MapSAR Script - Sierra Nature Notes

Script for Search scenario to show basic workflow of MapSAR.
Two boy scouts missing, last known point was ‘Glenn Campground’ near Cogswell dam on the San
Gabriel river.
1. Add base data
a. Add City pkg
b. Add quad pkg
c. Search for city
i. Monrovia
d. Add appropriate 24k USGS quads
i. Add under base data group for screen drawing
ii. Sid 34117 and 34118
e. Add road and trail if available, if not no big deal
i. ANF Road Layer
2. Incident Group
a. RP Information
i. Pete Smith
ii. Cell 213-555-1212
iii. land line 310-555-1212
iv. email
v. Scout Leader
vi. Boys like exploring steams and looking for newts and frogs
b. Incident Information
i. 7/3/2011
ii. The lost boys incident
iii. Find the lost boys within 48 hours, keep search crews safe
c. UpdateDomains
d. PLS Information
i. Glenn Campground
1. UTM if known, 11N 412285/3789231
ii. Add book mark
iii. Add subjects
1. Timmy Lost
a. 13 y/o
b. 5’3”
c. 120 lb’s
d. Male
e. Brown
f. Scout uniform
g. Tennis shoes, size 9, Asics brand
h. Last seen together at 1pm on 7/3/2011 playing around the
2. Billy Search – add PLS with hand placement and not UTM
a. 12 y/o
b. 5’
c. 110 lb’s
d. Male
e. Blonde
f. Scout Uniform
g. Hiking boots, probably lug sole
h. Last seen together at 1pm on 7/3/2011 playing around the
e. Updatedomains
f. Operation periods
i. Create several Operational periods
1. Op 1 = 4pm 7/3 – 6am 7/4
2. Op 2 = 6am 7/4 – 6pm 7/4
3. Op 3 = 6pm 7/4 – 6pm 7/5
ii. Weather, copy/paste from NOAA
iii. Russ Anderson - IC
iv. Art Fortini - Plans
v. Rob Klusman - Logistics
vi. Chuck Stoughton - Transport
vii. Rob Klusman – Air Ops
viii. Safety Message: Crews should stay hydrated, watch for snakes and other wild
animals. Very rugged and dry terrain, technical teams take 150’ of rope. Team
status check will be at the top of each hour.
g. Updatedomains
h. Comm plan
i. VHF
ii. Primary communications with CP
iii. MRA 199.987
iv. None
v. For emergency traffic use frequency 201.556
3. Incident Assets
a. ICP Rincon Station
b. Radio Relay Glen Camp
c. Staging hwy 39 at gaging station
4. Print briefing map
a. ANSI E briefing template
b. Add appropriate base maps
c. Change map title
d. Add map file info to the bottom right corner
e. Save to PDF so additional maps can be generated as necessary
f. Display and print via Adobe reader
Teams and assignments explanation
a. Creating assignments before teams
b. Creating assignments after loading teams
Hasty Assignments
a. Hand drawn using construct with buffer tool
i. Trail East of PLS between West Fork Rd and Rincon rd. Cut for sign, stop often to
shout and whistle. Call in all clues with full UTM in NAD83
ii. Trail West of PLS between West Fork Rd and Rincon rd. Cut for sign, stop often
to shout and whistle. Call in all clues with full UTM in NAD83
iii. Chileno Cyn. Type 1 team. Search drainage and banks, cut for sign, stop often to
shout and whistle. Call in all clues with full UTM in NAD83
b. Using road/trail file and buffer tool
i. Drive from PLS West on West Fork rd to Cogswell Dam. Stop the vehicle when
there is a track trap stop and cut for sign. When reaching the Dam, search the
area on foot, cut for sign, stop often to shout and whistle. Call in all clues with
full UTM in NAD83
ii. Drive from Hwy 39 towards PLS on West Fork rd. Stop the vehicle when there is
a track trap stop and cut for sign. Call in all clues with full UTM in NAD83
Add Teams
a. Team 1
i. Ground
ii. Susan
iii. 3 members Type 1
b. Team 2
i. Ground
ii. Greg
iii. 3 members Type 1
c. Team 3
i. Ground Vehicle
ii. Barbara
iii. 2 members SM-3
d. Team 3
i. Ground
ii. Tommy
iii. 3 members type 1
e. Helo 1
i. Air Helicopter
ii. Cpt. Gaffrey
iii. H3 hoist capable
f. Transport 1
i. Ron
ii. Carry 5 passengers
g. Transport 2
i. Eddie
ii. Carry 4 passengers
h. Monrovia Sheriff
i. Sgt. Johnson
Add team members, if used to track individual personnel
a. Useful to track sign in/out of personnel
b. Personnel weights are used in Air Ops table
Add Teams to assignments
a. Team 1 = assignment 2
b. Team 2 = assignment 3
c. Team 3 = assignment 3
Print maps DDP
a. 11x17 DDP template
b. Add base maps
c. check scale
d. print to PDF so they can be reproduced as necessary
Track team progress with resource status
a. Team 1 – on assignment 411098 3788361
b. Team 2 – on assignment 413003 3788088
c. Team 3 – on assignment 414152 3789384
Enter clues
a. Team 1 assignment 2 – found tennis shoe size 9 Asics brand. 410990 3787802
Run updatedomains after each clue is entered
While teams are in the field, start Segmenting the map
Upload track logs and points - LATER
Debrief teams
a. Team 1 return from field. Upload GPX files. Enter debrief information.
b. Assignment #2
c. Found a shoe and cut for sign, probable lug sole boot near the Tennis shoe
d. Team opinion – area below should be searched, another assignment to search off trail
is advised.
e. POD R = 75%
f. POD – NR = 15%
21. Print reports as necessary
a. Assets
b. Clues
c. Assignments by period
d. Teams
22. Print SitStat maps
a. ANSI D sitstat
i. Add base maps
ii. Print to PDF
b. ANSI D sitstat_multi-frame
i. Add base maps
ii. Print to PDF
23. End scenario