Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division EOY Action Plan The End of Year Procedures for IEP Chairs Manual 2014-15 lays out policies and procedures for IEP Chairpersons to ensure that special education records and processes are completed by the end of the school year. Below provides relevant end of year dates and actions. IEP Chairpersons at closing and moving schools should follow the end of year procedures unless they have received alternative instructions from the Special Education Department. The purpose of this plan is to ensure that IEP Chairs: adhere to the tasks and dates described in the timeline below and in the End of Year Manual transfer records to receiving schools close out the school year in order to be ready for the 2015-16 school year Due Date Ongoing on a weekly basis Action Run and review all Data Cleansing reports and rectify all errors as needed. All cases on data cleansing reports must be resolved by the end of the school year. Citywide Program Students (ED Pride, Life Skills, and PAL): For all students currently enrolled in 5th or 8th grade receiving services, or exiting high school students in a Citywide Program, complete and submit the following forms to the designated Citywide Educational Specialist: Students Leaving Present Program (pg. 14) Student Transportation Form (pg. 18) April 24, 2015 For all other students currently receiving services in one of the Citywide Programs, complete and submit the following forms to the Citywide Educational Specialists: Students Remaining in Present Program (pg. 15) Student Transportation Form (pg. 18) ED Pride Specialist Damion Crawford DCrawford@bcps.k12.md.us Dana Deise DDeise@bcps.k12.md.us Ernestine Holley EHolley@bcps.k12.md.us Program Schools 37, 75, 105, 122, 130, 223, 229, 378, 450 21, 76, 164, 235, 339, 416, 427, 431 16, 67, 207, 210, 213, 406, 418, 433 Life Skills Specialist Michael Jones MAJones02@bcps.k12.md.us PAL Specialist Diane McKelvey DMMcKelvey@bcps.k12.md.us Submit to their Preschool Special Education Program Lead the Office of Early Learning Programs Organizational Form SY 2014-2015 for rising PreK and K and submit Student Transportation Forms for: Shared with IEP Chairs December2014, January 2015, February 2015 & posted on Office 365 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Due Date April 24, 2015 April 24, 2015 Action Preschool students who will continue in an ELP during the 2015-16 SY Preschool students who will be assigned to their zoned schools in 2015-16 SY and need to be dismissed from transportation Submit to their Preschool Special Education Program Lead – Ramsey Mihavetz (ermihavetz@bcps.k12.md.us) the Form for Students Leaving Present Program form and submit Student Transportation Forms for: Kindergarten students transitioning from Kindergarten to 1st grade who continue to be in need of a Citywide special education program Complete all IEP Team processes (such as assessments, IEP review meetings, re-evaluations, etc.) for students with disabilities who will transition to another school for SY 2015-2016. Complete all IEP Team processes, such as assessments, IEP review meetings, re-evaluations, etc., due prior to September 30, 2015, for students with disabilities. May 15, 2015 Note: If the IEP Team indicates a need for additional assessments, and/or meetings, the school team will continue the process beyond May 15, 2015 in accordance with established timelines. Educational Assessments must be completed by school-based staff. They cannot be prevention planned. Second Submission-ELP Citywide Programs May 19, 2015 May 18, 19, & 21, 2015 Transfer of records Middle to High May 26 to May 29, 2015 Transfer of records Elementary to Middle & ELP to Elementary June 1 to June 5, 2015 Transfer of Records Folders that required corrective actions Last day of School Exited/Inactive Folders June 5, 2015 June 8 to June 12, 2015 Send to the Citywide Educational Specialists any changes to listings for Students Remaining in Present Program and for Students Leaving Present Program: for students in specialized Citywide special education programs within three (3) days of the IEP meeting that resulted in LRE change or for students newly entering the program after 5/31/15. The sending and receiving schools will meet at a central location (TBA) to complete the transition process to ensure the: exchange of confidential records exchange of the Students’ Record Transfer List IEP Chairs will follow the transfer of records process identified by the Office of Special Education. Sending schools must retain a working copy of the IEP to ensure that IEP implementation continues through the end of the school year. Records returned due to non-compliance must be corrected and returned to the receiving school by June 13, 2015. *Note: Completed encounter tracker notes from relate service providers for the period of August 2014 – April 2015 should be included in the folder. Ensure that all inactive/exited students’ confidential folders are located in a safe and secure location within the building. IEP Chairs will exit graduating seniors using appropriate graduation exit code in Maryland Online IEP (MDOIEP) End of Year Checklist IEP Chairs will complete and submit to the Educational Shared with IEP Chairs December2014, January 2015, February 2015 & posted on Office 365 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Due Date Action Specialist assigned to their school(s) the End of Year Checklist for each assigned school. IEP Chairs at sending schools transfer students to new school assignments in MDOIEP. IEP Chairs at receiving schools pull new students in on MDOIEP and print out IEP report cards and file in the appropriate sections of the confidential IEP folder. June 15-16, 2015 Note: Related service providers must print out encounter tracker (ET) logs for May and June prior to leaving for summer break. IEP Chairs from the sending school are to intra-office mail the ET notes to the receiving school. Receiving school IEP Chairs are to place ET notes in the assessment section of confidential folder prior to the first day of the 2015-16 school year. Shared with IEP Chairs December2014, January 2015, February 2015 & posted on Office 365 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Organization Form SY 2015-2016 STUDENTS LEAVING PRESENT PROGRAM School # Type of Program Student’s Name (Please Print) DOB Pupil # Date of Information ___________________ *2nd Submission: Teacher Race/Sex Code Disability Code LRE Last IEP Meeting Date Current Address/ZIP/Phone Trans. Type 2015-2016 (Yellow Bus/MTA) Grade 15/16 school year Sent to: Citywide Educational Specialist or Preschool Specialist by April 22, 2015 _______ No changes made to original data Updated to reflect: _____Additions _____Deletions *Resubmitted to Educational Specialist or Preschool Staff by May 8, 2015 Signature of IEP Chair ____________________ _______________________________________ (Attach Students’ Transportation Forms) * Comments (use code) 1. Transition to next level 2. Return to Zone School 3. Other (explain) C: Nonpublic Office Shared with IEP Chairs December2014, January 2015, February 2015 & posted on Office 365 Comment (Please use codes provided) Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Organization Form SY 2015-2016 STUDENTS REMAINING IN PRESENT PROGRAM School # Student’s Name (Please Print) Type of Program DOB Pupil # Teacher Race/Sex Code Disability Code LRE Last IEP Meeting Date Current Address/ZIP/Phone Trans. Type 2015-2016 (Yellow Bus/MTA) Grade 15/16 school year Date of Information ___________________ Sent to: Citywide Educational Specialist or Preschool Specialist by April 22, 2015 *2nd Submission: ______ No changes made to original data Updated to reflect: _____Additions ____Deletions *Resubmitted to Educational Specialist or Preschool Staff by May 8, 2015 Signature of IEP Chair ___________________________________________________________ (Attach Students’ Transportation Forms) * Comments (use code) 1. Transition to next level 2. Return to Zone School 3. Other (explain) Shared with IEP Chairs December2014, January 2015, February 2015 & posted on Office 365 Comments Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Office of Early Learning Programs Organization Form SY 2014-2015 for rising PreK and K but not for rising first graders School Name and Number: ________________________________ Teacher:_______________________________ Student’s Name (Please Print) DOB Pupil # Race/Sex Code Date of Information ___________________ FCI LRE Current Address/ZIP/Phone Grade for SY 2015-2016 Will student need transportation in SY 2015-2016? Will student be going into zone school for SY 1516? If so, include school # and date of IEP meeting. Sent to: ELP Lead by April 22, 2015 Signature of IEP Chair ____________________ _______________________________________ (Attach Students’ Transportation Forms and PreK Checklist and send your ELP Lead in Early Learning Programs, B-5) E. Ramsey Mihavetz 443-642-3990 Roberta Courter 443-642-3990 Jessica Henkin 443-642-3990 ermihavetz@bcps.k12.md.us rcourter@bcps.k12.md.us jlhenkin@bcps.k12.md.us Shared with IEP Chairs December2014, January 2015, February 2015 & posted on Office 365 Will student be going into a Citywide Early Learning Program for SY 15-16? If so, include program type (ELE/ETE/PACE, etc.) and date of MRE meeting. Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Baltimore City Public Schools Student Transportation Form TO PREVENT DELAYS PLEASE PRINT AND COMPLETE ALL INFORMATION Student ID Last Name First Name BCPSS Sch# Trans to Sch# Grade Parent/Guardian: DOB SSN Home Phone# Person With Whom Student Lives: Gender Height Mobile# Office# Ethnic Code: Program: Residential Address: Emergency Contact: Pickup Address: Emergency Address: Dropoff Address: Emergency Telephone: Transportation: Ambulates Without Assistance Weight Reason for Trans: Disability: Special Accommodation: Walks to bus stop independently Equipment Communication Walks to bus with supervision None Verbal Walks on bus independently Car Seat Non Verbal Walks to seat independently Oxygen Communication in English Needs assistance to board the bus Safety Vest Primary Language if NOT English: Needs assistance to find seat Other: Uses Crutches Uses sign language as primary language Uses Walker Uses augmentative communication device Impact of Disability on Transportation Medical Information Disability Condition Allergies Heart Cognitive Level impacts understanding of directions Asthma Respiratory Behavior Management Plan on file Bleeding Disorder Seizures Nursing Care Plan Brittle Bone Other: Health Plan Diabetes Other: Special Considerations: Start Date End Date School Program School Hours From Completed by: Date Received: Title/Position: Approved by: Sch#: Network: Date Submitted: Date Submitted to DPT: Reviewed/Approved by Status Date Returned to Sender Pick Up Routing Information Drop Off Routing Information Route Route Contractor Contractor Bus# Stop Time : Title/Position: Date Approved: Transportation Mode To Status: Forms Submitted to: Date Received by DPT : Bus# Stop Time Shared with IEP Chairs December2014, January 2015, February 2015 & posted on Office 365 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division OSE MONITORING AND TRANSFER OF RECORDS FORM Student’s Name: Student ID #: Sending School #: LRE and Disability Code: Receiving School #: Program: SECTION 1: MONITORING AND TRANSFER OF RECORDS CHECKLIST Location in IEP Folder Inside Cover Referral Information Assessments Name of Form Communication Log Log of Access Initiation of Services Child Find Referral Consent for Assessment Form Psychological/Cognitive Assessments Encounter Tracker Information / Notes / Forms IEP Parent Communications Miscellaneous Satisfactory Unavailable Psychosocial Educational Speech/Language FBA Other (OT, PT, Audio/Vision, etc.) Evaluation and Determination of Eligibility Report Observations SLD Team Report FBA Progress Reports/Notes All Encounter Tracker Notes and Forms Universal Contact Log Contact / Service Log (notes) IEP BIP IEP Report Card IEP Meeting Notice / Invitation 5 Day Letter (pre- and post-meeting) Revoke Consent for Service Form Prior Written Notice Form MA Coordination Consent Form Parent Surrogate Appointment Letter Nonpublic Placement Form Student Discipline Log Request for Parent Surrogate Release of Information Form Outside Agency Correspondence Transportation Data Form Prevention Plan Form Monitoring and Transfer of Records Manifestation Determination Review FAPE Forms Shared with IEP Chairs December2014, January 2015, February 2015 & posted on Office 365 Incomplete N/A Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Comments (specify available but incomplete, other relevant information) SECTION 2: ACTIONS NEEDED Actions required within the next 30 days IEP Team Meeting Yes/No Reason Assessment Needed Other (specify): Comments (other relevant information): SECTION 3: CERTIFICATION I conducted this review with the assistance of, _____________________________ (IEP chair name), prior to transferring the folder to _____________________________ (school name) _______ (number). I certify that for each FAPE violation discovered, an IEP meeting has been conducted to address the violation. Date: ________________________ Signature: _________________________________________ Principal/Administrator Date: ________________________ Signature: _________________________________________ IEP Chair *Place this form in the Miscellaneous Section of the Confidential Folder. Shared with IEP Chairs December2014, January 2015, February 2015 & posted on Office 365 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Student Records Transfer List-Annual Transfer of IEP Records FROM: ___________________________________ School Name & Number/Office TO: __________________________ School Name & Number/Office Part A – Directions: List the names of transitioning students in alphabetical order. Name Last, First Student ID Number Date Record was Accepted Rejected Initials of Accepting Staff Member Part B – Directions: List the name of students whose records are not being transferred at this time. Name Student ID Number Last, First School Forwarding Records Actions Needed Staff Member Initials School Receiving Records Name: __________________________________ Name: _________________________ Position: __________________ Date: __________ Position: _____________ Date: _____ 3 Copies: Sending school Receiving School District Office Shared with IEP Chairs December2014, January 2015, February 2015 & posted on Office 365 Anticipated Date for Transfer Baltimore City Public Schools Office of Special Education END–OF–YEAR EXIT CHECKLIST FOR IEP CHAIRS SCHOOL YEAR 2014-2015 Carefully read the directions and complete the End of Year Exit Checklist for IEP Chairs. Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. Read each statement. Respond to each statement by placing a mark in the appropriate box. If your response to any statement is NO, state a rationale for the negative response. Upon completion of the Exit Checklist, submit completed checklist to your Educational Specialist. The Educational Specialist assigned to your school will review and follow-up with you as needed. Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Baltimore City Public Schools Office of Special Education END–OF–YEAR EXIT CHECKLIST FOR IEP CHAIRS School (Name/Number) ______________________ Date___________ Requirements for Maryland Online IEP (MDOIEP) prior to the close of school ACTIVITIES Run Data Cleansing Reports # 2, 4, 11, 18, 29, 31, 32, 36, 50 and 51. Reports should indicate no data. If the answer is “No” due to noncompliant data, state rationale: (Submit copies with checklist) Run MDOIEP Reports to ensure that all meetings have been held within timelines Annual Review/Evaluation/Reevaluation Report (for most current annual review and evaluation and reevaluation for this school year) SPP 11 SPP 12 (Submit copies with checklist) Run MDOIEP Annual Review/Reevaluation Report for PROJECTED annual review dates and reevaluation review dates to document that there are/are not any outstanding meetings due. Use the date range of January 1, 2015 to October 1, 2015 Complete VERIFICATION FORM A to document that the annual review meetings appearing on this report have been scheduled Complete VERIFICATION FORM B to document that all reevaluation meetings appearing on this report have been scheduled All meetings must be scheduled to be conducted prior to May 15, 2015. If there are any meetings that must be held after that date, explain why. YES NO N/A Complete VERIFICATION FORM C to document initial meetings not held High school seniors are exited in MDOIEP using the correct date and code that corresponds with SMS Completion date of June 5, 2015 MDOIEP Exit Code must match SMS. MDOIEP= B then SMS = GD MDOIEP= C then SMS = GC MDOIEP= D then SMS = GC If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: Submit a copy of the MDOIEP Exit Report indicating that all students have been exited with the appropriate codes The initial IEP meetings for all students in the referral process have been held. If the answer is “No”, please complete Form C-of this packet and state rationale. All students who will turn 8 years old by September 30, 2015, had an IEP meeting prior to the end of SY 2014-2015 to determine whether there is an educational disability. If the answer is “No”, please indicate date the meeting is scheduled Note: If assessments were ordered but not completed, please attach prevention plan(s). Educational assessments and observations must be conducted by school staff. End of Year Exit Checklist for IEP Chairs--Revised April 2015 12 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Based on OSEMC’s review of compliance with MSDE discipline regulatory indicators, all students have met the necessary requirements. If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: All IEPs have been amended for students who turned 6 years old prior to the end of SY 2014-2015 for their LRE designation. All confidential folders of students who exited during SY 14-15 must be maintained in a central location to be available for possible MSDE Exit Audit during Summer 2015 Print the Exited Report on MDOIEP Cross reference each student on the report to ensure that each student has a folder. Place the exited folders in a box/inactive file with the exited report attached to the outside of the box. Indicate where the exited folders are located at your school. Ensure that indicator 13 (SPP#13) are completed and placed in the folders for all students who are transition age. Ensure that a copy of the exit document is in the folders. The 2014-2015 exited folders are located_________________________ All individual Snap Shot IEPs have been submitted to the appropriate Summer School staff. High Schools must submit Snap Shot IEPs to the appropriate Summer School site. Documentation that all ESY decisions have been made. Run the ESY Report Schedule meetings immediately for any that show as decision deferred Run ESY Report to show all decisions have been made by March 1, 2015 All documentation required for students referred for Extended School Year services has been entered in the ESY Tracking System by April 2, 2015. A completed computer generated, IEP matrix has been updated and submitted to the principal, scheduler and a copy maintained in the IEP Office. (Submit a copy with the checklist to the Educational Specialist.) Copy of MDOIEP Draft/Closed IEP Report must be submitted to verify that all IEPs have been appropriately closed. If there are any problems, notify your Educational Specialist. Requirements for Transfer of Records ACTIVITIES For each student who transitioned to the next level, the confidential folder was certified by the principal as compliant prior to transferring the records. If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: YES NO N/A The receiving school will receive a list from the sending school of all in-coming student record information. If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: End of Year Exit Checklist for IEP Chairs--Revised April 2015 13 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division For each currently approved student in a Citywide special education program (PRIDE, Life Skills, PAL, Vision, Hearing) who will be transitioning to the next level, a student data/transportation form has been submitted to the Citywide Educational Specialist. If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: For each student with an educational disability requiring transportation as a related service, the Office of Pupil Transportation has been provided with all known and updated changes of address. Confidential folders for all students transferring have been exchanged at the central records transfer location. A copy of the records transferred list is to be attached and provided to the Educational Specialist. For confidential folders that are not transferred, a list is provided to the Educational Specialist indicating the reason(s) the folder was not transferred. If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: Requirements for Third Party Billing ACTIVITY Any IEP Team Meeting Information not previously submitted prior to June 5, 2015 has been entered into the Third Party Billing system. If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: YES NO N/A YES NO N/A YES NO N/A Requirements for Prevention Plan and Missed Services Reporting ACTIVITIES All requests for Prevention Plans have been electronically submitted to the Related Services Unit or to the appropriate parties. If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: All outstanding Prevention Plans have been updated. If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: Case Management Housekeeping ACTIVITIES All computers in the IEP offices have been turned off. If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: All confidential records are secure, but accessible through the principal or his/her designee. If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: A system has been identified to address the receipt of any incoming special education information during the summer (i.e., letter, telephone message, meeting requests, access to locked files, receipt of records etc.). If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: End of Year Exit Checklist for IEP Chairs--Revised April 2015 14 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division The IEP office is orderly and secure. If the answer is “No”, state the rationale: All laptops are secured with the principal Signatures: School Principal:________________________________________________ Date: _______________ IEP Chair:_____________________________________________________ Date: _______________ IEP Chair:_____________________________________________________ Date:________________ Educational Specialist:_____________________________________________ Date:___________ End of Year Exit Checklist for IEP Chairs--Revised April 2015 15 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division END–OF–YEAR EXIT CHECKLIST FOR IEP CHAIRS Annual Review Verification Form A Reevaluation Verification Form B Initial IEP Meeting Verification Form C End of Year Exit Checklist for IEP Chairs--Revised April 2015 16 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Baltimore City Public Schools Office of Special Education Annual Review Verification Form A School # _________ IEP Chair(s): ______________________________________________________________________________ # meetings due prior to 9/30/15 ____________ List all students that appear on the Projected Annual Review Report PIF Projected Annual Date Scheduled Date Date Parent Notified If not scheduled to be held by 05/15/15 explain why and plan for completing IEP Chairs Signature: _____________________________________ _______________ Date Completed __________________ Principal’s Signature ______________________________________________________Date submitted to principal __________ Attach a copy of the MDOIEP Projected Annual Review Report and all notification letters to this form End of Year Exit Checklist for IEP Chairs--Revised April 2015 17 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Baltimore City Public Schools Office of Special Education Reevaluation Verification Form B School # _________ IEP CHAIRS: ______________________________________________________________________________ # meetings due prior to 9/30/15 ____________ List all students that appear on the Projected Reevaluation Report PIF Projected Reevaluation Date Scheduled Date Date Parent Notified If not scheduled to be held by 5/15/15 explain why and plan for completing IEP Chairs Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date Completed __________________ Principal’s Signature ______________________________________________________ Date submitted to Principal __________ Attach a copy of the MDOIEP Projected Reevaluation Report and all notification letters to this form End of Year Exit Checklist for IEP Chairs--Revised April 2015 18 Special Education Department Student Learning Support Division Baltimore City Public Schools Office of Special Education Initial IEP Meeting(s) not held Form C School # _________ IEP CHAIRS: ______________________________________________________________________________ # meetings due prior to 9/30/15 ____________ Student name PIF Referral date Scheduled Date Date Parent Notified If not scheduled to be held by 5/15/15 explain why and plan for completing IEP Chairs Signature: ______________________________________________________ Date Completed __________________ Principal’s Signature ______________________________________________________ Date submitted to Principal __________ Attach a copy of the MDOIEP Initial IEP Meeting(s) not held and all notification letters to this form End of Year Exit Checklist for IEP Chairs--Revised April 2015 19