Supplemental Tables Supplemental Table 1. Demographic and background data. Note: “Age’’ refers to age at the time of Phase 3 evaluation. ‘‘Sex’’ refers to the percentage of male veterans. ‘‘Years of education’’ refers to the total number of years of education the veterans completed. Demographic Data Patient Group Age (in years) 58.13 Sex (% male) 100.00 Years of education 15.00 Total percent volume loss (cm3) 3.19 Architecture of Fluid Intelligence and Working Memory Supplemental Table 2. Description of the employed neuropsychological tests of working memory. Neuropsychological Test Description Cognitive Function Matrix Reasoning Patient selects from an array of pictured items the abstract shape that completes the visual-spatial pattern Fluid Intelligence Block Design Picture Completion 1-Back Participant arranges multicolored blocks to match a model design Participant identifies the missing element in a series of pictures Patient receives a sequence of visually presented letters and indicates whether each letter matches the stimulus that appeared 1 trial previously Fluid Intelligence Fluid Intelligence Monitoring Information in Working Memory 2-Back Patient receives a sequence of visually presented letters and indicates whether each letter matches the stimulus that appeared 2 trials previously Monitoring Information in Working Memory 3-Back Patient receives a sequence of visually presented letters and indicates whether each letter matches the stimulus that appeared 3 trials previously Monitoring Information in Working Memory Arithmetic Patient hears numerical problems in story format, performs mental arithmetic, and responds orally Manipulating Information in Working Memory Letter-Number Sequencing Patient hears a sequence of alternating digits and letters and then rearranges the items, first repeating the digits in numerical order, followed by the letters in alphabetical order Manipulating Information in Working Memory Digit Span Forward Patient hears a sequence of digits and repeats them in order Verbal/Numeric Working Memory Patient hears a sequence of digits and repeats them in reverse order Patient watches the examiner tap a sequence of locations on a board and attempts to repeat the tapping sequence in order Patient watches the examiner tap a sequence of locations on a board and attempts to repeat the tapping sequence in reverse order Verbal/Numeric Working Memory Digit Span Backward Spatial Span Forward Spatial Span Backward Spatial Working Memory Spatial Working Memory 2 Architecture of Fluid Intelligence and Working Memory Supplemental Figures Supplemental Figure 1. Structural equation modeling of fluid intelligence and components of working memory (n = 158). .72 Gf .83 Matrix reasoning Block design .64 Picture completion .45 1 back -.16 .63 Process specific: monitoring .75 .85 3 back -.39 .60 .67 2 back -.42 Process specific: manipulation .80 Arithmetic .80 Letter number .59 Digit span forward .70 Digit span backward .62 Spatial span forward .77 Spatial span backward .94 -.35 Content specific: numerical .52 .55 Content specific: spatial 3 Architecture of Fluid Intelligence and Working Memory Supplemental Figure 2. Lesion overlap map illustrating the number of patients with brain lesions to a particular voxel. In each axial slice, the right hemisphere is on the reader’s left. 4