Leicester SCRUBS activity report for the MSLC

UEA Surgical Society Update for MSLC Meeting on Wednesday the 11th of April
Signed up 60 new members at medmart where we had a stand allowing students to try
suturing and laparoscopy on a simulator.
Gloving a gowning teaching session for the new members to give them the confidence to say
“yes please” when asked to scrub up in theatres whilst on placement.
Our first ever basic surgical skills day led by core trainee Ross Coomber. This allowed 16
participants to practice knot tying, suturing, cyst removal, haemostasis and tendon repair.
Annual “Sell your Specialty” evening where consultants from 9 different surgical specialties
gave careers talks and advice.
Basic and advanced suturing on cadaveric skin with Ms Ali, Consultant Plastic Surgeon
Episiotomy suturing on ox tongues with Maggie Bunting, Midwife
Introduction to laparoscopic surgery where 40 participants tried there hands on a variety of
tasks using our simulators
Held a 2 day National Trauma Conference with 110 attendees participating in seminars,
practical skills stations and real life trauma simulations. We managed to also raise £700 for
the Norfolk Accident Rescue Service from the proceeds of the conference.
Surgical careers talk with Ms Piriyah Sinclair ST4 and ASiT rep for Eastern region
Ophthalmology taster evening with Mr Bijan Beigi, Consultant Ophthalmologist
ENT Anatomy and clinical revision session with Mr Junaid Hanif, Consultant ENT specialist
Up coming events: radiology revision sessions (chest, head, fractures and abdomen), ECG
revision, and our final event this year will be a Keynote Lecture by Sir Roy Calne on
transplantation surgery past, present and future
Leicester SCRUBS activity report for the MSLC
Since the last meeting, Leicester SCRUBS has held two main lecture
based events. Firstly, we had our careers in anaesthetics event that also
looked into the world of anaesthetics in motor sports. Our second event
was a General Surgery careers evening, which was led by two prominent
vascular surgeons including the Core Surgical Training Programme
director Dr Mark McCarthy. They discussed ways in which to give
students interested in surgery an edge when it comes to the application
process and offered a general insight into what pursuing a career in
surgery would entail. Apart from both of these events that were extremely
successful with our members, we have been holding suturing events
taught by Core Surgical Trainees twice a week. We were able to offer this
as a free event to our members on a first come basis, with 10 students
being taught per session. We held a total of 10 sessions this term alone,
teaching around 100 students how to both hand and instrument tie
different surgical knots and focused on different types of suturing
technique. The last thing that we have really been focusing on this term
is our mentoring scheme. The continues to be extremely successful and
an invaluable opportunity for our members to really get some one on one
guidance from those already prominent in the field in regards to
successfully pursuing a surgical career and helping students prepare and
cater their applications appropriately ahead of time. Leicester SCRUBS
has just elected a new committee and hopes to continue providing a vast
array of events and promoting surgical based opportunities for our
Kriti Singhania
Leicester SCRUBS
University of Birmingham Surgical Society Update 2012
Our anatomy lecture series was again a success this year, with every available place
filled and over twenty students sitting the subsequent anatomy exam.
Equally popular were a number of inspirational talks by eminent leaders. Speakers
included Mr Harold Ellis CBE, and the Club Surgeon to two local Premier League
football teams.
Additionally, Birmingham is home to the Royal Centre for Defence Medicine. We
have enjoyed the privilege of serving military surgeons sharing knowledge acquired
in Afghanistan to benefit civilian practice.
Surg Soc furthermore offered a well-received OSCE evening overseen by foundation
doctors and registrars.
In February, the Society hosted six consultant surgeons from the Careers Unit of the
Midlands and East Deanery, who presented an evening of careers exploration that
attracted medical students and junior doctors alike.
We have also run a Basic Surgical Skills Session taught by alumni, helped the Royal
Society of Medicine host their Medical Careers Day in Birmingham, and redesigned
our own website.
Finally, to celebrate our tenth year, the University of Birmingham Surgical Society
has been organising an undergraduate conference this october entitled The Future
of Surgery, to which all are warmly invited.
Arjun Odedra
Vice President
Recent Summary of Sheffield Students’ Surgical Society
A new committee has recently been elected, who are determined to be much more active
than the past year. Despite it being less than a month since election, anatomy sessions
have been taught to the first, second and final years. Furthermore, an orthopaedic and
maxillofacial careers evening was held with arrangements for another series of surgical
specialty lectures. In addition to this we aim to produce small guides to junior medical
students when faced with their first surgical attachments, with short operation scripts,
equipment, risks involved and relevant anatomy. This together with theatre etiquette
sessions, will enable students to benefit much more in theatre and reinforce the
underlying anatomy. Suturing classes will become more structured with a curriculum to
guide students toward the basic students’ surgical skills course, which we hope to host in
the late summer/early autumn (pending final discussions & authorisation from Rory
McCloy). In addition to this, we also aim to set up a database in which medical students
can find out if there are any surgeons across the region, in the specialty they are
interested in, to conduct audits or mini projects.
An update from the Brighton and Sussex Medical School Surgical Society
Brighton and Sussex Medical School Surgical Society continues to undergo significant changes to
further benefit its members. We are delighted to have recently been confirmed as ‘In Partnership
With’ the Royal College of Surgeons of England and this has strengthened our status as a credible
society immeasurably. Since the last MSLC meeting in November, our skills sessions have been the
focus of intense effort. In February, we acquired a retired, but fully functional operating microscope
and have since developed several tasks to train our students. Additionally, our unique, self-made
laparoscopic simulators (presented at the 2012 ASiT Conference) have been upgraded, with a
simulated laparoscope and neoprene-interfaces that mimic the feel of a real abdominal wall. In April,
we shall be visiting the surgical museums of London, on a ‘Grand Surgical Day Out’. The trip will
involve a tour around the Gordon Museum of Pathology on the Guy’s Campus of King’s College
London, a stop at the Old Operating theatre and then on to the Hunterian Museum and the
Wellcome Museum of Anatomy, at the College. We will also be hosting a ‘Dragon’s Den-style’ minicareers-conference in May, in which consultants will pitch their surgical discipline to students.
King’s College London Surgical Society – MSLC Update April 2012
The KCLSS has had a successful year with some new events. To mark our 10th anniversary,
we held one of our biggest events to date - the National Undergraduate Trauma Conference
held in February 2012 at King’s College Hospital, Denmark Hill. This attracted 150+ students
and for the first time was held over two days to provide students with high quality lectures
and greater time for practical workshops based on previous years’ feedback. The weekend
included an abstract competition judged by Professor Keith Willet and Mr David McCormack
with the top 3 winning an abstract publication in the peer-reviewed journal ‘Trauma’. We
received promising feedback overall regarding the weekend. Last month we also held our
new careers week with talks on specialties including neurosurgery, orthopaedics, vascular
surgery and urology. Talks included career pathways and CV boosting tips from registrars
and consultants and is something we hope to develop next year. We aim to finish our
academic year with the final set of popular suturing courses aimed separately at pre-clinical
and clinical students.
Leeds Surgical Society
Cutting edge has grown massively this year. We have joined the social media movement and created
our own twitter and facebook accounts, which are regularly updated to members. We have
completely redesigned our website, choosing a new logo and a more user-friendly site that can be
accessed on smart phones, pads and laptops.
At the beginning of the year we had over 170 people sign up, in first year alone. We also added 20
dentists and 15 students from other courses. Our emphasis this year was on practical skills, because
of this this we have organized over 10 different practical sessions and introduced workshops on
tendon repair and skin grafting. We have also teamed up with a group of plastic surgeons from the
Yorkshire area and we are in the process of establishing a student based plastic surgery experience
We have also teamed up with the organization Work the World in establishing more surgical based
electives for students and we are working with the medical school to give opportunities to students
of all years to have a chance at a summer project abroad.
Finally our conference was a massive hit this year – “The Future and Surgery”. Over 200 people
attended, companies such as BrainLab, Styker, Ethicon to name a few gave students the opportunity
to explore with their equipment. We also had talks by well-established surgeons, including Professor
Jayne who is well known for his pioneering work with the DaVinci Machine. In this conference we
worked with students from developing areas of Yorkshire and Humber as we thought it was
paramount to give equal exposure to all students.
The Surgical Scousers, Liverpool Medical School – Report for MSLC 2012 Meeting
Over the course of this academic year, we have been able to provide 36 events, which included skills
workshops, evening lectures, case presentation evenings, and a pub quiz.
Our workshops have comprised basic suturing and knot tying (5 sessions) and wet lab anastomosis
on porcine bowel (3 sessions). We have also provided laparoscopic workshops on box trainers (4
sessions) to introduce students to this vital skill. We would like to acknowledge the role of the
MASTER Unit at Royal Liverpool Hospital for providing this opportunity.
Our weekly lectures have featured careers talks, revision lectures, and our currently running
“Surgery for Finals” series. We also ran a weekly anatomy programme with local surgical trainees at
the start of the year, and in conjunction with the Dept of Anatomy, we were able to organise a series
of lectures on neuroanatomy. We also have a research symposium evening planned for 1st May,
hosted by the RCSEd, for which abstracts are currently being accepted. Student feedback has been at
its best this year, and in the coming months we plan to increase the number of workshops, introduce
students to more surgical skills, and resume our surgical conference which we left out this year due
to students opting for more workshops.