Supplementary Material 1 – Precipitation and Discharge in the Study Area Our study evaluates and validates methods for determining streamflow duration classes in the Pacific Northwest. Streamflow duration classes – perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral – categorize how long streamflow lasts over a year (Fig. SM-1). Perennial streams flow yearround during a typical year, receiving appreciable quantities of water from numerous sources but with consistent groundwater inputs required throughout the year (Winter et al. 1998; Winter 2007). In cases where groundwater aquifers are unable to supply sufficient quantities of water, intermittent streams cease to flow during dry periods (Mosley and McKerchar 1993; Rains and Mount 2002; Rains et al. 2006). Ephemeral streams flow only in direct response to precipitation including rainstorms, rain on snow events, or snowmelt. They do not receive appreciable quantities of water from any other source, and their channels are, at all times, above local water tables. Note that the period over which intermittent flow occurs is a subset of the period of perennial flow and, similarly, the period of ephemeral flow is a subset of the intermittent flow period (Fig. SM-1). The hydrographs shown in Fig. SM-1, although hypothetical, are typical of areas that show strong seasonality in precipitation patterns; specifically, of areas, such as the Pacific Northwest, where the majority of precipitation occurs in wet winter periods followed by drier summer periods. Given the seasonal patterns illustrated in these hydrographs (Fig. SM-1), it can be seen that any streams that are flowing during the drier summer period are perennial. During the wet winter period, a flowing stream could be perennial, intermittent, or ephemeral. However, since ephemeral streams only flow in direct response to precipitation, and because we generally did not conduct field work within 48 hours of significant precipitation, any stream that is not flowing during the wet winter must be ephemeral (Fig. SM-1c). Any stream not classified in this way as perennial or ephemeral was considered intermittent. Note that this methodology could falsely label some ephemeral streams as intermittent if the stream was flowing during the wet winter in response to snowmelt. These criteria were used to make initial determinations of streamflow duration class (initial determinations were sometimes changed based on information from electrical resistance data loggers; see ‘Actual Streamflow Duration Class’ section of Methods). To illustrate that the hypothetical hydrographs shown in Fig. SM-1 are typical of the Pacific Northwest, we provide below brief descriptions of precipitation and discharge patterns in our five study regions based on an analysis of data for Water Years 2009-2011 from National Climatic Data Center climate stations and US Geological Survey National Water Information System hydrology stations (Fig. SM-2 and Table SM-1). Idaho_c Central Idaho, as represented by Stanley Ranger Station (Fig. SM-3) has strong seasonal precipitation, with most precipitation occurring as snowfall. The discharge hydrograph, based on Squaw Creek, is dominated by snowmelt, as evidenced by the broad seasonal hydrograph; this 1 reflects cold conditions in central Idaho mountains. Once the hydrograph peaks and recedes, there is very little response to precipitation events (Fig. SM-3), indicating baseflow-fed runoff. Idaho_n Northern Idaho precipitation and discharge is also strongly seasonal, as represented by Bayview Model Basin and EF Pine Creek (Fig. SM-4). The hydrograph is snowmelt-dominated. However, this region is somewhat warmer than the central mountains of Idaho, so the shape of the hydrograph (Fig. SM-4) is intermediate between Squaw Creek (Fig. SM-3) and eastern Oregon streams (Figs. SM-5 and SM-6). As with Idaho_c, the EF Pine Creek shows little response to precipitation events once the hydrograph recedes, indicating summer baseflow. OR_e Precipitation in eastern Oregon, as represented by Barnes Station and Elgin (Figs. SM-5 and SM6) is seasonal with most precipitation occurring as snow in the winter. The Donner und Blitzen River, located in the permeable mountains of eastern Oregon, has discharge dominated by snowmelt, as evidenced by a broad seasonal hydrograph (Fig. SM-5). However, short-term stormflow is evident in response to large rainstorms and rain on snow events. Summer baseflow is sustained by deep groundwater. The Umatilla River, located in the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon, is very similar to the Donner und Blitzen River (Figs. SM-5 and SM-6). OR_w Western Oregon has very distinct wet (fall through spring) and dry (summer) seasons, as typified by Blodgett (Fig. SM-7). Virtually all precipitation in this region falls as rain, except at upper elevations in the Cascades. The Siletz River is typical of streams and rivers in western Oregon mountains (Coast Range and Western Cascades). Streams rapidly respond to rainstorm events, and there is limited baseflow. WA_w Precipitation in western Washington, as represented by Olalla and Olympia (Figs. SM-8 and SM9) has strong seasonality and is dominated by rainfall. Like western Oregon, discharge at Huge Creek is dominated by short-term stormflow associated with large rainstorm events (Fig. SM-8); summer baseflow is very low. The hydrograph for the Chehalis River (Fig. SM-9) is very similar to all western Oregon and Washington streams and rivers. Hydrographs do not drop as quickly after storms as other example streams, but the patterns still support the three criteria approach to estimated streamflow duration. 2 References Leibowitz SG, Wigington PJ, Jr, Rains MC, Downing DM (2008) Non-navigable streams and adjacent wetlands: addressing science needs following the Supreme Court's Rapanos decision. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6 (7):364-371. doi:10.1890/070068 Mosley MP, McKerchar AI (1993) Streamflow. In: Maidment D (ed) Handbook of Hydrology. McGraw-Hill, USA, pp 8.1-8.39 Rains MC, Fogg GE, Harter T, Dahlgren RA, Williamson RJ (2006) The role of perched aquifers in hydrological connectivity and biogeochemical processes in vernal pool landscapes, Central Valley, California. Hydrological Processes 20 (5):1157-1175 Rains MC, Mount JF (2002) Origin of shallow ground water in an alluvial aquifer as determined by isotopic and chemical procedures. Ground Water 40 (5):552-563 Winter TC (2007) The role of ground water in generating streamflow in headwater areas and in maintaining base flow. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43 (1):15-25 Winter TC, Harvey JW, Franke OL, Alley WM (1998) Ground water and surface water: a single resource. Circular 1139, U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO 3 Fig. SM-1. Hypothetical hydrographs illustrating maximum duration of flow (Dmax,q) for (a) perennial, (b) intermittent, and (c) ephemeral streams. Dmax,q is the maximum duration (in days) of continuous stream or hyporheic flow. Source: Leibowitz et al. (2008). 4 5 Fig. SM-2. Locations of precipitation and discharge stations. 6 Fig. SM-3. Precipitation and discharge at Stanley Ranger Station and Squaw Creek (Region ID_c), respectively, for Water Years 2009-2011. 7 Fig. SM-4. Precipitation and discharge at Baywiew Model Basin and EF Pine Creek (Region ID_n), respectively, for Water Years 2009-2011. 8 Fig. SM-5. Precipitation and discharge at Barnes Station and Donner und Blitzen River (Region OR_e), respectively, for Water Years 2009-2011. 9 Fig. SM-6. Precipitation and discharge at Elgin and Umatilla River (Region OR_e), respectively, for Water Years 2009-2011. 10 Fig. SM-7. Precipitation and discharge at Blodgett and Siletz River (Region OR_w), respectively, for Water Years 2009-2011. 11 Fig. SM-8. Precipitation and discharge at Olalla and Huge Creek (Region WA_w), respectively, for Water Years 2009-2011. 12 Fig. SM-9. Precipitation and discharge at Olympia and Chehalis River (Region WA_w), respectively, for Water Years 2009-2011. Table SM-1. Precipitation and discharge station information. Precipitation stations are from National Climatic Data Center ( and discharge stations are from US Geological Survey National Water Information System ( Regions: OR_E=eastern Oregon; OR_W=western Oregon; WA_w=western Washington; ID_n=northern Idaho; ID_c=central Idaho Region Station Name Station ID Type1 Download Date Percent Complete2 ID_c STANLEY RANGER STATION ID US USW00004112 P 1/23/15 99.5 ID_c SQUAW CREEK BL BRUNO CREEK NR CLAYTON ID 13297355 D 1/20/15 100.0 ID_n BAYVIEW MODEL BASIN ID US USC00100667 P 1/16/15 99.2 ID_n EF PINE CREEK ABV NABOB CR NEAR PINEHURST ID 12413370 D 1/20/15 100.0 OR_e BARNES STATION OR US USC00350501 P 1/20/15 82.6 OR_e DONNER UND BLITZEN RIVER NEAR FRENCHGLEN, OR 10396000 D 1/16/15 100.0 OR_e ELGIN 9.8 N OR US US1ORUN0001 P 1/20/15 97.1 OR_e UMATILLA RIVER ABOVE MEACHAM CREEK, NEAR GIBBON, OR 14020000 D 1/19/15 100.0 OR_w BLODGETT 1 N OR US US1ORBN0013 P 1/16/15 98.0 OR_w SILETZ RIVER AT SILETZ, OR 14305500 D 1/16/15 100.0 WA_w OLALLA 1.4 WNW WA US US1WAKP0013 P 1/20/15 99.0 WA_w HUGE CREEK NEAR WAUNA, WA 12073500 D 1/19/15 100.0 WA_w OLYMPIA 6.5 SW WA US US1WATH0008 P 1/20/15 97.2 WA_w CHEHALIS RIVER NEAR DOTY, 12020000 WA D 1/19/15 100.0 1 P=precipitation, D=discharge 2 Percent of water years 2009-2011 for which data exist 13