Multiscale Simulation of Pollution Gases Adsorption in Porous Organic Cage CC3 Supporting Information Wenliang Li and Jingping Zhang* Faculty of Chemistry, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China *Prof. J.P. Zhang Email: The supplementary material contains: Details of GCMC simulation (Page S2) Comparison of interaction energies for gas-benzene at CCSD(T) and B2PLYP-D3 level (Page S3) Comparison of PES for gas-CC3Frag and gas-gas at B2PLYP-D3 and vdW3 level (Page S4) Optimized parameters of vdW3 (Page S12) S1 Details of GCMC simulation The gas loadings in a fixed cell of CC3[1] with the size of 24.8*24.8*24.8 Å3 were computed from the GCMC simulations. For all gases we used rotation, translation, insertion and deletion as possible Monte Carlo steps. Each simulation started with a one-million step equilibration period followed by a one-million step production run. Non-covalent interactions of two molecules with the distance of their centers of mass less than 12.4 Å were taken into consideration. The gas-gas and gas-CC3 interaction energies were evaluated from fitted vdW3 FF. And all absolute loadings Nad were converted to excess loadings Nex to allow direct comparison of the results with experimental data by Nex=Nad-ρbVfree (1) where ρb is the bulk density obtained by PR EOS, and Vfree is the available volume for fluid molecules. For LJ based GCMC simulation, a 5×106 step equilibration period followed by a 5×106 step production run. The CO2 is modeled as a three site molecule with -0.35 e on oxygen and 0.7 e on carbon.[2] The partial charges for atoms of the CC3 were derived from QEq method in Materials Studio.[3] The LJ parameters used for CC3 are taken from UFF[4] and listed together with the parameters of CO2 in Table S1. Table S1. Parameters for Gases and Frameworks for LJ based GCMC simulation ε(K) б(Å) q(e) C 52.84 3.43 CC3 H 22.14 2.57 N 34.72 3.26 O_CO2 79.00 3.05 -0.35 CO2 C_CO 2 27.00 2.80 0.70 S2 Comparison of PES for gas-benzene at CCSD(T) and B2PLYP-D3 level Figure S1 Comparison of interaction energies of gas-benzene for the CCSD(T)/CBS and B2PLYP-D3/def2-tZVPP methods. S3 Comparison of PES for gas-CC3Frag and gas-gas at B2PLYP-D3 and vdW3 level Figure S2 Comparison of the vdW3 interaction energies (red triangles) with B2PLYP-D3/def2-TZVPP energies (black triangles) for CO2-CC3. The lines are drawn to guide the eye. S4 Figure S3 Comparison of the vdW3 interaction energies (red triangles) with B2PLYP-D3/def2-TZVPP energies (black triangles) for CO2-CO2. The lines are drawn to guide the eye. S5 Figure S4 Comparison of the vdW3 interaction energies (red triangles) with B2PLYP-D3/def2-TZVPP energies (black triangles) for SO2-CC3. The lines are drawn to guide the eye. S6 Figure S5 Comparison of the vdW3 interaction energies (red triangles) with B2PLYP-D3/def2-TZVPP energies (black triangles) for SO2- SO2. The lines are drawn to guide the eye. S7 Figure S6 Comparison of the vdW3 interaction energies (red triangles) with B2PLYP-D3/def2-TZVPP energies (black triangles) for H2S-CC3. The lines are drawn to guide the eye. S8 Figure S7 Comparison of the vdW3 interaction energies (red triangles) with B2PLYP-D3/def2-TZVPP energies (black triangles) for H2S-H2S. The lines are drawn to guide the eye. S9 Figure S8 Comparison of the vdW3 interaction energies (red triangles) with B2PLYP-D3/def2-TZVPP energies (black triangles) for CO-CC3. The lines are drawn to guide the eye. S10 Figure S9 Comparison of the vdW3 interaction energies (red triangles) with B2PLYP-D3/def2-TZVPP energies (black triangles) for CO-CO. The lines are drawn to guide the eye. S11 Table S2 Parameterizations of vdW3 optimized for the dimer interactions of CC3 Frag with CO2, SO2, H2S and CO. The last line contains the resulting minimum root mean square deviations (RMS) in kcal ·mol−1. The reference method is B2PLYP-D3/def2-TZVPP as described in the main text. pd6 pd8 pr pes pDipole p2nd prep1 prep2 pH pVOIP RMS CC3-CO2 CO2-CO2 CC3-SO2 SO2-SO2 CC3-H2S H2S-H2S CC3-CO CO-CO 1.06048 1.45515 2.62517 0.76955 0.31526 1.04993 0.234028 0.185822 2.098630 0.690398 0.11 1.12772 1.19887 2.53233 0.97864 0.03644 1.53066 0.22113 0.17344 2.05645 0.56695 0.58 1.07282 1.40070 3.08608 3.59801 0.09990 2.26819 0.22621 0.10180 2.97585 1.81831 0.22 1.00736 1.12320 3.97377 2.67236 0.43656 0.02257 0.41166 0.04268 3.49848 2.43552 0.84 1.10417 1.31770 1.95488 0.03775 0.91894 1.97018 0.23343 0.18186 2.42833 0.90988 0.47 1.09806 2.10764 2.40084 0.04027 0.62050 2.85752 0.22260 0.27050 2.21655 0.85358 0.23 1.13526 1.39631 2.48312 0.52104 0.30160 1.90992 0.26297 0.02263 1.70445 0.47147 0.39 1.04169 1.21841 2.50152 0.03040 0.15510 2.46059 0.43055 0.02480 1.82909 0.29061 0.22 S12 Reference: [1] T. 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