2013 年度 第 26 回 信號處理合同學術大會論文集 第 26 卷 1 號 Constrained Affine Projection Sign Algorithm 한윤기, 송우진 포항공과대학교 전자전기공학과 im815@postech.ac.kr, wjsong@postech.ac.kr 초록: A new constrained affine projection sign algorithm (CAPSA) is proposed, which has robustness against heavy-tailed impulsive interference in linearly constrained adaptive filter problem. The conventional constrained affine projection algorithm suffers performance degradation in the presence of impulsive interferences. The proposed CAPSA is based on the L1 -norm minimization criterion. Simulations in a system identification show that the proposed CAPSA has robustness against impulsive interferences. 주제어: Linearly Constrained Adaptive Filter, Affine Projection Algorithm, Impulsive Interference Ⅰ. Introduction Linearly constrained adaptive filters play an important role in many signal processing applications such as adaptive beamforming, blind interference suppression in code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems, and system identification [1]. The linear constraints are used to reflect a prior knowledge of certain parameter or properties of problem in the signal processing applications. For example, linear constraints reflect knowledge of direction of arrival of desired user signals in adaptive beamforming [2], user spreading codes in blind multiuser detection [3], and linear phase feature of a plant in system identification [4]. The constrained least-meansquare (CLMS) algorithm [1] is most popular for its simplicity; however convergence speed can be deteriorated seriously for correlated input signals or in the presence of heavy-tailed impulsive interferences [5]. To address the deterioration of convergence speed by colored input signals, the constrained affine projection algorithm (CAPA) [4] have been developed. The CAPA updates the adaptive filter coefficients using the previous L input vectors. The normalized CLMS (NCLMS) and normalized data reusing CLMS (BNDR-CLMS) algorithm [6] are special case for L 1 and L 2 , respectively. As the number of using previous input vectors increases, the convergence speed increases and so does the computational complexity. Therefore many computational efficient methods have been developed to reduce the computational complexity, such as the fast affine projection algorithm (FAPA) [7]. Several studies of unconstrained algorithm have shown that lower-order norms lead to robustness against heavy-tailed impulse interference. The least mean p -norm (LMP) algorithm based on the L p norm is developed in [8]. Among all lower-order algorithms, the sign algorithms based on L1 -norm have merits of low computational cost and easy implementation. Many variant of the sign algorithm have been developed, including the normalized sign algorithm (NSA) [9]; however, it is hard to find literatures for constrained algorithm with robustness against heavy-tailed impulse interference. In this work, we propose a constrained affine projection sign algorithm (CAPSA) based on the L1 norm optimization criterion with the previous input vectors in linearly constrained adaptive filter problem. Since the proposed algorithm takes benefits of both the constrained affine projection algorithm and the sign algorithm, the proposed algorithm has fast convergence speed in heavy-tailed impulse interference environments. This paper is organized as follows. Section II reviews the conventional constrained affine projection. In Section III, the derivation of CAPSA is presented. Simulations of the algorithm are shown in Section IV, and conclusions are summarized in Section V. Ⅱ. Conventional Constrained Affine Projection Algorithm In this section, we review the conventional constrained affine projection algorithm [4] for linearly constrained filtering problem. Fig.1 shows the system identification problem. The output signal from an unknown system with a weight coefficients vector - 1 - w o is d (k ) wo x(k ) v(k ) , 2013 年度 第 26 回 信號處理合同學術大會論文集 第 26 卷 1 號 where x( k ) x ( k ) x(k N 1) is x(k 1) T the input signal vector of length N , and v (k ) is the background noise plus interference signal. The a priori error vector and a posteriori error vector are defined as follows: e(k ) e(k ) e(k 1) e(k N 1) e p (k ) (k ) ( k 1) (k N 1) T 1 e(k ) . The step-size controls amount of update. The matrix P is the projection matrix for a projection onto homogeneous hyperplane defined by CT w 0 , and vector F moves back to the constraint hyperplane, as given below: P = I C(CT C)1 CT (1) T (7) 1 (8) F = C(C C) f Since accumulation of round-off errors may cause projection into wrong hyperplane, the simplification of the correction term Pw ( k ) F to w ( k ) should e(k ) d(k ) XT (k )w(k ) e p (k ) d(k ) XT (k )w(k 1) instant T These errors vector can be computed as where with t (k ) XT (k )PX(k ) (2) be avoided [4]. w (k ) is the weight coefficient vector at time k , and d(k ) , X(k ) are the desired signal vector and the input signal matrix, respectively. The d(k ) and X(k ) are defined by J d(k ) d (k ) d (k 1) d (k L 1) X(k ) x(k ) x(k 1) x(k L 1) T (3) Fig. 1. Block Diagram of System Identification The constraints are given by the following set of equations in the system identification: CT w f (4) where C is an N J constraint matrix and f is a vector containing the J constraint values. These constraints represent the linear feature of system in the system identification. The optimization problem of constrained affine projection algorithm is derived as following: Ⅲ. Constrained Affine Projection Sign Algorithm To obtain robustness against heavy-tailed impulse interference, the proposed algorithm based on minimizing L1 -norm of a posteriori error vector: w(k 1) arg min d(k ) XT (k )w subject to where w (k 1) arg min w w ( k ) subject to where 2 coefficient 2 2 CT w f , d(k ) XT (k )w 0 means vector (5) w(k 1) P w(k ) X(k )t(k ) F means L1 -norm, and 2 (9) is parameter that controls change of weight coefficients. Using the method of Lagrange multipliers, the unconstrained cost function can be obtained, L2 -norm. We find new w (k 1) that minimizes the change of the consecutive filter coefficient vectors while it satisfies zero a posteriori error constraint and linear feature constraint simultaneously. The method of Lagrange multipliers is employed to obtain solution of (5). The update equation of the CAPA can be obtained as following: 1 1 C w f , w w (k ) 2 2 2 T J (w) e p (k ) 1 w w(k ) 2 2 ΛT2 CT w f 1 2 (10) where 1 , Λ 2 are Lagrange multipliers. The derivative of the cost function (10) with respect to weight coefficient vector is (6) J (w ) X(k ) sgn e p (k ) 21 w w (k ) CΛ 2 w (11) - 2 - 2013 年度 第 26 回 信號處理合同學術大會論文集 第 26 卷 1 號 where sgn denotes the sign function. Setting the constraint as derivative equal to zero, we get w (k 1) w (k ) I ( N 1)/ 2 C 0T J ( N 1)/ 2 1 CΛ 2 X(k ) sgn e p ( k ) 21 (12) f 0 0 Substituting (12) into constraint (9), the Lagrange multipliers can be obtain by 1 T T 1 sgn e p (k ) X (k ) PX( k ) sgn e p ( k ) 2 2 Λ 2 CT C 1 CT X(k ) sgn e p ( k ) with initial weight coefficient vector, (18) 0 T (19) where J is and identity matrix with all rows in reversed order. The input is generated by filtering a white, zero-mean Gaussian random sequence through a first-order system G( z ) 1/ (1 0.99 z 1 ) . (13) (14) w (0) F . Substituting (13) and (14) into (12), the update equation is then: w (k 1) An independent white Gaussian noise is added to the system background with a 30 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). A strong interference signal is also added to the system output with -30 dB signal-tointerference ratio (SIR). The interference signal is modeled by the Bernoulli-Gaussian (BG) distribution [10]. BG distribution is generated as product of a Bernoulli process with given probability, Pr 0.001 and a zero mean Gaussian process. The mean- 2 square-deviation (MSD) define by E w o w ( k ) is X ( k ) sgn e ( k ) p F P w (k ) evaluated by ensemble averaging over 100 T T sgn e ( k ) X ( k ) PX ( k ) sgn e ( k ) p p independent trials. (15) The a posterior error vector e p ( k ) is not available due to dependency with w ( k 1) . It is reasonable to approximate e p ( k ) with a prior error vector e( k ) . The update equation of proposed constrained affine projection sign algorithm becomes w (0) F w (k 1) (16) X(k ) sgn e(k ) F P w (k ) T T sgn e (k ) X (k ) PX( k ) sgn e( k ) In Fig. 2 shows the MSD learning curves of proposed algorithm with various order (the number of the previous input vectors used). The step-size is set to 0.05 . From the Fig. 2, it is noted that larger L leads to faster convergence speed, and lower steady-state error. The comparisons of the proposed algorithm with the conventional CAPA are shown in Fig. 3. In the case of L 1 , the proposed algorithm converges faster and achieves smaller steady-state error than conventional algorithm. The conventional algorithm with L 16 is likely to diverge while the proposed algorithm is robust against the impulsive interference. (17) Since no matrix inversion is needed for proposed algorithm, the update equation of proposed algorithm is much simpler in implementation than conventional CAPA. IV. Simulation Results Consider the system identification problem as shown in Fig. 1. The unknown system to be identified with linear phase feature is modeled with randomly generated weight coefficients. The adaptive filter has a length N 33 taps. In order to fulfill the linear phase requirement, we use - 3 - Fig. 2. MSD curves of the proposed algorithm with varying orders. 2013 年度 第 26 回 信號處理合同學術大會論文集 第 26 卷 1 號 (NIPA-2013-H0401-13-1008) supervised by the NIPA (National IT Industry Promotion Agency). Reference [1]O. L. Frost III, “An algorithm for linearly constrained adaptive arrayprocessing,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 60, no. 8, pp. 926–935, Aug. 1972. [2]M. Honig, U. Madhow, and S. Verdú, “Blind multiuser detection,” IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 944–960, Jul. 1995 Fig. 3. Comparison of conventional CAPA and proposed Algorithm We also exams the effect of the step size on the MSD of the proposed algorithm, as shown in Fig. 4, where 1.0, 0.05, 0.0025, 0.001 , are used. All parameter expect step-size is same as simulation for Fig. 1. A small step-size leads to slow convergence speed with low steady-state error. In contrast, a large step-size speeds up convergence rate with higher steady-state error. [3]L. S. Resende, J. M. T. Romano, and M. G. 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Conclusion This paper has proposed a constrained affine projection sign algorithm based on the minimizing L1 -norm criterion. The proposed CAPSA need no matrix inversion, so it has benefit to implementation. The simulation results show that the proposed CAPSA exhibits greater performance than conventional CAPA in impulsive interference environments. Acknowledgement This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF)grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (2012R1A2A2A01011112), and by the MSIP (Ministry of Science, ICT&Future Planning), Korea, under the C-ITRC (Convergence Information Technology Research Center) support program [8]M. Shao and C. L. Nikias, “Signal processing with fractional lower order moments: Stable processes and their applications,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 81, pp. 986–1010, Jul. 1993. [9]O. Arikan, A. E. Cetin, and E. Erzin, “Adaptive filtering for non-Gaussian stable processes,” IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 1, no. 11, pp. 163–165, Nov. 1994. 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