NSDA Policy Document March 2013

Nebraska State Dairy Association
Resolution Policy Document
Adopted at Annual Meeting March 12, 2013
Resolution #1: Raw Milk Sales and Public Health and Safety
WHEREAS, milk is an important part of a healthy diet for most Americans, and
WHEREAS, milk made safe by virtue of certain long established processes including dairy
inspections and pasteurization, and
WHEREAS, current state law is very restrictive on the sale of unpasteurized (raw) milk.
THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that the Nebraska State Dairy Association supports strong dairy
inspection with restrictions and limitations on the sale of raw milk.
Resolution #2: Federal Farm Program
WHEREAS, the Federal Farm Program has an impact on the farm economy in Nebraska, and
WHEREAS, dairy producers contribute to the economic stability of their community, and
WHEREAS, dairy producers need equitable returns which reflect the financial realities of the
dairy industry,
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Nebraska State Dairy Association supports a farm
program with funding to stabilize the economic performance of small and medium-sized
dairies, while remaining available to cover financial risks for large scale producers.
Resolution #3: Milk Quality and Safety Standards
WHEREAS, milk quality is very important to maintain consumer confidence in our product
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Nebraska State Dairy Association supports the State of
Nebraska to maintain regulatory standards under the Nebraska Milk Act.
Resolution #4: Environment
WHEREAS, the dairy industry’s carbon footprint per pound of milk producer has been shrinking
since 1944, and
WHEREAS, there is little or no conclusive scientific evidence indicating that particulate matter
from farm operations adversely affects public health, and
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Nebraska State Dairy Association calls for the adoption of
environmental regulations based on sound science and by means of a transparent process, land
that the regulations be administered in a practical manner so as to prevent undue hardship for
dairy farmers and their families.
Resolution #5: Farm Youth and Leadership Programs
WHEREAS, the 4-H Program and FFA have successfully served generations of rural youth with
practical education and leadership training, and
WHEREAS, the Nebraska L.E.A.D. program trains future leaders in production agriculture and
agricultural business.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Nebraska State Dairy Association supports continued
state and county funding to maintain 4-H programs throughout the state and FFA programs
through the school districts, and supports the Nebraska L.E.A.D. program.
Resolution #6: Care of Animals
WHERAS, the Nebraska State Dairy Association supports a vibrant livestock sector and believes
in maintaining consumer confidence in the Nation’s food supply, and
WHEREAS, Nebraska dairy farm families provide quality care of their animals, and
WHEREAS, the foundation for the care of dairy producers animals is based on the values and
integrity of the dairy producers whose way of life is dependent upon the health and well-being
of their animals, and
WHEREAS, the Nebraska State Dairy Association will participate in initiatives such as Farmers
Assuring Responsible Management (FARM) and the Beef Quality Assurance Program, which
seek to establish livestock care standards that are based on sound science, economic feasibility
and are broadly accepted in the marketplace.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Nebraska State Dairy Association urges its members to
provide quality housing, nutrition, husbandry and veterinary care to all animals
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Nebraska State Dairy Association work with other entities to
ensure the standards are being met and to educate nondairy farmers, including elected official
about current animal care practices.
FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Nebraska State Dairy Association work to resist efforts by
extreme animal rights organizations to impact accepted animal care practices.
Resolution #7: Growth in the Nebraska Dairy Industry
WHEREAS, Nebraska has the components for growth in the industry, and
WHEREAS, Nebraska has many Livestock Friendly Counties, and communities interested in the
economic development opportunities that the dairy industry has to offer, and
WHEREAS, good roads and infrastructure are critical to dairy growth
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Nebraska State Dairy Association supports efforts to grow
the dairy industry by working with existing producers, and working with communities seeking
to expand dairy in their area, and
FURTHERMORE, the Nebraska State Dairy Association supports efforts to encourage and
provide funding for development of the infrastructure needs in communities which support the
growth of dairy and livestock.
Resolution # 8: Support for the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center
WHEREAS, the new Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center is very important to the state of
Nebraska as the beef epicenter of the United States; and
WHEREAS, approximately 70% of tests that the Veterinary Diagnostic Center currently conducts
are directly related to cattle; and
WHEREAS, Nebraska State Dairy Association supported legislation during the 2012 Nebraska
Unicameral Legislative Session designating state funds for the construction of the new
Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center; and
WHEREAS, private sources are required by the Legislature to raise $5 million for construction of
the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, Nebraska State Dairy Association will supports the Nebraska
Veterinary Diagnostic Center.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Nebraska State Dairy Association will encourage all dairy producers
in Nebraska to consider monetary support to the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center.
Resolution #9 Support for University Extension
WHEREAS Nebraska Dairy Producers have a continued need for scientific research and new
information to manage and grow their dairies, and
WHEREAS Nebraska has an abundant supply of feed, water, and ample processing facilities to
expand new and existing dairies, and
WHEREAS Nebraska needs to support all dairies in the state, regardless of size or management
style, as well as work to expand the dairy industry within our state
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Nebraska State Dairy Association feels that the University
of Nebraska must be positioned to provide sound scientific information to consumers and
producers about the proper care of dairy animals and the safety of the consumers food supply,
FURTHERMORE, the Nebraska State Dairy Association strongly urges the University of Nebraska
to fill the Dairy Extension positions, (Animal Science and Veterinary positions) that were
recently vacated.
Position On Brand Inspection (Adopted by NSDA Board of Directors March 13, 2013)
The Nebraska State Dairy Association takes a position against expansion of the Brand Inspection
Area, and furthermore is against any required inspection, for transportation of cattle for
purposes other than sale.