1 CURRICULUM VITAE PROF. JOHN Y. CHIANG Depart. of Computer Science & Engr. Tel: 00886-7-5252000 ext.4343 National Sun Yat-sen University Fax: 00886-7-525-4301 Kaohsiung, Taiwan Email: chiang@cse.nsysu.edu.tw EDUCATION Ph.D. Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engr., Northwestern University, USA, 1990 M.S. Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engr., Northwestern University, USA, 1987 B.S. Dept. of Electrical Engr., National Taiwan University, 1985 ACADEMIC CAREER Joint Professor (2014~Present) Department of Institute of Medical Science and Technology, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 80424 Joint Professor (2014~Present) Department of Healthcare Administration and Medical Informatics, Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 80708 Professor (2012~Present) Department of Computer Science & Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 80424 Associate Prof. (1999~2012) Department of Computer Science & Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 80424 Associate Prof. (1990~1999) Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 80424 Director (1985~1987) Center of Information Science, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 80424 Associate Editor (2005~Present) Journal of Management Science & Statistical Decision, ISBN 1814-9073 Editor (2012~Present) Journal of Man, Machine and Technology, HumanPub 2 RESEARCH GRANTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Union for the Development of Healthcare Information System Applications: Semantic technologies combined with Clinical Decision Support System Application Cloud - for example by DOH hospitals (3/3), Ministry of Science and Technology, MOHW104-CMAP-M-114-123405, 2015.01.16~2015.12.15。 The establishment of the TCM tongue diagnosis database of healthy persons and the TCM indices of tongue diagnosis for specific diseases(2/3), Ministry of Health and Welfare, MOHW104-CMAP-M-114-123405, 2015.01.16~2015.12.15。 Traditional Chinese and Mongolian Medicine Symposium (TCMMS) - The Comparison of Diagnosis methods between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Mongolian Medicine, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 103-2911-I-110-514, 2014.12.05~2014.12.11.(in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) CatEye - Vision to See Through the Night, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST103-2221-E-110-051-MY2, 2014.08.01~2016.07.31. Construct normal TCM tongue image database cum tongue indicators specific diseases, Ministry of Health and welfare, MOHW103-CMAP-M-114-000416, 2014.06.27~2014.12.15. Facial Feature Identification and 3d Personalized Facial Expression on Mobile Devices ( I ), Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST103-2220-E-110-004-, 2014.05.01~2015.04.30. Union for the Development of Healthcare Information System Applications: Semantic technologies combined with Clinical Decision Support System Application Cloud - for example by DOH hospitals (2/3), National Science Committee, NSC103-2622-H-166-001, 2014.02.01~2015.01.31. 103-104 Year Series Intelligent Electronic interdisciplinary curriculum planning application-4C group, Ministry of Education, 2014.02.01~2015.01.31. Intelligent System Design and Development beds suitable for patients with spinal cord injury, Kaohsiung Medical University and National Sun Yat-sen University, 103-I 007, 2014.01.01~2014.12.31. The Association of Hepatitis C viral (HCV) infection with the occurrence of Lymphoid malignancies : A nationwide population-based cohort study, Kaohsiung Medical University and National Sun Yat-sen University, 103-P 021, 2014.01.01~2014.12.31. Automatic Derivation of Motion Platform Control Parameters from Video, National Science Committee, NSC102-2622-E-110-003-CC3, 2013.11.01~2014.10.31. Use multi-mode analysis of context-aware sensing elderly home care, National Science Committee, NSC102-2218-E-110-007, 2013.09.01~2014.08.31. An Authoring Tool of VIsion-based Somatosensory Action (ATVISA), National Science Committee, NSC102-2221-E-110-071, 2013.08.01~2014.07.31. 3 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. CatEye - Vision to See Through the Night, Germination Function Unit, 102-01, 2013.06~2013.10.31. Research and development of traditional Chinese medicine tongue diagnosis system of medical equipment automation, Aim for the Top University, National Sun Yat-sen plan - Aboriginal Forum - Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen, 2013.05.01~2013.12.15. Union for the Development of Healthcare Information System Applications: Semantic technologies combined with Clinical Decision Support System Application Cloud - for example by DOH hospitals (1/3), National Science Committee, NSC102-2622-H-166-001, 102.02.01~103.01.31. The TCM indices of tongue diagnosis for the prognosis of breast cancer, Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy(2-2), Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP102-RD-108, 102.01.22~102.12.15. Evaluating the effectiveness of pediatric emergency, Kaohsiung Medical University and National Sun Yat-sen University, 031, 102.01.01~102.12.31. Advanced graphics and video based technology research and development, National Science Committee, NSC102-2218-E-110-003, 2013.01.01~2014.03.31. Cardiovascular disease aided diagnosis system based on nailfold microvascular morphology and hemodynamic characteristics, National Science Committee, NSC102-2911-I-166-501, 102.01.01~103.12.31. Evaluation of treatment efficacy of traditional Chinese and Mongolia medicine with the assistance of an automatic tongue diagnostic system, National Science Committee, NSC101-2923-B-110-002-MY3, 101.08.01~104.07.31. Underwater image enhancement by compensating hazing, disparate wavelength attenuation and possible presence of artificial lighting, National Science Committee, NSC101-2221-E-110-092, 101.08.01~102.07.31. The TCM indices of tongue diagnosis for the prognosis of breast cancer, Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy (2-1), Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP101-RD-026, 101.05.01~102.12.31. Vision-Based Assembly and Inspection System for Golf Club Heads: VAISGCH, Metal Industries Research & Development Centre, 101.03.01~101.12.31. 3D Blood Flow Analysis for Nailfold Microcirculation, National Science Committee, NSC100-2221-E-110-014, 100.08.01~101.07.31. ECG Pervasive emergency ambulance system development and applied research, National Science Committee, NSC99-2923-E-027-001-MY2, 99.08.01~101.07.31(co-PI). The Study on the Agreement between Automatic Tongue Diagnosis System and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners, Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP99-RD-037, 99.11.18~100.11.20. Portable tongue diagnosis system (2-2), Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP99-RD-105, 99.11.16~100.11.18. 4 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. Total Situational Awareness and Monitoring System, National Science Committee, NSC99-2221-E-110-075, 99.08.01~100.09.30. Event-Trigged Virtual Surveillance Environment, National Science Committee, NSC98-222-E-110-068, 98.08.01~99.07.31. The development of a tongue-diagnosis device - the clinical study of modern Chinese medicine, Technology Development Program for Academia, Ministry of Economic Affairs, 98.06.01~99.05.31. Portable tongue diagnosis system (2-1), Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP98-RD-031, 98.01.21~99.12.31. Digital teaching and dynamic evaluation system for diagnosis through observation, Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP98-RD-018, 98.01.17~98.12.31. Automatic 3D Facial Model Generation and Synthesis of 3D faces, ITRI-South, 97.05.01~97.12.31. The three-year plan of the flat panel display equipment technology development (3/3)-The study on stacking of 2D slices into a 3D surface, Metal Industries Research & Development Centre, 97.01.01~97.12.31. Improve the mechanism of the effectiveness of teaching excellence by National Sun Yat-sen University, Teaching Excellence Program, National Sun Yat-sen University, E-Teaching material- three-dimensional image analysis, 97.05.01~97.12.31. Improve the mechanism of the effectiveness of teaching excellence by National Sun Yat-sen University, Teaching Excellence Program, National Sun Yat-sen University, E-Teaching material, 96.05.01~96.12.31. GT - 505CBD Carbon black Analysis Device, GOTECH Testing Machines Inc., 96.08.16~ 96.11.16. Improve the mechanism of the effectiveness of teaching excellence by National Sun Yat-sen University, Teaching Excellence Program, 95.09.01~95.12.31. Create unique personalized fonts, National Science Committee, NSC95-2815-C110-026-E, 95.07.01~ 96.02.28.) The Gangshan Logistics Zone set plan, Institute for Information Industry, 94.10.01~ 95.03.31. (Consultant) 「 The southern region of IC card ticket system integration build case 」 , Commissioning plan consultants and impartial third party testing, Department of Transportation of Kaohsiung, 94.04.01~ 94.12.31. Multiple-Instance Image Database Retrieval Utilizing Spatial Constraint, National Science Committee, NSC94-2213-E-110-042, 94.08.01~ 95.07.31. Multiple-Instance Image Database Retrieval Based on Orthogonal bases, National Science Committee, NSC93-2213-E-110-024, 93.08.01~ 94.07.31. 5 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. Human Facial Animation by Separating Eyes and Mouth Area, Based on Real Image Sequence, National Science Committee, NSC92-2213-E-110-058, 92.08.01~ 93.07.31. The Contemporary Study of Tongue Diagnosis (3-3)-Tongue color interpretation of standardized expansion plans of establishment of the database of the of specific diseases tongue color, Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP92-RD-118, 92.06.18~ 92.12.31(co-PI). The Contemporary Study of Tongue Diagnosis (3-3)-Teaching and Evaluation System For The Traditional Chinese Tongue Diagnosis, Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP92-RD102, 92.01.01~ 92.12.31. Detection rules of infrared point target (Ⅳ), Academic research projects of national defense science and technology development programs of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, NSC91-2623-CS-7-110-001, 91.01.01~ 91.12.31. Ministry of Education to enhance basic teaching improvement plan - chemical experimental basis for teaching modern, 90A1149, 90.09.01~ 94.08.31. The Contemporary Study of Tongue Diagnosis (3-2)-Synthesis of Extracted Tongue Feature for Specific Diseases, Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP91-RD-110, 91.01.01~ 91.12.31. The Contemporary Study of Tongue Diagnosis (3-1)-Experimental Design and Data Analysis, Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP90-RD-017, 90.06.01~ 90.12.31. The development of the international competitiveness of fish farming - the development of the ornamental fish industry, Fisheries Agency, 90 Yu Guan 4.12-Yang -03, 90.01.01~ 90.12.31. Detection rules of infrared point target (Ⅲ), Academic research projects of national defense science and technology development programs of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, NSC90-2623-CS-7-110-001, 90.01.01~ 90.12.31. Image recognition of two-dimensional bar code, Ruihua Technology, 89.10.20~ 89.12.31. Detection rules of infrared point target (Ⅱ), Academic research projects of national defense science and technology development programs of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, NSC89-CS-7-110-001, 89.07.0189.12.31. Detection rules of infrared point target (I), Academic research projects of national defense science and technology development programs of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, NSC89-2623-D-110-001, 88.07.0189.06.30. The application of information technology to carry out the type of error analysis of large-scale mathematical learning disabled students and dynamic 6 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. Assessment of Research, National Science Committee, NSC88-2614-S-110-001E, 88.02.01~89.07.31. The Digital closed-circuit Surveillance system, National Science Committee, NSC88-2815-C-110-002-E, 87.12.01~88.06.30. National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium- the Museum information system construction engineering consultants, Taiwan GIS center, 87.09.01~91.08.31 Multi-Resolution Computer Visual Inspection of The Bare Printed Circuit Board. The relationship between arterial gas analysis in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and TCM Tongue scientific research, China Medical University, 87.08.01~88.07.31 (co-PI). The Research of Contemporary Study of Facial Images and Disease Patterns of Traditional Chinese Medicine For The Patients With Chronic Hepatitis, Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP88-RD-011, 87.07.01-88.06.30 (co-PI). National Sun Yat-sen University online course selection system, National Sun Yat-sen University, 86.01.01~87.04.30. 1988-Business modernization project of the Ministry of Economic AffairsShopping street survey developed to promote the sub-projects, Corporate Synergy Development Center, 15-AN3-7001T, 86.11.01~87.01.31. Taiwan Provincial Water Resources Department-Important water conservancy statistics information system, Huge Computer, 86.11.01-87.01.31. The affect of drinks to tongue diagnosis, China Medical University, CMC86-TH18, 86.08.01-87.07.31 (co-PI). The target detection rule of image rollover state (II), Academic research projects of national defense science and technology development programs of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, NSC87-2623-D-110-004, 86.07.01-87.06.30. The relationship between patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in lung function status with TCM and the tongue inspection scientific research, Committee on Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy, Department of Health, Executive Yuan, CCMP87-RD-019, 86.07.01~87.06.30 (co-PI). Taiwan Provincial Government, Department of Transportation, traffic administrative information systems overall planning amendment, Huge Computer, 86.02.01~86.07.31. The Kaohsiung YMCA multimedia navigation system, Huge Computer, 85.09.0185.11.30. Use EM algorithm for image resolution enhancement, National Science Committee, NSC86-2213-E-110-020, 85.08.01-86.07.31. The target detection rule of image rollover state (I), Academic research projects of national defense science and technology development programs of Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology, NSC86-2623-D-110-002, 85.07.0186.06.30. 7 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. The rectilinear figures to quantitative research, National Science Committee, NSC85-2815-C110-01-02, 84.07.01-85.02.28. Kaohsiung Government Department of Rapid Transit information management system for operational planning, Taiwan GIS center, 84.09.01-84.12.31. Ancient Global Change - (subproject 10) ancient global change "data processing automation research, National Science Committee, NSC85-2111-M110-004, 84.08.01-85.07.31. Operational planning of information systems of the National Museum of Marine Biology (5), Ministry of Education, 84.01.01~84.09.30. Operational planning of information systems of the National Museum of Marine Biology (4), Ministry of Education, 82.07.01~83.06.30. Wavelet transform in the application of motion estimation, National Science Committee, NSC84-2213-E110-051, 83.08.01~84.07.31. A variable to the variable data compression method, National Science Committee, 82.08.01~83.07.31. Evaluated the performance of two different communication networks, National Science Committee, NSC82-0404-E110-046, 81.08.01~82.07.31. Neural network used in document classification, National Science Committee, NSC82-0408-E110-063, 81.08.01~82.07.31 Operational planning of information systems of the National Museum of Marine Biology (3), Ministry of Education, 81.07.01~82.06.30. Operational planning of information systems of the National Museum of Marine Biology (2), Ministry of Education, 81.01.01~81.06.30. Automatic file recognition system, National Science Committee, NSC80-0408E110-06, 80.02.01~81.01.31. The theoretical analysis of the new similarity measurement, National Science Committee, NSC80-0208-M110-30, 80.02.01-81.01.31. Operational planning of information systems of the National Museum of Marine Biology (1), Ministry of Education, 80.01.01~80.12.31. 8 JOURNAL PAPERS 1. Kazi Mostafa, John Y. Chiang, Kung-Ting Wei, Innchyn Her, "Image-based Method for Determining Better Walking Strategies for Hexapods," International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, (accepted, 2015.3.20) (IF: 0.526, 2014), (ROBOTICS 20/23 86.9%) [SCI] 2. Kazi Mostafa, John Y. Chiang, Wei-Cheng Tsai, Innchyn Her, "Fuzzy Noise Removal and Edge Detection on Hexagonal Image," Journal of Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, (accepted, 2014.08.07) 3. Chin-Chuan Tsai, Yen-Cheng Lo, *John Y. Chiang, Sainbuyan Natsagdorj, "Digital Education and Dynamic Assessment of Tongue Diagnosis based on Mashup Technique," Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, (accepted, 2014.05.19) (* corresponding author) (IF: 1.217, 2014), (INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 14/24, 58.3%) [SCI] 4. Zi-Cai Li, Li-Ping Zhang, Yimin Wei, Ming-Gong Lee, John Y. Chiang, "Boundary Methods for Dirichlet Problems of Laplace's Equation in Elliptic Domains with Elliptic Holes," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Volume 61, pp. 91–103, DOI: 10.1016/j.enganabound.2015.07.001, Dec. 2015. (IF: 1.392, 2014), (ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY 25/83 30.1%, MATHEMATICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS 35/99 35.3%) [SCI] 5. Shanshan Shui, Xia Wang, John Y. Chiang, Lei Zheng, "Far-Infrared Therapy for Cardiovascular, Autoimmune, and Other Chronic Health Problems: A Systematic Review," Experimental Biology and Medicine, Volume 240, pp. 1257 – 1265, DOI: 10.1177/1535370215573391, Feb. 2015. (IF: 2.165, 2014), (MEDICINE, RESEARCH & EXPERIMENTAL 67/123 54.4%) [SCI] 6. Lun-chien Lo, Tsung-Lin Cheng, Yi-Jing Chen, Sainbuyan Natsagdorj, John Y. Chiang, "TCM tongue diagnosis index of early-stage breast cancer," Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 23, Issue 5, pp. 637-645, DOI:10.1016/j.ctim.2015.07.001, Oct. 2015. (IF: 1.545, 2014), (INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE 9/24 37.5%) [SCI] 7. Cheng-Yeh Chen, Alan Dahgwo Yein, Te-Cheng Hsu, John Y. Chiang, WenShyong Hsieh, "Secure Access Control Method for Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2015, Article ID 261906, 6 pages, DOI: 10.1155/2015/261906, 2015. (IF: 0.665, 2014), (COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS 106/139 76.3%; TELECOMMUNICATIONS 58/77 75.31%) 9 8. Wen-Juan Pan, Xia Wang, Yong-Ren Deng, Jia-Hang Li, John Y. Chiang, Liu-Wei Chen, Chuan-Wu Xiong, Lei Zheng, "Nondestructive and intuitive determination of circadian chlorophyll rhythms in soybean leaves using multispectral imaging," Scientific Reports, Volume 5, Article number: 11108, DOI:10.1038/srep11108, 10 June 2015. (IF: 5.578, 2014), (MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES 5/56 8.9%) 9. Chih-Wen Chiu, Tsung-Chieh Lee, Po-Chi Hsu, Chia-Yun Chen, Shun-Chang Chang, John. Y. Chiang, Lun-Chien Lo, "Efficacy and safety of acupuncture for dizziness and vertigo in emergency department: a pilot cohort study," BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, pp. 15-173, DOI: 10.1186/s12906015-0704-6, 9 June 2015. (IF: 2.02, 2014), (INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE 6/24 25%) 10. Lun-chien Lo, Yung-Fu Chen, *John Y. Chiang, Tsung-Lin Cheng, Natsagdorj Damdinsuren, "Education of Chinese medicine tongue diagnosis by automatic tongue diagnosis system," Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine, Vol. 21, DOI: 10.1007/s11655-015-2135-0, May 2015. (* corresponding author) (IF: 1.217, 2014), (INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 14/22 58.3%) [SCI] 11. Yunqiang Yin, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, John Y. Chiang, Jason C.H. Chen, Xuerong Mao, Chin-Chia Wu, "Scheduling problems with due date assignment," Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Vol. 2015, Article ID 683269, 2 pages, DOI: 10.1155/2015/683269, April 2015. (IF: 0.877, 2014), (MATHEMATICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS 59/99 59.5%; MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES 25/56 44.6%) [SCI] 12. Sainbuyan Natsagdorj, John Y. Chiang, Che-Han Su, Chih-chung Lin, Chen Cheng-yen, "Vision-Based Assembly and Inspection System for Golf Club Heads," Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Volume: 32 Pages: 83-92, DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2014.10.004, April 2015. (IF: 2.305, 2014), (COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS 19/102 18.6%; ENGINEERING, MANUFACTURING 6/40 15%; ROBOTICS 5/23, 21.7%) [SCI] 13. Mingh-Gong Lee, Zi-Cai Li, Hung-Tsai Huang, John Y. Chiang, "Neumann Problems of Laplace's Equation in Circular Domains with Circular Holes by Methods of Field Equations," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Volume: 51 Pages: 156-173, DOI: 10.1016/j.enganabound.2014.11.001, Feb 2015. (IF: 1.392, 2014), (ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY 25/83 30.1%; MATHEMATICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS 35/99 35.3%) [SCI] 10 14. Kazi Mostafa, John Y. Chiang, Innchyn Her, "Edge Detection Method Using Binary Morphology on Hexagonal Images,"Imaging Science Journal, DOI: 10.1179/1743131X14Y.0000000098, 9. Dec. 2014. (IF: 0.298, 2014), (IMAGING SCIENCE, PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY 24/24 100 %) (Time cited: 2) [SCI] 15. Cheng‐Yeh Chen, Wen‐Shyong Hsieh, Te‐Cheng Hsu, Hsin‐Te Wu, John Y. Chiang, "Anonymous Authentication and Key-Agreement Schemes in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks," Journal of Internet Technology, Volume: 15, Issue: 6, Pages: 893902, DOI: 10.6138/JIT.2014.15.6.02, NOV 2014. (IF: 0.438, 2014), (COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 125/139, 89.9%; TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 67/77, 87%) [SCI] 16. Wei-Sheng Chung, Yung-Fu Chen, Jiin-Chyr Hsu, Wen-Ta Yang, Shiu-Ching Chen, John Y. Chiang, "Inhaled Corticosteroids and the Increased Risk of Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Population-based Case Control Study," International Journal of Clinical Practice, Volume: 68, Issue: 10, Pages: 1193-1199, DOI: 10.1111/ijcp.12459, Oct. 2014. (IF: 2.566, 2014), (MEDICINE, GENERAL & INTERNAL, 35/153, 22.8%) (Time cited: 3) [SCI] 17. Wei-Sheng Chung, Chiao-Ling Peng, Cheng-Li Lin, Yung-Fu Chen, John Y. Chiang, Fung-Chang Sung, Yen-Jung Chang and Chia-Hung Kao, "Rheumatoid arthritis increases the risk of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary thromboembolism: A nationwide cohort study," Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, Volume 73, Issue 10, pp. 1774-1780, Oct. 2014. DOI: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2013-203380. (IF: 10.377, 2014), (RHEUMATOLOGY, 1/32, 3.1%) (Time cited: 43) [SCI] 18. Zi-Cai Li, Yimin Wei, Hung-Tsai Huang, John Y. Chiang, "Stability Analysis for Singularly Perturbed Differential Equations by the Upwind Difference Scheme," Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Volume 30, Issue 5, pp. 1595-1613, Sept. 2014, DOI: 10.1002/num.21846. (* corresponding author) (IF: 0.859, 2014), (MATHEMATICS, APPLIED, 121/255, 47.4%) [SCI] 19. Lun-chien Lo, John Y. Chiang, Po-chi Hsu, "Diabetes with Pyogenic Liver Abscess - A Perspective on Tongue Assessment in Traditional Chinese Medicine," Complementary Therapies in Medicine, J Chin Med 25(1), pp.125-135, 2014. DOI: 10.3966/101764462014062501009, (IF: 1.545, 2014), (INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 9/24 37.5%)[SCI] 20. Pei-Yung Liao, Po-Chi Hsu, Jia-ming Chen, John Y. Chiang, Lun-Chien Lo, "Diabetes with Pyogenic Liver Abscess - A Perspective on Tongue Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine," Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Volume 11 22, Issue 2, pp. 341-348, April 2014, DOI: 10.1016/j.ctim.2013.12.009. (IF: 1.545, 2014), (INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 9/24 37.5%) [SCI] 21. Ming-Gong Lee, Zi-Cai Li, *Hung-Tsai Huang and *John Y. Chiang, "Algorithm Singularity of the Null-Field Method for Dirichlet Problems of Laplace's Equation in Annular and Circular Domains," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Volume 41, pp. 160-172, April 2014, DOI:10.1016/j.enganabound.2014.01.013. (* corresponding author) (IF: 1.392, 2014), (ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 25/83, 30.1%; MATHEMATICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS, 35/99, 35.3%) (Time cited: 4) [SCI] 22. Yung-Fu Chen, Po-Chi Huang, Ker-Cheng Lin, Hsuan-Hung Lin, Li-En Wang, Chung-Chuan Cheng, Tsung-Po Chen, Yung-Kuan Chan and John Y. Chiang, "Semi-Automatic Segmentation and Classification of Pap Smear Cells," IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (J-BHI), Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 94-108, Jan. 2014. (IF: 1.440, 2014), (COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 47/139, 33.8%; COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS, 47/102, 46.0%; MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 31/56, 55.3%; MEDICAL INFORMATICS, 17/24, 70.8%) [SCI] (Time cited: 11) 23. Wei-Sheng Chung, Yung-Fu Cheng, John Y. Chiang, Cheng-Li Lin and Chia-Hung Kao, "Sleep disorders and increased risk of subsequent acute coronary syndrome in individuals without sleep apnea: A nationwide population-based cohort study," SLEEP, Vol. 36, Issus 12, pp. 1963-1968, Dec. 1 2013, DOI: 10.5665/sleep.3240. (IF: 5.062, 2013), (CLINICAL NEUROLOGY, 20/194, 10.3%; NEUROSCIENCES, 45/252, 17.8%) (Time cited: 11) [SCI] 24. Jiin-Chyr Hsu, Yung-Fu Chen, Wei-Sheng Chung, Tan-Hsu Tan, Tainsong Chen, *John Y. Chiang, "Clinical verification of a clinical decision support system for ventilator weaning," Biomedical Engineering Online, Dec. 2013, DOI: 10.1186/1475-925X-12-S1-S4. (* corresponding author) (IF: 1.746, 2013), (ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL, 35/76, 46.0%) (Time cited: 2) [SCI] 25. Hung Tsai Huang, Ming-Gong Lee, Zi C. Li and *John Y. Chiang, "Null field and interior field methods for Laplace's equation in actually punctured disks," Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol. 2013(2013), pp. 1-15, Article ID 927873. DOI: 10.1155/2013/927873. (* corresponding author) (IF: 1.274, 2013), (MATHEMATICS, 23/302, 10.1%; MATHEMATICS, APPLIED, 50/251, 27.1%) (Time cited: 4) [SCI] 12 26. Lun-Chien Lo, Chia-Yun Chen, John Y. Chiang, Tsung-Lin Cheng, Hong-Jen Lin and Hen-Hong Chang, "Tongue Diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Rheumatoid Arthritis," Afr. J. Tradit. Complement Altern. Med., Vol. 10, Issue 5, pp. 360-369, 2013, DOI: 10.4314/ajtcam.v10i5.24. (IF: 0.518, 2012), (INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 20/22, 90.9%) (Time cited: 2) [SCI] 27. Zi-Cai Li, Ming-Gong Lee and *John Y. Chiang, "Collocation Trefftz Methods for the Stokes Equations with Singularity," Numer. Meth. PDE, Vol. 29, Issue 2, pp. 361–395, March 2013, DOI: 10.1002/num.21710. (* corresponding author) (IF: 1.212, 2012), (MATHEMATICS, APPLIED, 56/247, 22.6%) (Time cited: 2) [SCI] 28. Lun-chien Lo, Tsung-Lin Cheng, *John Y. Chiang and Natsagdorj Damdinsuren, "Breast Cancer Index - A Perspective on Tongue Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine," Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 194-203, 2013. (* corresponding author) (Time cited: 2) 29. Zi-Cai Li, Hung-Tsai Huang, Ming-Gong Lee, and *John Y. Chiang, "Error Analysis of the Method of Fundamental Solutions for Linear Elastostatics," Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 251, pp. 133–153, 2013. (* corresponding author) (IF: 0.989, 2013), (MATHEMATICS, APPLIED, 70/251, 27.8%) (Time cited: 8) [SCI] 30. Liping Zhang, Zi-Cai Li, Yimin Wei and *John Y. Chiang, "Cauchy Problems of Laplace's Equation by the Methods of Fundamental Solutions and Particular Solutions," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 37, pp. 765-780, 2013. (* corresponding author) (IF: 1.437, 2013), (ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 21/87, 24.1%; MATHEMATICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS, 30/95, 31.5%) [SCI] 31. Ming-Gong Lee, Zi-Cai Li, Hung-Tsai Huang and *John Y. Chiang, "Conservative schemes and degenerate scale problems in the null-field method for Dirichlet problems of Laplace's equation in circular domains with circular holes," Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, Vol. 37, pp.95-106, 2013. (* corresponding author) (IF: 1.596, 2013), (ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY, 17/90, 18.9%; MATHEMATICS, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS, 22/93, 23.7%) (Time cited: 6) [SCI] 32. Liang-Wen Hang, Hsuan-Hung Lin, John Y. Chiang, Hsiang-Ling Wang and YungFu Chen, "Diagnosis of Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Model Designed Using Genetic Algorithm and Ensemble Support Vector Machine," Appl. Math. 13 Inf. Sci, Vol. 7, No. 1S, pp.327S-336S, 2013. (IF: 0.731, 2012), (MATHEMATICS, APPLIED, 128/247, 51.8%; PHYSICS, MATHEMATICAL, 41/55, 74.5%) (Time cited: 1) (Time cited: 1) [SCI] 33. Lun-Chien Lo, *John Y. Chiang, Tsung-Lin Cheng and Pei-Shuan Shieh, "Visual Agreement Analyses of Traditional Chinese Medicine -A Multiple Dimensional Scaling Approach," Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol. 2012, Article ID 516473. DOI: 10.1155/2012/516473 (*corresponding author) (IF: 1.722, 2012), (INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 8/22, 36.3%) (Time cited: 9) [SCI] 34. Lun-Chien Lo, Tsung-Lin Cheng, Wen-Jiuan Chen, Yung-Fu Chen and *John Y. Chiang, "The Study on the Agreement between Automatic Tongue Diagnosis System and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners," Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol. 2012 (2012), Article ID 505063, DOI: 10.1155/2012/505063. (*corresponding author) (IF: 1.722, 2012), (INTEGRATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 8/22, 36.3%) (Time cited:14) [SCI] 35. Lun-Chien Lo, Ker-Chung Lin, Yuan-Nian Hsu, Tsung-Po Chen, *John Y. Chiang and Yung-Fu Chen, "Pseudo three-dimensional vision-based nail-fold morphological and hemodynamic analysis," Computers in Biology and Medicine, Vol. 42, Issue 9, pp.873-884, Sept. 2012. (*corresponding author) (IF: 1.162, 2012), (BIOLOGY, 51/83, 61.4%; COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS, 60/100, 60.0%; ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL, 56/79, 70.9%; MATHEMATICAL & COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, 36/47, 76.6%) (Time cited: 2) [SCI] 36. Te-Cheng Hsu, Wen-Shyong Hsieh, Nan-Tung Chen and John Y. Chiang, "OnePass Testing Algorithm for Solving Underflow and Overflow Problems in Reversible Watermarking," ICIC-EL, Vol 6, Issue 8, pp. 2099-2104, August 2012. [EI] 37. Te-Cheng Hsu, Alan Dahgwo Yein, Wen-Shyong Hsieh, Nan-Tung Chen, John Y. Chiang and Tung-Shih Su, "Reversible Watermarking Algorithm Based on Embedding Pixel Dependence," Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 571-580, July 2012. (IF: 0.481, 2012), (COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 104/132, 78.8%; TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 61/78, 78.2%) (Time cited: 2) [SCI] 14 38. Jia-Yun Chen, Ying-Ling Chen, Chong-Min Ciou, John Y. Chiang, Cing-Shan Liou, "Spinocerebellar Ataxia Treated with Combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine-A Case Report," Journal of Chinese Medicine, Vol.23, No.1, pp. 93-102, June 2012. (in Chinese) (Time cited: 1) 39. John Y. Chiang and Ying-Ching Chen, "Underwater Image Enhancement by Wavelength Compensation and Dehazing (WCID)," IEEE Trans. on Image Proc., Vol. 21, Issue 4, pp. 1756–1769, April 2012. (IF: 3.199, 2011), (COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 13/115, 11.3%; ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, 17/243, 7.0%) (Time cited: 59) [SCI] 40. Zi-Cai Li, *John Y. Chiang and C. Y. Suen, "New Splitting Algorithms for Geometric Transformations of Digital Images and their Error Analysis," Int'l Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, Vol. 21, Issue 4, pp. 323–335, Nov. 15, 2011. (* corresponding author) (IF: 0.779, 2011), (ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, 153/245, 62.4%; IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY, 12/21, 57.1%; OPTICS, 55/79, 69.6%) [SCI] 41. John Y. Chiang, Y. C. Chen and Y. F. Chen, "Underwater Image Enhancement: Using Wavelength Compensation and Image Dehazing (WCID)," Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Proc. Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems (ACIVS), pp. 372-383, Belgium, Aug. 22-25, 2011. (Time cited: 3) [EI] 42. Zi-Cai Li, Ming-Gong Lee, *John Y. Chiang and Y. P. Liu, "The Trefftz Method using Fundamental Solutions for Biharmonic Equations," J. Comp. and App. Math, 2011. (* corresponding author) (IF: 1.112, 2010), (Mathematics, Applied, 62/245, 25.3%) (Time cited: 7) [SCI] 43. T.-C. Hsu, W.-S. Hsieh, John Y. Chiang and T.-S. Su, "New watermark-removal method based on Eigen-image energy," IET Information Security, Vol. 5, pp. 4350, March 2011. (IF: 0.143, 2011), (COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 133/135, 98.5%; COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS, 98/99, 99.0%) (Time cited: 3) [SCI] 44. Zi-Cai Li, *John Y. Chiang and C. Y. Suen, "Face transformation with harmonic models by finite volume method with Delaunay Triangulation," IEEE Trans. on Sys. Man and Cybern Part B – Cybernetics, Vol. 40, pp. 1543-1554, 2010. (* corresponding author) (IF: 2.699, 2009), (AUTOMATION & CONTROL SYSTEMS, 3/60, 5.0%; COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 13/108, 12.0%; COMPUTER SCIENCE, CYBERNETICS, 3/19, 15.8%) (Time cited: 3) [SCI] 15 45. John Y. Chiang and Yau-Ren Jenq, "Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Fractal Orthonormal Basis," Journal of Information Science and Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 4, pp. 1255-1266, July 2009. (IF: 0.315, 2009), (Computer Science, Information Systems, 111/116, 95.7%) (Time cited: 3) [SCI] 46. Lun-Chien Lo, Hong -Jen Lin, Tshung-Lin Cheng, Chia-Yun Chen, Mark C Hou, Hen-Hong Chang and John Y. Chiang, "Tongue Diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Rheumatoid Arthritis," The Journal of Alternative Therapies, 15(3):S67, Minneapolis, USA, May/June 2009. (Time cited: 2) 47. John Y. Chiang and Shuenn-Ren Cheng, "Multiple-Instance Content-Based Image Retrieval Employing Isometric Embedded Similarity Measure," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 158-166, Jan. 2009. (IF: 2.554, 2009), (COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 21/103, 20.4; ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, 23/246, 9.3%) (Time cited: 13) [SCI] 48. John Y. Chiang, Chung-Hsun Hsieh and Shuenn-Ren Cheng, "A Vectorized Chinese Font Personalizing System," Int'l Journal of Computer Processing of Languages, Vol. 21, No. 3, pp. 1-20, Sept. 2008. 49. Shun-Ren Zheng, John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Chen, Hong-Ren Lin, "Tongue computerized sublingual venae feature extraction and analysis," Suzhou University of Medical Sciences, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 426-430, May, 2005. (in Chinese) 50. Na-Ying Tang, Cai-Juan Li, John Y. Chiang, Heng-Hong Zhang, Tian-Mei Wang , Zhu-Rong Peng, Qing-Liang Hsieh , "The research of Utility of ovariectomy rat bone by placenta pill," Chinese Medicine in Taiwan, pp. 83-95, Vol. 4, No. 1, March, 2005. (in Chinese) 51. John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Chen, Heng-Hong Zhang, Jian-Zhong Ma, " Computerized Tongue Diagnosis system," Chinese Integrative Medicine, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp.145-147, Feb. 2000. (in Chinese) 52. John Y. Chiang and R. C. Wang, "Seal Identification Using the Delaunay Tessellation," Proc. Natl. Sci. Counc. ROC (A), Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 751-757, 1998. (Time cited: 20) 53. John Y. Chiang, S. C. Tue and Y. C. Leu, "A New Algorithm for Line Image Vectorization," Pattern Recognition, Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 1541-1549, 1998. (IF: 1.611, 1997), (COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, 22/77, 28.6; ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, 37/205, 18.0%) (Time cited: 41) [SCI] 54. John Y. Chiang and Barry J. Sullivan, "Coincident Bit counting -A new Criterion for Image Registration," IEEE Trans. on Medical Imaging, Vol. 12, No.1, pp. 3038, March 1993. (IF: 2.911, 1992), (COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY 16 APPLICATIONS, 83/4, 4.8%; ENGINEERING, BIOMEDICAL, 3/42, 7.1%; ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC, 4/205, 2.0%; IMAGING SCIENCE & PHOTOGRAPHIC TECHNOLOGY, 1/13, 7.7%; RADIOLOGY, NUCLEAR MEDICINE & MEDICAL IMAGING, 6/83, 7.2%) (Time cited: 31) [SCI] SELECTED CONFERENCE PAPERS 1. Hung-Jen Lin, Yi-Jing Chen, Natsagdorj Damdinsuren, Tan-Hsu Tan, Tsung-Yu Liu and John Y. Chiang, "Automatic Sublingual Vein Feature Extraction System," Proc. 2014 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Medical Biometrics(ICMB), pp. 55-61, DOI: 10.1109/ICMB.2014.17, Shenzhen, China, May 30 - June 01, 2014. 2. Lun-Chien Lo, Tsung-Lin Cheng, Yi-Jing Chen, Sainbuyan Natsagdorj and John Y. Chiang, "Traditional Chinese Medicine Tongue Diagnosis Index of Early-Stage Breast Cancer," Proc. 2014 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Medical Biometrics(ICMB), pp. 714, DOI: 10.1109/ICMB.2014.9, Shenzhen, China, May 30 - June 01, 2014. 3. Tan-Hsu Tan, Cheng-Chun Chang, Fu-Rong Jean, John Y. Chiang and Yi-Chiao Lu, "Joint Channel Estimation and Multi-User Detection for OFDMA Systems Using A Genetic Algorithm with Simulated Annealing-Based Mutation," 2013 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics(SMC), Manchester, UK, Oct. 13-16, 2013. 4. Tan-Hsu Tan, Munkhjargal Gochoo, Ching-Su Chang, Chi-Ting Wu, John Y. Chiang, "Fall Detection for Elderly Persons Using Android-Based Platform," The 8th Int'l Forum on Strategic Technology (IFOST2013), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, June 28 - July 1, 2013. 5. Tan-Hsu Tan, Munkhjargal Gochoo, Sukhbaatar Bilgee, Ching-Su Chang, Jin-Jia Hu, Yung-Fu Chen, John Y. Chiang, Yung-Fa Huang, Ming-Hui Lee, Yung-Nian Hsu and Jin-Chyr Hsu, "Development of an Emergency Medical Service System Based on Wireless Networks and Real-Time Traffic Information," 2012 Int'l Conf. on Computerized Healthcare (ICCH2012), Hong Kong, China, Dec. 17-18, 2012. 6. Ming-Huei Lee, Huei-Ching Wu, Jen-Yung Lin, Yung-Fu Chen, John Y. Chiang and Tan-Hsu Tan, "Healthcare for Patients with Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome Based on Internet Health Education," 2012 Int'l Conf. on Computerized Healthcare (ICCH2012), Hong Kong, China, Dec. 17-18, 2012. 7. Tan-Hsu Tan, Yuan-Jie He, Bilgee Sukhbaatar, Munkh Jargalaas, Yung-Fu Chen, Yung-Fa Huang, John Y. Chiang, Ching-Shu Jang, Ming-Huei Lee, Yung-Nien Hsu and Chin-Chih Hsu, "Architecture in Telemedicine ECG signal monitoring system implemented Android mobile devices," 2012 Workshop on Consumer Electronics, Yunlin, Nov. 16, 2012. 8. Lun-chien Lo, Tsung-Lin Cheng, Wen-Jiuan Chen, Yung-Fu Chen and John Y. Chiang, "The Study on the Agreement between Automatic Tongue Diagnosis 17 System and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners," European Congress for Integrative Medicine (ECIM 2012), Florence, Italy, Sept. 21-22, 2012. 9. Chih-chung Lin, Chen Cheng-yen, Che-Han Su, John Y. Chiang and Chengqi Chen, "Vision-Based Assembly and Inspection System for Golf Club Heads: VAISGCH," The 2012 Int'l Conf. on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering (ADME 2012), Taiyuan, China, Aug. 16-17, 2012. 10. Mungunbagana Batzorig, Yung-Fu Chen, Hsuan-Hung Lin, John Y. Chiang, TanHsu Tan, Erdenetsogt Davaasambuu and Sukhbaatar Bilgee, "The energy expenditure monitoring system of trail hiking using smart phones," The Fifth Int'l Conf. on Frontiers of Information Tech., Applications and Tools (FITAT 2012), pp. 56-62, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, August 8-10, 2012. 11. Erdenetsogt Davaasambuu, Chia-Chi Chiang, John Y. Chiang, Yung-Fu Chen and Sukhbaatar Bilgee, "A Microsoft Kinect based virtual rehabilitation system," The Fifth Int'l Conf. on Frontiers of Information Tech., Applications and Tools (FITAT 2012), pp. 44-50, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, August 8-10, 2012. 12. Hui-Chi Wu, Lawrence Liao, Po-Chou Chan, Chuan-Hsiung Lin, John Y. Chiang and Yung-Fu Chen, "A Web-based Virtual Stock Exchange System for Promoting Learning Efficacy of Financial Management," 2012 e-CASE & e-Tech Int'l Conf., pp. 1360-1380, Hong Kong, March 30 - April 1, 2012. 13. Lun-Chien Lo, John Y. Chiang and Yu-Shan Cai, "Three-dimensional Visionbased Nail-fold Morphological and Hemodynamic Analysis," IEEE Int'l Conf. on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, pp. 44-51, Taichung, Taiwan, Oct. 24-26, 2011. 14. Kuo-An Wang, Ya-Chin Liao, Wei-Wei Chu, John Y. Chiang, Yung-Fu Chen, PoChou Chan, "Digitization and Value-Add Application of Bamboo Weaving Artifacts," Int'l Conf. on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2011), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 7008, pp. 16-25, Oct. 2011. 15. Yung-Fu Chen, Hsuan-Hung Lin, Ker-Chung Lin and John Y. Chiang, "An Ensemble SVM Classifier for the Diagnosis of Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea," Int'l Conf. on Knowledge Based Industry, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, July 6-7, 2011. 16. John Y. Chiang, Lun-Chien Lo, "Tongue Diagnosis modern development in Taiwan," Medicine in the Third across the Taiwan Strait Cooperation and Development Forum, pp.225-226, June 2011. (in Chinese) 17. Yung-Fu Chen, Po-Chou Chan, John Y. Chiang, Shiu-Ching Chen, Ko-Cheng Lin, Vicent Tsu-Hsin Lin, Jimmy Li, "An RFID-based System for Preparation of chemotherapeutic Medications," Proc. 3rd Int'l Conf. on Computer and Applications, pp.V3-59-62, Xi'an, China. May, 27-29, 2011. 18 18. Meng-da Hsieh, Shi-bin Chen, Yung-Fu Chen, John Y. Chiang, "Immersive Surveillance for Total Situational Awareness," Proc. Conf. Int'l Computer Symp. (ICS2010), pp. 300-305, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 16-18 2010. [EI] 19. Yu Cheng Hsu, Ying-ching Chen, Lun chien Lo, John Y. Chiang, "Automatic Tongue Feature Extraction," Proc. Conf. Int'l Computer Symp. (ICS2010), pp. 936-941, Tainan, Taiwan, Dec. 16-18 2010. [EI] 20. John Y. Chiang, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, YEN-Ren Huang, "Multiple-Instance Image Database Retrieval by Spatial Similarity Based on Interval Neighbor Group," Proc. Int'l Conf. Image and Video Retrieval (CIVR2010), pp. 135-142. Xi'an, China, July 5-7, 2010. [EI] 21. Lun-Chien Lo, Hong-Jen Lin, Tsung-Lin Cheng, Chia-Yun Chen, Mark C. Hou, John Y. Chiang, Hen-Hong Chang, "Tongue Diagnosis of Traditional Chinese Medicine for Rheumatoid Arthritis," 5th Int'l Congress on Complementary Medicine Research(ICCMR 2010), Tromso, Norway, May 19-21, 2010. 22. John Y. Chiang, Lun-chien Lo, Wen-jiuan Chen, Yu-Cheng Hsu, "Computerized Tongue Feature Extraction for Traditional Chinese Medicine," Proc. The 15th Int'l Congress of Oriental Medicine, pp. 112, Chiba, Japan, Feb. 26-28, 2010. 23. Lun-chien Lo, Mark Chun-cheng Hou, Ying-ling Chen, John Y. Chiang and Jengjiun Shyu, "Automatic Tongue Diagnosis System," The 2nd Int'l Conf. on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI'09), pp. 140-144, Tianjin, China, 17-19, Oct. 2009. (Time cited: 1) [EI] 24. John Y. Chiang, Yen-Ren Huang, "A spatial similarity ranking framework for symbolic pictures retrieval," Proc. 10th IEEE Int'l Symp. On Multimedia (ISM2008), Berkley, California, USA, pp. 286-293, Dec. 15-17, 2008. [EI] 25. Jian-Ming Tseng, Zhi-Zhong Lin, Li-Xuan Su, John Y. Chiang, Min-Lun Zhang, " Protrusion plane image data superimposed and identify," AOI Forum & Show 2008, Eighth, pp. 73-74, Hsinchu, Oct. 28, 2008. (in Chinese) 26. John Y. Chiang, Chung-Hsun Hsieh, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, "Personalized Font Generator," Proc. 15th Conf. on Computer Graphics Workshop 2007, Vision and Multimedia, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 2007. 27. John Y. Chiang, Y. L. Wang, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, "Multiple-Instance ContentBased Image Retrieval Employing Isometric Embedded Similarity Measure," Proc. 7th Int'l Conf. Intelligent Tech., Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 136~143, Dec. 2006. 28. John Y. Chiang, Ming Che He, Shuenn-Ren Cheng, "Fast Hierarchical Motion Search (FHMS) with Early Termination in H.264/AVC," Proc. 7th Int'l Conf. on Computer Vision, Pattern Recog. Image Proc., Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 2006. 19 29. John Y. Chiang, "Automatic Web-based Aquaculture Monitoring System," Proc. Ornamental Fish Union (AOFU) & Aquaculture Symp., Guang Zhou, China, Sept. 2004. 30. John Y. Chiang, Z. Z. Tsai, "Image Retrieval Based on Fractal Signatures," National Computer Symp., Taichung, Taiwan, pp. 2118~2125, Dec. 2003. 31. John Y. Chiang, S. H. Yeh, S. -R. Cheng, "Automatic Modeling and animation of 3D face with very dense mesh from stereo image sequence," Proc. SPIE Vol. 4875, pp. 866~874, 2nd Int'l Conf. on Image and Graphics, Hefei, China, Aug. 2002. [EI] 32. John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Chen, Hong-Ren Lin, Ya-Yin Chen, Qi-Hong Chen, "The computerized tongue diagnosis image of the lens correction," 2001 Engineering Science and Technology, Chinese medicine and Western medicine applications seminar, pp. 34, May 26, 2001. 33. Jian-Zhong Chen, Guang-Ya Ma, Hong-Ren Lin, John Y. Chiang, Geng-Shen Zheng, Xu-Ping Ceng, Shen-Ming Li, "TCM tongue diagnosis of patients with chronic hepatitis scientific research," 2000 Engineering Science and Technology, Chinese medicine and Western medicine applications seminar, pp. 109-116, Taichung, May 27, 2000.(in Chinese) 34. Guan-Zhen Chen, John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Chen, Hong-Ren Lin, "Tongue Diagnosis computerized instruction and assessment," 2000 Engineering Science and Technology, Chinese medicine and Western medicine applications seminar, pp. 50-57, Taichung, May 27, 2000. (in Chinese) 35. Hong-Ren Lin, Heng-Hong Zhang, John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Chen, Rui-Zhao Chen, Geng-Shen Zheng, "The sublingual venae Preliminary of patients with chronic hepatitis B," 1999 Traditional Chinese Medicine and Engineering Technology with Chinese medicine and Western medicine Application Seminar, pp. 55-56, Taichung, May 29, 1999.(in Chinese) 36. John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Chen, Hong-Ren Lin, Zhi-Chao Ji, "The sublingual vein feature extraction and Tongue Diagnosis computerized Fuzzy Analysis," 1999 Traditional Chinese Medicine and Engineering Technology with Chinese medicine and Western medicine Application Seminar, pp. 51-52, Taichung, May 29, 1999.(in Chinese) 37. John Y. Chiang, H. C. Liu, "Color Video Compression Using Fractal-Based Segmentation Scheme," Proc. Int'l Conf. on Image Processing and Character Recognition, 1998 Int'l Computer Symp., pp. 27~34, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 1998. [EI] 38. Hong-Ren Lin, Heng-Hong Zhang, John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Chen, Rui-Zhao Chen, Geng-Shen Zheng, " Preliminary study on subglossal vessels morphology in patients with chronic hepatitis B," China Medical College magazine, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 7-12, July 1988.(in Chinese) 20 39. Jian-Zhong Chen, De-Zhuang Jia, Shen-Ming Li, John Y. Chiang, Heng-Yi Xiao, Heng-Hong Zhang, Hong-Ren Lin, Chun Yang, Jian-Zhong Ma, "Chinese medical tongue diagnosis: The relationship between pulmonary function and tongue color," China Medical College magazine, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 137-148, Sept., 1998. (in Chinese) 40. Shen-Yu Ye, John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Chen, "Tongue Diagnosis computerized feature extraction method," 1998 Engineering Science and Technology, Chinese medicine and Western medicine applications seminar, pp. 244-251, Taichung, July 6, 1998. (in Chinese) 41. Jian-Zhong Chen, John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Ma, "Tongue Diagnosis computerized image capture Environment," 1998 Engineering Science and Technology, Chinese medicine and Western medicine applications seminar, pp. 260-266, Taichung, July 6, 1998. (in Chinese) 42. N. Y. Bai and John Y. Chiang, "Data Hiding Using Binocular Fusion of Stereo pairs," Proc. of the Eighth National Conf. on Information Security, pp. 245~254, May 1998. 43. Jian-Zhong Chen, De-Zhuang Jia, Shen-Ming Li, Heng-Yi Xiao, John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Ma, "The tongue diagnosis of pulmonary function analysis of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease," Taiwan Medical Association 1998 Survey of TCM clinical cases Seminar, pp. 18-19, Taichung, April 12, 1998. (in Chinese) 44. Jian-Zhong Chen, John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Ma, "Environmental Control of Photography in the Contemporary Study of Tongue Diagnosis," China Medical College magazine, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 193-201, Dec., 1997. (in Chinese) 45. John Y. Chiang, R. C. Wang, and Yun-Lung Chang, "The Application of Delaunay Triangulation to Face Recognition," Proc. National Computer Symp., 1997 National Computer Symp., Vol. 1, pp. B-27~B-32, TaiChuang, Taiwan, Dec. 1997. [EI] 46. John Y. Chiang, J. C. Ferng, Yu-Fu Hsieh, and Yaw-Tyng Wu, "A Fast Method for Feature Extraction," Proc. The Sixth National Conf. of Science and Technology of National Defense, pp. 520-526, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, Nov. 1997。 47. Jian-Zhong Chen, John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Ma, "Image capture tongue diagnosis research environment," Taiwan Medical Association eighty-six the annual TCM clinical case seminar, pp. 2-3, Taichung, April 27, 1997. (in Chinese) 48. Jian-Zhong Chen, John Y. Chiang, "Image capture tongue diagnosis research environment," China Medical College Hospital National Medical section TCM Seminar, pp. 9, Taichung, March 16, 1997. (in Chinese) 49. John Y. Chiang, Y. C. Leu, and Yun-Lung Chang, "A Region-Based Vectorization Method," Proc. Int'l Conf. on Image Processing and Character Recognition, 1996 Int'l Computer Symp., pp. 90~97, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 1996. [EI] 21 50. John Y. Chiang, Y. T. Huang, and Yun-Lung Chang, "Resolution Enhancement using EM Algorithm," Proc. Int'l Conf. on Image Processing and Character Recognition, 1996 Int'l Computer Symp., pp. 40~47, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Dec. 1996. [EI] 51. John Y. Chiang, W. T. Guo, Yu-Fu Hsieh, and Yun-Lung Chang, "Target Identification from a Rolling Image Sequence," Proc. 1996 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp.478~483, Beijing, China, Oct. 1996. [EI] 52. John Y. Chiang, Y. T. Huang, and Yun-Lung Chang, "Application of EM Algorithm to Image Contrast Enhancement," Proc. 1996 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp.684~689, Beijing, China, Oct. 1996. [EI] 53. John Y. Chiang, "A New Approach For Binary Line Image Vectorization," Proc. 1995 IEEE Int'l Conf. on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp.1489~1494, Vancouver, BC, Canada, Oct. 1995. (Time cited: 5) [EI] 54. S. J. Tue and John Y. Chiang, "The Archiving of Line Drawing Images," Proc. SPIE Vol. 2606, pp. 145-156, SPIE‘s Photonics East’95 Symp. Conf. on Digital Image Storage and Archiving Systems, Philadelphia, PA, USA, Oct. 1995 .(Time cited: 1) [EI] 55. John Y. Chiang, Yang-Ming Wang, "A Shape Encoding Algorithm," 1995 statistics Symposium, Taichung, June 1995. 56. Shih-Chun Tu and Yi-Wu Chiang, "MIC(Maximal Inscribing Circle)-Based linefitting Method," Proc. 1995 Workshop on Computer Applications, pp.65~69, Taiwan, April 1995. 57. T. S. Huang and Y. W. Chiang, "Analysis of Buffer Reservation Schemes in Slotted-Aloha Multihop Packet Radio Networks," 92 statistics Symposium, pp.416, Taipei, May 1992. 58. John Y. Chiang and Barry J. Sullivan, "Motion Estimation Using a Neural Network," Proc. Int. Symp. Circuits Syst., New Orleans, Louisana, USA, pp.2516~2519, May 1990. (Time cited: 10) 59. John Y. Chiang and Barry J. Sullivan, "Registration of Medical Images by Coincident Bit Counting," SPIE‘s Photonics West’89 Symp., Chicago, IL, USA, Oct. 1989. 60. Y. W. Chiang and Barry J. Sullivan, "Multi-Frame Image Restoration Using a Neural Network," Proc. 32nd Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems, Monticello, IL, USA, pp.744~747, Aug. 1989.(Time cited: 2) [EI] 61. Y. W. Chiang and C.C. Lee, "A Load-Controlled Token Ring Protocol," Proc. 26th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, IL, USA, Sept. 1988. 62. Y. W. Chiang, "Study on MSBC/TDM Simulcast System," Technical Report, Motorola Communication System Research Lab. Sept. 1988. 22 PATENTS AND BOOKS 1. Tsung-Lin Cheng, Lun-Chien Lo, John Y. Chiang, "Statistical Methods and Technology of Medicine", Wunan Publisher, 2014 (in Chinese) 2. Chih-chung Lin, Cheng-yen Chen, John Y. Chiang, "Method and System for Assembling Golf Club Heads," In Application processing. (in Chinese) 3. John Y. Chiang, Lun-Chien Lo, Yu-Xuan Cai, "Automated nailfold microcirculation analysis system," The ROC patent certificate invention: 100130595, 2011, Aug 26. (in Chinese) 4. John Y. Chiang, Ying-Ching Chen, "Underwater image enhancement system," The ROC patent certificate invention: 100127673, 2011, Aug 4. (in Chinese) 5. Lun-Chien Lo, John Y. Chiang, "Clinical observation of the tongue color graphic," ISBN 978-957-41-7076-0, April 2010. (in Chinese) 6. John Y. Chiang, Jian-Zhong Chen, Heng-Hong Zhang, Hong-Ren Lin, "Tongue diagnosis system and method," The ROC patent certificate invention: 296110, 2008, April 21. (in Chinese)