Chapter 4 Quiz 1. Which of the four steps in ethical decision making requires you to institute training on the AMA code of ethics for all researchers? A. Gather information and identify stakeholders B. Choose a course of action C. Brainstorm and evaluate alternatives D. Identify Issues 2. In the 1980’s Tylenol was faced with an ethical dilemma that killed 7 people from cyanide in their product, what did they do? A. Started an investigation to see how it got into their product B. Nothing C. Pass the blame onto someone else D. Voluntarily withdrew all Tylenol from the market 3. Which of the following represents the primary ethical dilemma for marketing managers of publicly held firms? A. Making the most money possible B. Considering consumers as more important than stockholders C. Balancing shareholder interests with the needs of society D. Keeping the most talented employees honest 4. The AMA's Code of Ethics indicates the basic ethical values marketers should aspire to include A. Honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, openness, and citizenship B. Self-respect, concern for nature, animal rights, and global peace C. Health, wealth, and the pursuit of happiness D. Maximization of stockholder wealth 5. Top-level managers must establish and uphold clearly articulated ethical standards to get to the roots of ethical conflict, which typically involves A. Opportunistic employees B. Disputes between management and labor C. Differences between male and female employees D. Competing values of employees 6. “Should my company be targeting this market with this product?” is an example of a question a company would ask during which phase of market strategy development? A. Planning B. Implementing C. Controlling D. Doing 7. According to Exhibit 4.1, which profession practices the most ethical standards? A. Clergy B. Lobbyists C. Nurses D. Lawyers 8. Marketing firms that want to abide by an established set of high standards and values that guide decision making and other business behaviors need to create a strong A. Profit model B. Customer franchise C. Ethical climate D. Lobbying policy 9. Referring to exhibit 4.5 (Major companies CSR programs): Which company transported 67 planes worth of aid to disaster victims as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility? A. Southwest Airlines B. Google C. Amazon D. Fed Ex 10. In which phase of integrating ethics into the marketing strategy should you check for successful implementation? A. Planning Phase B. Marketing Phase C. Implementation Phase D. Control Phase 11. Nike donating to a local charity is an example of what type of ethical business practice? A. Ethical climate B. American Marketing Association C. Corporate Social Responsibility Program D. Ethical Business Practice 12. Ethical decision making is comprised of four steps. Which of the following is step two of the ethical decision making process? A. Gather information and identify stakeholders B. Choose a course of action C. Identify issues D. Brainstorm and evaluate alternatives 13. General Robert Wood Johnson of Johnson & Johnson wrote and published the first “credo” for Johnson & Johnson (J&J) in what year? A. 1982 B. 1943 C. 1973 D. 1951 14. How do you Integrate Ethics into a marketing strategy? A. Implement B. Control C. Plan D. All of the Above 15. Which of these is a way to get customers to buy your product? A. Excite the Customer B. Bore the Customer C. Tell the customer they don't need your product D. Make your product very expensive 16. ___________ refers to the moral or ethical dilemmas that might arise in a business setting. A. Marketing ethics B. Business ethics C. Corporate ethics D. Environmental ethics 17. Which of the following is a key element in establishing an ethical climate in the workplace? A. Controls B. Values C. Rules D. All of the above 18. ____________ refers to the moral or ethical dilemmas that might arise in a business setting. A. Marketing ethics B. Deceptive advertising C. Ethical climate D. Business ethics 19. Which of the following is a major factor affecting marketing? A. Ethical and social responsibility B. Time C. Values D. Age 20. What is the set of values within a marketing firm, or in the marketing division of any firm, that guide decision making and behavior? A. Business ethics B. Ethical climate C. Marketing ethics D. 4 P's 21. When companies embrace CSR they appeal not only to their shareholders but also to their key stakeholders including their own employees… A. Consumers B. The market place C. Society at large D. All the above Answers: 1. C 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. D 11. C 12. A 13. B 14. D 15. A 16. B 17. D 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. D