Harding University High School Title I Parent Involvement Policy The Harding University High Schools’ Title I School-wide program encourages each parent to be involved in their child's education. This policy outlines the parent involvement activities that will be conducted during the school year. Parents will receive a copy of the Parent Involvement Policy – which describes the ongoing activities that are held to inform and involve parents in their child's education. Parents will receive a copy of the Parent-School Compact - this is an agreement between the home and school outlining everyone's responsibility for supporting student learning. Harding University High School has provided several opportunities for parents to receive information about the 20112012 school year: Freshman Orientation was held on August 4th and August 9th at 8:30 AM. Harding University’s Parent Drop-In was held on August 23rd at 6:00 PM. Harding University’s Open House was held on September 15th at 6:00 PM. Harding PTSA Meetings will be held in the mornings and evenings to accommodate parent schedules. Dates and times will be announced via the school marquee, school Web site and Connect-Ed messages. Harding SLT meetings will be held the first Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. Other activities will be scheduled in which parents can participate. Activities will be announced throughout the year via Connect-Ed messages, the Web site and the school marquee. A Title I Annual Parent meeting was held on September 15, 2011 and focused on the following topics: the necessity for an annual review meeting, what activities students will be involved in, an explanation of the curriculum in use at the school, how students will be assessed to determine growth, the proficiency levels students are expected to meet, how and when the assessment information will be sent home to the parents. The Title I parent meeting also gives parents the opportunity to actively participate and have input into the Title I School-wide program. ♦ Information specific to your child’s courses and other pertinent school information will be sent home with your child and/or announced via the school marquee, Connect-Ed messages, and our Web site. ♦ Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled as needed through the student’s assigned guidance counselor located in Student Services. Teachers will be available to review your child's progress and answer any questions you may have. Parent Assistant will be updated weekly by all teachers to keep parents abreast of their child’s progress. Progress reports will be distributed to 4x4 students at least every 2 weeks and to students in A/B classes at least once a month. ♦ A survey will be given to parents in the spring of the year that will allow parents an opportunity to provide feedback on the Title I School-wide program. We look forward to suggestions or recommendations from you that can help us improve our Title I program. ♦ An annual review meeting is held each year in the spring to review the Title I School-wide program. Parents are welcome to attend. The results from the parent survey as well as teacher input will be considered when planning for the next year. The results of this annual review meeting will be shared with parents at the annual parent meeting in the fall. ♦ You may request a meeting at any time to provide input related to the Title I program, or to have a say in the decisions related to the education of your child. ♦ We invite you to call the school or your child’s teacher at any time during the year to ask any questions you may have or to schedule a visit or meeting. It is our hope that your children will have a wonderful experience learning at Harding University High School. After reading the Parent Involvement Policy, please provide any feedback or suggestions you may have related to the Policy. If you have feedback, please return this portion to the school. Parent/Guardian:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Name: ____________________________________________________________Date: _________________________ Suggestions/Feedback: ____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________