Page |1 STUDENT SYLLABUS Course Name/Section Number: Human Anatomy & Physiology II/ BIOL 2402.G1 CRN#20325 Instructor Name: Robert A. Williamson, M.D. Office Hours: Immediately after class, by appointment Instructor Email: Division/Dept: Biology Office Number: Office Phone: Classroom 830-672-6251 Instructor Website: NA; Course website: (Blackboard) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Course Description (AMS) Structure and function of the following: endocrine system, digestive system, metabolism, circulatory system, respiratory system, excretion, fluid and electrolytes, and reproduction. Laboratory is coordinated with the lecture and includes the use of fresh and preserved specimens, along with anatomical charts and models. Various electronic instruments are used to measure and record physiological data. Prerequisite(s) (AMS): BIOL 2401 with a grade of "C" or better Required Textbook(s), Supplies, and Materials (AMS): Lecture text: Tortora. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, 14th edit. Laboratory: Marieb. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual, 10th edition. 4 scantrons (green) – available in bookstore or Gonzales Center offices Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate. Page |2 Learning Outcomes (AMS): 1. Demonstrate the use of logical reasoning and knowledge of the structure and function of the human endocrine system, the eye, and the ear, the digestive system, metabolic reactions, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the urinary system, body fluids and electrolytes, and the reproductive system. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of the structure and function of the human endocrine system, the eye, and the ear, the digestive system, metabolic reactions, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the urinary system, body fluids and electrolytes, and the reproductive system. The student will demonstrate the use of appropriate technology in the laboratory to study these systems. 3. Demonstrate the use of logical reasoning and knowledge of the structure and function of the human endocrine system, the eye, and the ear, the digestive system, metabolic reactions, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the urinary system, body fluids and electrolytes, and the reproductive system. Assessments (AMS): Include: Possible Quizzes Major Exams Laboratory Practical Exams Comprehensive Final Examinations SCANS (When Appropriate - AMS): NA Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate. Page |3 Course Requirements (AMS): Lecture sessions are routine lecture/discussion periods with use of audiovisual aids. Labs meet once a week according to a schedule handed out in the first lab session. Tutors are available upon request, through the Counseling Service Office. Various self-help aids are available for purchase on an optional basis. No extra credit activities or exercises are available for this course. Students are expected to regularly attend all classes in which they are enrolled. Attendance may be taken at any time during a lecture period. Students absent during that time will be counted as absent. FINAL EXAM: If a student is unable to take an exam as scheduled, the student must petition the instructor in writing prior to scheduled time of the final exam in order to reschedule the exam. Absence from a final examination without valid reason will result in a grade of zero for the exam. Final examinations may not be given early without prior approval of the Division Dean. Attendance (AMS): Attendance may be taken at any time during a lecture period. Students absent during that time will be counted as absent. Students who have not attended the class prior to the Official Report Date (ORD) will be dropped from the class. Students may be dropped when the student has a failing average and absences exceed 20% of the scheduled class dates, which for this class would be twice each week for lecture and once each week for lab. For Spring 2016, the ORD is February 2. The last day for student drop (LDD) is April 6, 2016. Student Resources page: Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate. Page |4 Biology 2402 Spring 2016 Tentative Class Calendar Class schedule for Mondays and Wednesdays 8:00 AM (promptly) until 9:15 AM (Including Each Major Assignment and Examination - (AMS): (Spring Break is between week 8 and 9.) ( Note!!! Page numbers may vary SLIGHTLY due to new edition of text ) Day/Date Week/class Chapter Topic Pages M 18 1 OFF MLK HOLIDAY W Jan 20 “ 1 17 Introduction/Syllabus/Special Senses 635-679 M 25 2 2 “ “ “ W 27 “ 3 “ “ “ M Feb 1 3 4 18 The Endocrine System 680-727 W 3 “ 5 “ “ “ M 8 4 6 “ “ “ W 10 “ 7 “ “ “ M 15 5 8 W 17 M 22 W 24 M 29 W Mar 2 M 7 “ 6 “ 7 “ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 “ 20 “ 21 22 W “ 15 MID TERM EXAM M/F 14-18 M 21 W 23 M 28 W 30 M April 4 W 6 9 “ 10 “ 11 “ 16 17 18 19 20 21 M 11 12 22 W 13 M 18 W 20 M 25 W 27 M May 2 W 4 “ 13 “ 14 “ 15 “ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 9 M 9-11 16 Major Exam 1 OFF 30 Chapters 17, 18 Cardiovascular System -The Blood 728-756 “ “ Cardiovascular System – The Heart 757-801 “ “ CV – Blood Vessels/hemodynamics 802-873 Lymphatic System/Immunity 875-917 CHAPTERS 19,20,21,22 SPRING BREAK (do some reading ahead) 23 Respiratory System 918-966 “ “ “ 24 Digestive System 967-1023 “ “ “ 25 Metabolism/Nutrition 1024-1064 26 Urinary System 1065-1109 MAJOR EXAM 3 27 “ 28 “ 29 “ CHAPTERS 23,24,25,26 Fluid, e’lytes, acid-base metabolism “ Reproductive Systems “ Development & Inheritance “ Review/Catch-up 1110-1128 “ 1129-1180 “ 1181-1222 “ FINAL EXAM Comprehensive, with emphasis on Chapters 27, 28, 29 All dates are tentative and subject to alteration to fit the progress that is being made in class, and other necessary changes, such as conflicting exams in lab, etc. Announcements of changes will be made during class at least one or two sessions prior to the changes. It is always a good idea to read ahead of the scheduled reading assignment, rather than be behind. Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.