APPENDIX 13 Bredon Conservation Area Appraisal 1 CONTENTS Part 1. CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL 1 INTRODUCTION paragraph What is this Appraisal for? Planning Policy Framework APPENDIX 3 Sources & Further Information Part 1. BREDON CONSERVATION AREA APPRAISAL 2 SUMMARY OF SPECIAL INTEREST 1 INTRODUCTION 3 ASSESSING SPECIAL INTEREST Location & Landscape Setting Historical Development & Archaeology Plan Form Spaces Key Views & Vistas What is this Appraisal for? 4 CHARACTER ANALYSIS General Character Areas • Church Street & Dock Lane • High Street Buildings Materials Local Details Boundaries Natural Environment Negative Features & Neutral Areas 5 ISSUES NOTE Part 2. MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 INTRODUCTION paragraph What is this Management Plan for? 2 MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS 1.1 A conservation area is an area of special architectural or historic interest, usually the historic part of a town or village, where we wish to preserve or enhance its character or appearance. Part of Bredon is a conservation area. 1.2 Under Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 we must pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the conservation area. This appraisal identifies the special interest and character of the Bredon Conservation Area, and provides guidance on how the preservation or enhancement of its character or appearance can be achieved. The first part of the appraisal identifies its special interest and character. The second part sets out management proposals for addressing the issues identified in the appraisal. APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 page Statement of Community Involvement APPENDIX 2 Adoption Statement 1.3 The Bredon Conservation Area was designated in November 1969 and revised in June 1987. The boundary was reviewed in 2007 during the preparation of this 2 appraisal. The current conservation area boundary is shown in the appraisal. Planning Policy Framework 1.4 This appraisal should be read in conjunction with the national, regional and the local planning policy framework, particularly: • Planning Policy Guidance Note 15 Planning and the Historic Environment (PPG15) which sets out Government policy on the protection of conservation areas and other elements of the historic environment; • Policy QE5 of The West Midlands Regional Spatial Strategy and Policies CTC19 and policy CTC20 of the adopted Worcestershire County Structure Plan 1996-2011, which seek to protect and enhance conservation areas; and • Policy ENV12 of the Wychavon District Local Plan (June 2006) which is intended to ensure that development preserves or enhances the character or appearance of conservation areas. 1.5 Broadly, these policies seek to ensure that the conservation area is preserved by: Refusing permission for: • the demolition of any building or structure if its loss would damage its character or appearance • the extension or alteration of a building where the change would damage its character or appearance • development which would be harmful to its setting or character or appearance • development which would adversely affect or result in the loss of historic plots, layouts and street pattern, important views, open spaces, tree cover or boundary features within the conservation area • signage which would be harmful to the character or appearance of the conservation area, and and requiring new development to: • respect its context in design, including scale, form, proportion and detailing • Use materials in accordance with those traditionally used in that particular part of the conservation area, and maintain a similar mix • be located on their sites in a similar way to the general pattern of building in that part of the conservation area • Boundary walls, railings and hedges should be incorporated in the development in a similar way to those already in existence in that part of the conservation area, and these should use similar materials and detailing, or species, and • Shop signs to respect the character of the buildings and quality of the historic environment in their siting, size, materials and design. 1.6 In accordance with the new planning system introduced in 2004 we are preparing a Local Development Framework. This will contain conservation area policies that will supersede the Structure and Local Plan from 2009. 1.7 This appraisal supplements Structure Plan and Local Plan Policies CTC19, CTC20 and ENV12 and was adopted by the Council on 8th January 2008. 3 2 SUMMARY OF SPECIAL INTEREST 2.1 Bredon has considerable architectural and historic interest, with more than a thousand years of settlement history. With its early monastic origins, early site of the Bishop of Worcester's summer residence, great medieval tithe barn, manor house and large church dating from the Norman period, it was likely a settlement of some import within a wider area of Saxon and Medieval settlement activity. These early origins are still readily identifiable in its surviving buildings and settlement form. The significance of agriculture and the railway to Bredon's later development is clear in the subsequent phases of buildings that are still present in the village. The survival of a clear demonstration of the historic social hierarchy within the village, evident in the size, design and siting of buildings The survival of the historic form and identity of the village, evident in buildings, plots and village layout The visual prominence of the church and tithe barn The number of historic buildings The prevalence of Cotswold stone boundary walls to buildings of all sizes and status The significant contribution of the natural environment in trees, gardens, open spaces, hedges and the river 2.2 Each of these phases of development has left a wealth of historic buildings overlaying an historic settlement form with much evidence of its early origin and roles in history. The conservation area boundary is drawn to reflect this special interest. 2.3 Bredon today is a sizeable village. Despite more recent modern developments it retains much of its historic plan and building fabric. These features, together with the significant presence of much open space in the form of gardens, fields and orchards, as well as numerous mature trees, the river and stone walls, give the village a strong historic character and local identity. Location & Setting The special interest of Bredon that justifies its designation as a conservation area includes: Landscape Setting 3.2 Bredon is set in a gentle rural landscape at the junction between undulating arable land at the lower foothills of Bredon Hill Its long history, still evident in the layout of the village, in its buildings and in visible archaeological remains 3 ASSESSING SPECIAL INTEREST Location 3.1 Bredon is located part-way between the historic market towns of Tewkesbury and Pershore. It lies along the old road between the two, the B4080, with the M5 motorway close by to the west. The historic core of the village sits on the high east bank of the River Avon, with the river to its west and Bredon Hill to the northeast. 4 and the low lying open pasture land of the River Avon floodplain. The hill and the river are prominent landscape features, particularly in view from the west from where they form a striking setting for the village, with the slow meandering river and its floodplain in the foreground and the wooded and rough upland area of the hill as its backdrop. 3.3 The quality of the landscape is recognised in the inclusion of Bredon Hill in the Cotswold Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 3.4 The fringes of much of the historic village core have been enveloped by 20th century expansion so that the historic relationship of the village to its rural hinterland is lost in most part. Its western fringe and part of its southern fringe, however, still flank open countryside and from these parts its immediate rural setting is preserved, albeit with the distant presence of the M5 to the west. Historical Development & Archaeology The Origins & Development of Bredon 3.5 Settlement at Bredon dates to the Saxon period with the founding of a monastery in the early 8th century on the site of the present rectory. The monastery is said to have been sacked by Danish raiders and replaced by a second, on the site of the present Old Mansion. While these early monasteries have since disappeared, reference to their earlier presence and these origins of the village still exists in the names of present day properties in the vicinity, such as Monks Close and St Peters Cottage, and Old Mansion is said to contain monastery remains. 3.6 The Manor of Bredon came into the possession of the Bishop of Worcester in the 10th century. The Bishop had a summer residence, park and fisheries in Bredon on the site of the first monastery at The Old Rectory. The Manor House still stands on its site to the west of the Rectory. The manor remained the possession of successive bishops and part of the Worcester Monastic Estate until it passed to the Crown in the 16th century and subsequently into a series of private ownerships. The great 14th century tithe barn at Manor Farm is an enduring symbol, and very tangible evidence, of the local significance of Bredon to the monastic estate in the medieval period. 3.7 Settlement at Bredon is recorded in Domesday of 1086. The church is the earliest surviving building in the village today, dating from the early 11th century, indicating an already established settlement by this date. The form of the core of the present village in the vicinity of the church, with its parallel Church Street and Back Lane and remnants of linear plots, suggests a medieval planned settlement with the church and manor house at its heart. It was probably established as a farming community by the Bishop of Worcester in this early medieval period and likely worked by peasant tenantry of the monastic estate to contribute to support of the monastery at Worcester. The land would have been cultivated in strips for arable crops, with common grazing and hay meadows along the river. Evidence of this early farming system still exists in remnants of ridge and furrow between Oak Lane and Farm Lane. The recording of a number of medieval extractive pits on the river terraces nearby suggests that sand and gravel extraction may also have been a significant local industry at this time . 5 3.8 The fertility of the surrounding land and the presence of the sand and gravel deposits are likely reasons for initial settlement and early development of the village. 3.9 The majority of the earliest surviving buildings in the village today date from the 17th and 18th centuries. These line Church Street, Dock Lane and High Street, indicating that the layout of the village as we see it today was well established by this time. Traffic from the neighbouring market towns of Pershore and Tewkesbury would have passed north/south through the village, along Dock Lane and Church Street, with traffic travelling east/ west along High Street. Lanes branching to the north and south would have given access to the surrounding fields and common land. Surviving buildings from the 17th and 18th centuries are farmhouses, barns and cottages, reflecting the origins and early function of the village as a rural farming settlement. 3.10 The 1811 Inclosure plan for Bredon shows a loose scattering of buildings along High Street and a concentration in the core of the village at Church Street and Back Lane. These are a mix of houses, farms and cottages with the farms concentrated in High Street, suggesting that the village was still a rural farming community at this time. Much of the land around the village was tenanted allotments with around 300 tenants growing produce with surplus taken for sale in neighbouring market towns, reflecting the growth of market gardening in the Vale of Evesham at this time. There are also records of 60 to 80 stocking frames providing employment for around 100 people in the village, supplying stockings to the stocking industry at Tewkesbury, suggesting a thriving cottage industry in the village as well as market gardening and agriculture. 3.11 The First Edition Ordnance Survey map of c.1887 shows that by the late 19th century the village had extended eastward along High Street, and become more consolidated, with new houses and farm buildings and several of the existing buildings replaced or re-modelled. The map also shows a police station, a school and a Methodist Chapel and there are records of a shop, indicating a well established village by this time. Population figures reflect this physical expansion, growing from 749 in 1801 to 1163 by 1851. Many of the village buildings demonstrate 19th century alterations and extensions, suggesting a period of prosperity. Building activity at this time may reflect the general upturn in farming in Worcestershire triggered by enclosure and new farming techniques. It is also likely to be attributable to the arrival of the railway in 1841. Bredon was a station stop on the main Birmingham/Gloucester line, improving links with neighbouring towns and cities and further afield. The railway enabled rapid despatch of local produce to the expanding towns and cities in the region, such as Birmingham, and would also have made the village more accessible as a place of residence. The 1887 map shows much of the village surrounded by orchards by this date and it is likely that much of the village produce despatched by rail by this time was fruit from these orchards. 3.12 The 18th and 19th centuries were a time of consolidation of Bredon into something resembling the built form we would recognise today. 3.13 Bredon has seen much 20th century housing development. Modern developments now fringe Dock Lane and High Street with others off Oak Lane and the rear of High Street, and there are pockets of modern houses in the historic 6 core in and around Back Lane and in High Street. Much of the new development in the historic core is set back from the roadside, so that in many parts of the conservation area the historic buildings are still the dominant buildings in street vistas, maintaining its historic character. 3.14 Despite these more recent changes much of the historic core remains largely unaltered by modern development and the village retains working farms, much open space and many of its historic buildings. Its early origins as a monastic centre and rural farming community are still apparent in its layout and surviving buildings and the impact of the railway is still apparent in Victorian development. Archaeology 3.15 The area around Bredon is rich in archaeology, indicative of a long period of settlement activity in the area. 3.16 A cropmark of a possible Pre-Historic round barrow exists close to the west of Manor Farm and a Paleolithic hand axe has been found to the south-west of the present settlement near Bredon's Hardwick. Late Pre-Historic/Roman settlement and cultivation sites and Roman finds have been found to the south of the village. The sites are part of a wider multiphase Bronze Age, Iron Age and Roman settlement pattern in this area associated with Bredon Hill, the Carrant Brook and the Avon valley. 3.17 Earthworks of a possible medieval/postmedieval settlement site have been found at Mill End just to the north of present-day Bredon along Dock Lane, possibly associated with medieval or later settlement at Mill End. A deserted Medieval village is recorded close to the north-east of the village, to the east of the railway. Medieval ridge and furrow once surrounded the village and covered most of Bredon parish, indicating settled medieval communities in the area. Extensive ridge and furrow is evident in 1947 aerial photographs although most has since been ploughed out and little remains today. A surviving remnant at the southern fringe of the village, between Oak Lane and Farm Lane, is the only tangible reminder in the village of this period of early settlement activity in its history and is an important feature of the conservation area. These remains, plus the several finds of medieval extract pits close to the village along the river, are indicative of significant medieval settlement in the vicinity, of which Bredon, with its Manor House, church and tithe barn, must have been a focus of some import. Plan Form 3.18 Bredon has a long main east-west street axis with a parallel Back Lane along part, suggesting a medieval planned layout, possibly developed off a pre-existing route between Pershore and Tewkesbury. A second road meets the main street at a loose oblique angled junction roughly halfway along its length. Short narrow lanes branch off to the church and to the north and south, continuing as tracks and footpaths into the surrounding fields. 3.19 This framework of roads, lanes, tracks and footpaths is likely to be medieval and earlier in origin and appears little changed. 3.20 Individual houses, cottages and farm buildings are loosely scattered along the roads and lanes in a linear pattern, roughly following their line, with no uniformity in spacing between buildings or in their 7 relationship to the road. The majority of buildings carry their ridges in approximate alignment, with only occasional older buildings presenting their gables to the road. Some of these buildings sit immediately on to the road with gardens at their rear; others are set back with gardens extending to the front, sides and rear, so that there is no hard delineation of a consistent building line. Plots are a variety of sizes and shapes, with a pattern of smaller and largely linear plots more evident in the heart of the area in the vicinity of Church Street and Back Lane and larger plots along High Street. 3.21 Notably The Old Rectory, Old Mansion, Manor House and Manor Farm are set apart from the rest of the village within substantial plots, while the remaining farms, smaller houses and cottages line the roads and lanes, reflecting the historic status and function of these principal buildings and historic social hierarchy of the village. Spaces 3.22 There are significant areas of open space within the Bredon Conservation Area. These are key to its historic form, character and appearance. 3.23 Paddocks, fields, large gardens and the green banks of the river flank or surround the church, Manor House, Manor Farm and The Old Rectory. The space around these buildings is visible from nearby roads, lanes and footpaths. These open undeveloped spaces are very tangible evidence of the rural settlement origin of the village. They provide the settings of and give clear views to some of its principal historic buildings. These spaces are also historically important as the extensive plots associated with the residences and key buildings of the Bishops and Lords of the Bredon Manor. Together these areas form a swathe of open space through the western half of the village that is a significant element of its character and special interest. 3.24 Elsewhere there are smaller individual spaces that are obvious in the streetscene. The orchard at the prominent corner of High Street with Farm Lane, and the open garden of the almshouses on the opposite corner junction, are prominent spaces, lending this part of the village a sense of its rural past despite the more densely developed form of this area. The garden also provides the immediate setting to the listed almshouses. Some of the other more prominent gardens are the large gardens of Bredon Lodge, School House, Avon Cottage and The Red House. These provide appropriate settings to these historic buildings and are obvious in the streetscene. 3.25 All of these spaces make a significant contribution to the character of the village and reflects its origins and history. 3.26 Less apparent, but just as important to the special interest and character of the conservation area are private gardens. These remain as largely undeveloped and enclosed spaces that continue in use as gardens. While the full extent of these may not be entirely publicly visible, the lack of interruption by buildings and presence of planting contributes to an impression of space at the rear of the built up street frontages, appreciated from glimpses over boundaries, between buildings and from footpaths to the rear. These gardens also provide the setting of buildings. Some of them are also historically important as the open space characteristically found behind frontage 8 buildings on the plots of a medieval planned settlement. Key Views & Vistas 3.27 There are uninterrupted views of the western fringe of the village in its elevated riverside and rural setting from the river meadows, the river and the motorway to the west. The church spire and tythe barn are landmark features in the landscape from these viewpoints. The river and flood meadow setting is critical to the quality of these views. 3.28 New peripheral developments restrict outward views of the countryside from the conservation area to occasional views and glimpses. Views are mainly from the elevated western part of the village, where there are views of the river and surrounding countryside from Dock Lane, views of the countryside from High Street and the footpath linking Church Street with Dock Lane, and of the countryside and Bredon Hill from the churchyard. In other parts views outward are limited to those of farmland to the south from Oak Lane, and to Bredon Hill east of Station Cottages at the eastern extremity of the conservation area and to occasional glimpses between buildings. Nevertheless these visual links with the countryside are a reminder of the rural settlement origins of the village and part of the cumulative appreciation of village in its rural hinterland. attractive street vista along Church Street. Long straight or gently curving vistas along Church Street and High Street give gradually unfolding views in which the form, historic development and buildings of the village can be appreciated. Notably many of the historic buildings stand close to the roadside and stand out in these streetscenes, often belying the extent of new development in part. 3.30 The preservation of these key views is essential to the character and appearance of the conservation area. 4 CHARACTER ANALYSIS General 4.1 The character of the Bredon Conservation Area is that of a sizeable village comprising a mix of loosely knit houses, cottages, farm buildings, public houses, shops, businesses, post office, school and church, set within an historic framework of buildings, plots, roads and lanes. The presence of significant areas of open space, trees, old stone walls, grass verges, deep grassy banks and occasional views and glimpses of the surrounding countryside, give it a rural feel with a frequent sense of its farming past, despite the presence of traffic and areas of new development. 4.2 It is a conservation area made up of a mix of buildings of different periods, materials 3.29 Notable views within the conservation area and architectural styles, with scattered pockets of modern development and the include those of the church from High Street, Dock Lane and Church Street and occasional formality of Georgian and street vistas along Church Street and High Victorian buildings set against the rural village vernacular. Farming has Street. From High Street, Dock Lane and Church Street the church is clearly visible historically played an important role in the at the historic heart of the settlement and, development of the settlement and the with its tall spire, is an obvious visual focal continued presence of active farms within the village contributes to its rural character. point, particularly as the end stop to the 9 4.3 Notably, modern intrusion in the form of street lighting, signage and obtrusive road markings is largely absent from the conservation area. Character Areas 4.4 There are two distinct character areas within the conservation area: • Church Street, Dock Lane & Back Lane • High Street Church Street, Dock Lane & Back Lane 4.5 This is the core of the Saxon and Medieval settlement with the church at its heart. Here the early origins and importance of the settlement are reflected in the grouping of large prestigious buildings set in substantial grounds together with an offset early planned element of a cluster of lesser buildings in smaller plots lining a wider main street and narrow parallel back lane. 4.6 The presence of a narrow sunken lane leading towards the river suggests a long history of usage as a route into and out of the settlement. 4.7 Buildings date from the 11th century through to the present day, with a predominance of historic buildings. Many display 18th and 19th century modifications overlaying earlier 15th, 16th and 17th century cores. These earlier origins are often identifiable in side and rear elevations. 4.8 The natural environment, in the significant presence of open space, mature trees, hedges and the river, is a key characteristic of the area, providing appropriate expansive green settings to its larger buildings. With the no through road of Dock Lane this area is more lightly trafficked and quieter than the busy thoroughfare of the High Street. 4.9 All of these features are key to the prevailing sense of an historic settlement of some importance in this area and to the preservation of its character 4.10 Many of the buildings in this area are listed, reflecting the architectural and historic interest of this area. Those that are not are mainly modern infill developments. High Street 4.11 This is the main trafficked thoroughfare of the village where 18th, 19th and 20th century development predominates. This would once have been a peripheral area of a scattering of farms and cottages, becoming the focus for consolidation and expansion of the settlement core around Church Street upon arrival of the railway and later in the 20th century. A mix of small cottages, larger houses and farm buildings line both sides of the road, generally set in larger plot sizes. Some buildings are set back from the road while others sit immediately at the roadside, with no overall pattern prevailing. 4.12 The village character of this part is affected by traffic and later modern housing developments at its fringes. Nevertheless it still retains a village character. Key to this is the predominance of historic buildings in the streetscene and the presence of gardens, trees, open space and stone walls. Despite a number of new buildings, these are set further back in their plots and are less obvious in view. Gardens and numerous mature trees provide a green leafy setting to buildings, 10 old stone walls are a constant feature throughout, and key open spaces provide breaks in development. The preservation of these features is essential to the preservation of the village character of this part. 4.13 Some of the buildings are listed. Most are not. There are many that, while not listed, are still of local architectural and historic interest and make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the conservation area. Buildings 4.14 There is a great range of building periods, styles and types within Bredon Conservation Area. Many of the buildings are listed for their special architectural or historic interest and are clearly of early origin. There are many other historic buildings which, while not listed, are still of local interest and still stand much as originally designed. Several apparently later buildings have visible earlier origins, with timber framing or stone apparent in rear or side walls. The result is an architectural variety and a wealth of historic buildings that is one of the outstanding features of the village. The more recent houses are representative in design of their respective periods of construction. 4.15 The most prevalent building types are houses, cottages and farm buildings, reflecting the origins and history and the settlement. Older buildings of all types are constructed in the form and style typical of the local Worcestershire tradition of their respective periods and, although often extended and updated, many remain fundamentally as originally designed. Most of these historic buildings, whatever their period, share common design characteristics of: • limited spans/plan depths dictated by historic building construction methods • a simple main rectangular plan form, often with one or more rear wings and, in many cases • carefully ordered fenestration on principal elevations 4.16 The result is a commonality of building characteristics throughout much of the conservation area despite the variety of periods and architectural styles. Houses 4.17 Houses in Bredon date through the centuries from the 15th century to modern, each reflecting in size and architectural style their status and period of construction. 4.18 Early houses date from the 15th to 17th centuries and are detached buildings. There is a range of large and smaller houses surviving from this period, reflecting the wealth and status of the village in this period of its history. 4.19 Large houses are large individual two to three storey detached buildings with an irregular or square plan. Each has been added to and altered over time with different phases reflected in their building form and architectural features with no overall common design themes. Hipped and gabled roofs are punctuated with numerous large chimneys and dormers. Fenestration is a mix of carefully placed casement and sash windows. Panelled or boarded doors are centre placed or offset, under porches or with Classical detailing. 4.20 Smaller houses have a simpler rectangular, "T" or "L"-plan and are more modest in size and scale at one storey with 11 an upper attic floor. Roofs are steeply pitched with generous overhanging eaves and verges reflecting their thatched or former thatch coverings. Large external chimneys are set against the gable or side walls or are ridge mounted. Dormers are common and are mounted off the wall plate. Fenestration is a mix of irregularly placed small casement windows and more careful arrangements of casement windows and centre door on some principal elevations. Doors are solid boarded or panelled, often under a modest hood. 4.21 Later houses, dating from the 18th and 19th centuries, are typical in plan and style of their periods. These are large to more modest detached buildings with a rectangular plan, two to three storeys, some with one or more rear wings. Roofs are moderately pitched. 18th and early 19th century houses have tight eaves and verges with dentil coursing and an absence of barge boards. Later 19th century houses have more generous eaves and verges with exposed rafter feet and barge boards. Chimneys are largely ridge and centre mounted or placed as matching pairs at gable end. Dormers are absent. Fenestration is usually carefully placed with symmetry in elevation of matching casement or sash windows and centre placed door. Doors are usually panelled. Modern Houses 4.22 20th and 21st century development is varied in size, form and design, with no predominant style. These buildings are often at variance with the established building form and design characteristics of older buildings in the village. They often have deeper plans, shallower roof pitches, repetitive designs, large windows with a horizontal emphasis, doors set within enclosed porches, insignificant or no chimneys, attached and integral garages and forward projecting gables. Cottages 4.23 Cottages date mainly from the 18th and 19th centuries and are detached, semidetached or attached, with a simple rectangular, plain gabled roofs and are modest in scale, size and design. 4.24 Fenestration reflects the Classical influence of the period with a balanced arrangements of centre placed door and carefully arrangement of modest sized casement windows. Doors are largely vertically boarded, occasionally under a modest hood or small porch. Dormers are largely absent. Ridge mounted chimneys are centre placed or a matching pair of end stacks. Farm Buildings 4.25 There is a range of farm buildings at Bredon. These are mainly grouped around yards close to their respective houses and are typical of the Worcestershire vernacular at the date of their construction, with simple rectangular plans, simple plain gabled or half-hipped roofs, and walls with minimal openings. The presence of these buildings reinforces the sense of the history of the village and its rural village character. 4.26 Larger modern farm buildings are also present, with similar characteristics of simple plans and plain elevations. Other Building Types 4.27 A number of ancillary buildings to houses and cottages survive, including stables, coach houses and storage buildings. These are typical of their original function, 12 modest in size and simple in plan and elevation. These ancillary buildings are part of the history of Bredon and of the character and appearance of the conservation area. 4.28 The church shows significant phases of construction and alterations dating from the 11th to 14th centuries, reflecting the wealth of Bredon in this medieval period. 4.29 The public houses, shops and former chapel are typical in form and design of their period. Listed Buildings 4.30 Many of the buildings in the Bredon Conservation Area are "listed" for their architectural or historic Interest. Other buildings and structures attached to, or predating 1st July 1948 and forming part of the curtilage of, these identified buildings are also listed by association. While the aim of the listed building legislation is to preserve these buildings for their own sake, any changes affecting them will also be considered in terms of the effect on the conservation area. 4.31 Buildings and structures that are listed by association with those buildings included in the list are shown on the appraisal map where they have been able to be identified. The information shown on the map is not definitive. The Council’s Heritage Team should be contacted for advice on whether a building or structure is listed by association before any works are carried out to potentially listed buildings or structures. Unlisted Buildings 4.32 There are many other buildings, which, while not "listed", have qualities of age, style and materials that are locally important and which make a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the conservation area 4.33 That many of these properties retain much of their original character and appearance is to the credit of those owners who have carefully preserved them. There is, however, no guarantee as to their future and these properties are vulnerable to future change. The Management Plan at Part 2 includes a proposal for consideration of Article 4(2) Directions to provide longterm protection against unsympathetic alterations. The effect of the Direction would be that certain alterations which formerly did not require planning permission would need permission in future, but only where the change affects those parts of a property fronting a highway, waterway or public open space. Materials 4.34 Much of the character of Bredon comes from the variety of building materials used. The earliest buildings typically use materials that were available locally, while the materials used in later buildings reflects the increasing availability of materials from further afield and changing architectural fashions. 4.35 Walls Bredon is close to the limestone belt of the Cotswolds. Dressed and coursed Cotswold stone is the principal material used in the construction of many of the earlier buildings, reflecting the wealth and status of their former owners and the availability of the material. Dressed squared or rectangular blocks are used throughout, with only occasional use of 13 random rubble. Cotswold stone is also typically found in the plinths of timber framed buildings and is used for chimneys and dressings in brick buildings and for boundary walls. Some of the timber framed buildings have gable or other walls of stone. the earlier timber framed and stone houses and cottages still retain a thatch covering. The presence of these earlier roofing materials is surviving evidence of traditional usage of local materials and part of the special interest and character of the conservation area. 4.36 Many of the early houses and cottages are timber framed, most evident in the early core of the planned settlement in Church Street and Back Lane, and in some of the early outlying houses in High Street. 4.41 The pattern of roofing materials used in the older buildings is typical of the South Worcestershire vernacular. 4.37 18th and 19th century buildings are brick and stone with occasional use of stucco and roughcast render. Brick from this period is also occasionally used to re-face older buildings to update them to the new architectural fashions of the period. Brick is used in cottages and houses of all status and occasionally in contemporary boundary walls to brick houses. 4.38 The pattern of walling materials used in the older buildings is typical of the South Worcestershire vernacular. 4.39 More recent buildings are constructed in a variety of materials, including reconstituted stone, brick of various colours and Cotswold stone blocks. The use of some of these materials is at variance with the traditional materials in the conservation area. 4.40 Roofs. Roofs throughout the conservation area are covered in plain clay tile of a red/brown hue, with a few examples of Welsh slate, mainly on 19th century buildings, and rare examples of surviving cotswold stone slates on earlier buildings. Tiles are largely machine made from the 19th century, with occasional examples of surviving earlier handmade tiles. Several of 4.42 Many of the more recent buildings are roofed with plain or interlocking concrete tiles. The use of these materials is at variance with the use of traditional materials in the conservation area. 4.43 Windows. Casement windows are wrought iron and painted timber. Sash windows are painted timber. The materials used are characteristic of their respective periods, function and status of buildings. The retention of these traditional materials is important to the character and appearance of the conservation area. 4.44 Doors are painted timber. 4.45 There are examples of replacement windows and doors in uPVC and stained timber. The design of replacement windows often incorporates top-hung hinged opening lights in lieu of side hung casements and sliding sashes. The materials, finishes and much of the detailing of these replacement windows, are inconsistent with traditional window design, detail and finish prevalent in the conservation area and are harmful to its character and appearance. 4.46 There is a good survival of cast iron gutters and downpipes. The retention of 14 this historic fabric and detailing is important to the character and appearance of the conservation area. 4.47 Roads and pavements are surfaced with tarmac. Natural stone kerbs survive for most of the length of High Street and at the upper end of Dock Lane. These stone kerbs have a patina and quality which is more appropriate to the historic environment than concrete replacement kerbs and their retention is important to the character and appearance of the conservation area. 4.48 Private drives and yards are surfaced in loose Cotswold gravel, tarmac or concrete paviours. The gravelled surfaces gives a soft textured surface finish while the tarmac and concrete paviours are less appropriate for the setting of historic buildings. Local Details 4.49 There are local building details and other features in the Bredon conservation area which contribute to its character and special interest and which are important to retain. These include: • cogged or dogtooth dentilled eaves detailing in brick buildings • the early 19th century obelisk on the green next to The Lodge in High Street • the mounting block outside The Royal Oak • the use of Cotswold stone for boundary walls throughout the conservation area • the pair of cannons used for gate piers at the entrance of Manor House • the red telephone box opposite the Almshouses Boundaries 4.50 Boundaries are a significant feature throughout the Conservation Area. With few exceptions property boundaries fronting roads, lanes and footpaths, as well as other side and rear boundaries, are defined by Cotswold stone walls. These are dressed, coursed and mortared or dry stone walls. This boundary treatment is consistent throughout the conservation area, regardless of location or status of building. In many cases these walls define historic plots. The consistent use of stone throughout unifies a conservation area made up of a variety of building types and materials and these walls are an integral element of its character and appearance. With a few the exceptions, mainly those relating to larger houses, most boundaries are low, permitting views of gardens and buildings. 4.51 The frequent presence of timber five-bar gates contributes to the rural character of the village. Natural Environment 4.52 The natural environment makes a significant contribution to the character and appearance of the Bredon Conservation Area. 4.53 The swathe of open space in the old core of the settlement provides the settings of and gives clear views to some of its principal historic buildings. These spaces are also historically important as the extensive plots associated with the residences and key buildings of the Bishops and Lords of the Bredon Manor. Together these areas form a swathe of open space through the western half of the village that is a significant element of its character and special interest. 15 4.54 Other prominent spaces elsewhere in the village, such as the field at the junction of Farm Lane with High Street and the gardens to the almshouses and Bredon Lodge, make a significant contribution to its character and appearance. These undeveloped spaces in prominent corner or roadside locations retain a village feel to these parts of the conservation area despite the presence of higher density development in the vicinity. 4.55 Less apparent, but just as important, are private gardens behind the street frontages. These remain largely undeveloped and continue in use as gardens. While their full extent may not be entirely publicly visible, the lack of interruption by buildings and occasional presence of planting contributes to an impression of openness appreciated from glimpses over boundaries, between buildings and from footpaths to the rear. 4.56 Trees are a notable element of the conservation area throughout, adding much to its character and appearance. Of particular note are those around the church, Manor House, Manor Farm, the Rectory, Bredon Lodge, Bredon House, the school playing field and at Brasenose Road. Significant individual trees include the oak next to the Fox and Hounds and the Copper Beech at the junction of High Street with The Dell. 4.57 All trees over a certain size are protected in the conservation area. Written notification must be given to the Council before carrying out any works to these trees. Some trees are individually protected by Tree Preservation Orders and consent is needed from us before any works to them are carried out. Our Landscape Team can advise on which trees are protected, the type of works which would need to be notified or need consent, the procedures and the likelihood of getting consent for the works. The contribution of the tree to the character and appearance of the conservation area will be a factor in the consideration of a notification or application. Negative Features & Neutral Areas Negative Features 4.58 Bredon is fortunate in retaining much of its historic form and fabric. There are, however, features that compromise or detract from its character and appearance. These include: • Traffic. Through traffic along High Street and the proximity of the M5 detracts from the village character and the quality of the historic environment • Setting. There has been much modern development at the fringe of the historic settlement area, so that in many parts of the village the close relationship between the settlement and its rural hinterland has been lost. In some parts this is still preserved in undeveloped fields and woodland and in outward views to more distant countryside. The preservation of these last remaining undeveloped fringe areas and outward views is important to the preservation of the character of the village • New buildings. Bredon has seen much new development in recent years. Some developments integrate better into the historic environment than others. Most exhibit design characteristics that are quite different to the established characteristics of the area. The purpose of highlighting these buildings is not necessarily to 16 aim at their re-development, but to guard against them becoming too dominant through future additions or alterations. These buildings will not be regarded by the Council as a guide or precedent for future development proposals • Occasional sites, such as the parking area to Stanway Screens Ltd. off High Street and the garages and forecourt in Back Lane, detract from the appearance of the conservation area • Poor quality re-pointing of fine historic brickwork in hard cement mortars • Replacement doors and windows. A number of properties have had replacement windows and/or doors in uPVC, stained timber or double glazed units. Window and door replacements with new ones of a different design, detail, materials or finish, erodes local building detail, which is an essential part of the distinctive character and appearance of the conservation area • Replacement roof coverings in interlocking or plain concrete tiles or reconstituted slate, which are poor substitutes for clay and natural slate • Surface materials. The use of concrete block paving for the surfacing of footways, drives and yards is an inappropriate material for the conservation area and the setting of its historic buildings • Fences. Some properties have modern timber panelled or boarded fences which jar with the prevailing character and appearance of the conservation area. We would welcome the opportunity of discussing the scope for improving these features. Neutral Areas 4.59 There are some parts of the conservation area which, in their present form, neither enhance or detract from its character or appearance. Some of the new houses are set in good sized plots with gardens, boundary hedges and planting which softens their appearance and helps to integrate them into the historic environment. 4.60 We will be careful, however, to guard against these properties and areas becoming too dominant through future additions or alterations. 5 ISSUES 5.1 The appraisal has highlighted the following problems and pressures in the Bredon Conservation Area. • Traffic • Encroachment of peripheral new developments on its setting • Design quality of new buildings • Visual intrusion of occasional sites • Loss of architectural features on historic buildings • Introduction of modern paving materials and timber panelled fences 5.2 The Management Plan at Section 2 considers how these might be addressed to ensure the continuing preservation and enhancement of the character and appearance of the conservation area. 17 NOTE Although it is intended that this appraisal should highlight significant features of the conservation area which are important to its character or appearance, omission of a particular feature should not be taken as an indication that it is without merit and unimportant in conservation and planning terms. PART 2. BREDON CONSERVATION AREA MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 INTRODUCTION What is this Management Plan for? 1.1 This management plan is a mid- to longterm strategy for preserving and enhancing the Bredon conservation area, addressing the issues arising from the appraisal. 1.2 This plan is prepared in accordance with our duty under Section 71 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 to formulate and publish proposals for the preservation and enhancement of our conservation areas. 2 MANAGEMENT PROPOSALS 1. Traffic. Through traffic and the proximity of the M5 detracts from the environment of the conservation area. Action • While the District Council has no powers to influence traffic volumes we will be careful to mitigate the potential harm that could be caused to the character and appearance of the conservation area by any future traffic management measures in Bredon 2. Setting. Modern peripheral developments have encroached onto the rural setting of the conservation area and detract from its village character. There are only occasional views of the countryside where the Bredon's former rural hinterland can still be appreciated. The retention of views is important to the character of the conservation area. Current planning policy should prevent further peripheral developments, but views are vulnerable. Action We will • Seek to maintain views from the conservation area to the surrounding countryside in the consideration of any development proposals, in accordance with our Local Plan policy on conservation areas 3. Design quality of new buildings Some new buildings exhibit design characteristics that are quite different to the established characteristics of the area and which fail to preserve or enhance the conservation area. Others are let down by poor attention to detail and materials. Action We will • seek improvements to buildings where opportunities arise through development proposals • assess new proposals against our Local Plan Policies on design, conservation areas, listed buildings and our forthcoming supplementary planning guidance on design 4. Visual intrusion of occasional sites The factory car park off High Street and the garages and forecourt in Back Lane are in prominent roadside locations where they detract in their present condition from the appearance of the conservation area. 18 Appropriate landscaping could enhance their appearance. Action We will • Seek improvements to these sites where opportunity arises through discussion with site owners 5. Loss of architectural features on historic buildings Several of the buildings in the conservation area have been adversely affected by the use of inappropriate modern materials and replacement of original architectural features with poor quality substitutes, such as uPVC or stained hardwood windows and doors. Action We will • consider the need for Article 4(2) Directions to bring such works under planning control, to ensure that the special qualities of unlisted buildings of local significance are protected. • address unauthorised alterations to buildings through enforcement action where appropriate, in accordance with our Enforcement Policy 6. Introduction of modern paving materials and timber panelled fences There are several instances where historic surfacing materials have been replaced with modern materials and boundary walls replaced with panelled fences, or panelled fences erected in new development. These materials and features undermine the quality of the historic environment. Action We will • seek improvements to sites where opportunities arise through development proposals • consider the need for Article 4(2) Directions to bring such works under planning control, to ensure that the special character of the area is protected. • address unauthorised development through enforcement action where appropriate, in accordance with our Enforcement Policy • assess new proposals against our Local Plan Policies on design and on preserving and enhancing the conservation area, preserving the setting of listed buildings and our forthcoming supplementary planning guidance on design APPENDICES APPENDIX 1 STATEMENT OF COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Introduction 1.1 This statement is a summary of community involvement and public consultation undertaken by Wychavon District Council in respect of the Bredon Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan. Background 1.2 A report to the Council’s Development Control Committee on 4th October 2007 explains the reasons for preparing a character appraisal and management plan for the Bredon Conservation Area. Specifically, the character appraisal and plan is drafted in accordance with the requirements on Wychavon District 19 1.3 The preparation and publication of conservation area character appraisals and management plans is a key step in the Council fulfilling these duties. • A public meeting held at Bredon village hall on the evening of 6th November 2007 • Publication of the draft appraisal, management plan & proposed conservation area boundary changes on the Wychavon District Council website, accompanied by an electronic feedback form • Placing of the same documents for public inspection during the consultation period at: - Planning Reception, Wychavon District Council, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore - Pershore public library - Bredon village hall • Letters to Bredon residents, Bredon Parish Council, Vale of Evesham Civic Society, Worcestershire County Archaeological Service, English Heritage, Worcestershire County Council Community Involvement Consultees 1.4 Community involvement has taken the form of: • a briefing session with the Council Member representing the Bredon Ward • a briefing session with the Bredon Parish Council on 3rd September 2007 • a public meeting at Bredon village hall on the evening of 6th November 2007 • letter to Bredon residents on 22nd October 2007 1.7 The following were consulted on the draft appraisal and management plan: • Bredon Parish Council • Bredon Hill Conservation Group • Vale of Evesham Civic Society • Bredon residents • Worcestershire County Archaeological Service • Worcestershire County Council • English Heritage Consultation Publicity 1.5 The consultation period began on 6th November 2007 and ended on 3rd December 2007 1.8 Notice of the public meeting and consultation was given by way of: Council imposed by the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990, to: • keep its conservation areas under review; • prepare policies and proposals for the preservation and enhancement of the character or appearance of its conservation areas; and • pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the conservation area in exercising its planning functions. 1.6 Consultation was by: • Posters placed in Bredon village and at Pershore Civic Centre • Letters to resident on 22nd October 2007 20 • A public meeting held at Bredon village hall on 6th November 2007 • News items in the Evesham Journal and Gloucestershire Echo week commencing 22nd October 2007 • "Latest News" feature on Wychavon Council website 25th October to 3rd December 2007 • "News Focus" on Wychavon Council website 25th October to 2nd November 2007 • Notice placed with the documents at the Civic Centre, Bredon village hall, Pershore public library and on the Council's website • Information forwarded to consultees SOURCES Victoria County History: Worcestershire Volumes Bredon Hill and its Villages. R.H.Lloyd Worcestershire Landscape Character Assessment, Worcestershire County Council, 1999 Inclosure Map 1811 Ordnance Survey mapping 1880's to present day English Heritage "Pastscape" APPENDIX 2 ADOPTION STATEMENT The Wick Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan was adopted by Wychavon District Council as a document for planning purposes on 8th January 2008. Minute no.106 of the Executive Board meeting of 8th January 2008 refers. Wychavon District Council Planning Services Civic Centre Queen Elizabeth Drive Pershore Worcestershire WR10 1PT Tel. 01386 565000 Statement of Community Involvement APPENDIX 3 SOURCES & FURTHER INFORMATION FURTHER INFORMATION For further guidance and information please contact: The Heritage Section Planning Services Wychavon District Council Civic Centre Queen Elizabeth Drive Pershore Worcs. WR10 1PT Tel. 01386 565565 e.mail: web: The following websites contain information relating to conservation areas: Wychavon District Council at English Heritage at 21 APPENDIX 15 Minute of Wychavon Executive Board meeting 8 January 2008 22 23 24 APPENDIX 16 Enclosure map 1811 25 26 APPENDIX 17 Ordnance Survey Maps 27 Ordnance Survey Original Series 1828-31 One inch 28 Ordnance Survey 1884 Gloucestershire 1:2500 29 Ordnance Survey 1902 Gloucestershire 1:2500 30 Ordnance Survey 1923 Gloucestershire 1:2500 31 Ordnance Survey 1955 1:10000 32 Ordnance Survey 1968 1:2500 33 APPENDIX 18 Full text of poems on St Giles’ Church 34 A. E. Housman (1859–1936). A Shropshire Lad. 1896. XXI. In summertime on Bredon IN summertime on Bredon The bells they sound so clear; Round both the shires they ring them In steeples far and near, 5 A happy noise to hear. Here of a Sunday morning My love and I would lie, And see the coloured counties, And hear the larks so high 10 About us in the sky. The bells would ring to call her In valleys miles away: ‘Come all to church, good people; Good people, come and pray.’ 15 But here my love would stay. And I would turn and answer Among the springing thyme, ‘Oh, peal upon our wedding, And we will hear the chime, 20 And come to church in time.’ But when the snows at Christmas On Bredon top were strown, My love rose up so early And stole out unbeknown 25 And went to church alone. They tolled the one bell only, Groom there was none to see, The mourners followed after, And so to church went she, 30 And would not wait for me. The bells they sound on Bredon, And still the steeples hum. ‘Come all to church, good people,’— Oh, noisy bells, be dumb; I hear you, I will come. 35 John Masefield (1878 - 1967) , title 1: "London Town", from Ballads and Poems, published 1910. London Town Oh London Town's a fine town, and London sights are rare, And London ale is right ale, and brisk's the London air, And busily goes the world there, but crafty grows the mind. And London Town of all towns I'm glad to leave behind. Then hey for croft and hop-yard, and hill, and field, and pond, With Bredon Hill before me and Malvern Hill beyond. The hawthorn white i' the hedgerow, and all the spring's attire In the comely land of Teme and Lugg, and Clent, and Clee, and Wyre. Oh London girls are brave girls, in silk and cloth o' gold, And London shops are rare shops, where gallant things are sold. And bonnily clinks the gold there, but drowsily blinks the eye, And London Town of all towns I'm glad to hurry by. Then, hey for covert and woodland, and ash and elm and oak, Tewkesbury inns, and Malvern roofs, and Worcester chimney smoke. The apple trees in the orchard, the cattle in the byre, And all the land from Ludlow town to Bredon church's spire. Oh London tunes are new tunes, and London books are wise, And London plays are rare plays, and fine to country eyes, But craftily fares the knave there, and wickedly fares the Jew, And London Town of all towns I'm glad to hurry through. So hey for the road, the west road, by mill and forge and fold, Scent of the fern and song of the] lark by brook, and field, and wold. To the comely folk at the hearth-stone and the talk beside the fire, In the hearty land, where I was bred, my land of heart's desire. First published in Pall Mall Magazine, May 1903 36 Appendix 19 Mike Glyde, Worcestershire County Council, letter on application W/13/02148 37 Heather Pearson Planning Department Wychavon District Council The Civic Centre Station Road Pershore WR10 1PT Our ref: HECZ091 Your ref: W/13/2148 Dear Heather, Mike Glyde BSc Historic Environment Planning Officer Worcestershire Archive & Archaeology Service The Hive Sawmill Walk The Butts Worcester WR1 3PB 08 November 2013 Ref. W/13/2148 Land off Tewkesbury Road and Rear of, College Road, Bredon I have checked the County Historic Environment Record and this application affects or may effect a heritage asset or area of archaeological potential (HECZ091). The 'historic environment' encompasses all those material remains that our ancestors have created in the landscapes of town and countryside. It includes all below and above-ground evidence including buildings of historic and architectural interest, whether designated or not. I note the archaeological desk based assessment submitted with the application and I am surprised at the confidence of the assertion that the site has a "low" archaeological potential. This 5ha site has not been subject to any archaeological investigation and I would consider the area to have an unknown but reasonably high potential. The DBA seems to be wholly based on the presence or absence of existing known records. Lack of evidence does not equate to lack of potential. I therefore consider that insufficient information on the potential of this site has been established, and in line with other similar applications across the county I advise that further information in the form of a field evaluation be carried out prior to determination of this application. This should take the form of either trial trenching (4% sample) or geophysical survey followed by targeted trial trenching. In line with government policy given in the National Planning Policy Framework, (paragraph 128), it has been demonstrated that the proposed development area has potential for unrecorded archaeological remains and that further information on the nature, extent and significance of any potential assets, is required. 38 "Where a site on which development is proposed includes or has the potential to include heritage assets with archaeological interest, local planning authorities should require developers to submit an appropriate desk-based assessment and, where necessary, a field evaluation." Continu ed… Tel: 01905 765869 Email: (2) In this instance it is advised that a field evaluation, as required under paragraph 128 of the NPPF, should be provided before this application can be determined. Please Note: A fee of £270+VAT will be charged to the applicant for the formal provision of archaeological briefs, and for the checking and acceptance of Written Schemes of Investigation and Archaeological reports required by the local planning authority. The applicant or their successor in title must contact the officer below to arrange provision of the brief as soon as possible. It will be the applicant’s (or their successor in title) responsibility to contract an appropriate archaeological organisation to undertake the programme of works as detailed in the brief. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely Mike Glyde Historic Environment Planning Officer 39 Appendix 20 National Trust letter on application W/13/02148 40 41 42 43 The appeal court judgement stressed that decision-makers should give considerable importance and weight to the desirability of preserving the setting of listed buildings when carrying out the balancing exercise, whether or not substantial harm would result. When considering the current application in the light of the NPPF, local policies and legal cases such as the above, care should therefore be taken to avoid an unduly ‘narrow’ interpretation of setting when assessing the level of harm; and to ensure that appropriate weight is given to harm when weighing it against any benefits of the proposal. Again, the National Trust objects to the proposed development, which would be contrary to the prevailing planning policies and detrimental to the character and setting of Bredon village. The Council is urged to refuse planning permission for the proposal. Yours faithfully Mark Funnell BSc(Hons), MSc, PGDip, MRTPI Planning Adviser – South West Region Note: Although Bredon Tithe Barn is in South Worcestershire, it is administered by the National Trust’s South West Region. 44 Appendix 21 Bredon Hill Conservation Group letter on application W/13/02148 45 46 47 Appendix 22 Bredon and Bredon Norton’s Parish Council letter on application W/13/02148 48 Bredon & Bredon’s Norton Parish Council Bredon Village Hall Main Road Bredon Tewkesbury GL20 7QN 01684 773 236 Chairman: Mr A Woodward Clerk: Ms J Shields Heather Pearson Principal Planning Officer (South) Wychavon District Council Civic Centre Queen Elizabeth Drive Pershore WR10 1PT 18 November 2013 Dear Ms Pearson WYCHAVON PLANNING REFERENCE W/13/02148/OU: APPLICATION FOR OUTLINE PLANNING PERMISSION FOR UP TO 107 UNITS AT LAND OFF TEWKESBURY ROAD AND REAR OF, COLLEGE ROAD, BREDON The Parish Council is opposed to the proposed development for the following reasons: Conflict with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) 1. NPPF 14 states that where a development plan is out-of-date, the presumption in favour of sustainable development means granting permission “unless any adverse impacts of doing so would significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits, when assessed against the policies in this Framework taken as a whole”. Notwithstanding the question as to whether the Local Plan is out-of-date, it is the view of the Parish Council that the adverse impacts of the development demonstrably outweigh the benefits. 2. The proposed development would result in an unsustainable increase in private car use. 49 Employment opportunities are limited in Bredon and the overwhelming majority of working residents commute by car to local towns. The proposed addition of 107 dwellings will not be matched by any new employment provision. The development would therefore be unsustainable compared with housing located near the towns and cities of the subregion. In addition, because the site is located at the extremity of the village, with poor pedestrian links [see paragraph 4 below], it will lead to a significant increase in car journeys within the village. Bredon suffers from the fact that the schools and the shop / Post Office (as well as the two pubs and church) are all located in the historic heart of the village in narrow, medieval lanes. There is already acute congestion in Church Street at peak times, blocking access to a large number of homes. The proposed development would significantly exacerbate this problem. The application is therefore contrary to NPPF 34, which requires that “decisions should ensure developments that generate significant movement are located where the need to travel will be minimised and the use of sustainable transport modes can be maximised”. 3. The evidence base of the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) indicates that local needs will adequately be met by the approximately 100 houses planned under the SWDP, the majority of which have already been built or approved. This will deliver housing growth of 12% compared with 2007 housing numbers. The proposal for an additional 107 dwellings would lead to a 25% increase in the size of the village, with most of this growth happening within the next three years. In the Parish Council’s view, this would be extremely detrimental to the community’s cohesiveness and sense of identity. It would also make the settlement less sustainable, as the schools (both of which are full at intake level), shops, amenities and services would become increasingly unavailable to residents, forcing people to travel further afield. For these reasons, the application fails to satisfy NPPF 54, which states that “in rural areas local planning authorities should be responsive to local circumstances and plan housing development to reflect local needs”. 4. There is very poor connectivity between the application site and the village. The only pedestrian access to village services is via the ninety-degree bend at Chains Corner, which suffers from extremely poor visibility. The pavement at Chains Corner is very narrow (with no scope for widening) and cannot safely be used by disability scooters and pushchairs. All of the village services are beyond easy walking distance of the site (doctors’ surgery 1.5km; village hall 1.5km; playing fields 1.4km; nursery school 1.1km; primary school 1km; pub 1km; shop/PO 0.9km – all distances are measured by road from the centre of the site). For these reasons, the application does not satisfy NPPF 61, which states that “planning policies and decisions should address the connections between people and places and the integration of new development into the natural, built and historic environment.” 5. Because of the lack of connectivity between the application site and the rest of the village, the application does not satisfy NPPF 69, which states that planning decisions “should aim to produce places which promote opportunities for meetings between members of the community who might not otherwise come into contact with each other, including through mixed-use developments, strong neighbourhood centres and active street frontages which bring together those who work, live and play in the vicinity”. 6. This lack of connectivity also conflicts with NPPF 70, which requires that planning decisions should “plan positively for the provision and use of shared space, community facilities and other local services to enhance the sustainability of communities and residential environments;… and ensure an integrated approach to considering the location of housing, economic uses and community facilities and services.” 50 7. The application is contrary to NPPF 74, which states that “existing open space… should not be built on unless: an assessment has been undertaken which has clearly shown the open space… to be surplus to requirements”. Under the NPPF, open space is defined as “all open space of public value… which… can act as a visual amenity”. The application site was classified as “Key Open Space (visually prominent from public areas)” in the Bredon Village Design Statement, following public consultation in 2010, and it should therefore meet the test of being open space of ‘public value’. 8. According to the applicant’s Noise Assessment, all those properties with line of sight to the M5 will be subject to noise pollution higher than the permitted limit of 55dBL for outdoor living areas. According to the Illustrative Masterplan (4.2) in the Design and Access Statement approximately half of all properties will be affected in this way. In many cases, residents will not be able safely to open windows or occupy their gardens without exceeding WHO limits. In addition, all of the proposed Public Open Space is within a direct line of sight of the elevated M5, and it can be presumed that the 55dBL limit for outdoor living areas will be exceeded here. The application is therefore contrary to NPPF 109, which states that “The planning system should contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by: preventing both new and existing development from… being adversely affected by unacceptable levels of … noise pollution”. It also fails to satisfy NPPF 69, which requires that “Planning decisions should aim to achieve places which promote: … safe and accessible developments, containing… high quality public space, which encourage the active and continual use of public areas.” 9. The development will be detrimental to the setting of important heritage assets. The Bredon Conservation area is only 55m away from the site at its nearest point. Within 240m of the site are a group of highly important buildings, including the National Trust’s Bredon Barn (Listed Grade I), St Giles’s Church (Listed Grade I) and The Old Rectory (Listed Grade II*). When seen from the northwest (from footpath BX-530, and in particular from the M5 motorway – a view enjoyed by thousands of people daily) the application site currently provides a rural setting and backdrop for these historic buildings. Under the proposal, this setting would be entirely lost. Currently, the Conservation Area extends almost to the very edge of the village on its south-western approach. This is the only approach to Bredon that survives in anything like its historic form. Under the proposal, the distinctive experience of entering an ancient village would be entirely lost. For all these reasons, the proposal does not satisfy NPPF 132, which requires that “When considering the impact of a proposed development on the significance of a designated heritage asset, great weight should be given to the asset’s conservation. The more important the asset, the greater the weight should be. Significance can be harmed or lost through… development within its setting… Substantial harm to or loss of designated heritage assets of the highest significance, notably… grade I and II* listed buildings… should be wholly exceptional.” Conflict with the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) 10. The application site lies outside the Bredon Development Boundary and is not allocated for development under the SWDP. It therefore conflicts with SWDP 2. 11. The proposal does not conform to SWDP 4 which requires proposals to demonstrate that the location of development will minimise demand for travel, offer genuinely sustainable 51 travel choices, improve road safety and support the delivery of the Worcestershire Transport Plan objectives [see paragraph 2 above]. 12. The proposal negatively impacts the setting of important heritage assets [see paragraph 9 above]. It therefore does not satisfy SWDP 6, which requires development proposals to “conserve and enhance those aspects of the historic environment that are recognised as being of significance for their historic, archaeological, architectural, or artistic interest”. 52 13. Development at the proposed location would effectively extend the built area of Bredon to the M5 Motorway, leaving only 400 metres of open countryside between the villages of Bredon and Bredon’s Hardwick. The proposal therefore conflicts with SWDP 21 B iv which requires that “the open spaces between settlements should be safeguarded to maintain each settlement’s distinct identity and character and to prevent coalescence and ribbon development”. 14. The application conflicts with SWDP 38 which stipulates that no development of existing open spaces will be permitted unless certain exceptional circumstances apply [see paragraph 7 above]. 15. The application conflicts with SWDP 59, which requires that new housing for Category 1, 2 and 3 settlements will be restricted to Village Allocations, “windfall” sites, local initiatives and affordable housing schemes. Conflict with the Wychavon Local Plan 16. The application site lies outside the Bredon Development Boundary and is therefore contrary to Policy GD1. 17. The application does not satisfy the sustainable development principles set out in GD2, in particular, with regards to (b) public amenity [see comments on noise pollution in paragraph 8 above]; (e) efficient operation of the transport network [see paragraphs 2 and 4 above]; and (f) capacity of utility services and social infrastructure to support the development [see paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 above]. 18. The proposal does not satisfy SR5, which aims to minimise car dependency [see paragraph 2 above]. 19. The application conflicts with ENV12 which states that development affecting the setting of Conservation Areas will be required to preserve or enhance their character or appearance [see paragraph 9 above]. 20. The proposal conflicts with ENV14 which states that development will only be permitted where it would preserve the setting of a listed building [see paragraph 9 above]. 21. The proposal does not satisfy COM12 relating to the provision of public open space, assuming that the proposed open space will be subject to unsafe levels of motorway noise [see paragraph 8 above]. Conflict with the Bredon Village Design Statement (VDS) 53 22. The Bredon VDS was adopted by Wychavon as a Local Information Source in September 2011. Section 3.6.5 of the VDS identifies the application site as “Key Open Space (visually prominent from public areas)”. The proposed development would lead to a loss of important visual amenity at one of the most publicly prominent location in Bredon – the southern entrance to the village. 23. In the VDS questionnaire, 95% of responding households said that it was a priority to maintain the open countryside along roads into Bredon. The proposal would significantly reduce the undeveloped land between Bredon and Bredon’s Hardwick [see paragraph 13 above].24. Expanding the village by an additional 107 dwellings over and above the 100 homes planned or already built within the SWDP plan period would place unsustainable pressure on village services and amenities [see paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 above]. 25. The community engaged very actively in SWDP consultations, achieving the highest participation levels in Wychavon. The Government’s Localism agenda sets out to “empower communities to do things their way – by creating rights for people to get involved with, and direct the development of, their communities”. The community also engaged very actively in the preparation of the VDS. More than 70 residents attended the most recent Parish Council meeting to object to the proposed application. If Localism is to achieve its stated aims, then the reasonable views of local residents expressed through public consultations should be given proper weight. Yours sincerely Jackie Shields Parish Clerk CC. Jonathan Edwards, Cllr A Hardman, Cllr J Pearce, Cllr A Darby, Cllr L Robinson, Harriet Baldwin MP 54 Appendix 23 Photos 55 56 Photo 1 – approaching Bredon from north on M5, first in sequence. 57 Photo 2 – approaching Bredon from north on M5, second in sequence. 58 Photo 3 – view of site in approach to Bredon from north on M5, looking west, third in sequence. 59 Photo 4(a) – approaching Bredon from south on Tewkesbury Road, first in sequence, with M5 and site visible beyond. 60 Photo 4 – approaching Bredon from south on Tewkesbury Road, second in sequence. 61 Photo 5 – approaching Bredon from south on Tewkesbury Road, third in sequence. 62 Photo 6 – view across site off Tewkesbury Road. 63 Photo 7 – approaching Bredon from south on Tewkesbury Road, fourth in sequence – site on right. 64 Photo 8 – leaving Bredon heading south on Tewkesbury Road around Chains Corner – site ahead on left. 65 Photo 9 – view of field to south, part of setting of St Giles’ Church. 66 Photo 10 – view of exit from Bredon to west approaching Chains Corner, from obelisk at opening of Church Walk. 67 Photo 11 – view of site in distance across Bredon Conservation Area from Oak Lane (to east). 68 69