Landscore Primary School Accessibility Plan 2015 - 2016 Strand A – Increasing the Extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum Objectives Actions Timescale Success Criteria Who? To ensure that all members of the school community have access to the Equality Act and the updated Accessibility Plan. To ensure that all members of staff are fully aware of the obligation to provide an inclusive education by appealing to different learning styles and abilities within the planning of activities and the nature of tasks given to children. To ensure that children of all abilities can access homework aimed at supporting their learning outside of school. Copies of documentation are disseminated to all staff. Disability discrimination act will be a supplementary document to the accessibility plan. January 2016 All staff are aware of the accessibility plan and the targets that we will be working on. GR, AS, Stu (Friday 15th January 9:00 – 10:30) Planning will show evidence of a range of activities which will support different learning styles. Planning will also show evidence of differentiated activities. Resources will be differentiated appropriately for children as and when required. Learning Strategy to make reference to the learning styles of individual or groups of children within the class. Ongoing Range of learning styles will be evident in planning and activities/resources, where relevant, will be tailored towards the child’s style of learning. All teachers and LSAs N/A Staff continue to provide appropriately differentiated homework in line with the schools new homework policy. For Bug Club/Abacus/My Maths to be used to support childrens’ learning – activities differentiated to their individual needs. Targets within the IEP will be linked to reports/ comments/ recommendations made by professionals involved with the children e.g. Vranch House recomemndations. Teachers to be reminded about the importance of referring to multi-agency targets within IEPS and reviews show evidence of this having occurred. THRIVE assessments to continue. PSHE programme to continue. SEALS work at whole school, class and individual level to continue. Ongoing All children can access relevant All teachers homework tasks. N/A Ongoing Quality of IEPs continue to improve and are more specific to individual children and their needs. AS N/A Ongoing Children with social and emotional needs are provided for in an appropriate manner. GR, AS Refer to SEN Action To ensure that IEPS are created for disabled pupils which focus on their individual needs. To continue to provide for the child’s social and emotional wellbeing through a range of interventions Cost aimed at supporting development within and outside of school, supported by parents and people working with the child. To ensure that all staff are aware of THRIVE approaches, interventions and practical ways of working. To continue with the implementation of the PIPPS training regarding behaviour management. Ensure all staff are successfully employing techniques taught during training day, record keeping is appropriate and the school policy is adhered to. To ensure that information about an SEN child, including information on learning styles, is communicated effectively to the next class teacher. To ensure that specific children have their curriculum presented in a multi-sensory way and that they have sensory input provided to prepare them for learning. Gardening SEALS to continue. Family SEALs work to continue. DAFs to continue. Plan for costings. AS to provide training for specific activities which Ongoing can be used with children linked to the appropriate developmental stage. Train relevant staff in THRIVE approach and create IEPs directly linked to THRIVE action plan. For key staff to be trained on a regular basis. Ongoing Staff are using THRIVE AS and AV activities with their children and the language of THRIVE is commonplace with the work that we are doing. PIPPs continues to be used GR very effectively at Landscore to manage children with behaviour needs. Scenarios used in staff meeting – providing staff with opportunity to reflect on choices an decisions. N/A For statemented LSAs to meet with next class teacher to pass on relevant information. AS to meet with LSAs to discuss transition paperwork. Ongoing Cost for LSAs to meet with teachers. Gina to train LSAs and teachers in appropriate techniques that she has used, including the types of activities that can be done to prepare them for learning (proprioception) Regular Input from GW at SEN Team Meetings. Ongoing June 2015 – Whole Staff Training Communication between previous and next class teacher remains of a good standard. SEN Staff Meeting – Transfer of Information to new teacher (12th July 2015) There is evidence within a timetable showing the importance of preparing for learning. All LSAs carry out exercises in advance of intervention work with children. AS GW Cost of training. To ensure that regular SEN Team meetings occur where children are reviewed by a group sharing specialist knowledge relevant to the child’s needs. To ensure that all relevant staff are re-trained in the moving and handling/feeding required for Imogen’s arrival at Landscore. To monitor the effectiveness of provision for SEN Children (in particular those who require additional access arrangements). AS will co-ordinate these meetings on a half termly basis. Children will be discussed based on their needs. Ongoing Continued multi-skilled support given to key children. Programmes show evidence of these skills being applied. AS Ongoing training requirements Ongoing Appropriate approaches are used with Imogen on a day to day basis. AS and GR AS and GR to carry out learning walks – focus will include provision and access for SEN children. February 2016 For SLT to monitor effectiveness of SEND provision across the school. To gain additional pupil voice on their SEN provision. AS, GR and AG Strand B – Improving the Physical Environment of Schools Objectives Actions Timescale Success Criteria Who? Cost To regularly review using the schools access self-audit questionnaire to determine school priorities and needs. To ensure the efficient and effective maintenance of current modifications for disabled access. To ensure that all future building work takes account of disabled access. To ensure that school managers and governors with responsibility for premises are aware of how to access appropriate building modifications as required for pupils with specific needs. To ensure that the school has an adequate supply of specialist physical aids, particularly sloping boards and equipment suggested in OT assessments. To ensure that ipads have relevant software which can be used by a range of children with a variety of needs. Document reviewed on a yearly basis. Every year Evidence of objectives met and new targets established. Sam Tutton Supply costing. Where relevant, and based on evidence from outside observation and report, alterations will be considered. When required School environment is appropriate for the needs of children within the school. GR, premises committee. Where relevant, and based on evidence from outside observation and report, alterations will be considered. Where relevant, and based on evidence from outside observation and report, alterations will be considered. Specialist support will be accessed as required. When required School environment is appropriate for the needs of children within the school. School environment is appropriate for the needs of children within the school. GR, premises committee. GR, premises committee. For allocation of SEN Budget to be made available for Specialist Physical Aid equipment. For SGo to order sloping boards to support children Feb 2015 Appropriate resources are available to SEN children. AS £60 For AS and OH to continue to consider the range of apps that are available for SEN children. Dee Saunders to attend training by Ginny Coggles on appropriate Apps that can be used with IPads – Dee to feed this back to OH and AS. February 2016 ICT applications are available which support the children with the development of key skills. AS, OH £50 When required Strand C – Improving the Delivery of Information to Disabled Pupils Objectives Actions Timescale Success Criteria Who? To ensure that signs and symbols are used consistently across the school and are evident in a range of forms. For corridor displays, and where relevant classroom environments, to show evidence of Makaton symbols alongside the written word. For teachers/LSAs to carry signs and symbols cards for communication with key children. For Signs and symbols to be incorporated into whole school assemblies for example through greetings (Good Morning Mr Read) and songs (Landscore Family). For Specific children to have access to Communication Boards – relevant to their needs and interests. For classes to receive training in key modes of communication, particularly those symbols commonly used by a classmate. For a Visual timetable to be used which is consistent across the school, containing the recognised makaton symbol. Makaton Basic Level Training provided to all staff. Ensure all necessary staff are appropriately trained and have relevant updated schemes of work to use. Early identification will continue through the assessment of all children when they arrive in reception (speech and language link). SENDCo to Consider the purchase of Junior Language Link in order to identify those children in KS2 that have language concerns. We will continue to gain advice on the different resources available to support SEN through ICT. January 2016 Makaton and signs are used across the school. All staff and children have a very basic understanding of key signs and symbols which can be used. AS, Stu, Makaton trainer To continue training of staff in relation to speech and language development. To continue to increase the use of specific ICT software to support the needs of children with SEN. Communication in Print to be brought – 4 to 5 site licence. All Staff to have Communication Cards on their person. Ongoing training. All children are receiving appropriate speech and language provision. Staff are trained in the delivery of these programmes. Junior Language Link JHu and SGo Ongoing Appropriate and relevant SEN software is used with the relevant children. AS, OH Cost To ensure that SEN children are aware of protocol for fire evacuation. PEEPs will continue to be used where relevant. To investigate the possibility of visual prompts in the classroom to support what needs to happen in the event of a fire. Additional training given to staff in the event of specific handling training being required. Ongoing All children who require a PEEP have this and consideration is given to the support required for SEN pupils. AG and ST Objectives Actions Timescale Success Criteria Who? Cost To seek parental perspective on the effectiveness of the schools equality policy and provision. To review quality of SEN basis on a regular basis. We will ensure pupil/parent/staff consultation is regularly sought in the development and review of this policy. Identified parents are asked to join school to review at an annual meeting. To continue to use devon’s audit toolkit, to analyse information about pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) Participation of pupils with protected characteristics in extra-curricular activities will be monitored as part of the quadrant of care, including residential trips and activities out of school, the student council and positions of student responsibility Parental feedback informs the quality policy. AS and GR None SEN quality provision remains of a very good standard and the school is responsive to need. School is able to analyse the data showing the participation of groups and plan activities accordingly. There is an appropriate level of representation of groups in extra-curricular activities. School events continue to promote diversity and cultural understanding. AS and AG SEN Time GR and CS Admin Meeting Time. AS, AG and LW None EQUALITY OBJECTIVE To monitor the involvement of protected characteristics groups in extracurricular activities. For School to plan on-going events that will embrace diversity, encourage positive attitudes and understanding of pupils with protected characteristics including different forms of disability, Key members of staff will look at opportunities across the year to promote multi-cultural understanding, for example: Anti-Bullying Week (GR) and SEALS unit for Say No to Bullying. Key Historical Dates (GR) National Deaf Awareness Week (STu) Increase understanding of different religions by visits to different places of worship (part of the RE Curriculum) For school to actively promote protected characteristics groups through display, planning and within the choice of topics. Language of the Month (DO) Plan assemblies on cultural events throughout the year, e.g. Chinese New Year, and invite speakers into school (LW and AS). Link kitchen to celebrate this with relevant meals for children. For staff, including school’s resource assistant are aware of the need to promote protected characteristics groups through display, planning and within the choice of topics. Celie Albeiz to monitor this will displaying work across the school. School continues to promote protected characteristic groups in all elements of their work. All staff and CA. None