3 Is a partner on equal footing in
cases of professional cooperation.
MÖ4 Thinks over and stands for the
ethical positions of his field.
KK1 identify and use the relevant
employment (work) opportunities in the
national and international labour
KK2 perform managerial tasks with the
previously gained practical experience,
KK3 form an opinion, prepare and make a
decision which is professionally
grounded, related to the operations of
organisations, individually or as a
member of a group,
KK5 manage and operate an own
business with the acquired knowledge
and the previously gained experience,
KK7 provide the continuous and lifelong
development of his/her knowledge and
Personal features and skills required for
using the professional qualification in
KA7 suitability for cooperation, for
participation in team work, and for
executing managerial tasks after
sufficient experience has been gained
KA8 commitment to and demand for
quality work,
KA9 demand for participation in
continuing vocational education and
The dimension and aspect of Autonomy and responsibility in the HuQF has not been
included yet in the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) description, however,
regarding the latter one it was important what jobs the graduates may be suitable for.
This can be associated with the evaluation of autonomy, which provides a referencing
interface between the two systems of requirements:
MÖ1 ↔ KK1, KK2, KK5, KA7
MÖ3 ↔ KK3, KK7
Responsibility is not included in the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) in an
indirect way either.
In summary it can be stated that based on the Educational and Outcomes
Standards (‘KKK’) the Leadership and Management Master Programme is
compatible with the descriptors of Level 7 in the HuQF, however, for a more
precise alignment, the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) should be
reworded, understandably.
3.1.2 Comparison of the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) of
Leadership and Management to the Qualifications Framework of Economic
First of all, related to the comparison it should be highlighted that regarding
qualifications frameworks, a “more specific” level (training area instead of training) is
presented here. Paradoxically, this does not necessarily result in a greater possibility of
compatibility. It seems that linking points and uniformity can be found at the more
general levels of the HuQF more easily than in the Educational and Outcomes Standards
(‘KKK’) of the academic domain of Economic Studies (hereinafter referred to as: ES
STANDARDS). The ES STANDARDS rather only supposes the features of the HuQF, and
it does not describe them again, but it breaks down and concretise them, and by doing
so it describes several features that may be potentially present in the establishment and
operation of the degree course (establishment of a degree course, launching a degree
course, editing a specific curriculum), however, these do not appear in the Educational
and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) explicitly.
a) Knowledge:
Knowledge in the ES STANDARDS
GT1 Knows and understands the basic
and comprehensive concepts, theories,
development history, features and
correlations of economics for the
relevant participants, the economic
functions and processes, the sectoral
structure of economy and the complex
system of economy.
GT2 Has acquired the basic theories and
features of the micro- and macroorganisational levels of economy, the
operational principles and institutional
features of the economic system.
Understands the structure, operation
and correlations of economic
organisations, the environmental factors
to determine the behaviour of
participants in economy, and the
information and motivation factors of
economic decisions.
GT3 Knows and understands the basis of
expert knowledge that is suitable for
identifying problems in a field, the
methods for gathering-analysing
information and solving problems that
are relevant in a field, and the
limitations and criteria for their use.
GT4 Knows the modern and theoretically
correct mathematical-statistical,
econometrical, and modelling methods
of problem solving that are relevant in
his/her field, and their limits. Knows the
paradigms and method of comparative
institutional analysis.
GT5 Has a comprehensive knowledge
relevant in his/her field of the most
Knowledge in the Educational and
Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’)
A person who has completed the master
programme knows:
KT1 the modern trends and results in the
science and practice of leadership and
KT2 leadership and management methods
supported by modern information
technology and know-how, and their
practical use,
KT3 the modes of solution for the
problems and new phenomena
occurring during the operation of
organisations, and the methods for
their critical processing,
KT4 the fundamental (functional) practical
methods and solutions, as well as their
possible use in the area according to
the specialisation of the training.
important correlations between the
economic system and other subsystems of society, the determinations
of economic policy and the related
special policies, and their open and
unsolved issues;
GT6 Knows the relevant concepts,
theories and trends in the fields of the
related sciences.
GT7 Knows and understands the
relatively wide social/economic, national
and international contexts and
correlations, the requirements, and the
related current research issues and
results in his/her field.
GT8 Knows the rules of cooperation in a
project, a team and different work
organisational forms, and the rules,
professional and ethical norms of
project planning and project
management. Has a wide knowledge of
leadership and management.
GT9 Has a command of public language
at a high level, in addition to this knows
economic special language, its special
expressions and wording rules in the
Hungarian and English languages, and
in addition to this in another foreign
language being relevant in his/her field.
GT10 Has acquired the written and verbal
forms of professional and efficient
communication, the tabular and
graphical methods of data presentation,
also including the options provided by
info-communication technology.
GT11 Knows the opportunities,
conditions, tools and methods of career
planning in a wide context, also
including the criteria and means of
helping and motivating others.
GT12 Has relevant and comprehensive
information and sound knowledge of
social and public life beyond the world
of work as well.
Based on the above comparison several specific groups can be formed:
a) There are features whose existence in our opinion is supposed by the Educational
and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’), however, they are not clearly worded. This group
includes among others: GT1, GT2, GT5.
b) There are features which also appear in the Educational and Outcomes
Standards (‘KKK’): GT3, GT4, GT8 can be clearly identified in the Knowledge
dimension of the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) (KT1, KT2, KT3,
c) Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) do not deal with the wider professional
context of a field.
d) Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) do not deal with the “general”
functions related to graduates with degrees obtained in higher education (language,
communication, career, public life activity) either. Among these communication also
appears within the knowledge domains to be acquired, and foreign language is a
criterion for obtaining a diploma (although it is quite strange that it does not exceed
the requirements of the BA level), whereas career planning (career management)
mostly appears as an optional subject and/or as a service provided to students.
b) Skills:
Skills in the ES STANDARDS
GK1 Explores sources of theories and
facts in the Hungarian and foreign
languages, and studies professional
publications in his/her field and in the
relevant related sciences.
GK2 Forms a personal viewpoint based on
individual analysis, and defends it in a
debate as well.
GK3 Able to construct strategies for
solving complex problems, plans the
solution, makes decisions, and provides
professional consulting to participants in
GK4 Systemises and critically analyses
the revealed professional sources and
data with the help of infocommunication technological tools as
GK5 Efficiently uses the correct
mathematical-statistical, econometrial
and modelling methods in his/her
analyses. Also able to use the methods
of comparative institutional analysis in
addition to formalised mathematical
GK6 While exploring, analysing and
solving economic problems being
relevant in his/her field, takes their
complex social and special political
correlations into account.
GK7 Uses an interdisciplinary approach in
analysis and practical problem solving if
Skills in the Educational and Outcomes
Standards (‘KKK’)
A person who has completed the master
programme is able to:
KK1 identify and use the relevant
employment (work) opportunities in the
national and international labour
KK2 perform managerial tasks with the
previously gained practical experience,
KK3 form an opinion, prepare and make a
decision which is professionally
grounded, related to the operation of
organisations, individually or as a
member of a group,
KK4 fill special jobs with the additional
knowledge according to the
KK5 manage and operate an own
business with the acquired knowledge
and the previously gained experience,
KK6 critically evaluate research and its
results in the discipline of the degree
KK7 provide the continuous and lifelong
development of his/her knowledge and
GK8 Able to perform analytical and
practical tasks in a national or
international context or in an
organisational culture as well.
GK9 Draws independent and new
conclusions, conceives original thoughts
and solution methods in a
multidisciplinary context, in a new and
so far unknown environment, from
incomplete or limited information as
GK10 Leads medium-sized and great
enterprises, a comprehensive economic
function in a business entity, or a
complex organisation unit, plans and
manages complex management
processes, and manages the resources
in addition to executing the tasks of a
job, after acquiring practical knowledge
and gaining experience.
GK11 Participates in a great and complex
project, in task solution in a group;
leads, organises and evaluates the
activity as a leader.
GK12 Prepares professional summaries
and analyses, gives lectures, and
actively participates in professional
debates in his/her field, with the use of
the modern methods of infocommunication technology and
presentation devices, in foreign
languages as well.
GK13 Publishes professional analyses and
case studies in professional publications,
according to the rules of communicating
professional contents, in foreign
languages as well.
GK14 Builds an individual strategy for
self-development and career building by
means of lifelong learning; organises
and manages it.
GK15 As a leader, plans and organises
the professional development of his/her
colleagues and employees in his/her
work organisation.
GK16 Participates in social and public life
with relevant knowledge, efficiently and
Between the Skills of the ES STANDARDS and the Suitability description of the
Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) more identical points can be detected:
GK1 ↔ KK6
GK2, GK3, GK4, GK5 ↔ KK3
GK10 ↔ KK2, KK4, KK5
GK11 ↔ KK2, KK4
GK14, GK15 ↔ KK7
However, the descriptions of the Skills in the ES STANDARDS are in several cases much
more comprehensive (GK6, GK7, GK8, GK12, GK13, GK16), and more extensive (GK14,
GK15) than those in the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’).
c) Attitudes:
Attitudes in the ES STANDARDS
GA1 Committed to his/her profession,
knows and accepts its basic values and
norms, makes efforts to critically
interpret and develop them.
GA2 Committed to work according to high
GA3 Motivated by inquisitiveness and the
wish to know facts and correlations in
his/her professional work.
GA4 Shows a cultured, ethical and factual
approach that is characteristic of the
members of the intelligentsia in his/her
relation to other persons and to social
GA5 Has a critical relation to his/her own
and employees’ knowledge, work and
behaviour. Feels obliged to correct
mistakes, and helps his/her colleagues
do so.
GA6 Consciously looks for problems to be
solved, shows innovative and proactive
behaviour in the management of
economic problems.
GA7 Open and receptive to the new
results of economics and its practice,
and the changes of the social-economiclegal contexts concerning his/her field.
GA8 Studies the results and solutions of
the related special sciences, open to
establish relationships.
GA9 Open to new and innovative
solutions in the management of
economic problems. Beyond the
economic approach, sensitive to widescale social and international interests
and consequences in his/her work.
GA10 In a project, while working in a
group, decided and constructive,
cooperates and initiates.
GA11 Tolerant and receptive to others’
opinions, as well as sectoral, regional,
national and European values (also
including community, social, as well as
economical and sustainability aspects).
GA12 Has a critical approach to the work
and organisation culture of his/her
workplace, its ethical principles, and
makes efforts in his/her work to
Attitudes in the Educational and
Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’)
Personal features and skills required for
using the professional qualification in
KA1 creativity, flexibility,
KA2 skill to analyse and synthetize,
KA3 skill to identify and solve problems,
KA4 intuition and systematism,
KA5 persistence and stress tolerance,
KA6 emotional intelligence,
KA7 suitability for cooperation, for
participation in team work, and for
executing managerial tasks after
sufficient experience has been gained
KA8 commitment to and demand for
quality work,
KA9 demand for participation in
continuing vocational education and
continuously renew these.
GA13 Considers reliable transmission of
the comprehensive thinking, the value
system and the fundamental features of
the practical operation of economic
sciences a part of his/her profession,
within and beyond the workplace
context, to a professional and nonprofessional audience as well.
GA14 Considers the publication of his/her
thoughts, professional results and
recommendations important in
professional forums, as well as in the
forms of lectures, professional studies
and publications, both in the Hungarian
and foreign languages.
GA15 Motivated in planning and
organising of his/her own professional
career by the need to enhance
professional and social knowledge, and
to increase social usefulness.
GA16 Devoted to promoting the
professional development and career of
his/her colleagues and employees.
GA17 His/her social and public activities
are motivated by high-level value
awareness, as well as human and social
GA18 Willing to share his/her professional
and social knowledge with the
professional and non-professional
GA19 Willing to help the personal
professional development, as well as
economic and social activities of others,
including colleagues and employees.
The Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) did not yet pay attention to the
attitudes described in the ES STANDARDS. The only exception may be the
commitment to profession and quality: GA2 ↔ KA8, KA9.
d) Autonomy and Responsibility:
Autonomy and Responsibility in the ES
GÖ1 Based on his/her independent
professional viewpoint, independently
executes the tasks of economic
analysis, decision preparation and
consultation in fields that are important
from the aspect of organisation policy,
strategy and management.
GÖ2 Autonomous in raising and
elaborating comprehensive professional
issues, as well as in representing and
justifying professional viewpoints.
Autonomy and Responsibility in the
Educational and Outcomes Standards
A person who has completed the master
programme is able to:
KK1 identify and use the relevant
employment (work) opportunities in the
national and international labour
KK2 perform managerial tasks with the
previously gained practical experience,
KK3 form an opinion, prepare and make a
decision which is professionally
grounded, related to the operations of
GÖ3 Initiates the solution of problems,
the elaboration of strategies, and the
cooperation of groups and colleagues,
within the organisation and between
organisations as well.
GÖ4 Independently selects and uses the
relevant problem solving methods in the
solution of professional tasks.
GÖ5 Analyses, assumes and manages
the responsibility which derives from the
fact that the results obtained from
analyses and practical procedures also
depend on the selected method.
GÖ6 Independently and responsibly
considers and takes into consideration
the economic and non-economic
consequences while raising professional
GÖ7 Independently explores the
correlations of fields. Assumes and
bears responsibility for the
consequences of his/her activities
concerning other fields.
GÖ8 Independently initiates and
organises his/her wide-scale national
and international relationships in the
profession and policy required for
successful professional work, and
assumes responsibility for the
consequences of his/her decisions in
such contexts as well.
GÖ9 Independently establishes,
organises and manages a relatively
great enterprise, organisation or
organisational unit.
GÖ10 Assumes responsibility for his/her
own work, and for the organisation and
enterprise managed by him/her.
GÖ11 Stands for, observes and causes
others to observe the ethical norms of
an organisation, and initiates their
further development if requested.
GÖ12 Assumes responsibility for the
professional content and exact special
language of his/her independently
prepared professional summaries,
lectures and publications.
GÖ13 Independently identifies, plans and
if requested organises his/her and
his/her employees’ professional and
general development.
GÖ14 Assumes and bears responsibility
for the professional development of
his/her colleagues and employees.
GÖ15 Shows an initiating behaviour and
assumes responsibility in social and
public matters related to his/her
colleagues and employees.
organisations, individually or as a
member of a group,
KK4 fill special jobs with the additional
knowledge according to the
KK5 manage and operate an own
business with the acquired knowledge
and the previously gained experience,
KK6 critically evaluate research and its
results in the discipline of the degree
KK7 provide the continuous and lifelong
development of his/her knowledge and
As it was mentioned previously as well, the two level descriptions can be only linked by
the features in the Autonomy of the ES STANDARDS and in the Suitability for the job of
the Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’):
GÖ1 ↔ KK3, KK4
GÖ9 ↔ KK2, KK5
3.2 Counter-verification:
3.2.1 Which are the competence elements and texts parts in the outcome
description of the qualification that evidence the deviation from the level of the
HuQF that is one level below [and from the cycle of the QF-EHEA that is one level
a) Knowledge:
[Elements to underpin/or possibly contradict level demarcation; based on these the
level of knowledge element; expert’s justification.]
Document/ expert’s position
used for the analysis
Cited original text/expert’s opinion
Standards (‘KKK’) approved by
A person who has completed the master
programme knows:
– the modern trends and results in the science and
practice of leadership and management,
– leadership and management methods supported
by modern information technology and know-how,
and their practical use
– Knows the fundamental comprehensive facts,
tendencies and limits of a field of work or study.
– Has an in-depth knowledge of the correlations,
theories and the related terminology of a given
field of work or study.
– Knows fundamental methods for knowledge
acquisition and problem-solving of his/her field.
The expected level of knowledge in the Leadership
Level 6 of the HuQF
Expert’s summary/justification
and Management Master Programme definitely
knowledge of “basic” trends, methods, etc. but that
of “modern” ones.
Document/ expert’s position
used for the analysis
Standards (‘KKK’) approved by
Cited original text/expert’s opinion
a) A person who has completed the master
programme knows:
– the modern trends and results in the science and
practice of leadership and management,
– leadership and management methods supported
by modern information technology and know-how,
and their practical use,
– the modes of solution for the problems and new
phenomena occurring during the operation of
Cycle 1 of the QF-EHEA
Expert’s summary/justification
organisations, and the methods for their critical
has proven a knowledge or understanding in
a field of study, which is built on secondary general
education, whose level can be typically
characterised by the use of study books prepared
according to high standards, and which also
includes certain aspects of the advanced knowledge
in the concerned field;
able to use the acquired knowledge and
understanding in a way that indicates a
professional approach to his/her work and
Programme is not built on secondary level, but it is
built on BA-level, its expected level of knowledge
definitely exceeds the level of knowledge in
Cycle 1: it expects the use of modern methods,
the solution of new phenomena, and the critical
processing of problems.
b) Skills:
[Elements to underpin/or possibly contradict level demarcation; based on these the
level of skills element; expert’s justification.]
Document/ expert’s position
Cited original text/expert’s opinion
used for the analysis
Standards (‘KKK’) approved by
Level 6 of the HuQF
– perform managerial tasks with the previously
gained practical experience,
– form an opinion, prepare and make a decision
which is professionally grounded, related to the
operations of organisations, individually or as a
member of a group,
– fill special jobs with the additional knowledge
according to the specialisation,
– manage and operate an own business with the
acquired knowledge and the previously gained
– critically evaluate research and its results in the
discipline of the degree course,
- Capable of carrying out an elementary analysis of
the concepts which constitute the foundations of
the knowledge of a given field of work or study, to
devise correlations, and to make proper
– Able to identify frequently occurring problems in
his/her field, explore the theoretical and practical
background needed for their solution and able to
address them (through the application of standard
The HuQF definitely expects skills for elementary
Expert’s summary/justification
Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’)
exceeds this, and it expects work at specialist or
managerial level, skill for decision-making, and use
of research results.
c) Attitude:
[Elements to underpin/or possibly contradict level demarcation; based on these the
level of attitude element; expert’s justification.]
Considering the wording of Attitudes, the HuQF does not include features that would
give a favourable or unfavourable rating for the Educational and Outcomes Standards
d) Autonomy and responsibility:
[Elements to underpin/or possibly contradict level demarcation; based on these the
level of autonomy and responsibility element; expert’s justification.]
Document/ expert’s position
Cited original text/expert’s opinion
used for the analysis
Standards (‘KKK’) approved by
Level 6 of the HuQF
A person who has completed the master
programme is able to:
– perform managerial tasks with the previously
gained practical experience,
– form an opinion, prepare and make a decision
which is professionally grounded, related to the
operations of organisations, individually or as a
member of a group,
– fill special jobs with the additional knowledge
according to the specialisation,
– manage and operate an own business with the
acquired knowledge and the previously gained
Capable of thinking over independently the
comprehensive, fundamental questions of his
profession and of elaborating them by using given
Expert’s summary/justification
While Level 6 of the HuQF considers graduates
suitable for independent work, however, within an
organisational unit or a group, the Educational
suitability for filling a managerial position, which is
one level above the former one.
Based on the above it is obvious that according to the Educational and
Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) the Leadership and Management Master
Programme can be linked to a level which exceeds Level 6 of the HuQF (Cycle 1
of the QF-EHEA).
3.2.2 Which are the competence elements and texts parts in the outcome
description of the qualification that evidence the deviation from the level of the
HuQF that is one level above [and from the cycle of the QF-EHEA that is one level
a) Knowledge:
[Elements to underpin/or possibly contradict level demarcation; based on these the
level of knowledge element; expert’s justification.]
Document/ expert’s position
Cited original text/expert’s opinion
used for the analysis
Standards (‘KKK’) approved by
Level 8 of the HuQF
Expert’s summary/justification
A person who has completed the master
programme knows:
– the modern trends and results in the science and
practice of leadership and management,
– leadership and management methods supported
by modern information technology and know-how,
and their practical use,
– the modes of solution for the problems and new
phenomena occurring during the operation of
organisations, and the methods for their critical
– Has an in-depth knowledge, enabling him/her to
undertake research, the general and specific
features, main tendencies and exact limits,
consensual and contentious correlations of his field.
– Has a creative understanding of the theoretical
elements, correlations, conceptual systems and
terminology of a given field.
– Possesses the methodological and research skills
necessary to perform independent research in a
given field.
The Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’)
expects the student to have a modern knowledge
according to Level 7, whereas Level 8 of the HuQF
definitely exceeds this, and it requires research
level knowledge, as well as creative methods and
Document/ expert’s position
Cited original text/expert’s opinion
used for the analysis
Standards (‘KKK’) approved by
Cycle 3 of the QF-EHEA
Expert’s summary/justification
A person who has completed the master
programme knows:
– the modern trends and results in the science and
practice of leadership and management,
– leadership and management methods supported
by modern information technology and know-how,
and their practical use,
– the modes of solution for the problems and new
phenomena occurring during the operation of
organisations, and the methods for their critical
has proven that able to conceive the
concept of, design, execute and use a significant
research process, with adequate scientific
has contributed to broadening the limits of
knowledge through genuine research results and
by means of an extensive piece of work, whose
parts have also appeared in referred national or
international publications;
able to critically analyse, evaluate and
synthetize new and complex thoughts;
The conclusion is the same, Cycle 3 of the QFEHEA definitely exceeds the modern knowledge
according to Level 7 of the
Educational and
Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’), and expects the
student to prepare a research concept, implement
a research, and provide genuine research results.
b) Skills:
[Elements to underpin/or possibly contradict level demarcation; based on these the
level of skills element; expert’s justification.]
Document/ expert’s position
Cited original text/expert’s opinion
used for the analysis
Standards (‘KKK’) approved by
Level 8 of the HuQF
A person who has completed the master
programme is able to:
– form an opinion, prepare and make a decision
which is professionally grounded, related to the
operations of organisations, individually or as a
member of a group,
– critically evaluate research and its results in the
discipline of the degree course,
– provide the continuous and lifelong development
of his/her knowledge and skills.
– Capable of analysing a given field in a creative
manner, able to draft specific and general
correlations through the application of new
approaches, and make appropriate evaluations.
Expert’s summary/justification
– Able to use and further develop the special
knowledge acquisition and problem-solving
methods of his/her field.
– Able to develop innovative, previously unknown
practical aspects of a theoretical issue.
The Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’)
“only” expects professionally grounded
based on the critical evaluation of research results,
whereas Level 8 of the HuQF definitely exceeds
this, and describes skills to synthetize, and work
innovatively, with a novel approach, for further
Document/ expert’s position
Cited original text/expert’s opinion
used for the analysis
Standards (‘KKK’) approved by
Cycle 3 of the QF-EHEA
Expert’s summary/justification
A person who has completed the master
programme is able to:
– form an opinion, prepare and make a decision
which is professionally grounded, related to the
operations of organisations, individually or as a
member of a group,
– critically evaluate research and its results in the
discipline of the degree course,
– provide the continuous and lifelong development
of his/her knowledge and skills.
has proven that able to conceive the
concept of, design, execute and use a significant
research process, with adequate scientific
has contributed to broadening the limits of
knowledge through genuine research results and
by means of an extensive piece of work, whose
parts have also appeared in referred national or
international publications;
able to critically analyse, evaluate and
synthetize new and complex thoughts;
The conclusion is the same, the skills for designing
a research concept and producing (and publishing)
genuine research results are not included in the
Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’).
c) Attitude:
[Elements to underpin/or possibly contradict level demarcation; based on these the
level of attitude element; expert’s justification.]
Document/ expert’s position
Cited original text/expert’s opinion
used for the analysis
Standards (‘KKK’) approved by
– commitment to and demand for quality work,
– demand for participation in continuing vocational
education and training
Level 8 of the HuQF
Expert’s summary/justification
– Disposes of an interest and learning skills, which
permits him to identify and solve research
problems of the field which are covert or
unpredictable at the moment.
The Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’)
development, however, this is rather for
present state and the concerned scope of activity,
whereas Level 8 of the HuQF interprets this for a
more extensive dimension, and for a wider system
of correlations.
d) Autonomy and responsibility:
[Elements to underpin/or possibly contradict level demarcation; based on these the
level of autonomy and responsibility element; expert’s justification.]
Document/ expert’s position
Cited original text/expert’s opinion
used for the analysis
Standards (‘KKK’) approved by
Level 8 of the HuQF
Expert’s summary/justification
A person who has completed the master
programme is able to:
– identify and use the relevant employment (work)
opportunities in the national and international
labour market,
– perform managerial tasks with the previously
gained practical experience,
– form an opinion, prepare and make a decision
which is professionally grounded, related to the
operations of organisations, individually or as a
member of a group,
– critically evaluate research and its results in the
discipline of the degree course,
– provide the continuous and lifelong development
of his/her knowledge and skills.
– Develops and initiates new knowledge areas and
initiates new practical solutions creatively and
– Undertakes to raise and answer new ethical
questions in relation to the theoretical and practical
issues of his profession with responsibility.
The Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’)
also refers to experts being capable of independent
working and leading others, and Level 8 of the
HuQF definitely exceeds this by expecting creative
autonomy and raising ethical issues.
Based on the above it is obvious that according to the Educational and
Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) the Leadership and Management Master
Programme does not reach the requirement level of Level 8 of the HuQF (Cycle
3 of the QF-EHEA).
4. Analysis of other evidences:
4.1 Do laws and other documents give an unambiguous guidance for the level
of the qualification?
[list of laws and documents, presentation of details for level assessment]
The laws referred to in points 1.5 and 2.1 unambiguously define the position of the
analysed qualification in the qualification system of the higher education, and this fully
complies with the conclusions of the technical analysis carried out before.
4.2 Social stakeholders’ opinions on the level of the qualification
[please, record the form and scope of requesting for opinions, as well as the results]
It is absolutely obvious and important that social stakeholders should be involved and
their opinions should be known on the social use and necessity of the qualification, and
on its level.
Employers’ opinions (from consultants and professional associations) that have become
known through personal/institutional connections and from sporadic information sources
are basically positive, and they recognise that the competence level of the Leadership
and Management Master Programme exceeds the BA-level. At the same time, this kind
of labour market control, feed-back and dialogue is not institutionalised today therefore
it does not have a documented evidentiary value or “concrete” effect. This is also a
reason why we consider it very important for the future that social stakeholders should
be involved as integrally and actively as possible in the development of the HuQF, in the
wording of the descriptions of the areas, and also in the description of the evaluation of
the training system from social/labour market aspects.
4.3 Additional empiric analyses
[if required; if it is not required, skip to point 4.4]
[please, record the sources, methods and scope of receiving results, as well as the
results and how these help level assessment or the exclusion of lower/higher levels]
The above train of thoughts may be continued by stating that in addition to learning
(evaluating, taking into account) social stakeholders’ opinions it would be important to
carry out empiric analyses in the entire labour market and directly among the
stakeholders (graduates and employers): statistical data on employment, proving fit for
a job, opinions on the process, contents and methods of the training, disclosure of
influencing factors, etc.
Such analyses partly exist today as well, e.g. the surveys of the Graduate Tracking
System (DPR) and the Institute for Economy and Enterprise Research (GVI) on
employers’ opinions, etc. We do not intend to underestimate them, however, it would be
practical to consider their further development in order to provide more detailed results
at the level of the degree courses and institutions as well because these could give the
most usable feedbacks on the quality, usefulness, and the level of compliance with the
standards of the training places and trainings.
5. International comparative analysis
[if requested; if it is not requested, skip to point 6]
[please, indicate the analysed international qualifications; their results; how the
analysed qualification can be compared to them; indicate the final recommendation for
the level to which the qualification can be linked]
As no suspicion has arisen during the analysis so far regarding whether linking can be
carried out, and the Leadership and Management Master Programme is properly aligned
with the relevant level of the HuQF, and the HuQF is referenced to the EQF and the QFEHEA, therefore no additional confirmation is needed, and in my opinion no individual
international comparative analysis needs to be carried out.
Additional remarks, observations, recommendations: -
6. Summary of the linking process:
6.1 The HuQF level recommended for the qualification 1: Level 7
6.2 Cycle of the qualification2: Cycle 2 (Master Programme, MSc)
6.3 Strength of the qualification level:
1 – It can be definitely linked to the level
2 – It can be rather interpreted at this level
3 – It cannot be interpreted only at this level
4 – It cannot be interpreted at any levels, it is independent of the levels]
6.4 Brief summarizing justification:
Although the descriptions in the Educational and Outcomes Standards for the
Leadership and Management Master Programme was prepared before Hungary
accepted the HuQF (QF-EHEA), the technical analysis provided sufficient
evidence to prove that the Leadership and Management Master Programme can
be linked to Level 7 of the HuQF (Cycle 2 of the QF-EHEA). It could be also
clearly evidenced that this degree course is at a higher level than Level 6 of the
HuQF (Cycle 1 of the QF-EHEA), however, it does not reach the requirement
level of Level 8 of the HuQF (Cycle 3 of the QF-EHEA).
6.5 Additional remarks, observations, recommendations:
Nevertheless, the previous statement is not conflicted by the demand that
following the acceptance of the level descriptions for the academic domain
(together with all the other remaining bachelor and master programmes) the
Educational and Outcomes Standards (‘KKK’) for the degree courses adapted to
the new criteria and requirements should be elaborated here as well.
Pécs, 22 May 2014
Signature of the expert to carry out linking
dr. Gyula László, Professor Emeritus
No. 1229/2012. (VII. 6.) Government Decision on the tasks related to the introduction of the Hungarian
Qualifications Framework, and on the amendment of the no. 1004/2011. (I. 14.) Government Decision on the
establishment and introduction of the National Qualifications Framework1229/2012.
2 No. 298/2005 (XII. 22) Government Decree on bachelor and master programmes in higher education, and on
the procedural order of launching degree courses according to its annex 4, in compliance with the Bologna
cycles: BSc/BA= bachelor programme (Cycle 1), MSc/MA=master programme (Cycle 2). PhD= doctoral
programme (Cycle 3).