MATHEMATICS STAGE 2 TEACHING AND LEARNING OVERVIEW TERM: WEEK: 11 OUTCOMES: MA2-7NA CONTENT: STRAND: SUB-STRAND: Number and Algebra Fraction and Decimals Represents, models and compares commonly used fractions and decimals. Recognise that the place value systems can be extended to tenths and hundredths, and make connections between fractions and decimal notation. Use place value to partition decimals of up to two decimal places, eg 5.37 = 5 + 3 tenths + 7 hundredths Partition decimals up to two decimal places in non-standard forms, eg 5.37 = 5 + 37 hundredths Display decimal cards from Week 10 decimal lessons. Ask students to identify place value and write onto place value chart on the board. ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING (PRE-ASSESSMENT) WARM UP / DRILL IWB Activity: Ordering Decimals Newman’s Problem Investigation: Five swimmers are entered into a competition. Four of the swimmers have their turns. Their times are 9.8s, 9.75s, 9.79s and 9.81s. What score must the last swimmer get to win the competition? TENS ACTIVITY NEWMAN’S PROBLEM INVESTIGATION QUALITY TEACHING ELEMENTS RESOURCES WORKING MATHEMATICALLY: MA2-1WM; MA2-3WM INTELLECTUAL QUALITY Deep knowledge Deep understanding Problematic knowledge Higher-order thinking Metalanguage Substantive communication QUALITY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Explicit quality criteria Engagement High expectations Social support Students’ self-regulation Student direction SIGNIFICANCE Background knowledge Cultural knowledge Knowledge integration Inclusivity Connectedness Narrative Masking tape, beach ball, 3 sets of A4 0-9 number cards, decimal place value recording chart, decimal place value display chart, large display numeral expander (made of A4 cardboard), decimal numeral expander blackline master, decimal jigsaw TEACHING AND LEARNING EXPERIENCES WHOLE CLASS INSTRUCTION MODELLED ACTIVITIES Class place value chart – create a human sized place value chart for ones, tenths and hundredths using masking tape on the floor. Use a beach ball to represent the decimal point. Provide 3 sets of A4 sized numbers 0 to 9. Choose 3 students to pick a card and stand on the chart. Discuss the number made. Repeat with other decimal numbers. Discuss the place value eg. 5.37 = 5 ones, 3 tenths and 7 hundredths. Decimal Place Value Chart – introduce a decimal place chart to students and note the names of the columns to the right of the decimal are tenths and then hundredths. Display a chart in the classroom for further reference. Decimal Place Value Chart: mbers/place-value.html#.VA1tefmSySr Numeral Expanders – create a large decimal numeral expander for ones, tenths and hundredths. Use A4 0-9 cards to stick onto parts of the numeral expander. Model expanding out to show how 5.37 is equal to 537 hundredths; 53 tenths and 7 hundredths; 5 ones, 3 tenths and 7 hundredths. Create a number using base 10 materials and represent on the large numeral expander. Record different ways to partition the same number. GUIDED & INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES LEARNING SEQUENCE Remediation S1 or Early S2 LEARNING SEQUENCE LEARNING SEQUENCE S2 S2 LEARNING SEQUENCE Extension Late S2 or Early S3 EVALUATION & REFLECTION Use a decimal place value chart to record decimal numbers to 2 decimal places. Ask questions such as “How many tenths?” Use a place value chart to record decimal numbers to 2 decimal places that have digits up to the hundreds eg. 103.75. Have students find numbers that are smaller and greater than each other. Investigation: Decimal Numeral Expanders: Students create their own decimal numeral expander to 2 decimal places and use a small piece of blue tack for the decimal point (so it is easily removed when expanding the expander). Students roll a dice three times and record the numbers onto their numeral expander. Then use the expander to record ones, tenths and hundredths. Explore nonstandard forms as well such as 537 hundredths, 5 ones and 37 hundredths. Share expanders around the class and repeat. Ask questions such as Anyone who has more than 65 hundredths stand up. Anyone with 5 tenths stand up. Anyone with more than 400 hundredths stand up. Decimal Numeral Expanders Blackline Master: d2.pdf Decimal Jigsaw (Counting On level 4) Provide students with a cut out jigsaw of the numbers from 0.1 to 10.0. Students use their knowledge of place value to put the jigsaw back together. g_on/co_supp/co_210.pdf Decimal partitioning online game: Students use a variety of standard and non-standard partitioning to find 5 different ways to make a decimal number to 2 decimal places. Student Engagement: Resources: Achievement of Outcomes: Follow-up: All assessment tasks should be written in red and planning should be based around developing the skills to complete that task. Assessment rubrics or marking scale should be considered.